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Log of #ghostscript at

 <<<Back 1 day (to 2016/01/23)20160124 
jason_____ the new gsview 6.0 does not work as well as 5.0...04:48.16 
  it does not reload the file when it is modified04:48.44 
  have to close and reopen it04:48.54 
  any idea how to fix this problem?04:49.10 
  the 5.0 can automatically reload the doc, and stay on the page when it was04:49.43 
shortbus What is Ghostscript?10:48.33 
  Greeting by the way.10:49.13 
Robin_Watts Have you tried googling?10:51.05 
shortbus I was snooping around on and noticed that Ghostscript was mentioned10:51.14 
  Perhaps I'm being impulsive10:51.24 
  I did but only checked 
  will do10:51.53 
BrianH Hey guys. I'm really new to postscript and ghostscript, but I'm looking for a way to name the output files with the PlateColor identifier within the Postscript file. I know I can use %d for the page number, is there anything similar to use the PlateColor for the page?18:25.14 
  er, I should say that I'm using tiff24nc to render ps to tiff18:26.58 
  i.e.: gs -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -sDEVICE=tiff24nc -r100 -sOutputFile=test%d.tiff test.ps18:27.08 
Robin_Watts BrianH: If you want to get separations out, use the tifsep driver.20:01.33 
BrianH Robin_Watts: I was just checking that out right now. It's exporting each page's separation though.20:02.36 
Robin_Watts BrianH: Yes. Perhaps you could start by explaining exactly what you want?20:03.02 
BrianH Sure. I do some IT work for a screen printing company and they're using some outdated software and hardware. I'm working on staging an upgrade for one of their main servers that's currently running Fusion FastRIP (which afaik is just Harlequin RIP?).20:07.56 
  I'm going to contact them this week to see what can be done to install it on the new server, but if all else fails I was looking into what I could do that does the same thing.20:08.48 
  As far as I understand, they output their work to a Postscript file, which gets passed into the RIP software that generates the .tif files to be passed onto the printer.20:09.45 
Robin_Watts That would make sense. harlequin is a postscript interpreter.20:10.24 
  So, you want to feed a postscript file into gs, and get what out, exactly?20:10.38 
BrianH From a PS to a TIF that processes halftones on the separate pages.20:11.45 
  They have a Kiwo I-Jet2 printer, if that helps.20:12.22 
Robin_Watts I have to go, sorry, will be back later.20:12.49 
BrianH No worries.20:13.01 
  tifsep1 seems to be getting closer to matching their outputs20:14.48 
  I'll keep playing around with it.20:14.55 
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