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 <<<Back 1 day (to 2016/05/11)20160512 
simon91 Hi mupdf devs.09:39.51 
  I have a tiny patch here: 
  This add variadic versions of fz_throw and fz_warn09:39.51 
  I need those in my own custom error reporting functions. (I Really like your exception handling stuff)09:39.51 
Robin_Watts tor8: simon91s patches seem fair enough to me.11:06.22 
  2 commits on robin/master. Ray OKd them last night, but if you want to look them over before I push...11:07.49 
tor8 arch_arm and race condition LGTM11:09.07 
  the timing stuff is more sebras area, but I have no objections11:09.43 
  Robin_Watts: was there more than the va_list throw/warn patch?11:10.24 
Robin_Watts no, sorry, just that one.11:11.30 
tor8 I'd be happy to take that one on11:14.29 
Robin_Watts cool. will push that too.11:14.50 
tor8 Robin_Watts: I'm having cluster troubles...11:15.59 
  ssh: connect to host port 22: Connection timed out11:16.04 
Robin_Watts ping ?11:16.33 
  I get 
tor8 I've had git pull timeout on casper as well11:17.49 
  casper availability has been dodgy ever since we switched instance11:18.08 
  git fetch randomly times out11:19.16 
  ssh only works 50% of the time11:19.28 
  etc etc11:19.30 
Robin_Watts I suspect it's just coincidence.11:19.57 
  I went through a phase of google being slow.11:20.30 
tor8 it's been doing it for days :( but yeah, could be something between here and there11:21.16 
Robin_Watts everything else was fine, just google.11:21.19 
jogux ATS would’ve got upset if casper ssh wasn’t doing well, and it seems to be fine so probably the trouble isn’t at the casper end.11:25.20 
Robin_Watts ATS isn't on casper.11:25.37 
  ATS is on 4 machines in marcosw's garage, I think.11:25.58 
  3 machines, sorry.11:26.04 
  Oh, but ATS relies on casper as the git server, probably.11:26.25 
jogux Robin_Watts: It goes to casper’s via ssh to get at the git repo at least once per job though11:26.30 
  there’s some log messages about one object in the mupdf git in dmesg on casper that I really don’t understand.11:29.43 
tor8 jogux: they're AppArmor related, but I have no idea why or what's causing them11:49.23 
jogux nods12:09.42 
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