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halabund Ghoscript comes with a pdf2ps utility, but not a pdf2eps one. Is there any special reason for this? Are there issues with converting single-page PDFs to EPS files?10:33.07 
  Or should I just use the epswrite device and call ‘gs’ directly?10:33.46 
Robin_Watts yes, that.10:35.27 
halabund Thanks10:35.30 
Robin_Watts Urm... is the epswrite device still maintained, actually? kens would know, but he's not here at the moment.10:36.19 
chrisl epswrite is gone - eps2write still exists, and is maintained10:46.56 
Robin_Watts Thanks chrisl 10:47.56 
chrisl FWIW, the eps2eps script might work - not sure. But I'd discourage use to the scripts anyway - they hide too much10:49.28 
halabund Oops, I was looking at the old documentation.11:04.00 
chrisl Basically, (e)pswrite was crap, (e)ps2write is less crap ;-)11:08.49 
halabund â€œFor example, for personal use, use without redistribution, and use with no technical support the GNU Affero Public License (AGPL) download is your choice.” <— Is it not possible to redistribute AGPL’d software (like it is with GPL’d software)?11:20.56 
  Just curious.11:21.03 
Robin_Watts halabund: Yes, it's perfectly possible to distribute GNU AGPL software.11:21.37 
  But the act of distribution places restrictions upon you.11:21.48 
halabund Isn’t that just to also distribute the source, or link to it?11:22.04 
Robin_Watts (A few more than the GPL does)11:22.11 
  halabund: No.11:22.14 
  The AGPL includes restrictions for when you use Software as a Service.11:22.43 
  Essentially, that statement doesn't say "If you distribute software then you can't use the AGPL version."11:23.12 
  It says "If you don't distribute software, then certainly the AGPL will be fine for you."11:23.29 
  If we tried to form a statement that said explicitly under what conditions you could use the AGPL version, we'd end up reproducing the entire AGPL license :)11:24.47 
halabund OK, got it.11:26.23 
  I am trying to convert a PDF to EPS, like so: 11:40.08 
  gs -dSAFER -dBATCH -DNOPAUSE -sDEVICE=eps2write -r1200 -sOutputFile=foo.eps Fig2.pdf11:40.10 
  Ghostscript appears to rasterize everything, even if I omit -r1200.11:40.29 
chrisl Don't do "-r"11:40.35 
halabund Why does this happen and how can I avoid it?11:40.39 
  The PDF contains some translarency, but most objects don’t use it.11:40.50 
chrisl Doesn't matter, once the there's transparency, that's taht11:41.07 
  that, even11:41.10 
halabund OK, so the presence of *any* transparency causes the *entire* figure to be rastrized?11:41.47 
chrisl Yes11:42.05 
halabund That means I have to be extra careful to avoid transparency, and if I cannot, I can just convert to TIFF instead of EPS, righ?11:42.10 
  (these are the two accepted formats)11:42.25 
chrisl Yeh - depends on what the other requirements are, though11:42.52 
halabund I hate it when they require EPS instead of PDF. It is always so much pain.11:44.12 
  chrisl: Why did you tell me not to use -r? Does it cause any problems? There are other figures which get only partially rasterized, and I’m fine with that. However, I want to control the output resolution of the rasterized parts. -r1200 appeared to work fine.11:44.57 
chrisl halabund: pdfwrite/ps2write/epswrite default to 720 dpi, which *generally* produces decent results across the most devices.11:46.08 
halabund OK11:46.19 
  yes, the default does look quite good11:46.35 
chrisl It really depends on what your target device is11:46.56 
  For example, if you are producing Postscript *only* to send to a 1200dpi printer, you could probably get away with using -r600, get perfectly good output, and have a smaller file11:48.17 
rayjj in case halabund is interested, using -r___ with a large value (like -r1200) will *ONLY* affect the rasterized portions of the result from pdfwrite/ps2write/eps2write -- the vector objects (paths, etc.) are really not affected visibly and don't change the file size substantially.19:39.43 
  the only difference is that the coordinates internally are managed as res/256 fixed point so the precision will differ19:40.30 
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