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Log of #ghostscript at

 <<<Back 1 day (to 2016/05/22)20160523 
kens2 slaps kens around a bit with a large trout13:50.10 
anddam I have a 13 pages PDF containing pages from an old book, the pages have been scanned as color images, the total file size is about 6MB and I'd like to shrink as much as possible while retaining readability18:44.18 
  is gs the right tool?18:44.22 
  oh, I know almost nothing about how pdf format or gs work18:44.56 
Robin_Watts anddam: gs is a tool that may be able to help you.19:37.21 
  You can feed a doc into gs and get it to recompress the pdf, yes.19:37.51 
  You'll need to fiddle with the settings to get the results as you want.19:38.21 
  Are you on windows, or linux?19:38.32 
  gs -o out.pdf -sDEVICE=pdfwrite <other settings go here> in.pdf19:39.03 
  (on windows, you'll use gswin32c.exe rather than gs)19:39.15 
  For the other settings, you'll probably want to talk to kens tomorrow (back in about 12 hours or so, normally).19:39.55 
  But -r 200 or something to set the resolution is a good idea.19:40.06 
tempus_fol Hello, I've submitted the bug #696797 ; if possible please mark the attachment as private23:44.56 
Robin_Watts Marked as private.23:45.43 
tempus_fol thank you very much23:46.12 
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