IRC Logs

Log of #ghostscript at

 <<<Back 1 day (to 2016/05/25)20160526 
benbro Robin_Watts: I have blackboard installed and I can export the whiteboard (wbd) to pdf00:04.02 
  Robin_Watts: wbd and pdf format:00:10.13 
  Robin_Watts: here is a simple example with just one pentool00:19.10 
  Robin_Watts: you were right. missing element means 000:35.48 
  and the numbers are just offset from the top-left corner00:36.02 
marcosw wrong window03:24.27 
benbro how can I convert svg to pdf with gs?14:43.04 
kens You can't14:43.18 
benbro ok14:44.32 
Robin_Watts benbro: MuPDF will read SVGs, and (kinda) write PDFs.15:00.36 
benbro ok :)15:00.48 
Robin_Watts The PDF writing stuff is incomplete, so YMMV.15:01.00 
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