IRC Logs

Log of #ghostscript at

 <<<Back 1 day (to 2011/07/09)2011/07/10 
Robin_Watts Number 2 on your bmpcmp (test/pdf/Bug6901014_Arioli_NAG-Warwick.pdf) looks like a definite regression.00:01.34 
  Odd, cos your fix looks plausible.00:01.42 
  oh, wait no.00:02.30 
  No, sorry, your test does look plausible.00:02.51 
  I haven't looked at the test in question, but you appear to have changed the test from next.all[0] == run.all[0] to be memcmp(psrc, run.v, spp) == 000:03.50 
  why psrc? Surely next.v ?00:04.02 
  anyhow.bedtime for me. night all.00:04.24 
  tor8: Am I right in thinking that mupdf only supports isolated non-knockout groups ?17:16.34 
tor8 yes.17:19.33 
sebras Robin_Watts: you would also be right in that it is an itch I'm eager to scratch together with tor8... ;)17:21.20 
Robin_Watts Well, supporting non-isolated is trivial, I think.18:38.42 
  Fixing knockout means changing all the plotting functions from being dest = dest (+) src to being out = src1 (+) src2 (where (+) is the blending operation)18:41.01 
  (I think, etc)18:41.11 
 Forward 1 day (to 2011/07/11)>>>