IRC Logs

Log of #ghostscript at

 <<<Back 1 day (to 2011/07/14)2011/07/15 
ray_droid 64 bit Windows build is broken in 9.03 :-(03:19.02 
  I'm at the movies for the next 7 hrs, but i'll check when I get home.03:20.53 
cryptops1 mupdf is create it's way faster than xpdf04:32.36 
kens You're up early tor07:28.38 
tor8 yeah... don't get too used to it :)07:29.27 
kens :-)07:29.39 
tor8 got far away relatives invading the house... no peace in the morning anymore07:29.54 
kens Crap. VS 2008 crashes when it open my project.07:29.59 
chrisl tor8: sure, your house, your rules!07:30.25 
tor8 kyeongseob's cousins are visiting sweden. korean teenagers must have their morning starcraft fix :/ *yawn*07:31.42 
chrisl feels old, having to resort to google to find out what starcraft is..... :-(07:33.13 
tor8 hehe. did you know there's a tv channel dedicated to starcraft in korea?07:33.59 
chrisl I find that slightly disturbing.......07:34.44 
kens More than slightly.07:36.23 
  OK, if I disable rockscroll I cna open my project.07:36.44 
chrisl Hmm, distiller doesn't seem to let you open and write to a file.07:37.06 
kens Correct07:37.19 
  Security 'feature'07:37.24 
  Print it instead, it'll end up in the log07:37.43 
chrisl I'll just use Jaws......07:37.58 
kens THat works too :-)07:38.06 
cryptopsy someone suggested earlier i try mupdf, but i don't see a way to use it to delete individual pages from docs08:03.03 
kens I read the logs, and it seemed to me Robin was suggesting using it to build a list of pages to deelte. But his suggestion required changing the MuPDF source for the viewer. I don't recall how he was suggesting deleting pages.08:07.21 
cryptopsy ah okay08:07.39 
  xpdf allows me to use %f for the filename with their external command func08:08.01 
tor8 kens, cryptopsy: pdfclean can rewrite a pdf with a list of pages to preserve 08:08.30 
cryptopsy it doesnt' say in the man page08:09.09 
kens Probably that's what Robin was suggesting, I'm going on memory from readin ghe logs08:09.22 
cryptopsy it doesnt' say in the man page of pdfclean it can do that08:10.42 
tor8 the feature is still a bit experimental, it doesn't work all the time if you use the aggressive garbage collection flags08:10.49 
cryptopsy how do i use this feature?08:11.27 
tor8 that's why we don't mention it in the man page08:11.32 
  pdfclean -o out.pdf input.pdf 1-5,7,50-10008:11.34 
cryptopsy how can i mark pages in mupdf?08:11.47 
  do we have a channel?08:11.52 
  this is great because i no longer have to depend on pdftk written in java08:12.28 
tor8 what robin suggested was hacking the mupdf viewer (apps/pdfapp.c) to add a key binding for marking and printing out the list of non-marked pages on stdout at exit08:12.38 
kens Robin suggested adding a key to the MUPDF viewer which 'selected' or deselected' a page, and then emittting a list at the end of vioewing.08:12.41 
cryptopsy tor8: would the community be interested in this?08:12.52 
tor8 probably not, so don't spend too much time on it :)08:13.21 
  pdfapp_onkey() is the function that handles key input08:13.42 
cryptopsy The MuPDF developers hang out on IRC in the #ghostscript channel on 
tor8 yes, that's right ;)08:18.03 
  Robin_Watts: linus is planning to add "generation numbers" to git commit objects in future versions of git. that should solve one of your pet peeves :)08:19.32 
kens I hope he does it soon.08:19.48 
cryptopsy do you happen to know a web browser in the style of mupdf (light), i just use it to display pages, but it must have tab08:23.11 
tor8 cryptopsy: years ago I used "dillo", but that's not really an option with today's web. I use chrome, it has the most minimal and agreeable UI of the modern browsers IMO.08:25.57 
Robin_Watts Morning all09:13.34 
kens Morning Robin09:13.43 
Robin_Watts Yes.I was suggesting using mupdf to get the list and pdfclean to extract pages.09:13.49 
kens Its a sunny day here, how much power are you generating ?09:14.01 
Robin_Watts Dunno.09:14.33 
kens I'd have thought you'd have a controller wired up to a comuter :-)09:14.54 
Robin_Watts I generated 18 or 19 units yesterday.09:14.58 
kens No real time information ? :-(09:15.13 
Robin_Watts To find out how much I'm actually generating at any given time, I need to go into the loft and look at the inverter.09:15.21 
  Then I can see all sorts of stuff.09:15.29 
kens would prefer a WiFi unit to transmit it to me :-)09:15.44 
Robin_Watts I think you can get such a thing, but that's more $$$.09:16.01 
kens Oho, I see Ms Brooks has fallen on her sword :-)09:18.33 
Robin_Watts not a moment too soon.09:22.18 
tor8 kens, chrisl: in the build_char callback, is the ctm translation part supposed to be in the thousands range. the scaling looks correct, but the tx,ty part is around 5000. I'd have expected it to be zero...09:28.06 
kens tx,ty might be bogus there, there are places where its ignored09:28.50 
chrisl tor8: IIRC, you just ignore it.09:28.55 
tor8 hm, but the build_char proc needs to build a path with moveto/lineto and then fill it... how does ignoring it work then?09:29.33 
  I'm trying to figure out why my "draw a rectangle instead" simple test case for fonts isn't working09:29.51 
  I'm not getting any marks at all :(09:29.58 
kens I htink we don't care about the CTM translation, because the glyph description is in its own co-ordinate system ?09:30.54 
  We scale/rotate/shear etc, but we don't care about translation09:31.16 
  Don't forget, we are creating a bitmap for caching.09:31.31 
chrisl ray_laptop: I fixed the Windows 64 bit build.09:45.20 
ray_laptop chrisl: thanks. I hoped someone would while I was at the movies09:46.24 
  just got out of HP DH 209:46.34 
chrisl ray_laptop: it was pretty trivial......09:46.52 
ray_laptop it's a quarter to 3 here09:46.55 
  my 12 year old kids liked it.09:47.12 
chrisl ray_laptop: I meant the fix, but I'm not a fan on HP either ;-)09:47.38 
ray_laptop chrisl: I'll send the script (works except for untested in 64-bit mode)09:48.08 
tor8 kens: comparing with the values build_char proc gets for ghostxps, something is off. the tx,ty for gxps are coordinates on the page, not way off the page. probably something fishy with all the matrices :(09:48.15 
chrisl ray_laptop: great, thanks - then I suggest you hit the sack!09:48.31 
kens tor8 but gxps doesn't use FT.09:53.24 
tor8 kens: I haven't even gotten that far yet :) just trying to get a pure gs_font struct working (xps uses gs_type1 and gs_type42 fonts) with the minimum set of callbacks required09:54.37 
kens Oh, ok09:54.51 
  chrisl is probably better placed to help you with this now, but he's doign the release of course.09:55.14 
tor8 xps has custom callbacks for build_char though, so I'm comparing the inputs09:55.24 
  I'll figure it out... eventually :)09:55.42 
  I may give up in disgust and procrastinate a few times first, though.09:56.05 
ray_laptop chrisl: email with script sent. 09:56.15 
kens tor8 I could understand that...09:56.24 
chrisl ray_laptop: got it, thanks!09:56.24 
tor8 after all, I did get gslite working all those years ago...09:56.42 
ray_laptop chrisl: don't try and run it until you look through it and adjust it to your liking. It'll probably take a few tries the first time.09:57.09 
chrisl ray_laptop: okay, will do.09:57.21 
ray_laptop chrisl: I forgot to mention one thing -- I can only build 64-bit with MSVC_VERSION 8, but I build 32-bit with MSVC_VER=909:57.52 
  chrisl: never got the compiler installed correctly for 64-bit with VS 909:58.22 
chrisl ray_laptop: is that important? Can't I do both with 8?09:58.22 
ray_laptop chrisl: sure09:58.30 
  just change the script09:58.40 
chrisl Okay, cool09:58.46 
ray_laptop g'nite...10:00.03 
kens nigth ray10:00.09 
chrisl tor8: the tx/ty values should be scaled with the rest of matrix, I think.10:00.23 
tor8 yeah, it looks like my values are scaled by the font size twice.10:00.45 
  probably the advance widths I send to gs_process_text are wrong10:01.15 
chrisl Oh, okay. Once I get the release done, I can look at what's actually happening in the FAPI code, if needed10:01.55 
Robin_Watts We should be releasing with 8, anyway, IMHO.10:04.44 
  Anyone heard of Crystal RIP10:17.36 
chrisl New one on me......10:20.14 
kens Crystal reports ?10:20.44 
  Any context ?10:21.06 
Robin_Watts It's an open source RIP that uses ghostscript.10:21.33 
kens Hmm, no never heard of it ;-)10:21.47 
  Not finding it with Google either10:22.10 
tor8 kens: yay! I get black squares in the right places :)10:22.27 
  now to hook up freetype...10:22.32 
Robin_Watts Me either.10:22.38 
kens Great, excellent start :-)10:22.38 
  Robin_Watts : I do see a miling list for 'submitting Gghostscript bugs on Windows' which mentions a ''10:23.45 
  Which is a dead URL10:23.58 
Robin_Watts kens: I'll ask the guy that contacted me mentioning it for a link.10:24.27 
kens OK, sounds good10:24.38 
tor8 kens: sweet, I have rendered text :) looks like shit, but that's what you get for not hinting with 72 dpi monobit rendering...10:50.48 
kens Impressive though.10:51.06 
  Done very quickly too10:51.10 
tor8 the font cache seems broken though... I'm getting random characters wrong after a while10:51.59 
  probably because I missed something vital when setting up the struct10:52.11 
kens I'd have to guess its eomething like that, it normall yworks OK10:52.23 
tor8 "Chapter 8: Interactive Features" -> "Chactee 1: Iateeactli e Featheef"10:53.22 
kens Amusing, but gibberish :-(10:53.44 
ManDay tor8: How is your program coming?11:32.10 
Robin_Watts Well, my trip switch keeps going. I've disabled the solar system to see if that cures it :(13:05.34 
kens makes you save electricity I guess :013:07.05 
Robin_Watts Just had the solar panel guys calls back. They think it's because everything in my house goes through the one RCD. They are going to come and put a second board in just to take the solar stuff.13:11.37 
kens Well, we have two because one wasn't enough.13:12.19 
  Cool tech:13:12.26 
tor8 kens: ow! looks like a pure gs_font won't work anywhere... gxccache casts to gs_font_base and accesses outside my malloced struct!13:23.02 
kens Sorry, tor8 I'd have to read the code to see why. But its not uncommon in GS13:23.34 
tor8 I'm just grumbling about crappy architecture. having a (pointless) base class and downcasting without testing whether it's safe... grrr.13:24.17 
kens Like I said, not uncommon in GS ;-)13:24.34 
  Doens't mean I approve....13:24.42 
tor8 bites me every time... that's why the cache wasn't working anyway.13:25.38 
  it was looking at a UID field outside my struct13:25.56 
kens Ah! Makes sense.13:25.57 
Robin_Watts We should rearchitect to use something COM-like.13:27.22 
tor8 better yet, stop using pseudo-OO everywhere...13:27.46 
Robin_Watts But it'd be like moving a piece of furniture and watching all the cockroaches run for cover.13:27.55 
  chrisl: alive ?13:28.45 
  You may want to cherry pick 9be999c into 9.03 if it's not too late.13:29.30 
  That fixes item (3) in Freek Kempes mail.13:29.54 
chrisl Robin_Watts: thanks. Might as well, I haven't resolved all the build problems with 9.03 yet :-(13:30.30 
tor8 hmm, I wonder in which matrix the -rXXX dpi setting appears...13:31.11 
chrisl tor8: for fapi we get it from the device: HWResolution13:32.53 
tor8 chrisl: font unrelated :) I've just run into the problem of gs_setmatrix not doing quite what I expected13:33.31 
chrisl tor8: yeh, but the resolution is stored in the device, so you can grab it from there.13:34.07 
tor8 setting the .MediaSize device parameters sets the window size properly, but gs_setmatrix seems to overwrite the user->device matrix that embeds the resolution13:34.29 
  I'll just extract it at the beginning, probably safer13:34.51 
kens pdfwrite uses the device HWResolution for this kind of thing.13:35.15 
chrisl Robin_Watts: I've just been hacking (in a semi-blind panic!) in msvctail.mak. I've got it working, but I wondered if knew why the 64 bit genarch.exe has separate compile and link stages, whilst the 32 bit is done in a single step? 13:53.48 
Robin_Watts I have no idea at all.13:54.09 
chrisl Okay, I guess it's not very important......13:54.44 
Robin_Watts Maybe they forked a while ago, and someone (like me) who couldn't do 64bit builds only updated one of them ?13:54.50 
chrisl Possibly. I'll try changing it after I get done with this dratted release13:55.50 
henrys I'll be out most of the morning today, chrisl I am not crazy about Friday releases because folks may not be here to deal with something bad happening but whatever you think is best.14:05.31 
Robin_Watts henrys: If chrisl gets it finished today (which is by no means guaranteed, cos he's only had the release script for a few hours), then we can always send it out as a release candidate.14:06.41 
chrisl henrys: given that I started this at about 8:30 this morning, it's now 3, and I'm not finished, there's no guarantees14:06.56 
Robin_Watts The odds of them actually looking at it over the weekend are low, I would have thought.14:07.27 
  (Different if we were releasing to a US customer where they effectively have another day)14:07.53 
chrisl I *had* hoped to get it out today as the "middle of the month", but it all went to hell......14:08.16 
kens On the plus side, you'll be ready for the real release ;-)14:08.40 
chrisl True - but right now, I struggling to be positive about it!14:09.23 
kens OK, Polish free user got rid of, back to consolidating text.14:10.49 
tor8 henrys: you got any ideas for a name for the mupdf/ghostscript bridge?14:12.34 
Robin_Watts mooscript.14:12.44 
tor8 Robin_Watts: works for me :)14:13.13 
henrys tor8:sounds like a discussion item for the meeting.14:14.47 
tor8 henrys: I've got vectors and non-type3 text working for raster devices14:15.18 
henrys great progress!14:15.56 
Robin_Watts henrys: While michael was away, we tried to get timings for a planar device for some file or other for company R, right ?14:16.38 
  and we ran into problems... The file in question was lj4700_pcl5_color_AC8Z51CC.prn, right ?14:17.05 
henrys yes, that is right14:18.23 
tor8 I'll let chrisl and kens bang on getting fonts working with pdfwrite later :) 14:18.25 
kens If it works with GS it ought to be OK with pdfwrite I'd have thought14:18.44 
  Have you tried ?14:19.01 
tor8 text makes it through as 72dpi bitmaps14:19.07 
kens Oh :-(14:19.12 
tor8 I would be surprised if it works at all :)14:19.24 
  s/would be/was/14:19.32 
henrys for pdfwrite just use "cat" ;-)14:19.40 
tor8 there's something *really* funky going on with TextAlphaBits too14:20.05 
Robin_Watts Ah, right. It was all-rops.pxl that I had problems with14:20.19 
kens Well I'm going to have a lot to do in pdfwrite when you get finished anwya I expect.14:20.32 
henrys Robin_Watts:I meant to create some simple rop examples so we can look at planar results with a file where is easy to change the rop and transparency - I'll probably do that this afternoon.14:28.55 
chrisl So, now luratech build doesn't work on 64 bit Windows - I'm starting to get p*ssed off with this!14:29.20 
Robin_Watts chrisl: If there is anything I can do to help, please say - but 64 bit windows I can't.14:30.26 
kens Me neither I'm afraid14:30.42 
henrys well I don't think we've tested that. luratech is very responsive to problems.14:30.51 
kens Next PC will be 64-bit14:30.51 
Robin_Watts henrys: It's OK. I was scratching my head trying to work out why I couldn't get it to crash with lj4700, and the answer was cos I'd fixed it. It was all-rops.pxl that had problems.14:31.18 
chrisl henrys: I doubt they'd be quick enough to help with this release :-(14:31.33 
Robin_Watts The main thing is that I now have an example where it goes wrong for when mvrhel2 arrives.14:31.33 
henrys okay taking my nephew for a hike be back in a couple of hours.14:33.20 
kens Enjoy14:34.25 
  Sorry 'Share and enjoy'14:34.41 
chrisl henrys: I'm going to leave Luratech out of the binaries for this release (we'll still ship the source, though), and I'll try to get it sorted for 9.04.14:35.00 
  tkamppeter: I think I've fixed all the shared library problems, and I've upped the GS version number to 9.04. Let me know if you find more problems.14:40.18 
tkamppeter chrisl, thanks, I will try it.14:42.03 
chrisl *Finally* I have a 9.03 32 bit installer, 64 bit installer and a source archive. Need to quickly check something with Ray when he arrives, and I'll be ready.14:47.33 
kens Great!14:48.14 
Robin_Watts Does the 64bit luratech build work on unix ?14:48.46 
chrisl Robin_Watts: yes, it does. There's a problem with the "inline" definition it's using on 64 bit Windows - inline/_inline/__inline or whatever14:49.37 
tor8 kens, Robin_Watts: I assume the Type3_PCL and patt_trans_clist branches have been merged into master, am I correct?14:50.24 
Robin_Watts tor8: patt_trans_clist, yes.14:50.39 
kens I did the Type 3 long since tor8, but couldn't find a way to properly merge it at the master end.14:50.54 
  Please feel free to kill the branch if you like.14:51.08 
tor8 I believe the git custom is to delete the branch once it's been merged14:51.12 
  just saw them now when I confirmed I had successfully pushed the mooscript branch14:51.27 
Robin_Watts tor8: OK, all that does is to throw away the branch marker, right? The actual commits stay in the repo, because they are part of the history, yes ?14:52.03 
tor8 yeah, it's just the ref that goes away14:52.16 
  "git push origin :patt_trans_clist" is the voodoo to delete a remote branch14:52.38 
Robin_Watts If kens didn't merge in a way that includes appropriate parent pointer, we need to be careful not to lose history there.14:52.58 
kens I think mine is fine.14:53.10 
tor8 think of the command as pushing <nothing> to the branch14:53.20 
Robin_Watts OK. If it wasn't fine, we could put in a dummy merge commit that leaves the master unchanged, but claims the branch as one of it's parents.14:53.50 
tkamppeter chrisl, GS 9.04 builds now under Ubuntu Oneiric. Thanks for the fix.15:01.39 
chrisl tkamppeter: phew, that's a relief! Thanks for testing it so quickly.15:04.02 
tkamppeter chrisl, are there any new libraries included in the source tarball which were not included in 9.02?15:11.30 
chrisl tkamppeter: None that are used. LCMS2 is there, but is currently very experimental, so don't worry about it.15:12.25 
tkamppeter chrisl, thanks. Ubuntu is stll on liblcms1, so I leave that library in GS for the time being.15:14.59 
chrisl tkamppeter: yes, the interface to lcms2 is *very* experimental15:15.30 
Robin_Watts chrisl: Well, the interface works. The library itself has at least one problem that lcms1 doesn't.15:16.09 
tkamppeter chrisl, can I remove the lcms2/ subdirectory from the source tree without loss of functionality in Ghostscript?15:26.31 
chrisl tkamppeter: yes, it's not used at all unless you specifically ask for it to be used15:27.13 
tkamppeter chrisl, OK.15:27.32 
  chrisl, Robin_Watts, who are copyright owners and what are the licenses of toolbin/color/icc_creator/effects/*.icc and iccprofiles/ps_cmyk.icc?15:34.31 
Robin_Watts tkamppeter: I suspect that mvrhel2 generated them himself.15:35.01 
chrisl tkamppeter: I think we are, but you should double check with mvrhel215:35.15 
Robin_Watts so they are presumably the same as normal stuff.15:35.23 
tkamppeter examples/ 
chrisl tkamppeter: you'll really have to check with mvrhel2, he committed that stuff15:38.17 
tkamppeter chrisl, OK.15:43.07 
  mvrhel2, hi15:43.11 
mvrhel2 hi tkamppeter15:43.18 
  reading logs...15:44.12 
tkamppeter mvrhel2, There are some files in 9.04 where I need the copyright and license info of: toolbin/color/icc_creator/effects/*.icc, iccprofiles/ps_cmyk.icc, examples/, toolbin/color/*/*.icc, and generally files in toolbin/15:45.14 
mvrhel2 oh I created all of these and they should have same copyright and license as the other files in ghostscript15:47.13 
  this reminds me of one thing that I need to do which is to make my own versions of some standard profiles. I now have a way to do that very easily15:48.27 
tkamppeter mvrhel2, thanks.15:49.08 
mvrhel2 wait we have not tagged 9.04 yet have we?15:49.13 
tkamppeter mvrhel2, the snapshot which I am using seems to build happily as 9.04.15:49.56 
mvrhel2 oh ok15:50.03 
kens mvrhel2 the current code is now flagged as 9.0415:51.24 
mvrhel2 yes. I understand15:51.33 
  overslept this morning. fighting this darn cold. off to grab breakfast15:54.08 
tkamppeter I have built and installed 9.04 and stars.pdf gives 6 stars!15:54.28 
Robin_Watts tkamppeter: Phew :)15:54.44 
tkamppeter So after some small polishing it goes into Oneiric.15:55.20 
Robin_Watts infinite loop freeing patterns. ick.16:25.08 
ray_laptop morning, all16:28.10 
kens Back early ray :-)16:28.20 
Robin_Watts morning ray_laptop.16:28.30 
ray_laptop chrisl: did you need to check sometihing with me ?16:28.41 
  chrisl: about the 9.03 release.16:29.58 
  what's this about 9.04 -- we haven't frozen thing already have we ??16:30.23 
ray_laptop must have slept too long, if so16:30.32 
kens 9.04 pre-release16:30.34 
ray_laptop chrisl: so we still have 64-bit luratech to sort out, right ?16:31.08 
chrisl ray_laptop: yes, I'm dropping luratech from the 9.03 binaries (but the source will ship), we'll get it sorted for 9.0416:37.24 
ray_laptop chrisl: but I thought it automatically builds luratech if the directory was present -- or did you hobble the 64-bit build to avoid that ?16:38.37 
Robin_Watts If we drop it from the binaries, we should drop it from the source too, IMHO.16:39.27 
  Otherwise they might rebuild and get something different - it's a potential source of confusion.16:40.00 
Robin_Watts feels the pain as chrisl sticks pins into the voodoo doll.16:40.22 
chrisl ray_laptop: it checks for the "ldf_jb2" and "lwf_jp2" directories under the gs directory (as per the documentation), so if we leave them under gs/luratech the build system will not try to use them.16:40.23 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: but most customers (including 850, AFAIK) build 32-bit and that works I think16:40.36 
  chrisl: so the commercial release script should have moved the ldf_jb2 and lwf_jp2 directories from luratech to the 'gs' level (after the export)16:41.59 
chrisl ray_laptop: yes, that's right.16:42.17 
  So I've temporarily disabled the moving of the directories.16:42.48 
ray_laptop chrisl: obviously, I hadn't noticed that it wasn't building luratech, but then, when I stopped yesterday evening, 64-bit didn't build at all due to the $(AUX) cock-uo16:43.00 
  chrisl: we wouldn't have to move them if we changed the path to 'luratech/ldf_jb2' (and same for jp2) as the defaults in the makefiles when 'luratech' was set16:44.22 
chrisl ray_laptop: true *but* that's not what the documentation says, and customers who have been using it might be confused by a change in behaviour.16:45.13 
ray_laptop and I like that better than having two, not well known, directories in the gs tree -- having them as subdirectories under luratech makes more sense to me16:45.14 
chrisl ray_laptop: well, care to comment on why it wasn't done that way to start with?16:46.07 
ray_laptop chrisl: anyone using it prior to 9.03 was doing it manually, so if it builds (in 9.04) automagically, they will be happy to avoid reading the docs16:46.13 
chrisl ray_laptop: exactly, they won't read the docs, they'll copy the directories as they always have, and the build system will have to cope with both situations.16:47.13 
ray_laptop chrisl: at the time, Ralph Giles did it. Our licensing position on the luratech wasn't clear (maybe only to Miles) and Ralph allowed for his jbig2dec to be used with luratech jp216:47.34 
  if they do it the way they used to, then they were manually editing the makefile for the path probably anyway (the ones I know wanted to keep the luratech stuff in a separate directory and just set the paths manually, not using the ldf_jb2 default path)16:48.57 
chrisl Well, I can change it for 9.04 so they are both under luratech, once we get luratech building for all our standard builds.16:49.23 
ray_laptop so what I am recommending is making the default path be luratech/ldf_jb2 instead of the naked ldf_jb216:49.30 
  chrisl: right16:49.39 
chrisl ray_laptop: but the 9.03 release will have to wait until Monday, I've *really* had enough of it today - the 64 bit luratech problem was the last straw!16:50.44 
ray_laptop chrisl: OK. We'll let marcosw be the king's messenger to cust 850. Maybe someone (Robin_Watts or I, or maybe even henrys) can get the 64-bit luratech build working.16:52.14 
  chrisl: just so I can see what problems you may have fixed in the script, can you send me yours.16:53.00 
tkamppeter GS 9.04 is supposed to fix bug 691755, but the command line in the initial posting still takes ages for me.16:53.08 
chrisl ray_laptop: I know what's wrong with the luratech build, it's a pretty trivial fix, I think, but I'm not keen on shipping luratech with modifications unless we *really* have to.16:53.52 
ray_laptop chrisl: I assume such a crufty piece of work shouldn't go into the git repo, but if you want, we could put it in toolbin. Might be time to move the release related stuff in toolbin to a directory, too16:54.09 
Robin_Watts tkamppeter: Define ages.16:54.26 
ray_laptop chrisl: our luratech _is_ modified from the sources we get from them. Check the svn logs16:54.46 
Robin_Watts ray_laptop: toolbin IS in the repo.16:54.50 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: I know16:55.05 
chrisl ray_laptop: I didn't really *fix* anything in the script, I just modified the "cruft" to suit my setup.16:55.14 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: I meant move the release related scripts and helper files in toolbin to toolbin/release or something16:55.55 
Robin_Watts right. I think that would be a good idea.16:56.07 
ray_laptop chrisl: fine, then I don't need it16:56.15 
chrisl ray_laptop: okay, I'll commit the change to our svn-private - it would be good to check with luratech if they know about/resolved the problem, though.16:56.17 
ray_laptop chrisl: yes, I agree.16:56.32 
  chrisl: did you tag 9.03 ?16:57.04 
chrisl ray_laptop: what I'll do, hopefully for 9.04, is make the script a bit more easily configurable, then it can go into the toolbin.16:57.11 
tkamppeter Robin_Watts, after 6:30 min onn a 64-bit box on 100% CPU it has done one third of the page (stars.pdf).16:57.18 
chrisl ray_laptop: yes, the tag is there - both ghostscript-9.03 and ghostpdl-9.03 tags exist.16:57.43 
ray_laptop chrisl: great!16:57.56 
Robin_Watts tkamppeter: OK, I'll reopen the bug and try and have a look.16:58.50 
ray_laptop chrisl: the other issue is the customer LICENSE file. I wonder if we should keep that in svn-private, or if we can put it in the GPL repo as something like doc/LICENSE.Artifex.OEM.txt16:59.28 
Robin_Watts tkamppeter: Can you confirm the problem happens with a non-cups device please?16:59.48 
ray_laptop burying it there shouldn't confuse anyone, and the headers mention LICENSE16:59.55 
Robin_Watts (Like perhaps the second command line given in the original bug report please)17:00.10 
  I'm not setup for cups here.17:00.18 
chrisl ray_laptop: how about if I "hide" it in the script file, so that the script create the LICENSE file itself?17:00.28 
ray_laptop chrisl: for ghostpdl, commercial release there is yet another (minor) couple of issues. GhostPDL has a different LICENSE file (and Artifex OEM variant), and it needs the Artifex commercial gs 17:01.38 
  I had trouble with msys or git not letting me rename the directories 17:01.58 
chrisl ray_laptop: I don't need to worry about that for 9.03, do I? It can be Ghostscript only?17:02.38 
ray_laptop chrisl: until cust 850 asks for it, we'll assume all they need is ghostscript17:03.07 
chrisl good! :-)17:03.22 
ray_laptop chrisl: BTW, thanks for fixing the 64-bit build. I'm going to try running the release script all the way through with the 9.03 tag...17:04.07 
chrisl ray_laptop: from the sound of it the ghostpdl commercial changes are trivial enough to be done by hand, though.17:04.20 
ray_laptop while I get my coffee17:04.26 
  chrisl: I just like having it scripted so I don't forget to do something17:04.50 
  (for instance I include the grep for GPL in the gs contents)17:05.20 
chrisl ray_laptop: yeh, I know what you mean. I'll see about scripting the GhostPDL one, too, at some point.....17:06.02 
tkamppeter Robin_Watts, the second line is also slow for me, so try this one for now.17:06.53 
Robin_Watts thanks, will do.17:07.02 
ray_laptop the only GPL file we ship is the afmdiff.awk17:07.13 
tkamppeter Robin_Watts, still problems are with stars.pdf and also with the document.pdf of 
ray_laptop mooscript branch -- well at least it isn't 'oinkscript'17:07.39 
Robin_Watts tkamppeter: It would be good to know if it's the same slowness as before, or whether the patt_trans_clist stuff has improved it, just not enough.17:08.02 
chrisl ray_laptop: Yes, I noticed that (afmdiff.awk) in the 9.02 commercial release.17:08.03 
ray_laptop chrisl: I see the patch for the luratech 64-bit -- thanks17:12.52 
tkamppeter Robin_Watts, both sample files on bug 691755 are slow. I have even the feeling that they are slower than before.17:13.28 
chrisl ray_laptop: told you it was trivial ;-)17:13.42 
Robin_Watts tkamppeter: Hmm. That would be a shame :(17:14.20 
ray_laptop chrisl: so that _should_ put us at a workable 9.03. What about I go ahead and do it today ???17:14.24 
ray_laptop doesn't want to usurp chrisl 's duties, but ...17:14.43 
chrisl ray_laptop: if you like, that'd be great - it might just save my laptop from a flying lesson out the window!17:15.05 
ray_laptop chrisl: OK. I'll do a release (I was going to anyway) and beat on it a bit, then check with henrys to see if he has any last minute objections to "throwing it over the transom" to cust 85017:16.11 
chrisl ray_laptop: the one thing I'm doing differently to your script is that I manually do a git archive on the tag, and then run the script in the expanded archive. I'll automate that bit before 9.04.17:16.47 
ray_laptop chrisl: and I'll make luratech the default (by changing to script to move the directories after the export)17:16.49 
  chrisl: OK, that's cleaner (and will make it easier for the ghostpdl release that follows)17:17.39 
Robin_Watts Right. Things are being put into the pattern cache as being one size, and are being taken account as another size.17:18.25 
ray_laptop goes to read about git archive17:18.53 
Robin_Watts So the 'how many bits in the pattern cache' figure gets out of whack, and it ends up in an infinite loop looking for things to bin.17:18.55 
ray_laptop chrisl: can I just pipe the output of git archive to tar ?17:20.30 
chrisl ray_laptop: yes.17:21.22 
  ray_laptop: git archive <git tag> | tar -x -C <your temp directory for release>17:22.34 
ray_laptop chrisl: I would have thought: tar -Ctempdir -xf -17:24.23 
chrisl ray_laptop: I just copied off some web site!17:25.02 
ray_laptop chrisl: OK. Thanks.17:25.19 
chrisl ray_laptop: this time I made the archive and copied it elsewhere, as I didn't want to run the script anywhere near my git repository.17:26.02 
tkamppeter Robin_Watts, I am trying to render stars.pdf on another machine with 9.01 now but I have problems as gs produces more than 1.5 GB of temp files.17:26.41 
Robin_Watts tkamppeter: Go to /dev/null maybe? It's time we care about, not space.17:27.17 
tkamppeter Robin_Watts, for the resulting output file I have space. In /tmp I have only 1.5 GB.17:28.32 
Robin_Watts Ah, clist stuff must be being written to disk.17:29.54 
  Who understands the pattern cache? ray_laptop ? mvrhel2 ?17:31.10 
  We calculate the number of bits used by a tile when it's inserted. We then calculate the number of bits used (again) when we remove it.17:31.44 
  Would it not be better (and less prone to accident) to record the number of bits used in the tile when we insert it?17:32.05 
  That way we don't have to recalculate it at the end, and our sums can't ever get screwed up,17:32.22 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: it should be that way, I agree. I don't have a problem with changing it to do that. The pre-calc (esitmate) is just so we free enough pattern-cache before allocating a buffer17:40.38 
  obviously for clist patterns, it's a very rough estimate17:41.02 
Robin_Watts Right. The problem is we are estimating too large, then when we come to take out, we take out less, so the system becomes convinced that the cache is still full.17:41.28 
  I plan to use the original estimate at all times.17:41.59 
ray_laptop previously, it would allocate a bitmap (maybe large) buffer and then free other patterns if we had exceeded the limit, leading to potentially 2 large patterns in the buffer17:42.03 
  Robin_Watts: I think it should have the ACTUAL clist sizes (after the clist is collected), NOT the estimate17:42.38 
Robin_Watts Well, that would mean moving all the size calculation stuff that's currently in the free section to be in the alloc section.17:43.34 
  I'll look at that.17:43.37 
ray_laptop some clists will be pretty small (if they are done with graphics instructions) but clist patterns made from images will be large17:43.39 
  Robin_Watts: the ensure_space can use the estimate for the 'needed', but it should use ACTUAL sizes from the cache as it frees patterns17:44.38 
Robin_Watts ray_laptop: We *must* use the same value when we insert as when we remove.17:45.10 
  Anything else leads to inconsistencies and infinite loops.17:45.30 
chrisl ray_laptop: I forgot there was another change needed for building luratech in msvc.mak :-(17:45.43 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: when we insert, yes, but the ensure_space is BEFORE we collect the clist/bitmap17:45.53 
Robin_Watts Right.17:46.00 
  It's not clist values that are the problem, I think.17:46.35 
ray_laptop chrisl: are you going to commit that change ?17:46.38 
chrisl Yes, doing it now.17:46.47 
ray_laptop chrisl: thanks. Going for coffee -- bbiab17:47.00 
tkamppeter ray_laptop, Robin_Watts, chrisl: It is more or less the same performance onm stars.pdf, both 9.01 and 9.04, only that the latter makes all 6 stars visible.17:47.58 
Robin_Watts tkamppeter: OK, thanks. Does -dNOINTERPOLATE help at all?17:48.36 
tkamppeter Robin_Watts, trying ...17:49.26 
chrisl tkamppeter: didn't you test this before?17:50.28 
Robin_Watts I'm sure that this was tested and found to have been fixed.17:50.58 
tkamppeter No, all tests of today are without -dNOINTERPOLATE.17:51.05 
Robin_Watts Either that fix has fallen out since, or something else has happened.17:51.15 
  ISTR that stars wasn't exactly speedy, but it wasn't horrific either.17:51.35 
mvrhel2 Robin_Watts: yes I thought the issue with that file was that we were generating huge transparency buffers where we were drawing only small objects within the pattern17:52.46 
  the bbox for the trans group was a full page17:53.05 
Robin_Watts mvrhel2: yeah.17:53.12 
mvrhel2 but we only drew a small star17:53.16 
Robin_Watts Maybe because we now draw all 6 stars, the wins we got have balanced out.17:53.39 
mvrhel2 yes. I think that was preventing us from even drawing iirc 17:54.31 
  it sounds like you have a new issue now17:54.37 
  you or we17:54.42 
Robin_Watts mvrhel2: I have just tried a quick hack to the pattern accumulator.17:55.08 
tkamppeter Robin_Watts, my feeling is that we always have drawn all 6 stars, only that 5 of them got overpainted by something white (which perhaps was supposed to be transparent).17:55.08 
Robin_Watts If the target is planar, it makes its buffers planar.17:55.41 
  That got me into trouble with the pattern cache and the sizes being wrong.17:55.55 
  but having patched that, it now seems to run to completion.17:56.07 
  Am about to look at the output to see if it's plausible.17:56.16 
chrisl ray_laptop: I've updated the tag with the luratech build fix. You'll need to "git fetch" then "git checkout ghostscript-9.03" - the last commit listed should be "Set the defines needed to build luratech on WIN64"18:07.56 
  Thank heavens: 32 and 64 bit Windows binary installers, build with Luratech - I can't even summon the enthusiasm to be relieved....................18:23.00 
  mvrhel2: ping?18:23.42 
Robin_Watts mvrhel2: ping too.18:26.39 
chrisl Oh well, at least I'm not alone in here :-)18:27.03 
Robin_Watts mvrhel2: You wanted to discuss planar stuff. Can we do that soon, cos I can feel a weekend coming on.18:27.12 
  chrisl pinged first though, so... :)18:27.20 
chrisl I'll be *very* quick.18:27.31 
Robin_Watts I bet you say that to all the girls.18:27.51 
chrisl Hah! Have you need reading the mail in my spam bin?18:28.24 
  Robin_Watts: actually, I meant to say: EasyTether (to tether to your phone via USB) claims to have OS/X drivers, as well as Linux and Windows18:30.56 
Robin_Watts chrisl: right.18:31.24 
henrys chrisl:is the 64 bit windows okay?18:31.38 
Robin_Watts My phone has a 'portable wifi hotspot' thing built in which seems to work well.18:31.39 
mvrhel2 oops sorry18:31.57 
  I stepped out for sec18:32.02 
chrisl Robin_Watts: yeh, but it drains the battery quicker using wifi18:32.03 
mvrhel2 back now18:32.04 
chrisl henrys: it is now, *finally*!18:32.12 
henrys great18:32.28 
mvrhel2 chrisl: you wanted something?18:32.42 
henrys chrisl:did you decide to do the release? I can read back if I should.18:32.57 
chrisl mvrhel2: Shailesh asked me to prod you about whether you'd got his e-mails? He said if you were too busy right now, that's fine, but wanted to check they hadn't just been spam binned.18:33.08 
  henrys: Ray offered to do it, since it was getting late for me, after all the hassle.18:33.29 
mvrhel2 ah. yes. I will get to those today and apologize for my tardiness18:33.40 
chrisl mvrhel2: okay, cool. It's just gmail's over zealous filtering has stopped his mails getting to me a couple of times, which is why he's stuck to using my personal e-mail18:34.45 
  Robin_Watts: mvrhel2 is now all yours :-)18:35.14 
Robin_Watts mvrhel2: Right. Planar stuff...18:35.37 
mvrhel2 Robin_Watts: I am wrapped up right now trying to finish up this rendering intent stuff which is the final thing that I promised for the 9.04 release. I can stop now to talk about the planar stuff 18:35.40 
henrys chrisl:yes I'll respond didn't seem like an email to respond to when I read it.18:35.52 
Robin_Watts mvrhel2: OK. I'm probably going to be stopping for the night within the next hour or so (unless I get stuck into something).18:36.23 
mvrhel2 Robin_Watts: do we have a simple file that has the issue?18:36.29 
Robin_Watts all-rops.pxl18:36.42 
chrisl henrys: I'm hoping Ray reappears soon, I want to make sure he gets the updated ghostscript-9.03 tag (before I head off)18:36.48 
mvrhel2 Robin_Watts: where is that file?18:36.55 
Robin_Watts that's in tests_private/customer_files.18:37.02 
  tests_private/customer_tests/all_rops.pxl even18:37.31 
mvrhel2 ok18:37.44 
Robin_Watts If you try and do:18:38.07 
  main/debugobj/pcl6.exe -r600 -sDEVICE=plank -o out%d.ppm ../ghostpcl/tests_private/customer_tests/all_rops.pxl18:38.20 
  you'll see the problem.18:38.29 
mvrhel2 ok. hold on let me grab my drive that has all the files on it.18:38.41 
Robin_Watts Hmm. Need to juggle some files around to commit them.18:40.15 
mvrhel2 hmm. ok I can't find my drive18:41.48 
  Robin_Watts: in any event, my concern is 2 things18:42.11 
  one is drawing into what we currently call the trans_buffer 18:43.14 
  right now for the pdf14 case, that occurs by markfill_rect which draws appropriately18:43.48 
  we wont be doing that in this case18:43.58 
  Robin_Watts: and it is not clear to me how we draw in a planar manner into that buffer for the non transparency case18:44.47 
Robin_Watts Right.18:45.15 
mvrhel2 what we almost need is to have a memory buffer like what you have for the plank device18:45.17 
  and use your methods that you draw into that18:45.24 
Robin_Watts This is going to be a very one sided conversation, I suspect as I have an almost complete ignorance of everything inside the pattern accumulator device.18:45.58 
mvrhel2 ok. well right now it is pretty simple18:46.11 
  there are really 3 different member variables in the pattern accumulator structure for storing the pattern18:46.36 
Robin_Watts When you said that the pattern accumulator "already used planar buffers if it detected it was going to the pdf14 device", I had hoped we could just hijack that test and make it be "if we're going to the pdf14 device or a planar device"18:47.04 
  but I'm now not so sure it's that simple.18:47.12 
  In pattern_accum_open at around line 490ish18:47.47 
mvrhel2 tbits (and tmask) for non transparency buffer case, cdev (clist for large patterns) and ttrans which is for the case where we have transparency18:47.53 
Robin_Watts Do we use ttrans with tbits ?18:48.45 
mvrhel2 ttrans has baggage associated with being for the pdf14 device. No tbits and ttrans are never both used18:49.00 
  if the pattern has transparency then ttrans is used18:49.16 
Robin_Watts OK. so ttrans represents all the planes? color(s) and alpha ?18:49.34 
mvrhel2 otherwise tbit or cdev is used. If the trans pattern is large cdev may also be used18:49.39 
Robin_Watts OK, well in the file I've been looking at, no transparency.18:50.13 
  So I tried a change...18:50.28 
  in pattern_accum_open around line 490.18:50.49 
  we create a memory device.18:51.02 
  before we open it, I check to see if target is planar.18:51.41 
  If it is, then I call gdev_mem_set_planar() which transforms the memory device into a planar one.18:52.06 
mvrhel2 that should work18:52.22 
Robin_Watts That seems to work in that it doesn't crash and it runs to completion.18:52.39 
mvrhel2 ok. we probably need to use some different tiling methods though yes?18:52.55 
Robin_Watts I'm not convinced the tiling out of the patterns works though.18:53.02 
mvrhel2 yes. so I wonder if we can leverage the transparency planar tiling functions18:53.21 
Robin_Watts But that sounds like it only accounts for 1 of the 3 cases.18:53.23 
mvrhel2 ok. no we should be good with the other cases.18:53.38 
Robin_Watts clist patterns, I can see that would work.18:54.18 
mvrhel2 the trans case is a different animal and will just do its own thing. the halftone planar target is not seen until way later when the final group is popped to the target. by then the tiling was all done in the transparency code18:54.34 
  the plank device will never be tiled in by a transparency tile18:54.56 
Robin_Watts OK. I only cope with PaintType == 1.18:55.27 
mvrhel2 refresh my memory on type 1 and type 218:56.25 
Robin_Watts Ha. I was just typing "what other painttypes are there?"18:56.42 
  Type 1 is colored, Type 2 is uncolored (he says, reading the comments)18:57.05 
chrisl I need head out: if/when Ray reappears, can someone refer him to my post at 19:07, please? About getting the updated tag.18:57.30 
Robin_Watts Ah, right, in PaintType 2, we only allocate a mask.18:58.12 
  And masks are 1 plane, hence implicitly planar.18:58.30 
  so we're fine for painttype 1 and 2. Let me just check whether there are more painttypes.18:58.55 
mvrhel2 ok pattern type 2 are shadings18:59.03 
Robin_Watts pattern type != painttype18:59.23 
mvrhel2 ah19:00.18 
chrisl Robin_Watts: only two painttypes19:00.32 
mvrhel2 Paint tyoes 1 and 2. color and uncolored stencil19:00.49 
Robin_Watts chrisl: Thanks. That was my memory too, but my memory isn't good.19:00.49 
mvrhel2 so with type 2 we just need the mask19:01.07 
  type 1 we need tbits and the mask19:01.14 
  so we only need to worry about the case that you have done 19:01.33 
Robin_Watts OK, so we should be fine in all pattern creation cases.19:01.41 
  but we need to look at the pattern usage (tiling) stage.19:01.56 
mvrhel2 yes19:01.59 
Robin_Watts Any idea where that lives in the code ?19:03.31 
mvrhel2 tile_by_steps_trans, gx_trans_pattern_fill_rect, 19:04.11 
  in gxp1fill.c19:04.15 
  Robin_Watts: if may make more sense for you to look at the non-trans ones though19:05.09 
  and do you equivalent of strip_copy_rop19:05.19 
ray_laptop chrisl_away: I saw your comment.19:05.25 
mvrhel2 Robin_Watts: did you see if you were getting the correct output now with your change?19:05.47 
ray_laptop chrisl_away: and I've incorporated your ideas into an improved script (git archive and using 'here' data for the LICENSE)19:06.06 
Robin_Watts mvrhel2: I got distracted before I double checked, but it was looking a bit wrong.19:06.36 
mvrhel2 ok19:06.51 
  Robin_Watts: well you have already done work in gxp1fill.c if I recall19:07.17 
Robin_Watts mvrhel2: OK. I think I've got enough of an idea to keep bashing at this for the weekend.19:07.20 
henrys I would like to get the language autoconf up to speed with ghostscript but I don't see anyway to do it without duplicating a lot of, there doesn't seem to be a nice way to share this stuff.19:07.32 
Robin_Watts Want to talk again on monday morning (your time) about this?19:07.35 
mvrhel2 Robin_Watts: sounds good19:07.44 
  have a great weekend19:07.48 
Robin_Watts Fab. You too.19:07.52 
henrys mvrhel2:so is the all rops test completely wrong or are there just a few problems?19:08.38 
  have a good one Robin_Watts!19:09.13 
mvrhel2 henrys: (Robin_Watts: correct me if I am wrong). I think we just have this issue with tiling patterns and I believe I have a polarity issue19:09.23 
Robin_Watts I'm not going yet.19:09.27 
  henrys: In the current trunk it crashes.19:09.44 
  With my local changes it completes.19:09.54 
  I suspect the output of the tiled patterns are wrong.19:10.09 
mvrhel2 Robin_Watts: maybe you should commit that even though it renders wrong.19:10.10 
Robin_Watts mvrhel2: I will.19:10.29 
mvrhel2 thanks19:10.33 
Robin_Watts I need to test the pattern cache calculation fix first (running now)19:10.47 
  The cluster seems to be doing something odd.19:11.15 
ray_laptop henrys: I've chatted with chrisl and he agreed that I would handle the 9.03 customer release (using a new improved script based on some ideas from chrisl's attempts the past day)19:11.46 
Robin_Watts mvrhel2: When I ran the lj4700 file through the planar device I found I was getting different results to the non-planar device.19:12.26 
ray_laptop henrys: I am doing the prep now, then will test the install/uninstall of 32 and 64 bit and some Windows smoke testing19:12.32 
Robin_Watts even allowing for the polarity.19:12.37 
  When I investigated, I found that I was getting different results even with the non-planar device and banded/non-banded.19:13.11 
henrys okay I said earlier I am not a big fan of a Friday release but whatever you think is best.19:13.15 
Robin_Watts Changing the heights of the bands changed the differences too.19:13.28 
ray_laptop henrys: well we can release on Saturday ;-)19:13.36 
Robin_Watts We're only releasing to one customer, right?19:13.51 
henrys meaning that I'd rather wait until Monday.19:13.53 
Robin_Watts What are the odds they will actually be there to receive it over the weekend?19:14.06 
  On the other hand, they WILL be there monday morning european time.19:14.19 
mvrhel2 Robin_Watts: ok. I will do some testing on that then. I have not compared non-planar/planar clist/nonclist and old ht/ new ht19:14.19 
  lunch time now.19:14.30 
Robin_Watts So if you wait til monday morning ray time to release, that's another day they'll be waiting.19:14.38 
ray_laptop henrys: np. I'll still go ahead and prepare the release (with luratech built in) and post it for anybody to play with. That way if it is OK, then chrisl can do the release his Monday AM19:15.18 
  which is closer to cust 850's TZ19:15.35 
Robin_Watts Does the cluster look jammed to anyone else ?19:15.45 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: how long has it been waiting in that state ?19:16.24 
Robin_Watts At least 5 minutes.19:16.40 
ray_laptop I see an abort on miles (which tends to stay there) then waiting for x619:16.49 
Robin_Watts me too.19:17.02 
  Time to SMS marcos.19:17.08 
  He's looking. I'm going to walk the dogs. back in a bit.19:19.12 
ray_laptop darn. latest and greatest 9.03 _still_ doesn't build luratech on 64-bit :-(19:45.21 
Robin_Watts ray_laptop: Really? Same 'inline' problem, or different ?19:46.16 
ray_laptop I'm seeing all of the asm errors19:46.35 
  all derive from: lwf_jp2\library\source\jp2_common.c(417) : error C4235: nonstandard extension used : '__asm' keyword not supported on this architecture19:47.24 
  Robin_Watts: do you know -- is it different for the amd64 mode ?19:48.35 
Robin_Watts I don't know.19:49.21 
  "Inline asm is not supported by Visual C++ on 64bit-machines" apparently.19:50.01 
  That's true as of VS2008.19:50.04 
tkamppeter Robin_Watts, I have reopened bug 691755. And I have uploaded 9.04 to Oneiric anyway, to get more testing.19:50.25 
Robin_Watts tkamppeter: Thanks.19:50.33 
ray_laptop well, I'm using 2005, so it apparently is a problem there too19:50.47 
Robin_Watts That'll be top of my list after this planar st19:50.51 
chrisl_away ray_laptop: I don't think that's the "latest and greatest", that's the error I got without the changes in msvc.mak19:51.06 
Robin_Watts ray_laptop: Yeah, supposedly it wasn't even in VS2010.19:51.15 
  VS2010 Beta 1 at least. Dunno if it made it in the relase.19:51.28 
henrys ray_laptop:I assume you are using win64 project file?19:52.29 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: the build does not use the project file19:53.38 
chrisl ray_laptop: if you look in msvc.mak, the luratech CFLAGS should have -DWIN64 in them for the WIN64 build19:54.43 
ray_laptop chrisl: Hi. it doesn't. I'm looking at 9.03 and it has:19:57.03 
  !ifndef JBIG2_CFLAGS19:57.04 
  # required compiler flags19:57.06 
chrisl Well, that's not the latest, then.19:57.24 
ray_laptop chrisl: I just did a git up :-(19:58.11 
ray_laptop and it says "current branch master is up to date."19:59.02 
Robin_Watts or rather:19:59.31;a=blobdiff;f=gs/psi/msvc.mak;h=bbd8c212394ad467f27af49b03f96fcfda1713ad;hp=9ef97dc4caa41ff07d5f9171033488742ee2a75b;hb=2711662696407b82c2d382ae85567a5bd67f2037;hpb=673fae8b1154641fa2cf1f434fed484f930a568719:59.32 
  ray_laptop: Right. You're on master19:59.39 
  You want to be on ghostpdl-9.03 presumably?20:00.01 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: I did a git archive ghostscript-9.03 20:00.07 
chrisl hmm, master should have that change, too.20:00.13 
Robin_Watts Right, but git up only updates master.20:00.24 
  chrisl: It does. The first link I gave is for master.20:00.32 
  The second for ghostpdl-9.0320:00.37 
chrisl Yes, I meant Ray should see the change, even though he's on master.20:00.53 
ray_laptop right. if I do a ghostscript-9.03 then I get the bad msvc.mak20:00.55 
  chrisl: I think the tag is wrong (or the branch didn't get that patch)20:01.23 
chrisl ray_laptop: we need to force your git to update it's tags from casper - but I can't remember how.20:02.02 
ray_laptop the tag I see is: 673fae8b1154641fa2cf1f434fed484f930a568720:02.30 
chrisl The tag on casper is commit: 2711662696407b82c2d382ae85567a5bd67f203720:02.49 
Robin_Watts git fetch works for me.20:03.04 
ray_laptop This is rather stoopid of git20:03.12 
chrisl ray_laptop: actually, it's my fault, I shouldn't have shared the tag until I was sure it was right :-(20:03.39 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: what do I do after git fetch ?20:04.01 
Robin_Watts Well, you should hopefully see lines in the fetch like:20:04.23 
ray_laptop git fetch didn't return anything20:04.36 
Robin_Watts 5362c51..2711662 ghostpdl-9.03 -> origin/ghostpdl-9.0320:04.36 
  9be999c..10fa3cd master -> origin/master20:04.38 
  * [new branch] mooscript -> origin/mooscript20:04.40 
  * [new tag] ghostpdl-9.03 -> ghostpdl-9.0320:04.41 
  * [new tag] ghostscript-9.03 -> ghostscript-9.0320:04.43 
  Type: git name-rev 271166220:05.09 
ray_laptop I had seen the new branch message earlier today when I did a pull --rebase20:05.12 
Robin_Watts Hopefully you should get: 2711662 remotes/origin/ghostpdl-9.0320:05.31 
ray_laptop 2711662 remotes/origin/ghostpdl-9.0320:05.37 
Robin_Watts Right, so: git checkout ghostpdl-9.0320:05.54 
chrisl that's the branch, though20:06.19 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: but git rev-parse ghostscript-9.03 gives: 673fae8b1154641fa2cf1f434fed484f930a5687 and git rev-parse ghostpdl-9.03 gives: warning: refname 'ghostpdl-9.03' is ambiguous.20:07.09 
Robin_Watts ray_laptop: What OS are you on here ?20:07.22 
ray_laptop Windows20:07.27 
chrisl ray_laptop: try "git fetch origin :refs/tags/ghostscript-9.03"20:07.45 
ray_laptop git version 1.7.420:07.49 
Robin_Watts git fetch --tags ?20:08.07 
ray_laptop OK. that gave:20:08.28 
  - [tag update] -> ghostscript-9.0320:08.34 
Robin_Watts Ah. That sounds better.20:08.43 
  Being called for food, sorry.20:08.58 
ray_laptop but git rev-parse ghostscript-9.03 now gives: 10fa3cdcae73e526d6279e5a70522d821d08469d20:09.08 
chrisl ray_laptop: that's what rev-parse gives me, too.20:09.28 
ray_laptop OK. I thought it was supposed to be 271166220:10.03 
chrisl I think that's the hash for the tag object, rather than the tree being tagged20:10.15 
ray_laptop too much SHA1 sh*t20:10.47 
chrisl if you now do git checkout ghostscript-9.03 and have a look in msvc.mak for the luratech changes20:11.00 
ray_laptop chrisl: so, did you sneak in a WINDOWS_NO_UNICODE change as well ???20:12.46 
chrisl ray_laptop: that was on Wednesday, I think. Should only be for VC720:13.18 
ray_laptop suprising that didn't show up in my (only slightly out of date tag) ghostscript-9.0320:14.05 
  OK. cleaning the directory and trying yet again ...20:14.21 
chrisl Sorry about all this. This is why they say there are certain things you can change all you like on the local repos, but really don't once it's pushed upstream.20:15.24 
ray_laptop I guess tags is one of those, but that's rather disappointing 20:16.03 
chrisl Well, it's why I want to get into the practice of letting things stablise on a branch, then tag, rather than moving the tag, which we shouldn't really do on any system!20:17.20 
  ray_laptop: the NO_UNICODE was the VC7 build failure that Alex stumbled over the other day.20:18.00 
  ray_laptop: I'm going to mosey downstairs and try to relax a bit, but I'll be keeping an eye on the logs for another hour or so - if you scream loud enough, I'll hear ;-)20:20.53 
ray_laptop Hurray!! looks like it built BOTH 32 and 64 bit binaries and installer packages20:42.56 
chrisl ray_laptop: that's a relief - I really am going to call it a night now!20:49.19 
ray_laptop chrisl: well, the "install" had a problem -- gswin32c died while trying to do the cidfmap step (for CJK fonts)20:50.21 
  hmm... the 32-bit build aborts. The 64-bit build runs :-/20:52.03 
chrisl_away I definitely had the cidfmap stuff working for 9.02 :-(20:52.44 
ray_laptop building for debug ...20:52.45 
  not just the cidfmap -- it dies just trying to start gswin32c20:53.05 
  chrisl_away: please leave -- I don't want you having nightmares about this ;-)20:54.05 
chrisl_away Thanks, I'll leave it to you, then. Leave a message here or by e-mail if you need me to look at something.20:54.29 
ray_laptop chrisl_away: sure. Have a good evening20:55.19 
  it's probably caused by git anyway ;-)20:55.51 
Robin_Watts ray_laptop: The clist calculations for pattern size are the same at both ends.21:00.54 
  It's the non clist ones that differ.21:01.00 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: right.21:01.35 
  but strange.21:01.43 
ray_laptop wonders if we should just drop support for 32-bit builds ;-)21:02.02 
Robin_Watts Damn. My pattern cache size changes are causing timeouts. Must be some infinite loops. will look tomorrow.21:21.30 
ray_laptop echoing Robin_Watts' sentiments. The 9.03 bomb seems to be related to WINDOWS_NO_UNICODE21:36.55 
  look above for my comment about chrisl sneaking that in21:37.33 
Robin_Watts Interesting. Just got a reply about Crystal RIP.23:50.57 
  He says "FYI Crystal RIP is GPL but ATM we're only distributing it with the machine - no internet download currently".23:51.48 
  Assuming they are giving the source out with every machine they sell, I think that follows the GPL.23:52.10 
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