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Log of #ghostscript at

 <<<Back 1 day (to 2011/07/15)2011/07/16 
ray_laptop I saw Robin_Watts' comment about Crystal RIP. If it is a package we can get (even if we have to buy it), then we get the access to their source to see whether or not they conform to GPL05:13.06 
tor8 Robin_Watts: ping09:10.06 
kens I'd be surprised :-)09:10.24 
tor8 oh, is he not working on saturdays for once? ;)09:11.09 
kens Bit early I'd think.09:11.23 
tor8 ahhh! I'm not used to being here this early either :)09:11.41 
kens Still got guests, huh ?09:11.56 
tor8 yeah, until tuesday09:12.06 
kens Fun, fun, fun....09:12.15 
tor8 anyway, I just found out that google code finally added support for git09:12.29 
kens Is that good ?09:12.38 
tor8 so we could set up a code mirror there to reduce bandwidth on casper09:12.48 
  and as an extra backup09:12.57 
kens Hmm, well that would be useful maybe09:13.00 
tor8 it was an idea, just wanted to hear the other git head's opinion on it :)09:15.16 
kens Try again in an hour or so I'd guess09:15.35 
Robin_Watts pong09:37.30 
  ray_laptop: I think the only way to get Crystal RIP is to buy printing hardware.09:38.16 
  tor8: A code mirror might be interesting as a backup09:39.13 
  but bandwidth from git on casper is insignificant I suspect.09:39.28 
sebras tor8: for all projects?10:51.16 
  tor8: does support gitweb or similar? I only read the headline yesterday I didn't try it...10:52.25 
tor8 sebras: it's an option for hosting along with svn and mercurial. haven't played with the web view, so can't say what it's like.10:57.09 
sebras tor8: webview is what I was worried about.11:01.20 
  tor8: gitweb on casper is quite handy some times.11:02.26 
tor8 the google code svn web view is pretty bad, it only shows the first X files in a project11:03.26 
Robin_Watts Actually, I'm not sure I see any benefit to it at all.11:05.41 
  With git we've all got backups effectively.11:05.50 
  and the bandwidth usage isn't an issue.11:05.57 
  Unless it's giving us something extra, what's the point ?11:06.09 
Robin_Watts runs11:07.23 
tor8 Robin_Watts: publicity, visibility, more google juice?11:22.44 
  it's the only thing that remains I can think of11:22.56 
  since we can't use the google code issue tracker (which is really good btw)11:23.10 
sebras tor8: I was just thinking about that..11:23.21 
  tor8: would you prefer to use that to bugzilla at casper?11:23.34 
  tor8: imho the issue tracker over at sumatrapdf is working rather well.11:24.09 
tor8 yeah, but we can't... customer files need to be kept private. mind you, sumatrapdf ran out of quota for attachments as well.11:24.46 
sebras tor8: true enough, though I believe they fixed the quota problem somehow (haven't asked them about it).11:26.08 
ManDay tor8: ping?13:40.25 
Robin_Watts hey mvrhel2 15:21.07 
mvrhel2 hi Robin_Watts15:21.39 
Robin_Watts Just committing my planar changes to the patternaccumulator.15:22.17 
mvrhel2 ok great15:22.30 
black_warlock hello15:31.24 
  can somvbody help me to setup mirc to play a sound if sombody types my name ?15:31.48 
sags Hi all15:49.53 
  Can anybody tell me if "cups\libs\configwin.h" is used only by the Windows build? (I guess yes.) But "base\lcups.mak"?15:51.19 
chrisl_away sags: configwin.h is only used on Windows, yes.15:55.47 
sags @chrisl_away: And lcups.mak? 'Cause the cups files are currently the source of *LOTS* of warnings in the Windows build. I think I got rid of those, but I had to change these 2 files and don't know if this breaks other platforms or not.15:58.48 
chrisl_away sags: Unless you actually need to debug cups issues on Windows, why not just disable the cups stuff altogether?15:59.38 
sags Well, not sure how. And in general I prefer a 'pure' build. If something goes wrong, I know it's not because of my local changes.16:00.58 
  (Currently I'm investigating why Windows GS crashes all over the place.)16:01.56 
chrisl_away sags: if you look in psi/msvc.mak and remove $(DD) from the DEVICE_DEVS* settings, that should prevent it building.16:02.18 
  erm, building cups, that is.16:02.25 
sags Ah, the DEVICE_DEVS, thanks!16:03.35 
  But if it's to stay with local changes, I'll stay with those in lcups.mak and configwin.h.16:04.09 
chrisl_away sags: what crashes are you investigating? We found one on Friday in the current master and happens when there are registry entries for GS to read.16:04.44 
sags One of the problem is 'crash if GS_* entries not set'. I already have a patch for it.16:05.56 
  Another is GS crashing when called from GSView and changing the display resolution. GSView stop GS and restarts the page with new parameters. There GS crashes.16:07.01 
chrisl_away I just didn't want you chasing issues that one of us was already looking at.16:07.45 
sags A third is that I cannot compile (VS2003) because wmemset() is not found. This one I solved too (without disabling the utf8).16:08.08 
chrisl_away sags: it's the UTF8/Unicode changes causing the crash reading from the registry :-(16:09.09 
sags Yes, I know,I patched that.16:09.47 
chrisl_away Ah, you might want to try to mention that to Ray, he was investigating yesterday - we're trying to get a support release out for a customer, and that was the latest of *many* issues that came up!16:11.36 
sags But the most concerning is the 2nd problem. GS is dereferencing a pointer to freed memory (the fill with 0xDD is for freed memory, I think) from the library context. (Don;t have that source opened right know.)16:11.40 
chrisl_away Sounds like something isn't being cleared when GS shuts down. What happens if you run with -Z@?16:13.28 
sags Don't know, haven't tried -Z@. Now I was trying to reduce the huge list of warnings...16:14.55 
chrisl_away Past experience says you're probably just extending the list of warnings on other platforms!16:15.45 
  sags: another thing you might want to do is look at what's been done on the ghostpdl-9.03 branch - quite a few colour related crashes have been fixed on there, but we're not totally sure whether they will be the final fix, hence only being on the branch.16:16.40 
sags @chrisl_away: About the test with -Z@: it just crashes. cannot see stdout/ stderr (from GSView) in this circumstance.16:18.03 
  @chrisl_away: About the warnings: I think "lcups.mak" is wrong on any platform. It intends to include the system "string.h" at some point, but does not manage to.16:19.19 
chrisl_away sags: I think the problem is that cups includes it's own string.h, but I'm not sure. It's all a bit of a hack to let Windows developers investigate cups related issues, it's not meant for "real" use.16:21.21 
sags @chrisl_away: Yes, it has its own "string.h" to do some magic, but that doesn't seem to be a substitute for the system "string.h". It tries to include the latter via cups "string.h" -> cups "config.h" -> system <string.h>.16:25.24 
chrisl_away sags: well, I don't work on cups, and I didn't do the source code integration on ghostscript for it. From what you say, the cups source is wrong, and that's not ours.16:27.07 
sags It depends. The problem comes from "lcups.mak" compiling the cups files with "-Icups\libs\cups". Without this option, it seems it does include the system "string.h".16:29.33 
chrisl_away Does it even build, then?16:30.39 
sags On Windows, yes (without that -I and with some other changes in the 2 files I mentioned). And with warnings -= 200. On other platforms, don't know.16:32.00 
  Is tkamppeter the one to decide on cups issues?16:33.03 
chrisl_away It was actually Ken that got it build into GS on Windows, might be best to talk to him - although I doubt he'll remember much about it.16:34.01 
tkamppeter I cannot say anything about building the CUPS part under Windows. I only work with Linux.16:34.57 
sags @tkamppeter: Ok, thanks.16:35.38 
chrisl_away sags: doing a GS build using the cups source fails without the "-Icups\libs\cups"16:37.20 
sags @chrisl_away: There are some other small changes needed, simply removing that -I is not enough. Maybe it's better I open a bug report with what I have now. But it will take some time (me + GIT doesn't really compute, plus I'm slow at explaining stuff in writing).16:40.53 
  Wold it be useful to do the same with the GS_* registry problem?16:41.47 
  (If its already doneor nearly done, it wouldn't be...)16:42.09 
chrisl_away sags: yes that would be best. And the GS_* registry would be great - I don't know if Ray made progress on it, and I haven't seen him on here today.16:42.54 
  sags: the only thing is, I'm not sure how keen we'd be to have changes in the *cups* sources. Personally, I feel the cups device should not be in the default Windows build at all.16:43.56 
  ray_laptop: sags was here a minute ago, and reckoned he had fixes for the registry reading crash.17:00.00 
ray_laptop chrisl_away: yes, I saw the logs17:53.12 
Robin_Watts How did my unicode changes break that?17:56.03 
  We're still an ASCII app, and I don't think I changed what was written/read from the registry.17:56.40 
chrisl_away ray_laptop: I'm thinking maybe we just disable it for 9.03?17:57.26 
ray_laptop really strange stuff going on. The build I did using the release script dies, but the build of the git co ghostscript-9.03 works 17:57.34 
  it's in a section that is specific to WIN32 (the 64-bit build worked)17:58.14 
chrisl_away Robin_Watts: I guess we'll find out what the problem is when sags posts his patch.17:59.14 
Robin_Watts we don't define UNICODE right ?17:59.51 
chrisl_away In what context?18:00.09 
Robin_Watts as a C #define.18:00.16 
chrisl_away Don't know, I haven't seen in the makefiles, but that's no guarantee18:00.37 
Robin_Watts If we define that, then it'll try and read/write unicode for the registry etc.18:00.43 
  We never usually define it.18:00.48 
chrisl_away ray_laptop: you probably don't have any GS_* entries in the 64 bit view of the registry - hence 64 bit not crashing.18:01.19 
Robin_Watts Windows has this crap thing where you have Function blah and that has blahA and blahW versions, and it picks between the two based on whether UNICODE is defined.18:01.35 
chrisl_away Robin_Watts: I don't see a UNICODE define in there.18:02.38 
  ray_laptop: what do you think about disabling the UTF8/UNICODE code to get 9.03 done?18:03.46 
ray_laptop chrisl_away: I just started looking at it. The build works with the straight 'archive'. 18:10.44 
  Changing to 'Artifex' next18:10.58 
  (basically stepping through the customer release process manually to see where it breaks, building each time)18:12.21 
chrisl_away ray_laptop: IIRC, the registry entries are under GPL Ghostscript. So if running the script, you remove the GPL, the registry entry won't be found, we won't read it, and get to the crash point.18:13.03 
ray_laptop chrisl_away: the registry entries for the GPL release are under GPL Ghostscript. The changes to "Artifex" are /supposed/ to change to Artifex Ghostscript18:14.26 
  I'm having a look with regedit...18:14.41 
chrisl_away ray_laptop: that's what I mean: the straight git checkout will be looking for GPL Ghostscript, which maybe doesn't exist? But the Artifex release will be looking for Artifex Ghostscript.18:15.56 
mvrhel2 chrisl: I still need to get some changes in the 9.04 release with respect to rendering intent and also there is a issue that relates to device gray mapping to pure K in a CMYK device that I want to get in as there have been complaints/requests for this18:15.59 
  chrisl_away: ^^18:16.07 
ray_laptop chrisl_away: since I _did_ the install, the registry entries for Artifex Ghostscript _should_ be there18:16.34 
chrisl_away ray_laptop: yes, and it's reading *those* that causes the crash. The GPL entries *aren't* there, so we get never get to the code that crashes.18:17.30 
  mvrhel2: I know, I'm not saying don't commit anything, just that we start being a bit more conservative, and only commit stuff we really need for the release.18:18.16 
mvrhel2 gotcha18:18.30 
ray_laptop chrisl_away: sorry - I was misunderstanding your point -- I thought you were saying the problem was when the registry entries were NOT present18:18.43 
chrisl realises he's not kidding anyone with that "_away" nonsense.....18:18.58 
  ray_laptop: I *think* it's when we find the registry entry that the problem occurs.18:19.23 
  ray_laptop: hmmm, RegQueryValueExW is returning ERROR_MORE_DATA, but returns a required length of zero - weird......18:29.40 
ray_laptop chrisl: is that when you have a registry key, or not18:39.58 
chrisl ray_laptop: I'll need to double check, but it was when trying to read GS_OPTIONS which the installer doesn't create.18:41.01 
  ray_laptop: that's a key that doesn't exist in my registry. I do have GS_LIB which it reads correctly and successfully.18:43.12 
ray_laptop so why does it (9.03) work for me with an 'off the shelf' build ?18:43.45 
  chrisl: are you seeing a crash at all when it gets that ERROR_MORE_DATA ?18:44.13 
chrisl ray_laptop: yes. We try to allocated the required "zero bytes" and then try to access the zero length string, I think.18:44.52 
  ray_laptop: sorry, getting my terminology wrong: they *key* exists, but the *name* doesn't. I wonder if that is triggering the problem.18:46.31 
ray_laptop so it sounds like a fairly simple thing to fix -- treat that condition (ERROR_MORE_DATA with required len == 0 as key not present)18:48.25 
  but I wonder how this used to work18:48.47 
chrisl ray_laptop: I wonder if the behaviour of RegQueryValueExA and RegQueryValueExW differ in this subtle and annoying way......18:49.48 
  ray_laptop: changing gp_getenv_registry() as you describe above results in the running 32bit executable for me.19:02.04 
  Robin_Watts, ray_laptop: I think this is a bug in RegQueryValueExW()19:11.51 
sags I've just opened bugs 692347..692349. The one with the registry values in "utf8 mode" is the 2nd one.19:16.39 
  I didn't yet post the my patch for the cups warnings, I have to see what's the reason for 3 of the files to be copied to %OBJDIR% and compiled from there.19:18.04 
chrisl sags: thanks, I'd just reached the same conclusion about the registry values, but your patch is rather more comprehensive than what I tried.19:21.28 
sags @chrisl: Thanks.19:22.10 
chrisl sags: I'd guess that the files that get copied to BJDIR% are platform specific (probably Windows or everything else) so the makefile copies the appropriate one to where it can be found - just guessing though.19:22.37 
  ray_laptop: see Bug 692348 for sags's proper fix for the registry issue.19:23.46 
sags "Proper fix"? I hope. I do not feel comfortable posting a patch so soon after I wrote the code...19:24.48 
  @chrisl: I'll investigate the idea of cups files being copied because they are platform specific. At 1st glace, they're not, all are just copied from $(LIBCUPSSRC), the same directory all others are compiled from.19:27.57 
chrisl sags: The md5.c clashes with a another filename, so it gets copied and renamed to avoid the clash19:29.21 
sags Maybe there's something with the include path, that is these 3 may need different headers. But I think only config.h is platform-specific.19:29.43 
chrisl I'm guess the same is try of the others.19:29.44 
sags @chrisl: Ah, that could be the reason. But I kept the changed *.OBJ name, even I used the *.C source from its original directory. This solves the conflicts in %OBJDIR% without copying the files.19:31.51 
  s/even/even if/19:32.09 
chrisl Okay, that'll work, yes.19:32.29 
  I don't see an immediate reason for util.c though.19:33.56 
sags @kens (for when you will read the logs): Do you remember the reason for copying 3 cups *.C files (md5.c, snprintf.c, and util.c) to %OBJDIR% and compiling them from there? (I do understand why copying configwin.h -> %OBJDIR%\cups\config.h, that does not create problems.)19:35.22 
  @chrisl, about the possible bug in RegQueryValueExW(): there's no bug there, the code does "if ((rc == ERROR_MORE_DATA) || (wp == NULL))". "wp == NULL" (which means "get me the buffer size") takes the same path as "rc == ERROR_MORE_DATA" (which means "buffer too small"), and does so independent of the value returned by RegQueryValueExW() - including the error cases.19:45.18 
chrisl sags: ah, okay, cheers19:46.42 
sags By.19:46.55 
chrisl c ya - too late......19:47.21 
mvrhel2 one would think rendering intent would be rather simple. but with the level of control that some one which is control of it for RGB image, graphic, text, CMYK image, graphic and text it was a bit of pain. in particular high level images through the clist. I think I finally have it all20:27.43 
  s/some one/some want/20:28.01 
  and with that push I am done for a bit... bbiaw20:46.55 
Robin_Watts Wooah. Why are we calling RegQueryValueExW ?23:05.21 
  We're an ascii app, not a unicode one.23:05.35 
  Everything is utf8 encoded, so everything should be stored as ascii, right?23:05.59 
  I'll look at the patch tomorrow to try and understand what's been discovered.23:06.52 
  Oh, right, we convert from utf8 and then store in unicode registry values.23:15.25 
 Forward 1 day (to 2011/07/17)>>>