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 <<<Back 1 day (to 2011/08/03)2011/08/04 
wetg ghostbot: help00:16.13 
  how do i list words in dict?00:21.34 
Robin_Watts tor8: ping10:52.56 
  When we do clipping by a non rectangular path in the fitz renderer, we create a new destination, draw to that, and plot back through a mask.10:53.54 
  That will fail for any non-zero blend mode used with a non-isolated group.10:54.46 
  Hmm. Badly expressed. Let me try another run at that.10:55.04 
  When we have a non rectangular clip path to clip with, we create a new (completely blank) destination, and draw to that. When we pop the clipmask, we then draw that destination back through the mask.10:56.08 
  Effectively, we create an isolated group, draw into it, and then clip that isolated group back as we blend.10:56.45 
  That will fail if we ever plot into that group with a non-zero blend mode, as that won't have a background color to blend with.10:57.54 
  What we *ought* to do is to copy the background into new destination when we create it. Then it'd be a non-isolated group, and all the blendmodes would work fine.10:59.42 
  But that will have the same problem with tiling as I described yesterday.11:00.44 
tor8 yup. that's the bug I've entered "blending across clip masks"11:04.09 
Robin_Watts Ok, just added a set of comments to that effect to the code.11:17.35 
  tor8: New patch on casper.11:34.21 
  oops. actually, let me sane it.11:40.40 
  ok, no changes.11:43.23 
  tor8: Suppose I draw a white circle at 50% opacity. dest should be written with pixel values of 128,128,128.12:17.21 
  What should the shape plane be written with values of ?12:17.42 
tor8 shape should be 100% if my understanding of the shape/opacity alpha duo is correct12:27.44 
Robin_Watts ok, tor8, can you spare me some time to walk through a simple file to tell me if your understanding agrees with mine ?12:43.50 
tor8 my understanding of knockouts is practically useless, but sure :)12:44.37 
Robin_Watts Not knockouts.12:44.48 
  actually, I have to get lunch now.12:44.56 
tor8 or non-isolated12:44.58 
Robin_Watts Can we do it afterwards ?12:45.02 
tor8 okay, ping me when you're back12:45.04 
Robin_Watts Thanks.12:45.07 
  tor8: OK. 
  If you take the latest mupdf (as in my repo on casper), add that patch to it, and then do:13:22.44 
  win32\Debug\pdfdraw.exe -r100 -o out.png hate2.pdf 113:23.04 
  we'll have the same results to look at.13:23.10 
tor8 Robin_Watts: okay.13:25.54 
  argh, this new lion has so many bugs13:26.29 
Robin_Watts Various 'dumpXX.png' files will be produced in your current directory.13:26.34 
tor8 the compiler/linker is seriously broken13:26.44 
Robin_Watts tor8: Yes.13:26.49 
tor8 ld: in build/debug/libmupdf.a, malformed archive TOC entry for _pdf_load_system_cmap, offset 1600481379 is beyond end of file 596035213:26.52 
Robin_Watts yeah, I get that kinda shite too.13:27.00 
tor8 Robin_Watts: probably because you need to manually run "ranlib" again...13:27.36 
  it used to be they fixed that shite, when you had to rerun ranlib if you even so much as sneezed on the lib… like mv it to a different location13:28.13 
  okay, I have an out.png and dump00-27.png13:28.38 
Robin_Watts ok, so you should have had some helpful stdout too, describing what the different dumpXX.pngs are.13:29.11 
tor8 yes13:29.25 
Robin_Watts Blending 00/01 onto 02/03 (alpha 0.5) to get 04/0513:29.29 
  The latter value in each pair is the shape plane.13:29.40 
  So the file does a grey rectangle, then starts a group to draw over the top of it.13:30.06 
  all of the groups are non-isolated.13:30.31 
  hence they have the background in.13:30.38 
tor8 yup.13:30.41 
Robin_Watts So all the dump values look reasonable to me until we get to the last set.13:31.08 
tor8 dump02 is the initial solid background before transparency is set, right?13:31.14 
Robin_Watts Do you agree ?13:31.16 
  dump02 is the background 'grabbed' from the whole page when the first group is set up.13:32.13 
  (not the page group).13:32.37 
tor8 ah, right. I see that now when I got to dump20 :)13:32.44 
  is the shape for that supposed to be all black though?13:33.03 
  or should the shape be copied from the backdrop as well? (just curious how things work)13:33.32 
Robin_Watts Currently, I have no shape plane at the topmost level.13:34.00 
  I think I tried having the page group create a shape plane and set it to 255, but that didn't change the results. Let me recheck that.13:34.46 
tor8 Robin_Watts: okay, I've got hate2.pdf open in acrobat x to compare results with as well13:37.15 
  up to dump18 everything looks correct13:37.46 
  apple preview on lion renders the same as acrobat13:38.15 
  Blending 18/19 onto 20/21 (blend 8) to get 22/23 looks like where it goes wrong13:39.55 
Robin_Watts Ok. 03 has an 'empty' shape because we're inside a clipping group.13:40.14 
  which forces us to be isolated.13:40.35 
  18 and 19 look correct to me.13:41.09 
  as does 20.13:41.37 
  21 could arguably be white rather than black (I have it as white here, by forcing the top level page to have a shape).13:42.16 
  but both ways we get the same results for 22/2313:42.28 
  Do you agree with 18/19/20 being correct ?13:43.05 
tor8 yes13:43.33 
Robin_Watts So, WTF am I doing in the blend to cock it up...13:43.53 
tor8 you get the same results with 21 being full white as well as mostly black with a white rectangle?13:44.31 
Robin_Watts yes.13:45.02 
tor8 perhaps you're not supposed to blend there?13:45.35 
Robin_Watts Then where should the blend go?13:45.59 
  That's the only place we do a 'Darken' blend.13:46.09 
tor8 maybe the clip group forces two blends (primitive and group) when you should only blend for primitives?13:46.20 
Robin_Watts Sorry, it's "Hard Light"13:46.50 
  All the clips are rectangular, so no clipping groups are produced.13:47.08 
tor8 ah, right. just tossing out wild ideas.13:47.45 
Robin_Watts believe me, any straw is worth clutching at at this point :)13:48.11 
  I don't see how we can get quite the results from the blend that we do...13:48.39 
tor8 try reversing the blend order, just for kicks13:49.32 
  it looks as if the hard light is applied in the wrong order13:49.44 
ray_laptop chrisl: how is the 9.04 release looking ? still any 'blockers' ?13:54.00 
chrisl ray_laptop: no, we're looking pretty good. I'm going to make the archives tomorrow, and do the "official" release on Monday13:54.39 
Robin_Watts tor8: I completely lose the right hand side if I do that.13:55.09 
chrisl ray_laptop: I need to make the changes you suggested in the News.htm file, though13:55.21 
Robin_Watts and the colour change effect too.13:55.23 
  I stared at the code a while ago, and I came to the conclusion it was the right way around.13:55.47 
tor8 right.13:55.58 
Robin_Watts Actually, I take back what I said about 03 being black.13:59.07 
  I have no idea why that's black.13:59.17 
  (at least in my hacked version here)13:59.39 
  oh, maybe I do.14:00.27 
  If I change the blendmode to normal, we get exactly the same results as Acrobat does.14:09.07 
chrisl tkamppeter: I've now also fixed Bug 691586 so the RIP_MAX_CACHE env setting should work as expected now.14:11.11 
ray_laptop off to have fun at Disney World :-)14:18.10 
Robin_Watts chrisl: Nice one.14:21.07 
chrisl Robin_Watts: Ta, good to get it fixed, finally!14:22.55 
Robin_Watts while you're on a roll, you don't want to look at mupdf transparency blendings do you? :)14:23.26 
chrisl just the thought makes me shudder - I doubt they could have made PDF transparency more over complicated if they tried!14:24.11 
Robin_Watts ooooh.14:24.36 
  2 identical groups, with the difference that the left one has "normal" rendering, and the right one has "HardLight".14:25.31 
  Can you tell the difference in Acrobat ?14:25.39 
tor8 yes, the top left bit where all colors (red, blue, yellow, gray) intersects is brighter on the right than left image14:27.06 
  and the yellow/red intersection is a bit darker orange on the left14:27.31 
Robin_Watts ok.14:27.38 
  but it's a much less pronounced difference.14:27.48 
tor8 acrobat renders the same as lion14:27.50 
  yeah, at a first glance they look the same :)14:27.59 
Robin_Watts mvrhel2: As the companys color expert, can you spare me a few minutes to walk through a (simplish) PDF file please?14:46.58 
  The transparency/blending in it, is confusing me.14:47.08 
tkamppeter chrisl, works on all command lines. Thank you very much.14:51.57 
chrisl tkamppeter: cool, thanks for testing! It's in 9.04 as well.14:52.27 
Robin_Watts has scared mvrhel2 away :(15:05.23 
henrys chrisl:nice work on cups!15:07.17 
chrisl henrys: thanks. Are you okay with my plan to make the 9.04 archives tomorrow, and do the rest of the release stuff on Monday?15:09.09 
henrys yes that sounds right to me.15:09.37 
chrisl Good, that's the plan, then15:10.15 
chrisl is off to play squash15:11.02 
tkamppeter OK, so I can make the final 9.04 packages for Oneiric Monday or Tuesday.15:11.41 
chrisl_away tkamppeter: I can make the release archives available for you tomorrow if you prefer, I just don't want to have to rush through the website updates/changes.15:12.33 
Robin_Watts tor8: If I HardLight blend any screen colour onto a backdrop colour of white, I should get white, as far as I can see.15:14.52 
  Ah, no. If I *Screen* any colour with a background color of white I should get white.15:16.01 
  Which means HardLight of any colour of more than 1/2 intensity with white should give me white.15:16.20 
tor8 and hardlight is screen/multiply based on brightness of backdrop15:16.23 
  or was it source?15:16.33 
Robin_Watts Source.15:16.37 
  So, how can acrobat be giving the results it is ?15:16.59 
tor8 no idea. probably something we've missed in when/where the blends are going to be applied.15:17.25 
  need to prepare for dinner, I'll be back later. I hope mvrhel2 can help you out in the meanwhile.15:18.02 
Robin_Watts ok, have a good one.15:18.45 
mvrhel2 Hi Robin_Watts15:26.12 
Robin_Watts Hi15:26.19 
mvrhel2 let me finish up a couple breakfast things here 15:26.24 
  I will be back in 10 / 15 mintues15:26.34 
Robin_Watts mvrhel2: Thanks.15:26.41 
tkamppeter chrisl_away, OK, let it do this way. If the archives are final, I can then make the package already tomorrow.15:33.11 
mvrhel2 Robin_Watts: ok I am back15:55.47 
  I am not super familiar with all the wacky blend modes though15:56.00 
Robin_Watts mvrhel2: Inspiration may have struck.15:56.02 
mvrhel2 oh good.15:56.09 
Robin_Watts so bear with me for 5 mins in case I can avoid wasting your time.15:56.16 
mvrhel2 Next time you ask a question I will leave for 15 minutes :)15:56.28 
Robin_Watts Damn.15:57.26 
  I just changed a whole lot of code, and arrived back with the same results.15:57.52 
mvrhel2 and that was not your intention I assume15:58.24 
Robin_Watts indeed.15:58.29 
  OK. If you look at 
  you'll find a variety of things inside.15:59.06 
  hate2.pdf is the pdf file in question.15:59.14 
  out.txt is the debugging text that mupdf gives me while it runs.15:59.42 
  It shows the structure of the groups, and the blending operations, and provides a key to what the different png files are.16:00.22 
  out.png is what mupdf gives.16:00.35 
  Where we have lines like:16:01.03 
  Blending 00/01 onto 02/03 to get 04/0516:01.17 
  00 = the source image, 01 = the source shape plane16:01.33 
  02 = the background image, 03 = the background shape plane etc.16:01.47 
mvrhel2 16 looks pretty good16:04.31 
  almost anyway16:04.41 
Robin_Watts Yes, I reckon it all goes wrong in the "Blending 18/19 inro 20/21 (blend 8) to get 22/23" stage16:05.18 
mvrhel2 yes16:05.58 
  so is 20/21 the the same gray fill that you have in 18?16:07.11 
  s/the the/the16:07.21 
  or is it some other object?16:07.46 
Robin_Watts The same thing.16:07.51 
  None of the groups are isolated ones.16:08.00 
mvrhel2 why is it getting applied twice? or is that in the document?16:08.27 
Robin_Watts so when we start the group, we allocate a new background pixmap to render to, and we copy the contents of the previous background into it.16:08.28 
  The first thing the doc does is draw the grey rectangle.16:08.46 
  Then it sets the blend mode to 8 (HardLight).16:08.55 
  Which (in mupdf terms) starts a group.16:09.03 
  so we copy the grey rectangle in, but have an empty shape plane.16:09.36 
  Does that make any sense ?16:10.53 
mvrhel2 I think so. I am a little confused by the output of 21 though16:11.26 
  and 2016:11.41 
Robin_Watts 20/21 aren't outputs.16:11.51 
mvrhel2 and how/why that is leading to 22/2316:11.52 
  when I say output I mean the image file16:12.12 
Robin_Watts It's quite possible that the blend operation I am doing to go from 18/19 + 20/21 -> 22/23 is wrong.16:12.18 
  but I'd hope that 18/19 and 20/21 are correct.16:12.38 
  Why are you confused by 20/21? What would you expect ?16:12.49 
mvrhel2 I am confused since it would seem that the blend with the gray object is going to occur twice16:13.19 
  but maybe there is something I am not following in your output16:13.49 
Robin_Watts The structure of the file is such that we have a grey rectangle, with something HardLight blended onto it.16:14.27 
  That something is another group of objects.16:14.36 
  Those objects are blended together using the 'Normal' blending modes.16:14.54 
mvrhel2 so what is the gray rectangle doing in the earlier blendings?16:15.11 
Robin_Watts That something is NOT an isolated group.16:15.15 
  Would you rather have seen 02/03 as being completely transparent and shapeless ?16:16.00 
mvrhel2 I am not sure what I would prefer. What does GS give with this file? Did you run it with its debug output16:16.28 
Robin_Watts mvrhel2: I haven't looked at gs.16:16.42 
  And I wouldn't understand it's debug output.16:16.54 
mvrhel2 Let me look real quick if it does it correctly16:16.55 
Robin_Watts mvrhel2: Thanks.16:17.01 
mvrhel2 you would understand it as well as I understand mupdf debug output :)16:17.13 
  btw: when are you heading off Robin_Watts?16:18.20 
Robin_Watts Monday afternoon.16:18.27 
mvrhel2 ok. I want to chat with you a bit about the planar device halftoning/ pattern stuff16:18.44 
  but let me look at this first16:18.51 
Robin_Watts though I doubt I'll be working monday morning.16:18.53 
mvrhel2 ok gs seems to give the correct output16:22.30 
  let me look at the debug output16:22.51 
henrys hi marcosw16:24.23 
marcosw morning16:25.14 
henrys miles may call16:26.06 
marcosw for the support meeting?16:26.14 
henrys yes he's lonely.16:26.37 
marcosw if he calls you first please tell him to call me at 510 979 010116:27.11 
henrys okay16:27.18 
mvrhel2 Robin_Watts: ok so gs is also doing this blend of the gray rect with the blending object16:27.50 
henrys marcosw:are you comfortable with removing devices? It might be easier for you to do it.16:28.17 
Robin_Watts ah, good. I figured it had to.16:28.17 
mvrhel2 However, the blended object has a interesting alphs16:28.27 
Robin_Watts mvrhel2: Ah, go on...16:28.39 
henrys marcosw:or I can do it, let me know.16:28.41 
  marcosw:anyway that is the answer for all the recent device bugs AFAICT.16:29.13 
marcosw I've added and remoed devices by modifying the makefile.16:29.32 
mvrhel2 Robin_Watts: so the gray object has an alpha of 255 where it was gray and 0 where it was not gray16:29.33 
  The blended object has an alpha of 1 where the gray rectangle was16:29.57 
  255 I mean16:30.03 
  or 116:30.04 
  and the right side of the blended object (where there was no gray rectangle) has the alpha values for the blended objects16:30.42 
marcosw we probably don't want to remove the bbox device :-)16:30.59 
Robin_Watts mvrhel2: Do you mean alpha or shape ?16:31.15 
henrys marcosw:I am going to have a meeting with miles talk to you in a bit.16:31.16 
marcosw no problem, I'm here.16:31.32 
mvrhel2 the alpha plane16:31.35 
Robin_Watts So gs doesn't count the backdrop of the page as being solid ?16:32.28 
mvrhel2 oh your png output has the alpha packed into the format16:32.38 
Robin_Watts mvrhel2: Yes.16:32.48 
mvrhel2 makes it harder to see to me16:32.57 
Robin_Watts The png's are "rgb + alpha" and "shape".16:33.05 
mvrhel2 what if you were in cmyk?16:33.12 
Robin_Watts Sadly, that's the format I have inside mupdf.16:33.16 
  No cmyk in mupdf :)16:33.22 
mvrhel2 what about cmyk blend modes16:33.28 
  blend color spaces I mean16:33.39 
Robin_Watts We have pixmaps in mupdf that are 'n' components.16:33.45 
  If that includes alpha, then plane n-1 is alpha.16:34.05 
  The shape plane is always separate.16:34.13 
mvrhel2 ok16:34.18 
Robin_Watts And the debugging function I have to dump pngs just lets me save a png from a pixmap.16:34.37 
  hence I get the alpha pickled into the PNGs.16:34.53 
mvrhel2 gotcha16:34.58 
Robin_Watts but I'm still confused by what you said earlier.16:35.21 
  You say that the grey rectangle has an alpha of 1, but the background has an alpha of 0 ?16:35.40 
mvrhel2 yes16:36.32 
Robin_Watts That's... odd, surely.16:36.47 
mvrhel2 I am just telling you what I see...16:37.00 
  when the blend occurs the incoming group basically takes over where the gray rectangle has not been drawn16:38.06 
  it acts like the mask that you have16:38.28 
  I would think16:38.33 
Robin_Watts So walk me through the file...16:39.41 
  We start off with the page being entirely transparent?16:39.59 
  and we draw the grey rectangle onto it.16:40.08 
mvrhel2 hold on let me clear and start off with the start16:40.21 
Robin_Watts Ok, thanks.16:40.27 
mvrhel2 yes16:41.17 
  all is transparent16:41.29 
  then we push a group16:41.48 
  and there is a background init 16:42.18 
  with the gray rectangle16:42.21 
Robin_Watts Ok. That's the page group (specified in /Page entry)16:42.46 
mvrhel2 which has alpha on 1 where the gray rect is drawn and 0 elsewhere16:42.57 
Robin_Watts it's non-isolated and non-knockout.16:43.13 
  OK, so the alpha is behaving like the shape plane.16:43.23 
mvrhel2 then another group is pushed and the back ground initialized with a part of the gray fill16:44.03 
Robin_Watts Next thing that should happen is that the blendmode should be set.16:44.07 
mvrhel2 likely getting ready to draw a circle16:44.17 
Robin_Watts AFter the blendmode is set, we start a group, yes.16:44.35 
mvrhel2 ok then we draw the red rectangle16:44.52 
  red circle16:44.57 
Robin_Watts another non-isolated, non-knockout group for the red circle, yes.16:45.04 
mvrhel2 then we do this again for another circle16:45.41 
  we do the init of the background16:45.46 
  which includes the gray rect and the red circle part16:45.58 
Robin_Watts Ok, so gs is copying in the background each time, same as we do.16:46.02 
  That's good to know.16:46.12 
mvrhel2 but it just copies the part that is has to work on16:46.22 
Robin_Watts likewise mupdf.16:46.30 
mvrhel2 ok then the yellow circle is drawn16:46.59 
  then it does all of this for the blue circle16:47.27 
  now it is going to start to pop all of these groups16:47.59 
Robin_Watts I believe it should have popped some already ?16:48.23 
mvrhel2 oh yes16:48.48 
Robin_Watts start group, draw red circle, pop group, start group, draw yellow circle, pop group, start group, draw blue circle,... OK.16:48.54 
mvrhel2 it is popping the last one16:48.55 
Robin_Watts :)16:48.56 
  Right, now every one of those groups has been drawn internally with blendmode = 0 (Normal)16:49.21 
mvrhel2 so when the blue one is popped, then I have something that has the rgb colors plus an alpha plane16:50.05 
  where the alpha is 1 where the gray rect was drawn and some alpha values outside16:50.23 
Robin_Watts OK.16:50.34 
mvrhel2 for the various color circle overlaps16:50.36 
Robin_Watts So the alpha values are intermediate for those circle overlaps?16:51.05 
  i.e. it's not just a sillhouete ?16:51.11 
mvrhel2 no16:51.15 
Robin_Watts OK. But you don't have a shape plane per se ?16:51.30 
mvrhel2 not at that stange16:51.39 
Robin_Watts When do you have a shape plane ?16:51.52 
mvrhel2 hold on16:51.58 
  Robin_Watts: I have a call in 8 minutes with customer 532 about CRDs, so you may lose me in a bit16:52.25 
Robin_Watts ok.16:52.30 
mvrhel2 let me back up one step here16:53.03 
  as there is an extra plane of data16:53.13 
  hmm. on that final blend the alpha of the circle fills (with the gray rect) have an alpha of 1 where the gray rect was and various values outside16:55.41 
Robin_Watts Maybe, the smart thing to do would be for you to tell me how to do what you're doing in gs is?16:55.54 
mvrhel2 but there is another plane that has alpha values that show only the circlies16:55.57 
Robin_Watts mvrhel2: Right. That sounds like a shape plane.16:56.11 
mvrhel2 but it is not shape16:56.18 
  as it is not binary16:56.22 
Robin_Watts oh, right. wierd.16:56.33 
mvrhel2 hold on16:56.43 
  Robin_Watts: to view this stuff you need photoshop or a way to view n-channel images16:57.03 
Robin_Watts ah, no luck there then.16:57.33 
mvrhel2 I can make screen snapshot though16:57.46 
  for you16:57.48 
Robin_Watts Thanks.16:58.46 
mvrhel2 It will be the information of the final group blend16:59.20 
henrys marcosw:back from the meeting - yes the bbox is a problem. Do you want to go through the bugs?17:09.33 
  tor8:are you around?17:09.54 
  in all the hurry we forgot about a mupdf release.17:10.16 
Robin_Watts henrys: tor8 and I spoke about that the other day.17:10.40 
  He'd like a bit longer to keep bashing on the text stuff.17:10.53 
henrys I need something for the newletter.17:11.11 
  okay so you want to skip this release period entirely?17:11.33 
Robin_Watts "Forthcoming release of mupdf to include..."17:11.37 
  no, I thought he'd like to release in a month or so.17:11.48 
henrys "forthcoming" is fine for the newletter.17:12.11 
  if you see him before I do will you ask him to send something, he can send it to me or chrisl_away's gs addressees.17:13.12 
Robin_Watts I have a whole batch of evil plans for mupdf that tor8 is not so keen on :)17:13.21 
  mvrhel2: For when you come back from the phone. is a new version of the file that puts a large white rectangle behind everything. This should hopefully result in the alpha on the copied in background being all 1, so being the same as I have here. This makes no difference to the rendering in acrobat.17:15.50 
marcosw henrys: yes, in a minute.17:16.40 
  make that 15 minutes17:28.16 
henrys okay I can also do it myself if you have other stuff to do, no big deal.17:28.53 
marcosw I17:29.03 
  I'm ready now. I was just distracted by some make issues17:29.24 
  do we want to go back one or two weeks?17:29.45 
henrys okay so 692386 looks like it should go to alexcher17:29.49 
  can we do this week first then go back?17:30.05 
mvrhel2 Robin_Watts: I am back now17:30.17 
marcosw sounds good17:30.19 
mvrhel2 let me put my images up real quick17:30.27 
Robin_Watts mvrhel2: Thanks.17:30.32 
henrys you can drive 692 to alexcher17:30.35 
marcosw done17:30.51 
  i can look at 389, if it's a pdfwrite issue I'll assign to Ken17:31.32 
henrys right.17:31.42 
marcosw 390 looks good as is17:32.02 
  or maybe it should be closed?17:32.46 
henrys alexcher are you around?17:33.12 
  I'd close it but either way.17:33.20 
mvrhel2 Robin_Watts: so that is what is in the planes of data on the final blend in gs17:33.27 
henrys 392 I'd like p117:33.28 
Robin_Watts mvrhel2: Right.17:33.52 
marcosw I should have made 392 P2, since it's a regression, but I've now made it P1.17:34.20 
Robin_Watts mvrhel2: I have an even more simplified file 
henrys 394 is fine17:35.38 
marcosw 394 may or not be a pdfwrite issue, but let's let Ken decide17:35.46 
  395 may or not be a pdfwrite issue, but let's let Tor decide17:36.30 
henrys okay17:36.43 
mvrhel2 Robin_Watts: can we talk for a sec about the planar halftone stuff17:36.53 
  basically where we are17:36.57 
marcosw who is responsible for the bbox?17:37.03 
mvrhel2 did you have a simple file that has the issue? I can't recall17:37.20 
henrys 396 a regression17:37.24 
  and is snowflak the only file that crashes?17:38.05 
Robin_Watts mvrhel2: hate7.pdf is the simplest file I've made so far that shows it.17:38.08 
marcosw I don't think it's a regression (or at least it's not recent, since 8.53 also locks up).17:38.30 
mvrhel2 Robin_Watts: I mean with respect to the planar hafltone pattern issue17:38.33 
henrys I'll take the bbox give it to me.17:38.43 
marcosw I believe the only file in examples that locks up is snowflak.ps17:38.49 
Robin_Watts Sorry, stepped out and missed the change of subject :)17:38.58 
marcosw should it be higher than P4 since it's a lockup?17:39.01 
henrys p117:39.08 
Robin_Watts mvrhel2: I don't believe I had a 'simple' file, no.17:39.25 
marcosw done17:39.28 
Robin_Watts I'm struggling to remember what the problem was...17:39.46 
mvrhel2 Robin_Watts: ok. me too. I may just do a cluster push and see what seg faults and go from there17:40.24 
henrys so for these devices - we should look through the source for an email address and ping them it is broken and disable it.17:40.26 
mvrhel2 oh wait17:40.31 
Robin_Watts I know I tried to use lj4700 or something to do some timings, but for some reason that lead me to somewhere else.17:40.31 
  all-rops.pxl if memory serves.17:40.38 
mvrhel2 we dont do plank device in regression testing do we17:40.55 
Robin_Watts mvrhel2: We don't, no.17:41.03 
henrys marcosw: you can assign the device stuff to me.17:41.18 
mvrhel2 it would be handy to add that and to be able to pick only that device for regression testing17:41.26 
marcosw I'll disable the imsdi and the wts devices.17:41.37 
Robin_Watts mvrhel2: But what would it compare to? :)17:41.40 
mvrhel2 well with and without the new stuff on17:41.52 
  plank works with the current code yes?17:42.07 
henrys marcosw:be careful to do the other languages which use those devices.17:42.14 
Robin_Watts A neat trick would be to somehow make the plank device appear to be the pkmraw device.17:42.36 
marcosw thanks for the warning17:42.38 
henrys assign any of the device problem you don't want to do to me.17:43.01 
mvrhel2 Robin_Watts: oh the plank device can't output a ppm type output?17:43.17 
marcosw will do.17:43.17 
Robin_Watts yes, it should work with the current code. (Can't see why not)17:43.20 
mvrhel2 cant we enable that?17:43.21 
marcosw does that include 405?17:43.22 
henrys yes17:43.29 
Robin_Watts plank outputs pkm.17:43.30 
  plan outputs ppm.17:43.38 
mvrhel2 ok so why can't we compare that?17:43.43 
Robin_Watts planb outputs pbm17:43.43 
  mvrhel2: The cluster only compares a device to the results it gave on the previous run.17:44.03 
mvrhel2 yes17:44.07 
henrys marcosw:so that's it for this report17:44.08 
mvrhel2 well if the head has one output17:44.16 
  and I change to turn on the thresholding17:44.26 
  it should compare17:44.28 
marcosw btw, I'll have x11 and x11alpha testing added to the regression stuff soon, though I wasn't planning on doing all the other x11 variants. Should I?17:44.31 
Robin_Watts So, first we need to check that plank is giving the same results are pkmraw. (i.e. check that the planar device itself isn't broken).17:44.40 
  Then we need to compare the planar device with/without halftoning gives the same results.17:44.58 
mvrhel2 Robin_Watts: I thought since you made the plank device, it was already checked to be ok17:45.16 
  that that the issue was my stuff17:45.26 
henrys I'd say x11alpha and x11cmyk would be two good choices.17:45.28 
Robin_Watts mvrhel2: No, no clustertesting has been done on it.17:45.35 
henrys marcosw:we don't break 24 bit often.17:45.55 
marcosw since x11 is now the default device I figured we should test it.17:46.14 
Robin_Watts There are definite issues with your stuff.17:46.15 
mvrhel2 right and it is those that I want to catch17:46.25 
Robin_Watts but I wouldn't like to swear there aren't issues with my stuff too.17:46.27 
henrys marcosw:x11alpha is the default17:46.33 
mvrhel2 and I think I can if we do what I mentioned17:46.35 
  which is just add the device now17:46.43 
henrys x11 is default for pcl.17:46.44 
mvrhel2 and make it so that I can do a clusterpush to test just that device17:47.00 
  with my stuff17:47.09 
  against not my stuff17:47.14 
henrys marcosw:I have brough up the 7/28 report17:47.18 
marcosw sorry, I checked the 902 release build and x11 was the default, didn't realize it had changed.17:47.20 
Robin_Watts If we just add the device, then we can certainly test your stuff against not your stuff, yes.17:47.21 
mvrhel2 exactly17:47.27 
  I guess being the only planar device, that is the only one that will really have diffs17:47.53 
marcosw what's the the first bug number on that report?17:48.03 
mvrhel2 but to make the cluster run faster it would be nice to just test it17:48.05 
henrys 36917:48.24 
mvrhel2 when marcosw and henrys are done with their meeting I will ask marcosw about this17:48.44 
henrys 369 I'll check in a fix today and close it.17:49.07 
marcosw speaking of x11alpha17:49.08 
mvrhel2 I want to get this wrapped up before our meeting17:49.12 
marcosw 375 is mine17:49.30 
Robin_Watts I fear it will be hard for marcosw to add a device just for user clusterpushes.17:49.42 
marcosw hold on17:50.19 
Robin_Watts Let's wait for marcosw to finish his meeting with henrys before dancing in his peripheral vision :)17:51.02 
henrys 378 is michael's customer bug.17:51.09 
marcosw I'm back.17:51.35 
Robin_Watts mvrhel2: Can we look back at hate7.pdf while we wait?17:51.55 
marcosw 386 looks okay as is.17:52.07 
henrys marcosw:I don't see anything else with that report.17:52.17 
marcosw and that brings us back to Do17:52.37 
  (or perhaps Doe)17:52.45 
Robin_Watts D'Oh.17:52.53 
henrys marcosw:did we do the 21st report?17:53.08 
marcosw I don't recall, we can take quick look.17:53.35 
marcosw I should deal with 34417:55.09 
henrys well 343. are we wrong or is the file bogus?17:55.34 
Robin_Watts mvrhel2: 
henrys marcosw:344 has "the customer reports" and no customer number.17:56.32 
mvrhel2 hold on brb17:56.43 
marcosw If I try to open the first file attached to 343 with evince it asks for a password.17:57.37 
henrys alexcher are you around?17:58.02 
Robin_Watts mvrhel2: I gotta walk the dogs, back later. IF you're available then, can we pick it up then? If not, never mind. Thanks.17:58.33 
henrys well you can put a note in there we'd like clarification, bug or no for alexcher.17:58.48 
mvrhel2 ok I am back18:00.27 
marcosw done.18:00.36 
mvrhel2 sorry Robin_Watts18:00.48 
henrys he's walking the dogs.18:01.08 
marcosw I think the rest of the bugs from that bug report are all correctly assigned.18:02.23 
henrys okay. I think mvrhel2 and Robin_Watts want some of your time. I might add a few comments in here.18:02.59 
  in the bugs that is.18:03.09 
marcosw okay.18:03.19 
mvrhel2 hi marcosw: I wanted to see if we could add the plank device to the tested devices18:04.47 
  as I am hoping to fix my thresholding issues18:05.01 
marcosw what is the plank device? Is it even enabled by default?18:05.28 
mvrhel2 it is a planar CMYK device18:06.24 
  it is built in by default I believe18:06.33 
  I believe it dumps out ppm output. let me double check18:06.50 
  pkm output18:06.56 
marcosw does one enable it by editing the Makfile?18:07.37 
henrys I think it is just in pcl now, yes just add it.18:08.34 
marcosw it appears to generate a PAM file.18:10.13 
mvrhel2 ok yes18:10.20 
  marcosw: I don't know if this is easy or possible but it would be really nice to be able to do a cluster push and just pick that device for me18:10.56 
  as my changes will only affect it18:11.09 
  as I work through this18:11.19 
  if not if is fine18:11.32 
  if not, it is fine18:11.37 
marcosw it's hard to just add devices to clusterpush and not the the commit regression. Also bmpcmp couldn't handle that format (I don't think), but I suppose that could be fixed.18:12.07 
  I have to run for a Skype call/meeting. I'll back in 30 minutes or so.18:13.11 
mvrhel2 ok18:13.27 
Robin_Watts bmpcmp can handle it.18:37.58 
  I believe.18:38.09 
  oh, 1bpp, maybe not.18:38.21 
  mvrhel2: Back now - any chance we can look at hate7.pdf please?18:38.57 
  It's a simpler file, and I'd love to know what gs makes of it.18:39.10 
  mupdf can't do plotting operations that involve blendmodes, so we fake it using groups.18:39.43 
  It's possible that that is what is going wrong.18:39.52 
  Gah. The formulae in adodes docs contradict one another :(18:48.31 
Robin_Watts pops downstairs, but will keep checking back in case mvrhel2 returns.19:11.38 
  I can't even see how to make this work on paper :(19:17.09 
  mvrhel2: Well, I can view the gs debug stuff in a hex editor.20:40.06 
  Assuming you mean the RAW_DUMP stuff.20:40.26 
  I'll try and understand the actual maths its doing tomorrow.20:40.51 
  henrys: Did you get the Memento memory squeezing stuff working ?20:41.05 
henrys Robin_Watts:not yet I should do that before you leave though in case I have questions.21:04.40 
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