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 <<<Back 1 day (to 2011/08/08)2011/08/09 
alexcher cryptopsy: I've read a book about this, probably, by Agatha Christie.03:04.51 
robin_watts_mac tor8: You here?14:40.44 
tor8 robin_watts_mac: yes.14:42.34 
  I wonder if that would be useful with mupdf.14:43.51 
  It's exceptions done using setjmp/longjmp.14:44.07 
  I have a local branch here with a 'memento' build option.14:45.35 
tor8 robin_watts_mac: possibly. it would be a lot of upheaval, and i'm not sure how it would take care of the nested cleanup case with reference counted objects.14:48.14 
  the alloced case is easy, because free(NULL) is safe, but drop(something-i-may-or-may-not-have-kept-depending-on-where-the-throw-occurred)14:48.47 not14:48.54 
robin_watts_mac tor8: That's why I was thinking about that lib.14:49.06 
  It lets you nest Except { } Catch { } things.14:49.20 
tor8 if you go back far enough in the git history, you'll see if (erro) goto cleanup; a lot14:49.25 
  with possibly many cleanup-labels, to get the reference counting and resource cleanup nesting right14:49.59 
robin_watts_mac If we always 'keep' things by writing them into structures, and destroy them by keeping them in locals, it's easier.14:50.58 
  There is no magic bullet though of course.14:51.10 
tor8 no, or we'd all be using that lib (or something similar) :)14:51.31 
  I'm really fond of the way Go handles resource cleanups in the absence of exceptions with the 'defer' statement14:51.50 
  f = open("filename"); defer f.Close(); …do stuff...14:52.16 
  I doubt it'd be easy to add the same with macros in C though :(14:53.35 
robin_watts_mac indeed.14:53.45 
  hey henrys14:56.10 
henrys where are you now?14:59.42 
robin_watts_mac Hanoi.14:59.49 
henrys gxdownscale.c isn't tested with the cluster right? I assume not - Robin_Watts_Mac has adjust_width where I'm sure he intends adjust_width_proc on line 742 gxdownscale.c15:51.42 
robin_watts_mac It is used.15:53.55 
henrys in the overnight?15:54.48 
robin_watts_mac But you're right, that's wrong.15:54.57 
  I have both an adjust width and an adjust_width_proc15:55.13 
  and currently adjust_width is only !=0 when adjust_with_proc != NULL, so it's equivalent, but nasty.15:55.32 
henrys I have a patch just wondering if it should be cluster untested or not.15:55.47 
  or you can fix it if you want.15:55.54 
robin_watts_mac just fixing now.15:56.02 
henrys thanks15:56.17 
  our first fix from Hanoi15:57.35 
mvrhel2 Hows the temp and humidity there?15:58.00 
robin_watts_mac ask me tomorrow - we arrived only recently (late at night) and it was warm and humid.15:58.30 
  The real test will be in theday tomorrow.15:58.36 
mvrhel2 have fun!15:59.37 
henrys so I have another meeting at 9:30 so I'll be ducking out then.16:00.03 
robin_watts_mac Anything in the meeting for me, cos I'm about to go to bed.16:00.26 
henrys robin_watts_mac:not that I know of.16:00.40 
  you should be on vacation!16:00.54 
robin_watts_mac mvrhel2: You can use the freenode webchat if irc is messing you around.16:00.58 
mvrhel2 that is what I am doing now :)16:01.13 
  I suspect that the router is wacky at this place16:01.27 
henrys mvrhel2:I wanted to ask if you could clean up the warnings in the icc stuff. marcosw waring email has a link to the unix warnings - maybe msvc isn't as bad and you don't see them.16:02.28 
mvrhel2 henrys: sure I can do that. I will check into today16:03.05 
henrys alexcher:did you have any luck producing a simple shading example so we can understand the memory issues.16:03.08 
alexcher henrys: not yet.16:03.40 
henrys I did see a customer complaint about 9.04 hopefully marcos will process it quickly.16:04.38 
mvrhel2 I am starting to suspect that bug 692378 is an interpreter issue16:04.52 
henrys other than that the release looks good, yea!16:05.00 
mvrhel2 It would seem that the set color is getting messed up16:05.03 
  the handling of the fill for sep with colorant value of all is correct in the c code16:05.33 
henrys alexcher?16:05.53 
mvrhel2 alexcher: would you be willing to dig into this one a bit?16:05.53 
  I can assign it to you...16:06.14 
chrisl henrys: that's the PDF/A thing? It seems to be a bit of a moving target - validation changes with the wind, it seems :-(16:06.23 
alexcher mvrhel: yes, I'll trache the color values at different levels.16:06.39 
henrys chrisl:yes16:06.45 
mvrhel2 ok. great. thanks alexcher16:06.51 
  I will add one more comment16:07.11 
henrys also looking at alexcher customer bug list it seems there are a few color problems - were these problems introduced with the color changes alexcher?16:07.44 
  I'm looking at marcos' bug aging report.16:08.49 
alexcher henrys: what are the bug numbers?16:08.55 
henrys well we can go through all of them in the report.16:09.26 
  689290 - soft mask?16:09.40 
  how much of that is interpreter vs. michael stuff?16:09.59 
mvrhel2 uhoh. does that mean I hand alexcher one and he hands me back 1016:11.18 
alexcher henrys: I don't have anything to say about 682290 now.16:12.04 
henrys well sitting on the bug aging list for for eons seems unattractive.16:12.15 
  and the memory allocation and high res bugs, maybe you can simplify but I doubt they are language issues: 689323 and 689933 <- alexcher.16:14.11 
mvrhel2 there is a patch for 689290 16:16.21 
alexcher henrys: I don't have anything to say about 689290 now.16:16.35 
  henrys: please disregard my previous message16:16.59 
mvrhel2 does the clusterpush come back fine with it?16:17.06 
henrys tor8:your lone xps bug on the list can probably be moved along also.16:18.33 
  I realize some bugs will stay on the list but it does seem like a few of these could be worked on.16:19.21 
  anything else for "skeleton crew meeting"16:20.23 
alexcher henrys: What to do with OpenJPEG library?16:21.03 
henrys marcosw_:did you have anthing for the meeting.16:21.13 
marcosw_ no, I'm good.16:21.30 
henrys alexcher:I said my vote was to treat it like casper.16:21.38 
tor8 henrys: the more memory hungry xps bug? I'd be inclined to close that as wontfix.16:21.46 
henrys I always do that.16:21.50 
  tor8:incline away!16:22.02 
tor8 it's the transparency buffer use, would be my guess16:22.17 
marcosw_ I've asked Miles to reboot the two cluster nodes at his office but it didn't seem to work. I may have to make a trip up there (I was going to deliver one of the new cluster nodes next week anyway).16:23.01 
henrys alexcher:does that answer the question - chrisl may have a view on it.16:23.04 
alexcher henrys: Yes, does anybody has a different approach?16:23.08 
henrys you may have to call it's configure from our makefile like tiff.16:23.50 
chrisl henrys, alexcher: my preference is to pull in third party libs fully, and as close to their canonical release possible.16:24.08 
tor8 alexcher: I made the thirdparty/openjpeg.git a subset, since they started doing what we do -- include all external dependencies in their source repository. and none of them are needed for the library, all of them used for the various command line tools.16:24.44 
henrys maybe chrisl can set up the directory and alexcher can get it working once it is in the tree. I don't know if that helps alexcher much.16:26.03 
  oh god openjpeg has third party libraries?16:26.55 
alexcher I have a revision that compiles but doesn't work yet. 16:27.49 
henrys I am expecting my other meeting to start in 3 minutes so I have to go.16:27.56 
  please continue without me.16:28.05 
tor8 henrys: yup. libpng, libtiff, libz, liblcms2. only used for the command line tools, not for the library thankfully. but it makes pulling/merging their source tree more troublesome.16:28.48 
alexcher makefiles are mostly done but I need some help with autoconf.16:28.50 
mvrhel2 ok. I am going to go and work on cleaning up my warning...16:29.40 
chrisl alexcher: if you stick the changes on a branch on casper, I can sort out the autoconf stuff.16:29.53 
alexcher mvrhel3: -W3 generates some useful warnings and a lot ow junk.16:30.17 
  chrisl: OK, that's what git is for.16:30.55 
chrisl alexcher: and given we don't need/want the third party stuff in openjpeg, we could do without their "libs" directory.16:31.08 
mvrhel2 alexcher: ok thanks16:31.52 
  hmm lots of broken const...16:34.11 
alexcher chrisl: current OpenJPEG repository works for me. I just don't know a proper way to add it to gs tree.16:35.06 
mvrhel2 other than than it is not too bad16:35.18 
chrisl alexcher: Okay, leave it with me - I've got a couple of things to finish up that I postponed for the release, then I'll get a build to include openjpeg.16:37.37 
  alexcher: just to clarify: do you mean the openjpeg repos at Or openjpeg's own source repos?16:39.18 
alexcher chrisl: Yes, our mirror.16:39.53 
chrisl alexcher: okay, thanks. I'll try to get to it soon.16:40.44 
henrys wow long meetings suck17:25.48 
  it is not clear to me how autoconf is supposed to set -L when libraries are in different directories, it is clear what we do on my mac is wrong - we have no -L option until autoconf searches for fontconfig which is found in /opt/local so that becomes the official -L for the entire build.19:00.05 
  I wonder how many man years of development open source has lost to working to autoconf problems.19:06.14 
  s/working to/working on/19:06.34 
mvrhel2 alexcher: are you around?20:10.16 
alexcher yes20:10.24 
mvrhel2 so a quick question from you that we got from a customer20:10.35 
  about setting his own halftone screen in ghostscript20:10.47 
  did you see than email? it went out to support too20:11.06 
  so, what is the easist way for him to make sure that his screen is used and not the default ones in gs?20:11.50 
alexcher No, I didn't get any new email in the last 30 min.20:12.11 
mvrhel2 gs is set up embedded in their device I belive20:12.12 
  hmm. ok. let me forward it to you20:12.27 
  I am thinking he is going to want to do changes in the init files20:13.14 
alexcher I've answered a similar question in the comment #4 to the bug 692390.20:13.46 
  The email is received.20:15.05 
mvrhel2 oh. thanks alexcher20:15.11 
  I will let him know about this20:15.18 
  if you have any other thoughts after reading the email, let me know. Like I said they are using gs embedded, but I think for now what you answered on the bug will work. this should go in an FAQ20:16.31 
alexcher It is also possible to add the halftone to Halftone directory.20:20.14 
mvrhel2 alexcher: what would that involve?20:20.32 
alexcher It we don't check for /Default halftone on start-up, it's an easy to fix bug.20:21.05 
  mkdir Resource/Halftone; cp FOO Resource/Halftone/Default20:22.01 
mvrhel2 alexcher: so if there is a halftone in this directory it is used as the default?20:24.11 
alexcher It should be used. gs defines default halftone in memory. I'm not sure that it checks the resources first.20:25.38 
mvrhel2 alexcher: ok I will check this out in a bit. dinner time now....20:27.38 
  alexcher: thanks for the help20:27.47 
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