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Log of #ghostscript at

 <<<Back 1 day (to 2011/08/12)2011/08/13 
Kunnis I'm working with a pdf & a spot color, and I'm trying to understand some of the exact behaviors. I'm embedding an image, and I'd like to convert everywhere not transpartent to the spot color.06:15.02 
  the spot color is handled by our printing software to print out white (to get white on clear)06:15.47 
  I'm loosely following this doc to create the colorspace... I then create a new image in the pdf, using that colorspace06:24.18 
  though my color is CMYK 0,1,0,006:24.37 
  Anywhere that is not transparent, I want to have color in this layer.06:32.55 
  Here's the transform I'm using { dup 0 mul exch 1 exch dup 0 mul exch 0 mul } I'm just wondering how the image will deal with me applying the colorspace with it's transparency06:35.52 
  I'm kind of used to thinking of transparency as another color channel, pdfs don't really treat it that way. I'm just trying to learn.06:38.56 
kens Hi robin_watts_mac still away on holiday ?09:06.23 
robin_watts_mac morning henrys11:25.01 
henrys hi robin_watts_mac how's Nam?11:27.55 
robin_watts_mac hot.11:28.08 
henrys your missing all the riots you could be home looting!11:30.16 
robin_watts_mac unbearably so, and scheduled to get hotter, but hopefully less humid in days to come.11:30.22 
  Nah, all the good stuff would be gone by now.11:30.39 
  what time is it where you are?11:41.39 
henrys 5:48 am11:48.21 
  just about to head out for my run11:48.28 
robin_watts_mac crumbs. have fun.12:00.03 
alexcher Kunnis: In PDF, image has its own color space unaffected by the colorspace in the graphic state. I don't know how your library specifies this.12:42.24 
Kunnis alexcher I understand how to set the image's colorspace and I think I have it working, but I don't quite understand why. I set the image's colorspace using the transform... but what level is going to be in each channel? I just don't quite understand what I did. I was just following the directions and it worked.16:34.49 
  I've been looking at the PS documentation to try to understand what I've done, but I don't understand it yet.16:36.14 
  I understand that the domain & range functions force the input and outputs into the range of [0,1], I see why you do that.16:39.56 
  and the postscript function is for dealing with when it needs to render the colorent in the alternate colorspace16:42.48 
  but when I create an image and specify it's colorspace, how does it convert the 3 rgb or 4 cmyk channels into the spot color?16:45.05 
mvrhel2 ok. testing a fix for some regressions I have managed to create. bbiab17:24.47 
  rats. seg faults. this should have been a simple fix17:49.37 
alexcher Kunnis: PS or PDF never convert RGB or CMYK to a spot color. 23:56.04 
  Kunnis: Tint transform function is used to convert the spot color values to RGB, CMYK, or Gray colors.23:57.11 
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