IRC Logs

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 <<<Back 1 day (to 2011/08/15)2011/08/16 
mvrhel2 tkamppeter: I am here now00:26.06 
  chrisl_away and tkamppeter: I will look over the profile choices 00:29.00 
tkamppeter mvrhel2, can you have a look at today's commits of cups/gdevcups.c and whether all is correct?00:29.47 
mvrhel2 tkamppeter: yes I will take a look at this00:29.58 
  my hours are a bit odd for 2 more days due to family visiting.00:30.34 
tkamppeter mvrhel2, I have pushed another one now. This should finally deliver the correct results for bug 691922.00:33.22 
mvrhel2 ok00:33.49 
  tkamppeter: tell me about CUPS_CSPACE_W and CUPS_CSPACE_WHITE 00:41.38 
  the CUPS_RASTER_HAVE_COLORIMETRIC are interesting ones. those you would want to have externally set. although CIELab gs could handle00:43.30 
  CUPS_CSPACE_GOLD and CUPS_CSPACE_SILVER you would also want to have set up externally00:44.08 
  but the defaults that we have are probably ok00:44.51 
  as the user who is using these color spaces probably knows what they are doing anyway00:46.10 
tkamppeter mvrhel2, I do not know about what these color spaces are exactly, too. Probably they should even have no ICC profile at all by default and more or less a pass-through of the colors. Most drivers use only things like RGB, RGBW, CMYK, and Gray, and these need default profiles, also all derivatives of them which differ only in the order of the channels.00:49.02 
mvrhel2 ok. then I think you are good with what you have00:49.32 
  have you tested all these color spaces?00:49.58 
  and checked with rasterview?00:50.14 
tkamppeter mvrhel2, only standard ones: RGB, RGBW, and gray.00:51.50 
  thank you very much. please tell me whatever else you find on my last commits.00:52.47 
mvrhel2 hmm ref count of link cache remains at 5 when gs shuts down01:01.32 
  oh. the other members of the graphic state like black_generation also have a ref count of 501:11.37 
  oh actually lots of objects have rc's of 301:15.07 
  when we are closing down01:15.12 
tkamppeter chrisl, thank you for the help yesterday. mvrhel2 appeared and had a look at it and it is all OK with the default profiles.07:58.21 
kens tkamppeter, unless I'm reading the regression tests wrong, your commits seem to have caused a lot of seg faults.07:58.48 
  All in the CUPS device.07:59.14 
  tkamppeter, do you get the regression test resutls ?07:59.51 
tkamppeter kens, no, I did not see them. So seems that the attempt to fix it has completely torn it apart.08:01.26 
kens tkamppeter, can I forward you one of the mails ?08:01.45 
tkamppeter kens, can one see where it segfaulted?08:02.00 
kens Sadly no, it just lists which file(s) failed08:02.13 
tkamppeter kens, please forward them to me and to chrisl.08:02.15 
chrisl kens, tkamppeter: I guess those thanks were a little premature - I'll have a look in a little while08:02.20 
kens chrisl definitely sees them08:02.23 
  I'll leave it with chrisl then.08:02.32 
chrisl tkamppeter: you can see the results: 
  It's all the banding cases that seem affected :-(08:03.46 
tkamppeter chrisl, thanks.08:03.53 
kens Ah, I didn't try to diagnose hte problem.08:03.59 
chrisl Just looking at the cluster result, and that explains why I didn't see a problem. I need to finish a couple of e-mails, then I'll look at it08:04.48 
tkamppeter chrisl, what I have already seen yesterday but put on lower priority is "gs -sDEVICE=cups -sPAPERSIZE=a4 -r300 -dcupsColorSpace=17 -sOutputFile=x"08:05.56 
  chrisl, this line segfaults. the .ps input file is the attachment of comment #42 of bug 691922.08:06.31 
chrisl I wouldn't have thought that would run through the clist, but I don't know - it is probably the same issue.08:07.24 
tkamppeter chrisl, the output file x is not yet created whgen the segfault happens.08:07.43 
chrisl Hmmm, well, the problem seems to be that we get parameters sent thus: /OutputICCProfile /cupsInteger13 - so we get a completely bogus object for the ICC profile file name.08:51.52 
tkamppeter chrisl, you mean that /OutputICCProfile needs an argument but it is sent without argument? Can one do something in gdevcups.c that this does not cause a problem any more?09:24.11 
chrisl tkamppeter: essentially yes, that seems to be what's happening - I can't fathom how what I changed in gdevcups.c could cause that change. If I can work that out, I might be able to work out how to prevent it.09:25.44 
tkamppeter Supplying an explicit output profile with "-sOutputICCProfile=..." does not suppress the segfault.09:30.38 
  chrisl, ^^\09:30.46 
chrisl tkamppeter: no, the "broken" call to put_params() doesn't come from the command line parameters, it's coming from somewhere else, so that wouldn't affect it09:32.42 
tkamppeter chrisl, any idea how to get rid of the segfaults?10:16.43 
chrisl tkamppeter: I've come to the tentative conclusions that the problem is related to garbage collection. It looks like the original code in cups_set_color_info() to installer a profile for RGBW may have been wrong, and only worked coincidentally - it looks like ICC profiles need to be allocated in non-gc memory. I've cluserpushed a test just now.10:35.09 
tkamppeter chrisl, can you make the code visible to me somehow?10:49.26 
robin_watts_mac tkamppeter: 
  Follow the 'chrisl' link on the right hand side when chris' test completes.10:52.33 
chrisl tkamppeter: as before: - I've also some efficiency improvements, so we only change the profile if we have to10:52.48 
robin_watts_mac The report page includes a diff from the current trunk.10:52.53 
chrisl Well, that still crashes, and I can't seem to reproduce it :-(11:03.21 
tkamppeter chrisl, I have tried it and my command line still segfaults.11:03.26 
chrisl tkamppeter: are you using JobID-314-tmpAPUg7W-pstops-output ?11:05.25 
tkamppeter chrisl, yes.11:05.43 
chrisl I just ran that with: gs -sDEVICE=cups -sPAPERSIZE=a4 -r300 -dcupsColorSpace=17 -sOutputFile=x JobID-314-tmpAPUg7W-pstops-output and no seg fault11:06.29 
tkamppeter chrisl, the report of your clusterpush has also a lot of segfaults.11:08.51 
  robin_watts_mac, thank you for the link.11:16.42 
  chrisl, it looks even like that there are more segfaults than before in your clusterpush.11:18.58 
mvrhel2 hi kens11:33.10 
  is there an example of the use of HighLevelDevice checking in the PS code some place?11:33.25 
kens Hi mvrhel2 give me a minute to find one11:35.50 
mvrhel2 ok. thanks11:36.32 
kens In 
  currentdevice 1 dict dup /HighLevelDevice dup put .getdeviceparams11:36.56 
  dup type /booleantype eq not {cleartomark //true}{3 1 roll cleartomark not}ifelse11:37.21 
  The second line is error checking and defaults11:37.29 
mvrhel2 ok. 11:38.21 
kens If the return type is not a boolean then rteh parameter was not known so use the default (//true here) otherwise preserve the value, and clear the other stack elements11:38.46 
mvrhel2 so at the end of these two lines I will have a true or false on the top of the stack?11:39.29 
kens Warning! ps2write is also a HighlevelDevice, but transparency needs flattened, I don't know if this makes a difference or not11:39.30 
  mvrhel2 in this case yes.11:39.38 
mvrhel2 well, I just want to avoid having this group pushed, if we are a high level device11:40.02 
kens OK well that code shuld do it.11:40.12 
mvrhel2 so I want to wrap some stuff up with an if statement based upon the top value 11:40.25 
kens Exactly11:40.35 
  {...} if11:40.41 
mvrhel2 ok. I think I can handle this now11:40.53 
kens You can invert the boolean with 'not' if required11:40.55 
mvrhel2 thanks kens11:40.55 
kens NP11:41.06 
chrisl mvrhel2: is it possible to change the device ICC profile after initialization?12:00.35 
  mvrhel2: I really need some help with this cups issue - it's got me stumped :-(12:21.08 
mvrhel2 hi chrisl13:03.38 
  it is possible to change the ICC profile. 13:04.23 
  the trick I see is telling if it was set externally or internally, but I see that you have a flag for that13:04.49 
  chrisl: what is the case that is not working?13:05.19 
chrisl mvrhel2: I think the problem here is that we're changing the number of channels, so the raster buffer needs recreated13:05.35 
  mvrhel2: also there is a bug in gsicc_init_device_profile_struct(): "if (strncmp(curr_profile->name, profile_name, strlen(profile_name) != 0 ))" should be if (strncmp(curr_profile->name, profile_name, strlen(profile_name)) != 0 )13:08.08 
mvrhel2 chrisl: do you have a typo above?13:10.41 
  or I need new glasses...13:10.53 
  chrisl: are we changing the cups color space?13:11.18 
chrisl mvrhel2: one of the trailing parentheses is in the wrong place.13:11.40 
mvrhel2 oh my13:11.53 
  please commit your fix for that13:12.15 
chrisl Okay, will do.13:12.23 
  And yes, we are changing the cups color space13:12.34 
mvrhel2 ok, so it should be reset in that case I believe13:13.13 
  or is there a check and it is only set if one is not already there?13:13.38 
  It should be set up to change.13:14.21 
chrisl mvrhel2: the original code *only* setup a profile if one didn't exist, and *only* for RGBW - so it works fine if the device is initialized for RGBW, but doesn't work otherwise.13:15.20 
mvrhel2 oh I thought you fixed that with your switch statement13:15.52 
chrisl I did, and it now crashes with a shed load of files, and all in banding mode.13:16.42 
mvrhel2 chrisl: ok. if you want, I can take this off your hands13:18.26 
  I am wondering why banding mode would make a difference 13:18.47 
  that seems odd13:18.49 
  unless there is some issue with the clist device and the cups device13:19.13 
  and the profile13:19.28 
chrisl The banding may just be a coincidence in the way it changes the memory layout, I haven't established whether that's the case or not.13:20.09 
mvrhel2 ok13:20.16 
  chrisl: is there a case that I can run to see?13:20.47 
  is this with the trunk or with a version that you have13:20.59 
chrisl this is in trunk - you can see a load of test cases here: 
mvrhel2 ok. let me see if I can get it to explode too13:22.26 
chrisl The command line I've been using for the cluster problems is: ./gs -r300 -o stuff.ras -dMaxBitmap=10000 -sDEVICE=cups -dcupsColorSpace=0 -sDEFAULTPAPERSIZE=letter -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -K1000000 -dNOOUTERSAVE -dJOBSERVER -c false 0 startjob pop -f fts_01_0104.pdf13:22.37 
mvrhel2 I wonder why libopenjpeg/opj_malloc.h keeps showing up as changed in my git checkout13:23.43 
chrisl I hope the build doesn't change opj_malloc.h dynamically, that would be bad :-(13:25.44 
mvrhel2 it appears that may be the case13:26.08 
  interesting. first it sets the color space to gray then to RGB13:36.45 
  ok at 72 dpi it ran fine13:37.20 
chrisl The setting to gray will be for the DeviceGray default color space from the interpreter.13:37.37 
mvrhel2 ok. it came from gdevcups.c though13:38.07 
  what is color space 013:38.20 
  oh I see13:38.42 
  that is our issue13:38.59 
  that is a gray color space13:39.09 
  we need to add another case in our switch13:39.15 
  let me see if I can get it to crash first13:39.58 
  I am not getting a segv (on windows)13:43.46 
  let me see what the output looks like though13:43.54 
chrisl Oh, actually, fts_01_0104.pdf gives me a floating point exception - hang on a sec13:44.32 
mvrhel2 as it should be screwed up if it is using the RGB profile13:44.55 
chrisl You could try 2colCIEtest.pdf13:45.43 
mvrhel2 hold on a sec13:46.22 
  ok. I got the screw up13:51.06 
  my feeling is that it is due to the use of the RGB profile for a gray color space13:51.26 
chrisl I took a punt on splitting the spaces into additive and subtractive, possibly would have been better with the number of components13:52.12 
mvrhel2 chrisl: so for CUPS_CSPACE_K, CUPS_CSPACE_W, CUPS_CSPACE_WHITE, CUPS_CSPACE_GOLD, CUPS_CSPACE_SILVER we should load gray as the profile 13:52.39 
  CUPS_CSPACE_W = 0,/* Luminance (DeviceGray, gamma 2.2 by default) */13:53.09 
  that should not be in the RGB section13:53.16 
  right now it looks like we only have CUPS_CSPACE_K getting a gray profile13:53.57 
chrisl mvrhel2: another question: should ICC profiles be allocated from non GC memory, or does it not matter?13:55.01 
mvrhel2 chrisl: they should not be in gc memory13:58.52 
  there was a reason why but I can't remember it now13:59.08 
chrisl OKay, so that's wrong as well.....13:59.12 
mvrhel2 I think the allocator takes care of that13:59.17 
chrisl It doesn't seem to, the code seems to just what what "mem" you give gsicc_set_device_profile()14:01.38 
mvrhel2 hmm I see that14:02.24 
  oh it is ok14:03.15 
  gsicc_profile_new gets the non_gc memory14:03.24 
  which is the allocation we need to worry about14:03.31 
  the other allocations are local14:03.37 
  and freed14:03.45 
  chrisl: so I think it is all fine14:05.17 
chrisl Unfortunately, not quite :-(14:05.41 
mvrhel2 hehe14:05.46 
chrisl This also stems from Bug 69192214:06.24 
mvrhel2 last comment is "it works for me"14:07.01 
chrisl Yes, shame it goes "bang" for many other cases!14:07.30 
  Now, that's what raised the issue, as the last attachment in that bug sets the cups color space in the Postscript using a setpagedevice - hence the need to change the profile after initialization14:08.03 
  So using that job, it crashes if I do: ./gs -dQUIET -dPARANOIDSAFER -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -dNOINTERPOLATE -dNOMEDIAATTRS -sDEVICE=cups -sstdout=%stderr -dcupsColorSpace=17 -sOutputFile=%stdout -I/usr/share/cups/fonts -f -_ < ~/Downloads/JobID-314-tmpAPUg7W-pstops-output > stuff.ras14:09.00 
mvrhel2 chrisl: hmm.. changing CUPS_CSPACE_W to install gray has other issues...14:12.17 
  I have to run my mother up to pick up her car right now14:12.37 
  chrisl: I will be back in a bit14:13.21 
chrisl Okay14:13.28 
marcosw_ chrisl: can we add the luratech decoders to the customer download page?15:04.09 
chrisl marcosw_: they're in the customer archives already15:05.00 
henrys marcosw_:I reopened the dependency bug you closed but I don't feel strongly about fixing let me know and I'll reclose it.15:06.13 
marcosw_ chrisl: do you mean in the ghostscript-9.04.tar.gz file?15:06.55 
chrisl marcosw_: yes, and in the ghostpdl one, too15:07.27 
marcosw_ what about the .zip files? Are the included in the .exe?15:07.39 
chrisl zip files?15:07.54 
henrys we got rid of zip files.15:08.25 
  I thought15:08.33 
marcosw_ sorry, I mean the windows installers.15:09.26 
  Aren't the self-extracting zip files? :-)15:09.39 
chrisl Do you mean, were the commercial release Windows binaries built with luratech?15:10.22 
marcosw_ yes, that's what I'm trying to ask.15:10.43 
chrisl Yes, they were15:11.10 
marcosw_ thx.15:13.00 
chrisl np15:13.13 
marcosw_ henrys: I'll have another look at 689077. I didn't know about, it was written while I was out of town in June and I didn't see the commit email.15:14.30 
henrys I wrote one too: tools/ can't have too many of things laying around ;-)15:15.26 
chrisl mvrhel2: I might be onto something with this cups problem - the code for setting up the raster buffer checks whether the width and height have changed, but not the number of colors or bit depth of the colours.15:50.12 
mvrhel2 ah15:53.50 
  that would be an important piece of information15:54.18 
henrys the bit device should handle that correctly.15:54.32 
marcosw_ henrys and robin_watts_mac: is there a reason that we don't fix the issues reported by tools/ and toolbin/ 
henrys laziness15:55.51 
chrisl mvrhel2, henrys: well, in gdev_prn_maybe_realloc_memory() it checks width and height against the parameters old_width and old_height, but no where does it check the color space15:57.09 
  I've just clusterpushed a change that has cups_put_params() check whether cups has changed the color space, and force reallocation of the raster if it has - we'll see how that goes.15:59.39 
kens meeting ?15:59.43 
henrys 1 minute kens15:59.58 
kens my clock is obviously fast16:00.10 
henrys now we can start16:00.17 
kens :-)16:00.22 
mvrhel2 meeting time. I had one question about 69237216:00.30 
kens ?16:00.51 
henrys just 116:01.04 
mvrhel2 when I run that file, I see that none of the ref counted items of the graphic state are released16:01.13 
  that file being tiger.eps16:01.20 
  see my last comment16:01.29 
kens I did, but I have no useful information.16:01.45 
mvrhel2 hehe.16:01.57 
  well I don't understand how gs should shut down in general16:02.23 
henrys yes well there is always a base graphics state right?16:02.23 
chrisl It might be that the graphics state needs a "finalize" to rc_decrement those - if there isn't one already.16:02.37 
kens Must be an initial graphics state, yes16:02.50 
henrys there is some special routine that has to be called to release all the states.16:02.51 
mvrhel2 ok, if I can find that then I can make sure these things get cleaned up16:03.19 
henrys hang on looking for it.16:03.37 
mvrhel2 I am just worried that perhaps some stuff needs to remain when we are running as a JOBSERVER or with multiple input files 16:04.43 
  but at some point even then, things need to be cleaned up when we are done16:05.02 
kens After gsapi_delete_instance I don;t htink so16:05.07 
mvrhel2 yes, by then it should be cleaned up :)16:05.20 
henrys anyway I'll look for it after the meeting.16:06.22 
mvrhel2 ok. thanks henrys16:06.32 
henrys it should be in the same module with gsave and grestore, grestoreall off the top of my head16:06.56 
  I am kind of concerned about some bug lists in the bug aging list being longer than others.16:07.26 
kens zgstate.c ?16:07.28 
henrys I wonder if chrisl, kens, robin_watts_mac and I should be working on some bugs from others' lists.16:08.02 
kens Could do that if it helps.16:08.14 
henrys alexcher, mvrhel2: can you pick some bugs others might work on from your list.16:08.48 
  alexcher:any openjpeg problem you found during integration should be reported to the openjpeg group and have a gs bugzilla report.16:09.36 
mvrhel2 690538 may be good for robin16:09.56 
  a fun rounding/truncation issue16:10.19 
alexcher henrys: if somebody feels that he can easily fix a bug from my list, I'd be glad to reassign it.16:10.43 
henrys just go ahead and reassign any that you think could benefit from somebody else looking at it.16:10.51 
mvrhel2 ok16:10.57 
kens I'll look through Alex and Michael's list tomorrow to see if there's any likely cnadidates for me.16:11.21 
henrys kens:okay, maybe chrisl and I can do the same, I'll sound off before I start working on a particular one.16:12.06 
kens OK.16:12.16 
mvrhel2 I have made progress on my bug list in the last six months16:12.23 
alexcher henrys: I've posted a message on OpenJPEG mailing list. Unfortunately, cannot join Google groups. So I did it privately.16:12.35 
mvrhel2 it has gone from around 90 down to the high 50s16:12.37 
henrys mvrhel2:yes yours is much better.16:12.44 
chrisl I've got a couple of bugs I need to resolve, then I'll have another look at other people's16:12.51 
kens Alex is the one with most reports in the aging list16:13.13 
henrys mvrhel2:but still a bit long relative to others, that is just the nature of the problem distribution and no reflection on you (obviously).16:13.36 
kens He has 8, michael and ray have 4 , everyone else one or tow16:13.45 
  My totoal bug list (not just in aging) is about 8516:14.07 
henrys tor8:are you around?16:14.25 
mvrhel2 henrys: I am hoping to have this down much lower soon. I am making my way through these regressions that I introduced.16:14.29 
tor8 henrys: yeah16:14.31 
henrys we need a release from you, when's the date?16:14.49 
  well we wanted one before the next newsletter.16:15.06 
tor8 henrys: okay, so you still want one? I guess I could slap a tag on what we have now and call it good enough.16:15.28 
henrys can you give me a list of improvements that I can massage for the newsletter?16:15.59 
tor8 robin left a few loose ends with the transparency blending rework he started for the knockout/isolated that make me hesitate a bit16:16.02 
  henrys: I'll forward the list I sent to scott last week16:16.20 
henrys okay and we can hold off until Robin is back if you are more comfortable with that.16:17.13 
tor8 how many weeks is he gone?16:17.31 
henrys wasn't it 2.5?16:17.56 
  that's really all I had for the meeting - anyone have stuff to add?16:18.44 
kens Nothing from me, just been fire-fighting16:19.11 
alexcher henrys: OpenJPEG library implements JP2 standard, but PDF needs JPX. So we mostly need extensions.16:19.12 
chrisl Oh, I'll be on vacation next Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday16:19.20 
mvrhel2 I don't have anything else. Thanks kens for helping me with the PS stuff earlier16:19.21 
henrys actually I take that back xhtml-print is getting on my radar for a project, thoughts?16:19.31 
  that might fall into tor8's domain.16:20.13 
tor8 xhtml-print?16:20.32 
kens its a W3C standard16:20.45 
mvrhel2 these guys have it16:20.55 
henrys yes one of the reasons it is on my radar.16:21.20 
mvrhel2 I would think this is rather important16:21.36 
henrys kens, chrisl:do you know if global is doing anything with this?16:21.58 
tor8 henrys: right. I think my epub parser could make a decent start on this. it's got xhtml and css parsing started.16:22.01 
kens henrys not that I've heard of.16:22.08 
chrisl henrys: I would be surprised if global is doing any much new right now.........16:22.24 
kens is inclined to agree16:22.36 
henrys it has the potential to be important in the mobile market.16:22.57 
mvrhel2 I agree16:23.22 
henrys alexcher:we can request the extensions can't we?16:24.06 
  they are servicing mupdf, xpdf and poppler which presumably need these things as well, yes?16:24.45 
alexcher henrys: We can indeed. I'm about to commit a hacked OpenJPEG version. The trick is to make the changes adopted.16:24.46 
mvrhel2 alexcher: is there any reason that libopenjpeg/opj_malloc.h changes when I build? git shows it as modified16:26.48 
kens I keep seeing rthat too. I think its a lin endings problem16:27.19 
henrys alexcher we also have to fix memory management in all these decoders, everything should be using gs.16:27.20 
mvrhel2 alexcher: also, are you all set with the customer and his halftone selection? you might want to send him an email to let him know you are going to send him something16:27.36 
chrisl mvrhel2: I've just done builds on Linux and Windows, and libopenjpeg/opj_malloc.h doesn't change, I'm not at all sure why you see different16:28.09 
mvrhel2 that is odd. 16:28.19 
  kens is seeing it16:28.22 
kens Not when building, but when committing, git gui shows it as changed.16:28.45 
alexcher mvrhel2: I 'm not aware of any ojp_malloc.h issues. 16:28.46 
chrisl kens: does git status -uno show it as changed?16:29.07 
mvrhel2 yes. when committing or when just checking what files have been modified16:29.17 
kens chrisl let me check16:29.17 
  chrisl no16:29.49 
  nothing to cimmit it says16:29.56 
alexcher mvrhel2: Yes, we need to use gs_malloc, but Luratech uses malloc() and the current implementation was copied from Luratech.16:29.59 
mvrhel2 the file itself shows no diffs16:30.00 
  alexcher: I think that was for henrys16:30.12 
henrys alexcher:same problem with jbig216:30.40 
chrisl mvrhel2, kens: next time I commit something from Windows, I will see if I can see the problem16:30.59 
kens git gui shows entire file opj_malloc.h being altered, but loks identical. I think line-ending problem16:31.15 
  chrisl git gui should show it, does for me16:31.22 
mvrhel2 yes. that is what I am seeing16:31.42 
chrisl It might be a difference between msys and cygwin - I'm using git in cygwin16:32.13 
kens Ah, well I'm using the cut down msys16:32.28 
mvrhel2 and I am using tortoisegit16:32.32 
kens yours probably has Linux line endings at a guess16:32.38 
henrys mvrhel2:so I think you need to call gs_grestore_only to completely get rid of the graphics state stack, for gs_grestore if there is not a save state one is created.16:32.40 
  I am looking in gsstate.c16:32.57 
chrisl kens: I thought we had git configured to deal with line endings........16:33.22 
kens I need to leave, does anyone need anything from me before I go ?16:33.25 
  chrisl I thought so too, but I think this is maybe the source of the confusion.16:33.38 
mvrhel2 henrys: ok I will look at that16:33.41 
kens I could be wrong16:33.43 
chrisl kens: I'll try to look into it16:33.57 
mvrhel2 lunch time now16:34.01 
marcosw_ Does anyone have any comments about the memcmp of structures issue that I fixed in Bug 692375? Are there likely to be more of these waiting to bite us in other places?16:34.08 
henrys the mem. mannagement for this stuff is horrendous though see the discussion at the top of the c code.16:34.09 
kens chrisl no rush, I just unstage it every time16:34.11 
  OK, no takers so goodnight all.16:34.41 
kens slinks off.16:34.45 
henrys marcosw_:should be pretty easy to grep through the code for that, I don't think it is a common practice.16:35.40 
marcosw_ henrys: I've done that, and saw a couple of potential cases. I'll open a bug to remind me to follow-up.16:36.39 
chrisl mvrhel2: looks like my idea for the cups problem didn't pan out - now a bunch of other files crash :-(16:39.55 
marcosw_ I have to run in a few minutes, anything else for me?16:41.17 
henrys marcosw_:thanks for catching up on all those bugs!16:41.38 
marcosw_ no problem, sorry it took so long. I'm down to 18 open bugs, none of the customer issues :-)16:42.15 
henrys nice16:43.04 
mvrhel2 chrisl: :( sorry to hear this. 16:43.07 
chrisl mvrhel2: I'm trying to find a simple cluster file that goes wrong16:43.53 
mvrhel2 that would be great16:44.20 
henrys chrisl:funny that doesn't work I thought gdevbit.c would let you switch color model but like you said I don't see how it would reallocate and color info.16:44.25 
  I mean ... reallocate as a function of color info 16:44.55 
chrisl henrys: I think it's a hole - but then, as Alex and I pointed out, devices rarely change color space once initialized16:45.22 
henrys please say color model or I'll be very confused ;-)16:45.52 
chrisl okay, sorry - too-Postscripty :-)16:46.18 
henrys We definitely should fix that though. We did have a monochrome mode working in gdevbit for a customer which did work at some point. It might work if the user only requests something that requires less memory than the default.16:48.40 
chrisl I don't think that will work either, because the line_ptrs will still all be wrong16:49.16 
henrys the parameter is ForceMono=116:49.52 
chrisl Oh, so that might do special stuff16:50.13 
henrys no it just seems to end up calling that "maybe" routine indirectly through the default prn_put_params.16:51.06 
  no idea how it ever worked from reading the code.16:51.37 
chrisl Maybe it does what I'm doing, and setting the old page dimensions to nonsense values, forcing a full re-evaluation16:51.57 
  mvrhel2: I'm not having much luck, a lot of the files that are reported as crashing on the cluster, don't crash for me here.16:52.40 
  ./gs -r300 -o stuff.ras -dMaxBitmap=10000 -sDEVICE=cups -dcupsColorSpace=0 -sDEFAULTPAPERSIZE=letter -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -K1000000 -dNOOUTERSAVE -dJOBSERVER -c false 0 startjob pop -f ../../../svn-private/comparefiles/Bug688807.pdf16:52.58 
  Above crashes consistently, but it's not the simple example I was really looking for :-(16:53.26 
  where I've gotten so far: 
mvrhel2 ok, you moved the W to init with gray16:56.00 
  I guess I am confused why we did not have a problem before16:56.25 
  how did the color space 0 work fine before16:56.51 
  before being before we even put the switch in16:57.20 
chrisl Well, did it work "fine", did anyone actually test it?16:57.24 
mvrhel2 and only had the RGBW one set.16:57.33 
  chrisl: were these not part of the cluster push testing?16:57.52 
  so I would imagine they were tested16:58.04 
chrisl Yes, but regression tested - I have no idea if they were right to begin with16:58.32 
mvrhel2 but segv should have shown up16:58.41 
  chrisl: for the case in the cluster tested, I am pretty sure we were ok. I *think* I had checked rasterview16:59.20 
  I guess I am trying to figure out what problem we are (or were) trying to solve initially17:00.06 
chrisl I suspect it worked because we would all have been setting cups color space on the command line 17:00.33 
  using -dcupsColorSpace=X17:01.04 
mvrhel2 isnt that needed ?17:01.25 
  you have it above..17:01.42 
chrisl No, you can also set the cups color space in Postscript script - it was a job that does that which started all this17:02.01 
mvrhel2 oh17:02.08 
  sorry to be so slow17:02.23 
chrisl The problem being, with the old code (before I changed that switch) we'd only ever initialize to an RGBW compatible ICC profile - after initialization, we'd never change the profile there.17:03.33 
mvrhel2 ok. I can see where that would be a problem17:04.33 
chrisl So, I've been trying to get it to be happy changing the profile *after* device initialization, and that's where the pain is17:04.44 
mvrhel2 so, now does it do the change?17:04.59 
  does all the color info get updated too?17:05.22 
chrisl I *think* so - but the cups code is, ahem, not too nice......17:05.51 
mvrhel2 yes17:05.57 
chrisl The function you're interested in is cups_set_color_info() and it's one of the calls from cups_put_params() - that seems to be the only time the color model can change.17:07.11 
mvrhel2 chrisl: do we have an example ps file that I can run that changes the color model?17:07.43 
  it is strange though that we would be getting crashes with the 0 color space though 17:08.58 
  with the changes that you have in place17:09.04 
chrisl mvrhel2: the final attachment in Bug 691922 is what sparked this - it's called: JobID-314-tmpAPUg7W-pstops-output17:09.10 
  mvrhel2: well, quick question: if you look around 4104, is it right to rc_decrement() the profile at that point?17:09.57 
mvrhel2 chrisl: it should be OK unless there is some reason that the set is not occurring. 17:11.53 
  after that17:12.02 
  i.e. if it thinks the profile is the same and doesnt need to do an assign17:12.21 
  this is just a guess17:12.24 
  it should be fine17:13.05 
chrisl Well, it won't think the profile is the same, as the profile pointer is nulled - the thing is, if I remove the rc_decrement() line, I don't see it crashing.17:13.50 
mvrhel2 that is weird17:14.21 
chrisl Unless the ref count is wrong - but it did look okay to me (it was a few hours ago I went through that hoop!)17:15.38 
mvrhel2 chrisl: I will have to take a closer look at this a bit later today. I am getting ready to head back home finally from visiting relatives. Which attachment is the file in 691922? I may be able to work on it on the plane17:17.07 
  oh the last one17:17.31 
  I see17:17.33 
chrisl yes, the last one.17:17.38 
mvrhel2 is it a PS input?17:17.49 
chrisl Yes, it's PS17:18.05 
mvrhel2 ok. so what is the command line that I should use?17:18.21 
chrisl Something like: ./gs -dQUIET -dPARANOIDSAFER -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -dNOINTERPOLATE -dNOMEDIAATTRS -sDEVICE=cups -sstdout=%stderr -sOutputFile=%stdout -I/usr/share/cups/fonts -f -_ < ~/Downloads/JobID-314-tmpAPUg7W-pstops-output > stuff.ras17:19.28 
mvrhel2 oh a simple one17:19.36 
chrisl For cups, that *is* simple :-(17:20.05 
mvrhel2 so no output color space?17:20.09 
  it is specified in the file?17:20.18 
chrisl Yes, around line 402: <</cupsColorSpace 17/cupsBitsPerColor 8/cupsRowStep 0>>setpagedevice17:20.46 
mvrhel2 does the above work for you now? or is it the other files/cases that are broken?17:21.10 
chrisl That works with the gdevcups.c I put up the link for, it's other cases that now crash 17:21.56 
mvrhel2 ok. so like Bug688807.pdf17:22.20 
  that you mentioned above17:22.29 
chrisl Yes17:22.38 
mvrhel2 ok. I have everything now. I will beat on this tonight and then on my flight in the morning17:23.17 
  thanks chrisl17:23.24 
chrisl The original problem was that running JobID-314-tmpAPUg7W-pstops-output like above would result in grayscale output, where it should be color17:23.28 
mvrhel2 right. because it was not resetting17:24.02 
  it is interesting that we are only having issues in the clist case17:24.17 
  I suspect there is some color information for the clist that is not getting updated17:24.31 
  the clist sets up some stuff based upon the target17:24.50 
chrisl That seems possible - it's not an area with which I'm familiar17:24.55 
mvrhel2 when the clist is started17:25.04 
  it is possible that we don't update it properly17:25.17 
  changing target color models like this does not occur often.17:25.47 
  It would be interesting to see if we could do this for another device17:26.03 
  need to head out for a momemt17:26.10 
chrisl I *thought* that it would get done by my forcing the changed page size code to run - I think that tears down the clist, and recreates17:26.18 
  mvrhel2: clusterpush *without* the rc_decrements() in cups_set_color_info() was successful - no (unexpected) crashes, no differences.17:31.18 
  mvrhel2: I need to head out for a couple of hours - if I miss you when I return: have a good journey!17:32.03 
tkamppeter mvrhel2, chrisl_away, can I access Bug688807.pdf somewhere?18:27.55 
  marcosw_, can I access Bug688807.pdf somewhere?18:29.38 
marcosw_ tkamppeter: do you mean the test file for Bug 688807? It doesn't appear to be customer confidential, so I can email it it you.18:31.39 
vlada_ hi ppl, anyone awake?18:35.59 
tkamppeter marcosw_, yes, please mail it to me.18:45.19 
marcosw_ done18:45.23 
tkamppeter marcosw_, thanks, this actually segfaults for me, and none of my files segfault with chrisl's last version of gdevcups.c.18:48.30 
marcosw_ you should open a bug for the problem :-)18:48.49 
tkamppeter marcosw_, mvrhel2 is working on it already.18:50.38 
marcosw_ oka.18:50.48 
vlada_ I'm trying to do separation of one pdf file for proofing purpose, but no previous experience with gs from command line18:51.20 
tkamppeter marcosw_, why is the bug attachment not publicly readable? It looks like a published flyer.18:51.30 
vlada_ if I pass file to device tiffsep it produces four CMYK passes but no custom named spot color18:52.00 
  is there some easy way to produce that tiffs without knowing the name of spot or similar "complication"18:52.41 
  even name of some application for linux that can do it graphically would work... ;)18:53.05 
marcosw_ we routinely mark all customer supplied as private. Even files that appear not to contain private information may reveal to others who the customer is based on what kind of files they process.18:53.37 
tkamppeter marcosw_, OK, I understand.18:54.13 
marcosw_ vladla_: if the input file includes spot colors there should be more than the four CMYK files produced. There should be one for each spot color as well.18:54.19 
vlada_ marcosw_, 
  vlada@vlada-MS-7369:~$ ls *.tif18:58.49 
  p00000001.Black.tif p00000001.Cyan.tif p00000001.Magenta.tif p00000001.tif p00000001.Yellow.tif18:58.49 
  marcosw_, maybe I should add that I've just built gs 9.04 because of bug with looking for iccprofiles19:00.39 
  ubuntu linux on amd6419:00.51 
marcosw_ seems odd. Can you send me a copy of the Ploca-max-1boja.pdf file?19:01.25 
vlada_ If you're willing to accept 1,2MB file, yes19:02.23 
  marcosw_, I'll need you email address19:04.04 
marcosw_ marcos.woehrmann@artifex.com19:04.16 
vlada_ marcosw_, should be sent now19:06.40 
  s/now/by now19:06.53 
marcosw_ vlada_: nothing yet, is the file large?19:09.08 
vlada_ 1,2MB if I recall19:09.27 
  marcosw_, my bad (actually Evolutions; it has copied email as mailto:marcos.w... :| pfff19:11.36 
  marcosw_, now you should have received mail19:12.00 
marcosw_ yes, the file arrived. Checking it now.19:12.19 
  it behaves the same way for me. I'll investigate and reply to your email when I have an answer.19:13.49 
vlada_ marcosw_, thanks a lot. I'm using Linux and I'm not aware of any other app that can give me per plate separation output. Don't worry, I'll use it for fast searching for mistakes in color definition, not actual separation.19:15.54 
  marcosw_, It would be great if you could pass me a command line that made correct separation, if you figure out what went wrong.19:17.07 
  bye now19:17.15 
marcosw_ vlada_: you might download a copy of Ghostscript-9.02. It appear to correctly process the file (it generates a test.s0.tif file along with the CMYK files).19:34.34 
vlada_ test.s0.tif is spot color?19:36.25 
  any idea why that happens? 19:39.40 
marcosw_ yes, test.s0.tif is the spot color. I'm not sure why 9.02 generates the spot file and 9.04 gives an error. I'm isolating the change now and will either open a bug or email you an explanation when I figure out what is going on.19:40.56 
vlada_ marcosw_, downloading right now. How do I uninstall 9.04 when there is no make uninstall target? Oh, well... I'll try replacing 9.04 with simple make install and hope for the best. :)19:54.20 
marcosw_ vlada_: that should work, the 9.02 will install over the 9.0419:58.52 
vlada_ marcosw_, building right now. Will inform you about result later19:59.50 
marcosw_ I have to run out for a while, but will read the irc logs when I return.20:00.24 
vlada_ k20:02.16 
  /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lcupsimage20:07.23 
  collect2: ld returned 1 exit status20:07.23 
  make: *** [bin/gs] Error 120:07.23 
  not good. can't even build it20:07.36 
chrisl_r61 vlada_: you can either install libcupsimage-dev or do "./configure --disable-cups"20:18.31 
vlada_ chrisl_r61, it's funny actually since 9.04 didn't complaint20:21.01 
  anyway, I've installed it and let's see if that improves something20:21.18 
  chrisl_r61, that's it! Thanks20:21.58 
chrisl_r61 vlada_: for some reason the check for libcupsimage had been disabled a while back (before I was involved), I re-enabled it for 9.04, so 9.04 would not have tried to include the cups device20:22.14 
vlada_ ah, ok20:22.29 
chrisl_r61 vlada_: did you get a warning when GS 9.04 didn't produce your spot plate?20:27.25 
vlada_ not really20:28.00 
chrisl_r61 Hmm, okay. I only ask as I worked on a problem that prevented spot plates being omitted on 32 bit systems - it sounds like a different issue, though.20:30.29 
vlada_ this is 64bit on amd6420:30.55 
chrisl_r61 Ah well, I'll leave it to marcosw_ he can punt it to me if it looks related.20:31.54 
vlada_ chrisl_r61, with 9.02 I get error! :(20:36.00 
chrisl_r61 vlada_: what's the error?20:36.15 
chrisl_r61 you didn't give an output file to write to20:37.48 
  gs -sDEVICE=tiffsep -o Ploca-max-1boja%d%s.tiff Ploca-max-1boja.pdf or something like that might work20:38.39 
  Oops, no: gs -sDEVICE=tiffsep -o Ploca-max-1boja%d.tiff Ploca-max-1boja.pdf is more better20:41.12 
vlada_ chrisl_r61, the same error!20:41.16 
chrisl_r61 See above20:41.23 
vlada_ chrisl_r61, ok20:42.03 
  still no spot20:42.25 
chrisl_r61 But you get the process plates?20:43.32 
  vlada_: I have a test file here with a spot plate in it, and it produces the spot plate from tiffsep - so it does work, at least in some cases20:51.24 
vlada_ chrisl_r61, yes - CMYK plates are there and one without appendix to name20:52.28 
  vlada@vlada-MS-7369:~$ ls Ploca-max-1boja*20:52.53 
  Ploca-max-1boja1.tiff Ploca-max-1boja1.tiff.Cyan.tif Ploca-max-1boja1.tiff.Yellow.tif20:52.53 
  Ploca-max-1boja1.tiff.Black.tif Ploca-max-1boja1.tiff.Magenta.tif Ploca-max-1boja.pdf20:52.53 
  not sure what Ploca-max-1boja1.tiff is, but it isn't spot channel20:53.21 
chrisl_r61 Ploca-max-1boja1.tiffis a composite approximation of all the plates - a preview20:54.01 
  (typing went awry...) Ploca-max-1boja1.tiff is a composite approximation of all the plates - a preview20:54.19 
vlada_ thought so. thanks20:55.37 
  chrisl_r61, I'm trying with different doc now21:01.13 
  chrisl_r61, vlada@vlada-MS-7369:~$ gs -sDEVICE=tiffsep -o TESTdoc.%d.tiff TESTdoc.pdf 21:03.02 
  GPL Ghostscript 9.02 (2011-03-30)21:03.02 
  Copyright (C) 2010 Artifex Software, Inc. All rights reserved.21:03.02 
  This software comes with NO WARRANTY: see the file PUBLIC for details.21:03.02 
  Processing pages 1 through 1.21:03.02 
  Page 121:03.02 
  %%SeparationName: Test crv21:03.04 
  %%SeparationName: Plava21:03.06 
  %%SeparationName: Test nar21:03.08 
  %%SeparationName: New Color21:03.10 
  vlada@vlada-MS-7369:~$ ls TESTdoc.*21:03.23 
  TESTdoc.1.tiff TESTdoc.1.tiff.Cyan.tif TESTdoc.1.tiff.Yellow.tif21:03.23 
  TESTdoc.1.tiff.Black.tif TESTdoc.1.tiff.Magenta.tif TESTdoc.pdf21:03.23 
  gs recognized spot colors, but did nothing with them21:03.53 
  sorry for flooding :(21:04.08 
chrisl_r61 no worries, but I don't really know what to suggest21:05.21 
tkamppeter chrisl_r61, your last gdevcups.c with all rc_decrement(...) calls commented out gives no segfault for me. Are the rc_decrement(...) really needed?21:08.19 
chrisl_r61 tkamppeter: I'm not sure. Leaving may be a temporary workaround for you, at the expense of possibly leaking a bit of memory. With the way cups uses Ghostscript I think the leakage should be constant - it shouldn't go up with the size of the job, for example.21:11.16 
  s/Leaving/Leaving them out21:11.28 
tkamppeter chrisl_r61, I could commit your gdevcups.c with the commented lines so that the cluster regression test gets triggered and we see how many segfaults will rename. I will also mark then that it is not completely finished.21:14.04 
chrisl_r61 tkamppeter: I clusterpushed earlier with the rc_decrement()s removed, and it passed fine - I am worried it's indicative of a deeper problem, though. I do want to try something else, though......21:15.20 
tkamppeter chrisl_r61, so I will not do a commit for now.21:16.00 
vlada_ chrisl_r61, thank you anyway. I've learned something along to way.21:16.13 
Kunnis I'm fighting colorspaces with a pdf I'm working on, and I don't know how to figure it out. It shows up right in adobe acrobat reader, but if I try doing showing the seperations in acrobat, it doesn't come out right. Anyone know where I should even ask on this?21:16.25 
vlada_ What's not right in Acrobat? I presume Professional...21:18.32 
Kunnis I'm combing several pdfs onto one larger pdf to send to our printer. I'm creating a "White" color, for a white underprint, so we can print on clear materials. I create the white underprint as a overprint, and one of them shows up correctly as a seperation in the print preview of acrobat pro, but not the other images in the document. but in reader, I can see the overprint layer over all the graphics, exactly where the overprint shoul21:21.37 
  I take the smaller pdfs, put them in as groups in the larger pdf. I then put them in again, this time changing all of their element's colorspaces to the seperation coorspace.21:24.04 
  and set the fill overprint and the spot overprint options to true21:25.20 
  If you'd like, I can send a sample21:27.59 
chrisl_away tkamppeter: here's what I was thinking - so it rc_decrement()s the entire device ICC struct, instead of just the one profile. I'm hoping that means the ref counts come out right.21:30.15 
  (sorry about the changing nick, I'm jumping between computers)21:31.08 
tkamppeter chrisl_away, I will try it, thanks.21:38.48 
chrisl_r61 tkamppeter: it's running on the cluster now - if this doesn't work, I really am out of ideas!21:39.41 
henrys I see the CRLF problem with obj_malloc.h on the mac also.21:42.47 
chrisl_r61 henrys: Odd, I wonder only that one file is affected. I'll try to sort it out tomorrow.21:43.58 
Kunnis Woohoo! I figured it out. I was setting the colorspace, but not setting the color itself. I set it to 0xff and it started looking right21:45.39 
  I've been fighting this stupid thing for most of the day.21:46.06 
henrys is is the only file CRLF endings?21:47.55 
  s/is is/is it/21:48.08 
chrisl_r61 Seems to be, yes21:48.24 
  henrys: I've pushed a change so the line endings are consistent21:49.14 
henrys It looks like if I just commit it it'll convert.21:49.17 
  oh okay.21:49.25 
chrisl_r61 Sorry, when it hit me what it was, it was dead easy to sort21:49.49 
  Drat! I did forget to label the commit "CLUSTER_UNTESTED" :-(21:50.31 
  tkamppeter: that gdevcups.c passed the "highres" cluster test, so I've pushed a full cluster test, which will run after the commit test - it looks promising!21:51.06 
tkamppeter chrisl_r61, great, I am doing an Ubuntu package build with it now.21:51.48 
chrisl_r61 tkamppeter: it's getting late, but I'm going to stay online until the cluster test finishes - I *really* want this out the way! Assuming it passes the full test, I'll commit it (and heave a sigh of relief!).21:54.58 
tkamppeter chrisl_r61, for me it works perfectly. No segfaults. I have uploaded it to Ubuntu now.22:01.57 
chrisl_r61 tkamppeter: oh yes, that passed! Do you want to commit it, or shall I?22:50.35 
tkamppeter chrisl_r61, mvrhel2, clusterpush finished, I do not see any segfaults with CUPS Raster there any more.22:51.05 
mvrhel2 oh I missed everything22:51.23 
henrys why did we check in all the segv's in the first place, can tkamppeter do local cluster pushes?22:51.31 
mvrhel2 what was the fix?22:51.34 
tkamppeter chrisl_r61, commit it. Thank you very much for this fix!22:51.39 
mvrhel2 goes back to read the logs22:51.51 
chrisl_r61 mvrhel2: Instead of decrementing the ref count of the individual profile, I do it for the whole icc_struct.22:52.35 
mvrhel2 ah. ok22:52.44 
  oh do we reallocate a new one?22:52.55 
chrisl_r61 Yes22:53.00 
mvrhel2 hmm.. that is weird22:53.11 
  but I suppose it is fine as if someone is doing special profiles for text, graphic and images then they are probably setting up everything external22:53.46 
chrisl_r61 henrys: it was a misunderstanding between tkamppeter and me - I hadn't fully tested the fix that I passed to him.22:53.55 
mvrhel2 ok. well that is all good news22:54.13 
  frees me up to work on my bug pile on the plane22:54.28 
chrisl_r61 mvrhel2: if you set custom profiles on the command line, as long as you set the output profile as well, it will skip the code that changes the profile - so custom profiles should be fine, too.22:55.39 
mvrhel2 ok. sounds good. sorry to have all these issues for you to find chrisl_r6l :(22:56.43 
chrisl_r61 mvrhel2: not a problem - I just wonder why I didn't try this 14 hours ago!22:57.06 
  tkamppeter: committed now - phew! I'm going to bed now.......23:05.23 
tkamppeter chrisl_away, thank you very much! Good nifght.23:17.59 
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