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 <<<Back 1 day (to 2011/08/18)2011/08/19 
ecadre email sent :-)00:05.15 
ecadre goes to bed00:18.03 
mvrhel2 darn. forgot to fix the warning in my last commit05:22.23 
ray_laptop mvrhel2: I've got a patch in clusterpush that does the imager_state_finalize. I see it freeing the icc_link_cache on the way out, and it doesn't seem to leak semaphore handles06:00.13 
mvrhel2 ray_laptop: that is great!06:00.26 
  I am trying to figure out 691800 right now and getting stumped06:01.01 
  very weird things going on between pdfwrite and transparency06:01.15 
  ray_laptop: who was the guilty party in incrementing but not decrementing the objects in the graphic state06:02.55 
  bed time06:18.27 
  good night all06:18.29 
femfum bye11:48.07 
  hi again...12:05.58 
  could someone answer a question about the two operators... 'setblackgeneration' and 'setundercolorremoval' ...related to their apparent no-work using the device 'bitcmyk' in RGB to CMYK conversions? This is true in the all GS 9.# releases, but works well in the old 8.71 (if necessary, we have samples about this possible bug)12:06.12 
chrisl femfum: it sounds like a bug to me - we've made *big* changes to the color workflow between 8.71 and 9.00, so it is not totally surprising. Have you tried 9.04?12:20.29 
femfum yes, it also fails in this latest 9.04 version :-(12:21.49 
  want you see any samples?12:23.47 
chrisl Have you tried it with different devices? Maybe tiff output?12:23.50 
kens If its a bug then it should get a bug tracker12:24.15 
femfum no, because I need to compute the real CMYK percentages12:25.03 
  ok, and into gs-devel list also?12:25.59 
chrisl femfum: I only meant to check if this is a general problem, or something specific to bitcmyk12:26.07 
kens No, just raise a bug in Bugzilla12:26.16 
femfum ok, thanks12:26.35 
kens OK Michael#'s problem looks like a pdfwrite bug.12:46.23 
chrisl Which problem is that?12:47.27 
kens Soemthing to do with transparency groups12:47.38 
  He sent me private mail about it12:47.48 
  Its to do with patterns and which CTM they use.12:48.11 
chrisl IIRC, PDF patterns use the "wrong" CTM, don't they?12:48.41 
kens Yes, that's the problem.12:49.00 
  They use the 'enclosing' CTM, or the 'parent' if you prefer that terminology12:49.18 
  pdfwrite is writing a shading (pattern) with an unscaled BBox etc.12:49.43 
  Inside a form12:50.17 
  Normally that can't happen because we unwind forms, but transparency groups (aha!) do ed up in form XObjects12:50.46 
chrisl Another reason to find and shoot somebody in Adobe.....12:51.10 
kens Yes, one of the best.... Though I wonder if its a bug that has been preserved in amber12:51.35 
  Not an excusse, just a different vitim12:51.54 
chrisl I haven't checked the spec recently - it was certainly contrary to spec at one point12:52.19 
kens I admit its all very gray from what I recall.12:52.36 
  And deeply ugly12:52.56 
chrisl "Very gray and deeply ugly" sums up much of PDF these days12:53.39 
kens :-)12:53.46 
chrisl tkamppeter: ping?12:54.22 
tkamppeter hi13:30.31 
chrisl tkamppeter: hi. I was wondering if you had any feel for how much use the contrib/pcl3 device gets in the "real world"?13:34.10 
tkamppeter chrisl, unfortunately not. Probably it is used only for very old HP inkjets. Now HP already supports their printers with HPLIP for years. And the new printers even need HPLIP.13:36.29 
  chrisl, what is the problem of pcl3?13:36.47 
chrisl tkamppeter: I have a bug open saying there is a newer version than we ship, but it's going to be a fair amount of work to get it working (on top the patch you did for the newer GS API), and I'm trying to decide whether the time is worth spending13:38.01 
tkamppeter chrisl, what is the bug number?13:42.12 
chrisl tkamppeter: Bug 689283 13:42.28 
tkamppeter Perhaps one could find out what changed between the pcl3 version used in GS and the most recent version of pcl3. Perhaps it is easier applying that patch than removing the old version and inserting the new version.13:46.22 
  chrisl, ^^13:46.31 
chrisl tkamppeter: possibly - I sort of feel, as it's a "contrib" device, it ought not to need our time spent on it.... but maybe that's just me!13:47.38 
ray_laptop finally got my cable internet installed at home. 20Mb/s down vs. 2.5 with DSL (1.0 up vs. .4) :-)14:00.21 
chrisl ray_laptop: it does put a fresh perspective on what you can do online - easy to get used to, as well!14:01.36 
  tkamppeter: actually, that bug is wrong - contrib/pcl3 is at the latest version - I think the reporter got confused because "reports.txt" file he refers to has been updated outside of the distributed archive.14:09.57 
tkamppeter chrisl, OK, then you can close the bug.14:10.45 
chrisl tkamppeter: I think I will pull in the latest reports.txt, might save the same confusion arising again.14:11.22 
tkamppeter I have a question to p22write, does it flatten all input file pages to full-page bitmaps? Is there a way to make GS generate text-searchable PS from PDF files?14:11.39 
  chrisl, OK.14:11.58 
ray_laptop tkamppeter: did you mean ps2write ?14:12.01 
tkamppeter Yes, ps2write.14:12.17 
kens high level like pdfwrite14:12.30 
ray_laptop tkamppeter: but neither pswrite, nor ps2write flattens pages to images (unless they have transparency)14:12.31 
  tkamppeter: the ps2write output is actually valid PDF with a procset to interpret the following PDF using PS level 214:13.24 
kens Not quite, not anymore14:13.44 
ray_laptop tkamppeter: of course elements of PDF that cannot be represented in PS Level 2 are 'down converted' (such as shadings)14:14.15 
  kens: yes, it's been a while since I looked at it14:14.27 
kens :-)14:14.31 
tkamppeter ray_laptop, see 
ray_laptop kens: I'm sure the DSC mangling messed things up a bit14:14.44 
tkamppeter I have tested with this PDF as input: 
ray_laptop tkamppeter: that link mention ps2ps (not ps2ps2) the pswrite device does turn text into bitmaps14:16.03 
kens ray_laptop : sort of, I took the opportunity to strip out a load of irrelevant stuff when reformatting it14:16.26 
tkamppeter ps2ps and ps2ps2 have no relevant differences in current GS. They both use ps2write, also pdf2ps uses ps2write.14:20.03 
ray_laptop tkamppeter: ps2ps2 is supposed to use -sDEVICE=ps2write14:23.58 
  tkamppeter: I had forgotten that we changed ps2ps to also use ps2write14:24.53 
kens :-)14:33.27 
tkamppeter kens, ray_laptop, I jhave checked and all scripts use ps2write, so my file was converted by ps2write. Can you check the input file which I have linked above whether it can convert into searchable PS?14:42.58 
kens the input seems to be HTML14:43.38 
chrisl strange, the font(s) seem to end up as Type 3 in the Postscript, with a custom encoding.14:57.53 
ray_laptop tkamppeter: what's the bug number on freedesktop ?14:58.08 
tkamppeter ray_laptop, 
ray_laptop tkamppeter: thanks.15:03.57 
tkamppeter ray_laptop, chrisl, kens, the input file is the third attachment of the Freedesktop bug.15:04.46 
ray_laptop tkamppeter: I have it. It has text in the original as CIDFontType2 with 'Identity' encoding, so we see text as stuff like:15:08.49 
  [ (\000\001\000\002\000\003\000\003\000\004\000\005\000\006\000\007) -1 (\000\b\000\t\000\n) -1 (\000\013) ]TJ15:08.51 
chrisl kens: does -dNOTRANSPARENCY work with ps2write? The device doesn't override the setting somehow?15:10.06 
kens no idea15:10.19 
ray_laptop kens: chrisl : presumably these funky encodings are problematic for turning it back into searchable text.15:10.34 
  chrisl: -dNOTRANSPARENCY i handled at the PDF interp level, so it works with any device15:10.57 
  kens: there are ToUnicode entries for the embedded fonts, however15:11.58 
chrisl ray_laptop: the funky encodings may be a problem for making it searchable, but doesn't explain why it ends up as a Type 3 bitmap font15:11.58 
ray_laptop chrisl: I agree15:12.22 
  I'll leave that up to kens or you. If you still have trouble getting the 'firefox.pdf' attachment, let me know and I'll email it15:13.04 
kens mail it to me please15:13.17 
chrisl ray_laptop: that's why I was asking about disabling transparency - the text seems to have transparency settings (according to Acro pre-flight)15:13.18 
ray_laptop chrisl: doesn't report it as having transparency15:15.13 
tkamppeter pitti, for me it looks more that the buildds does something wrong. See15:15.27 
  and search "compressed-ppds" in there.15:15.53 
chrisl ray_laptop: well, could be Acro preflight being cr*p - as we know it is!15:15.57 
tkamppeter sorry15:16.24 
ray_laptop chrisl: gswin32c -- toolbin/ /c/temp/freedesktop_bug_40076.pdf lists:15:16.26 
  Creator: cairo 1.9.5 ( 
  Producer: cairo 1.9.5 ( 
  Page 1 MediaBox: [0 0 595.3 841.9]15:16.31 
  No system fonts are needed.15:16.32 
chrisl ray_laptop: it definitely has transparency settings in the PDF file - and we know cairo puts *everything* in a transparency group15:18.36 
ray_laptop chrisl: interestingly, however, object 11 (Type /Page) has /Group << /Type /Group /S /Transparency /CS /DeviceRGB >> /Resources 2 0 R >>15:20.17 
chrisl ray_laptop: so is missing some information.15:21.09 
ray_laptop mvrhel2: do you know offhand if we are missing transparency for that file ? (-Zv doesn't show any transparency actions)15:21.23 
  chrisl: not just (it uses the same 'pageusestransparency' as the PDF interp does15:21.49 
chrisl Interestingly, if I convert pdf->pdf, I get a searchable PDF out of pdfwrite15:22.34 
ray_laptop chrisl: mvrhel2: I don't see it actually doing anything with transparency, despite the /Group dict for the page15:22.35 
  kens: chrisl: do we assume that the Level 2 PS can accept Type 42 TT fonts ?15:23.12 
ray_laptop goes to check docs15:23.20 
kens Yes,15:23.28 
mvrhel2 sorry I was down the hall making breakfast15:23.54 
ray_laptop chrisl: kens: the ps2ps2.htm _does_ mention: If the target printer can't handle a particular font type, ps2write converts the fonts into a bitmap fonts representation, using the resolution specified when ps2write is invoked. In particular this can happen with CID fonts, which are not Postscript Level 2 objects. In general these are converted to multiple instances of other font types) 15:24.42 
mvrhel2 kens, before you leave for the evening, do you mind if I push 691800 to you?15:25.38 
ray_laptop chrisl: I am going to try it with -dHaveTrueTypes=true15:25.53 
kens Its miine15:25.59 
chrisl That could be the problem, then. I'd still expect the text to selectable, but I'd expect the character codes to be "nonsense".15:25.59 
mvrhel2 being a pdfwrite issue, I think you will have better luck with it15:25.59 
  kens: was that to me?15:26.35 
kens yes15:26.40 
mvrhel2 ok. great thanks15:26.45 
  kens, do you want me to attach the simple example files?15:28.01 
kens I already have them15:28.15 
mvrhel2 ok15:28.29 
ray_laptop chrisl: kens: doesn't help. Still get bitmaps15:28.33 
chrisl ray_laptop: I think you must be right about the CID font limitation - as I say, I'm surprised the text isn't selectable, though15:29.07 
mvrhel2 brb15:29.13 
ray_laptop kens: I sent the file15:29.48 
kens ok15:30.23 
ray_laptop looks like the only reason cairo is using CIDFontType2 is so they can use UTF-16 string data :-(15:30.45 
kens Then they will always get type 315:31.06 
  I have to run, night all16:13.44 
chrisl alexcher: ping16:38.58 
alexcher chrisl: pong17:03.50 
chrisl_away alexcher: sorry, I have to head out - I sent you a mail about it17:05.43 
alexcher chrisl: I'm looking.17:06.46 
ray_laptop alexcher: I just posted a stackoverflow answer about creating a PDF with filenames in it from a bunch of individual files. When you get a chance, could you look at my PS code to make sure I didn't miss something ? (NOT urgent)17:09.17 
alexcher ray_laptop: please email me your PS program.17:21.05 
  ray_laptop: or URL of the page.17:24.08 
mvrhel2 whoo-hoo. I have less than 50 bugs now in my list17:44.26 
henrys we'll have to find you more code to manage ;-)17:45.48 
mvrhel2 I need to get back to the planar color stuff now17:46.38 
  I also want to get the simple cmm in place 17:46.58 
henrys yea the planar schedule is not so good, I don't look forward to the email with the customer but I can't think how we could have done better.17:48.27 
mvrhel2 sorry about that17:48.44 
ray_laptop alexcher: the snippets are on the stackoverflow post. The URL is: 
henrys mvrhel2:no problem don't worry about it.17:52.51 
alexcher ray_laptop: the code looks fine.17:59.35 
mvrhel2 great. I created a simple pattern fill to test out the plank device with the planar code and it doesnt even render correctly going out to ppmraw 18:08.57 
  very odd18:09.11 
  ray_laptop: can I send you a file to check?18:09.48 
ray_laptop mvrhel2: SURE18:11.41 
  alexcher: thanks18:14.07 
mvrhel2 ray_laptop: ok sent it18:16.32 
  atcually that worked now18:18.35 
  to ppmraw18:18.38 
  what is going on18:18.46 
  ray_laptop: so try the file I sent going to ppmraw and to tiff24nc18:19.51 
  going out to a tiff device does not render correctly for me18:20.18 
  tiff24nc gives all black18:20.32 
  tiff32nc gives all white18:22.49 
  ray_laptop: the file renders painfully slow out to psdcmyk18:25.35 
mvrhel2_ well the psdcmyk file is OK18:33.00 
  oh it looks like the bounding box for this thing is huge18:33.21 
  aha. at 72dpi output is 14400 by 1440018:33.45 
  likely a mem issue with the tiff output18:34.01 
  ray_laptop: don't spend any more time on this18:34.20 
  if you have at all18:34.26 
  I dont understand why AR does not render it this large though18:35.43 
ray_laptop mvrhel2_: doesn't look like a mem issue -- even fails (all black) with -r1018:40.06 
mvrhel2_ ok18:40.17 
  psdcmyk works18:40.20 
  but the size is huge18:40.23 
  AR the size is reasonable18:40.28 
  ray_laptop: I think there is a bug here. who would be best to hand this one to18:41.17 
mvrhel2_ goes back to the drawing board to create a simple file for his testing18:46.49 
ray_laptop mvrhel2_: try -dUseCropBox that's what AR does by default. -dPDFDEBUG shows: /CropBox [6800.5 6899.5 7600.5 7499.5 ] /MediaBox [0.0 0.0 14400.0 14400.0 ]18:48.11 
mvrhel2_ aha18:48.49 
  about 3 orders of magnitude faster18:49.11 
ray_laptop mvrhel2_: or edit the file to fix the MediaBox18:49.13 
  but why it is black with tiff, I don't know18:50.02 
mvrhel2_ ok. so yes, even with the cropbox the tif still comes out black19:01.43 
henrys leaving early today and won't be back until Sunday - pikes peak ascent is tomorrow.19:03.00 
mvrhel2_ nice19:03.16 
  have fun!19:03.19 
ray_laptop henrys: good luck. Just remember to check your radiator level before going up ;-)19:03.25 
  henrys: you _are_ driving and not doing something like running or biking, right ?19:04.38 
henrys we actually do run up the mountain ... that's the plan anyway19:05.07 
mvrhel2_ wow19:05.59 
henrys this is my first time - my goal is not to suffer the humiliation of rescue.19:08.13 
mvrhel2_ well good luck19:14.40 
The98 hi!19:18.12 
  I have a .pdf file which can't be reproduce by GS, should I upload it somewhere so you tell the reason of this?19:20.09 
mvrhel2_ bugs.ghostscript.com19:20.25 
  henrys: so the plank device in general has issues with patterns that needs to be resolved19:21.09 
  basically the tiling code is set up to do chunky19:22.17 
  lunch time now19:22.58 
robin_watts_mac henrys: Good luck!23:49.51 
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