IRC Logs

Log of #ghostscript at

 <<<Back 1 day (to 2011/08/22)2011/08/23 
robin_watts_mac heads for Bangkok. bbl, hopefully.10:42.40 
ManDay tor8: You got a sitrep on your planned reader? any time yet?13:19.25 
tor8 ManDay: nope :(13:21.04 
ManDay ok thanks for the feedback (i know im a pain in the arse, forgive me :>)13:21.57 
  dont forget to look into zathura before you start though13:22.20 
  it's slowly getting there13:22.29 
ray_laptop morning, all14:22.52 
kens Hi Ray14:23.43 
ray_laptop kens: 692300 is still a problem for customer 780. I'm writing up what I learned on the phone call from them yesterday.14:34.26 
kens OK, that would be good. All the problems I know about are resolved, so new information is useful.14:34.56 
ray_laptop my brain is fuinctioning at about 90% today (up from about 50% yesterday). My cold is almost gone14:35.00 
  kens: basically, the -I switch doesn't help with CIDFonts14:35.35 
kens It does for me.14:35.50 
  But I'll investigate again when I see you r findings.14:36.27 
ray_laptop kens: it 'might' be working if the directory pointed to by the -I has a name 'CIDFont' IFF it is the first path on the list. Then it has the side effect of setting the default GenericResourceDir14:48.35 
kens Hmm, I found that any directory on the search path which had a sub-directory called CIDFont would work, but I did not test it extensively.14:49.13 
  Apparently the resoruce code tests each directory in the search path for specifically named sub-directories by resource name).14:49.48 
  But like I said, I didn't test exhaustively.14:50.07 
ray_laptop kens: not what I found. For instance, when I set -Ic:/Resource/CIDFont then it couldn't find the CMap files even though they are in %rom%Resource/CMap14:57.08 
  kens: and if the CIDFonts are in a directory c:/Resource/CIDFonts then it didn't work at alll14:57.47 
kens Well it wouldn't find the CMaps if you specified the CIDFont directory14:58.05 
  What you do is specify a folder called (eg) MyCIDFonts, which has a sub-direcotry CIDFONt. In /MyCIDFonts you put the cidfmap.14:58.32 
ray_laptop kens: because it only assigned the default GenericResourceDir and only concatenated CIDFont/ 14:58.34 
kens Then you say -I/MyCIDFonts14:58.45 
  THat worked for me14:58.50 
  That picks up the cidmap, and then the CIDFonts relative to it.14:59.21 
ray_laptop kens: did you see the warning about an incorrect GenericResourceDir ?14:59.27 
kens No, I don't believe so14:59.34 
  Though this was some weeks ago....14:59.42 
ray_laptop and are you able to load CMap files: /Identity-H /CMap findresource14:59.53 
kens Didn't try to use CMaps.15:00.01 
  If you want custom CMaps then I believe you would have to have a CMap directory inside the MyCIDFonts direcotry as well as a CIDFonts one15:00.29 
  Or specify another parent to -I and put a sub-directory called CMap in there15:00.50 
ray_laptop kens: most people will want to ADD CIDFonts without having to replicate all of the CMap files (those they prefer to get from the %rom 15:01.11 
kens Right, so you don't bother with CMaps.15:01.37 
  You just do what I said above.15:01.42 
  Make a folder, make a sub-folder called CIDFont, put the CIDFOnts in /parent/CIDFonts. Put cidfmap in /parent15:02.10 
  specify -I/parent15:02.17 
  Worked a treat for me15:02.24 
ray_laptop kens: I finished the comment. Please see bug 69230015:02.25 
kens OK15:02.30 
  Need to finish #692458 first, be a few minutes15:02.57 
ray_laptop kens: try gswin32c -I"%romesoufce/Init" -I/parent15:03.07 
  kens: I suspect the only reason it is working is that you are getting the side effect that is the same as -sGenericResouceDir=/parent/15:03.45 
kens But then I should get errors about a faulty GenericResourceDir.15:04.06 
ray_laptop but BOTH of those cause me to not be able to load CMap files15:04.09 
  kens: I do get that warning15:04.20 
kens Let me finish this other bug first.15:04.21 
  I didn't get that warning. But I can't concentrate on 2 topics, give me a minute15:04.37 
ray_laptop (unlless I have the -I"%romesoufce/Init" first -- then it doesn't find my CIDFont)15:04.52 
  kens: np15:05.03 
robin_watts_mac ray_laptop: While you're waiting you could fix the topic :)15:05.27 
ray_laptop robin_watts_mac: actually, the 'fix' (1) does conform to the topic15:06.29 
robin_watts_mac Is the latest release not 9.04 now ?15:06.55 
  (I meant IRC topic)15:07.01 
ray_laptop that is, to allow the cidfmap to have pathname strings (similar to Fontmap) to specify a location as with: /WadaGor-Bold (c:/Resource/myCIDFonts/WadaGo-Bold.cid)15:07.38 
  robin_watts_mac: oh, that. I am having trouble regaining 'op' priveleges15:08.16 
robin_watts_mac Ah.15:08.43 
henrys can we please just remove the release when ... well when the permissions are fixed.15:08.45 
ray_laptop henrys: sure, that's fine.15:08.57 
kens Hmm well they're right about the downsampling. I thought it was the threshold, but changin that had no effect.15:11.43 
  OK I'll look at 692300 now15:11.56 
henrys ray_laptop:not very important but I was wondering if you saw my pagedevice question above - the cgm devices have no pagedevice dictionary and their is precedent in the code for not having the dictionary - just curious about it was going to ping Peter if you don't know.15:12.29 
ray_laptop henrys: ALL devices _should_ (must ?) have a pagedevice dict.15:13.13 
henrys one would think ... but see x_get_page_device for example15:14.16 
ray_laptop it's probably an OLD oversight. they should be using the 'SETPDEV2' macro (not SETDEV) and have '' as a dependency15:14.43 
robin_watts_mac lolcat^^ and KindOne have arrived from #freenode to try and help us sort operator problems.15:14.57 
lolcat^^ We have?15:15.14 
  I was hoping someone here was trolling...15:15.23 
KindOne eh...15:15.24 
lolcat^^ But anyways15:15.26 
KindOne tell your frind to login to nickserv15:15.33 
lolcat^^ Just do: /msg chanserv op #ghostscript lolcat15:15.49 
  or whomever you want to op15:15.53 
ray_laptop henrys: if it is a 'vector' type device (not raster) then it could use the 'SETDEV2' macro15:16.12 
  lolcat^^: I get: You are not authorized to perform this operation.15:17.06 
  I remember doing something with chanserv before15:17.27 
Erroneous ray_laptop: Are you identified?15:17.44 
ray_laptop Erroneous: that ws it. Usually I get 'identified' by chatzilla automagically.15:18.37 
Erroneous ray_laptop: Now you can change the topic15:18.42 
robin_watts_mac Right. Now who else has op privs?15:18.44 
  I seem to remember we had problems when ray tried to grant other people privs before.15:18.59 
Erroneous I wouldn't mind some...15:19.03 
ray_laptop Erroneous: how do we list those with op privs ?15:19.07 
  I think henry is supposed to15:19.19 
robin_watts_mac In particular henrys and chrisl should be prived.15:19.24 
ray_laptop ahh the syntax to list flags is: /msg flags #ghostscript ray_laptop15:20.19 
Erroneous robin_watts_mac: /msg chanserv access list #ghostscript15:20.21 
ray_laptop chisl has +o15:20.42 
henrys if you want me to manage the topic I'll change it to something that never needs to be changed ;-)15:20.59 
Erroneous made the topic in #bitcoin-drugs15:21.21 
robin_watts_mac henrys and chrisl should have F and f too, I think.15:21.36 
Erroneous robin_watts_mac: why?15:21.57 
robin_watts_mac Because if Ray goes down with denge again, we're screwed :)15:22.15 
ray_laptop robin_watts_mac: as I said, chrisl has +o (op priveleges)15:22.44 
  as does ghostgum.15:22.55 
robin_watts_mac (AIUI F and f are the 'top level' privs)15:23.04 
ray_laptop adding henrys now...15:23.07 
henrys ray_laptop:no there is something more to the setpagedevice stuff, we'd have the same problems if the device parameter IsPageDevice == false with X1115:24.15 
kens ray_laptop I have done the following:15:24.53 
  Created a folder in /Temp called cidfmap15:24.53 
  The cidfmap file contains "/Test /MOESung-Regular"15:24.53 
  I then start GS with gswin32 -I/Temp/cidfmap15:24.53 
  I do not get nay warnings about GenericResourceDir.15:24.53 
  I then do "(*) {==} 256 string /CMap resourceforall"15:24.54 
  All CMaps are listed. Doign the same for /CIDFont lists MOESung-Regular and Test15:24.54 
  executing "/MOESung-Regular-Identity-H findfont" works15:24.55 
  Showing text doesn't, but then I don't know what woudn't result in /.notdefs for this font.15:24.55 
  Drat, "/" caused problems15:25.17 
  The folder "/Temp/cidfmap"contains a cidfmap file and a sub-folder CIDFont15:25.51 
ray_laptop kens: that's OK. Let me try it with different top names as you have (not c:/Resource)15:26.07 
kens OK15:26.15 
  ray_laptop : you need a folder and a sub-folder called CIDFont. You specify the parent ot -I15:26.50 
ray_laptop kens: what do you have in your cidfmap ?15:27.02 
kens I toook it away and it still worked, so you can ignore that if you like15:27.21 
ray_laptop kens: OK. couldn't see why that would be needed15:27.46 
kens But originally I had one line:15:27.51 
  "/Test /MOESung-Regular ;"15:27.52 
  No, it doesn't seem to be required.15:28.00 
  Butit does let you create substitutes for missing fonts, which is why I did it I thnk15:28.19 
  to allow teh customer to define the Ordering+registry substitutes15:28.50 
ray_laptop kens: I get the GenericResourceDir warning when I do: gswin32c -Ic:/myResource15:29.08 
kens Hmm, I don't.15:29.17 
  I'm not specifying c: though, let me try that.15:29.25 
  Also not specifying a top level direcotry will try that too15:29.39 
henrys I'm inclined to remove cgm anyway given the comment in devs.mak and the popularity of the format. Objections?15:29.40 
ray_laptop kens: I get the same warning with gswin32c -I/myResource15:30.06 
kens Weird, I don't.15:30.26 
  FWIW chrisl didnt either IIRC15:32.01 
marcosw_ henrys: I have no objection to removing cgm. None of our customers use it, as far as I know.15:32.15 
henrys I guess 692456 has filled out their customer number is that right?15:33.36 
  I hope not ... AIX compiler bugs are going to be time sink.15:34.00 
  marcosw_ ^^^15:34.23 
ray_laptop kens: something strange here. It seems that the directory MUST be called 'cidfmap', so that if I rename my c:/Resource to c:/cidfmap then (and only then) I don't get the warning15:34.26 
kens That is *indeed* odd!15:34.42 
  so I struck lucky :-(15:34.54 
marcosw_ 692456 is indeed a customer bug, I've set it to P2.15:35.53 
  does alexcher still have an AIX machine?15:37.37 
henrys marcosw_:well do you want to get a login and investigate. There is really nothing we can do with what they've given us. Well maybe run valgrind.15:38.14 
marcosw_ I'm downloading the eps file now and will try it under valgrind. 15:39.01 
henrys wants to require a gnu toolchain on unix15:40.00 
ray_laptop kens: when I use -Ic:/cidfmap I don't get the warning, but it doesn't find my CIDFont15:40.05 
henrys but we don't yet.15:40.07 
ray_laptop henrys: won't fly with customers. Many have apps that are developed in their own toolchain15:40.45 
kens ray_laptop : your experience is at variance with mine, I can find and use the font. Can't see any text, but I don't know what CID to use.15:40.58 
ray_laptop and unix based cross compiles may not be gcc based (embedded systems often use other toolchains)15:41.22 
  kens: trying again VERY carefully 15:41.53 
marcosw_ the test file from bug 456 is an ad for a travel agent that offers trips to Vietnam.15:41.57 
henrys robin_watts_mac should fix it.15:42.28 
  he knows what it should look like.15:42.56 
  ray_laptop:I think all the embedding we've done recently has been gcc or windows.15:43.59 
  robin_watts_mac would know15:44.18 
alexcher marcosw_: I have access to an old AIX box with gcc. 15:44.27 
marcosw_ did it have some issue with not enough disk space or memory?15:45.08 
alexcher marcosw_: both.15:45.57 
robin_watts_mac Requiring gcc would be a retrograde step.15:46.46 
alexcher marcosw_: It's 32-bit, I had to use /tmp and switch off unused devices.15:46.51 
robin_watts_mac Lots of ARM users use RealView.15:47.07 
marcosw_ and I presume neither can be easily upgraded because they are IBM specific parts? Did you try eBay? I upgraded my old Sun Ultra 60 to 16 gigs of memory and added a second SCSI disk for something like $100.15:48.11 
alexcher marcosw_: It belongs to a 3rd party.15:48.44 
henrys alexcher:but you need the compiler to reproduce the problem right? or is it the cc compiler with the system?15:48.57 
marcosw_ never mind.15:49.03 
alexcher henrys: Of course, we need access to modern compilers and systems. The old box has gcc only.15:51.00 
henrys hmm a modern aix compiler, sounds peculiar.15:52.08 
marcosw_ I'll contact the customer to see if they'll give us access to one of their machines.15:53.18 
henrys I think if nothing shows up in valgrind we need a login and it's probably a waste of time building up a system to reproduce the problem, but whatever you guys want to do ...15:53.20 
  robin_watts_mac:are there a lot of western tourists where you've been?15:55.00 
robin_watts_mac For the last couple of days, yes, definitely.15:55.20 
henrys I've always thought about going.15:55.28 
alexcher henrys: I will try to reproduce the problem on a PPC 32-bit first.15:55.39 
robin_watts_mac I've been in Cambodia at Angkor Wat and the surrounding area. Loads of westerners.15:55.46 
henrys alexcher:ah good point could be an endian issue.15:55.59 
robin_watts_mac Bits of Vietnam were full of westerners too.15:56.09 
marcosw_ henrys: valgrind didn't show anything, at least not writing to a ppmraw file (it looks like the command line from the bug is just viewing the file, I didn't try that yet).15:56.18 
ray_laptop alexcher: for AIX we have free access to systems at IBM15:56.30 
robin_watts_mac is currently in a bangkok airport hotel - about to go to bed so I can get some kip before the interminable flight home tomorrow.15:56.59 
  But it's almost meeting time, so...15:57.11 
henrys it really isn't alexcher's bug he's just testing on ppc because he has one probably should be assigned to marcos15:57.52 
  I really don't have much for the meeting today. I guess kens is still looking at alexcher's bug list kens?15:58.30 
  ray_laptop:we looked at bug aging last week and thought alexcher's and your list were a bit long15:59.26 
kens doing Alex's lits, my own bugs, and this customer one from Ray15:59.27 
henrys ray_laptop:the memory stuff you took back ... I think to actually do that you are going to have to free *everything* - to continue past instance deletion right?16:01.26 
marcosw_ ray_laptop: yes, but I'm not sure if IBM still have AIX 5.3 available (I think it's pretty old)16:01.50 
henrys meeting topics from anybody? We can finish early if not.16:02.31 
robin_watts_mac would like to ask if anyone has a problem with us moving gs into line with lcms (w.r.t 16->8 bit conversion of colors)16:02.35 
  The tricky bit is that gs has code for any 16 -> any depth, so I need to do some figuring to duplicate the effect.16:03.29 
marcosw_ running the file from the aix bug to the X11 device with valgrind over a slowish internet connection at Peet's is amusing. The text appears at 110 baud speeds :-)16:03.32 
henrys robin_watts_mac:I wanted to ask about that - what's up with doing line art conversion different than images? Is everything going through lcms?16:03.38 
robin_watts_mac Yes.16:03.46 
marcosw_ henrys: I filed a bug with Adobe for 
robin_watts_mac For line art, it returns colors as 16 bit.16:03.58 
  For images as 8.16:04.01 
henrys it == lcms ?16:04.19 
robin_watts_mac We then convert from 16 to 8 differently than lcms does, hence our resultant 8 bit value doesn't match lcms in all cases.16:04.38 
  (Yes, sorry)16:04.42 
marcosw_ also, Adobe has been strangely quiet since I sent them kens' harshly worded reply to their last suggestion to 'refry' the pdf file to fix the text searching.16:04.44 
kens :-)16:05.02 
henrys robin_watts_mac:I am fine with making the conversion consistent - I guess a lot of changes though?16:05.40 
ray_laptop kens: the key to getting the -I switch to work without re-assigning the GenericResourceDir is that the path cannot contain 'Resource' anywhere, so c:/myResource is a problem, but c:/Rxsource is OK. If I have c:/Resourcex and use -Ic:/Resourcex then is _still_ sets the GenericResourceDir to c:/Resource/16:05.41 
marcosw_ 110 baud might be optimistic. It's so slow that I can see each character being painted from top to bottom.16:05.55 
kens Oh, well that explains a lot ray16:05.58 
robin_watts_mac marcosw_: Register: and post the entire email thread on there.16:06.05 
  henrys: yes, potentially.16:06.11 
mvrhel2 Sorry I am a bit late16:06.17 
robin_watts_mac hi mvrhel2.16:06.27 
mvrhel2 hi robin_watts_mac16:06.36 
henrys marcosw_:Adobe bug filing has been about what I'd expect good luck.16:07.16 
ray_laptop kens: as long as it doesn't reassign the GenericResourceDir we seem to be OK.16:07.23 
kens Cool, will you tell the customer ?16:07.34 
ray_laptop kens: gswin32c -Ic:/Resource -sGenericResourceDir="%romesource/" also works (when the CIDFont is in the CIDFont subdirectory of c:/Resource)16:08.06 
robin_watts_mac will fiddle with rounding on the plane/in my jetlagged days when I get back then, at least to see if it solves the problem.16:08.24 
ray_laptop kens: gswin32c -Ic:/Resource -sGenericResourceDir="%rom%Resource/" also works (when the CIDFont is in the CIDFont subdirectory of c:/Resource)16:08.27 
henrys hi mvrhel2 we were just taling about lcms16:08.34 
mvrhel2 yes I see that.16:08.41 
henrys s/taling/talking16:08.42 
ray_laptop kens: (ignore the first one where chatzilla swallowed my % )16:08.49 
kens yes, got that16:09.03 
mvrhel2 I think changing gs to do the rounding instead of the truncation is a good idea16:09.10 
henrys tor8:congrats on the new customer, anything for the meeting16:09.17 
alexcher I don't have anything.16:09.51 
mvrhel2 robin_watts_mac: so I am working on fixing the pattern stuff so planar devices work16:09.56 
robin_watts_mac mvrhel2: I saw mention of problems on here.16:10.14 
mvrhel2 it is not just with the fast thresholding that it doesnt work16:10.16 
henrys alexcher:I did want to talk to you about using the gs allocator for jbig2 and jpeg2k16:10.26 
robin_watts_mac but haven't looked into it into any detail.16:10.29 
henrys but we can do that latter.16:10.31 
robin_watts_mac Right.16:10.31 
mvrhel2 hopefully I will have made some progress by the time you get back16:10.49 
robin_watts_mac mvrhel2: I should be home by this time tomorrow.16:11.08 
mvrhel2 for some reason I am having issues just doing my debug dump of the pattern bitmap though (which is planar)16:11.11 
  the first plane I get ok16:11.28 
henrys mvrhel2:so regular planar rendering - before any of your changes didn't work with patterns?16:11.37 
mvrhel2 the rest are all zero16:11.39 
alexcher henrys: Let me commit a working version. The allocator cam be fixed later.16:11.42 
mvrhel2 that is correct henrys16:11.46 
henrys interesting but believable16:11.57 
mvrhel2 it did not work with the plank device and the old halfttoning16:12.00 
robin_watts_mac mvrhel2: It's unclear to me how much testing the old planar device had ever had.16:12.30 
  (or rather the old planar memory code that my device wraps)16:12.47 
henrys but did it work with the old cmyk 1 bit and the device parameter?16:12.49 
mvrhel2 henrys: that I did not try16:13.15 
  was that a real planar device?16:13.39 
  or am I getting confused (which is likely)16:13.57 
henrys can't remember exactly have to look at the code.16:15.08 
robin_watts_mac For the ppm device, you could do -dUsePlanarBuffer and it would force it to use a planar buffer internally, and would convert to chunky for output.16:15.12 
mvrhel2 ok I will see what that does with my file16:15.26 
robin_watts_mac Maybe henrys is suggesting that the same could be done with the bitcmyk device.16:15.30 
mvrhel2 well, I belive we want to fix this issue16:15.52 
henrys right that's what I was thinking of the "plane extraction device" business.16:15.59 
robin_watts_mac My memory may be off here - grep for UsePlanarBuffer.16:16.01 
henrys I don't think it is important anyway we want planar earlier in the pipeline.16:16.26 
mvrhel2 yes16:17.09 
  I agree16:17.11 
robin_watts_mac Unless anyone has anything else for me, I'm going to head to bed...16:17.18 
henrys have a good trip hom robin_watts_mac16:17.37 
robin_watts_mac Thanks.16:17.50 
mvrhel2 bye robin_watts_mac16:17.53 
robin_watts_mac I'll lurk as usual and read logs in the morning.16:18.00 
kens Night Robin16:18.07 
henrys okay I'm done but I'll be about if needed.16:18.44 
mvrhel2 ok. I am going to beat on the planar pattern stuff some more16:19.50 
  although I need to look at that tiff bug16:20.05 
  that seems a bit surprising16:20.48 
ray_laptop kens: I closed the bug 692300 with the info. I'll let the customer that called me (780) know.16:21.15 
kens OK thanks ray16:21.26 
  No, wait we still want paths in the cidfmap!16:22.02 
marcosw_ mvrhel2: yes, please fix the tiff bug, I use tiff output a lot for testing.16:23.05 
ray_laptop kens: not that I object, but why ?16:23.12 
kens because its nice to be able to specify the location of the CIDFont.16:23.31 
ray_laptop kens: OK, I'll re-open it as a P4 enhancement (which may never get done). I had started on modifying to detect stringtype and use that for the path. Probably not too hard to finish, but I have other more pressing issues.16:24.51 
mvrhel2 marcosw_: ok I will work on that now16:25.09 
henrys marcosw_:does old image alchemy do cgm?16:25.24 
kens ray chrisl had started on it laready16:25.26 
marcosw_ henrys: As i recall Alchemy can write cgm bitmap files, but not read them.16:25.48 
marcosw_ was wrong, AIX 5.3 is still available on the IBM Virtual Loaner Program. I'm requesting a loaner system now and will reassign the bug to me.16:26.26 
ray_laptop kens: by modifying the I hope ?16:28.34 
  kens: the resource mapping scheme is really a mess (left over from Igor) but it isn't a big change16:29.37 
kens don't know ray.16:29.49 
ray_laptop I suspect that chrisl may have had to dig into it a bit for the FAPI stuff16:30.27 
kens very likely16:30.36 
tor8 henrys: the G customer I've been talking to signed on?16:33.12 
henrys well not yet but it seems promising16:34.05 
marcosw_ I have to run to school, anything else for me?16:35.37 
henrys not that I know of16:36.06 
marcosw_ okay, I'm leaving for Europe for 10 days on Thursday, I'll be in Spa, Belgium through the weekend and will likely have spotty internet access. Starting Monday I'll be in Germany and will be back online.16:38.27 
kens Have fun marcos16:38.37 
henrys okay so we should have a support fallback16:38.59 
kens you and me again ?16:39.11 
henrys that's fine for me. unless somebody else wants it.16:39.46 
  kens:maybe chrisl and I can do it if you have stuff to focus on.16:42.26 
kens No more than usual ;-)16:42.44 
  The only customer issues are Alex's16:43.29 
  So its not a problem16:43.41 
  Off for dinner now, night all.16:54.13 
ray_laptop kens: I sent the response off to the customer (780) and cc'ed you and chrisl16:54.16 
  kens: g'nte16:54.21 
kens Right, thanks tay16:54.23 
mvrhel2 crap. I didnt realize it was all tiff devices that don't work17:04.31 
  oh it was the patch from Shailssh17:05.41 
  at least it wasnt in the 9.04 release17:06.39 
  I wish I had caught this when testing his patch17:08.16 
  Miles probably paid a bounty on that17:08.28 
henrys yup I'm sure it is already paid - which bug?17:12.11 
  maybe the bounty policy should be the bug has to make it through the weekly test also.17:12.39 
  is that what caught the problem?17:12.58 
ray_laptop I was on vacation, but that patch looked a little suspicious to me.17:13.52 
  I had tried to add that comment, but then lost internet.17:14.27 
  then it slipped my mind. ANY change in gdevdgbr.c without clear understanding is a worrisome17:15.05 
  particularly since it was only for a wtsimdi device17:16.09 
henrys oh THAT change...17:18.52 
  it passed through regression testing fine and it fixed the bug so it seemed ok to commit17:25.23 
  so I did it....17:25.28 
henrys that's about cid fonts17:25.50 
mvrhel2 oops17:25.57 
henrys I see it the overprint stuff.17:26.14 
mvrhel2 yes17:26.17 
  ray_laptop: that is why that one file was giving us a black image with tiff17:26.42 
henrys feel free to revert it and assign it back to him.17:26.45 
mvrhel2 ok I will do that17:26.57 
  ray_laptop: it did not dawn on me that all of tiff was broken17:27.12 
  ok. tiff devices should be working again17:41.05 
  next time \me will commit what seems like an ok patch and let it fester for a couple weeks before closing the bug and saying it is ok17:43.02 
  hmm had my control sequence wrong17:43.18 
  back to patterns...17:43.52 
cryptopsy can mupdf automatically resize the doc so that it's dimensions are the same as the size of the mupdf viewspace?19:49.36 
mvrhel2 henrys: is mem_planar_copy_color_4to1 doing a 4 bit chunky to 4 bit planar copy?21:32.27 
  it appears so. this is one of the issues with the pattern as it should be doing a copy color that is planar to planar21:34.01 
  should be using the copy plane operation....21:36.31 
  but it has to go through the clip device21:37.19 
  I think we need a few things in the tile fill state21:43.40 
henrys ah I'm back now.21:46.05 
mvrhel2 henrys: no problem. I think I am figuring this out21:47.23 
  basically we are creating the pattern bit map ok as a planar object now but when we tile we are using the chunky to planar procedures21:47.47 
  need to detect this and do copy_plane like we do with the halftone thresholds 21:48.34 
  I am hopeful this will be pretty straight forward21:49.01 
  hmm tile clip device needs some work it looks like22:29.58 
  I take retract my previous comment22:30.09 
  I retract I mean22:31.00 
  I was going to say take back but then changed it to retract22:31.16 
henrys what if planar always went through as clist?22:32.01 
mvrhel2 henrys: That would work22:32.20 
  but would be slow for small tiles22:32.28 
  for now at least we would get proper rendering though22:33.33 
henrys it might be worthwhile to get it going for now22:33.35 
mvrhel2 yes22:33.37 
henrys right22:33.39 
mvrhel2 let me see if it works for sure22:33.45 
  before I say it does :)22:34.18 
  finally found where it is decided22:46.58 
  henrys: ok that fixes it22:49.10 
  let me add in that check that if the target is planar we will force the clist22:49.24 
  then we can do timing checks22:49.34 
  with the color hallftone threholding22:49.49 
  then I will continue to get the non-clist case working. may want to drag robin into this when he returns and is over his jet lag22:51.05 
  ok just doing a clusterpush to make sure. this really should not have any affect23:28.49 
henrys right, what was the reason for not always using the clist then upon playback if the pattern is small render to a memory device and tile the space with that?23:31.28 
  the code would be much easier with that but I think there was some reason we can't do it.23:32.44 
mvrhel2 henrys: I do think playing back a clist drawing for a small little pattern was slower than simply tiling the bitmap.23:56.00 
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