IRC Logs

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 <<<Back 1 day (to 2011/08/24)2011/08/25 
henrys mvrhel2:I asked alexcher to test ray_laptop's solution I think another person should go through the setup and running before we send.04:54.08 
alexcher henrys: I'm doing it now.04:54.29 
mvrhel2 sounds like a good idea04:54.35 
  I was not sure from Ray's email if he was asking me or alex to send it to the customer04:54.54 
henrys well it really should be marcos but he's probably not available now so I guess I'll do it once it is tested.04:56.13 
alexcher ray_laptop: Ray's program doesn't consider a case when a sample file sets some random resolution.04:56.53 
henrys can you fix it and post it back to the email list so ray_laptop can approve the change to his code?05:02.44 
  sorry if I'm stating the obvious05:03.48 
alexcher henrys: sure.05:06.28 
mvrhel2 good night all07:06.52 
kens Hi Robin_Watts08:15.32 
Robin_Watts Morning08:15.52 
kens How is the jet lag today ?08:15.59 
Robin_Watts OK so far, but ask me again this evening.08:17.06 
kens :-)08:17.10 
  Nice to see someone else in here, chrisl has been out for the last 3 days (but back today), its been very quiet...08:17.33 
Robin_Watts I suspect today will be largely slaving through email etc.08:19.45 
  Just rebooted the PC umpteen times as windows updates etc.08:20.04 
  Time to go for a run. This could be painful.08:20.32 
kens Yes, I expect so....08:20.40 
chrisl 'morning guys08:25.28 
kens Hi chrisl , good break ?08:25.36 
chrisl Yes, until I got back - seems my cat isn't too well08:25.57 
kens Sorry to hear that. You parents looking after her ?08:26.19 
Robin_Watts morning chrisl. poor mavis.08:26.49 
chrisl hi Robin_Watts, I take it the holiday was good?08:27.15 
Robin_Watts chrisl: Fab thanks.08:27.36 
  But glad to be back to weather where I'm not melting all the time.08:27.52 
chrisl You prefer drowning, then? It's chucking it down here08:28.30 
kens Dry here08:28.42 
chrisl kens: yes, my parents reckoned she wasn't eating enough, and she seems to be a bit under weight - just waiting until I can call the vet for an appointment :-(08:28.49 
kens :-(08:29.01 
chrisl The thing is, she seems happy, alert - sitting between me and the keyboard, purring away..... don't quite know what to make of it08:29.41 
Robin_Watts chrisl: Maybe she's just been shulking at you being away.08:30.36 
chrisl Robin_Watts: that might be part of it, but it wouldn't explain the weight loss.08:31.22 
  I suspect it's teeth or gums that are the problem - or maybe a deeply lodged fur-ball08:32.28 
kens Not eating, pining.08:32.32 
chrisl It's time she had a checkup anyway08:32.43 
  Although, by the look she just gave me, she can even tell when I *type* vet!08:33.11 
  Much to her displeasure (it seems), she is booked in to the vets tomorrow 11:20 am - and she's just gone and hidden under the desk.......08:38.38 
kens She's got a good fgrasp of English08:38.54 
chrisl I think she has a good "feel" for what's going on around her08:39.31 
kens :-)08:39.43 
chrisl kens: So, what's going on with the cidfmap CID font thing - seems to have been some confusion?08:40.01 
kens Lots of confusion.08:40.10 
  Just a mo08:40.13 
chrisl Well, it seems to be assigned to you now, which seems wrong in every way.......08:40.38 
kens It is wrong. I opened it but it was assigned toyou before.08:41.01 
  Marcos got mail from the customer 'doesn't work' and 'Ken opened a bug for it'08:41.24 
  So he changed hte enhancement to a customer bug.08:41.36 
  I change dit back and said 'we told them hot to do it'08:41.49 
  Ray tried it and it didn't work for him.08:42.00 
  Long discussion on IRC ensued.08:42.11 
  Turns out if the path contains the string 'Resource' then it sets GenericResourceDir, and all hell breaks loose.08:42.32 
chrisl Yeh, I read most of it - I was still a bit confused08:42.42 
kens Of course, my path didn't contain that, Ray's did.08:42.46 
chrisl So, is that a bug in itself? I seems wrong to me08:43.06 
kens Customer is still complaining it doesn't work. But they are assigning GenericResourceDir, which I didn't do.08:43.17 
  I think that it is a bug, I believe Ray said so.08:43.32 
  No tracker opened though I don't think.08:43.42 
  Was more mail from the cuistomer last night.08:44.01 
  I was hoping to leave it to Ray.08:44.11 
  However, the original enhancement should still be an enhancement, with no customer priority.08:44.37 
  It *should* be assigned to you, I gess Marcos re-assigned it to me and I ddn't notice.08:44.55 
  In the confusion.08:45.03 
chrisl Ray assigned it to you, I believe, I've taken it back now08:45.15 
kens OK, thanks.08:45.22 
  *now* its bucketing down08:45.29 
  I guess Melanie is getting wet.08:45.40 
chrisl Oh, it's dry here, now ;-)08:45.50 
kens It looks to me like the customer is using the API and the DLL, not the GS test harness but I think they ought to behave the same. Feel free to try it out if you like.08:46.29 
  But I don't believe the customer's problem is really anything to do with the bug, that's their mis-understanding08:46.51 
chrisl It sounds like you and Ray have covered bases - I think the *bug* is treating any path with "resource" in it as the GenericResourceDir - that seems utterly wrong08:47.38 
kens Yes, agree.08:47.49 
  I notice in the customer's log that they get an error about GenericResourceDir not pointing to a valid directory08:48.13 
chrisl Which, I'm afraid, is really going to need Alex to look at - so much for helping to reduce his tally.....08:48.50 
kens Ah, and htey fail to find the CMap which is exactly the problem Ray encountered.08:49.00 
  Well, I have knocked 4 of his list so far.08:49.14 
  Sadly, as fast as I remove them, new ones come in.08:49.26 
  I think I'm going to have to stop looking at them for a few days too, my own list is growing. THough not of customer issues.08:49.59 
  You know, the cusomter has a really weird CMap in there.08:50.25 
  Well, we do ship it.08:51.24 
chrisl Not a widely used CMap, but part of the Adobe set08:52.23 
  Looking at the customer's mail, they give two paths with "Resource" in them, 08:52.29 
kens Hmm, its date is 2-=04-2011, I wonder if the problem is that they are using 9.01 and its not in there08:52.35 
  Both of which are going to fail. They *have* been told not to do that.....08:53.09 
  Can Git tell me when a file was added ?08:53.23 
kens goes to try08:53.37 
chrisl probably git log <filename>08:54.03 
  It was in 9.0108:54.47 
kens OK, I was having capitalisation trouble.08:55.00 
  I htink the -I./Resource is re-assigning the GenericResourceDir, which is why they get that warning08:55.21 
  And that causes the CMap error, just as Ray found.08:55.33 
chrisl Yeh, that is probably the problem.08:56.20 
kens I think so, I'm writing a mail.08:56.38 
chrisl Okay, I think I'll get cracking on doing the enhancement - sounds like we'll actually need it at some point......08:58.03 
kens I think it would be useful anyway, but the GenericResourceDir being set from -I is bad.08:58.48 
chrisl I don't see immediately where that's happening, but I'll have a quick look later09:00.45 
kens OK, no rush but it would be nice.09:00.58 
chrisl I think I'll get another coffee now.....09:01.04 
kens Me too....09:01.32 
Robin_Watts ow.09:31.07 
chrisl Robin_Watts: general "ow", or a specific "ow"?09:31.59 
Robin_Watts running after 2 weeks off and a stone gained. ow.09:32.22 
chrisl So not a new or recurred injury, then09:32.56 
Robin_Watts no.09:33.26 
chrisl Well, that's good09:33.53 
kens I think I'm reaching the end of any thing I can do to help Alex.09:34.46 
Robin_Watts ok, that's email caught up I think.12:55.45 
kens Not bad.12:56.45 
  Robin_Watts : did you see that bug just came in ? Cross-compiling12:58.37 
Robin_Watts no...12:58.48 
  mail is refetching now. Maybe I hadn't got everything in before.12:59.09 
kens #69246312:59.11 
  doesn't say the target though12:59.21 
Robin_Watts He's building 9.00 without using any of our makefiles.13:04.09 
  and finding it doesn't work.13:04.16 
kens Surprise! :-)13:04.24 
Robin_Watts mmm.13:04.29 
kens Well, as long as he doesn't expect us to fix it :-)13:04.48 
Robin_Watts kens: That wasn't a customer bug, right? :)13:10.12 
kens Nope.13:10.17 
Robin_Watts Phew :)13:10.21 
kens Just saw it in passing, thought of you13:10.25 
Robin_Watts I just posted a comment saying we probably wouldn't be looking into it.13:10.45 
kens Seems reasonable13:10.52 
Robin_Watts Gah. They sent me a board with no PSU and no RAM.13:32.09 
  and it's only tested out with a limited number of RAM module types. And the sales link they sent is in the US :(13:32.32 
kens Oh, oh....13:32.44 
Robin_Watts The link for the american site has it costing $102.94.13:40.51 
kens Yow!13:41.07 
Robin_Watts Want to guess how much a seemingly identical module costs in the UK ?13:41.13 
kens get it sent to Miles ?13:41.14 
  for next meeting13:41.19 
Robin_Watts 11.04 inc VAT.13:41.37 
kens weird13:41.51 
  not the usual way13:42.17 
henrys Robin_Watts:I wouldn't slow down the project for that.14:17.10 
  kens:do we know how 689933 was fixed? 1.6G -> 50M14:21.58 
kens No idea, sorry, its Alex's comment14:22.14 
  suspect transparency improvement14:22.37 
Robin_Watts henrys: Slow down the project?14:32.25 
  Currently, until I get a PSU, some RAM and the tools I can't even start.14:32.44 
  Getting RAM that is known to work is the stumbling block at the moment.14:33.09 
  I'm tempted to just order the RAM that I can get and see if it works; if it doesn't, I'll have to get one of you to order the specific RAM module he mentions and bring it back with me from the staff meeting.14:34.24 
henrys I meant spending $100 and doing the project sooner is best.14:35.44 
  why can't we order the ram and fedex it to you?14:37.38 
Robin_Watts henrys: You could.14:37.48 
kens Would be quicker thna waiting till the meeting14:38.01 
Robin_Watts Great, let's do that.14:38.08 
kens How much would it cost to buy some and see ?14:38.13 
henrys well that's an option I can do let me know.14:38.33 
Robin_Watts kens: 20 quid or so (11.04 + postage).14:38.36 
kens Hmm, well it ouwld be cheaper14:39.07 
Robin_Watts kens: Allowing for my time googling around trying to find an equivalent one, and the problems that could be caused by having a misbehaving system, it's probably best to just go ahead and order that particular one.14:41.50 
kens ok14:42.01 
Robin_Watts henrys: Could you order that/ship it to me please?14:42.03 
kens whatever is best14:42.05 
henrys yes was I on that email?14:45.08 
Robin_Watts Yes. 19th August.14:45.28 
  Subject: RE: Additional Tools14:45.44 
henrys so just use his memory4less link?14:50.04 
kens well they say that's known to work14:50.20 
henrys okay I'll order this, anything else?14:51.25 
  do you want me to get the psu also?14:56.15 
  I'll just do 3 day shipping on this.14:57.09 
Robin_Watts henrys: I can get a PSU.15:00.58 
  Either I'll rip one out of an old PC, or I'll use my spare one here.15:01.18 
  How can they need 450W for an SBC?15:01.31 
  The beagleboard runs from a USB socket :)15:01.52 
kens Shuldn't think they cuold disipate the heat if it needed that15:02.07 
Robin_Watts PC PSUs provide different percentages of the power on the different lines; maybe they are only using the 5V one or something, and so need a larger PSU to ensure that enough is available on that. Or something.15:03.11 
kens Hmm, maybe.....15:03.27 
henrys okay I ordered it and will fedex it when it gets here.15:07.31 
Robin_Watts henrys: Thanks.15:08.16 
  henrys: Did you try the memory squeezing stuff ?15:08.34 
henrys yes I did and now I'm procratinating fixing what it has found.15:15.54 
Robin_Watts does the mvrhel2 summoning dance.15:46.08 
  Hey ray. How was the cruise?15:49.14 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: the whole vacation was fun, but lots of work to keep 'doing' stuff. The kids really enjoyed all the new experiences, however.15:50.37 
  for most of it, there were 11 of us (my mom and dad, three sisters and one brother-in-law and the 5 of us)15:51.36 
Robin_Watts I can imagine that it's significant work to keep kids entertained. It's bad enough travelling with Helen :)15:52.33 
ray_laptop we missed the sea turtle egg laying and hatching, however. The bugs were horrible and we couldn't stand to stay out waiting for them15:52.35 
  I had fun on all the rides with my kids and in the ocean. My kids really liked the dolphin experience in the Bahamas, too15:54.02 
Robin_Watts We saw the sea turtles laying in Costa Rica. Had to go onto the beach silently in the middle of the night in the pitch dark.15:54.30 
  Dolphin experience? Sounds cool. Never done anything with Dolphins.15:55.04 
ray_laptop this was in Florida -- Melbourne Beach. There's a turtle preserve there and they come right up to the motel patio (they like laying right along the wall)15:55.35 
henrys ray_laptop:I did the dolphin thing when my kids were little, it was a lot of fun.15:57.52 
ray_laptop I'd rather be with dolphins in open water, but some of the 11 couldn't (or didn't want to) do that, so this was more just getting to touch and a few trained behaviors (hug, kiss, dance) instead of a swim with them15:57.53 
  the age limit was 6 so Austen wouldn't have able to do the swim, but he really wanted to -- he was in a flotation vest and get swimming out deeper to be with it.15:59.19 
  I had to hang on to his strap like a puppy on a leash :-)15:59.48 
henrys ray_laptop:did you want to have the meeting today? I don't see much to talk about16:00.45 
ray_laptop henrys: I saw that alexcher was going to add a 'default' case if the resolution wasn't available. For this customer it isn't needed, and I figured the setpagedevice would just get the error and then it woul 'revert' as per spec.16:02.36 
henrys I think he just sent out email about that.16:03.39 
kens I just got it16:04.27 
  ray_laptop : re bug#692372 the handle leaking, did you have a fix for that ?16:09.10 
  ray_laptop : ?16:11.07 
ray_laptop henrys: I just saw alexcher's email and replied.16:12.07 
  kens: well, yes and no. First, I am not able to reproduce the handle leakage, even with the customer's front end.16:12.46 
kens Oh, I can.16:12.54 
  If you send me the patch I can test it.16:13.04 
ray_laptop kens: my patch to add 'finalization' to the imager_state so that we can rc_decrement the ICC stuff properly, worked fine on Windows and does the proper thing, but I have a segv on linux :-(16:14.15 
kens Oh, that's not great.16:14.29 
  The only reason I asked is the customer sent mail to me while you were away.16:14.43 
henrys kens, ray_laptop:as I understand that you would have tear down all allocations not to leak.16:14.51 
ray_laptop my priority for today is to get on xxgdb or ddd on peeves and find out why it's bombing16:15.06 
henrys assuming you are creating a new instance each time.16:15.12 
kens Its specificlaly the semaphores henrys16:15.13 
  OK ray thanks.16:15.24 
  If you need anything testing I'll be happy to do it.16:15.34 
henrys kens:how can you delete the instance and still have access to pointer inside the instance - doesn't make sense.16:15.54 
kens What instance henrys ?16:16.09 
henrys in particular the entire allocator would leak.16:16.13 
kens The graphics state wasn't being reference counted to 016:16.18 
ray_laptop henrys: it doesn't leak memory, but the issue is that in the 'alloc_restore_all' at the end, we were just freeing the graphics_state/imager_state stuff in various save levels and not freeing the ICC stuff or the closing the semaphores as a result16:16.32 
henrys the bug says you are deleting the instance.16:16.37 
kens Yes, but it doesn't clear the gstate16:16.47 
ray_laptop kens: I don't ref count the g/i states, but when one _does_ get freed, then the icc rc are kept straight by the finalization. That counting works fine16:17.22 
henrys I have a meeting bbiab16:17.35 
kens OK fair enough, I didn't know hte exact details ;-)16:17.42 
henrys support meeting canceled16:18.14 
ray_laptop kens: I had discussed this with mvrhel, and this seemed reasonable16:18.17 
  henrys: OK, thanks16:18.22 
kens Yes. I kind of lost touch around then, because it wasn't my field ;-)16:18.39 
ray_laptop henrys: I was thinking that Michael would send the info to the customer since he's been the primary point of contact on the issue (converting color...)16:19.30 
  henrys: but if you want me to, let me know.16:19.49 
henrys michael wanted to get cut out of it, so I was going to do it. If you want to do it have at it. It supposed to marcos but he's on vacation.16:20.29 
kens OK I'm heading off now. I'l lbe out in the morning, we moved riding from Wednesday to Friday this week. Have a goood day everyone.16:21.13 
ray_laptop henrys: Since I did most of this, then I'll step in and forward it. That way if they have questions/issues he can contact me16:22.25 
henrys sounds good16:22.40 
  generally I'd really like to get the halftone stuff working with devices so it will work with all the languages and the mupdf parser once it's ported to the gs library.16:29.59 
henrys thinks we have to stop solving problems with a postscript interpreter.16:30.29 
ray_laptop henrys: that's fine in the longer term. The issue of replacing 'setpagedevice' functionality is bigger since we need to map out the way parsers should do the things normally done by gs_init and other .ps16:33.02 
marcosw_ henrys: sorry I'm late for the support meeting.16:33.53 
henrys it's canceled16:34.06 
Robin_Watts hey marcosw_: Have fun in spa.16:34.10 
  Which grandstand are you in ?16:34.22 
marcosw_ henrys: damn, it's the high point of my week.16:34.28 
henrys marcosw_:we were sort of eager to get that plank device in maybe that can be your high point16:34.42 
  ray_laptop:I'll add that to the meeting agenda16:35.37 
marcosw_ Robin_Watts: I'm in Gold 3, which is the covered Eau Rouge grandstand. I'm in Row 1, Seat 025, so look for me on television.16:35.51 
Robin_Watts marcosw_: I will :)16:36.03 
ray_laptop some of the issues besides halftone selection are: profile selection, N-up, BeginPage / EndPage, initial matrix, tray/media selection. I'll try to put together a list of things people do with PS and/or setpagedevice now.16:36.09 
  marcosw_: cool :-)16:36.24 
  marcosw_: I was on vacation -- what event is it ?16:37.13 
Robin_Watts Formula 1 Belgian Grand Prix16:37.41 
  One of the best tracks on the calendar.16:38.07 
marcosw_ henrys: I started working on plank support last night. For bmpcmp we'll have to convert the CMYK data to RGB, the question is should we do so such that each plane is a separate gray scale file?16:38.20 
  Also, what's the difference between plank and psdcmyk?16:39.27 
  Robin_Watts: "one of" ?16:39.35 
henrys plank is planar?16:39.44 
Robin_Watts marcosw_: bmpcmp can handle cmyk.16:40.01 
henrys so the output of plank is chunky so this should be the same as the other devices16:40.39 
Robin_Watts (that is, it will compare the c, m, y, k separately, but the output 'diffs' will be in rgb, if memory serves)16:40.40 
henrys right?16:40.42 
Robin_Watts henrys: yes.16:40.48 
  marcosw_: plank runs internally all planar, and just converts to chunky on output.16:41.08 
henrys adding the device will let mvrhel test his thresholding changes but it doesn't really test the plank device, for which we need a plan.16:42.08 
  no pun intended.16:42.34 
Robin_Watts To test planb we want to run pbmraw and diff it to planb.16:43.55 
  To test plang we want to run pgmraw and diff it to plang.16:44.26 
marcosw_ Is there an easy way to add the plank device during the ./configure step? "--with-drivers=plank" removes all the other devices. Or should I just make it a device that's enabled by default?16:44.42 
Robin_Watts It's enabled on windows by default.16:44.57 
  So having it enabled on unix wouldn't hurt.16:45.09 
marcosw_ okay, I'll enable it under Linux as well.16:45.32 
Robin_Watts Hmm. not planb, planm.16:45.50 
  To test plan we diff it against ppmraw16:46.12 
henrys the cmyk device is the issue we discussed before and you thought we would need a fuzzy compare or something?16:47.29 
Robin_Watts pamcmyk4 and pamcmyk32 are the equivalents to plank and planc.16:47.29 
  henrys: I'd be tempted to run a compare and see.16:48.10 
  bmpcmp can be invoked with -t 16 say.16:48.35 
  but that will only work if there are fewer than 1000 diffs.16:48.51 
marcosw_ So we want to do a bitmap comparison from plank to pamcmyk4? 16:49.02 
Robin_Watts Yes.16:49.36 
  (or at least, we want the ability to do it - at the moment we know it won't match, until we get the pattern stuff sorted)16:50.09 
  I suspect it's something we're going to want to run several times.16:50.26 
marcosw_ It's pretty easy for me to run it locally.16:51.05 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: while it is slow, I thought Michael's temp patch to force clist patterns was to allow us to do initial testing.16:51.38 
marcosw_ While I'm adding default devices, should I add the other plan* and pam* devices as well?16:51.41 
Robin_Watts ray_laptop: Oh, yes, I forgot I had to disable that earlier :)16:52.03 
henrys marcosw_:can you run it locally before going live with it? I am worried the clist pattern stuff is going to kill the cluster for some files.16:54.30 
marcosw_ henrys: sure, I can do that. Should I open a bug for files that are particularly slow?16:56.15 
  BTW, do we want do test plank at 72 and 300 dpi? And just direct from file to bitmap (i.e. not via ps/pdf/pxlmono/pxlcolor)?16:57.12 
Robin_Watts marcosw_: That sounds reasonable to me.17:01.58 
  at least initially.17:02.19 
henrys out of meeting17:10.40 
Robin_Watts Are we expecting mvrhel2 today?17:11.16 
henrys I just want to know if we can reasonably run the cluster with the devices.17:11.58 
  Robin_Watts:I thought he'd be in.17:12.44 
  well the pcl tests do 600 and ps 300 the way it is set up.17:14.16 
  ^^^ marcosw_17:15.14 
marcosw_ henrys: right, I forgot about plank in GhostPCL. 17:19.44 
henrys errand back in an hour17:20.53 
Robin_Watts Aha. An mvrhel2.17:25.39 
  mvrhel2: Got time to talk about this planar pattern stuff?17:25.55 
mvrhel2 hi Robin_Watts17:26.03 
Robin_Watts I added a copy_plane thing to gxclip2.c, but it never gets called.17:26.45 
mvrhel2 oh well yes17:26.52 
  we need to add in some other changes to make it be used17:27.06 
  can you commit that and I can go from there17:27.19 
Robin_Watts Oh. ok.17:27.33 
mvrhel2 that was my bottleneck I belive17:27.41 
Robin_Watts If you're going to take over, that's grand.17:27.46 
mvrhel2 well, I may drag you back in though17:28.02 
  very likely17:28.04 
Robin_Watts Sure.17:28.06 
  It's completely trivial.17:28.35 
mvrhel2 also, the current code wont use it due to the fact that for planar devices all patterns are now stored in a clist17:28.43 
Robin_Watts Just a copy of copy_color with an extra plane arg.17:28.53 
  yes, I disabled that locally.17:29.00 
mvrhel2 ok17:29.03 
  so henrys and I were talking that you had a way to compare the plank output with pkmraw in a fuzzy way so that we can check if we have any issues?17:30.02 
  that is comparing the plank device and the pkmraw device17:30.22 
Robin_Watts mvrhel2: We've just been talking about that.17:31.04 
mvrhel2 oh17:31.11 
  need to read the logs17:31.15 
Robin_Watts I have no magic bullet, but I think comparing and then looking using bmpcmp -t 16 will be a start.17:32.01 
  mvrhel2: committed.17:32.18 
mvrhel2 Robin_Wattts: ok thanks17:32.28 
Robin_Watts mvrhel2: I can see where we spot that the output device is planar and set the memory buffers to be planar.17:32.55 
mvrhel2 yes. that all works fine17:33.14 
Robin_Watts and I can see where we need to do something different on the painting side, I think.17:33.21 
mvrhel2 the pattern itself is nice planar data17:33.24 
Robin_Watts line 345 of gxp1fill.c17:34.01 
  rather than passing in 'tile_colored_fill' I suspect we need to pass in 'tile_planar_colored_fill' or something.17:34.21 
  maybe it's just my jetlagged brain, but I just can't see at that stage how we can tell it's planar data.17:34.55 
mvrhel2 I have that all figured out I think17:35.07 
  it was just the clip2 device that was puzzling me17:35.27 
  need to clean up some things I was working on in color then I am going to get on this now17:36.05 
Robin_Watts Now you have me worried that I've overlooked something in the clip2 device :)17:36.08 
mvrhel2 hehe. probably not17:36.14 
ray_laptop well at least one person (William Bader) is reading our docs :-/17:36.19 
mvrhel2 just me thinking there was some issue that I had to worry about 17:36.36 
  Robin_Watts: ok, so we made it in tile_clip_copy_plane17:50.34 
  now let me see what explodes next...17:50.50 
  ok that seems to be working17:51.12 
Robin_Watts really? Nice one.17:51.26 
mvrhel2 hey it ran all the way through17:51.41 
  lets see what the output looks like17:51.51 
Robin_Watts but what does it look like :)17:51.53 
mvrhel2 very close17:52.39 
  looks like we are copying the same plane over17:52.49 
  probably my goof17:52.56 
Robin_Watts Can I see your code changes?17:53.01 
mvrhel2 this should be easy to track down17:53.03 
  hold on let me check this first17:53.11 
  ok. I found the issue. it is my failure to move my buffer ptr17:56.00 
  let me fix this then I will let you review it17:56.12 
Robin_Watts goes to help cook. jetlag is kicking in now. will check back in a bit unless I fall asleep.18:03.41 
mvrhel2 no problem. thanks for your help Robin_Watts18:04.02 
Robin_Watts np. I'll be back to looking at the color rounding stuff tomorrow.18:04.36 
  mostly to try and find a nice way to get the code both fast and reusable in many places.18:04.53 
mvrhel2 Robin_Watts: are you still here?18:12.38 
  sorry nevermind18:12.51 
  please go cook18:12.54 
henrys mvrhel2:don't forget about the keyword CLUSTER_UNTESTED18:19.20 
mvrhel2 dumb cable modem had a seizure18:21.38 
  henrys: you mean when I commit tthese planar changes?18:22.17 
henrys if a change can't have an effect, I thought that was the case for your last change.18:25.11 
  no big deal just wasn't sure you knew about it.18:25.27 
mvrhel2 hmm yes I should have included it in that last commit18:25.44 
henrys are irclogs archived?20:58.58 
mvrhel2 I dont know if they are21:13.53 
  I think ray_laptop has a log some place21:14.03 
  an archive I mean21:14.11 
  so I seem to have the non-clist case working now for planar device with patterns21:14.50 
  I had one hiccup that I am testing now21:15.03 
  heading out for a bit. back shortly21:16.37 
henrys okay21:16.43 
mvrhel2 if the cluster test comes back ok then I will commit and re-enable the non-clist case21:17.22 
  then we need to do the plank vs pkmraw comparison21:17.37 
  with fuzzy21:17.54 
henrys mvrhel2:did you want someone in particular to look at 69244821:19.59 
Robin_Watts mvrhel2: patch looks good to me, FWIW.22:51.19 
mvrhel2 which patch?23:10.57 
  oh did you see the clusterpush23:11.09 
  ok. I am going to go ahead and push this now then23:11.48 
  or is a second23:11.53 
  oh henrys23:13.07 
  692448 should be closed23:13.12 
  this was from when the tiff device was broken23:13.25 
  that was what the issue was23:13.28 
  I will go ahead and do it23:13.47 
  ok. that is done23:21.10 
  Robin_Watts and henrys: I was wondering if there was some way to easily fake out the cluster so that it ran the plank device when it thought is was doing the pkmraw device (via a code change) and this would allow the cluster to point out any diffs that we can look at with bmpcmp23:22.20 
  I would expect plank and pkmraw to be identical though with the fast thresholding turned off23:22.47 
  that would at least get us through that check23:23.00 
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