IRC Logs

Log of #ghostscript at

 <<<Back 1 day (to 2011/08/30)2011/08/31 
cryptopsy a tiny camera with a big lens: domain SWEEThome00:08.04 
  /p/ is the photography channel on 4chan00:08.37 
mvrhel2 darn my sse implementation for the table interpolation in lcms is not any faster than the old code. at least it is giving the correct output. I will poke around at it a bit more. one thing that I did learn in this excercise is that we should be able to get a big improvement by doing this in transparency blending where we can work on 16 pixels at a time for compositing00:11.22 
  I think the issue in lcms is simply that the set up time is taking too much time00:11.47 
  loading the table data in particular into the simdi registers is not fast due to how it is organized00:12.16 
  anyway. bbiaw. need to see about getting the kids some new ski equipment for the winter00:12.45 
  good night05:00.56 
chrisl Phew, looks like cust 532 is (temporarily) happy again - that was a bit of a "curve ball" problem they pitched there!07:33.44 
kens Lucky you, my customer is just getting sillier.07:34.00 
chrisl Yes, I saw that. I guess the sooner I get the direct referencing of CIDFont file from cidfmap working fully, the better!07:34.42 
kens Gien that today's screw-up is using an '=' with -I (eg -I+<path>) that won't save him.07:35.13 
  His QA guy got it right, but he didn't think it was a valid test......07:35.32 
chrisl Doh! I'm surprised at how many people (developers!) thing that the "=" is needed07:36.03 
kens Especially when he's been sent numerous comand line examples that don't use it, and his QA engineer manages to get it right.07:36.30 
  If it was me, I would have tried to reproduce the environment (in fact that *is* what I've just done). He just plows on using his own and then bitches when he messes up.07:37.24 
chrisl par for the course :-(07:37.45 
kens In this case, yes, he's already shown he can't follow simple instructions.07:38.04 
  So now I'm sending him a complete simple environment, using his own paths, and including a test.bat file so he can't arse up the command line.07:38.38 
  I wonder what he'll manage to get wrong this time....07:39.12 
chrisl It'll still end up with: "ah, but when I do it this (wrong) way, it doesn't work......."07:39.46 
kens He'll have to modify the batch file first :-)07:40.02 
  I suspect he'll fail to rename the .zpi file to a .zip file (bloody GMail)07:40.28 
chrisl Remember the axiom about idiot proof software? ;-)07:40.49 
kens Well I think we may have a better class here. Of course, when you look at the other bug reports from this customer, they are obviously breeding for it.07:41.23 
  I can't believe how much time this non-bug has cost.07:41.49 
chrisl It does seem crazy - are they using a specific font, or would the proposed general fallback CIDFont have made it "just work" for them?07:42.45 
kens The general fallback would work, they are using MSMincho to substitute for a font with a Japanese name. That was the previous problem, they were using a PDF_escsaped font name.07:43.28 
  Which doens't work in PostScript of course.07:43.47 
chrisl Well, it just confirms what I already thought: I really need to get the fallback CIDFont in place for 9.05 - at least for PDF files.07:45.43 
kens It would really help....07:46.00 
chrisl Well, falling back to a font like the DroidSansFallback.ttf was pretty easy to do, but I'm a little hazy on what might be needed to handle different glyph orderings.07:52.50 
kens Surely just define each fallback (Eg Adobe-Japan1) as droid sans with the correct Decoding (Japan1) ?07:53.37 
chrisl Like I said, not sure - I got distracted by something else important before I could experiment much. I'm hoping it is just that simple. In fact, I'd like to avoid defining all the combinations, and create it on the fly.07:55.40 
kens That was kind of what I had in mind ;-)07:55.54 
  Great, the customer's email bounced my message07:56.24 
chrisl I'd probably have finished it, if I hadn't had to add handling of the extra cmap table type - even though it was fairly simple, in the end07:56.55 
  So I guess their mail system doesn't much like binary attachments at all!07:57.28 
kens Probably too big or soemthing. Not that it stopped them sending us large attachments.07:57.54 
chrisl Well, you have your public_html are on casper, you could stick it on there, and give them the link07:58.25 
kens I think I'll leave the problem with them, I'm not feeling generously inclined today07:58.52 
Robin_Watts Damn. More pattern problems in the planar stuff.12:38.14 
kens Can join my pattern problems in pdfwrite12:38.31 
Robin_Watts Hopefully I can apply the same stuff that mvrhel2 did for the transparent case.12:38.46 
ray_laptop First day of school :-) (at least for 2 of the 3 kids)13:51.26 
kens Melanie doesn't go back until next Tuesday13:51.59 
ray_laptop that's when our 5 yr old starts13:54.36 
  chrisl: good job supporting kanazawa-san13:55.23 
chrisl ray_laptop: thanks - as I said, that was bit a of a curve ball - but a fairly sensible thing for a printer13:56.23 
ray_laptop chrisl: can you send me the download for that version of the sim13:56.35 
  chrisl: I suppose so. As long as the paper output looks OK, who needs the fonts13:56.59 
kens ray_laptop : can you watch out for Craig replying later today please ? I'm off in good time for a pizza, and won't see his response. I'm pretty certain the problem is that his command line has -I=...13:57.57 
  I did send a zip file with a complete system, which got cc'ed to support, but his email rejected it.13:58.22 
kens is hoping Craig doesn't trim support of the CC list this time.13:58.47 
chrisl ray_laptop: the sim is the same one we got back in June - it's on their "DOX" site, if you need the details for login, I'll send them through.13:59.02 
ray_laptop kens: OK. I'm reviewing the email thread now. BTW, I usually suggest (rather forcefully) that they use / instead of \13:59.07 
kens I did suggest that, and also that he didn't use relative paths, but both do axctually work OK for me13:59.30 
ray_laptop chrisl: OK. Thanks. I'll check which version I have13:59.46 
chrisl ray_laptop: it does worry me slightly - I *know* Len and his team have changes that are not in the archives that Kanazawa-san gives us.14:00.52 
ray_laptop chrisl: I'll touch base with Len today and will mention that.14:01.28 
  kens: to send large files to customers, you can always put them up on your public_html/ path on casper (they would access that using ). If you want thnigs hidden there, just put a dummy index.htm and it (apache) won't do a directory listing, so you can just send the full URL including the filename14:06.18 
kens ray_laptop : yes chrisl suggested that, but as I said, I wasn't feeling inclined to be generous by then.14:06.44 
ray_laptop kens: e.g. 
  kens: I'll upload the attachment to my public_html, then so you don't have to bother with it, and I'll let Craig know that I'll follow up during today.14:08.18 
kens OK, thanks ray14:08.33 
  I do think fixing the -I will solve ti for him though14:08.43 
ray_laptop kens: I hope so.14:08.59 
henrys if anyone has something that can view cgm files let me know.14:49.05 
  nvm I think I found something.14:52.06 
ray_laptop cgm is sort of ancient isn't it ?14:53.26 
kens very I think./14:54.02 
henrys yes I guess I should just remove the device.14:54.04 
ray_laptop of course, HP-GL is even older.14:55.51 
henrys it isn't really the age that matters, I think folks moved on to svg.14:59.48 
  kens2:if you want me to poke at that pattern problem a bit more I can - I don't know if you have higher priority stuff to look at.15:01.28 
kens2 henrys I have a solution, but regression test showed zillions of diffs, including many not in pdfwrite15:02.22 
  Which isn't possible.15:02.31 
  Going to do a clean regression test (without my changes) then test with my changes.15:02.48 
  I think some of the code I updated to has caused lots of diffs.15:03.01 
  I think my fix will be OK.15:04.20 
  Drat, can't start next run until current is finished, oh weell.15:16.55 
henrys bbiaw15:31.34 
Robin_Watts kens2: export CLUSTER_USER=robin then git cluster and your job should be scheduled as mine.15:38.35 
kens2 its OK the second job is running now, but thanks15:38.52 
  I won't get my result before I go off tomight, assuming all is OK I'll commit hte change tomorrow.15:42.15 
aditsu hi, can gs write a pdf over another pdf (with the same number of pages)?15:47.43 
kens2 depends what you mean by 'over'.15:48.04 
aditsu or write text on a pdf15:48.13 
Robin_Watts aditsu: You mean merge the page contents of 2 sets of PDFs ?15:48.19 
kens2 I'm guessing you mean combine 2 PDFs into one, in which case the answer is no.15:48.28 
aditsu yes, add the contents of the 2nd pdf into the pages of the first file15:49.01 
kens2 Assuming you mena overlay the contents of page 1 from file with with page 1 form file 2 etc.15:49.05 
  You can add them together to get one PDF with twice as many pages15:49.31 
Robin_Watts You'd have to open the pdfwrite device, then 'play' page 1 from the first file, and then 'play' page 1 from the second file.15:49.52 
  It's certainly not something trivial.15:50.07 
kens2 The problem is the page erasure at the start of each PDF page.15:50.27 
  Also I don't think the PDF interpreter has provision to have 2 PDF files open at the same time, but I may be wrong there15:50.52 
aditsu I know how to split/concatenate pdf pages, but I want to overlap them instead15:50.54 
Robin_Watts Ah yes, hadn't considered that :)15:50.55 
aditsu alternatively, I need a way to add text on a pdf (given the string, font parameters and coordinates)15:51.42 
kens2 All the work needs to be done in the PDF itnerpreter, so I'm sure its possible to do it, its also a lot of work I think.15:51.46 
Robin_Watts aditsu: That may be easier.15:51.50 
kens2 Hmmm, maybe. Need an opinion from Alex.15:52.15 
  You want to inject content after 'showpage', so you need to redefine showpage,15:52.37 
  The PDF interpreter uses the systemdict showpage, so you need to redefine that.15:52.54 
Robin_Watts You'd need to run the pdf through the pdfwrite device, and somehow find a hook to 'add' new page contents just before the end of a page.15:53.04 
kens2 Or you could possibly use a custom EndPage procedure.15:53.09 
Robin_Watts what ken said.15:53.12 
kens2 Depends how complex the requirement is.15:53.31 
  If its the same for every page, tehn a custom EndPage would be fine15:53.41 
Robin_Watts aditsu: Are you looking for watermarking or something ?15:53.57 
aditsu more like form filling, but not necessarily for fillable pdf forms15:54.45 
Robin_Watts aditsu: Isn't this what PDF annotations are for ?15:55.04 
kens2 Even injecting pdfmark annotations into an existing PDF file would be tricky15:55.35 
aditsu Robin_Watts: I don't know, is it? I thought they were for adding comments that are not integral part of the pdf15:55.41 
kens2 Annotations are part of the PDF.15:55.55 
Robin_Watts aditsu: Well, annotations can be text in arbitrary positions on the page. sounds like what you want to me.15:56.06 
aditsu adobe reader has an option to hide all comments15:57.46 
Robin_Watts A quick google suggests: 
  oh, right, that watermarks PDFs.15:58.39 
kens2 Heading off, goodnight all16:02.19 
aditsu heh, I could use pdf2svg and insert the stuff into the svg16:03.23 
  ah, the pdfbox library seems to have the features I need16:32.36 
ray_laptop what a mess. Took my kids to school and discovered that they had been put into 8th grade instead of 7th. Took most of the first period for them to get straightened out and get their schedule set up. What a way to start at a new school that is about 100 times bigger !16:35.51 
aditsu ray_laptop: maybe they thought your kids were too smart for 7th grade17:04.44 
mvrhel2 reading IRC logs: ray_laptop: what a mess17:09.33 
henrys ray_laptop:never heard of anything like that, wow.17:11.27 
ray_laptop aditsu: maybe -- probably since they were just entering the public system they may have just focused on their SAT test scores.17:15.06 
  mvrhel2: henrys: the kids took it in stride, but I had to keep my wife from making them nervous :-)17:15.52 
mvrhel2 :)17:16.03 
ray_laptop I had to keep her from going into the classroom with them and explaining to the teacher all about it (not cool for pre-teens to have Mom there) ;-)17:17.01 
henrys it's just a bad time for it to happen - that is a difficult transition as it is, without screwups17:17.05 
ray_laptop henrys: well, now other things (like getting lost between classes and being a few minutes late) won't bother them in comparison. 17:17.59 
henrys you could have just left them and them out of the house a year earlier ;-)17:18.46 
ray_laptop at least the guidance counselor and principal got to know them right off 17:19.09 
  henrys: I tried to convince them to just skip 7th, but they thought they might have to work too hard. (see, they _are_ smart)17:19.55 
  never knew it would be so easy to have them skip a grade, tho'17:20.27 
henrys I can't remember learning anything earth shattering in 7th anyway.17:20.41 
  so you're going from private to public?17:21.40 
ray_laptop henrys: the main thing I learned was how to scramble from class to class17:21.46 
  henrys: yep. tiny private school (4th, 5th and 6th combined class of 21 -- only 4 6th graders) to 6th, 7th 8th middle school of 1,10017:22.49 
  I think there are about 400 7th graders, so two orders of magnitude17:23.10 
  a bit of a change ;-)17:23.43 
  back to work, now....17:24.39 
Robin_Watts mvrhel2: Morning.17:30.47 
mvrhel2 good morning Robin_Watts17:30.55 
Robin_Watts So far I've found 3 files that still fail in the plank/pamcmyk4 comparison in a worrying way.17:31.08 
  I think I've fixed one of them locally.17:31.20 
mvrhel2 great17:31.27 
Robin_Watts (Maybe 2)17:31.31 
henrys did the test include pcl or just pdf and postscript?17:31.54 
Robin_Watts At least one of the others is a problem in your new planar simple transparent tiling code.17:32.12 
  henrys: just pdf and ps, I believe.17:32.19 
  I'll try and simplify the file down to something easier.17:32.38 
mvrhel2 Robin_Watts: ok 17:32.48 
henrys that's might be an issue as the rop and transparency stuff won't be tested.17:32.51 
Robin_Watts When I say "I've found 3", that means "in the files I've looked at so far, I've found 3". There may well be more.17:33.09 
  But many are fine.17:33.14 
  and I haven't looked at banding vs non-banding yet.17:33.32 
  henrys: Sure, but there is no point marcosw running larger tests until we sort these problems out.17:33.53 
henrys okay makes sense.17:34.22 
Robin_Watts OK that fixes 2 of the 3.17:47.00 
  Let's cut the file down for the remaining problem.17:47.10 
mvrhel2 Robin_Watts: so the last problem is a pattern issue?17:47.43 
Robin_Watts yes.17:47.51 
  It looks like you're calculating the 'plane_span' to step over to find the next plane, and there isn't one there.17:48.15 
mvrhel2 there isnt a next plane?17:51.26 
Robin_Watts indeed.17:52.22 
  so maybe it's not really a planar buffer?17:52.34 
  I'll know more in a bit.17:52.46 
mvrhel2 or it only has one plane...17:52.49 
  henrys: are you around?18:44.49 
henrys yup18:44.57 
mvrhel2 I am going to check in my SSE2 function for color table interpolation for lcms so that I don't lose it. I am stuck at the same level of performance as the non-sse2 code and I need to take a break from this 18:45.58 
  It will be disabled and I may talk with Robin_Watts a bit about it at the meeting18:46.18 
henrys okay fine by me.18:46.44 
Robin_Watts mvrhel2: Cool. I'd love to see what you're doing with it.18:46.55 
mvrhel2 After going through this excercise though, I am pretty certain I could readily speed up our transparency blending though18:47.16 
Robin_Watts mvrhel2: I do wonder if we should be putting more work in moving to lcms2.18:47.19 
henrys was this motivated by 692323?18:47.26 
Robin_Watts lcms1 is pretty dreadful w.r.t tidying up after memory problems.18:47.43 
mvrhel2 Robin_Watts: yes. I agree on lcms2. I looked at lcms2 before I dug into this and luckily they use the same interpolation so it will port over18:47.56 
Robin_Watts mvrhel2: Ah, cool.18:48.05 
mvrhel2 otherwise I would not have done it18:48.14 
Robin_Watts There is a bug open about a file that lcms2 gets wrong and lcms1 gets right.18:48.23 
  If we can fix that, then it would be worth getting marcos to do an lcms1 vs lcms2 run.18:48.45 
  (maybe it's worth getting that done anyway?)18:49.14 
mvrhel2 henrys: in general anything with images this is a bottle neck for us. that is why I was looking at it. bug 692323 would likely improve with what I am thinking of doing with SSE and transparency18:49.44 
  Robin_Watts: yes, I will take a look at lcms2 this week18:50.13 
henrys if we can't get the call counts down - smarter higher up I don't see how it would have much effect.18:50.17 
  but I imagine it is something worth doing for other jobs.18:50.59 
mvrhel2 well the interpolation itself is readily parrallelized (spelling) but the issue is that the table data itself is not so well organized to get things set up to do this18:52.37 
  anyway, in transparency, we have long strips of data that we can do blending on in parallel. With 16 values at once 18:53.25 
  for blending18:53.28 
  need to eat lunch. bbiab18:53.46 
Robin_Watts mvrhel2: I haven't looked at this, so may be talking rubbish, but... is there scppe for us changing lcms (or our use of it) so that rather than calling 'interpolate this value', we can call 'interpolate this buffer of values' ?18:54.02 
  mvhrel2: In my home directory on casper, there is out13.pdf18:56.52 
  gswin32c.exe -r300 -sDEVICE=plank -o out.ppm out13.pdf SEGVs due to the pattern problem I was talking about earlier.18:57.26 
  I'll keep bashing, but will be called for dinner in a bit.18:58.10 
  It's to do with clists. clist-playback_band calls gx_dc_pattern_read which calls gx_dc_pattern_read_raster and that allocates a single plane.19:15.47 
  It's only reading one plane out of the clist, I think. I am not qualified to comment on how many it is writing in.19:18.57 
mvrhel2 Robin_Watts: lcms has a call into it to "interpolate a buffer of values" but internally, I don't know if it really takes advantage of this20:11.44 
henrys I wonder if we have some windows configuration issue - the job in 692323 renders in 6 minutes for me on a macbook 2.53G and alexcher got 19 minutes. alexcher what is your platform?20:39.38 
  oh I assume alex was using a linux box (gprof output)20:42.01 
mvrhel2 hmmm. I do see an issue in cmsTetrahedralInterp16 where there is a whole decision cascade inside a loop where the decision is not dependent upon the loop index20:43.15 
alexcher henrys: 64-biy Linux on AMD Sempron(tm) Processor LE-1300, 1994.92 bogomips20:47.26 
henrys mvhrel2: I have a line by line profile of that code if you want it.20:48.36 
  I wish I could publish it with html or something - it's trapped in shark20:49.31 
mvrhel2 I am pulling the decision out of the loop and will run a profile comparison on windoze20:51.01 
henrys most of the time is spent on line 99720:51.07 
mvrhel2 oh my line number are different20:51.47 
  is that the rescale line? division by ffff20:52.01 
henrys yes20:52.26 
  right after // There is a lot of math hidden ...20:52.47 
mvrhel2 yes20:53.15 
henrys and it report 17% as the procedure is entered suggesting too much stack I don't know how large LPL16PARAMS is...20:53.58 
  perhaps naive - are we caching these calls?20:54.58 
mvrhel2 that is not large20:55.23 
  but luttable can be large20:55.30 
  and we end up having to access across a fairly large part if the table is large20:56.10 
  a table be 33x33x33 * 2 bytes * num outputs20:56.45 
  but usually not that large20:57.09 
henrys alexcher that seems odd to me that our times are so different I guess I should upload my profile.20:57.19 
alexcher henrys: My computer is rather slow. I think the results are just right.20:59.55 
henrys okay21:00.44 
  just over 10% setting fx, fy, and fz right at the beginning21:03.03 
mvrhel2 henrys: so I went from about 13% of time spent in the function to 11% time spent in it when I moved the decision tree out from the loop21:04.41 
  this is on a different file though21:04.50 
  let me test the file from the bug21:04.54 
  the set-up stuff can be sped up a bit through the use of some SSE2 commands that I have21:05.40 
  but let me test on the bug file 21:05.58 
  what resolution are you running?21:06.40 
henrys 120021:07.06 
  I copy pasted comment 1's command21:07.31 
mvrhel2 ok21:07.48 
  see how long this takes to profile...21:08.25 
  at 120021:08.28 
  I am thinking also that we should probably do the color management before interpolation for this situation21:09.08 
  Robin_Watts mentioned that earlier.21:09.19 
  when we are enlarging we should interpolate in the destination color space21:09.46 
  taking too long...21:15.27 
  my poor machine is getting over heated...21:16.57 
  ok. so at 600 dpi, I have about 30 percent is zoom_y and 16 precent is the lcms interpolation21:17.45 
henrys mine has more in lcms - let me try 60021:19.32 
mvrhel2 with my change I have 30% is zoom_y and 14.8 precent is the lcms interpolation. Nothing to great21:19.51 
henrys oh okay this is with your change.21:20.21 
mvrhel2 Intel 2 Duo21:21.04 
  that is at 600dpi.21:21.13 
henrys I get about 40 sec. 600 dpi21:21.35 
mvrhel2 the numbers above are percent time from the profiler. Let me see what the absolute time is21:22.36 
henrys it sounds like you've made a good speedup though - before lcms was the bottleneck.21:22.40 
mvrhel2 with release version21:22.41 
  do you not see zoom_y as the biggest issue?21:23.34 
  that is what I am seeing21:23.37 
  with and without my change21:23.48 
  i.e. 30% of the time is spent in zoom_y21:24.13 
henrys nope 40% lcms and 30% interp - that's why I was asking if I am seeing different code here on the mac - 21:24.27 
  something seems peculiar with the users and alexcher's numbers.21:24.45 
mvrhel2 with 15 percent of the time on line 389 in zoom_y21:25.02 
henrys yes shark say please convert this to sse.21:25.47 
mvrhel2 at line line 389?21:26.22 
henrys and it whines about mixing singles/doubles do we need doubles here?21:26.34 
mvrhel2 I don't think we need doubles there21:26.45 
henrys right weigth += ...21:26.51 
mvrhel2 yes21:26.56 
  let me change that to float21:27.22 
  for sec21:27.24 
  that made a difference21:28.40 
henrys as far as I know we should not be using gs_memset? alexcher? should go to the system memset which on linux uses something fancy with 64 bit registers.21:28.48 
mvrhel2 zoom_y went from 30 percent down to 16.5 percent21:29.27 
  by changing the double to float21:29.33 
henrys did you check the quality?21:29.40 
mvrhel2 hehe no21:29.44 
  well it looks OK. 21:30.18 
  let me compare with and without21:30.24 
henrys it can be all doubles too and will probably be close to what is now. mixed is the problem.21:32.12 
mvrhel2 right. I dont see any diff between the mixed case and float only21:33.37 
henrys clusterpush and commit?21:34.41 
mvrhel2 yes. let me go the float route and see what the clusterpush shows21:35.00 
henrys we'll see where the bottleneck goes next ;-)21:35.15 
mvrhel2 yes21:35.21 
  I think it will be lcms now21:35.29 
  but if we do the color management where ever it will be doing less data we will make an improvement21:36.01 
henrys alexcher can you post a profile with the command line in comment 1?21:37.46 
  ie don't disable anything.21:38.02 
alexcher henrys: gs_memset is used only by pg build.21:38.23 
henrys oh that makes sense.21:38.37 
  I would buy zoom and put the dinosaur away ;-)21:39.03 
alexcher henrys: The original profile has been posted first.21:39.06 
mvrhel2 crap. need to reboot 21:39.25 
henrys oh i'm sorry alexcher I didn't see comment #221:40.12 
mvrhel2 henrys: OK. I am pushing the double/float fix. need to run and errand. I will check this when I get back21:58.24 
  an errand...21:58.47 
henrys easy change and good progress 21:59.20 
  can't beat that.21:59.26 
  alexcher were you using -O2 I used tree-vectorize and the time went to 12 minutes from 6.22:04.47 
  I think that is on with -O322:05.13 
  that was wrong sorry ignore my babblings22:08.44 
  I accidentally ran the debug build22:09.04 
alexcher henrys: I was using the default release build to do timing.22:16.53 
jdeisenberg I am getting the infamous rangecheck error, last OS Error: 11 under strange (to me) circumstances.22:44.54 
  I have file A, which displays just fine in ghostview. I then use the "poster" utility to convert it to a larger file B of several pages.22:45.20 
  "poster" works by wrapping the original page in a bind def, and then calling that definition to tile the pages.22:45.38 
  File B gives me the error.22:45.43 
  I eliminated all the "cruft" around the bind def in file B, and did a diff with the contents of file A -- they are identical.22:46.04 
alexcher jdeisenberg: Not every PS file can be converted to a procedure.22:48.08 
jdeisenberg what kind of things should I look for in the PS that would cause it to go boom?22:48.35 
alexcher jdeisenberg: inline data22:49.09 
jdeisenberg an example, please? (I am not a PS expert)22:49.29 
alexcher Something like //SYSIN DD *22:50.13 
  Joke, please post the file somewhere.22:50.38 
jdeisenberg my gosh that looks like JCL.22:50.40 
  I'm old enough to recognize that :)22:50.52 
  post the original and the revised?22:51.08 
alexcher Any one. You can also email the file to alex.cherepanov@artifex.com22:52.37 
  original (good) file is at 
  I have been able to successfully convert other files. I'm using ghostview version 3.7.1 on Linux, if that is useful info.22:58.12 
alexcher jdeisenberg: I think, the file is just too big. Let be do a few tests .23:00.07 
jdeisenberg pity; it didn't *seem* like that much data.23:02.25 
  Thanks very much, alexcher!23:03.13 
alexcher jdeisenberg: wait23:03.21 
jdeisenberg OK; thanking you for at least being willing to take a look at it :)23:03.45 
alexcher jdeisenberg: PS arrays are limited to 64k-1 elements. The file you have has about 70K elements. 23:04.26 
jdeisenberg Where is the extra data coming from between the good file and the bad file?23:04.56 
  never mind that question; I wasn't thinking.23:05.26 
alexcher jdeisenberg: You need to split the procedure into 2 smaller ones /foo {...} exec {...} exec} def23:05.29 
  jdeisenberg: I've tested this approach and it works.23:06.05 
jdeisenberg that would be the print_complete_page_0 procedure, yes?23:07.07 
alexcher jdeisenberg: Yes23:07.33 
jdeisenberg OK; that gives me a good starting point.23:07.59 
  is exec nested in foo?23:08.33 
alexcher jdeisenberg: Sorry, /foo {{...} exec {...} exec} def23:09.12 
jdeisenberg alexcher: thank you; that solves it nicely.23:16.56 
Robin_Watts mvrhel2: You here ?23:28.44 
jdeisenberg bye for now all.23:31.25 
Robin_Watts mvrhel2: Going to bed now. Wondered if you had any insights into the pattern clist stuff I mentioned above.23:34.50 
  I'll check logs in the morning.23:35.03 
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