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marcosw_ Robin_Watts: at 600 dpi the pcl plank/pamcmyk4 testing was taking a very long time and eventually timed out. I'm trying at at 300 dpi.07:35.35 
kens has just read the irc logs and will leave the seg fault to Robin. Assuming robin reads the logs too.08:07.10 
  Mornign marcosw_08:07.14 
marcosw_ morning to you as well.08:07.29 
kens Did you reply to Tom's question ? I haven't seen an answer08:07.31 
  And didn't want to send one myself.08:07.43 
marcosw_ not yet, I'll do it today.08:09.42 
kens OK thanks :-)08:09.50 
chrisl_away kens: I'm doing a cluster test on the latest freetype, in case the problem Robin stumbled over is one of the buffer overflow bugs fixed in the last couple of releases.08:26.50 
  if you can mention that to him when he appears.....08:28.37 
  off to squash now......08:29.22 
kens wonders if Robin_Watts is here now ?08:35.13 
Robin_Watts I am09:35.17 
kens Chrisl wanted me to point you at the log, he's done a FT change09:36.00 
Robin_Watts I saw a note that he was testing the latest freetype, but I can't see a commit.09:36.43 
kens maybe that was all tehn09:37.24 
Robin_Watts Lots of differences with chrisl's last test, but not SEGV reported09:46.57 
kens Hmm, might be a fix then, or just acover up09:47.32 
  That really is a lot of diffs....09:51.51 
Robin_Watts kens: Are you at all familiar with 29-07B.PS ?09:59.28 
kens Not specifically, what's the problem ?09:59.39 
Robin_Watts plank and pamcmyk4 display the content with a large different in position.10:01.29 
  Actually, I think plank is getting it right and pamcmyk4 wrong, so I'm happier :)10:02.31 
kens Should be the same though10:02.47 
Robin_Watts Do devices have a set of margins ?10:03.22 
kens Yes, but not usually for bitmap devices10:03.45 
Robin_Watts I think the file reads the margins and positions stuff accordingly.10:06.08 
kens Entirly possible, likely even.10:06.27 
  For a QL test10:06.32 
Robin_Watts Everything else is close enough for government work.10:06.41 
kens But I'm surprsied the devices would be different10:06.41 
marcosw_ Robin_Watts: plank/pamcmyk4 testing of pcl didn't go well, the disk filled up. I'm rerunning it now.10:13.27 
Robin_Watts marcosw_: ok, thanks.10:13.41 
  Did you find any differences so far ?10:13.48 
marcosw_ the plank files are all generated first and than the pamcmyk4 files and the disk filled up during the plank file generation, so it didn't get far enough to tell if there were differences10:15.12 
Robin_Watts marcosw_: Ah.10:40.24 
marcosw_ ah?10:40.30 
Robin_Watts Just read your explaination above.10:40.43 
  Why do it that way?10:41.14 
  "because that's how the code I have works", I guess.10:41.26 
  When I run local tests, I generate plank then pamcmyk4 for a file, then compare, then do the next.10:41.51 
  so the disc space is minimised.10:41.55 
  and I get results as I go, rather than all at the end.10:42.39 
  Oddly, when I run back to back tests, I find lots of your differences appear as identical to me.10:43.27 
marcosw_ I run N jobs in parallel, so it would b a bit tricky to do it your way using the tools that I have (they are based on the cluster code). I could rewrite it, but to be honest other than running out of disk space this one time it's never mattered.10:45.00 
Robin_Watts Fair enough.10:45.21 
chrisl_away Hmmm, I hadn't expected that many differences from a freetype update :-(11:09.47 
Robin_Watts tor8: There is a patch on casper for you, btw.14:09.04 
tor8 Robin_Watts: just did a fetch, can't see anything new14:10.00 
Robin_Watts sorry, just double checked myself and I forgot to push it.14:10.15 
  try now.14:10.30 
  I looked into how GS was working yesterday, and I think I see what gs is doing differently.14:11.13 
tor8 Robin_Watts: right. do you think that patch is what we should do for the 0.9 release?14:11.35 
Robin_Watts tor8: yes.14:11.53 
  Otherwise people will complain of regressions.14:12.01 
  I haven't run that through sane - got sidetracked with other stuff.14:12.38 
tor8 right. doing a sane run now.14:12.40 
Robin_Watts thanks.14:12.45 
tor8 I spent the last few days knocking down the remaining easy and critical bugs, so I think we're good to go for a release.14:13.46 
  I'm holding off on the text device until after release, though. It's not stable and/or fast enough yet.14:14.14 
  the fast version doesn't give good results, and the good version is ridiculously slow.14:14.48 
  Robin_Watts: yeah, the sane results show a lot more cases with the "dark aa edges" problem.14:16.47 
Robin_Watts With my patch, and it disabled ?14:17.13 
  Sorry, I mean, with the knockout and isolated stuff disabled you're still seeing problems ?14:17.33 
tor8 no, I'm saying the diffs show that the knockout/isolated stuff still has issues :)14:17.55 
Robin_Watts Ah, right. I am more than aware of that :)14:18.06 
  gs copies the background on every group push, where I only copy it on isolated ones.14:18.49 
tor8 there's only one page that has serious problems with the knockout/isolated stuff being disabled, one with magic marker-style highlighted text.14:18.50 
Robin_Watts gs doesn't hold 'shape', it holds 'group alpha', which is what I ended up doing in mupdf effectively.14:19.34 
  The only thing that worries me about copying what gs does is that gs doesn't support non-isolated knockout groups.14:20.05 
  so I worry about inadvertantly painting ourselves into the same corner that gs has.14:20.24 
  chrisl: You here ?14:25.20 
kens He says he's away ;-)14:25.33 
  But then. so do I14:25.41 
Robin_Watts yeah, I'm aware of the way irc statuses lie :)14:27.28 
  I think the problem is in fapi_ft.c - that's our code, not freetypes, right?14:40.03 
  We get an outline glyph, and then free it as if it was a bitmap glyph.14:41.13 
kens Yes that's our code, its the interface14:41.53 
  chrisl did some changes in there, its probably related14:42.07 
Robin_Watts kens: Do you understand it? Have you got 5 mins?14:42.09 
kens Hmm, I understood it once....14:42.19 
  Let meget a VS open14:42.26 
Robin_Watts Line 563 of fapi_ft.c - we call FT_Get_Glyph(ft_face->glyph, &bmg);14:43.00 
kens yes, I see that14:43.19 
  Where is the corresponding free ?14:43.46 
Robin_Watts FT_Get_Glyph looks at the ->format field to see what type of glyph we should get - in this case it's 'outl'.14:43.48 
  The next line :)14:43.51 
  Well, line 565.14:44.13 
kens Hmm, sounds like the format should not be outline14:44.33 
Robin_Watts It looks like our code is deciding between outline or bitmap glyph based on a_bitmap.14:44.44 
kens Indeed.14:44.51 
Robin_Watts but the underlying freetype code is deciding based on ft_face->glyph->format.14:45.05 
kens Well, thatr certainly looks like a bad thing, I'm surprised it hasn't bitten before14:45.42 
  I thin kyou'll need to take this up with chrisl, I'm not sure how to resolve that, but it certainly looks wrong.14:47.05 
Robin_Watts I have to walk the dogs. I shall do that now. If chrisl checks in he might see the logs and comment. I suspect this is best left to him to solve.14:47.37 
kens I thin kso yes, if he pops back I'll point him at it.14:47.54 
chrisl_away Robin_Watts: can you give me a test file to try out this FAPI problem, and I'll look at it tomorrow morning? (I don't have time right now)18:20.47 
Robin_Watts chrisl_away: gswin32c.exe -sDEVICE=pkmraw -o out.pkm -r300 -dMaxBitmap=100000000 out.ps19:08.42 
  where is in my casper home dir.19:09.03 
  (or will be when it finishes uploading)19:09.18 
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