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 <<<Back 1 day (to 2011/09/05)2011/09/06 
kens chrisl, just FYI I found 2 more cases in our test suite where ps2write emits a MM font as a type 1, and which caused a seg fault. All are fixed with your latest patch.09:02.25 
chrisl kens: Well, that's something. How does pdfwrite handle these?09:03.37 
kens That's an interesting question. I haven't checked the content yet, but the PDF files work.09:04.39 
chrisl Hmm, I'd expect the same error to occur - strange......09:05.23 
kens Yes, that's waht I thought....09:05.33 
  Just making a PDF file to look at.09:05.42 
  Just checked, both GS and Acrobat are happy with the PDF file, now to look inside it.09:06.59 
  I don't suppose you remember teh fontn name ?09:07.56 
  Oh, probably AdobeSerifMM09:08.18 
chrisl Ah, couldn't remember if it was Sans or Serif - but yes09:08.37 
kens Looks like pdfwrite emits it as a CFF font.09:08.41 
  Many times.09:09.04 
chrisl Several instances?09:09.25 
kens Only if the file has a *lot* of different fonts.09:09.37 
  Looks like 80 fonts, each containing one glyph ;-)09:10.31 
chrisl Hmm, suboptimal - but not wrong.....09:10.56 
kens Indeed. I'm guessing the conversion to CFF strips out the MM instructions, which is why it works.09:11.16 
chrisl It would have to. Maybe it's that conversion that causes it to emit the font(s) in the way it does09:12.19 
kens I'm assuming so, yes.09:12.28 
  So a putative ps3write could do the same :-)09:12.54 
chrisl Yes. I guess a hacky solution might to have ps2write convert to CFF and then back to Type 1 - ick.....09:13.31 
kens Definitely.09:13.43 
  But if a CFF conversion can work, then it ought to be possible to do a clean type 1 version too.09:14.03 
chrisl Yeh, it's probably a fairly simple operation just to strip the relevant op codes from the char strings09:15.08 
kens I hope so, but I'm not certain, I can't recall what the operations are for :-)09:15.33 
  fetching coffee, need fuel for this one.09:16.01 
Robin_Watts Gah.09:27.01 
  The win64 stuff in the makefile allows you to specify whether you want to build a win64 thing or not.09:27.39 
  but nothing detects the version you are building on.09:27.50 
  Anyone got any insight into how to do that ?09:28.07 
kens off the top of my head, no....09:28.33 
chrisl Robin_Watts: you have to tell it: BUILDSYSTEM=32/6409:34.22 
kens no WIN64 define present for 64-bit builds ?09:35.10 
chrisl WIN64 tells the makefile *what* to build, BUILDSYSTEM tells it what you're building on09:35.58 
kens OK.09:36.08 
  Could ask Windows I think, but requires a C call I suspect09:36.53 
chrisl Yes, there is no standard way of find the word size from the Window command line - I looked, and looked :-(09:37.28 
  It's quite a common question, as it turns out09:39.55 
kens chrisl on Stack Overflow if the environment variabel 'ProgramW6432' is non-empty then its 64-bit Windows.09:40.00 
  Turns out to be WIndows 7 only though09:40.44 
chrisl Hmm, strange that Microsoft's developers wouldn't know that!09:40.45 
  Ah, that's not really much use just now :-(09:41.12 
  Robin_Watts: I was wondering if, rather than (or as well as?) being able to tell genarch to use a predefined arch.h, if it wouldn't be a good idea to allow command line option overrides for each the settings it creates.09:42.36 
kens Heuristically you can check for '\Program Files (x86)' which is present in 64-bit installs09:43.03 
chrisl I don't really have a problem using the BUILDSYSTEM setting.09:44.44 
  kens: Vista64 has "ProgramFiles(x86)" environment variable, does Vista32?09:48.05 
Robin_Watts chrisl: That would be a much larger rework than I've done.09:49.52 
  At the moment you just add TARGET_ARCH_FILE=./base/arch-win32-msvc.h onto the nmake invocation.09:50.29 
  (sorry, the make invocation)09:50.51 
  nmake picks a default TARGET_ARCH_FILE based on the WIN64 setting.09:51.06 
chrisl Robin_Watts: So, are we going to start shipping these?09:51.32 
Robin_Watts chrisl: Yes, just give me a bit to finish testing what I have here.09:51.49 
kens chrisl no no (x86) version on 32-bit Vista09:52.28 
chrisl Robin_Watts: OKay, could we maybe not put them in "base" then?09:52.57 
  kens: okay, so that would be an option, if we ever felt so inclined - trust M$ to make it different......09:53.34 
kens Yep :-)09:54.48 
Robin_Watts chrisl: where would you prefer them?09:57.07 
  Needs to be somewhere in gs, so it's available to all builds (pcl, xps etc)09:57.35 
  The only existing directory that is suitable is base.09:58.21 
  Creating a new dir is possible, but that would mean a whole new variable through all the makefiles etc.09:58.46 
chrisl Robin_Watts: I was thinking maybe we need like an "arch" or "platforms" directory, we could then put all viable cross compile arch.h prototypes in there09:59.15 
  Hmm, yes, new variable makes it a bit of pain :-(09:59.39 
Robin_Watts I'd personally favour sticking them in base for now, and we can move them later as part of a larger rework if required.10:00.21 
chrisl It's just it would be good to keep all the pre-defined arch.h files we could (privacy concerns permitting) in there, and I don't like the idea of 'base' being a "dumping ground" for stuff like that.10:00.55 
  BTW, I don't see arch.h getting recreated that often, so I think the dependencies for it are (nearly?) correct10:02.23 
Robin_Watts Maybe. It was rays comment, I think.10:16.06 
  There were moves afoot (before I joined), I believe to split the source up into something more managable.10:16.48 
  base was merely the first stage.10:17.02 
kens It started, that's why we have a base and psi10:17.03 
chrisl I just mentioned the dependencies while I remembered, it wasn't aimed at your current stuff10:17.37 
Robin_Watts So, favoured place for the arch files now? (Ignoring complexity, what would you like to see the directory called)10:19.03 
  arch? platform? config?10:19.28 
  I'd favour arch.10:20.03 
chrisl Me, too. It fits with the file name.10:20.18 
Robin_Watts And I'd personally favour <CPUtype>-<OS>-<toolset>.h as the name.10:21.51 
  so x86-windows-msvc.h and x64-windows-msvc.h10:22.05 
chrisl Hmm, I'd prefer <OS>-<CPUtype>-<toolset>.h - but not enough to argue about it!10:22.57 
Robin_Watts chrisl: There is a vague standard for this, right? I wonder what that is...10:23.40 
  LLVM uses architecture vendor-os10:25.10 
chrisl Robin_Watts: I'm not sure, it's just in the directory listing, *I* would prefer all the Windows variants listed together, all the Linux variants listed together, and so on10:25.56 
Robin_Watts That's a relatively compelling argument :)10:29.22 
chrisl I do make them occasionally.... ;-)10:30.01 
Robin_Watts tor8: For pickup at the international terminal on the shuttle bus, you need to call the hotel, so make sure you have the hotel number with you.11:02.48 
kens hmm, thanks for that Robin_Watts. I hope one of us will remember ;-)11:03.15 
Robin_Watts I've put it in my phone, but belt and braces etc...11:03.32 
  That helpful nugget is hidden away on the website a bit.11:04.02 
kens I'm glad you found it!11:04.13 
Robin_Watts Oh, I *hate* nmake.11:04.42 
  I've changed genarch so it only writes out the new file if it's different from the old file.11:05.15 
  But if you use nmake -d so you can see all the timestamps that it's basing the build on, it assumes that the timestamp has been updated.11:06.24 
  So, time to back that change out :(11:07.13 
tor8 Robin_Watts: oh bother11:08.28 
Robin_Watts tor8: Do you have a calling plan that works in the states?11:10.41 
tor8 a ridiculously expensive one, that only seems to work with AT&T11:11.57 
Robin_Watts There may be a courtesy phone, but it's not mentioned on the site.11:12.20 
  Or a taxi is $10 to $12 apparently.11:12.41 
  Oh, but you're like the queen and never carry cash, right? :)11:13.01 
tor8 quite :)11:13.18 
  I can make exceptions, but it's such a hassle :)11:13.48 
  Robin_Watts: site says int'l travellers use the courtesy phone in the terminal.11:15.44 
  I remember another time (was it chicago or washington?) when the shuttle bus only stopped by the domestic terminal unless you rang11:16.24 
  sometimes I wonder who the real culprit is when you see pdf files generated by cairo, that use 7 nested xobjects, two of which are tiling patterns, to draw an image.11:22.44 
kens cairo :-)11:25.00 
tor8 I've got a ridiculous file. the bboxes for some xobjects are in the 22000x11000 range. takes forever to render when you do the "hey let's render one tile to a bitmap and copy that so it'll be faster"...11:26.52 
Robin_Watts chrisl: OK, that's my fiddlings committed. All tests out for me, but sods law says something will have gone wrong.12:26.52 
chrisl Robin_Watts: thanks. I'll try it out in a bit12:36.04 
kens chrisl I've been through the pdfwrite/ps2write code and there is no provision at all for converting a MM font. It just copeis the CharStrings data directly from each glyph thet's embedded. To deal with this I'm going to have to do yet another type 1 font interpreter that can discard MM instructions.12:58.59 
  However, if I do that, I presume the instance of the font won't be correct.12:59.19 
chrisl kens: it shouldn't be any more wrong than the CFF version that ends up in the PDF - unless the Type 1 to CFF converter does something "clever"13:10.46 
kens No, I think its pretty simplistic.13:14.22 
  I think I can detect a MM font by looking for WeightVector, which gives me the number of designs. With that I know how many elemnents are given to each OtherSubr, and that means I can simply elide the OtherSubr calls. I think that should make it all work.13:15.13 
  I think I will walk through the type 1 to CFF converter just to see what it does though.13:15.52 
chrisl It's probably easier than making ps2write handle MM fonts, and preserve the settings use to create an instance!13:17.12 
kens I did look into that, but MM fonts aren't in basic level 213:17.32 
  They must have been added later13:17.41 
chrisl Hmmm, I thought Adobe's ones were supposed to work, because they include makeblendedfont implemented in Postcript - but, of course, with MM specific things in the charstrings, probably not.....13:20.30 
kens The only MM-specifics in the CharStrings are calls to CallOtherSubr in the tange 14-18 whch are the 'MM' othersubrs.13:21.14 
chrisl I'm rather (pleasantly) surprised that freetype doesn't just ignore the error.13:23.04 
kens It may be taht we simply don't emit enough 'OtherSubrs' entries that causes it to complain.13:23.28 
  It may be that supplying empty procedures would make everyone happy.13:23.41 
  Interesting, we write the font with a Subtype of MMType113:25.13 
  (Its OK because opdfread can handle that)13:25.30 
chrisl No it has a specific error case for it "unexpected multiple masters operator"13:25.59 
kens There are no MM operators, according to the MM spec.13:26.14 
  Just specific OtherSubrs13:26.23 
chrisl Yeh, it means OtherSubrs call13:27.20 
kens :-)13:27.25 
  Hmm, the type 1 font writer doesn't emit any OtherSubrs at all.13:36.42 
  chrisl how does FreeType recognise a MM font ? THis one has a WeightVector, but none of the other required entries.13:37.31 
  The ps2write output that is13:37.38 
  If I was to emit 18 dummy entries in OtherSubrs, woudl FT be happy with it ?13:38.12 
chrisl I'm not sure: the error is trigger by trying to call an OtherSubr in the MM range when there is no "blend" entry in the decoder structure - do you want me to track where that comes from? (NOTE: the AFS code errored, too, IIRC).13:39.58 
kens I'm guesing the 'blend' entry is the missing $Blend procedure.13:40.22 
chrisl Very likely13:40.38 
kens Which means I can't just emit the OtherSubrs, I'll have to strip them.13:40.43 
  Though oddly the type 2 converter doesn't seem to do that.13:40.58 
  But I'm not sure I want to worry about it.13:41.09 
chrisl As I say, if you want me to track where "->blend" comes from, let me know - back in a sec, need to feed the cat.......13:43.18 
kens Nah, I'll do it, just hoping for an easy solution13:43.34 
MAPI__ hi14:20.31 
Robin_Watts MAPI_: Hi.14:23.49 
MAPI__ hello,14:24.24 
  I need to print with ghostscipt, epson stylus photo printers.14:24.24 
  I should have the ability to print multiple times on the same line before the table to move y.14:24.24 
  To get a larger amount of ink as possible, because printing on textiles.14:24.24 
  is it possible?14:24.25 
Robin_Watts MAPI_: To do that you'd need to alter the epson stylus device.14:24.52 
kens All things are possible, how much work do you want to do ?14:24.53 
  THis question was sent to support by the way14:25.04 
Robin_Watts In the grand scheme of things, that doesn't sound like a huge change for someone sufficiently motivated.14:25.22 
  (i.e. all the work is in the device, and doesn't involve fiddling with the innards of gs)14:25.43 
MAPI__ you have in mind the multi-pass print EK study, as it does?14:26.50 
Robin_Watts but (I strongly suspect) it's not something that you'll find someone here will do for, as a) we don't have such a printer, and b) it doesn't generally enhance gs for the wider world.14:26.51 
  All this could change by you becoming a customer of course :)14:27.11 
  MAPI_: Sorry, I haven't a clue what a multi-pass print EK study is.14:27.43 
MAPI__ Sorry, EK Print Studio14:28.18 
  is a RIP for textile printing14:28.40 
Robin_Watts Ah, right, so there is a RIP out there that does this already.14:29.04 
  That doesn't change anything I've said, I believe.14:29.15 
MAPI__ What is in a file .ppd -dupWeaveXPasses?14:33.00 
kens Sounds liek something from CUPS14:33.35 
MAPI__ no, are in .PDD file the gs14:35.20 
kens I have no idea what you mean there.14:35.48 
MAPI__ but you are here to pull the tails of elephants?14:36.07 
Robin_Watts Mr Google suggests it's a flag to the epson stylus color device.14:36.19 
kens Even if the file has a reference to Ghostscript that has nothing to do with whether it relates to CUPS.14:36.20 
  And no, I'm not hre to pull the tails of elephants14:36.43 
Robin_Watts Hmm. What's a .upp file ?14:36.51 
kens I thought that was a Windows spool file of some sort.14:37.07 
Robin_Watts Looks like a filter specifier for cups.14:37.22 
  oh, it's a uniprint thing.14:37.34 
kens So, back to CUPS again, as I said14:37.35 
  UniPrint, that's the thing.14:37.41 
Robin_Watts Is UniPrint cups ?14:37.55 
kens No, but I think CUPS can use the UniPrint driver.14:38.08 
MAPI__ yes, is a uniprint file14:38.16 
Robin_Watts right. So -dupWeaveXPasses is some parameter or other to the uniprint device in gs.14:38.46 
MAPI__ but changing the files. upp, you can not succeed?14:39.35 
Robin_Watts I am unfamiliar with any expression about "pulling the tails of elephants".14:39.38 
kens yes, its declared in gdevupd.c14:39.41 
Robin_Watts MAPI_: Not a clue, I've never used uniprint.14:39.49 
kens Pulling the tails of elephants sounds like a dangerous activity to me.14:40.55 
MAPI__ There is a driver for the Epson Stylus Photo R1900? in gs14:41.43 
kens Not that I'm aware of.14:42.09 
MAPI__ for a epson stylus photo in general14:42.46 
kens There is a file called 'iupp-How-to-be' ni gs/contrib/epson740 which talks about weaving.14:43.07 
chrisl uniprint is listed as being decprecated - not sure how accurate that is (doc/Deprecated.htm)14:44.06 
kens in any event MAPI__ the simple answer seems to be that Ghostscript does not currently do what you want. SO there is no simple 'use this command and it will work' that we can give you.14:45.16 
  You will need to do significant development work yourself, or pay someone to do it, if you want this functionality.14:45.50 
chrisl Robin_Watts: the Ghostscript "nsis" nmake target doesn't seem to work now - I'm not sure if that relates to your changes14:46.05 
Robin_Watts chrisl: Oh.14:46.28 
  I've never used that :(14:46.35 
chrisl It's kind of important.....14:47.04 
Robin_Watts That would mean building outside the solution.14:47.08 
  What do I need to install to be able to use it ?14:47.17 
chrisl Leave it with me a bit, hopefully it's not difficult to resolve. I suspect it would work for you anyway - looking at the error it would probably only go wrong on a 64 bit host.14:48.23 
MAPI__ thank you anyway, do not know anyone that can help us?14:50.01 
kens MAPI__ Its not really our area of expertise, we're more used to dealing wiht paper or with electronic formats I'm afraid.14:50.36 
Robin_Watts MAPI__: It sounds like you want to speak to the people responsible for the uniprint device.14:51.00 
  You can probably find their addresses in the source code.14:51.11 
  Failing that, you may want to talk to the authors of cups, as they are more plugged into this kind of thing.14:51.33 
  tkampeter is often here, and he may be able to point you in the right direction.14:51.54 
chrisl Robin_Watts: false alarm, I think - I mis-typed an option, sorry!14:52.02 
Robin_Watts Ah! :)14:52.19 
kens The last pdate to the UniPrint device was 11 years ago.14:52.59 
chrisl Well, as I said, it is listed a being deprecated14:53.24 
Robin_Watts kens: So clearly, it's perfect and no bugs have been found in that time :)14:53.26 
kens :-)14:53.31 
  I was merely speculating that its unlikely that the authors would be at the same mail address.14:53.52 
Robin_Watts kens: My email address hasn't changed in longer than that.14:54.11 
chrisl Robin_Watts: I'm just rerunning the nsis build, but the debug and release targets worked fine, so I don't anticipate a problem14:54.19 
MAPI__ bye bye 14:54.47 
kens Robin_Watts : Agreed, nor has my personal address, but the ones in the driver are (eg) My work email address has changed 3 times in that period (I think, maybe more)14:55.39 
Robin_Watts My personal address is a 
kens All things are possible.14:56.08 
chrisl Hmm, my new desks were damaged in transit - had to return them (refuse delivery). What a pain :-(14:56.22 
kens I'm not saying its not worth trying14:56.25 
Robin_Watts My sole point is that it's still worth a try.14:56.30 
  chrisl: Oh, hateful.14:56.36 
kens desks plural ? :-O14:56.42 
chrisl Yes, I am *so* untidy, I need two desks to hold the mess..... ;-)14:57.22 
Robin_Watts I custom built a desk around 2 walls of my office - much more space efficient. I can fit WAY more mess in now.14:58.14 
kens I have htat solution also.14:58.25 
  My desk includes a min race-track14:58.34 
Robin_Watts Leyland or BMW ?14:58.49 
kens Sclatectix clone14:59.05 
  typing as shameful as ever....14:59.43 
  Scalectrix xlone with 2 mini's14:59.53 
chrisl It seemed an unnecessary complication (not to mention taxing of my woodworking skills!) to custom build a desk, when two identical desks at right-angles gives me very nearly exactly what I need.15:00.01 
kens Old fashioned leyland ones15:00.03 
chrisl Cool :-)15:00.19 
  How many hours do you spend playing with that, and humming "we are the self preservation society"? ;-)15:01.11 
kens :-)15:01.22 
  Only when I need a break. Sometimes I fly the helicopter instead.15:01.34 
chrisl My helicopter is rather sorry for itself after an unscheduled wall related incident.......15:03.00 
  Robin_Watts: nsis builds also worked fine :-)15:03.24 
kens will remember not to let chrisl fly15:03.29 
chrisl Probably wise15:04.08 
henrys I think we decided not to have a meeting but I'll be around during the regular meeting time.15:49.58 
kens If we're not meeting then I'll push off on time.15:50.15 
  Didn't get a piza last nigth due to rain15:51.51 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: I saw the comment about 'detecting the build system'. I don't know if you meant 'automatic' or manual. The manual method exists as BUILD_SYSTEM= macro can be specified15:58.39 
Robin_Watts ray_laptop: I mean automatic.15:58.55 
  In an ideal world, I'd like people to be able to load the VS solution, choose "Win64" from the drop down and hit build.15:59.28 
ray_laptop if you have the toolchain paths, then if it has "Program Files (x86)" then you are building on a 64-bit system15:59.53 
Robin_Watts ray_laptop: Except "Program Files (x86)" will be "UbergruppenFuhrer (x86)" on german machines... etc.16:01.50 
marcosw_ UberguppenFuhrer?16:02.13 
Robin_Watts Ubergruppenfuhrer, I meant.16:02.31 
  Some long german word.16:02.34 
  I was forgetting that we had a german speaker here :)16:02.41 
marcosw_ they are all long16:02.44 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: really? what a screwy way to write an OS16:02.49 
kens More than one16:02.50 
marcosw_ btw, it's spelt Obergruppenführer16:02.56 
Robin_Watts But it means "Mother-in-law", right? :)16:03.18 
kens close enough16:03.41 
marcosw_ you mean hippopotamus?16:03.59 
kens marcosw_ is showing his age now16:04.12 
marcosw_ I was wondering if anyone would get that :-)16:04.25 
ray_laptop and the %WINDIR% is "ClearPanelOfSemiviscousMaterial", right16:04.39 
Robin_Watts Reggie Perrin?16:04.42 
kens correct16:04.53 
  three was a recent remake marcosw_16:05.12 
marcosw_ There was Monty Python reference on Eureka last week ("No one expects the Spanish Inquisition").16:05.26 
Robin_Watts ray_laptop: If there is a sys var that points to "Program Files (x86)" then I could look for that...16:05.38 
kens has that T-shirt16:05.51 
Robin_Watts ray_laptop: Do you have a sysvar that points to Program Files (x86) ?16:06.32 
kens Well, if thre's no meeting them I'm off. Night all.16:06.38 
Robin_Watts Night kens.16:06.50 
henrys Robin_Watts:I thought the tradition was to choose win64 - and it would default to that on a 64 bit system.16:07.01 
Robin_Watts henrys: At the moment, if you're on a win32 machine, and you choose win32, you can build.16:07.32 
marcosw_ is now torrenting the Fall and Rise remake...16:07.37 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: I've got: COMMONPROGRAMFILES='C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files' AND COMMONPROGRAMFILES(X86)='C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files'16:07.43 
Robin_Watts If you're on a win64 machine and you choose win64, you can build.16:07.59 
henrys using the pathname is bogus16:08.09 
Robin_Watts I believe that if you're on win64 machine you can choose win32 and still build.16:08.14 
  (because win64 can run win32 exes)16:08.23 
  But what you can't do is build for win64 on a win32 machine.16:08.36 
  And we *could* do that, if only I had some way of detecting in a makefile whether I was on a win64 or a win32 machine.16:09.02 
  ray_laptop: Don't like the sounds of that really.16:09.21 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: but I only see that in msys bash. In cmd.exe I see: ProgramFiles="C:\Program Files" AND ProgramFiles(x86)="C:\Program Files (x86)"16:09.42 
Robin_Watts Right. Mr google suggests programFiles(x86)16:09.57 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: why can't you build WIN64 on a 32-bit machine ? (doesn't it work if you give WIN64=1 BUILD_SYSTEM=32)16:10.45 
Robin_Watts So I could say "If we don't have an environment variable called "PROGRAMFILES(X86)" then we're on a windows 32 machine.16:10.56 
  ray_laptop: I probably can, but I can't set up the solution to do that automatically.16:11.16 
  Well, actually, I probably could, couldn't I. Cos Win64 machines can run win32 exes.16:11.59 
  I'll try that.16:12.09 
ray_laptop without checking if "X%ProgramFiles(x86)%" = X16:12.58 
Robin_Watts yes.16:13.15 
ray_laptop the main problem I had was on 64-bit systems, having it know where the compiler was. But once you are in the VS tool, that's already defined16:14.15 
Robin_Watts I have an xcode project that *seems* to be happy building ghostscript/ghostpdl.16:14.16 
henrys oh you fixed it or yours just worked with the current code?16:14.55 
Robin_Watts Are people ever going to have a 64bit system with 64bit compilers, and NO 32bit compilers?16:14.55 
  I redid the xcode project.16:15.09 
henrys Robin_Watts:oh does it work on lion?16:15.30 
Robin_Watts Lion is all I have.16:15.40 
chrisl Robin_Watts: currently, you cannot have no 32 bit compilers/tools in VS.16:15.56 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: AFAIK, there isn't a 64-bit mode VS. The 64-bit compiler is ALWAYS a 32-bit app. (in "Program Files (x86)" directory)16:15.59 
henrys Robin_Watts:great news, thanks I'll give it a go.16:16.10 
Robin_Watts We've not gone the full turtleneck in this house :)16:16.11 
  henrys: I haven't committed it yet.16:16.19 
  ray_laptop: Ah. That's almost sane.16:16.34 
  Then why don't we have BUILDSYSTEM default to 32 ?16:17.57 
ray_laptop prior to the BUILD_SYSTEM= variable it assumed that the tools were in "Program Files" unless you said WIN64=1 then is assumed you were on a 64-bit system and the tools were in "Program Files (x86)"16:17.59 
  so we kept the default that if BUILD_SYSTEM wasn't given, and we were building 64-bit, we were on a 64-bit system (default BUILD_SYSTEM=64 if WIN64=1)16:19.13 
  plus running genarch built as a 64-bit app required that you were on 64-bit.16:19.54 
Robin_Watts Hmm. !ifndef BUILD_SYSTEM\nBUILD_SYSTEM=32\n!endif16:20.03 
  so, now I'm confused again.16:21.02 
  It looks to me like BUILD_SYSTEM will default to 32 if it's not set.16:21.40 
chrisl It does16:21.47 
Robin_Watts So on a 32bit machine, when I set WIN64=1, why does genarch get built as a 64bit app?16:22.11 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: I think things have gotten honked up since I last touched it. I used to have WIN64=1 in the psi/msvc64.mak among other things, and _did_ have BUILD_SYSTEM default to 64 if WIN64 was 116:22.20 
Robin_Watts I haven't touched any of the BUILD_SYSTEM stuff.16:22.48 
ray_laptop but chrisl assumed 'ownership' and may have changed things without testing them16:22.53 
chrisl Robin_Watts: genarch is built with the same tools as the gs executable16:23.24 
Robin_Watts Regardless of who changed what, I don't understand how BUILD_SYSTEM can default to 32, and I can be getting 64 bit exes for genarch - unless I'm misunderstanding what BUILD_SYSTEM is supposed to do.16:23.43 
  chrisl: I thought it used CCAUX?16:23.51 
chrisl Is CCAUX setup differently for the two cases?16:24.22 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: all BUILD_SYSTEM used to do was to tell the macro where to find the tools16:24.31 
Robin_Watts Right, that's where I'm confused.16:24.43 
chrisl ray_laptop: I never use msvc32/64.mak, I always use msvc.mak directly now16:24.54 
Robin_Watts I thought BUILD_SYSTEM was supposed to set what tools to use for CCAUX.16:25.36 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: it probably _should_ but that (probably) never was done.16:26.15 
Robin_Watts right.16:26.21 
chrisl ray_laptop: msvc32.mak and msvc64.mak don't, and never have set WIN64 and/or BUILD_SYSTEM16:26.51 
ray_laptop I've only ever built 64-bit binaries on my 64-bit system16:26.58 
Robin_Watts So... is there a magic flag to cl that tells it to generate 32bit code?16:27.29 
chrisl I have to use different parameters to vcvars.bat to get a 32 vs 64 bit build environment16:28.14 
  Robin_Watts: it's different compilers to generate 64 or 32 bit code16:29.43 
ray_laptop chrisl: I guess not (about having msvc64.mak set WIN64=1). I thought that was supposed to be the case, and am not sure why it isn't16:30.21 
  Robin_Watts: the tools for 64-bit are in the 'amd64' path16:31.32 
chrisl ray_laptop: I don't know, ever since you split it out into three makefiles, I always used msvc.mak directly, so it never struck me to check16:31.45 
ray_laptop chrisl: I still used msvc32.mak with WIN64=1 specified (which we wanted to work since that was the way it used to work). Probably just forgot to add setting the WIN64=1 in msvc64.mak16:33.17 
Robin_Watts So.. you can't use 32 and 64bit compilers in the same build without chopping and changing paths? That's just mad.16:34.23 
chrisl Complain to MS.....16:34.42 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: the net is that to build 64-bit on a 32-bit platform, we have to make sure to (1) use the 32-bit tools for CCAUX building and (2) use a canned 64-bit arch.h16:35.28 
Robin_Watts ray_laptop: The latter part of that is done.16:35.41 
  It's 'just' 1) left to do.16:35.50 
chrisl Robin_Watts: what about using a recursive nmake call to make the aux tools?16:35.57 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: but obviously not tested ;-)16:36.03 
Robin_Watts chrisl: recursive nmake calls kill the rainforest, and cause global warming.16:37.10 
  or just make life hell. something like that.16:37.29 
chrisl Well, you're going to have carry around two paths for the compilers then.16:39.29 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: we already have recursive make for PCL builds and for gs debug builds, so I don't see that another use is that bad16:39.37 
Robin_Watts ray_laptop: only to the sanity of whichever poor person has to implement it.16:39.59 
  It may be easier than I think. resorting to recursive make always gives me pause.16:40.23 
chrisl or stop f*rting about, get yourself a 64 bit Windows machine16:40.24 
  I don't think it will be very easy: on linux "make debugobj/aux/mkromfs" elicits: "make: *** No rule to make target `debugobj/aux/mkromfs'. Stop."16:42.08 
Robin_Watts chrisl: It's not of huge import. It can certainly wait.16:48.45 
  having the ability to use precanned arch files helps with cross compiling though, so it's still worthwhile.16:49.15 
chrisl Robin_Watts: yes, I think that's good. I'm just not too bothered about letting people build executables they can't run!16:50.09 
ray_laptop clearly being able to build 32-bit binaries on 64-bit Windows (as well as 64-bit binaries) is of more interest.16:56.57 
chrisl that works, it's how I do the releases - I only have 64 bit Windows machines16:57.27 
Robin_Watts ray_laptop: I believe you can do that with the solution as it is now.16:57.39 
  We have customers that deploy 32bit Windows machines, and probably do the building on 64bit machines, hence it's important that works.16:58.34 
chrisl I gotta go play squash - 'nite all!17:08.10 
Robin_Watts henrys, tor8: Either of you use xcode much ?17:33.35 
  I've got a project setup, with 7 targets that do the building (2 configure stages, plus 5 builds)17:34.33 
  It looks like I then have to have various "Schemes" set up to say what to build for debugging etc.17:35.14 
  But those Schemes are saved as part of the project as robin.something, which makes me thing they are per-user rather than per-project ?17:35.43 
  And they have non-relative paths in them.17:36.44 
henrys I don't use xcode I was just checking if it worked.17:37.37 
Robin_Watts Ah, I need to mark them as shared.18:06.40 
mvrhel2 Robin_Watts: so where are we now on the plank testing?19:16.06 
Robin_Watts mvrhel2: Ah, good question.19:16.20 
mvrhel2 should we push forth to look at halftone issues now?19:16.23 
Robin_Watts marcosw_: I never got your email about the latest results.19:16.31 
  mvrhel2: The gs ones match, as far as I can see (at least close enough)19:16.47 
mvrhel2 ok. great.19:17.03 
Robin_Watts marcosw_ was testing the pcl ones, but the disc filled up. He restarted it, but I didn't see the results yet.19:17.09 
mvrhel2 and so is plank now on cluster testing?19:17.13 
Robin_Watts Yes, we can start to look at the halftone stuff.19:17.19 
  mvrhel2: Not until we check the pcl results (and do some xps ones I guess)19:17.35 
marcosw_ Robin_Watts: I sent it to tech@artifex yesterday19:17.40 
  the subject was "plank vs pamcmky4 for GhostPCL"19:17.52 
Robin_Watts So you did, sorry.19:18.04 
marcosw_ there were quite a few differences.19:18.24 
Robin_Watts 7am this morning for me :)19:18.25 
  ok, I'll run through them tomorrow.19:19.27 
mvrhel2 Robin_Watts: darn. ok well let me know if something comes up that I can look at19:23.48 
tor8 g0 ` mr "0' W19:24.15 
Robin_Watts mvrhel2: You can start to look at the halftoning stuff now, I would think?19:24.31 
  Just steer clear of pcl etc.19:24.52 
tor8 has gremlins in his keyboard...19:24.59 
Robin_Watts marcosw_: Can we enable plank on the cluster for gs only ?19:25.09 
mvrhel2 Robin_Watts: that would be nice. 19:25.16 
marcosw_ can and will do.19:25.57 
Robin_Watts marcosw_: Thanks.19:26.04 
marcosw_ need to give presentation now, so will sign off to avoid colloquy interrupting the slides :-)19:26.38 
henrys Robin_Watts:looks like any file with an image is different FWIW19:29.33 
Robin_Watts henrys: Joy.19:29.51 
henrys well the good news is it might be just one issue.19:32.26 
  I'll look at one now.19:32.37 
  are all the colors supposed to be interverted for this device as part of some diabolical plan?19:38.47 
  both devices pamcmyk4 and plank have black backgrounds.19:39.05 
  maybe imagemagick is wrong19:39.23 
Robin_Watts Ahem.19:48.51 
  No one saw that, right?19:48.55 
  henrys: I've pushed the xcode project, such as it is.19:50.14 
henrys I guess I am confused - I understand it is a subtractive space that doesn't mean imagemagick can't represent it as it is on paper. x11cmyk is not reversed. Is that what the Ahem is about?19:51.27 
Robin_Watts No. Ahem was about me pushing something to casper and then removing it 10 seconds later.19:52.03 
  henrys: Look at the produced pam files in a hex editor. Do the values look right?19:52.42 
  If plank and pamcmyk4 agree, then it's probably imagemagick at fault.19:53.03 
henrys oh, anyway I can't see visible difference but cmp does show pixel difference 377 vs. 1 at many coordinates19:53.22 
Robin_Watts 255 vs 1 ?19:54.45 
henrys right cmp output by default is octal19:55.02 
Robin_Watts I'm being called for dinner. will look at this tomorrow, sorry.19:55.05 
henrys np19:55.14 
mvrhel2 henrys: how does photoshop do on the files?20:12.28 
  as far as polarity?20:12.35 
  plank was inverted for me20:12.40 
henrys well the background is 0 in the file and it's cmyk so ...20:14.01 
  if it were just plank I wouldn't be concerned have we somehow screwed up cmyk devices - I get the same thing with pam, which is quite mature.20:17.59 
  xllcmyk is good20:19.11 
  how is the depth 4 and the maxval 255 I guess you guys were talking about that and I missed it.20:28.20 
mvrhel2 ah. 20:38.19 
henrys I see so 4 pixel for a cmyk color and only 1 bit per pixel so 4 bytes per pixel - a bit confusing.20:42.59 
  so 4 components20:43.16 
  and 1 bit per byte20:43.30 
mvrhel2 hehe20:43.35 
henrys that's why my offset calculations were wrong.20:43.57 
mvrhel2 ok. well that is something that we need to get corrected20:44.06 
henrys I imagine the planar is compact and he expands it in the device.20:47.29 
mvrhel2 yes that is correct. 20:50.30 
henrys so I said many values differ between 255 and 1 but that is simply because the "max's" are different. I can't see visual differences. Was there some reason we chose output formats with different max's?20:55.47 
mvrhel2 I remember this being a discussion topic on IRC about 2 weeks ago21:00.26 
  let's add it to the list for Friday21:00.42 
henrys mail sent to marcos21:00.57 
  let's see what else I can get myself into today ...21:02.28 
Robin_Watts I originally wrote plank to output as 0 and 1 in pam format.23:08.03 
  pamcmyk4 outputted to 0 and 255 in pam format.23:08.41 
  so I thought marcosw changed plank to match.23:08.54 
  Yes, plank outputs with 0 and 255.23:19.30 
  Oh, were you comparing x11cmyk and plank ?23:20.10 
  ray claimed that many applications fail to cope with MAXVAL not equal to 255.23:33.09 
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