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Log of #ghostscript at

 <<<Back 1 day (to 2011/09/12)2011/09/13 
tor8 robin_watts: have you got the iphone/ios project files for mupdf around? I seem to have misplaced mine.12:24.11 
Robin_Watts Not sure I ever had it :(12:25.19 
  What would it have been called?12:26.08 
tor8 mupdf-iphone or mupdf-ios12:26.24 
  no worries, it's probably bitrotted enough that I'll need to start over from scratch anyway12:26.39 
Robin_Watts No, sorry12:27.25 
tor8 marcos might still have it, if henry wants to get up and running for the tradeshow12:29.37 
  s/get up/get it up/12:29.48 
Robin_Watts I received an invoice for customs duty this morning, for a parcel delivered from "Hanry Stiles" to "Hook Norten".12:33.39 
  Now, spelling my village wrong, I can kind of understand, but how hard is "Henry" ?12:34.00 
  tor: for (i=0; i < fz_array_len(annots); i++) is bad.12:41.56 
tor8 Robin_Watts: s/bad/lazy and slow/12:44.56 
setmeaway Hello, i want to replace {type42,type2}.dev which is required to to is there any precautions about it ?12:46.25 
chrisl setmeaway: you can't, both those .devs are still needed when FAPI is used.12:48.00 
setmeaway i thought it is possible hence hooks existing buildfont* to fapi.12:48.59 
kens If you're not using FreeType, then you need to use something else. The old GS font code is deprectaed12:49.38 
setmeaway oh gs repository includes freetype already. so i would be happy about it.12:50.13 
kens teh repository includes FreeType because GS uses it.12:50.34 
chrisl setmeaway: Freetype is used for rendering glyphs, but we still need some built-in *font* interpretation in order to pass information back to the Postscript world.12:51.08 
setmeaway oh my, how i can teach fapi to emit builtin font interpretation?12:52.38 
chrisl I don't understand12:53.05 
kens Me neither, what is it you want to do ?12:53.16 
setmeaway in short, let the obsolete {type42,type2}.dev and use 12:54.05 
kens That doesn't make sense12:54.19 
  Why do you want to do that ?12:54.39 
setmeaway type42 lacks of truetype font-hinting12:54.55 
kens And isn't used by the Ghostscritp PDF interpreter12:55.08 
  So what is the problem ?12:55.22 
chrisl setmeaway: what version of Ghostscript are you working with?12:55.42 
setmeaway i think it is used if you rasterize pdf document.12:55.42 
  chrisl it's 9.03 12:55.58 
kens So the default for TrueType is to use FreeTtype to render12:56.09 
chrisl setmeaway: then Ghostscrcipt is using Freetype to render your glyphs already12:56.18 
  Oh, and you should use 9.0412:57.05 
setmeaway kens does it use freetype in cases of embedded truetype(type42)?12:57.45 
kens yes12:57.52 
setmeaway it worked. thank you14:05.17 
kens What wortked ? <puzzled>...14:05.41 
setmeaway i have question again, i want to produce svg from pdf. but it says it doesn't find font 
kens The SVG output module is pretty limited, and not being worked on, I wouldn't trust it at all.14:50.11 
  Does your PDF file have the font embedded ?14:50.48 
setmeaway and you can see it tries to find font in strange sense like (/cygdrive/c/windows/fonts/CIDFont/HYGoThic-Medium)14:50.52 
  yes embedded14:50.57 
kens You are using Cygwin ? Not a supported environment really.14:51.16 
setmeaway does it work if pdf file has embedded font file?14:51.55 
kens It *should* work both ways, and I only see a warning, not an error14:52.12 
  Wait, the error is further down14:52.25 
setmeaway i think google calendar doesn't seem embed fonts14:52.25 
kens If the font isn't embedded then it should be substituted by one of the shipped fonts.14:52.44 
  Have you tried a different device ? I woudl suggest the diusplay device or pdfwrite.14:53.07 
setmeaway kens i didn't try.14:53.41 
  oh yes14:54.10 
  it works if pdf has embedded font14:54.19 
  but sigsegvs lol14:54.24 
kens Well that's hardly working....14:54.40 
  I would try one of the other devices to see if its a problem with GS, the way you are running it, or the SVG device.14:55.01 
setmeaway pdfwrite works great.14:55.20 
kens I would suspect its the SVG device, but it could be the way you are using GS (ie under Cygwin)14:55.21 
  Then its probably teh SVG device.14:55.31 
  I can't say I'm surprised, teh device is barely functional and is not being developed further at this time.14:55.52 
setmeaway kens yes i see. i would post bug as soon as possible14:56.27 
kens You may do so, but I doubt we will do anything with it.14:56.45 
  (I could be wrong)14:56.52 
Robin_Watts Morning henrys. How's the show ?15:16.22 
kens is assuming no IRC meeting today ?15:16.36 
henrys you guys can have one I wasn't planning on it.15:18.14 
kens I thought we needn't since we just had a face-to-face :-)15:18.32 
henrys day 3!15:20.21 
kens Nearly there :-)15:20.33 
setmeaway do i need to clone git repository if i wanted to fetch latest trunk?15:39.09 
kens Yes15:39.15 
setmeaway kens ;) thanks15:39.25 
kens No problem15:39.46 
Robin_Watts You can grab a snapshot from on the web. but having a cloned repo is more useful.15:40.04 
kens Night all16:15.37 
chrisl 'night kens16:15.48 
Robin_Watts night16:15.56 
  ghostbot: night all is Night, $who | Have a good one, $who16:18.18 
ghostbot okay, Robin_Watts16:18.18 
Robin_Watts ghostbot: ask a question is Don't ask to ask, just ask :)16:23.17 
ghostbot ...but ask a question is already something else...16:23.17 
Robin_Watts ask a question16:23.27 
  ask a question?16:23.32 
ghostbot Don't ask to ask, just ask.16:23.32 
Robin_Watts the right place is This is the right place to ask about Ghostscript and/or mupdf problems. If one of the developers doesn't answer immediately, wait for a bit (we work in many timezones), or come back later and reask.16:25.38 
  ghostbot: the right place is This is the right place to ask about Ghostscript and/or mupdf problems. If one of the developers doesn't answer immediately, wait for a bit (we work in many timezones), or come back later and reask.16:25.57 
ghostbot Robin_Watts: okay16:25.57 
marcosw_ is this the right place to ask a question?17:09.03 
Robin_Watts ghostbot: \is this the right place to ask a question is This is the right place to ask about Ghostscript and/or mupdf problems. If one of the developers doesn't answer immediately, wait for a bit (we work in many timezones), or come back later and reask.17:10.57 
ghostbot Robin_Watts: that's too long17:10.57 
Robin_Watts gah.17:11.05 
  tor8: You here ?18:32.49 
tor8 Robin_Watts: yes18:50.15 
Robin_Watts I had a question, but I've answered it, never mind. Thanks anyway.18:51.43 
tor8 okay :)18:51.50 
Robin_Watts tor8: Is it reasonable to assume, that in any future multithreaded version of mupdf, only one thread will be ever access the underlying pdf file?19:22.40 
  (not just one at a time, but really, all the access happens in one specified thread)19:26.19 
  Or, perhaps easier to comprehend; will the xref only ever be used from a single thread?19:43.49 
tor8 Robin_Watts: yes, I think that's a safe assumption22:19.08 
Robin_Watts tor3: OK, that makes stuff a bit easier.23:09.55 
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