IRC Logs

Log of #ghostscript at

 <<<Back 1 day (to 2011/09/16)2011/09/17 
Lafriks thanks for information00:02.14 
Robin_Watts np.00:03.18 
Lafriks I'll test your code on monday to see how it performs in my use case00:03.39 
Robin_Watts My code is not complete enough for you yet, I fear.00:05.24 
Lafriks for what I have found that first static variables to move to context are error/warning message and freetype library pointer00:08.17 
  with these move to context it does perform very good and I have not found any problems with it00:09.07 
  btw why are there reasons behind changing error/warning handling in mupdf?00:11.35 
  *there -> the :)00:11.48 
  why -> what00:12.59 
Robin_Watts Currently, when mupdf runs out of memory, it just exits.00:25.55 
  We want to make it cope more gracefully.00:26.11 
  So we either need to make it 'bubble' errors at every possible allocation site, or we need to move to an exception based scheme.00:26.56 
  I've used the exception based scheme in other projects and found it to be much clearer; the flow of the program is maintained with much less intrusive "If that failed, then cleanup" code.00:28.20 
  exceptions are used for what really are exceptional cases.00:28.34 
  I'm off to bed now, but will check logs in the morning in case you have any more questions.00:29.04 
Lafriks that sound very nice00:29.18 
  I'm good, thanks again00:29.30 
  will clean up my code on monday and prepare patch00:29.55 
  hope it will be any use :)00:30.10 
hemin Hi, can I use ghostscript to convert a PDF into a PCL?02:40.18 
sebras wow. the pdf in the zip-attachment over at has a 100Mbyte page content stream where they are simulating shadings using paths...14:00.32 
  tor8: and pdfdraw -dx on it segfaults in fz_trace_clip_path() due to rect being NULL.14:07.10 
frafra hi all15:40.19 
  I've a problem with some pdf15:57.33 
  I have four slides on a pdf, and I would like to cut them, in order to get 1 slide for 1 page15:57.57 
  is it possible?15:58.00 
sebras tor8: mupdf is giving an error on bugzilla 692320 due to Pages having Count as real instead of int. it's generated by some Java pdf-library, so it may be a question of what we desire to support or not. should we truncate reals in this case?16:20.41 
  tor8: 692419 and 692158 seem to affect mupdf performance-wise. 692419 likely to unsorted dict keys.16:34.22 
cryptopsy how are djvu translated to pdf via the intermediary ps form? The pdf looks like it was transformed into images and the scrolling in mupdf is very slow --- slower than any other pdf i've scrolled through in that program22:40.47 
sebras cryptopsy: to the best of my knowledge djvu are most likely converted to some rather high-resolution images that (may be compressed and) are added on each page in a pdf. running pdfinfo mynicepdf.pdf may give you some information on the size of the images.23:17.21 
tor8 cryptopsy: djvu is an image format, so you'll end up with a big full page image per page23:31.27 
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