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Log of #ghostscript at

 <<<Back 1 day (to 2011/09/17)2011/09/18 
cryptopsy ah okay01:48.03 
setmeaway can ghostscript convert png file to pdf?06:17.01 
Robin_Watts Not directly, but there may be a library ( supplied with gs that can be used.09:32.28 
cryptopsy you can also use imagemagick, which isn't part of ghostscript09:33.42 
tor8 setmeaway: 
setmeaway tor8 that is awesome. 11:43.30 
sebras tor8: seems like it would be useful if some bot had the answers to pngtopdf, pdftopng, pstopdf, pdftops, psnup, etc. to the common questions on ghostscript...11:50.28 
tor8 may I ask a question?11:50.49 
  bah. ghostbot isn't awake.11:51.01 
  ghostbot: ask a question?11:52.08 
ghostbot Don't ask to ask, just ask.11:52.08 
setmeaway ghostbot: you are awesome12:08.33 
ghostbot setmeaway: what are you talking about?12:08.33 
setmeaway LOL12:08.42 
tor8 Robin_Watts: with that in mind, making a pure hardware accelerated opengl rendering device (using that nvidia extension) for mupdf looks very possible12:22.57 
Robin_Watts ghostbot: may I ask a question is Don't ask to ask, just ask.12:30.29 
ghostbot Robin_Watts: okay12:30.29 
Robin_Watts ghostbot: can I ask a question is Don't ask to ask, just ask.12:30.37 
ghostbot Robin_Watts: okay12:30.37 
Robin_Watts ghostbot: \is this the right place to ask a question about ghostscript is Don't ask to ask, just ask.12:31.02 
ghostbot that's too long, Robin_Watts12:31.02 
Robin_Watts I kinds feel I'd be better just hacking the source :012:31.19 
tor8 Robin_Watts: it doesn't take regexes?12:32.19 
Robin_Watts tor8: no.12:41.51 
sebras Robin_Watts: there are some patches on my mupdf branch if you want to take a look. the last three are related to bugzilla 692419 pdf where I cut the render time from 22s to 1s on my machine. yey! :)13:04.05 
Robin_Watts sebras: nice. I haven't got time to look today, but I'll try and look tomorrow. But it's tor that's the gatekeeper :)13:06.34 
sebras Robin_Watts: I know, but if you pre-review them I'm hoping that the chance of tor8 vetoing them is less...13:07.55 
jrm222 Is it possible to print?16:49.52 
  ...from mupdf?16:50.01 
sebras jrm222: no, not from the viewer you download from mupdf.com18:51.56 
  jrm222: if you are implemeting your own viewer then you can. The windows viewer Sumatrapdf which is based on MuPDF implements a GDI+ interface to allow printing.18:53.21 
  jrm222: I haven't heard of any intentions from tor8 (the main MuPDF developer) to add printing to the default viewer though.18:54.52 
  tor8: do you still have the old pdfs for 692171? gcc-errors.pdf and old.pdf19:16.48 
jrm222 Thanks sebras. I'm running mupfd on FreeBSD, so I don't think there are any derivatives.20:37.56 
tor8 jrm222: no printing with mupdf, use ghostscript for that. or sumatrapdf on windows.21:04.41 
marcosw_ can I ask a question?22:34.37 
ghostbot from memory, can i ask a question is Don't ask to ask, just ask.22:34.37 
marcosw_ I'm not sure that's quite what we want :-)22:35.00 
Robin_Watts Hey mvrhel2: How was the hiking ?23:23.46 
  Henry and I discussed various ideas about trying to speed rops up on friday here on irc.23:24.21 
  My quick test showed that plank was faster than pamcmyk4 for pdf_reference17.pdf23:24.51 
  If that's true of most PS/PDF files (or at least they are about the same), then we could be quids in when we turn on your halftoning code.23:25.29 
  And the problem then could just be with ropping devices.23:25.40 
  (i.e. PCL only).23:25.46 
  I did a 'plankr' device (that uses 1 bit rgb throughout) and then inverts that to get cmy, and generates k from it mechanically at the end.23:26.42 
  That avoids the cmyk to rgb phases, but still leaves the rops doing chunky to planar.23:27.40 
  Anyway, we'd like to discuss the ideas with you at some point.23:28.04 
  Big earthquake in Nepal. My mother is on a plane heading there now... :/23:39.21 
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