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Log of #ghostscript at

 <<<Back 1 day (to 2012/02/02)2012/02/03 
scottsan Power failure at my house today. Any of you guys need anything just let me know, I'm back on line.00:10.59 
dboehmer hey, i think you can actually help me with my engagement:-)01:11.15 
  i create a postcard in DIN A6 format saved as PDF01:11.29 
  the pdf has 2 pages: front and back page of the postcard01:11.43 
  i need to print 4 DIN A6-sized areas on 1 A4 sheet in the pattern 1,2,1,2 to get correct postcards after cutting01:12.27 
  how to achieve that with gs?01:12.33 
  sorry to say but I don't get on with gs' cmd line syntax:(01:12.49 
henrys_laptop dboehmer checkout ghostscript stack overflow - a user named pipitas has already answered many of these kinds of questions with detailed explanations and ascii art.03:45.26 
  oh I see he's here.03:45.50 
  pipitas that is.03:46.17 
kens Well, I've finally located the problem with nested patterns. deliberately sets the graphics state CTM to the identity before defining *any* pattern. I suspect this is to remove teh resolution scaling that we do fro PDF.09:59.17 
  But I suspect its entirely the wrong thing to do for nested patterns09:59.58 
chrisl Are the patterns instantiated hierarchically?#10:03.28 
kens Yes, that all works fine. THe CTM is correct when the second pattern is created.10:03.47 
  SO the pattern should be created using the CTM (as per the PLRM). But opdfread deliberatly sets the CTM abck to the identity10:04.16 
chrisl I thought the second pattern was the problem10:04.42 
kens It is, sort of. It has a Ty of 1399 which puts it off the page.10:04.58 
  But if you apply the CTM under which its created, which has a Ty of -389 and a sclae y of 0.8 then the modified Ty is correct.10:05.32 
chrisl But the actual problem is the first pattern using the identity matrix?10:05.40 
kens No the problem is that opdfread sets teh CTM back to the identity before creating the second pattern.10:06.03 
  For the first pattern this is 'corrrect' (for very smal values of correctness)10:06.28 
  For the second pattern its not correct.10:06.36 
  I think the problem is the PDFRM says that Patterns are always in the 'default' CTM, and that's clearly not true for nested patterns10:07.14 
chrisl Right, so I was going to suggest making a "note" that it is already "in pattern", so subsidiary patterns don't have the matrix set back to identity - that should only happen for the top level pattern10:07.27 
kens Yes, that was what I was thinking. I still have to undo the resolution scaling though, and that's a problem.10:07.56 
  Because I don't know what it is.10:08.07 
  However, if I note in pdfwrite that we are in a nested pattern, *and* we are goign to ps2write, tehn I don't do the resolution scaling. I think that should work. Ugly as hell though10:08.44 
chrisl Oh, right. A little more ugly isn't a huge problem in a whole heap of ugly....10:09.29 
kens Yes, its already incomprehensible.10:09.44 
  But I'm stretching my understanding a bit, so I need to think about this for a minute or two. So I'm going to take a coffee break first.10:10.11 
chrisl I need to go out for a few hours, back later.......11:09.56 
kens ybe11:10.02 
Robin_Watts hunts for the test files that rays customer is using...11:14.14 
  OK, I'm officially stumped :(11:47.36 
  Hey tor8.11:48.37 
tor8 Hi Robin11:48.52 
Robin_Watts Have you been following my emails to the customer about mupdf on the ipad?11:49.19 
  I have a con-call today at 6pm my time with them - let me know if you think I've said anything incorrect or misleading in the emails.11:49.42 
tor8 catches up on today's emails.11:51.46 
  Robin_Watts: it's all good. should save the last email of yours in a text file in mupdf/doc/ though :)11:55.14 
sebras Robin_Watts: why are you doing my job? ;)11:58.14 
Robin_Watts I think I know what's up with bug 69283611:58.24 
  sebras :)11:58.29 
  I was answering questions from a customer about how to get multithreaded stuff working with mupdf.11:59.18 
  I can forward the email if you like - not sure it'll be that much use to you, but...11:59.47 
tor8 Robin_Watts: we should encapsulate outline and link loading in (pdf|xps)_load_outline and *_load_links so they can go in the document interface12:01.38 
Robin_Watts tor8: If you want I can hold off on fiddling any more until you've got the document interface going ?12:02.37 
tor8 I've run into a mental wall with the text device ... :(12:02.58 
  just need to get over that hump12:03.10 
Robin_Watts Stick a pin in it, and do the document one ?12:03.14 
tor8 yeah, that's probably best so I don't keep you waiting12:03.33 
Robin_Watts Well, once the document one is done, we can merge mupdfdraw and muxpsdraw, rename mupdf to muview etc...12:04.31 
tor8 exactly, all things we want done for 1.012:04.45 
Robin_Watts yeah.12:04.51 
tor8 I'll bang on the doc interface now then. It's been congealing in my brain for some time now, just need to iron out the details about what to do with the pdf_page and xps_page types12:05.31 
  typedef void fz_page was one idea, but that's pretty awful12:05.52 
Robin_Watts tor8: I'm a fan of having a fz_page structure with the common things in, then having fz_page_pdf start with an fz_page base;12:06.44 
tor8 yeah, except there aren't any common things :)12:07.28 
Robin_Watts Well, all function entry points become virtual ones in the base.12:07.52 
  And fz_run_page(page, blah, blah) becomes something like page->run_page(page, blah, blah); etc12:11.46 
tor8 yeah, that's my intention12:12.30 
  my only headache is how to do the types for the arguments in the function pointers12:13.30 
Robin_Watts You almost did it with the device stuff; but in that you have a fixed structure, and a user pointer.12:13.44 
tor8 do we want pdf_run_page to take a fz_document* and cast it or pdf_document*, or do we add a thin shim layer to do the type conversion12:14.00 
Robin_Watts We have it take a fz_page and upcast it itself.12:14.15 
  It's allowed to upcast, because it knows it can only ever be called on a pdf page - hence it's safe.12:14.40 
tor8 I'd be happier with that if we could then keep the function static to hide it, but we can't do that when the functions are all spread out over many files12:15.35 
Robin_Watts tor8: Oh, well, you can have a static shim to do the upcast in whatever file offers fz_new_pdf_page or whatever.12:16.58 
  which then calls a public function.12:17.10 
tor8 yeah, that sounds like a better idea. I can put them in the same file that 'registers' the pdf document handler.12:17.55 
  which is another question, how to say which document types we handle12:18.09 
  I'd like to have a fz_open_document that can autodetect which file types we can deal with12:18.41 
Robin_Watts tor8: Have an fz_dochandler type. And have a list of those; one per doc type.12:19.07 
tor8 now is when I want the plan 9 c compiler...12:19.23 
kens Hmm, anyone fancy porting MMuPDF to teh Playbook ? :12:19.30 
kens lunches12:19.57 
tor8 it has anonymous structs, and will automatically upcast a struct to said embedded anonymous struct implicitly when needed12:20.13 
  so this sort of "make a common superclas struct" becomes really easy and doesn't have you messing with a gazillion typecasts12:20.45 
Robin_Watts IME the typecasts don't get out of hand.12:21.26 
  Just upcast once at the start of the function.12:21.49 
  tor8: Have you answered Raeds mail from the 2nd ?12:23.45 
tor8 no. and I'm loath to, since that touches the text device stuff that I'm revamping.12:25.35 
  I didn't see it until just recently12:26.14 
Robin_Watts I'd be tempted to send him a mail saying "We're reworking this just now. Give us a few days."12:26.40 
tor8 yeah. shall you or I?12:27.27 
Robin_Watts text device is your baby now ;)12:27.46 
tor8 I'll do it then :)12:28.02 
Robin_Watts I think he wants to be able to read a rotation angle out of the xml output, when we only give him a transformation matrix.12:28.48 
  I think he's going to be disappointed.12:28.57 
tor8 the text_style struct doesn't even have that12:30.38 
Robin_Watts It's been ages since I looked at this stuff.12:34.01 
  But when I last did, we concatenated chars together into spans, and the spans didn't have to match transforms exactly.12:34.38 
  (to allow for 'wavy' lines of text).12:34.53 
  As such there IS no single transform to be had.12:35.05 
tor8 pretty much, yeah12:35.07 
  I wonder what he wants the rotation for, it's not needed for any of the usual uses for the text extraction device unless he wants to convert to another format12:35.54 
Robin_Watts We could offer start/end coords for a span ?12:36.43 
tkamppeter someone of you knows about the Linux build? 9.05 seems not to insert XCFLAGS into the gcc command lines of the shared library build (sobin/ 
tor8 we could add a direction vector for each span without too much difficulty12:38.17 
Robin_Watts tkamppeter: That would be one for chrisl, I fear.12:41.07 
  tor8: Presumably we offer a start pos for each span already?12:41.36 
  Either a direction vector (non-normalised) or an end pos would be equivalent.12:42.02 
tor8 Robin_Watts: yeah. you could trivially compute the angle from the bbox positions12:45.36 
  even in the current state12:45.45 
Robin_Watts bbox positions?12:46.42 
  You can't go from the bbox of a piece of text to it's angle.12:47.01 
  You can go from start/end pos to angle.12:47.11 
  but your email looked good. We'll see what he says.12:47.27 
tor8 the spans all have the same style, so the same font and size. at the moment the bboxes are formed by the ascender/descender/advance-width12:49.24 
  if we go with per-glyph bboxes what you say is true12:49.24 
  Robin_Watts: how do you feel about making fz_malloc_struct call calloc to get zeroed memory?12:51.24 
Robin_Watts I thought it already did?12:51.38 
  hence I'd have no objection at all ;)12:52.02 
tor8 it calls fz_malloc, but I take that as a "yes, please!" :)12:52.05 
kens FWIW I think the 'raw' text output from teh GS text device would allow Raed to extract the rotation. Of course its a CTM as you would expect.12:54.22 
  I suspect Raed thinks text only comes in 4 directions12:54.58 
Robin_Watts I need to find a copy of PWTTQ1CC.pdf12:56.58 
CoolCoder how to find the number of pages in a pdf file?12:57.31 
Robin_Watts Anyone have an idea of where I can get it from ? I can't find it in my email (but I only changed clients recently, so my history doesn't go back that far, and the old clients search is broken)12:57.56 
kens I'll see if I can find it12:58.09 
Robin_Watts CoolCoder: Using what tools ?12:58.19 
CoolCoder ghostscript12:58.37 
kens pdf_info.ps12:58.43 
CoolCoder i am using PHP. i need the command to get this12:58.59 
kens I think...12:58.59 
  Its not a command, you need to run Ghostscript and execute that file along with the PDF12:59.17 
  Which returns the indformation on the back channel12:59.29 
  Or you can write PostScript to get just the number of pages12:59.46 
CoolCoder example : gs ?13:00.18 
kens gs -FILE=<input.pdf I think, but wait a mnute13:00.41 
CoolCoder ok13:00.50 
kens TCan't find the dratted thing now13:01.19 
CoolCoder so far gs is excellent to convert PDF files to JPG. Not the issue is i need to find the page number before start to convert 13:01.32 
  I mean total pages13:01.50 
  this is same example in Imagick "identify -format %n input.pdf" which retuns the total pages13:02.41 
  but imagick performance is dead slow when file is bigger 13:03.40 
kens gs -dNODISPLAY -q -sFile=<input pdf name> gs/toolbin/pdf_info.ps13:04.36 
  Will return the output on stdout I believe. You'll need to parse teh output to get the number opf pages13:05.01 
  Or you could use MuPDF.13:05.22 
  Or write a very simple piece of PostScript and run that instead of pdf_info.ps13:05.42 
  File dup (r) file runpdfbegin13:06.15 
  ( ) print print ( has ) print PDFPageCount =print ( pages.\n) =13:06.15 
  Umm, that lost a line. Let me know if you want ti and I'll make more of an effort13:06.39 
CoolCoder yes. write in pastebin or something please :D 13:07.25 
kens Robin_Watts : I can't find that PDF file anywahere, or instructions where to get it.13:07.34 
Robin_Watts kens: Thanks. I'll have to wait for ray.13:07.49 
Robin_Watts lunches13:07.57 
kens %!13:08.54 
  File dup (r) file runpdfbegin13:08.54 
  (file has ) print PDFPageCount =print (pages.\n) == flush13:08.54 
  Damn, it still choked on the '/'13:09.07 
  One more try13:09.13 
  "File dup (r) runpdfbegin13:10.05 
  "/PDFPageCount pdfpagecount def13:10.05 
  (file has ) print PDFPageCount =print ( pages.\n) == flush13:10.05 
kens Just strip of the initial double quotes13:10.17 
  Save that as a file, then use the same invocation to GS above, but instead of specify the file you saved that lot into.13:10.52 
CoolCoder ok13:11.01 
kens That should just pinrt "file has x pages." on stdout. Obviously you could simplify even further if that's too much13:11.27 
CoolCoder ty13:11.47 
kens BTW don't try to run that on anything except Ghostscript, it won't work :-)13:11.56 
  check this is correct13:12.06 
kens Looks fine13:12.18 
  Notice that 'File' is the data you supply on the command line as -sFile=...13:12.43 
  It needs to be a fully qualified path13:12.53 
CoolCoder ok13:13.32 
  gs -dNODISPLAY -q -sFile=<www09-photos.pdf name> this will be the command? 13:14.26 is the file postscript 13:14.54 
kens Yes, presuming that's correct for your filename. THat will need to be in the current directory, as will 
  filename = PDF filenaem13:15.33 
CoolCoder GPL Ghostscript 9.01: Unrecoverable error, exit code 113:15.34 
kens No more output ?13:15.55 
CoolCoder no13:16.23 
kens Hmm try witout -q13:16.32 
CoolCoder same13:17.01 
kens Are you doing this on teh command line ?13:17.09 
  If so try simply 'gs;'13:17.15 
CoolCoder yes13:17.15 
kens gs13:17.19 
  If you get a "GS>" prompt, type quit13:17.32 
CoolCoder i am doing it in the terminal of linux13:18.04 
  not GS13:18.09 
kens OK13:18.09 
  GS will *give* you a prompt13:18.19 
  Its interactive in this mode13:18.29 
CoolCoder "gs -sFile=<pdf_file.pdf name>" gives GPL Ghostscript 9.01: Unrecoverable error, exit code 113:18.47 
kens No, just type 'gs'13:19.01 
  wihtout the quotes obviously13:19.07 
CoolCoder done13:19.13 
kens Do you get a prompt ?13:19.18 
CoolCoder yes13:19.22 
kens OK then type quit13:19.27 
  Just proving GS wortks at all13:19.35 
CoolCoder back to terminal prompt13:19.41 
kens Good13:19.44 
CoolCoder its working :P13:19.47 
kens I know it seems stupid, but....13:19.59 
CoolCoder np. go head13:20.08 
kens Oh wait.13:20.15 
  You put <> round the filename, I meant that as delimiters for you, you don't type those in13:20.33 
  gs -sFile=pdf_file.pdf ps_file.ps13:21.07 
CoolCoder this is the output 
kens Yes, thought as much.13:22.35 
  The previous command used > so it overwrote with the error message.13:22.51 
  You'll have to remake ps_file.ps13:22.59 
CoolCoder ok13:23.09 this is the now13:24.16 
kens OK try that.13:24.27 
CoolCoder same thing13:24.35 
kens Same how ? Undefined in GPL ?13:24.55 
kens OK so undefinedfilename means it couldn't find the file.13:26.05 
  The file in question being ps_file.ps13:26.17 
  Which suggests the file is not in the current directory13:26.48 
CoolCoder I have given the full path of the ps file13:27.10 
  then also same thing13:27.12 
  its now saved in Desktop13:27.20 
kens Not a Ubuntu expert, don't know where esktop would be.13:27.37 
CoolCoder one sec13:27.40 
kens You can of course also use ./ if its in the current directory, just to be certain.13:28.10 
CoolCoder gs -sFile=/home/amjith/Desktop/pdf_file.pdf /home/amjith/Desktop/ this full path of both files gives the same error13:28.56 
kens Well Ghostscript is saying ti can't find the file under that name. You don't have any capitalisation problems there ?13:29.27 
CoolCoder no13:29.44 
  Error: /undefinedfilename in ( 
  which is the field used in the ps? I am not sure about ps 13:30.38 
kens The variable File is defined on the command line as -sFile=...pdf_file.pdf in your example13:31.10 then uses File to open the PDF file and get some information from it.13:31.30 
  The only place I can see where that error could be coming from is the command line. Which says that the file isn't in the location given on the command line13:32.19 
CoolCoder How we can change the command13:33.28 
  Its just curios about knowing ghostscript have no way to return number of pages. 13:33.59 
kens Well it need sot be correct for your setup. I can't tell you what that is, because I'm not sitting in front of your machine.13:34.00 
  CoolCoder : Why should it ? Ghostscript is a rendering library13:34.21 
  Initially intended for PostScript , now capable of handling PDDF, PCL, PXL and XPS13:34.40 
CoolCoder ok13:35.01 
kens But th information is there, and can be extracted.13:35.11 
CoolCoder i think this error is different 
kens Yes that is indeed different13:37.16 
  You are now executing the PostScript file.13:37.24 
  OK in remove the 'dup'13:37.52 
  Also that is missing a line13:38.06 
  after runpdfbegin should be :13:38.33 
  "/PDFPageCount pdfpagecount def"13:38.41 
  You know, it would be easier just to use the file.13:39.23 
tor8 Robin_Watts: gah. load_links struct ownership is a mess, and we haven't done refcounting of linked lists in mupdf anywhere before...13:39.24 
kens IN gs/toolbin13:39.35 
CoolCoder this is the file now?13:39.58 
kens Looks like it, but let me try it first.13:40.18 
  THere's a '/' missing from PDFPageCount13:41.45 
  THe first one13:41.52 
CoolCoder added13:41.58 
  Error: /typecheck in --setfileposition--13:41.59 
kens Give me a minute, I wasn't finished....13:42.07 
CoolCoder ok13:42.28 
kens Getting permissions errors13:43.04 
CoolCoder did with root user13:43.27 
kens No, I am13:43.32 
CoolCoder stll the same error13:43.32 
  please type then submit paste URL here?13:43.37 
  (easy to take code without mistakes)13:43.58 
Robin_Watts tor8: Yes.13:46.31 
  I was vaguely thinking about this.13:46.46 
  It would be nice to be able to have display lists as being storable things.13:47.29 
tkamppeter Who is the master of the X11 output device? I got the RC built with x11 now, but the output is terribly slow.13:47.31 
Robin_Watts tor8: I think to do such things we need a 'header' object that's fz_storable, and the actual list hangs off that.13:48.28 
kens CoolCoder:13:49.14 
CoolCoder kens: excellent13:49.46 
kens Works OK ?13:49.52 
CoolCoder yes13:49.57 
kens Glad to hear it.13:50.02 
tor8 Robin_Watts: that's a lot of extra types though, and removes some of the simplicity of simple linked lists13:50.06 
kens Back to bugs :-(13:50.09 
Robin_Watts tor8: indeed.13:50.15 
tor8 though, fz_storable isn't big so it could live in each node without too much pain13:50.36 
  the display list is opaque, so that one could get a header for the public api13:50.58 
  ie fz_storable header13:51.14 
Robin_Watts if we're encouraging people to keep display lists kicking around, we really don't want to bloat them more than we have to.13:51.20 
CoolCoder kens: you are awesome. thanks for help. this saved my big time. i did the same code in PHP to find the count. but i was not satisfied. PHP code is here and in Imagic which kills server if file is big13:51.52 
tor8 Robin_Watts: first draft of fz_document interface pushed. the pdfapp viewer uses the interface, but nothing else.13:52.12 
  Robin_Watts: yeah, I'm worried enough as it is by keeping it as a linked list rather than a dynamic array13:52.48 
Robin_Watts hold on a mo...13:53.08 
  What's the stack stuff in the display list about?13:53.19 
kens CoolCoder I don't speak PHP I'm afraid, but I'm happy to hear its working. It shoudl be quick because the page tree is separate to the page contents, so its very quick to parse out.13:53.25 
CoolCoder ty13:53.40 
kens You are very welcome13:53.47 
Robin_Watts OK, that's only used when writing ?13:54.38 
  We already could add an fz_storable thing into fz_display_list with no problems.13:55.05 
tor8 Robin_Watts: something to do with clip mask culling during playback I think13:55.25 
  to compute clipped bounding boxes for all the nodes13:55.39 
  and yes, you're right, making the display list storable would be trivial :)13:55.55 
Robin_Watts I think the stack is used to compute bboxes during writing, it's not touched during reading.13:55.56 
  I was worried about multi-threading for a moment there :)13:56.12 
tor8 correct, it's used to build the display list, not during playback which is a read-only operation :)13:57.04 
  Robin_Watts: I went with the upcasting shim layer; the details can be tweaked later but the public api should be stable at least13:59.25 
  but I think we want to add reference counting to the fz_link struct13:59.35 
Robin_Watts nice.13:59.36 
  Sounds reasonable to me.13:59.50 
tor8 given that we generally load it at page-loading time but that's not a strict requirement13:59.56 
Robin_Watts At the moment the viewer 'takes ownership' by reading it and setting the link to NULL.14:00.12 
tor8 yeah, I saw that bit of nastiness when updating pdfapp.c14:00.41 
Robin_Watts Because we populate the link list in xps as we run the page, I have to be careful not to add links in multiple times.14:01.42 
  Which is why I had the 'links_resolved' bool in there.14:01.51 
  But that gets screwed up by the app taking ownership. hence the current bug.14:02.06 
tor8 the links_resolved bool will have to stay regardless, in case there are no actual links on the page14:11.25 
marcosw my internets connection is very poor this morning, which is why the cluster is having trouble. I've downed the machines at my house until my connection improves.15:15.37 
kens had that problem yesterday15:15.54 
tor8 Robin_Watts: in the name of consistency ... ugh. the pdf_ functions are pretty random about whether they take a pdf_document or fz_context. rather annoying IMO.15:18.33 
Robin_Watts Make them all take a doc?15:20.27 
kens Ooh, lots of seg falts with reference counting change15:20.51 
Robin_Watts Well... Making them take a doc ties them all to a single thread.15:21.35 
  I suspect that may be what we want though.15:21.44 
  We may want to consider an fz_doument_change_context call at some point.15:22.26 
  tor8: essentially, any function that touches (or might touch) the underlying file should take a doc.15:32.21 
  tor8, sebras: I wonder whether it might not be worth sebras working directly on the trunk rather than a branch.15:37.41 
  That way if we alter functions that he's already documented, we can immediately update them rather than him having merge pains when he's finished.15:38.16 
sebras Robin_Watts: I spoke with tor8 about this last night.15:41.59 
  my intent is to finish of the text for the initial set of functions.15:42.13 
  when that is done I want tor8 to merge this to master and then I'll do incremental commits after that.15:42.43 
Robin_Watts ok.15:43.03 
tor8 Robin_Watts: yeah, I think it's pretty safe to assume all pdf_ functions to be called from one thread and make them all take a pdf_document15:43.15 
  any multithreading will happen with fz datastructures15:43.34 
  the display lists, pixmaps, etc15:43.41 
Robin_Watts tor8: You know that mupdf is failing all over the place in the cluster at the moment, right ?15:44.44 
  Has been since the fz_link refcounting commit.15:45.13 
tor8 Robin_Watts: yeah, I noticed that :(15:46.14 
Robin_Watts tor8: Urm... Have you got fz_drop_link working recursively?15:55.16 
  That'll blow the stack on index pages15:55.29 
  Might I suggest a while loop?15:56.02 
malc_ build/release/libfitz.a(doc_link.o): In function `fz_free_link_dest':16:53.15 
  doc_link.c:(.text+0x0): multiple definition of `fz_free_link_dest'16:53.15 
Robin_Watts malc_: make clean ?16:54.59 
malc_ Robin_Watts: that did it.. thanks16:57.26 
Robin_Watts great :)16:57.38 
Robin_Watts does the ray_laptop summoning dance.17:03.53 
henrys_laptop is that sms?17:06.08 
Robin_Watts Nope. I wave caffiene under my webcam.17:06.29 
henrys_laptop he's an american tea won't work.17:07.03 
  just a foot of snow a lot less than predicted.17:07.28 
malc_ 30cm of snow.. pathetic17:08.14 
Robin_Watts 30.5cm...17:08.40 
malc_ 1 foot = 0.3048 meters17:08.58 
  google told me so17:09.01 
  must be true17:09.04 
Robin_Watts I have an idea that might help with some of ray's customers slow files.17:09.24 
malc_ plus we obviously disagree on rounding mode17:09.26 
Robin_Watts malc_: no , just the number of decimal places.17:10.01 
henrys_laptop Robin_Watts:so I guess you have everything running and all.17:10.01 
Robin_Watts henrys_laptop: I have it building. Their profiles are a bit of a mystery to me, but...17:10.21 
henrys_laptop malc_:where are you?17:10.22 
malc_ Robin_Watts: no, i round towards negative infinity17:10.37 
  henrys_laptop: RF17:10.45 
Robin_Watts this particular file seems to filling an image mask with a halftoned color.17:12.00 
  inside a clippath.17:12.09 
  So we have code that looks for runs of 1's in the mask and then outputs them as filled rectangles.17:13.13 
  3.8Million filled rectangles.17:13.21 
  For each of those rectangles, we perform a clip operation.17:13.50 
malc_ GPU to the rescue :)17:14.00 
  or some smarts17:14.09 
Robin_Watts BUT... the clippath we are filling trivially covers the entire image. So why use the clippath at all?17:14.20 
  I'm experimenting with a new function "gx_make_clip_device_on_stack_if_needed" which does the same as "gx_make_clip_device_on_stack" but takes x,y,w,h too, and checks for trivial inclusion/exclusion.17:15.24 
henrys_laptop Robin_Watts:which file is this?17:16.33 
Robin_Watts WWTTN1CT_6Pages.pdf17:16.52 
  Their profile seems to miss functions out.17:17.11 
  and the timings seem similarly wierd.17:17.30 
  I'd rather have been looking at their slowest file (PWTTQ1CC.pdf) but I can't find a copy.17:18.26 
henrys_laptop but the clip device shouldn't have been installed if clipping isn't needed - it is checked when the image is constructed.17:19.24 
Robin_Watts Where?17:20.10 
  I'm getting calls into gx_default_fill_mask17:20.26 
henrys_laptop the same place it sets up the rop_dev...17:20.38 
  hang on let me look.17:20.46 
Robin_Watts gx_default_fill_mask: x=5b8 y=da w=62 h=6f17:21.52 
henrys_laptop penum->clip_image is the boolean that triggers installing the clip device gxipixel.c:712 ...17:22.44 
scottsan Can one of you guys tell me which version of GSView we are now distributing? Thanks17:22.54 
Robin_Watts pcpath->inner_box=pcpath->outer_box=c800,0, 27100,1000017:23.04 
  Morning scottsan.17:23.18 
  We don't distribute it, we only point to Russels site - or so I thought...17:24.03 
  That has 4.9 and 5.0 on it.17:24.22 
tkamppeter chrisl, all OK with current gs905 GIT state. All working. Tested building and running it and uploaded it to Ubuntu Precise.17:24.22 
chrisl tkamppeter: great, thanks17:25.12 
henrys_laptop scottsan:we aren't distributing it yet we just bought the rights to the name russell still handles it.17:25.17 
Robin_Watts henrys: This is in clist playback. I don't go through gxipixel.c17:25.39 
henrys_laptop ah I see17:26.20 
scottsan Thank you. 17:31.32 
marcosw_ henrys_laptop: support meeting?17:40.56 
henrys_laptop sure we can do it now17:42.45 
  sure we can do it now17:42.59 
  start with 692818?17:44.11 
marcosw_ I'm still having internet issues; can't get the bugzilla search page to load. give me a sec.17:44.53 
henrys_laptop okay17:45.01 
Robin_Watts I created 692818. It arguably should be assigned to mvrhel, rather than tor8.17:47.21 
marcosw_ search results are now up17:47.22 
  now waiting for bug 818 to load :-)17:47.34 
Robin_Watts Likewise 81917:47.52 
marcosw_ henrys_laptop: shall we reassign 818 and 819 to mvrhel?17:48.58 
henrys_laptop yeah I'm doing that with a reminder xps has little priority right now.17:49.24 
  continuing on17:50.52 
marcosw_ what's the next bug that needs to be discussed? 823 and 824 are okay.17:51.17 
  should 826 to to mvrhel or do you think it's an interpreter issue?17:52.03 
henrys_laptop I think alex should analyze simplify - and off to michael.17:53.02 
  I see these problems and I wonder if we should just have an automated regression check.17:53.30 
  do you want to drive?17:53.45 
  I update 82617:54.52 
marcosw_ You should update the bugs, my connection is still problematic. 17:55.41 
henrys_laptop up to 83017:56.11 
marcosw_ 830 is already fixed.17:56.40 
henrys_laptop I'm inclined to assign 831 to tkamppeter17:56.54 
marcosw_ or you could assign it to me, I can take a look at the bug report17:57.43 
  and see if there is enough information to reproduce it.17:57.53 
henrys_laptop since I have completion for your name in my browser I'll take that option17:58.21 
  832 is the p117:59.34 
marcosw_ 832 is being worked on. I've updated the customer on our progress.17:59.46 
henrys_laptop we were waiting for cpsi output on this.18:00.00 
  I can also print it on my HP printer but it18:01.03 
  is not an adobe rip.18:01.11 
marcosw_ the CPSI comment is pretty recent :-)18:01.17 
  what to do about 833?18:02.04 
henrys_laptop math stuff?18:03.18 
marcosw_ the last clang vs gcc difference with the memcmp() of structures issue.18:03.47 
  I've fixed most of them but there are some that I haven't done since the structures are really messy18:04.10 
  it's possible this is one of the remaining ones.18:04.31 
henrys_laptop It would be nice to simplify one of these and really understand it. But we just fix all the structure things too and see if it goes away.18:05.09 
  can you assing the structure stuff to owners?18:05.22 
marcosw_ I should probably just buckle down and finish it myself, it's not difficult, just time consuming.18:06.29 
henrys_laptop I did assing 833 to you.18:06.31 
marcosw_ thx.18:06.58 
  I should check to see if 835 is a regression but you can leave it assigned as is, in case Alex looks at it before I have time.18:07.58 
henrys_laptop okay18:08.15 
marcosw_ and 836 looks okay as is. anything else to discuss?18:08.46 
henrys_laptop i think that's it.18:08.58 
marcosw_ okay. I'm out of town next week but will have internet access so won't need support help. However, I'll be traveling on Tuesday, so will miss the meeting. I'll be online later that day and will read the logs.18:10.38 
henrys_laptop got it.18:11.14 
marcosw_ bbiab18:11.28 
Robin_Watts tor8: ping ?18:15.49 
tor8 Robin_Watts: pong.18:24.41 
Robin_Watts Just got off the phone with the company.18:25.08 
  They are happy with what we told them.18:25.18 
tor8 cool. :)18:25.28 
Robin_Watts They asked when they could clone the context - I told them at any point.18:25.29 
  They think images render slowly, so I suggested an option to disable the pretty scaler for a render.18:26.04 
  That can go in the cookie.18:26.10 
  Then they can do 2 passes if required.18:26.17 
  They are also concerned about the amount of memory images will take in the displaylists if we hold them uncompressed.18:26.41 
  Currently they load images at render time, not interpretation time.18:26.56 
tor8 I'd prefer a flag for options in the device18:26.58 
Robin_Watts tor8: OK.18:27.09 
tor8 same with the aa context stuff, I really think that should be part of the draw device18:27.13 
Robin_Watts (but some mechanism like that)18:27.26 
tor8 yeah. image scaling quality/performance tradeoff should be runtime selectable18:27.47 
  oh, and we should rip out the fz_accelerate stuff if we aren't going to use it18:28.05 
Robin_Watts Having them load images from the file during rendering presents us with locking challenges.18:28.11 
  I suggested that we could maybe load the images compressed from the file, and only decompress on demand.18:28.34 
  they seemed to like that idea.18:28.43 
tor8 mhm. I'd prefer allowing jpeg compressed data in the images stored in the display list18:28.49 
Robin_Watts I said I'd talk it through with you.18:28.52 
  tor8: Isn't that what I just said?18:29.02 
tor8 and zlib compressed random image data for non-jpeg images18:29.04 
  yes, I'm just typing blindly :)18:29.16 
Robin_Watts In Picsels stuff, I short circuited the image decompression at the last stage of the filter.18:29.45 
  so flate/jpeg/jbig2 etc.18:30.02 
  OK, so it sounds like we're broadly in agreement.18:30.27 
tor8 yes.18:30.55 
Robin_Watts I'll have a play with that on monday.18:30.57 
  (on a branch :) )18:31.14 
tor8 we may also want to delay the "unpack" stage until render time to save memory on 1-bpp and non-alpha cases18:31.19 
  yeah. I'm going to break a lot of things on monday by changing all the arguments to pdf_document :)18:31.42 
Robin_Watts unpack happens after decompression, right?18:31.49 
tor8 yes.18:31.53 
  we decompress and unpack into fz_pixmap now18:32.01 
Robin_Watts So if I'm stopping before the decompression stage, and doing that on demand, unpack will be done at render time too.18:32.16 
tor8 we should probably change images to a new datatype so we can keep the simple fz_pixmap as draw device render targets18:32.25 
  a fz_image with the extra stuff needed to handle compressed and non-alpha and bpp != 8 cases18:33.14 
Robin_Watts Yeah. fz_image maybe.18:33.18 
CoolCoder I am gettign a warning "Warning: the map file cidfmap was not found." while run GS on terminal linux19:14.33 
chrisl CoolCoder: unless you've added CIDFont mappings to that file, don't worry about it19:29.06 
CoolCoder ok19:40.39 
Robin_Watts Have a good weekend everyone.20:09.42 
malc_ tor8: found a png mupdf barfs on20:42.38 
Robin_Watts a pdf surely?20:55.51 
malc_ self built cbz20:56.42 
  pdf doesn't support pngs to the best of my knowledge20:57.04 
Robin_Watts We write pngs.20:57.20 
  tor8 has been dead set against using libpng.20:57.35 
malc_ Robin_Watts: anywho, is the one mupdf doesn't like20:58.03 
sebras Robin_Watts: I know that tor8 managed to display cbz the other day. but is that on master?21:02.10 
  yes it is! oh...21:02.42 
malc_ Robin_Watts: and there are aparently probelms with xps links21:08.30 
sebras malc_: I compressed 969.png into a .zip and ran mupdf on that. It runs fine, although valgrind claims there are memory leaks (I'm not sure why).21:13.21 
malc_ sebras: yes, i'm trying to figure out which png it is really21:14.18 
  right.. one of those png's is really a gif, and mupdf can't handle those21:24.22 
sebras malc_: ah.21:24.38 
  tor8: I pushed a fix on sebras/master for freeing the page structure when closing pdfapp.21:25.36 
malc_ Robin_Watts: needed to prevent segfaults21:38.30 
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