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 <<<Back 1 day (to 2012/02/10)2012/02/11 
joe9 I have a .pdf file that I create with "ps2pdf -r9600 -dPDFSETTINGS=/press boards.pdf". When I print it on a printer, I notice that the printer is adding some margins and is scaling the page down to accommodate those margins. I presume that I need to change the "Fit to Page Size" option in the printer settings.18:12.47 
  unfortunately, this is a kinko's printer and I cannot change the settings.18:13.14 
  I am wondering if there is any option that can turn of the "Fit to Page" setting when making the .pdf.18:13.37 
  I want the opposite of -dPDFFitPage setting18:13.53 
  but, I cannot seem to find anything regarding that from google.18:14.10 
  there is talk about using cropbox and boundingbox. but, I am not sure how that translates.18:14.35 
  any thoughts, please?18:14.40 
  'You should disable any options like "shrink oversize pages to paper size" or "scale to fit paper" on your print menu.' -- I want to do this with ps2pdf. any ideas if it is possible?18:27.21 
  this is what pdfinfo -box says about my .pdf file: 
sebras joe9: they guys around here that do know ghostscript are not watching this channel as actively during the weekend, so I guess you need to be patient.19:10.43 
  joe9: oh and had I known gs good enough I would have helped you, but I don't. :)19:11.11 
joe9 sebras: cool, thanks. I can hang around. 19:11.35 
 Forward 1 day (to 2012/02/12)>>>