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 <<<Back 1 day (to 2012/02/14)2012/02/15 
Robin_Watts sebras: I need to rejig the aalevel stuff a bit.00:04.01 
  It needs to move from context to draw device.00:04.12 
  So just skip that for now.00:04.18 
henrys mvrhel:ping03:19.41 
  mvrhel - gotta go I'll send you email.03:27.17 
mvrhel henrys: got your email. lets chat a bit tomorrow so I understand what needs to be done04:18.49 
  I still get a bit confused about user and device params04:19.12 
henrys mvrhel:for example the code in set_default_gray_icc would be moved to a gs/base file and wrapped in a function called gs_setdefaultgrayicc - you would just call the operator from zusparam.c ...04:39.45 
  that way I don't have to copy all the code in set_default_gray_icc() ... zusparam.c is not compiled into the pcl or xps build.04:40.59 
mvrhel henrys: gotcha. ok. I will work on doing that04:44.09 
  ok. there are quite a few functions to move...05:23.23 
  sorry about that henrys05:23.28 
  I remember doing this now05:23.56 
  at the time there were no user_string_params05:24.09 
  I should have recognized how to do this then though05:52.23 
sebras Robin_Watts tor8: noted.09:27.48 
scott-san Robin are you on?14:16.54 
Robin_Watts I am, hi.14:17.10 
scott-san Can you come up on FB for a personal conversation?14:17.39 
Robin_Watts Sure.14:17.44 
scott-san Ok Bye14:17.51 
Robin_Watts chrisl, tor8: We've been invited to eat with Scott and his Daughter in SF after the Alcatraz tour.15:25.38 
  (Sadly, tour is now sold out, so they can't join us)15:25.49 
chrisl Robin_Watts: sounds good - shame about the tour, though15:26.22 
Robin_Watts yeah. I knew they sold out early, but had hoped there might still be some available.15:26.50 
chrisl So, Scott must either not like his daughter too much, or we must be less onerous company than I thought! ;-)15:30.25 
Robin_Watts He's booking a table at "The Stinking Rose", an "Italian Garlic" restaurant.15:31.43 
  Sounds awesome.15:31.47 
henrys chrisl:a new customer for you email on the way, it's your lucky day ;-)15:32.06 
chrisl henrys: oh joy, thanks.....15:33.03 
Robin_Watts tor8: Just got given a pdf file from the mupdf customer, that they got from a publisher.15:33.04 
  Looks like it's pdf tk produced.15:33.19 
  And the xref seems to use 000000000 65536 n when it really means 000000000 65535 f15:33.56 
  And Acrobat doesn't whinge.15:34.08 
tor8 Robin_Watts: about dinner: great.15:34.22 
  Robin_Watts: hm, I thought apple was the main producer of that sort of xref table15:34.38 
Robin_Watts Well, maybe it's been post processed by pdftk, but originally came from apple.15:35.03 
  tor8: Any objection to me special casing 000000000 65536 to mean 'f' ?15:36.23 
tor8 we should probably special case 0000000 * to mean 'f'15:36.39 
  would save us repairing all of apple quartz produced pdf files15:36.56 
Robin_Watts ok.15:37.02 
  They've also asked about whether we can do something about fallback rendering of overly large jpegs.15:38.54 
  i.e. if they have a jpeg that we can't decode because of memory issues, can we fall back and decode it smaller?15:39.21 
tor8 if we store jpegs uncompressed as a special type of fz_image, we could decode at the smaller coefficients15:39.32 
  and save us some trouble scaling15:39.41 
chrisl henrys: Scott seems to have answered all the questions in there (so far) - the only thing to add, really, is that we now supply DroidSansFallback which can be used for Japanese text15:40.00 
henrys chrisl:right so just answer whatever there is to answer the important thing is they want an engineer contact for technical questions that arise. So the introduction is what is important.15:43.50 
chrisl henrys: sure, I'm just working out how best to mention the DroidSansFallback addition15:44.28 
henrys saying something like we have good support for CJK and customers frequently use non latin fonts with ghostscrit seems like a good thing to mention.15:46.04 
  the email that just came into support is that a new customer?15:48.50 
chrisl henrys: not that I've heard - he's also reported on bugzilla, so I'm guessing not a customer. esp as using 8.71......15:50.04 
henrys I sent something to scott and miles15:51.22 
Robin_Watts henrys: That mail to support...16:01.43 
  If you look at his supplied UpgradeLog.XML file, it shows a problem trying to upgrade pcl6_msvc.sln16:02.11 
  We don't (and never have) supplied a pcl6_msvc.sln file, AIUI.16:02.31 
henrys right but I recall in msvc you could open the makefile and it would generate a sln, that is no longer supported.16:08.24 
  and opening pcl6_msvc.mak would create pcl6_msvc.sln16:09.10 
  anyway lets see waht miles and scott say.16:09.27 
Robin_Watts ah, ok, maybe yes.16:12.52 
  Anyone looking at Gemmas issues?16:18.27 
chrisl I'm just looking, but her report isn't very clear16:18.46 
  Robin_Watts: looks like color issues in the output, "wouldn't process" to me suggests an error16:21.12 
Robin_Watts yes.16:21.26 
chrisl This is outside my area of knowledge......16:22.03 
Robin_Watts I'll send her a quick email back asking her to tell us exactly what's wrong.16:23.00 
chrisl Robin_Watts: is there an easy to pull OUT one commit in git - like a cherry pick in reverse?16:23.34 
Robin_Watts git revert ?16:23.42 
chrisl No I mean a "historical" commit, just to remove that diff from the working directory, not actually obliterate the commit16:24.29 
Robin_Watts git revert hash16:24.42 
  That adds a new commit that reverts the changes made in a previous commit (or commits) hash.16:25.01 
chrisl Oh, great, thanks!16:25.11 
Robin_Watts np.16:25.17 
henrys so it looks like marcos thought 9.05 would fix gemma's woes and it didn't.16:26.09 
Robin_Watts Time to break the cluster...16:28.59 
  told you I was going to break the cluster :(16:47.25 
mvrhel I have managed to get a stomach flu so I am going to be in and out today....17:01.02 
henrys_laptop sorry to hear that hope the kids stay healthy17:01.45 
mvrhel thanks. one of them already had it last week... we are supposed to go skiing tomorrow through saturday. I hope I get over this quickly17:02.55 
Robin_Watts mvrhel: While you are here...17:15.48 
  Are you on the support email? Did you see the latest mail from Gemma?17:16.22 
mvrhel I do get the support emails17:16.33 
  let me look17:16.37 
Robin_Watts If I run the following:17:16.49 
  gs/bin/gswin32c.exe -sDEVICE=tiffsep -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -dSAFER -r400 -dMaxBitmap=500000000 -dAlignToPixels=0 -dGrid17:16.59 
  FitTT=0 -dTextAlphaBits=4 -dGraphicsAlphaBits=4 -dDOINTERPOLATE -dFirstPage=1 -dLastPage=1 -sOutputFile=out.tif ../My17:17.01 
  gs/bin/gswin32c.exe -sDEVICE=tiffsep -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -dSAFER -r400 -dMaxBitmap=500000000 -dAlignToPixels=0 -dGridFitTT=0 -dTextAlphaBits=4 -dGraphicsAlphaBits=4 -dDOINTERPOLATE -dFirstPage=1 -dLastPage=1 -sOutputFile=out.tif ../MyTests/WMB1102317A01.pdf17:17.14 
  I do see a block that's far darker than it should be.17:17.33 
mvrhel hmm I wonder if this has gradients in spot colors17:18.20 
Robin_Watts With -dNOINTERPOLATE it looks perfect.17:18.47 
mvrhel hold on let me grab the file and try to run it17:20.39 
  Robin_Watts: does the color change with resolution with -dDOINTERPOLATE?17:22.58 
Robin_Watts mvrhel: I haven't tried that.17:23.13 
  I will do.17:23.20 
mvrhel recall that we did do a change where we do the interpolation in one color space at high res and the other at low res17:23.30 
  source color vs. des. color17:23.37 
  to speed things along17:23.51 
Robin_Watts Apparently some of her files are still giving the "Cannot encode colour" thing, and some crash.17:24.18 
mvrhel ok this cannot encode color issue is due to the compressed color encoding failures17:24.50 
Robin_Watts At 72dpi, I get the same results as at 400.17:25.06 
mvrhel we need to move to an array of color values17:25.19 
  I thought ray did some fixes on the compressed color encoding though17:26.35 
  is she running 9.05? 17:26.49 
Robin_Watts She is17:27.03 
  Gawd. I'm getting a crash in clist stuff now.17:27.28 
mvrhel uhoh17:27.39 
Robin_Watts Let me do a clean build. That looks suspicious.17:28.38 
mvrhel I had to update my source. rebuilding17:31.35 
Robin_Watts OK, the crash is down to a mistake in the interpolation code. Joy.17:36.24 
mvrhel mine is taking forever to run17:36.40 
  there it finished17:37.07 
Robin_Watts Eek. We have an image that's being scaled to 0 by 0.17:37.52 
mvrhel oh17:40.00 
  what resolution were you running17:40.15 
Robin_Watts 400dpi!17:40.19 
mvrhel huh17:40.27 
Robin_Watts Well, if we're scaling to 0 wide or 0 high, we don't care whether we interpolate or not :)17:41.19 
  so I've got some code that bales in that case.17:41.29 
  Hey ray. How's Karen?17:41.35 
chrisl Robin_Watts: is the cluster functioning?17:42.04 
Robin_Watts chrisl: Yes.17:42.12 
mvrhel so I do see the black part17:42.13 
chrisl Cool, ta17:42.18 
Robin_Watts I broke mupdf was all.17:42.21 
mvrhel interesting product....17:42.45 
chrisl I just wanted to check - didn't want to push, and trample over a work-in-progress17:42.50 
Robin_Watts No, it should be fine now.17:43.08 
  I'm about to remove mupdfdraw and that's the binary that the cluster calls.17:43.22 
  It should now cope with calling mudraw instead.17:43.29 
chrisl doh, I forgot to update my source first17:44.19 
mvrhel Robin_Watts: so you have this issue figure out ?17:49.01 
Robin_Watts mvrhel: No.17:50.25 
  I have a workaround for the crashing in 1 of the files.17:50.43 
  Another one is down to non encodable pixels17:50.59 
  geez. a different issue in every file :(17:52.48 
mvrhel Robin_Watts: I am not sure I am going to be of much help with this today17:58.20 
  let me go and try to eat something 17:58.39 
ray_laptop Morning, all18:00.20 
henrys_laptop hi ray_laptop18:00.44 
  are you still at the hospital?18:00.58 
ray_laptop sorry I 'went dark' yesterday -- there were insurance company hassles that occupied me all day.18:01.01 
  I'm home right now, but heading over to the (new) hospital. The insurance company forced a transfer (which was what I was trying to prevent)18:01.50 
  at least the new place is 10 minutes away instead of 25-45 minutes (and is only 3 minutes from the twins' school)18:03.12 
henrys_laptop so they'll do the surgery there?18:03.31 
ray_laptop henrys: right. At least the surgeon has a good rep. and is a nice guy.18:04.33 
Robin_Watts ray_laptop: So when will the surgery take place ?18:04.45 
ray_laptop the time is not scheduled yet, but he said it will be late this afternoon or this evening.18:05.26 
  Robin_Watts: on the non-encodeable tiffsep issue -- there is a funky bit of code that I spotted in the compressed encoding that can result in a 0 component being encoded as the 'solid' color, when that is better encoded (I think) using the colorant bitmap18:07.24 
  Robin_Watts: but when I changed that for one of Gemma's files, it actually INCREASED the non-encodeable count. So I didn't commit that "fix" 18:08.30 
  Robin_Watts: but if you have a different file from them that is giving non-encodeable pixels, it may be that the patch will help.18:09.18 
chrisl ray_laptop: could we change tiffsep to render one plate at a time - that should workaround the non-encodeable color problem, wouldn't it?18:09.53 
Robin_Watts ray_laptop: Is there any reason we can't have her run with a minimum bandsize ?18:09.54 
ray_laptop chrisl: tiffsep already has the ability to accept a list of the plates you want and make multiple runs to get them all.18:14.14 
  chrisl: if you build GS to not use the compressed encoding, then you get CMYK plus 4 separations per "pass".18:14.53 
chrisl ray_laptop: oh, I thought we were doing all the plates in one go18:15.41 
Robin_Watts I'm getting a SEGV in free_compressed_color_list for one file.18:15.46 
ray_laptop chrisl: the problem with generating the subset of colorants is that the CMYK composite is then incorrect, and the customer actually wants the composite. It's just that we don't do overprint correctly without generating the separations18:16.01 
chrisl Yeh, good point - ah well.....18:16.38 
ray_laptop chrisl: by default, tiffsep uses compressed encoding and does all of the plates at once -- which works 99% of the time18:16.41 
  chrisl: in fact, for this customer, they don't even do anything with the separation files -- just delete them18:17.22 
Robin_Watts ray_laptop: pcomp_list is full of feeefeee18:17.40 
chrisl ray_laptop: so why don't they use tiff32, then?18:17.59 
  Oh, overprint - sorry18:18.19 
ray_laptop If we wrote a tool to collect the separations with the "equivalent" color for each spot color, then we could composite plates together18:18.20 
  chrisl: but it's an pretty inconvenient way to run.18:19.24 
chrisl ray_laptop: yeh, I was just trying to think of a workaround, because eliminating the non-encodeable colors problem completely sounds like a fairly big project18:20.23 
ray_laptop chrisl: yeah, that's right. I have to break free from cust 532 in order to tackle that (unless someone else does)18:22.25 
Robin_Watts Why can't we have her run with a smaller MaxBitmap ?18:23.11 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: to track those down I usually resort to -ZA18:23.14 
Robin_Watts ray_laptop: Memento! :)18:23.24 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: does it work OK with clist mode and just not with page mode ?18:23.39 
Robin_Watts She is running with a MaxBitmap of 50000000018:23.55 
  AIUI, we get a new set of compressed encoding colors for each band.18:24.17 
  hence smaller bands mean less likely to hit the problem.18:24.29 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: the problem is that we need to write the encoded (compressed) colors into the clist18:25.22 
Robin_Watts So... smaller bands = larger clist data.18:25.41 
  Do we care?18:25.46 
ray_laptop Only _some_ things go into the clist as high-level colors18:26.03 
  Robin_Watts: there isn't a per band encoded color list in the clist per band state (unless I missed something)18:26.45 
Robin_Watts oh, so we DON'T have a new set of colors each time?18:27.15 
  So why does changing the MaxBitmap solve the problem for at least 1 file here ?18:27.31 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: that would be a SEVERE performance hit. For a rectange that covers more than one band it would be filled, we'd have to get encode a different compressed color for each band, using its list18:28.13 
Robin_Watts I'm confused now.18:28.53 
  at the moment, I don't care about performance. I just care about giving the customer something that can run to completion.18:29.17 
  Why does decreasing the MaxBitmap solve the problem?18:29.50 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: I was seeing an effect caused by the pdf14 composition resulting in colors that were created during rendering (due to blending), but the set of colors used to paint the transparency buffers were all able to be encoded18:30.44 
  And in this case, it is the 'put_image' that is getting all of the encoded colors 18:31.29 
  and since each band _is_ rendered with a compressed color list created from the set created during clist writing, then ADDED to by the pdf14 put_image action, we may or may not end up exceeding the encodeable color set18:33.15 
  depending on the band size.18:33.32 
Robin_Watts Right, so reducing the band height *might* help, but it might hinder?18:34.09 
ray_laptop In page buffer mode, the superset of colorants for the entire page is needed. So clist mode _can_ help (in some cases)18:34.14 
  Robin_Watts: it won't hinder -- it just may not help to reduce band size (but it _will_ impact performance)18:34.49 
Robin_Watts There look to be funky GC routines for coping with compressed_color_list, but not for pdf14_compressed_color_list18:41.26 
  Is that an omission?18:41.31 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: if they are different st_ type structures, then yes it is a bug. It depends on how the structure is allocated (what st type)18:43.30 
  Robin_Watts: let me look18:43.55 
Robin_Watts gs_devn_params18:44.04 
ray_laptop in line 486 of base/gdevp14.c I see: RELOC_PTR(pdf14_device, devn_params.compressed_color_list);18:45.02 
  oops that's the RELOC, but there is also line 474: case 4: ENUM_RETURN(pdev->devn_params.compressed_color_list);18:46.03 
  these are part of the enum and reloc GC functions for the pdf14_device structure18:46.41 
Robin_Watts I see code in gdevpsd.c, gdevtsep.c and gdevp14.c18:47.13 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: phone call -- bbiab18:47.13 
Robin_Watts all of which deal with devn_params.compressed_color_list, but no corresponding code for devn_params.pdf14_compressed_color_list.18:47.37 
  Interesting. gs_devn_params is not being alloced large enough.19:03.24 
  Oh, ignore me.19:03.47 
  Right. Fixing the garbage collection means we don't get a SEGV any more.19:04.24 
  We just get a rangecheck in showpage.19:04.32 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: rangecheck is what we throw when we get non-encodeable colors, right ?19:12.07 
Robin_Watts Is it?19:12.19 
ray_laptop goes to checlk19:12.44 
Robin_Watts I wasn't seeing "WARNING: blah blah non encodable colors"19:12.56 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: see lline 1706 gdevtsep.c19:14.06 
Robin_Watts Is there a cunning trick to catching such error returns in the debugger?19:14.12 
  Trying with a breakpoint there.19:14.45 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: you mean when the compressed encoding fails ?19:14.46 
Robin_Watts In general, it'd be nice if there was some way to put a breakpoint in the debugger that would go off at the point at which a non-zero return code was used.19:15.31 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: line 1471 of base/gdevdevn.c19:15.45 
  and other places -- just search for NON_ENCODEABLE_COLOR19:16.38 
Robin_Watts Ok. The range check didn't come from them.19:16.45 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: heading over to see Karen (with the kids) now. bbiaw19:23.08 
Robin_Watts cu.19:23.14 
  alexcher: You here?20:28.03 
Robin_Watts breaks out the git blame20:29.32 
  look like tor8... You here tor8?20:32.48 
  I just happened to run a memento build of ghostscript, and it's dying early on.20:33.54 
  In context_state_alloc in gs/psi/icontext.c20:34.04 
tor8 hmm20:34.06 
Robin_Watts at line 160, it's looking up 'puserparams' and getting back a pointer to something of type null.20:34.44 
  At line 161 we then do size = dct_length(puserparams) (i.e. we treat the null as a dict) and we get a crash.20:35.12 
  Should we be checking the type of puserparams before we use it ?20:35.30 
tor8 Robin_Watts: are you asking me about psi internals?20:35.55 
  or alexcher20:36.00 
Robin_Watts I'm asking anyone.20:36.09 
  But you, as you're here, and you wrote the code, would seem a reasonable person :)20:36.24 
tor8 you sure you ran git blame with the ignore-whitespace option?20:36.51 
Robin_Watts ahem.20:37.05 
  OK, so it's henrys, back in 1998.20:39.56 
  So... what has changed to make this fail now ?20:40.08 
  And now, after much checkout and rebuilding... it's working :(21:09.59 
  mvrhel: ping21:49.55 
  I'm giving up for the night.21:50.08 
  The WMB1102317A01.pdf issue is still outstanding.21:50.27 
  If you have any time to look at that (does your wifi reach your bathroom? :) ) or any more thoughts about it, that would be great.21:51.43 
  I hope you feel better soon.21:51.49 
ray_webchat Robin_Watts: I noticed that you wanted to be able to set a b.p. when a certain return code was returned. If the C code follows the rules, it uses the return_error macro which (in a debug build) will call gs_log_error in gsmisc.c22:59.11 
  If you make the b.p. conditional on 'err == ____' then you can ignore the noise.22:59.37 
  The hospital only allows http ports -- I'm sure glad webchat works. Even email ports don't work -- have to resort to gmail web :-(23:02.04 
 Forward 1 day (to 2012/02/16)>>>