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 <<<Back 1 day (to 2012/02/16)2012/02/17 
Robin_Watts henrys: I can (and have) built Pauls code.00:09.00 
  tor8: So, can you cut/paste text from Acrobat Reader?00:09.38 
  IF we can't, then it's a no brainer to tell them it's a broken file.00:09.49 
  oh, you've replied already. Fair enough :)00:11.13 
sebras tor8 Robin_Watts: some more text on sebras/doc and a fix or two on sebras/master.00:53.53 
Robin_Watts nn01:00.39 
  tor8: The ios project; does that interpret to display list then render the display list? Or does it just interpret to render.09:59.12 
tor8 interpret to render, to save memory09:59.25 
Robin_Watts Random idea; can we have a 'tee' device in mupdf?10:02.05 
  So we can interpret to render and make a display list at the same time?10:02.20 
tor8 yeah, that's probably a good idea10:02.48 
  did you manage to get sebras mt test running with the freetype locking changes?10:03.25 
Robin_Watts I haven't had a chance. I've been fighting gs fires.10:04.02 
sebras Robin_Watts: when would you want both a pixmap _and_ a display list for a given page?10:36.21 
chrisl sebras: an example would be to get a quick first view of a page (by direct rendering), but then have (more) rapid zooming by running the display list, rather than reinterpreting the page from the PDF.10:40.49 
sebras chrisl: of course, I see.10:41.41 
chrisl It's an idea I toyed with in my previous job, but never had time to pursue it10:42.20 
Robin_Watts New Mac OS X due for the summer. Let's hope they can make it better than Lion.10:55.08 
tor8 Robin_Watts: with promotion like "See how innovations from iPad inspire new features for the Mac." I highly doubt it11:08.31 
Robin_Watts tor8: Yeah.11:08.42 
  If I'd wanted an ipad, I'd have bought an ipad!11:08.55 
  I have the customers modified source for mupdf-0.7.11:09.18 
tor8 Robin_Watts: also, note the default option in 
Robin_Watts So... all of those settings are wrong :)11:09.53 
chrisl Robin_Watts: can you tell me the set of commits I need to add to the 9.05 release in order to do the builds for Gemma, please?11:15.14 
Robin_Watts chrisl: I'd just build her a snapshot.11:15.34 
  but if you want a list, I'll make one.11:15.53 
chrisl I can't build her a snapshot because that will include all the GPL code, I either need to apply patches to the 9.05 commercial release, or create a new commercial release from a snapshot11:16.46 
Robin_Watts d00354a,21579b0,43b14b2,d375ea111:17.35 
  Those are the only ones I know of.11:18.12 
chrisl Cheers - I've got some e-mails I need to catch up on, then I'll do the builds for her11:18.26 
Robin_Watts Thanks.11:18.31 
chrisl Robin_Watts: we still expect the rangecheck in showpage, yes?12:29.17 
Robin_Watts For what file?12:29.28 
chrisl RBR1104559.pdf12:29.43 
Robin_Watts At 400dpi, yes.12:29.47 
  Do you not get a warning message out before the rangecheck ?12:30.03 
chrisl Yes.12:30.23 
Robin_Watts At 400dpi the tif file would be 5Gig.12:30.27 
  and tiff internal pointers are limited to 2gig.12:30.46 
chrisl Ah, okay, not much we can do about that!12:31.28 
  Robin_Watts: these non-encodeable pixels, other than throw a warning, how do we currently handle it, do you know?12:38.00 
Robin_Watts We throw a warning and put 0's in, AIUI.12:38.14 
  and rangecheck.12:38.53 
chrisl I wondered if (for the short term) we could get away with using the nearest value we can represent - like a poor man's palette12:39.34 
Robin_Watts I fear that's destined to fail; if the file prints all the separation 1 stuff first, and fills up the encoding, then prints separation 2, then there will be no 'close' colors left for sep 2.12:40.41 
chrisl Well, I wasn't proposing it as a solution, just a "get the file out" workaround12:41.59 
Robin_Watts Personally, I'd rather see a complete failure rather than an "oops, we printed 4000 copies of something that's missing half the colors"12:49.05 
chrisl Well, I argued the same thing for missing CIDFonts and no one agreed!12:51.03 
Robin_Watts Consistency is our hallmark, except when it's not.12:57.13 
chrisl :-) obviously, immediate error out would have to remain an option.....12:57.49 
Robin_Watts lunch13:19.27 
  tor8: ping ?16:09.39 
Robin_Watts puts his hand in his tea.16:09.56 
sebras Robin_watts: I'm going for korean barbecue at tor8's place so I believe he won't be here until tomorrow...16:11.19 
Robin_Watts ah, fair enough.16:11.39 
  I'm doing this 'load images compressed and decode on demand' thing, and wanted to run some of the changes past him.16:12.06 
  I'll keep plodding and he can have the whole horror of it revealed to him later ;)16:12.25 
sebras Robin_Watts: right. for jpeg only?16:12.26 
Robin_Watts For all images (except JPX) is the way it's falling out.16:12.45 
sebras as long as you have a good set of tests and it works I think he'll be happy. :)16:12.47 
Robin_Watts I'm introducing an fz_image type that has a 'get_pixmap' function in it.16:13.17 
  so the existing code will change to passing images around and just getting the pixmap when it needs it.16:14.04 
  I've updated the PDF stream handling code so that it can stop before it does the last filter step, and records the step that's required into a structure.16:15.07 
  So we load the LZW or Flate or JPEG or Fax data and keep it compressed.16:15.33 
  And the get_pixmap function will decode it on demand.16:15.43 
sebras why is JPX exempt?16:16.27 
Robin_Watts because JPX has special handling already.16:16.38 
sebras rushes off...16:16.50 
Robin_Watts cu later.16:16.55 
henrys Robin_Watts:did we ever agree on a way to query for a high level device?16:43.59 
Robin_Watts Urm...16:44.21 
henrys I ask you because I thought it was something possible with the lightweight parameter stuff you did.16:45.18 
Robin_Watts curses mvrhel2 for splitting the headers up in the solution.16:45.29 
  Look in gxdso.h - that's what I'd do if I could find the damn thing.16:45.48 
henrys don't curse mvrhel2 we need him.16:46.18 
Robin_Watts gs/base/ gsdevsop.h16:48.06 
henrys thanks I'll have a look16:48.48 
Robin_Watts So, no, doesn't look like there is anything to say "are you a high level device"16:49.46 
  What exactly constitutes a high level device ?16:49.54 
chrisl I thought Ken added a generic way to commonicate high level capabilities from the device to the interpreter16:51.03 
henrys he he - something that copies the palette in an indexed color space when it is set.16:51.07 
  the first time.16:51.27 
Robin_Watts henrys: Right, so I suspect you want to add a gxdso_handles_indexed_palette or something.16:51.55 
  (i.e. you want a gxdso to detect that it handles that specific thing rather than a nebulous 'is a high level device')16:52.20 
henrys yes that would be best.16:52.30 
Robin_Watts Dead easy to do - let me know if you want me to walk you through it.16:53.01 
henrys indexed_palette_const seems reasonable.16:53.22 
  I'll give it a go and ask you if I need help16:54.07 
  chrisl:one concern with not recommending the ufst is all the cjk typefaces that come with it. I am not sure it shouldn't be recommended in this case, but we'll see what happens.16:57.27 
chrisl henrys: the main thing was I didn't want it forgotten that we had that option.16:58.11 
Robin_Watts The 'standard' sets of latin fonts that come with postscript/PDF... are there equivalent CJKV sets ?16:58.23 
chrisl No16:58.34 
  henrys: Ken's device interrogation code uses gs_getdeviceparams() see commit d36e6d74ce15d2dbe2efb61970145dca8b57d5db for example16:58.53 
Robin_Watts So there is no tickbox equivalent to Courier,Times, etc but for the far east?16:59.31 
chrisl No, not really. There are some very common fonts, but nothing set in stone17:00.38 
Robin_Watts OK, so we can't be criticised for not supplying a 'standard set' in the same way we supply a standard set of latin ones.17:02.31 
  Every email from your Japanese customer renders in Windows Mail in a way that reminds me of: 
henrys chrisl:my concern is the customer will dismiss our solution becuase they assume (properly) we don't have those fonts.17:03.40 
Robin_Watts s/Windows Mail/Thunderbird/17:04.46 
chrisl henrys: well, I'm sure you've made that point to Miles and Scott, hopefully, if they feel that might happen, they'll mention UFST17:05.50 
  Robin_Watts: the new customer? It's odd, my Thuderbird is set to display in "plain text", but what I'm seeing in the window isn't pain text.....17:06.41 
Robin_Watts His email display the same regardless of whether I have it set to Plain text or not.17:08.04 
  I think it's just detecting the fact there are CJKV glyphs and using a fallback font that looks REALLY horrible.17:08.43 
chrisl Yes, you're probably right - but it *really* shouldn't do that :-(17:09.09 
Robin_Watts "support ing"17:09.10 
henrys chrisl:no I haven't I will now - I just started mulling over it. I've been buried doing other stuff and didn't think much about it.17:09.14 
chrisl henrys: note that using the ACT fonts would need *some* extra development work - maybe a week, since the way cust 532's code does it is not entirely portable.17:11.08 
  Robin_Watts: tbh, compared to some of the Japanese dealings I've had in the past, I'm relieved at how good their English is!17:12.43 
Robin_Watts It wasn't the english I was complaining about (it's SOOO much better than my Japanese). It was the fact that the fallback font is horribly designed so it looks like there is a whole extra space there.17:13.35 
henrys chrisl:what else are you going to do over spring vacation?17:14.55 
chrisl henrys: you mean, with my other hand on my other keyboard? How about cold fusion ;-)17:15.28 
henrys ;-)17:15.51 
chrisl It is on my to-do list, it's just unfortunate that it's one of a couple of things that isn't a simple cut'n'paste from 532's code17:16.39 
Robin_Watts And I thought a "one handed computer user" was a euphemism...17:17.41 
chrisl That's why I thought I'd better throw in the "other keyboard" part - didn't want people getting the wrong idea....17:18.15 
henrys chrisl:I think it should have pretty high priority.17:20.37 
  marcosw1:did you want me to field the question to ken?17:20.56 
chrisl henrys: okay, I'll try to get it done between next week and the week after.17:21.18 
marcosw henrys: I haven't read my email yet this morning, so give me a sec.17:21.34 
henrys so when should I use gs_getdeviceparams vs. gxdso?17:21.54 
chrisl henrys: My understanding (which may be wrong!) is that the gs_getdeviceparams() method is a fairly simple "can the device do...." yes/no. More complex things would need gxdso17:23.47 
henrys marcosw:I looked a bit and there is a bug iin there somewhere but the customer (as is his way) has sent us the wrong output and a jumbled up message.17:23.50 
Robin_Watts AIUI, gs_getdeviceparams makes a dictionary of ALL the device params and returns it.17:25.05 
henrys marcosw:much rather you sort through that and talk to him. I'm looking at the bug "I actually see"17:25.05 
Robin_Watts which we then look in for an answer.17:25.23 
  gxdso allows us to query a specific thing.17:25.36 
  so gxdso is lighter weight.17:25.55 
henrys okay I'll probably use gxdso.17:25.58 
chrisl But then everything for pdfwrite and ps2write and txtwrite is using gs_getdeviceparams().17:26.33 
Robin_Watts Adding a gxdso handler to those is trivial.17:28.35 
  Especially one that just has to say "YES!"17:28.44 
  and do we really want to be exporting device params (which are postscripty thing, right?) into PCL ?17:29.21 
chrisl But why add a new way to do something we already have a well used method for?17:29.33 
Robin_Watts because the change to the code to add gxdso is smaller than the change to the code to do it the old way? :)17:30.29 
chrisl So: "here's how we interrogate a device to determine it's capabilities - well, except for this one thing, which we do totally differently"?17:31.29 
  henrys: I take it this is to do with how PCL (or HPGL?) uses indexed color spaces confusing pdfwrite? Does changing the color space ID actually hurt performance?17:35.31 
Robin_Watts Random idea, possibly rubbish...17:38.10 
  If I remember correctly the problem here was that PCL passed the indexed space across to pdfwrite, then added a new colour to the end, and passed it again.17:38.42 
  Then added a new color and passed it again, etc.17:38.50 
chrisl I'm assuming that's what henrys is looking at, yes - maybe even removed colors, too?17:39.40 
Robin_Watts Could we maybe NOT update the colorspace id if we're only appending to it? And have pdfwrite always recopy the palette?17:39.58 
henrys there are many cases in pcl where we change the palette after calling setcolorspace.17:40.40 
chrisl Robin_Watts: That bloats the resulting PDF17:41.07 
marcosw henrys: I'll deal with the "PCL6.exe Output Print Issues" email.17:41.15 
Robin_Watts chrisl: I was hoping that pdfwrite would only keep 1 copy of the palette with the same id.17:41.36 
chrisl I don't *think* that's how it works just now, but it might be possible to do that. I still think changing the color space *after* it's been set is just a bug......17:42.36 
marcosw tor8: you forwarded an email with the subject "using mupdf in our android app" to support. Was this for information or did you need me to respond to the potential customer? 17:42.52 
Robin_Watts henrys: Does PCL need to do that?17:42.53 
marcosw henrys: I'm finally ready for the support meeting. It was a busy week :-)17:43.08 
henrys Robin_Watts:it would be awkward at best to arrange it otherwise.17:43.41 
  oh yea support17:43.57 
Robin_Watts Can it not hold off on doing the setcolorspace until it has to? (i.e have a dirty flag and check that at every place before using the color)17:44.06 
Robin_Watts shuts up.17:44.13 
chrisl Robin_Watts: I have a feeling we argued with Henry before about this, and failed to browbeat him ;-)17:45.21 
henrys I'm afraid chrisl is right.17:47.02 
marcosw I think the first bug that needs to be discussed is 851, which I'll reassign.17:47.20 
henrys marcosw I'm finding the report17:47.31 
  start with 69284817:48.13 
  oh okay 851 sorry didn't see that.17:49.01 
  assign that to me it's first stop should be luratech.17:49.40 
marcosw done17:50.10 
henrys do you want to verify 852?17:50.58 
  I think alexcher jumped into support duty briefly for these problems.17:51.20 
marcosw I presume Alex's analysis is correct. He states that Evince and AR9 render the file correctly and we don't. I don't think I could do much more (I could test with mu but am not sure how that would help).17:52.25 
henrys I"m inclined to give it Robin_Watts who in turn might give to mvrhel217:53.04 
  are you driving?17:53.28 
marcosw yeah, I was just rereading the bug. Why Robin_Watts instead of michael directly?17:54.05 
henrys either is fine - it seems like a graphics library thing to me.17:54.49 
marcosw okay, I'll reassign it to Robin_Watts17:55.04 
Robin_Watts Well, it was alex that put the code in that's going wrong...17:55.31 
henrys I'm assuming that has to be reverted and reanalysis is needed.17:55.58 
Robin_Watts Ok.17:56.08 
marcosw the next interesting bug is 856. Do you have any comments?17:56.34 
henrys seems properly assigned we could up the priority17:57.47 
marcosw okay, seems likely to be easily fixable.17:58.10 
  we should talk about 859, a P1 enhancement.17:59.02 
henrys 859 ;0(17:59.09 
  that has to be done with an option and it shouldn't be the default behavior18:00.11 
  better than acrobat ;-|18:00.36 
marcosw I think the customer would be fine with that, particularly if returned that the file was a portfolio PDF.18:01.43 
  right now it just says it's 1 page at 5 x 7.18:01.58 
  alexcher: do you want comment on bug 692859?18:02.54 
henrys so we should ask alexcher to make this optional behavior18:02.58 
marcosw sure, I can add a comment to that affect.18:04.30 
henrys 860 miles is dealing with.18:04.40 
marcosw right, I didn't see they had opened a bug as well as sent email to support. You can ignore my email to you regarding this.18:05.22 
Robin_Watts 862 is me.18:05.35 
henrys I'll add a little something to 860.18:05.43 
marcosw I've reassigned 862 to Robin_Watts18:06.12 
henrys oh he's broken the music.18:07.12 
marcosw nice when the bug report does the bisect for me :-)18:07.40 
henrys yeah those guys are good.18:08.09 
  that's it right?18:08.14 
marcosw I think that's it. I do have question for you about tracking down a ghostspcl issue.18:08.34 
Robin_Watts "broken the music" ?18:08.44 
chrisl lillipond is a music typesetting app18:09.13 
Robin_Watts Ah.18:09.20 
chrisl Lilypond, I mean18:09.25 
marcosw I recently brought up a new cluster node (tigerdirect was selling an x6 system for $300). It's running ubuntu 10.04 but every Ghostpcl command fails:18:10.27 
  marcos@feet:[187]% ./pcl6 -sOutputFile=test.ppm -sDEVICE=ppmraw -r75 -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH /home/marcos/cluster/tests/pcl/jason_top.pcl18:10.28 
  Warning interpreter exited with error code -118:10.28 
  Flushing to end of job18:10.28 
  marcos@feet:[188]% 18:10.28 
  I moved the pcl6 binary from the new node to an existing one and it works fine, so it's apparently a shared library issue or something else weird, but I'm not sure how to debug this. Any thoughts? (BTW, ghostscript and ghostxps work fine).18:11.30 
chrisl I can't imagine GhostPCL is using a shared lib that Ghostscript isn't......18:12.32 
henrys make pcl-debug and run with -ZIi18:13.18 
  or you don't think it is even getting past loading libraries?18:14.03 
marcosw No, it generates some pages of (apparently) correct output and then fails.18:14.25 
henrys then -ZIi# is best.18:14.41 
tor8 marcosw: the latter18:14.42 
henrys marcosw:if you want report a bug and put my key on the box.18:15.17 
marcosw tor8: will do. Do we have documentation on how to do this?18:15.33 
chrisl marcosw: one other thought - try building without the x11 and/or display devices (I forget which goes into the Unix pcl build). The X11 libraries pull in a *load* of extra shared libs that we otherwise don't need.18:16.16 
marcosw henrys: [Printer Reset]18:16.18 
  ESC & l18:16.18 
  (ESC & l) 2 A18:16.18 
  [Page Size]18:16.18 
  ocuments for this printer should have 1/4" margins on all sides.18:16.18 
  Warning interpreter exited with error code -118:16.18 
  Flushing to end of job18:16.19 
  [i][file pos=1020168]18:16.19 
  [i][file pos=1020230]18:16.20 
henrys Robin_Watts:the regresion 692862 is from lilypond they render high quality music scores 18:16.57 
Robin_Watts right.18:17.07 
henrys oh sorry didn't see chrisl's response.18:17.49 
marcosw chrisl: I can try that.18:19.13 
henrys marcosw:did you run with # also.?18:19.26 
marcosw yes, -ZIi# (that was capital-i, not lower case L :-)18:19.59 
henrys marcosw:very odd probably need to debug.18:20.31 
marcosw henrys: Okay, I'll work on getting you access.18:21.20 
henrys maybe my jason file is different than yours - there should be a couple command before the page size and no printer reset.18:22.24 
marcosw the thing that bugs me is that I just set up your newly formatted henrysx6 as a cluster node, so all the steps were fresh in my mind (as well as being well documented in the readme), so I don't see how I can have screwed up the installation. at the same time the operating systems, Ubuntu 10.04, is the same as most of the other cluster nodes, so that doesn't seem likely. And we have several x6 cluster node cpus (and the /proc/cpuinfo is the same for thi18:24.33 
  henrys: It doesn't have to be jason, other files fail too.18:24.46 
  here's the output from owl.pcl:18:25.29 
  marcos@feet:[218]% main/debugobj/pcl6 -ZIi# -sOutputFile=test.ppm -dMaxBitmap=30000000 -sDEVICE=ppmraw -r75 -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -K1000000 -dClusterJob /home/marcos/cluster/tests/pcl/owl2.pcl18:25.35 
  [i][file pos=0]18:25.36 
  ESC E18:25.36 
  [Printer Reset]18:25.36 
  ESC & l18:25.36 
henrys never seen irc error Excess Flood before18:26.37 
chrisl Holy Moses!18:27.12 
henrys ;-)18:27.31 
chrisl Time for me to go - enjoy your weekends!18:28.58 
henrys you too chrisl18:29.13 
chrisl_away Thanks!18:29.18 
marcosw chrisl_away and others in the UK and Sweden: Monday is a holiday for the US, so see you on Tuesday.18:29.52 
chrisl_away marcosw: in that case, you can enjoy it 50 per cent more ;-)18:30.36 
marcosw henrys: besides dynamic libraries what else might the pcl6 code load during execution? Fonts, color profiles, etc.? I'm going to try and build a statically linked binary next. 18:34.00 
henrys what in pcl isn't static ... just X stuff really right?18:40.43 
  what does ldd pcl6 say on your box?18:41.06 
  valgrind could also help here.18:41.39 
marcosw it's not dynamic library issue. Using chrisl_away's suggestion I built without the X11 devs and then statically linked it. It fails in the same way (i.e. on feet it generates a "Warning interpreter exited with error code -1" and on x6 it runs fine)/18:42.31 
Robin_Watts marcosw: It's not something stupid like the clist temp files filling a disc partition or something ?18:43.47 
henrys strace and valgrind would be my next choices.18:44.52 
Robin_Watts actually that command shoudn't use clist18:45.06 
marcosw I assume it's something stupid :-) but that's not it, plenty of disk space (only one partition, except for swap). Also it fails with even a large -dMaxBitmap and a small -r value)18:45.15 
  I wish ghostscript failed as well, then I could blame it on hardware...18:45.51 
  I'm installing valgrind, but it's taking ~12 minutes to download, ubuntu's servers must be busy.18:46.22 
henrys strace should say something interesting too.18:47.24 
marcosw I'd paste the strace results but that would get me kicked off again :-)18:47.54 
henrys you can email them to me.18:48.38 
  problems like this are annoying. I assume you tried touch test.ppm (permissions)18:49.48 
marcosw strace showed something, ghostpdl tries to open ("/home/marcos/artifex/ghostpdl"), which fails on the feet18:51.09 
  open("/home/marcos/artifex/ghostpdl", O_RDONLY|O_NONBLOCK|O_DIRECTORY|O_CLOEXEC) = -1 ENOENT (No such file or directory)18:51.13 
  I'm guessing an environemnt variable is to blame...18:51.33 
  yup: PCLFONTSOURCE=/home/marcos/artifex/ghostpdl/urwfonts18:51.53 
henrys we certainly need a better error message.18:52.20 
marcosw All good now, thanks for everyone's help. The strace suggestion was the answer.18:53.05 
  does beg the question as to why Ghostpdl was trying to load fonts...18:53.36 
henrys pcl always loads fonts.18:54.40 
  if they are there.18:54.45 
  if you are going to get all explicit with an env variable it assumes you have fonts.18:55.11 
  but it does need a better message I'll make a bug.18:55.30 
marcosw the really odd thing was that on large files like jason it generates many pages of correct output before getting an error and quitting. Does that make any sense?18:58.07 
tor8 marcosw: Robin is better equipped to answer how to build on android, but you can point him to the readme in the android directory first since that has a detailed guide how to do it19:04.49 
Robin_Watts tor8: I've obviously missed stuff here.19:05.18 
  tor8: I have *just* got load on demand working for images in pdfs.19:05.48 
tor8 Robin_Watts: marcosw asked about the potential customer / gpl violator whose email I forwarded to support19:07.31 
henrys marcosw:I might be incorrect that it fails with the env variable. Without an env it will fail if it reaches a font that is not embedded or a stick/arc font - the latter are built in.19:08.31 
  if there are no fonts.19:08.42 
Robin_Watts tor8: We may need to rework the store slightly in this case.19:10.49 
  actually, you're having a social evening, right? we can discuss this on monday.19:11.35 
  What does do if you call it on a portfolio pdf ?19:15.57 
  Just gives you the answers for the cover page?19:16.15 
  Does it also say "This is a portfolio pdf" or something, so that people know to try the new option?19:16.52 
henrys alexcher are you around to discuss this?19:37.25 
Robin_Watts Making people use an option to get the contents of a portfolio PDF seems entirely fair, but it would be nice to give them some hint that they should try that.19:38.47 
henrys that does seem reasonable to me also.19:39.17 
  I'll send email to alexcher to read the logs.19:44.04 
marcosw_ henrys and Robin_Watts: I considered suggested that return "this is a portfolio pdf" but decided that would require a portfolio file to be run twice. seems better to just have return a "this is not a portfolio pdf" and the info for the file if the read as portfolio pdf option is given.19:59.29 
Robin_Watts I am not familiar with the output of, so I'm speaking from a position of ignorance here.20:00.46 
  but I have to imagine that it would be easier for most people to adapt their code to run gs a second time on the specific portfolio entry they are interested in, than to suddenly have to cope with lots more lines of output.20:01.55 
  Perhaps what we need is for to say: "NumberOfPortFolioEntries=%d" (or whatever syntax is in keeping).20:02.43 
  That way they can run once and get (almost) the same results as they currently do (we can swallow the 0 case if we want).20:03.33 
  And if portfolio entries *are* present, the user needs to be told how many there are to know how many to enumerate though.20:04.03 
rayjj Hi, guys. Orignally only gave minimal info by default, but feedback led us to have it give out more. I agree that dumping info for all portfolios seems the most user friendly.20:05.14 
  I was thinking that rather than saying just "Page 1" we could say "Page M File N MediaBox ..."20:06.53 
Robin_Watts File N Page M MediaBox ... ?20:08.25 
rayjj Robin_Watts: whatever. 20:08.47 
Robin_Watts That way people that grep the output for lines starting 'Page %d' will still work.20:08.56 
rayjj If we want to make it more easily parsed, we could always keep the File N Page M but have a way for the user to be able to tell if this was a portfolio or not20:10.11 
  Maybe File 0 for non-portfolio 20:10.25 
  or File N of M Page P20:10.58 
  but I'll leave it up to whoever does it (alex? ken?) I've sort of got a full plate right now, even though I've usually been the pdf_info guy -- I'm glad to hand it off20:12.15 
Robin_Watts I was thinking we'd have "Page 1" for the pdf itself, then "File 1 Page 1" but yes, any reasonably sane scheme should be fine.20:13.17 
rayjj but I think the default (when run with gs -- toolbin/ my.pdf) should give the info for all pages of all files20:16.08 
Robin_Watts OK. I have mupdf loading images on demand (and with the ability to request subsampled ones in the case of JPEGs). I'm still passing pixmaps through the device interface though, so the images are still being requested at interpret time. I'll change that on monday.20:47.35 
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