IRC Logs

Log of #ghostscript at

 <<<Back 1 day (to 2012/02/24)2012/02/25 
marcos time ./gs/bin/gs -I./gs/lib -sOutputFile=/dev/null -dMaxBitmap=10000 -sDEVICE=plank -r300 -sDEFAULTPAPERSIZE=letter -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -K1000000 -dJOBSERVER ./tests_private/pdf/PDF_1.7_FTS/fts_24_2426.pdf01:49.48 
robin_watts_mac Morning chrisl_x100e 14:22.16 
chrisl_x100e morning robin_watts_mac 15:00.33 
ikaRus1 hello ppl16:44.09 
  I am having some difficulties getting gs to properly do Hebrew PDFs16:44.54 
  this is a part of HylaFAX on debian testing16:45.13 
  From what I can tell, what I need is proper font substitution, I have tried several, all produce a non readable output.16:46.45 
  pointers appreciated.16:47.48 
mvrhel_laptop henrys: any luck figuring out what the issue was with my patch / check out?19:27.38 
chrisl_x100e mvrhel_laptop: looks like the error you saw was an old one, and the problem today is an amazon connectivity problem - random cluster nodes lose touch with casper.19:35.02 
mvrhel_laptop oh. I was having an error with build 19:35.39 
  maybe something was not up to date?19:35.59 
chrisl_x100e The copying error seemed to be an old one - the date was from a couple of weeks ago.19:36.28 
mvrhel_laptop so I should push again now or are things still not quite right19:37.04 
chrisl_x100e It still seems to be having random connectivity issues - I'd leave it until you get home.19:37.44 
mvrhel_laptop gotcha. thanks19:38.28 
chrisl_x100e np19:38.32 
ikaRus1 ummm20:16.08 
henrys` looks like michael's patch is cursed aborted 2x now ...20:19.23 
mvrhel_laptop :(20:19.33 
henrys` it compiles fine and we think your tree is stale based on the error message you showed us, but now it seems to be the victim of random cluster failure.20:21.32 
robin_watts_mac I wonder if there is something in the patch that's causing infinite loops or take a long time...20:27.53 
  cos that would explain the timeouts and aborts.20:28.11 
  other things have passed OK, I believe.20:28.21 
mvrhel_laptop_ oh so it compiles now20:29.12 
henrys` yes it compiles and runs jobs for a while and then aborts20:29.41 
mvrhel_laptop_ it is possible i will do some testing20:29.57 
henrys` did you push from the top level or gs?20:30.28 
mvrhel_laptop top level20:31.01 
henrys` I think if you update your code and push from the top level the compile problem will go away.20:31.04 
mvrhel_laptop I did that twice but I will try again20:31.19 
  I do git reset --hard20:31.36 
  get up20:31.39 
  then git apply mypatch.patch20:31.52 
  git up....20:31.59 
  error on running20:32.19 
  ok let me fool with this now20:32.23 
henrys` git stash; git pull --rebase; git stash pop; clusterpush20:32.31 
mvrhel_laptop yes. it does look like there is an error though in the code. let me get this fixed and go from there20:33.13 
henrys` reset --hard doesn't get you remote changes.20:33.16 
mvrhel_laptop doing git up after that does20:33.24 
  reset --hard just cleans things up for me20:33.41 
  in case I have some other garbage applied20:33.51 
henrys` oh I didn't see your git up20:33.58 
mvrhel_laptop I have some ugly access violation going on...20:34.29 
henrys` I thought we were doing pull --rebase?20:34.37 
mvrhel_laptop that is what git up is aliased to I think20:34.51 
  I think I did git config --global alias.up "pull --rebase" at one time20:35.55 
henrys` your error log indicates you have an old PCL "Makefile"20:36.00 
  can't stat wts blah blah - I just removed those files. Seems like you have the files removed but not the corresponding makefile change?20:37.05 
mvrhel_laptop henrys: not sure. I will fix this crash first. then check that. running memento now to make robin_watts happy20:37.44 
  I should have stayed at the hotel a bit longer. first standby flight for me is not until 12:4520:39.00 
  although the virgin america terminal is cushy. with workstation tables20:39.14 
henrys` I got on a 1:4020:39.26 
mvrhel_laptop excuse me 2:4520:39.26 
  oh are you at the airport?20:39.35 
henrys` gate 8220:39.43 
mvrhel_laptop ok. I am at 5320:39.48 
henrys` I filled out a survey and they gave me wireless.20:40.16 
mvrhel_laptop yes I watched a video with mute on...20:40.43 
  a reasonable requirement20:40.50 
  found one issue.. 20:51.14 
  missed one thing in my mass copy and paste20:51.29 
  actually 2 things..20:52.07 
  henrys: ok. now at least it runs. 20:53.24 
  let me try this patch20:53.35 
  henrys: ok. did a push. we will see if I still have the compile issues20:57.57 
  yeah it built this time21:07.47 
  henrys: the cluster push is good21:47.00 
  going to commit this21:47.05 
  hoping I can get this standby21:59.33 
 Forward 1 day (to 2012/02/26)>>>