IRC Logs

Log of #ghostscript at

 <<<Back 1 day (to 2012/03/08)2012/03/09 
RaducuL hello08:29.38 
ghostbot hey08:29.38 
RaducuL latest mupdf, iOS sample fails to build with this message: make: *** No rule to make target `build/debug-ios-i386/opj_cidx_manager.o', needed by `build/debug-ios-i386/libopenjpeg.a'. Stop.08:30.54 
  we tried on two machines once with xcode 4.2 one with 4.308:31.15 
chrisl RaducuL: you probably need to wait 2-3 hours for the mupdf devs to be around08:38.33 
RaducuL chrisl: I know, they will see it once they wake up08:43.43 
kens chrisl Robin_Watts sent me a patch overnight with some changes to the GC macros, so that the names can be marked easily. Also he did the work for separations and devicen and added some (presumably required) code to the PCL interpreter.09:00.08 
  I've applied and checked the call sequence on the Linux problem and it works fine.09:00.24 
  So now I'm doing a clean rebuild and will do a cluster test (I know Robin did one, but I'm paranoid I screwed up applying the patch)09:00.52 
chrisl Great! When I looked at the gc code, I realised Robin was right about adding the name_strings to the ENUM_PTRS ability - I originally thought we needed a type "sub-struct" which would have about doubled the size of the name string object, but it's *much* easier than that.09:08.47 
kens Its all Greek to me :-)09:09.02 
  But it seems to work perfectly09:09.09 
  And its a lot easier than adding a new callback function to the strictire09:09.23 
chrisl Basically, this way of doing it means the garbage collector relies on the ENUM_PTRS call to tell it what the object is, and how to mark it - we don't actually need to garbage collector itself to know about the object type.09:10.24 
kens Sounds good, its nice and simple anyway09:10.40 
chrisl Yeh - another "crazy that this hasn't come up before....." case!09:11.05 
kens Well, there are few internal structures that need to maintain a name I suppose....09:11.29 
  Oops, got italics turned on there somehow09:12.07 
chrisl Sure, but given how heavily color spaces are used, and the proliferation of DeviceN spaces these days.........09:12.25 
kens Don't forget that prior to (approximately) 8.71 htis was all done in PostScript.....09:12.52 
chrisl That's still two years+ - anyway, it's (very nearly) fixed now09:14.02 
kens Hopefully :-)_09:14.15 
chrisl Trouble?09:19.16 
kens Looks like I have a line ending screw up in the patched files.09:19.18 
  I used 'patch' in MinGW and it has added Linux endings09:19.41 
chrisl does MinGW has unix2dos?09:20.00 
kens Not sure, one moment09:20.09 
chrisl s/has/have09:20.09 
kens No is the short answer09:20.23 
chrisl Oh, that's annoying.....09:20.44 
kens Well it won't hurt the cluster push09:20.46 
  I'll have to go and fix it manually in VS I guess09:20.59 
  Oh it has dos2unix :-)09:21.25 
chrisl Well, nearly there!09:21.39 
kens XClearly its a one way system, you aren't supposed to go back09:21.58 
chrisl IIRC, on Linux they are both in the same package09:22.51 
kens I guess not in MingW09:23.14 
chrisl Do you have sed?09:23.33 
kens Seems so yes09:23.49 
chrisl sed 's/$/\r/' UNIX_file > DOS_file09:23.57 
kens Let me try that.09:24.07 
chrisl waits for all hell to break loose.......09:24.24 
kens Still have to do each file individually though :-( I was just figuring out the same sort of sequence in VS search/replace :-)09:24.39 
chrisl How many files are there?09:25.15 
kens 609:25.33 
  Great VS can search for \n but not \r09:25.54 
  I think I'll do this the slow way, I don't trust myself with a Linux command line09:27.35 
  OK manually updated.09:35.54 
  rebuilding again09:36.03 
  Hmm. seg faulted o nhenrysx6, that's not a normal problem is it ?09:58.32 
chrisl It doesn't ring a bell with me, no09:58.55 
kens But only on plank device, that's weird.09:59.04 
chrisl Does the delta page work again?09:59.20 
kens trying it now09:59.37 
  Taking a long time....09:59.48 
  I'm going to do another push with my modified line endings. If its a rela problem it should occur again10:00.31 
  At least the CR/LF warnings have all gone, so that's good10:01.32 
Robin_Watts Morning10:12.56 
kens Hi Robin_Watts10:13.09 
viric I wonder how GNU can remove the references to the copyright owner.10:18.18 
  Showing the copyright owner is part of the GL10:18.29 
  Robin_Watts: ^10:18.35 
  henrys: ^10:18.41 
chrisl viric: I didn't think they removed the copyright notices, just the stuff about there being a commercial license available, too. Legally, they cannot remove the copyright notices10:20.58 
paulgardiner Hi Robin10:26.21 
Robin_Watts Morning10:27.19 
viric ah ok10:30.01 
  that's quite a little removal then10:30.14 
chrisl viric: we're not exactly happy with the GNU GS fork - we get a reasonable number of people who are, quite reasonably, confused by there being GPL Ghostscript and GNU Ghostscript, and where they should discuss/report problems for each.10:52.11 
viric I understand10:52.27 
  as for me, a simple user, I prefer the gpl ghostscript, as gnu is always lagging behind10:52.43 
chrisl In general, for a number of reasons, GPL GS is a better choice - I doubt the GNU fork gets any where the testing ours does10:53.49 
viric there has been times where gnu was way behind10:56.27 
  7.x vs 9.x or so10:56.32 
  and I simply couldn't open some PDFs with their version10:56.41 
  well, render.10:56.49 
  whatever :)10:56.58 
  I thought they abandoned it.. but I see they are back at 9.x10:57.14 
chrisl Yeh, I did approach them about if there was anything we could do to make releases easier, so keep them more up to date - but they basically said "if you do all this extra stuff for each release, it would make our lives easier.....", I wasn't too interested in that.10:58.23 
viric weird10:59.07 
chrisl Seems to be the way of it. I've had the same kind of response from Linux distribution maintainers, too.10:59.55 
viric well, I'm one of such11:03.45 
  we've to such what to link programs with. yours or gnu's11:03.57 
  well, in fact we give the option. It's a matter of the "default".11:04.10 
  I'll try to make gpl gs the default11:04.42 
chrisl Default really should be our GPL - that's what most distributions use.11:04.56 
Robin_Watts Ho ho. I've just had the information pack about my holiday arrive.11:05.09 
chrisl viric: do you mind me asking which distribution you work on?11:05.14 
  well, it's a package manager. It works 'anywhere'11:05.28 
Robin_Watts Apparently, I have to register all electronic equipment with Bhutanese customs when I arrive.11:05.30 
  I may be there all day...11:05.39 
viric but we have also a distribution, that uses the nix package manager.11:05.44 
  (nixos = distro. nix = package manager. nixpkgs = packages available)11:05.58 
chrisl Interesting, thanks, I'll have to have a proper look when I have some time11:06.19 
viric basically, we have: ghostscript.gnu = true/false :)11:06.32 
  there is the 'gnuFork' variable.11:07.35 
chrisl Well, if you want the option of reporting problems to us, and possibly pulling in important patches between releases, you want to use our release.11:07.59 
viric aha, clear11:08.13 
  thank you11:08.42 
chrisl FWIW, I'm not aware we've had any feedback from the GNU GS guys, and at least three of four users have come here to report problems because reporting them to the GNU GS list got no response.11:10.59 
Samae Robin_Watts: hi, about the automatic zoom feature, it's literally 3 lines to add.11:26.21 
Robin_Watts Samae: Cool. Gimme a patch.11:26.32 
Samae Is it a feature that would fit in the roadmap ?11:26.39 
  Robin_Watts: other question, a patch over what version ? latest stable ?11:27.21 
Robin_Watts If it's easy to add, doesn't conflict with anything we have planned etc, and doesn't cost us much time to take on, we'd be stupid not to.11:27.42 
  If it's only 3 lines, pretty much any version :)11:27.51 
Samae right :) I'll patch against 0.9 then11:28.01 
  Robin_Watts: where shall I send it ?11:38.14 
Robin_Watts If it's only 3 lines, pastebin it, and pop the link here? Or mail me: robin.watts@artifex.com11:38.46 
Samae I'll with the mail :)11:39.00 
  done :) What's next ?11:40.54 
Robin_Watts I'll have a look as soon as I finish doing what I'm doing.11:53.18 
Samae Robin_Watts: ok, i'll leave the chan now, please tell me if there's anything more you need (you got my email adress :)11:55.37 
Robin_Watts chrisl, kens: Thinking about customer 532s performance again...13:20.06 
  It seems that most of the time is spent in scan conversion.13:20.30 
  And the only thing we scan convert are glyphs.13:20.42 
  There may be some tweaks I can make to the scan conversion code to get a few % here and there, but basically, we're not going to get a huge amount, unless we can scan convert a whole lot less.13:21.27 
chrisl So, can we make the cache bigger?13:21.53 
Robin_Watts What function puts a char into the cache ?13:23.44 
chrisl Just a sec.....13:24.01 
Robin_Watts gx_image_cached_char plays it out, and I see 53000 calls to that - which seems plausible.13:24.22 
kens chrisl would probably remember this stuff better than me13:25.19 
Robin_Watts gx_add_cached_char, I'd guess.13:26.31 
  I see 834 calls to gx_add_cached_char.13:26.45 
kens Sounds plausible13:26.50 
  How many fonts are on the page ?13:26.59 
Robin_Watts 1. In 1 point size.13:27.12 
chrisl Yes, probably - but that doesn't include (all?) the logic for whether a glyph should be cached13:27.19 
kens Well then I guess 834 is a lot of calls, cahce must be getting flushed13:27.29 
Robin_Watts I'd assumed that was "83.4 per page", and so was reasonable.13:27.32 
kens Only if it restores fonts between pages.13:27.47 
  Or uses different names or soemthing13:27.56 
Robin_Watts And that was what I was about to ask.13:28.08 
chrisl IIRC, the pdf interpreter does discard fonts between pages13:28.19 
Robin_Watts (I think there is a low gravity zone between my ears, cos pennies take a long time to drop sometimes)13:28.24 
kens Many jobs do an end of page restore13:28.25 
chrisl kens: this is PDF13:28.33 
Robin_Watts chrisl: Right. And is there a good reason for that ?13:28.41 
kens I haven't seen the files :-)13:28.49 
  Robin_Watts : caution13:28.54 
Robin_Watts i.e. is it something we could trivially change ?13:28.57 
kens On the part of the programmers13:29.02 
chrisl Robin_Watts: no, not a trivial change13:29.07 
kens We cna't change it, no.13:29.11 
Robin_Watts OK.13:29.16 
chrisl There is a good reason: lots of jobs have different subsets of the same font referenced by different pages.13:29.41 
Robin_Watts Actually, there may be 2 fonts used in 1 font size each on each page.13:32.12 
  so 83.4 glyphs per page sounds reasonable.13:32.20 
kens Depends on the text, but yes, quite plausible13:32.32 
Robin_Watts so we're not (obviously) thrashing the cache, and there is no quick win we can get by reusing from page to page.13:33.03 
  I suppose it's too much to hope that our move to freetype will have changed anything here ?13:33.36 
kens If we used object numbers intead of names for fonts, we wouldn't have to clear them between pages (for PDF)13:33.50 
  Robin_Watts : might be a little faster13:34.01 
Robin_Watts (if we're dropping fonts, I bet we drop the font handle, and so freetype would drop it too)13:34.05 
kens a few percent perhaps13:34.06 
  I'm pretty sure FAPI will discard everything13:34.24 
chrisl In general, performance between the FT code and the AFS code was comparable.13:35.45 
Robin_Watts paulgardiner: Fix pushed.13:41.33 
paulgardiner Ta.13:42.01 
kens Robin_Watts : have you got time to answer a dumb question ?13:43.14 
Robin_Watts probably, though this is a role reversal...13:43.30 
kens Not in this case :-)13:43.38 
  I have a Memento build of PCL (I believe)13:43.52 
  from teh irc log henrsy said that owl.pcl showed leaks13:44.03 
  I tried running it, but nothing happened unusual13:44.14 
  What do I need to do ?13:44.18 
  Should I see a log or something ?13:44.28 
  Or have I built it/run it incorrectly ?13:44.37 
Robin_Watts When it exits it should say something.13:44.42 
  Let me try here.13:44.47 
kens Nope.13:44.47 
Robin_Watts command line ?13:45.23 
kens pcl6 owl.pcl13:45.28 
  You may have to use ../../tools/owl.pcl or something similar13:45.46 
  So its going to the display device on Windows13:46.07 
  Du, I suppose it would help if I selected pdfwrite....13:46.28 
Robin_Watts Buildng now.13:46.32 
chrisl Robin_Watts: did you see Ray's reply about the other performance problem from cust 532 - about the changes in 
kens Robin_Watts : also tried 'pcl6 -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -o out.pdf owl.pcl' same effect.13:47.17 
Robin_Watts bugger, said Pooh.13:47.20 
kens I do get a nice PDF file though13:47.35 
Robin_Watts OK. If I run it in the debugger I see Memento_inited called.13:48.40 
kens I can try that13:48.49 
Robin_Watts So... why don't I see any output. I wonder if henrys is redirecting stderr somewhere wacky.13:50.03 
  Damn. Was running gs in VS, sorry.13:50.46 
  I don't see Memento being called.13:50.51 
kens Oh :-(13:50.56 
Robin_Watts There must be a problem with the makefiles under windows.13:51.02 
kens Well, at least its not just me, I feel happier already13:51.19 
Robin_Watts Yeah for some reason -DMEMENTO=1 isn't making it through.13:52.05 
kens I could set that as a flag13:52.19 
  compile flag ?13:52.54 
Robin_Watts Yeah.13:54.45 
kens building already :-)13:54.52 
Robin_Watts I have a fix.13:54.54 
kens That's good too13:55.03 
Robin_Watts oh, well, if you have something that works.13:55.06 
  I'll look for a nice fix after lunch.13:55.14 
kens I'm not sure it works yet ....13:55.19 
  But certainkly have lunch, no rush13:55.33 
Robin_Watts As long as it's saying -DMEMENTO or -DMEMENTO=1 on every compile command, you should be sorted.13:55.42 
kens says -dMEMENTO13:56.15 
  Err -DMEMENTO13:56.21 
  Doesn't call Memeneot_inited though13:57.08 
  Ah, because its an unknown symbol13:57.57 
  Guess that didn't work then13:58.03 
kens will wait for Robin to eat13:58.33 
cipri hi. I have question to mupdf, again :P. When do you think you might make a new release?14:12.09 
kens 'soon'. Version 1.0 is due for release shortly14:12.26 
cipri that's great.14:12.38 
  any regressions? because i noticed that mupdf changed in the last month quite a bit.14:14.10 
kens I don't believe there should be any regressions, MuPDF is tested, but I'm not a MuPDF developer as such.14:14.37 
  And eys, thre have been a lot of recent changes, mainly to get everything done for release14:15.08 
cipri Do you think soon means, less than 1 month or less than 2 weeks? :)14:18.44 
kens Could be either, I haven't been following that discussion.14:19.42 
  I'd hoped tor8 might chime in here (hint, hint)14:19.55 
cipri let him, otherwise we get a bigger delay :)14:20.21 
Robin_Watts I do love it when people wait for the answers to their questions.14:31.29 
  chrisl: common/msvc_top.mak14:36.56 
  Line 69: I check for MEMENTO and add the flag to CFLAGS if it's there.14:37.33 
chrisl Yeh, I see that14:37.55 
Robin_Watts Hmm. I was about to say it's not working, but...14:38.07 
  Do CFLAGS get propogated everywhere? like to the underlying gs lib build?14:39.31 
  Or should I use XCFLAGS for that ?14:39.46 
  Ah, maybe the rules at line 105ish need to pass MEMENTO too.14:40.46 
chrisl CFLAGS does not seem to be propagated, I'm not sure if you want to pass MEMENTO, or add it to XCFLAGS, depends on how the underlying makefiles handle MEMENTO being defined14:41.59 
Robin_Watts chrisl: Look just after the memento stuff.14:42.13 
  CFLAGS is updated to cope with GX_COLOR_INDEX_TYPE14:42.36 
  that won't be propogated into the lib either.14:42.48 
  Is that right ?14:42.50 
chrisl Yes, hmmm.14:43.17 
  Ah, but only for PSI_INCLUDED - that seems odd, too.....14:44.02 
  I wonder if that is the source of some of the strange problems with the language_switch build......14:47.12 
Robin_Watts I suspect I assumed I was safe to just fiddle with CFLAGS there because of the GX_COLOR_INDEX_TYPE stuff.14:47.13 
  (either that, or I just screwed up, and the GX_COLOR_INDEX_TYPE followed me into the ditch)14:47.41 
chrisl The way the pcl/xps make files pass data to the GS makefiles is pretty appalling, IMHO........14:49.22 
Robin_Watts Hey, it was broken when I found it.14:49.37 
chrisl :-)14:50.19 
kens :-)14:50.20 
Robin_Watts kens: Fix pushed.14:53.03 
kens Thanks Robin will fetch it now14:53.13 
  OK Memento_inited breask now15:12.40 
  And I get output at end, thanks Robin15:13.01 
Robin_Watts Fab.15:15.21 
  sorry about that.15:15.24 
kens NP seems to be fine now.15:15.32 
  Now all I need to do is understand it15:21.26 
Robin_Watts Can I help?15:34.08 
kens Not yet, maybe next week :-)15:34.17 
Robin_Watts When it ends, you get a list of blocks that leaked.15:34.33 
kens Yep, lots of them15:34.50 
Robin_Watts OK, the 'num' is the interesting thing.15:35.04 
kens I'm going to have to capture it before I can see anything much15:35.18 
Robin_Watts Run it once in the debugger, all the way through, and write down some of the nums.15:35.21 
  Then run it again, with a breakpoint on Memento_inited.15:35.37 
kens OK15:35.43 
Robin_Watts When it stops there, hit Ctrl-Alt-Q and you'll get a window up.15:35.57 
kens OK again15:36.07 
Robin_Watts In there, type: Memento_breakAt(1234)15:36.10 
  (where 1234 is one of your nums)15:36.21 
kens OK will try that in a bit15:36.31 
Robin_Watts Hit return to execute that, then escape to clear the window.15:36.37 
kens Thanks15:36.43 
Robin_Watts Then continue execution, and you'll stop in Memento_breakpoint (put a breakpoint on Memento_breakpoint) on the allocation of one of your leaked blocks.15:37.04 
  Actually, I'm going to pull the latest Memento back from mupdf to gs, cos it has a funky feature that might help you.15:37.37 
kens OK that sounds interesting15:40.23 
paulgardiner tor8,Robin_Watts: mupdf is doing a better job of displaying forms than I was expecting, presumably because the documents I'm looking at have widgets with appearance streams. Is there any specific missing feature that would be good to target as the first addition? Or do you know of any example documents where parts of the forms don't display?16:15.54 
Robin_Watts I don't, off the top of my head.16:16.40 
  You have signed the NDA, right?16:16.51 
  which means you have SVN access to our private repo.16:17.02 
  Our private repo contains a set of files given to us from sumatrapdf.16:17.19 
  these are ones that have caused problems for them in the past.16:17.30 
  And may well have cases for things like this in.16:17.52 
paulgardiner Oh ok. That sounds handy.16:17.56 
Robin_Watts svn+ssh:// 
  and inside that, it's really tests_private/pdf/sumatra that you want.16:19.15 
  kens: New memento has a feature that when it lists the leaked blocks, it does a cunning search on them first.16:35.06 
  So that it lists them nested (so if you have several blocks that have leaked just because the reference count on the parent block was wrong, it's obvious where that was).16:35.53 
  Unfortunately, pcl uses a chunked allocator. Which means that every block memento sees has a pointer back to the previous block :)16:36.26 
kens Hmm, OK, that sounds interesting16:36.28 
Robin_Watts so the nesting is "uninteresting" :)16:36.33 
kens Oh....16:36.38 
  owl says it leaks 822k so I have a lot to look at16:37.15 
viric hello!16:38.39 
Robin_Watts hi16:39.16 
ghostbot niihau16:39.16 
viric I managed to get GPL ghostscript as default in the distro16:39.17 
  it made our programs crash due to an internal old libpng version16:39.28 
  so we are back at gnu ghostscript16:39.34 
  (internal *in ghostscript*)16:39.39 
Robin_Watts What version of ghostscript were you using?16:40.01 
viric 9.05 gpl ghostscript16:40.12 
Robin_Watts We appear to be on 1.2.4416:41.13 
  and the latest is indeed 1.2.47 (or 1.5.9)16:41.46 
viric We are at 1.5.916:42.03 
  which is not binary compatible iirc16:42.09 
chrisl We should be able to use 1.5.916:42.17 
viric gnu ghostscript uses it just fine.16:42.28 
Robin_Watts So, why should the version of libpng that we use affect how other peoples code runs?16:42.48 
viric I think it may be about it picking the header files for the system libpng1.516:43.07 
  and linking with your copy16:43.14 
  I don't know16:43.16 
  I can check further.16:43.26 
Robin_Watts Our copy of libpng is only intended to be used with OUR code.16:43.36 
viric Well16:43.51 
Robin_Watts If you've exposed any of the libs from inside gs as system ones - that's an integration bug.16:43.56 
viric if you don't limit what symbols are exported in the shared object...16:43.57 
  you leave all up to the dynamic linking16:44.02 
chrisl If you're building a shared library, you should probably remove the libpng code from the gs directory and let configure use the system one16:44.17 
viric libgs16:44.18 
  A simple configure parameter can achieve that?16:44.38 
chrisl Just delete or rename the libpng directory in the gs directory - configure will then work out the right thing to do16:45.39 
viric I saw GNU Ghostscript people specifically remove extra code in gpl ghostscript (libpng, ...)16:45.40 
  I'll try16:48.11 
  looks like going16:49.55 
  imagemagick was segfaulting at a simple run16:50.02 
chrisl viric: all the third party libs work that way - except openjpeg.16:50.13 
viric perfect16:50.20 
henrys kens:I looked briefly most of the leaks are coming from pdf_set_drawing_color().16:53.22 
kens Thanks henrys, my job for the morning :-)16:56.53 
Robin_Watts Ok, I have the nesting stuff fixed.16:58.10 
  Sadly not as useful in this case as I'd hoped.16:58.22 
henrys I wonder if that gc fix is implicated in other memory problems we've had. Nice work!16:59.41 
kens henrys I hope it hasn't been causing problem, but I am very happy to have got rid of it :-)17:01.05 
Robin_Watts kens: Updated memento pushed, but I wouldn't bother updating if you're in the middle of stuff.17:02.21 
kens Not really in the middle of stuff, just playing and looking at pdf_set_drawing_color17:09.55 
  I think it must be a subfunction though17:10.08 
Robin_Watts The advantage of tracking the leaks via 'num' is that you can rerun and get back to exactly the spot where it leaked.17:11.15 
kens yep17:11.23 
Robin_Watts It's often best to start with the last thing leaked in a document.17:11.30 
kens But there are no akllocations in that routine17:11.33 
Robin_Watts Ah. You need to get henrys to send you his gdb traces.17:12.02 
  Or make a list of nums in increasing order and step from one to the next and look at the stack trace until you see one that goes through pdf_set_drawing_color17:12.44 
henrys kens:I am not clear this is the fastest way to a pdf server though... you said something about the %d being a separate problem.17:13.07 
Robin_Watts (You can repeatedly Memento_breakAt(...) as long as you use a larger number each time)17:13.21 
kens henrys, thre is a crahs, and apparent memory leaks17:13.52 
  2 problems I feel17:14.00 
  At the moment I'm looking at memory allocations17:14.48 
viric chrisl: all clean! thank you17:15.33 
  it works fine with the system png17:15.39 
  no crashes anymore17:15.42 
chrisl viric: cool!17:15.46 
viric thank you all17:16.21 
  I'll come again if I see more troubles :)17:16.31 
henrys kens:I put the backtrace log on trace.log in my home directory if you want to look at all the leaks at once.17:18.48 
kens Thanks henrys17:20.32 
  Though I may not understand it :-)17:20.44 
henrys Well if you successively search for the keyword Breakpoint - after each you will find the stackfrom of a leak.17:22.16 
kens hmm,17:22.29 
henrys s/stackfrom/stackframe17:22.31 
kens OK17:22.34 
Robin_Watts henrys: How do you generate that?17:23.01 
henrys every set_drawing_color issue seems to be associated with a pattern yuck.17:23.29 
Robin_Watts Do you run once, grab the numbers of the leaked blocks then rerun with Memento_breakAt and some gdb script hackery ?17:23.34 
henrys Robin_Watts:I write a custom .gdbinit script with breakpoint gathered from memento.17:24.17 
kens Shouldn't be that many patterns, but maybe the patterns are real, and a problem17:24.19 
henrys Robin_Watts:there thats something you can't do with VS17:25.39 
Robin_Watts "breakpoints gathered from Memento" - in what sense? Memento doesn't keep breakpoints ?17:25.48 
  Yes. gdb is better than VS when you want to script it. VS is better than gdb when you actually want to use it though :)17:27.40 
henrys I grab the global.sequence from the memento output and write the .gdbinit with conditional breakpoints. I'll send you the script17:27.42 
Robin_Watts henrys: Are you talking memsqueezing here?17:28.14 
  Oh, I see. Rather than call Memento_breakAt() and just put a breakpoint on Memento_breakpoint, you fudge it yourself with conditional breakpoints.17:29.58 
henrys right.17:30.33 
Robin_Watts I *could* do something with memento to make it save out a list of leaked blocks and then replay that list next time. That would work with VS.17:31.26 
marcosw henrys: did you want to have a support meeting?17:31.31 
henrys if you like. Do we need one?17:32.05 
marcosw I don't think we do. 17:32.15 
henrys I'll take your word for it ;-)17:32.42 
marcosw if no one objects I'm going to change tiffsep so that the composite file uses the same compression as the separations (see 
Robin_Watts marcosw: Sounds good to me.17:35.22 
henrys why do I get invalid bug # when I click on that.17:35.56 
kens Robin_Watts : you do know MuPDF commits are failing on the cluster ?17:36.03 
henrys nvm it was grabbing the ')'17:36.14 
Robin_Watts kens: I didn't.17:37.30 
kens 2 commits on dashboard, bot failed17:37.44 
Robin_Watts marcosw: Can you update the cluster nodes with a new please?17:38.06 
marcosw Robin_Watts: sure. Is there a way we can automate this? Perhaps using rsync to grab if it's changed?17:38.39 
Robin_Watts marcosw: Sure.17:38.59 
  We endeavour to keep up to date with git.17:39.26 
marcosw the last time the file has a date as part of the filename, was that a one time thing?17:39.42 
Robin_Watts marcosw: The plan is that all the thirdparty.zips are uploaded as one with a date, and we have a symlink to the latest for thirdparty.zip17:41.02 
marcosw that should work17:41.12 
kens Robin_Watts : memento builds all fail for me with latest code17:48.03 
Robin_Watts Any error?17:48.14 
kens 5>.\base\memento.c(546) : error C2065: 'MEMENTO_SEARCH_SKIP' : undeclared identifier17:48.14 
  Bit more:17:48.41 
  5>.\base\memento.c(108) : warning C4067: unexpected tokens following preprocessor directive - expected a newline17:48.41 
  5>.\base\memento.c(546) : error C2065: 'MEMENTO_SEARCH_SKIP' : undeclared identifier17:48.41 
  5>.\base\memento.c(853) : warning C4028: formal parameter 1 different from declaration17:48.41 
  5>.\base\memento.c(854) : warning C4028: formal parameter 1 different from declaration17:48.41 
  Doesn't like:17:49.20 
  #ifdef MEMENTO_GS_HACKS (2*sizeof(void *))17:49.20 
  missing #deine ?17:49.50 
Robin_Watts Bah.17:50.24 
  I must have git added before vs saved it out. Hold on.17:50.47 
  #ifdef MEMENTO_GS_HACKS17:51.29 
  #define MEMENTO_SEARCH_SKIP (2*sizeof(void *))17:51.30 
  That's what's supposed to be there.17:51.38 
kens Thought so17:51.47 
  Looks better. Still get a formal parameter warning, going to ignore it for now17:52.51 
Robin_Watts That's a signal handler.17:53.01 
  just ignore that.17:53.03 
kens OK17:53.07 
  THat built OK, I'll do a full build now, thanks.17:55.17 
  And off for the night, have a good weekend all.17:55.30 
Robin_Watts Night.17:55.36 
  mvrhel: ping18:08.10 
mvrhel pong18:08.19 
Robin_Watts I've got a customer bug here about a pdf rendering very slowly.18:08.47 
mvrhel uhoh18:08.56 
Robin_Watts and it's down to it rendering strokes to a pdf14 device.18:09.00 
  because we go to a pdf 14 device, we have to turn all the stroke into a path and then fill it, rather than filling it a segment at a time.18:09.37 
  because if we do otherwise we get nasty effects at the points where we double plot.18:09.52 
  (make sense?)18:09.57 
mvrhel makes sense18:10.10 
Robin_Watts I'm wondering if there is an optimisation we can make here.18:10.33 
mvrhel probably18:10.42 
Robin_Watts and be smarter about it.18:10.42 
  In this case, I think it's a black patch being plotted in a 'darken' blend mode.18:11.08 
  which I believe still means we'll end up marking solid black, right?18:11.20 
mvrhel I have to look at what the darken blend mode does18:11.43 
Robin_Watts Selects the darker of the backdrop and source colors:18:11.57 
mvrhel oh, in that case, we would be fine to overight18:13.03 
Robin_Watts So the question is, where to put that in...18:13.35 
  pdf14_fill_path has code that sets up a new image state and calls the default fill path.18:14.06 
  and probably has all the information it needs.18:14.16 
  Would it be OK to add a check in there ,and to pass through without the new imager state if it was one of these special cases ?18:15.01 
mvrhel does it eventually end up in mark_fill_rectangle but there may be multiple over prints correct?18:15.42 
Robin_Watts Oh, pdf14_stroke_path I mean.18:15.49 
  pdf14_stroke_path ends up calling back to pdf14_fill_path18:16.10 
  and that goes down into the scan conversion code, which presumably calls mark_fill_rectangle, but with potential multiple overprints.18:16.43 
mvrhel ok that would be fine if we have a cases where multiple overprints wont cause any effects18:17.38 
Robin_Watts Darken is always fine for any value, right ?18:18.25 
  Yes, because it's idempotent.18:18.41 
mvrhel I am not sure. does the alpha value have no effect with darken?18:19.05 
Robin_Watts Darken with a solid alpha, sorry.18:19.17 
mvrhel ok with a solid alpha yes I agree. but you have to worry about what the destination alpha is and you dont know what has already been drawn18:19.47 
Robin_Watts dev->{opacity,shape,alpha} = 118:19.59 
mvrhel but you have also the destination alpha to worry about too yes?18:20.19 
Robin_Watts oh, so just checking the device alpha is not enough. Ass.18:20.29 
  I don't suppose you have a flag in the pdf14 device to mean "we know the destination alpha is all solid" ?18:21.32 
  presumably a lot of the time for pdf14 devices, that will be the case, right?18:22.08 
mvrhel no, unfortunately there is not a flag for that18:22.24 
Robin_Watts Could there be?18:22.34 
  Is that something that could be (cheaply) tracked ?18:22.46 
mvrhel it would be hard I would think to do this18:22.48 
Robin_Watts Presumably once the destination alpha is solid, it never becomes 'unsolid', right ?18:23.15 
mvrhel true. but I would not want to put it in the low level mark_fill_rect stuff. I suppose you would throw the flag if you encountered any softmask and any changes to opacity that was not 118:24.30 
Robin_Watts I wasn't thinking that you'd need to.18:24.50 
mvrhel that would be at a sufficiently high level18:24.56 
Robin_Watts I was thinking we'd set/unset it at pdf14 creation time, and never change it.18:25.14 
mvrhel that is not possible18:25.41 
  when the pdf14 device is created you have not idea what is going to get sent to it18:25.56 
Robin_Watts I might be way off here, but I thought that when we created a pdf14 device, we either created it with a solid alpha plane, or with a varying one.18:25.59 
mvrhel no it is a blank slate18:26.15 
  you could have a soft mask coming or pretty much any drawing object with what ever alpha value18:26.36 
Robin_Watts Ah, ok, so there is no easy way to know it's completely solid. Damn.18:26.37 
  So the alpha levels are initially 0, rather than 255.18:26.52 
  (i.e. transparent, not opaque)18:27.03 
mvrhel right18:27.08 
Robin_Watts Right, so ignore that idea then.18:27.15 
mvrhel how hard is it to change the path code not to generate overlaps18:27.37 
Robin_Watts Unless there is a very common case where pdf14 devices are often set to be entirely solid.18:27.38 
  mvrhel: Consider a self intersecting stroke.18:27.55 
mvrhel yes18:28.03 
Robin_Watts It's hard to make a single segment not overlap its neighbour at the endpoints with fill adjust.18:28.45 
mvrhel right18:28.54 
Robin_Watts It's impossible (practically) to stop a curve intersecting itself.18:29.02 
  It's even worse trying to make a whole path once stroked not intersect itself.18:29.16 
mvrhel yes18:29.39 
Robin_Watts So I fear we're stuffed here :(18:30.00 
mvrhel sorry not to have a good answer on this one.18:30.54 
Robin_Watts Before I give up on this... how can I find the pdf14 image buffers from a pdf14 device pointer?18:31.13 
  I want to view the alpha buffer in the memory window to convince myself it's not completely solid.18:31.34 
mvrhel hold on 18:31.42 
  pdf14_buf_new creates the buffer18:32.33 
  data is the member variable and the last plane in that is the "alpha" plane18:33.13 
  planestride * 4 if cmyk18:33.39 
Robin_Watts I'm stopped in the debugger with a gx_device *dev18:33.40 
  Which is a gx_pdf14_device *dev really18:33.55 
mvrhel put a break point in gdepp14.c at line 52318:34.11 
  to catch the buffer creation18:34.23 
Robin_Watts No, you misunderstand what I'm trying to do.18:34.26 
mvrhel this is not a clist case is it?18:34.29 
  oh sorry18:34.32 
Robin_Watts I'm not trying to catch the buffer when it's created.18:34.41 
  I'm trying to see the buffer as it is NOW.18:34.48 
mvrhel ah18:34.52 
Robin_Watts This is a clist case.18:34.55 
mvrhel ok18:34.56 
  oh are you clist reading now?18:35.04 
Robin_Watts Yes.18:35.10 
mvrhel ok18:35.12 
Robin_Watts I have a pdf14gray device, in fact.18:35.20 
mvrhel oh what is your target device18:35.35 
Robin_Watts And the target device is an image118:35.57 
  (I'm going to tiffg4)18:36.09 
mvrhel ok18:36.12 
  so you want tos->data18:36.51 
Robin_Watts Right. Full of 0's.18:38.35 
mvrhel that should get you to the buffer18:38.40 
Robin_Watts pdf14 data is planar ?18:39.33 
mvrhel yes18:39.39 
Robin_Watts And the alpha plane isn't the first one, right?18:39.44 
mvrhel right. for the gray device it is the second one18:39.55 
Robin_Watts So presumably I need some offset into ctx->stack->data18:40.02 
mvrhel planestride18:40.10 
  is your offset18:40.39 
Robin_Watts Still all zeros. OK. I give up :)18:40.54 
mvrhel right. when ever I dump and view the buffers, the alpha is zero where we have not drawn18:41.30 
Robin_Watts Is there a command line flag to say -dNOTRANSPARENCY ?18:42.00 
mvrhel yes18:42.22 
Robin_Watts That makes it a lot faster :)18:42.50 
  henrys: Am I OK to resolve bug 692870 to WONTFIX ?18:47.01 
mvrhel oh wait18:47.17 
  I have one idea18:47.24 
Robin_Watts waiting...18:47.26 
mvrhel I am wondering if you could do the trick of pushing a new transparency group, and then drawing this as a knockout18:48.00 
  and the end the group. Like what I did for the stroke and fill command18:48.12 
  then overlaps will be fine as will all the overlaps from the fill adjust18:48.25 
Robin_Watts I like the idea. I dislike your use of the word "you" :)18:48.26 
mvrhel hehe18:48.29 
  ok well if you want to drop this on me, that is fine. I don't think it will take too long18:48.52 
  we need to understand when we should do this though18:49.29 
  can we always do it with strokes?18:49.56 
  I am trying to think why we would not 18:50.25 
Robin_Watts (on phone, sorry!)18:50.36 
mvrhel no problem brb18:51.50 
  I need to step out for a minute 19:01.42 
Robin_Watts back.19:09.11 
  We could always do it for strokes.19:09.23 
  You mean "always do it for strokes within a pdf14 device" presumably.19:10.04 
mvrhel ok I am back too19:14.11 
  Robin_Wattt: yes19:14.20 
Robin_Watts There may be a downside to that for very short strokes.19:14.52 
mvrhel Robin_Watts: is there any way to make a decision?19:15.12 
Robin_Watts Without having done some measurements on both ways of working?19:15.33 
mvrhel true. we can implement and see how it does19:15.53 
Robin_Watts Not that my friday evening brain can immediately see.19:15.54 
mvrhel and if we see issues we can figure out how to decide 19:16.18 
Robin_Watts If it was easy to code, then I'd be in favour of trying it, and maybe fiddling with some heuristics.19:16.21 
mvrhel yes. I dont believe it will be too difficult (famous last words in ghostscript-land)19:16.45 
Robin_Watts HowHardCanItBe(TM)19:17.04 
mvrhel go ahead and hand the issue off to me. 19:17.12 
Robin_Watts Thanks.19:17.22 
mvrhel I am going to get to a breaking point in this tiffsep stuff19:17.24 
  and then I will look at this trans stroke issue early next week19:17.42 
Robin_Watts Thanks.19:19.52 
mvrhel trying to figure out how to handle the "depth" for the tiffsep device19:21.25 
  tiffsep planar device19:21.32 
  there is going to be much confusion about this I fear in the code19:21.43 
Robin_Watts depth ?19:21.43 
mvrhel well right now it is 6419:21.52 
Robin_Watts Right.19:22.12 
  And you want to be able to have that > 64 ?19:22.21 
mvrhel but really it is now going to depend upon the number of spot colors + cmyk19:22.21 
Robin_Watts So... why can't you set it to num_planes * 8 ?19:22.48 
mvrhel yes19:22.56 
  the thing is, there are some confusing things going on before I know all the spot colors19:23.20 
chrisl Are you still going to reset it to the actual number of plates in force for the job?19:23.26 
Robin_Watts Ah, so it might increase over time ?19:23.37 
mvrhel well, no. we eventually do know before we start drawing19:23.57 
  at that time, I think we will be OK. just there are some funny things going on before we have that information19:24.19 
  for instance, for some reason the clist is trying to create planar buffers before I have this information. It does 2 calls to create them and then a third one that finally has the information I need. of course this is using the depth information which is wrong at the time.19:25.19 
Robin_Watts Right, so it will increase during setup, but then be static during drawing.19:25.38 
mvrhel yes19:25.49 
Robin_Watts ah. clist. Might have guessed :)19:25.49 
  Why is clist creating planar buffers?19:26.04 
mvrhel because the tiffsep wants planar buffers. it is the clist that does this during playback19:26.25 
  the clist is also planar19:26.33 
  since the tiffsep device is planar19:26.39 
  anyway. I need to step out for 30 minutes for lunch. supposed to meet stephanie....19:27.06 
Robin_Watts planar targets cause planar clists, right. I remember us (you) changing that.19:27.08 
mvrhel already late...19:27.11 
Robin_Watts OK. ttyl.19:27.16 
marcosw chrisl: your cluster run is failing to compile on the MacPro, it should be sending out an email with the error but it needs to time out.19:47.47 
chrisl marcosw: the one that's running now? The one before failed because of the memento hiccup19:48.27 
marcosw I think it's still having the same problem.19:48.44 
  gcc -m64 -DHAVE_MKSTEMP -DHAVE_SETLOCALE -DHAVE_SSE2 -DHAVE_BSWAP32 -O2 -Wall -Wstrict-prototypes -Wundef -Wmissing-declarations -Wmissing-prototypes -Wwrite-strings -Wno-strict-aliasing -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-builtin -fno-common -DHAVE_STDINT_H=1 -DHAVE_SYS_TIME_H=1 -DGX_COLOR_INDEX_TYPE="unsigned long int" -I./obj -I./base -DWHICH_CMS="lcms2"= -o ./obj/memento.o -c ./base/memento.c19:49.26 
  ./base/memento.c:39: error: expected declaration specifiers or '...' before numeric constant19:49.26 
  ./base/memento.c:39: error: expected ')' before '!=' token19:49.27 
  ./base/memento.c:39: error: expected ')' before '?' token19:49.27 
  make: *** [obj/memento.o] Error 119:49.27 
chrisl Well, my tree is tree is up to date, and memento.c got pushed up to the cluster......19:50.06 
marcosw the timestamp on the file on MacPro seems correct:19:50.42 
  80 -rwxrwxr-x 1 marcosw staff 39343 Mar 9 12:37 base//memento.c*19:50.46 
  that's 13 minutes ago.19:50.54 
Robin_Watts grep memento.c for MEMENTO_GS_HACKS ?19:51.54 
marcosw #if defined(__linux__)19:52.17 
  #define MEMENTO_HAS_FORK19:52.17 
  #elif defined(__APPLE__) && defined(__MACH__)19:52.17 
  #define MEMENTO_HAS_FORK19:52.17 
  #ifdef MEMENTO_GS_HACKS19:52.35 
  #include "valgrind.h"19:52.36 
Robin_Watts I see 1 #define MEMENTO_GS_HACKS and 3 #ifdef MEMENTO_GS_HACKS19:53.53 
  And that's all.19:53.56 
chrisl Yes, that's what I see in my local copy19:54.13 
Robin_Watts I was hoping marcosw would see the same...19:54.26 
marcosw the memento.c in chrisl's directory appears to be the same on as in the git repository19:54.40 
  marcosw@macpro:[23]% grep MEMENTO_GS_HACK base/memento.c19:54.42 
  #define MEMENTO_GS_HACKS19:54.42 
  #ifdef MEMENTO_GS_HACKS19:54.43 
  marcosw@macpro:[24]% 19:54.43 
Robin_Watts spot on.19:54.49 
  So those compile errors are hopefully from the old run ?19:55.08 
marcosw I'm trying a make clean19:55.16 
  which shouldn't work, since the cluster code does that as well.19:55.31 
chrisl Builds fine here.19:56.45 
marcosw under Mac OS X?19:56.57 
chrisl No, Linux - my Mac isn't on just now19:57.36 
marcosw the linux versions build fine on the cluster as well; it's only the macpro which is failing.19:57.57 
  my manual build fails as well. you could just down the macpro on the cluster dashboard and launch your clusterpush19:58.53 
henrys why didn't this fail upon Robin_Watts' commit?19:59.23 
marcosw henrys: I was just trying to figure that out.19:59.44 
chrisl Hmm, I can't disable nodes, I get an error.......19:59.48 
Robin_Watts CLUSTER_UNTESTED20:00.00 
  This shouldn't be able to affect non memento builds.20:00.12 
henrys ah20:00.24 
marcosw I've owned the macpro manually until we get this sorted.20:00.51 
Robin_Watts thought marcosw was being all l33t.20:01.14 
chrisl So I can push now?20:01.29 
marcosw yes.20:01.34 
chrisl This won't take long - gs and lowres only20:01.51 
marcosw we'll have to leave the macpro down until this is fixed, since git commit cluster runs will fail until this is resolved.20:02.47 
Robin_Watts Can you get the compile error ?20:03.37 
  Oh, I see the problem.20:04.43 
  Fix pushed. Sorry about that.20:13.33 
chrisl I'm just relieved it wasn't me! I'd forgotten I'd pulled in updates earlier, tbh20:15.14 
  Well, I'm too tired to carry on - 'night all.......20:27.50 
DrZimmerman hello everyone20:51.25 
  i just scanned 10 pages of A4 and after converting from pnm to ps to pdf the resulting file was 7.9mb20:52.39 
  at my former workplace we had a xerox workcenter which did like 10 pages in 800kb, what does the xerox do differently?20:53.22 
  why can't i achieve the same with ghostscript?20:53.33 
Robin_Watts What compression are you using in the pdf ?20:53.48 
DrZimmerman if tried in the last 2 hours endless different options and never achieve something below these 7.9mb20:53.54 
  i have no clue, the one gs, respectively the ps2pdf and pdf2ps scripts use20:54.15 
Robin_Watts When you scanned, did you scan in rgb or greyscale or monochrome?20:54.27 
  And at what resolution did you scan ?20:54.45 
DrZimmerman rgb at 300dpi, ppi or whatever20:55.15 
  with xsane20:55.17 
Robin_Watts And you're scanning colour documents?20:55.41 
DrZimmerman both, colored and non colored (things written with crayon)20:56.09 
Robin_Watts Well, it's possible that the xerox is being smart and spotting colored/non-colored things and adjusting accordingly.20:56.41 
  It's also possibly applying some filtering to the scanned output to reduce noise, which will make the data much more compressible.20:57.47 
DrZimmerman ok20:58.53 
Robin_Watts Ghostscript will never throw away data; it performs losslessly.20:59.04 
  So the Xerox thing may be using jpeg based compression, where we won't.20:59.18 
DrZimmerman when i zoom one of these xerox pdf it looks like they got converted into some vector graphics, because when i look to an M letter the stright lines are not straight like normal but the have little stairs, or so, dunno how to describe it21:00.18 
Robin_Watts sounds like bitmaps to me.21:00.45 
DrZimmerman i dunno21:01.17 
  is there a way to take pdf's apart and figure out how their built?21:01.34 
Robin_Watts Yes.21:01.48 
DrZimmerman cool, but how?21:02.08 
Robin_Watts I generally do it by loading it into a text editor and looking.21:02.11 
DrZimmerman ok21:02.17 
  i hoped for a more "automated" way :-)21:02.32 
Robin_Watts but you need to know a certain amount about the PDF format to do that.21:02.41 
DrZimmerman of course theirs a catch to it :-)21:03.09 
Robin_Watts gotta go.21:03.23 
DrZimmerman bye21:04.02 
henrys DrZimmerman:you can try pdfedit: 
DrZimmerman thx henrys, but i don't find pdfedit in gentoo's repository21:14.46 
  i looked trough one of the ghostscript pdf's and one of the xerox one's, what i saw was that the xerox pdf has a lot of /FlateDecode and /JBIG2Decode before streams21:16.04 
henrys how exactly are you producing the pdf? command line?21:19.20 
DrZimmerman i'm scanning them with xsane into a multipageproject and save them as ps, then i convert them to pdf, but dunno which command line produced the 7.9mb file, i've used so many different command lines21:29.10 
  have to go, good night21:29.19 
mvrhel Robin_Watts: you there?21:51.47 
  question about planar buffer creation....21:52.20 
  I am guessing that you (as you should be) are done for the day.....21:53.59 
  I am getting a bit confused about this.....22:00.26 
drac_boy hi22:39.07 
  don't mean anything against the team that probably wrote the html documents but hmm just wondering how come they wrote a good lengthy page on how to make it but theres no mention of needed deps outside autoconf being mentioned?22:40.43 
  to 'make'*22:40.59 
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