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 <<<Back 1 day (to 2012/03/17)2012/03/18 
Samae Dear Robin_Watts, I opened Bug 692934 on mupdf bugzilla for the zoomfit feature thingy.14:47.50 
  It's registered now, it'll be easier to follow up14:48.07 
  I guess you must have a lot on your plate14:48.27 
  judging by the amount of commits 14:48.49 
Robin_Watts ffs, hang around for an answer, why don't you.14:49.58 
  seems like a reasonable patch to me though.14:50.41 
sebras Robin_Watts: I think most other readers bound the contents on the page to find out what area to show in fit to width though.16:03.06 
Robin_Watts Acrobat doesn't.17:00.54 
  I mean, that's mediabox, I'm sure.17:01.03 
cryptopsy is there an app to convert ppt to gs so i can then print it with cups?17:34.21 
  ah there's a catppt part of catdoc17:54.34 
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