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Log of #ghostscript at

 <<<Back 1 day (to 2012/03/23)2012/03/24 
robin_watts_mac m2j: I am a mupdf dev.10:35.36 
kens You are also on holiday :-)10:35.51 
m2j robin_watts_mac: Ah, hi10:35.52 
robin_watts_mac I know absolutely nothing about pipdf10:36.05 
m2j robin_watts_mac: OK. So I guess, that there are no Python bindings ATM, and I have to write them by my own to use mupdf. Right?10:37.35 
robin_watts_mac yes.10:37.43 
  If you get some bindings working, then please feel free to donate them :)10:38.43 
m2j robin_watts_mac: I will do so, but as I have some other tasks as well, this might take time, until I can work on that.10:40.00 
sebras robin_watts_mac: yes..?13:57.17 
cryptopsy can gs convert ppt to gs?22:03.17 
 Forward 1 day (to 2012/03/25)>>>