IRC Logs

Log of #ghostscript at

 <<<Back 1 day (to 2012/03/30)2012/03/31 
mvrhel finally I see that strip_tile_rectangle for the planar device is not set up for color bitmaps00:02.21 
  need to add that in..00:02.29 
  yes! I have gx_default_strip_tile_rectangle working for planar to planar now03:59.17 
  the fix ended up being minor but it took me a while to figure out exactly what to do04:00.11 
henrys a friday night code fest?04:17.46 
mvrhel yes04:17.52 
  wife and kids are away and I have nothing to do04:18.03 
  making my way through this tiffsep planar stuff. this has ended up being a bit more involved than I first thought but I think it is going to be a big win for us04:18.36 
henrys sounds like your really making good progress.04:19.08 
mvrhel yes. I sped up things significantly in the cases where we have transparency04:19.33 
  the old code was going through and doing rect_fills with each pixel :(04:19.51 
henrys I'm off to bed likely to be about tomorrow I'll check the logs.04:19.51 
mvrhel ok. ttyl have a good night04:20.02 
  cool it seems to be working in the simple and not simple tiling cases04:21.31 
  calling it a night. thanks to alexcher for fixing one of my customer bugs....05:43.55 
robin_watts_mac Morning tor810:23.42 
tor8 evening robin10:23.52 
cipri hi, any mupdf devs online?11:56.30 
  tor8: are you online? i guess there is a problem with mupdf-1.0rc111:57.00 
tor8 cipri: hello11:57.50 
cipri hi. the problem i have is.. i dont find the definition of fz_page_s11:58.14 
tor8 cipri; there isn't one, it's an opaque struct11:58.33 
  (in actuality, there isn't a fz_page struct at all, it's just a "shim" layer for pdf_page or xps_page etc)11:59.04 
cipri yes, but when i want to use fz_page->blocks... i get the error: invalid use of incomplete type11:59.48 
tor8 cipri: did you confuse fz_page with fz_text_page?12:00.50 
cipri and i have another problem too.. if i want to access members of fz_pixmap i get the same error, and i can make it go away by including fitz-internal.h12:00.56 
robin_watts_mac cipri: (For the logs) The internals of fz_pixmaps are private. There are now accessor functions to get the data.12:18.25 
  Right. Returning to the wifiless wilderness. night all.12:21.49 
cipri tor8: yes, you were right, i mixed fz_page with fz_text_page . But the the problem related to fz_pixmap remains. I can not directly access a member of fz_pixmap if fitz-internal.h is not included.12:28.11 
tor8 cipri: there are accessor functions12:28.25 
cipri tor8: for example i need fz_pixmap->n ? what function can i use for that?12:28.57 
tor8 fz_pixmap_components12:29.44 
cipri aaaa thank you. I try it out.12:30.16 
mvrhel interesting. the psdcmyk device does not always handle the spot colors correctly in the trunk21:08.25 
  but the tiffsep device is fine21:09.16 
  very odd. need to go run some errands bbiaw21:20.45 
  looks like I need to do a bit of work on overprint21:25.10 
  the Ghent files are great at showing this problem21:25.49 
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