IRC Logs

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 <<<Back 1 day (to 2012/04/03)2012/04/04 
robin_watts_mac mvrhel: Thanks.00:16.35 
  See you all in a more integer timezone!00:16.48 
mvrhel ok. this is not working so well. after each of my high level rect fills, I get 4 fill pages occurring01:29.00 
  with the clist01:29.03 
  screwed up something01:29.08 
  I dont understand this. so the clist gets its initial fill pages and then a pile of hl rect fills during the writing phase. during the reading phase something is not quite right01:36.51 
  I must be missing some information about what band these rect fills occur in02:08.34 
  I have to say that the clist code takes the cake in being the most confusing section in ghostscript04:58.56 
  oh now I see05:01.10 
  the macro for set_cmd_put_op was a bit confusing stepping through the debugger05:13.27 
huzaifas any idea how one could use color profile files .icc with ghostscript?06:21.41 
mvrhel morning kens06:53.59 
kens Morning Michael, you're up very late06:54.14 
mvrhel spent the day fooling with clist tiff sep stuff. *just* now got it working06:54.26 
  time for bed now06:54.32 
  had a silly bug that took forever to find06:54.43 
kens Not surprised ;-) Good news on the clist stuff though06:54.52 
mvrhel yes. now I am hoping the rest of the work is just to clean up a few minor items06:55.14 
  one is to see if I can get the planar sep device to do the same rounding as the non planar one so that I can more readily find any diffs06:55.51 
  anyway have a good day 06:56.04 
kens goodnight Michael06:56.10 
oy huzaifas: did you read the documemtation?07:05.27 
huzaifas oy: yes, it says its new in ghostscript 9, but i can see icclib source files in ghostscript 8 as well07:06.07 
kens has not caught up this far in the logs yet07:06.37 
oy huzaifas: ICC support prior to 9.0 was not optimal07:06.43 
  if you want ICC conversio run smoothly switch to 9.x07:07.16 
huzaifas ok07:07.34 
kens I'm surprised Mvrhel didn't catch the ICC question since he did all the work.07:12.01 
  huzaifas: , oy is quite correct wheil you can use ICC profiles with versions of Ghostscript prior to 9.0 I would advise against it.07:12.31 
  Its tricky to do, requires the use of the UseCIEColor PostScript switch and will not in any event give results as good as the 9.0 series of relesaes.07:13.04 
huzaifas ok07:14.47 
oy kens: mvrhel will let me get away with my replay ;-)07:17.00 
kens Certainly, like I sadi, the 8.x series was hard to use ICC profiles, and the result was not so good as can be achieved after Michael's work.07:17.44 
  And thanks for replying by the way. I'm still reading the logs07:18.17 
oy np07:18.37 
kens chrisl I see from the URL tkamppeter sent that the bounding boxes in Cairo seem to be improved.07:20.11 
  I'd be interested to see some output. However no sign of them not using transparecny when its not required.07:20.35 
  Also this insane use of forms and patterns persists. I must add the file I have here to the bug report ;-)07:21.02 
chrisl Hmm, I'm surprised they've done anything about it - it had been reported (and ignored) a number of times!07:33.54 
kens Me too, a hopeful sign perhaps.07:36.44 
  The bounding box will help of course, but not using transparency for opaque rendering would be even better.07:37.14 
chrisl TBH, I reckon the bounding box thing will be a big help on a lot of the files we've had reported.07:38.16 
kens Sure, assuming its really fixed. But not using transparency at all woudl be even better.07:38.46 
  Actually, I must look at the PDF file I have here and see which version of Cairo made it.07:39.04 
chrisl I suspect that not using transparency will be a *much* bigger change for them :-(07:40.00 
kens Perhaps, but it must be possible. They don't actually write any transparency objects, so they must know....07:40.28 
  Sigh, custoemr #1 with a PCL-XL question about fonts being emitted as bitmaps type 307:41.06 
  So they've sent a nice file with three fonts in it, but only one of the actual font files.07:41.25 
  A single glyph in one font woudl have been enough07:41.50 
  Hmm, I wonder if pxldisasm works under mingw07:43.31 
  Ah, no Python.07:44.20 
chrisl you should be able to get python for windows07:45.10 
kens Yes, I have it, it doesn't work with pxldisasm07:45.50 
chrisl Oh. Time to fire up that Linux VM......07:46.19 
kens Yes that's what I'm doing....07:46.45 
  And answering Raed's latest dumb questions.07:46.56 
tkamppeter kens, the Cairo fix is in Cairo 1.12, Ubuntyu Preciose will ship 1.10.2, and the Cairo guys say that the changes for the Bounding Boxes are to big to backport as a patch for 
kens Yeah I read that Till09:08.18 
  I guess the file I have here is from an old version of Cairo09:08.28 
  My latest memory freeing stuff seems to work better than I expected.13:10.16 
  We were 'leaking' > 1000 blocks, now down to 309.13:10.42 
  Still seem to be leaking some CharProc data though :-( I thought I'd fixed all those...13:12.01 
paulgardiner kens: would gstate->size being 0 in pdf_show_char be a likely cause of some text not being rendered?13:24.46 
kens paulgardiner : whereabouts is this ? Can you give me a module and line number ?13:25.23 
  Are we talking about MuPDF ? I don't know much about MuPDF....13:25.43 
paulgardiner pdf_interpret.c Line 67113:25.59 
kens guesses this is MuPDF13:26.12 
  I'm afraid I know vert little about MuPDF, but I would expect that an empty gstate should just use whatever is in force at the time.13:26.43 
  But maybe that's what the gstate is supposed to contain, in which case rendering nothgin woudl not be a surprise.13:27.12 
paulgardiner Ok thanks. I'll see what the value is for some of the text that does appear.13:28.15 
  Ah. That fact that I haven't defined a matrix in the xobject dict might explain the probem. Doh!13:31.19 
kens :-)13:31.34 
chrisl kens: I think the cairo bbox fix will solve all the viable to solve problems with the cairo output - we already look for "pointless" transparency before enabling the pdf14 device.....13:35.50 
kens chrisl that's interesting.13:36.07 
chrisl Yes, the problem files we've had reported actually *do* use transparency!13:36.43 
kens Though I still think (based on some files I have seen) that it could still be improved by not putting stuff into forms needlessly and possibly some other improvements.13:36.46 
  chrisl well if they sue transparency they will be slow. I saw (your ?) comment about Acrobat taking nearly as long as we do.13:37.15 
chrisl Yep, I suspect for that case, Acrobat is doing something very similar to us - there are images, and smasks involved.13:38.50 
kens He, I ran a Memento test with an invalid filename, and it leaked 149 blocks and 562258 bytes.13:39.22 
chrisl Seems a lot......13:40.00 
kens Don't know, but it puts the 300 blocks and 700k memory into perspective when running owl13:40.27 
chrisl Was the invalid file name for input or output?13:41.14 
kens input13:41.19 
chrisl Hmm, strange - I thought maybe it just skipped out without cleaning up if the output couldn't be opened......13:41.55 
kens It will still write a (empty) PDf file13:42.20 
  Because we close the device. But since pdfwrite will not have done much, that's a pretty baseline figure.13:42.44 
  That represents teh caches and stuff that are setup once and never cleaned up13:42.59 
henrys kens:if she uses the printer fonts when creating the pcl it should work okay. Sounded like they did have some control over how the pcl is created but I might be mistaken.14:28.05 
kens henrys, at least one of the fonts isn' on the pritner.14:28.32 
  But I am not at all familiar with teh production of PCL from printer drivers.14:28.49 
  I can say why pdfwrite won't produce a TT-containing PDF file, btu that's about my limit ;-)14:29.32 
chrisl If they've got control over the creation of the source, why go through PCL at all?!?14:32.16 
henrys right advocrb won't work unless the driver found a good substitute probably not worth worrying about unless they push back.14:32.23 
kens henrys, with the way the PCL is contructed its never going to be possible to make a 'searchable' PDF.14:32.56 
  We maybe could find a way to embed teh TTF, that's actually something in the PCL interpreter where we search for glyph names.14:33.24 
  But basically, not going to be searchable.14:33.42 
henrys chrisl:I don't know their workflow but one possible scenario is the archiving printer jobs some of which wouldn't have postscript.14:34.49 
chrisl henrys: I'd assumed they were working with either a legacy, PCL workflow that "just worked that way", or already archived files that needed converting to a more viable format - they haven't shown much willingness/ability to modify the workflow previously.....14:36.45 
kens She did say she'd tried different settings on the printer driver, which suggests they are producing the PCL.14:38.38 
henrys that was my read.14:40.10 
  anyway probably not very important unless they push back.14:40.28 
kens Fair enough14:40.39 
  I'll wait for a reply14:40.44 
henrys Raed ...lord...14:46.32 
kens :-)14:55.09 
  Trying my patience....14:55.15 
mvrhel kens: thanks for answering the icc question last night. i did not even see the post for some reason15:43.35 
  distracted by the clist15:43.45 
kens NP mvrhel, in fact oy answered it first :-)15:43.49 
mvrhel thanks oy15:44.00 
oy np15:46.21 
henrys be in and out today -- birthday.15:47.39 
kens happy birthday henrys15:47.59 
henrys I think it should be a company policy your not allowed to work a full day on birthdays.15:48.24 
kens :-)15:48.30 
henrys thanks15:48.33 
mvrhel happy birthday henrys!15:55.39 
chrisl henrys: many happy returns!15:57.13 
mvrhel argh. looks like I still have to add a bunch of stuff to the pdf14 device for the planar sep stuff...16:09.26 
henrys thanks guys16:30.37 
kens OK heading off for the evening, night all16:45.57 
mvrhel henrys: good news17:14.14 
  I have the planar sep stuff working through transparency now AND it fixes bug 69296117:15.06 
  and 69261817:15.46 
henrys mvrhel:wow that is good news.17:20.45 
mvrhel bbiaw19:10.10 
Robin_Watts Home again!20:28.55 
mvrhel welcome back Robin_Watts20:59.16 
Robin_Watts I'm off to bed. Have been up for far too long. But it's good to be back home.21:03.25 
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