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Log of #ghostscript at

 <<<Back 1 day (to 2012/04/04)2012/04/05 
ray_laptop grrrr... Between my laptop crashing and vagaries of "git" (been trying to use git bisect) my local git repos is honked up. :-(03:13.52 
  it won't show ever show me at 'master' -- just shows me at the some rev (6e7d591...) and won't work with updating or pull or anything03:15.21 
  guess I have to pull a new clone :-(03:15.36 
kens Hello Robin_Watts I know you're awake, I can see you've started a cluster test. Welcome home09:37.41 
Robin_Watts Morning kens09:37.47 
Robin_Watts uncorks the email bottle...09:38.29 
  It seems Scott has just nailgunned his hand :(09:39.04 
kens Err, what ?09:40.02 
Robin_Watts He slipped :(09:40.21 
kens Ouch :-(09:40.31 
  I guess he didn't email everyone (or GMail is not telling me)09:40.47 
Robin_Watts facebook.09:40.52 
kens Ah.09:40.57 
  Robin_Watts : feel up to answering a couple of stupid simple Git questions ?09:41.20 
Robin_Watts Go for it.09:41.27 
kens I want to do a branch09:41.33 
  because this memory stuff is getting too extensive and complex.09:41.43 
  Later I will want to put the changes back in the trunk, so I don't want a public branhc09:41.58 
  Do you know a good way to go about this ?09:42.13 
  Bearing in mind that I want to merge the code later and delete the branch09:42.31 
Robin_Watts kens: Yeah.09:42.55 
  Just git checkout -b tmp_mem_branch09:43.15 
kens Hmm seems easy :-)09:43.26 
  Can I pull changes from master into there ?09:43.35 
Robin_Watts Yes.09:43.41 
kens Even better09:43.46 
Robin_Watts personally I do it by changing back to master (git checkout master)09:44.01 
  then pulling into master.09:44.08 
kens OK that seems a good appraoch.09:44.20 
Robin_Watts then going back to the temp branch (git checkout tmp_mem_branch)09:44.23 
kens As soon as this build finishes I'll go for it09:44.28 
Robin_Watts then rebasing on master.09:44.30 
  (git rebase master)09:44.35 
  That moves ALL your branch up so that it's at the tip of master.09:44.44 
kens writes this down09:44.49 
Robin_Watts So then when I'm happy with everything, I can just change back to master (git checkout master)09:45.04 
kens Hmm, and then my btanhc wioll be at the tip ? So I can just push it ?09:46.00 
Robin_Watts then all my new branch is effectively sat at the tip of master, so I can just commit all of that to master in one hit.09:46.06 
kens :-)09:46.13 
Robin_Watts There are several ways to do that.09:46.14 
  I *think* git rebase tmp_mem_branch should do it.09:46.30 
  but if not, you can git update-ref or something.09:46.43 
kens I may ask more dumb questions when I get to that point ;-)09:47.13 
Robin_Watts no worries.09:49.19 
kens Next question; Is it OK if I commit a changed .gitignore which ignores the memnto directories ?09:52.38 
Robin_Watts kens: sure.10:03.07 
kens THanks robint I'll do that. Its been annoying me :-)10:03.22 
Robin_Watts Morning paulgardiner 10:06.26 
paulgardiner Robin_Watts: Hi. Got a moment?10:10.55 
Robin_Watts Sure.10:11.02 
paulgardiner I need to alter streams of tokens: take a stream and replace a single token with a different one, or locate markers and replace everything between. I can think of two ways: locate the position of the tokens in a buffer and manipulate the buffer, or read the stream of tokens and regenerate it with the changes.10:12.59 
  I prefer the first, but pdf_lex() doesn't seem to give me a way to locate things in a buffer.10:13.21 
  .. welcome back, by the way. :-)10:13.32 
Robin_Watts Right. This is for appearance stream synthesis.10:14.00 
paulgardiner I don't want to do my own lexing when we already have pdrf_lex10:14.04 
  Yes. That's right.10:14.11 
Robin_Watts AIUI, the appearance stream synthesis always involves 'replace between X and Y with Z'.10:14.40 
paulgardiner An example: ...10:14.44 
  hang on I'm finding a file10:15.10 
Robin_Watts Oh, but there is ctm fiddling too, etc?10:15.27 
paulgardiner ctm? Is that the matrix?10:16.01 
Robin_Watts yes, sorry.10:16.36 
  ctm = current transformation matrix. That's postscript terminology, I think.10:16.57 
paulgardiner Example "/Helv 0 Tf" means calculate a font size that fits. I want to turn it into "/Helv 10 Tf" say, but I don't want to make assumptions about the exact form so I want to lex correctly.10:17.11 
  The matrix is set up by adding it to the stream.10:17.27 
  Currently I'm thinking that reading the stream of tokens and regenerating it, writing the result into an fs_buffer is the way to go, but there may be existing stuff I'm not aware of.10:19.23 
Robin_Watts paulgardiner: I wrote some code ages ago that vectorised the pdf interpretation stuff.10:20.02 
  So that as we interpret a buffer, rather than it having a big switch that called pdf_op_ctm it called an array of function pointers.10:20.37 
  pdf_op_XXX I mean, where XXX is the token.10:21.00 
  The idea being that we could easily replace the implementations by replacing the array.10:21.26 
  But that never got adopted - don't know if that would help or hinder here.10:21.44 
  Let me have a quick dig in the spec again.10:21.55 
  Where in the spec is the stuff about 0 sized fonts meaning calculate a size that fits ?10:23.53 
paulgardiner In the example above it would be nice to just find where the "Tf" is and then insert "10" in place of the token preceding it, but I feel I should be using pdf_lex to find the "Tf" and I cannot see how to get pdf_lex to tell me whare it found the token.10:24.10 
  That's the one yes, although just an example. General manipulation of a stream of tokens is needed.10:24.46 
Robin_Watts pdf_lex reads frm a stream and returns a token.10:24.57 
  It's not designed to tell you anything about the underlying buffer.10:25.20 
paulgardiner Oh and can I get Chatzilla to insert "Robin_Watts;" for me in these conversations?10:25.40 
Robin_Watts it deliberately hides the underlying representation as bytes from you.10:25.45 
  Not without typing Ro<TAB> each line :)10:26.10 
paulgardiner That's what I thought. So is reading the stream as tokens and regenerating with the alterations sensible?10:26.21 
Robin_Watts paulgardiner: It doesn't sound completely stupid to me, certainly.10:26.39 
paulgardiner Ah the tab will help a lot. Thanks10:26.41 
Robin_Watts I reckon there are 2 possible ways to go here.10:26.48 
  1) Operate entirely at the character level; that means redoing the work that pdf_lex does.10:27.12 
  "Just" parse the underlying buffers yourself, doing substitution etc.10:27.33 
  or 2) Use pdf_lex to get you tokens and regenerate from that.10:28.13 
  That frees you from the need to recode the parsing stuff, but may possibly mean you need a slightly more complex state machine.10:28.46 
paulgardiner Yeah. 1 isn't too bad for the two cases I am currently looking at, but 2 sounds like it might be less error prone and neater.10:29.04 
Robin_Watts I suspect for simple cases 1 is easier, but ultimately we may end up needing to make 1) as complex as pdf_lex, so 2) would be a better option.10:29.35 
paulgardiner Yeah good. That's my feeling too,.10:29.55 
  Well there is option 3, which is to update pdf_lex so that it is possible to find where in the stream the last token came from, but that complicates pdf_lex for the sake of this one way of using it.10:31.38 
Robin_Watts I'd be reluctant to amend pdf_lex, because it's the rate determining step in lots of cases, I think.10:38.31 
  So anything that slows it down (however little) is bad.10:38.46 
paulgardiner Yeah that's what I was thinking.10:39.15 
  I reckon regeneration is a good way to go. I bet there are already ways to open an fz_buffer as a stream and write tokens to it.10:39.47 
  And if there isn't, it would be a generally useful thing to add10:40.19 
Robin_Watts I don't believe there are, but yes, it's a reasonable thing to want to add.10:40.52 
  An fz_buffer is a very simple object.10:41.10 
paulgardiner Yes. Lots of MuPDF seems nice and cleanly done.10:42.31 
Robin_Watts Tor's slogan is "No Bloat" :)10:43.38 
paulgardiner That figures :-)10:44.00 
Robin_Watts paulgardiner: Random thought....11:11.30 
  If we have an appearance stream in the document, and you come along and replace it with a synthesised one, that replaces a 0 Tf thing with a real size, what happens when we edit it again?11:12.26 
  There won't be a 0 Tf left, so we won't be able to update it a second time?11:12.53 
  Or are you keeping the original AP around somewhere and regenerating from that each time ?11:13.08 
paulgardiner There may be problems like that, but this particular case is ok because the 0 Tf is in the string corresponding to the DA tag in one of the dicts (tag is probably the wrong word). I'll be leaving the DA string as is, just using an altered version of it in each appearance stream derived.11:15.52 
Robin_Watts Right.11:18.05 
  paulgardiner, sebras, anyone-else: Did tor8 state his intention for the 'unstable' branch?11:28.31 
  Is the idea that we should be putting stuff on that rather than master until 1.0 ?11:28.55 
paulgardiner Robin_Watts: Sorry, I didn't notice any comments about it.11:30.45 
Robin_Watts me either.11:30.52 
  I've put a fix on master, but it seems like it's one we want in 1.0, so...11:31.12 
paulgardiner Robin_Watts: ping12:10.38 
Robin_Watts pong12:11.34 
paulgardiner Regeneration isn't going to work so well. I have a varation on it that will work, but it's a bit odd. Well the regeneration works for one case, but the variation is needed for the other.12:13.32 
Robin_Watts This sounds like something that will work faster by phone... :)12:13.58 
paulgardiner The problem is that pdf_lex doesn't spit out tokens, it leaves info about the current token in buffers and the info is deistroyed on next call12:14.16 
tannerwatson hey guys13:20.07 
  stupid noob question13:20.12 
  im pulling down the source right now13:20.54 
kens For what ?13:21.01 
tannerwatson oh, for ghostscript sorry13:21.11 
kens MuPDF ? Ghostscript ? GhostpCL ?13:21.13 
  :-) OK13:21.17 
tannerwatson is there a method in the header like "gsapi_init_with_args" but only without args?13:21.35 
  oh......i dont know one sec....this is the first time me using the library and im using it from c#......please dont hate me13:22.02 
kens Not that know of, why not just callit with no arguments ?13:22.04 
tannerwatson im trying to use the gsdl32.dll within a c# application to batch convert about 200+ PDFs to TIFF format13:22.46 
kens OK but you will need to pass *some* arguemtns, the name of the input file if nothing else ;-)13:23.10 
  BTW I know *nothing* about C#13:23.23 
tannerwatson no, that helps13:23.52 
  im just impartient an my internet connection is i though id ask while im cloning the repo13:24.31 
kens Cloning Giyt repos does take some imte, but its fast to use afterwards13:24.56 
tannerwatson oh yes, im in love with git13:25.34 
kens The gs_api_* functions appear to be defined in ghostpdl/gs/psi/iapi.h there is only one init function that I can see13:25.49 
tannerwatson im working with a client that still uses SVN and its rediculous how slow it is13:25.49 
  oh ok13:26.07 
  thanks a lot, that points me in the right direction as to where to look13:26.21 
kens NP13:26.25 
tannerwatson do you see anything in the header regarding batch procession/providing multiple input files to convert all at once instead of making multiple calls to the library?13:27.14 
kens There are no provisions for that at all13:27.29 
tannerwatson *sad face* :(13:27.55 
kens You can do it from the command line, just put each file there, so probably you can do it with 'inti_with_args' as well.13:28.20 
tannerwatson we are hitting a memory leek when converting > 100 PDFs to tiff13:28.21 
  aaahhhh, that might do it then. Ill double check the documentation13:28.43 
kens memory leaks should be reported as a bug really.13:28.44 
tannerwatson @kens BTW you are fucking amazing13:28.58 
kens But how are you rendering 100 PDF files to tiff at the moment ?13:29.12 
tannerwatson yeah, i will once I figure out the exact issue. right now i dont really know if its the libraries fault or .Net/C#s13:29.22 
kens We do have people using GS in 'servere mode' where tehy chuck lots of files art it without restarting13:29.47 
tannerwatson just making multiple calls to the library..........oh really?13:30.06 
kens If there were memory leaks I would expect that to show it up, but it may depend on the files and envronemtn13:30.06 
  My typing is bad today :-(13:30.20 
tannerwatson do you know of a link that has more information regarding "server mode' so I can do the research?13:30.35 
  no worries sir13:30.46 
  you've already been a huge help13:31.00 
kens On Windows you jhust use hte API and the DLL. But you don't *have* to operate that way13:31.02 
  You can staticlaly link the GS library, or of course define a new DLL, you don't have to use ours.13:31.21 
kens is not the expert in using GS this way, unfortunately13:32.12 
tannerwatson ill take a look :D13:32.44 
kens try ghostpdl/gs/pis/dwnodll.c for a 'non-DLL' example13:33.08 
chrisl_away forgot to rest his status.......13:33.16 
kens Hmm, or maybe not13:33.35 
chrisl I'm not sure we have a non-dll Windows example, now do we?13:34.14 
kens I thought we did, I'm obviously mimstaken13:34.27 
  OK so I think you can do 'gsdll.init_with_args to start GS up13:35.02 
chrisl Even if we do have one, I'd treat it with extreme caution.......13:35.08 
kens THen for each file do gsdll.run_string13:35.15 
  then when complete do gsdll.exit13:35.26 
chrisl kens: do you need to add an explicit save/restore around each file - I've seen some example code did that13:36.29 
kens Well you are doing run_string so I guess you could add it there, assuming the string you run is PostScript :-)13:36.56 
tannerwatson yup, thats what im currently doing13:36.57 
  ooohhh, ok13:37.10 
kens It certainly won't do any harm13:37.13 
tannerwatson didnt see the run_string13:37.18 
  ill be on hte channel all day and Ill let you know what we come up with13:38.34 
  good job with the library and thanks a lot :D13:38.40 
kens Really Ray should be here to answer these kinds of questions ;-)13:38.41 
tannerwatson ill keep a look out for him :)13:40.05 
kens He's in Los Angeles, so it will be a few hours yet13:40.26 
tannerwatson ill still be here, i have to figure out why our memory leak by the end of the day13:41.29 
  and sadly, i know very little about c and c++ ..........13:42.00 
kens No C++ in Ghostscript :-)13:42.25 
Robin_Watts tannerwatson: For tracking the memory leak you may want to look into using Memento.13:42.58 
  We have a little library included in the C source that tracks memory problems (like leaks, overwrites etc).13:43.51 
  I don't know what platform you're on, but the Windows solution has a Memento configuration, and the unix makefiles have a memento target.13:44.35 
tannerwatson @robin is that a separate project or is it in the GS repo?13:44.45 
  im on Windows :( C# application13:44.55 
Robin_Watts It's included as part of the standard code.13:45.03 
tannerwatson kk, thank ill take a look once i finish cloning the repo13:45.16 
Robin_Watts So presumably you are building the lib using our standard VS project ?13:45.18 
tannerwatson no, im just linking (i think thats the correct term) to the gsdll32.dll from within a VS project13:46.19 
kens I think we need ray_laptop to answer questions about server mode. I see imainarg.c doing the work of hanlding the files on the command line13:46.48 
tannerwatson similar to this 
Robin_Watts tannerwatson: Right. so to use Memento you'd need to build your own version.13:47.22 
  (i.e. you can't just use a prebuilt gsdll32.dll from a binary installation as that's a release build)13:47.57 
tannerwatson kk, that wont be a problem....i at least know how to do that :)13:48.00 
kens Our code converts the filename to an escaped hex string, prepends and appends some stuff and then feeds it to run_string.13:48.37 
  I woudl guess this is imply doing "<filename> run" but making a hex string.13:49.03 
  In fact we do "filename .runfile"13:49.32 
  But we conver the filename into an escaped Hex string.13:50.07 
tannerwatson OMG my internet connection is so slow.....still on only 16%..... *sigh*13:50.45 
Robin_Watts kens, chrisl, paulgardiner: CMAP question if I may.14:31.54 
kens Go14:32.05 
chrisl Uh-oh....14:32.06 
paulgardiner ah ha14:32.12 
kens hopes its simple14:32.26 
Robin_Watts I've got a cmap in this pdf file that has various beginbfchar sections.14:32.32 
  In one of them I have <0003> <0020>14:32.47 
kens Yes....14:32.55 
Robin_Watts and in another I have <0003> <00a0>14:32.58 
kens That looks illegal14:33.09 
Robin_Watts That seems to me like it's trying to map <0003> to more than one place, right?14:33.16 
kens I don't think ranges can overlap14:33.19 
Robin_Watts OK, that's a good answer.14:34.00 
chrisl No, ranges can't overlap14:34.04 
Robin_Watts OK, so I can modify our code to just ignore the second one.14:34.47 
  We never drive cmaps backwards, then ?14:35.26 
kens You're not supposed to14:35.41 
chrisl Hmm, my initial feel would be that the second one would take priority14:35.57 
kens I suspect it does in Adobe implementations14:36.12 
Robin_Watts I suspect I don't care whether first or second take priority - the main thing is that only one counts :)14:37.23 
kens I'm sure you can't have 214:37.35 
  Thoguh I can't find my copy of the CMap spec right now14:38.04 
chrisl Well, generally the *later* settings would overwrite the earlier ones - but given that this shouldn't happen, all bets are off, rather14:38.21 
paulgardiner Robin_Watts: AFAIKS another PDF library we know of would overwrite the first with the second.14:41.12 
Robin_Watts The problem I'm seeing here is that mupdf reads cmaps in then compacts them to save space (and be faster to lookup)14:41.59 
  and that compaction process is getting confused by the presence of multiple entries, giving the wrong output chars.14:42.31 
  So any fix I pick that stops the garbling will be fine, I suspect.14:42.47 
chrisl Ah, from the spec.: "Ranges need not be contiguous, but cannot overlap"14:42.59 
  And later: "Note Overlapping codespaces are not permitted."14:43.44 
  kens: ping15:02.27 
henrys welcome back Robin_Watts15:04.37 
Robin_Watts henrys: Thanks.15:04.46 
kens chrisl pong15:10.04 
chrisl is your phone free?15:10.16 
kens yes I believe so15:10.21 
  Indeed yes15:10.40 
chrisl OKay, I'll find your number.....15:10.49 
kens henrys will you reply about the HPGL/2 questions ?15:10.56 
henrys yes15:11.29 
kens Thanks :-)15:11.35 
Robin_Watts Actually, this CMAP stuff may be a red herring :(15:20.42 
  I look up the code 0x29 from the string and that returns a ucs value of 0x46 (which is 'F')15:21.35 
  But when I ask freetype to render gid = 0x29, we get 'H' rather than 'F'.15:21.58 
kens CIDToGIDMap ?15:32.32 
henrys kens:I was intending to investigate exactly what he is asking anyway so hopefully I'll get something to him in a day or two.15:36.14 
Robin_Watts kens: 
  The reduced file is on there.15:36.32 
  If someone with more fonty knowledge than me could spare a second to look, I'd be grateful.15:36.49 
kens will look now15:37.06 
Robin_Watts Interestingly, gs gets it right, but it burbles a lot of rubbish about CID fonts.15:37.09 
henrys mvrhel:he's really going to create a mess - he'll have to integrate pcl with his 8.? ghostscript because he never upgraded. Sigh.15:38.47 
mvrhel yuck!15:38.57 
  I don't want any of those bugs assigned to me15:39.27 
kens There are some ridiculously large numbers in the CMap15:40.55 
  Robin_Watts : The character code 0x29 maps to CID 0x46 according to your CMap.15:42.24 
Robin_Watts 0x46 being 'F'.15:42.34 
kens So why are you expecting FreeType to render 0x29 as an F ?15:42.44 
Robin_Watts Sorry?15:43.11 
kens chrisl terlls me the string is 0x29 :-)15:43.28 
Robin_Watts The string us <0029> yes.15:43.38 
kens character code 0x29 maps to CID 46. You should supply the 0x46 to FreeType I would have thought15:44.11 
Robin_Watts We have an identity cmap in place, so the gid = 29.15:44.19 
kens What ? Its not using the UCS2 CMap ?>15:44.33 
Robin_Watts And we have a tounicode cmap that maps 29 to 0x4915:44.36 
  And we have a tounicode cmap that maps 0x29 to 0x46 (sorry)15:44.49 
kens Oh, that's teh ToUnicode, OK forget me then15:44.50 
Robin_Watts So, we call freetype and ask it to render gid = 29, and we get H, rather than F.15:45.16 
kens OK yes, (rewinds to top of file) looks like it shoudl be 0x29 to FreeType15:45.29 
Robin_Watts So, maybe this is a freetype bug?15:45.36 
kens Well you aren't using teh same font15:45.45 
Robin_Watts Maybe gs is saved by the fact it's using the incremental interface?15:45.54 
kens Because the font isn't embedded15:45.56 
  What font are you *actually* using ?15:46.10 
  DroidSans ?15:46.15 
Robin_Watts droidsans I would assume.15:46.21 
kens I wonder if GS is using Arial15:46.31 
  chrisl says no15:46.43 
Robin_Watts gs is using droid sans fallback, I believe15:46.46 
  Can't find CID font "Arial".15:46.57 
  Attempting to substitute CID font /Adobe-Identity for /Arial, see doc/Use.htm#CIDFontSubstitution.15:46.59 
  The substitute CID font "Adobe-Identity" is not provided either. attempting to use fallback CIDFont.See doc/Use.htm#CIDFontSubstitution.15:47.01 
  Loading a TT font from %romesource/CIDFSubst/DroidSansFallback.ttf to emulate15:47.03 
  a CID font Adobe-Identity ... Done.15:47.04 
kens Well, I'd have to debug both programs to see why MuPDF isn't working I'm afraid. It could be a difference in teh way we setup the font.15:48.00 
chrisl Ghostscript is passing decimal 41 into Freetype15:51.50 
Robin_Watts Which is 0x2915:52.29 
chrisl Robin_Watts: look at how the cmap tables are selected in MuPDF15:52.36 
kens TT CMAP subtables15:52.50 
Robin_Watts ducks as that goes shoots right over his head.15:52.59 
chrisl I can look at it tomorrow, if you want15:53.18 
Robin_Watts chrisl: I wonder whether that would be faster than trying to explain it to me :)15:53.52 
chrisl Robin_Watts: I think MuPDF gets the choice between the 3.1, 3.10 and 1.0 cmap tables wrong15:54.32 
Robin_Watts what cmap tables are you talking about? Are you saying that mupdf should be telling freetype something before calling it?15:54.35 
  Is there a freetype function that I can hunt for that gs is calling correctly and mupdf is not calling/is calling wrongly ?15:54.59 
chrisl I'll check it out after I get off the phone with Ken15:55.17 
Robin_Watts thanks.15:55.24 
chrisl Robin_Watts: MuPDF seems to be using the Helvetica font, not the DroidSansFallback CIDFont substitute - but still looking......16:13.53 
Robin_Watts mvrhel: ping16:20.01 
mvrhel Robin_Watts: pong16:20.13 
Robin_Watts Someone has reported a problem with the mupdf halftone stuff.16:20.22 
mvrhel oh. and you just copied my stuff...16:20.51 
Robin_Watts We basically render to 8 bit contone greyscale, and then I apply the same threshold stuff that you do in gs.16:20.52 
mvrhel ok. I would be interested to see the issue16:21.09 
Robin_Watts It's a much simpler version of your stuff.16:21.14 
  Essentially he has black stuff coming out with the occasional white dot in it.16:21.32 
  I output a black pixel, if pixmap < threshold.16:21.54 
mvrhel oh. hmm. sounds like either a <= , < or a table value issue16:22.06 
Robin_Watts And my threshold table contains values from 0 to 0xff inclusive.16:22.13 
  Yes, indeed.16:22.37 
  If I put <= then I get black spots in the white.16:22.47 
mvrhel hehe.. yes. usually you avoid having both 0 AND ff in the table16:23.10 
Robin_Watts Right.16:23.19 
  So... which do you avoid ?16:23.29 
mvrhel good question16:23.39 
Robin_Watts (I think I got my threshold table from you)16:23.42 
mvrhel let me check16:23.43 
  oh that is not good16:23.49 
  so you used my table generation tools?16:24.13 
Robin_Watts I have a fix here (I now check for *pixmap ==0 || *pixmap < *ht_line++)16:24.24 
  mvrhel: I didn't call your generation tools.16:24.37 
  I think either you mailed me it, or I stole it from somewhere of yours.16:24.55 
mvrhel oh.16:24.59 
Robin_Watts So, the problem may well be mine.16:25.12 
mvrhel what size is your table?16:25.33 
Robin_Watts It would be nice to solve it in the same way that gs does for consistency though.16:25.36 
mvrhel yes16:25.46 
Robin_Watts 16x1616:25.53 
  my comment says:16:25.56 
mvrhel ok. let me make one and see what it creates16:26.06 
Robin_Watts /* Default mono halftone, lifted from Ghostscript. */16:26.09 
  So maybe that predates your new stuff.16:26.25 
mvrhel hmm oh you got it from the resources probably16:26.26 
Robin_Watts but if I got that from the resources, then how does gs cope with having both 0xff and 0 in the same table?16:27.11 
mvrhel good question16:27.20 
kens Time to go, goodnight all16:27.30 
mvrhel Robin_Watts: give me a few minutes16:27.44 
Robin_Watts Thanks.16:27.49 
Robin_Watts will fetch tea.16:27.58 
  Looks like it's from gs_init.ps16:39.21 
  I wonder if there is some magic in the postscript stuff around it that avoids the problem...16:39.45 
mvrhel yes. I was looking at that16:39.48 
  yes exactly I was wondering the same16:39.56 
  I was trying to catch the threshold getting applied in the code now, but having issues....16:40.23 
Robin_Watts mvrhel: OK, look, don't let me waste any more of your time on this.16:40.48 
  The way this is used in mupdf (or at least the idea of it) is that people can supply their own threshold arrays.16:41.16 
mvrhel sounds like a good idea16:41.29 
Robin_Watts So I probably need to cope with them putting both 0 and ff into the array.16:41.31 
mvrhel well, I would not 16:41.45 
  they may want to do that for some reason16:41.53 
Robin_Watts Hence I need something like my pix == 0 || pix < thresh16:41.57 
  mvrhel: Oh, you think I should just stick with pix < thresh and be done with it ?16:42.25 
mvrhel yes16:42.30 
  and fix the default array16:42.38 
  you could if you want just slightly rescale the array you have16:42.59 
Robin_Watts Not sure how I can really rescale it.16:43.35 
mvrhel well you have values from 0 to 25516:43.51 
Robin_Watts It's 256 different values held in chars :)16:44.00 
  so there is limited room for rescaling.16:44.06 
mvrhel I mean off line16:44.18 
Robin_Watts fixing the default array would simply be me changing the 00 entry to 01, I think.16:44.29 
mvrhel Robin_Watts: yes, for now, I would just change the 00 values to 0116:45.02 
Robin_Watts Ok, thanks.16:45.17 
mvrhel and add a comment in the code that since you are using < values of 0 should not be in the array16:45.23 
Robin_Watts Have done. Thanks.16:48.00 
mvrhel cool16:53.13 
chrisl Robin_Watts: font problem?16:54.34 
Robin_Watts chrisl: Yes?16:54.45 
chrisl Problem is simple, solution slightly less so........16:54.58 
  The problem is we're being asked for the Arial,Bold *CIDFont* and we're loading a substitute for the Arial *font* - you can't substitute a CIDFont with a font16:55.47 
Robin_Watts OK.16:57.38 
chrisl So the solution is to separate the logic for substituting fonts and CIDFonts.16:57.55 
Robin_Watts OK. That's an area of the code I have almost no experience in, so I may wait for tor8 to come back.16:58.46 
chrisl If I hack up the code to load DroidSansFallback (instead of Helvetica) I get the right glyph in your cutdown test - yeh, I think this needs Tor's input16:59.09 
  Robin_Watts: do you want me to put all that in the bug?16:59.59 
Robin_Watts chrisl: If you wouldn't mind - you're likely to write less gibberish than me :)17:00.28 
chrisl Hmm wouldn't bet on that - but at least Tor can ask me about it when he's ready to look at it....17:00.57 
nicoo Hi17:03.46 
Robin_Watts nicoo: hi17:04.01 
nicoo I'm trying to build opdf, which depends on mupdf's pdfdraw. It seems to have been renamed to mudraw, but I can't find any way it's packaged, or supposed to be installed17:04.50 
ray_laptop this crashing is _really_ getting tiresome17:04.51 
chrisl ray_laptop: I thought Windows was supposed to be stable these days???17:05.20 
nicoo I just managed to find it lives under mupdf/apps17:05.28 
ray_laptop I had to pull a new git repo clone because the old one got honked up17:05.31 
nicoo chrisl: s/stable/a bit less unstable/17:05.59 
chrisl nicoo: :-)17:06.13 
ray_laptop chrisl: I'm beginning to suspect that it's hardware, but not sure17:06.56 
chrisl ray_laptop: I think you're probably right - it seems to be happening an awful lot (even for Windows!)17:07.29 
ray_laptop I think I'll keep to repos around -- it's handy to have one to use for bisecting and another that I can continue to work on17:07.34 
Robin_Watts nicoo: pdfdraw has indeed been renamed to mudraw.17:07.37 
  It's not "packaged" as such. We supply unix makefiles and a windows solution, but we don't 'install' etc (AFAICR)17:08.32 
chrisl ray_laptop: you'd already finished when I came online: I suspect you maybe just needed a "git bisect reset"17:08.35 
ray_laptop nicoo: they did that just to make sure people were reading the docs ;-)17:08.45 
nicoo Robin_Watts: I didn't see any make target named apps, mudraw or something like that17:09.16 
  ray_laptop: Where is the relevent doc, then §17:09.35 
ray_laptop chrisl: no -- it didn't say 'BISECTING' -- but it may be OK -- after a couple of reboots I was able to checkout master17:09.40 
nicoo s/§/?/17:09.42 
Robin_Watts nicoo: Just 'make' :)17:09.43 
ray_laptop nicoo: that information requires security clearance ;-)17:10.30 
nicoo xD17:10.39 
chrisl ray_laptop: okay, as long as you got it sorted. FWIW, I keep at least two repositories on the go.17:11.00 
ray_laptop chrisl: I think I will now, too17:11.20 
nicoo Hmm, strange; I have a working mupdf install on my system (0.9), but the git version doesn't build here17:12.08 
  Log here : 
ray_laptop I wish there was a way to invert the sense of git bisect good/bad -- I have to stop and think beforehand if I'm looking for a bug fix instead of a regression (what's the point of software if I still have to think?)17:14.44 
chrisl I've said the same thing - can be very confusing!17:15.16 
nicoo ray_laptop: Make a feature request :)17:15.39 
chrisl nicoo: just guessing, but I think your third party libs archive might need updating.17:15.47 
ray_laptop I guess I could do aliases for "bisect good" and "bisect bad"17:15.51 
  but an option to git start would be nicer (IMHO)17:16.25 
chrisl Yes, that would be good. Might be worth asking17:16.47 
Robin_Watts nicoo: Yes, chrisl is correct.17:16.51 
nicoo chrisl: Since I didn't download the archive, I assume it uses the system's version17:17.11 
  I'll update these17:17.21 
Robin_Watts nicoo: Messing with your systems shared libs leads to dependency hell.17:18.02 
nicoo Robin_Watts: cave fix-linkage is here for that :)17:18.25 
ray_laptop we hate sharing system libraries ! They're usually wrong and cause hard to track problems17:18.25 
Robin_Watts Easier to use our supplied and just build mupdf with the static libs (that's what the makefile does)17:18.35 
  And if you find a bug, we'll tell you to retest with it built in that way before we believe you :)17:18.59 
nicoo ray_laptop: Yes, but having each and every application bring its own version of every bleeding dependency isn't much better17:19.11 
ray_laptop I've lobbied for dropping support for shared libs for ghostscript for years17:19.21 
nicoo I suppose I can begin with trying the thirdparty archive17:21.04 
Robin_Watts nicoo: If you want a version that uses the shared libs on your system, then get it from your systems maintainers, who can package and support it.17:24.01 
chrisl ray_laptop: on the one hand I agree with you (shared libs) - on the other, the distributions would keep doing it anyway, and we'd still catch the fallout from it, so in practice, it doesn't really matter.17:24.18 
Robin_Watts If you want us to support it, then build it in the way we specify :)17:24.32 
chrisl Which is what we say now - doesn't stop people b*tching at us, though17:25.13 
henrys a public statement hanging off the ghostscript page saying build it with static libraries and report bugs or build it with shared libs and report to your distribution. The latter is untested software, we are not surprised or need to know it fails we expect it to.17:27.52 
Robin_Watts henrys: Yes. I wonder about a 'bug reporting wizard' thing.17:28.53 
ray_laptop henrys: we ought to burp out that warning whenever anybody does a 'make' with any SHARE_***=1 17:29.03 
nicoo Robin_Watts: Problem is that the Exherbo's version doesn't provides mudraw, so I wanted to add an option to get it17:29.28 
ray_laptop a nice LONG message with ******************* bracketting it17:29.30 
chrisl ray_laptop: I thought about that (and even started it) but the end users that report stuff would never see them, and the maintainers would ignore them, so I dropped it17:29.47 
nicoo Ok, I built mupdf with static libs; how do I build mudraw, now ?17:30.04 
Robin_Watts ray_laptop: Which will immediately scroll off the screen, due to all the other long messages with ******** bracketing them that people ignore :)17:30.08 
  nicoo: You did 'make' ?17:30.26 
henrys I was just thinking a web page with a link so we can avoid these conversations but maybe it will just create more discussion.17:30.29 
Robin_Watts Then you've built it.17:30.32 
chrisl Robin_Watts: the important warnings, I put right at the end the configure output.17:30.48 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: we could hang the build with a 'read' to make the builder have to respond in order to complete the build ;-)17:30.56 
nicoo Robin_Watts: My bad; mistyped when running find17:31.30 
chrisl henrys: could we add stuff to the web page *and* the bugzilla "new bug" form?17:31.33 
nicoo Thanks17:31.34 
Robin_Watts ray_laptop: The packagers would just remove it :(17:31.34 
  chrisl: I was thinking of the 'new bug' form (or a page that leads to the new bug form)17:32.24 
henrys chrisl:fine by me...17:32.55 
ray_laptop is there a way to tell if we are running with a shared lib ?17:32.57 
henrys I don't think we can change the ways of the distros - we just want to get them to filter the problems right?17:33.51 
chrisl Robin_Watts: Yeh, but not as complex as a "wizard", just something saying: "If you're using a 'packaged' Ghostscript, your first port of call should be your distribution package maintainer"17:33.59 
ray_laptop yeah, and then if a bug comes from a distro maintainer, we insist they test with a non-shared lib build17:34.50 
henrys chrisl:do you want to follow up on this? You have all the needed permissions right?17:35.22 
Robin_Watts chrisl: I was pondering having a menu of possible options for "Where did you get the version of ghostscript that you are running?"17:35.39 
ray_laptop chrisl: can we at least make the configure default to non-shared and require --enable-shared-*** for each and every lib that they want to share ?17:36.18 
chrisl henrys: I don't think I do for bugzilla, but I'll talk to marcosw_ about it17:36.28 
Robin_Watts "A binary distribution from", "A binary distribution from somewhere else", "Built from source with the included libraries", "Built from source with system libraries", "Packaged with my distribution"17:36.54 
chrisl ray_laptop: at the moment, it does default to non-shared - you have to explicitly delete/rename the third party lib directories to make it happen - I'm willing to require command line options, too, though.17:37.25 
Robin_Watts And for most of those we can refuse to open the bug and give a helpful piece of advice telling them to retest with the proper version or to report to their packagers as appropriate.17:37.46 
chrisl Robin_Watts: that's probably a good idea - if we can do it easily in bugzilla.....17:38.17 
  henrys Robin_Watts: we should probably create a bug, so this doesn't get forgotten17:40.30 
ray_laptop bugzilla is rather yucky code, iirc17:40.39 
chrisl I think adding custom menus is just a configuration option, but I don't know about doing "clever" stuff based on the selection in the menu.17:41.32 
Robin_Watts That's why I wondered about having a 'bug reporting wizard' (i.e. a screen you go through before getting to bugzilla)17:42.47 
chrisl Although, past experience says people will just select whatever one lets them get to the next page they wanted :-(17:44.28 
ray_laptop hurray ! my laptop stayed up long enough to make it through 6 steps of git bisect testing to find cust 532's problem (I think -- now to test with their code)17:45.21 
henrys chrisl:I just thought an announcement would let us simply point to something and avoid the tiring discussion, I don't think we're going to set up anything that results in 0 interaction.17:46.28 
chrisl henrys: I'll write something up for the web page next week, that's easy enough. We can consider further options at our leisure.17:47.53 
henrys okay great17:48.07 
chrisl thinks: how can I implement an "I'm not an idiot" button in html....... ;-)17:48.42 
henrys if you figure it out get a patent17:49.22 
  bbia few minutes17:49.41 
ray_laptop chrisl: just have a button that says "If you know exactly what you are doing, click here." -- only misguided idiots will click it ;-)17:52.24 
chrisl ray_laptop: probably already patented]17:59.52 
mvrhel ray_laptop: question for you18:06.14 
  should the warning about the limit reached for the number of spot colors be displayed only with a debug build?18:06.38 
tannerwatson just curious, but I notice a significant memory use increase when converting multi page PDFs to TIFF. Is this normal?18:07.49 
  also, is it possible to call gsapi_init_with_args multiple times with the same GS instance (from gsapi_new_instance)??18:09.36 
mvrhel I think I will just use dlprintf1 which is also used to print the names of the spot colors in tiffsep18:19.05 
chrisl Robin_Watts: looks okay - but will the great unwashed know what "provenance" means?18:20.09 
tannerwatson Robin_Watts, I'll submit a bug report18:20.38 
  Robin_Watts, thanks18:20.45 
Robin_Watts chrisl: That's why it says "-- Where did you get the software you are reporting the bug for? --"18:20.47 
  tannerwatson: Sorry, that wasn't aimed at you!18:20.57 
  We are discussing some changes to our bug tracker, and that's a mockup.18:21.17 
tannerwatson Robin_Watts: oh, ok. sorry18:21.18 
  Robin_Watts, is it acceptable to call gsapi_init_with_args multiple times with the same instance of GS created with gsapi_new_instance??18:22.06 
chrisl tannerwatson: the memory use is entirely dependent on the PDFs in question - but in general, a multipage PDF will require us to hold more stuff in memory than a single page file would.18:22.23 
Robin_Watts tannerwatson: I don't know, sorry.18:23.00 
tannerwatson chrisl, yeah i understand thanks :)18:23.29 
chrisl tannerwatson: you'd be better aiming your API question at ray_laptop 18:23.41 
  tannerwatson: also be aware that certain constructs in PDF can cause a big increase in memory use and CPU time - especially transparency.18:24.40 
tannerwatson chrisl, thanks. Right now we are converting PDFs that were created from scanning documents. Nothing special has been applied the PDFs. When we try to convert 300+ 200KB memory consumption reaches above may be our implementation though18:27.14 
  chrisl, we are making the calls through that may be part of the problem18:27.39 
mvrhel yikes!18:27.51 
tannerwatson :P18:29.06 
  its probably just me.....18:29.17 
chrisl tannerwatson: yeh, that doesn't sound right - this is using gsapi_init_with_args() multiple times on the same context?18:29.27 
marcosw_ chrisl and Robin_Watts: I didn't think we had that many bugs that ended up being traceable to shared libraries, but if we really, really don't want people running ghostscript/mu with shared libraries isn't it straightforward to just call system("file *argv[0]") and refuse to run if the executable isn't statically linked?18:33.23 
Robin_Watts marcosw_: Ew. Ew. Ew.18:34.08 
chrisl marcosw_: to be honest, we don't get than many bugs, it's mainly people on here. Besides, you *can't* statically link glibc these days, so there will always be some dynamic linking going on.18:34.51 
Robin_Watts People are welcome to run it like that. They just aren't welcome to expect support.18:34.57 
marcosw_ so anyone who answers "No shared libraries" on is lying?18:36.18 
chrisl Well, sort of, I suppose......18:36.55 
Robin_Watts OK, updated version: 
  henrys: ping19:06.05 
  (For the logs, then) henrys: You said the HPGL filling style thing was going to be required after all, so I looked into it a bit on the plane.19:07.52 
  All my tests indicate that the code is doing what my understanding of the issue says I should be doing.19:08.22 
  But testing a clusterpush shows that something clearly isn't right.19:08.38 
  So either my understanding of the issue is broken, or the code is calling it in a way it shouldn't, or there is some case that my testing isn't showing up.19:09.54 
  Looking at the output from the bmpcmp, (and thinking back to something you said before) it seems to me like the current path is getting lots of moveto's added to it.19:11.00 
  whenever the current point is moved, you add a moveto to the path, I bet.19:11.16 
  If you then 'fill' that path, unsuprisingly bad things happen.19:11.44 
chrisl Robin_Watts: a slight concern with the bugzilla change is that Average Joe (even those who build GS) isn't going to know what "shared libraries" are, so we just end up increasing noise on here.19:13.04 
Robin_Watts chrisl: I'm amenable to changing the descriptive wording on the page.19:13.36 
  I think most people will assume that they don't have shared libraries if they don't know what they are.19:15.18 
  (Hence that option being earlier in the list)19:15.32 
chrisl Robin_Watts: that's it, though, I'm not sure - perhaps just something like "From", "from distribution", "from source", "from source 'custom' build". If we make it too verbose, no one will read it at all.19:15.43 
Robin_Watts Well, we have to allow for :)19:16.15 
  And they have to read it - because it will refuse to create the bug until they've selected one :)19:16.37 
chrisl Like all those license agreements that won't dismiss until you've "read" them?19:17.05 
Robin_Watts chrisl: That's different - there there is just an 'accept' button.19:17.28 
chrisl My suspicion is that people who don't know (or who are sufficiently bloody minded) will just keep trying menu options until it lets them create a bug19:18.29 
Robin_Watts If people are going to be put off by having to spend 5 seconds picking a sensible option off a menu, then I for one don't want to read a bug they are going to create.19:18.50 
Robin_Watts foods.19:19.32 
chrisl No, but it won't *stop* people who just keep trying every option until they get their bug19:19.38 
  TBH, I'd be quite happy to try it as it stands - it's not like it commits us to anything other than trying it. Maybe discuss it on Tuesday.19:20.15 
Robin_Watts chrisl: Right. but they will hopefully be marginally more informed by the process. Nothing will stop idiots, right?19:20.32 
mvrhel marcos_: never heard from you about tiffsep testing.19:20.37 
  I have the files running correctly from the customer19:20.51 
  but need to do some cluster testing now19:21.07 
chrisl Robin_Watts: not in my experience, no - idiots are more persistent than zombies :-(19:21.12 
mvrhel and looking at piles of output....19:21.17 
chrisl finished for the day.....19:21.31 
mvrhel bye chrisl19:21.37 
  oops that was supposed to be marcosw_19:23.10 
marcosw_ mvrhel: sorry, but I never received an email from you. When did you send it and that was the subject?19:25.15 
mvrhel marcosw_: oh you were waiting for an email from me.19:25.38 
  we had a discussion on IRC I thought19:25.47 
  which ended with you I thought you were to send me an email19:26.19 
marcosw_ sorry, I only saw the part where you said you were going to send me an email. I didn't realize there was enough discussion on irc to let me know what you wanted.19:26.21 
mvrhel ok. fair enough. let me send you an email now19:26.42 
marcosw_ was this the relevant sentence?: wonder how hard it would be to have marcos temporarily add in tiffsep into the clusterpush a comparison of the composite output file with also the capability for bmpcmp19:27.16 
mvrhel yes. but let me write the email so everything is crystal clear and there is no wasted work19:27.43 
marcosw_ thanks.19:28.37 
ppd hi. maybe somebody remembers me. I am the ubuntu kyocera guy. my kyocera printers refused to print with the ps output from ghostscript but worked with the poppler ps. So you guys investigated this problem by sending me a bunch of files to try and eventually came to a solution. (( The problem seemed to have gone, but recently I tried printing a few documents with pict19:34.51 
  ures included. It was a disaster. the printer tages ages to process the document... again:poppler postscript works. what can I do to investigate this problem further?19:34.53 
ray_laptop ppd: are you using pswrite or ps2write ?19:42.58 
ppd ray_laptop: I have no idea. I just print with the standard cups configuration and it does not work. Then I convert the same pdf with pdftops from poppler and send it via netcat to the printer. this works19:46.06 
mvrhel marcosw_ ok email sent.19:49.15 
  Robin_Watts: you may have some thoughts on this testing also, so I cc'd tech19:49.30 
  lunch time19:56.17 
chrisl_r61 ppd: the guy that worked with you on that won't be online until tomorrow morning (UK time).20:02.24 
  ppd: but frankly, there's not likely to be much we can do - the ps2write image output is just a "normal" Postscript image - not significantly different to the pdftops image output.20:03.42 
marcosw_ mvrhel: Ithx.20:05.41 
ppd chrisl_r61: I thought so too. but still printing with the poppler backend results in waaaaaaaay faster printing. the pdf2ps command also takes much longer to process than pdftops and produces a bigger file20:07.19 
  speaking of a libreoffice pdf with some text and one pretty small header picture20:08.18 
chrisl_r61 ppd: are you using up to date cups package?20:08.30 
ppd latest ubuntu precise. that is the 1.5.2 release20:08.56 
ray_laptop ppd: you want to be using pdf2ps2 (script that uses ps2write).20:10.10 
chrisl_r61 I can't remember what version Till was up to - we had to update cups, ghostscript and one of the cups filters packages.20:10.23 
ppd ray_laptop: and if the printer doesn't choke on this output, what does that tell me then?20:11.26 
chrisl_r61 ppd: the reason the file from GS is bigger is because we had to disable a load of compression stuff because Brother and HP printers failed with certain compression filters - we figured it safer to disable, than have loads of special cases.20:11.39 
ray_laptop ppd: pswrite (pdf2ps) generates Level 1 PS and effectively renders images to the resolution of the printer whereas ps2write embeds the "original" image from the input PDF20:11.44 
chrisl_r61 ray_laptop: the pdf2ps2 output will fail on his printer because it has a bug in "bind" which causes it to freeze20:12.21 
ppd ah yes. that was the first problem20:12.44 
  now text output is ok20:12.49 
ray_laptop then get a f/w update from kyocera (it's their own PS, not ours)20:12.58 
chrisl_r61 <whines> but the poppler output works </whines>20:13.50 
ray_laptop ppd: but, frankly if the printer can't handle valid PS Level 2 (current standard is Level 3) we aren't very interested20:13.53 
  and if poppler output happens to work on that file, then use it, but don't expect it to be very correct in general20:14.29 
  we consider pswrite (Level 1.5 PS) output deprecated and don't support it20:15.12 
chrisl_r61 ray_laptop: the problem is CUPS has switched from poppler's pdftops to our ps2write output, so people see their printer used to work, now it doesn't :-(20:15.19 
ray_laptop chrisl: and the reason they switched is that now GS is faster than poppler for many cases, and more accurate.20:16.04 
  sounds lto me like ppd has a work around so should use it for this (broken) printer20:16.36 
chrisl_r61 Yes, cups now has solutions for several of these buggy printers, but this is a different problem he's asking about now20:17.14 
ray_laptop I'm going to suggest (at the staff meeting) that we remove pswrite from the default set of devices20:17.17 
chrisl_r61 ray_laptop: ps2write can't emit EPS yet20:17.37 
ray_laptop chrisl: so ?20:17.51 
ppd I didn't mean to waste your time... my work around is of course not usable for the average user in the office and thus not applicable...20:17.55 
ray_laptop chrisl: we do DSC compliant PS Level 2, however20:18.06 
chrisl_r61 ray_laptop: people do still create EPS files, so we really need ps2write to do that before we remove pswrite completely - I'd have thought20:18.51 
ray_laptop chrisl: IMHO we have lots of better things to do than to develop work around for buggy printers20:19.11 
chrisl_r61 ray_laptop: I'd agree, on the whole.....20:20.28 
ray_laptop chrisl: particularly for free users20:20.32 
chrisl_r61 ray_laptop: we tend to treat Ubuntu as a bit more than a free user......20:21.08 
ray_laptop ppd: Is this a current kyocera printer (that has a bug in 'bind' that makes ps2 output hang) or some ancient test engine ?20:21.17 
ppd ray_laptop: it is a fs-1320d and a fs-c1020mfp. my recent testing was only on fs-1320 though20:22.06 
ray_laptop because we know that Kyocera is generally quite responsive with f/w fixes for current products20:22.15 
chrisl_r61 ppd: about the only thing I can think of that might be different between our PS and poppler's would be the color space or resolution of the images - frankly, neither should make a *huge* difference.20:22.25 
ray_laptop chrisl; I'd have to see the PS, but if we are using pswrite, then I suspect that the image is very high (full printer) resolution having been upscaled by pswrite20:23.20 
chrisl_r61 ray_laptop: it's ps2write20:23.47 
ray_laptop and if the original PDF has transparency we KNOW that some files end up creating printer resolution images fromthe pages20:23.57 
ppd the problem I descrive here happens with a mini image in a bill from a shop program20:24.28 
ray_laptop particularly if it is that yucky Cairo PDF with gratuitous use of transparency (when it isn't needed) and full page bounding boxes20:24.50 
ppd so it is not even a full image covering a whole page20:24.53 
chrisl_r61 ppd: but how big is the *original* image file, though?20:25.08 
  ray_laptop: I think libreoffice creates it's own PDF, doesn't go through cairo20:25.37 
ray_laptop ppd: the best thing to do is to open a bug so you can attach the PS file we generate, the PS file from poppler AND the original PDF20:25.53 
ppd 10,8 kB20:26.05 
chrisl_r61 ppd: okay, so unless, as ray_laptop says, there's transparency in there, there is no reason for the image to make a difference like you see.20:26.55 
ray_laptop ppd: unless you know how to examine the PDF and PS files to see what the 'image' parameters are (Width Height Filter, etc)20:26.56 
chrisl_r61 ppd: I agree with ray_laptop, if you create a bug and attach the two PS jobs, at the very least we can tell you *exactly* what to tell Kyocera.20:27.48 
ppd chrisl: do I need to create the ps output with cups involved or is pdf2ps etc. sufficient?20:28.43 
ray_laptop ppd: as long as the output from pdf2ps runs slow (as with cups) that and the pdftops (from poppler) that runs fast AND the original PDF, should suffice20:29.44 
henrys Robin_Watts:so the reverted commit is the latest and what I should debug with if I want to study it in the debuggser?20:29.57 
chrisl_r61 ppd: it would be better if you went through the cups workflow for the Ghostsrcript output, given the workarounds we had to include, doing pdftops for the poppler output should be fine.20:30.05 
  ray_laptop: <again> the pdf2ps2 output won't run directly on his printer because of the bind bug20:30.38 
ray_laptop defers to chrisl since he's had more experience struggling with what cups does20:30.39 
ppd hehe. I will do so and create a bug report20:31.35 
mvrhel got distracted writing emails.20:32.49 
  now it is lunch time20:32.52 
chrisl_r61 ppd: don't hold your breath, though, at some point you're going to have to report their broken interpreter to Kyocera, and stop reporting our *valid* Postscript to us!20:34.11 
ray_laptop chrisl: How can I generate a PS file that hangs Kyocera ?20:35.45 
  I'll submit it to them :-)20:36.25 
chrisl_r61 ray_laptop: on this particular printer, it didn't even get through the ps2write prologue20:36.32 
ppd I understand your point. I'm not the asshole user that expects everything to work magically when the hardware manufacturers glue crap together and call it a printer. I just thought it would be in the interest of many that kyocera printers worked with ghostscript20:36.44 
chrisl_r61 ppd: sure, and that's one reason we worked on it before with you, but at some point......20:37.24 
  ray_laptop: I couldn't get the ps2write Postscript to fail in the simulator.20:38.39 
  ppd: how much difference in size is there between the two PS files (from GS and poppler)?20:41.10 
ppd chrisl: true. does mac os's cups use ghostscript by default? it's hard to believe that kyocera effectively abandons this platform20:41.21 
chrisl_r61 ppd: no, Apple does something else - not sure what.20:41.54 
ppd chrisl: 1,1MB versus 807,5kB20:42.05 
chrisl_r61 Okay, so we're similar ball park figure, then. It's probably not spurious PDF transparency bloating the PS output.20:43.08 
ppd chrisl: something is in there that makes the printer go crazy and process and process and....20:44.14 
chrisl_r61 Well, it really is *very* straightforward Postscript Level 2 - it doesn't even stretch the limits of Level 2.20:45.04 
  ppd: Does adding and removing *just* the image really make all the difference?20:45.45 
ppd chrisl:hm. you know what, I didn't even try with this specific document... what a pity I don't have this printer here at home...20:46.56 
chrisl_r61 ppd: well, as we said, stick up a bug on our bug tracker with the PDF, and the PS examples, and we'll have a look - you can assign it to me, or Ken (who worked with you before).20:49.41 
ppd but I'm pretty sure it had no problems with pure text output, that was fixed. I tried one full-page image a few days ago. It eventually came out after many many minutes of the printer displaying "procesing".20:49.54 
chrisl_r61 ppd: the problem is, as ray_laptop mentioned, cairo produces really cr*p PDFs in many cases, and something as simple as adding an image could be the thing that tips it - I didn't think libreoffice used cairo, but I could be wrong.20:51.35 
ppd chrisl: I'll just check the same document without the picture. then the bug report can be more accurate20:51.52 
chrisl_r61 ppd: the other thing you can try is to use the CUPS-PDF backend, instead of exporting directly from libreoffice. The CUPS-PDF back end doesn't use cairo.20:53.12 
ppd chrisl: hehe. crappy pdfs, crappy printer firmware... and you are stuck in between. I dont envy you20:53.44 
  chrisl: I'll just try everything you mentioned when I get my hands on this printer again. hopefully this will enlighten us...20:54.54 
chrisl_r61 ppd: well, we have crappy bits and pieces, too, which when time is available we look to improve. Cairo's PDF has improved a lot, but the improvements are in a bleeding edge version, not in many distros yet.20:55.07 
ppd but as I understand, if kyocera fixed their ps interpreter to completely support the standard we wouldn't be here talking. am I right? because ghostscript doesn't use any non-standard markup?!20:57.54 
chrisl_r61 ppd: PS isn't a markup language, but yes, essentially that's the case.20:58.29 
  ppd: after your problem and the Brother problems, we actually tested our output on four or five PS interpreters from entirely different sources, and all worked fine, too.20:59.47 
ppd chrisl: nice. and the windows driver gets all those workarounds from the manufacturer pre-packaged... sometimes I feel so tired ;-)21:00.31 
chrisl_r61 ppd: yeh, it's a bit of a world of pain at times......21:02.15 
  ppd: I'll keep an eye out for the bug....21:04.07 
  ....but, for the second time today, I'm signing off, for the day21:04.18 
ppd chrisl: thanks a lot for your patience21:04.37 
Robin_Watts henrys: reverted commit?21:50.51 
  All I did to run my latest test was to force hpgl mode on:21:52.22 
  In gs/base/gxistate.h:21:52.41 
  @@ -295,7 +295,7 @@ struct gs_imager_state_s {21:52.50 
  /* Initialization for gs_imager_state */21:52.52 
  #define gs_imager_state_initial(scale, is_gstate)\21:52.53 
  - is_gstate, 0, 0, { gx_line_params_initial }, 0,\21:52.55 
  + is_gstate, 0, 0, { gx_line_params_initial }, 1,\21:52.56 
  { (float)(scale), 0.0, 0.0, (float)(-(scale)), 0.0, 0.0 },\21:52.58 
  false, {0, 0}, {0, 0}, false, \21:52.59 
  lop_default, gx_max_color_value, BLEND_MODE_Compatible,\21:53.01 
  And then run a: git cluster pcl lowres21:53.02 
  That gives the bmpcmp that's current.21:53.21 
  mvrhel: ping21:56.03 
mvrhel just heading out the door....21:56.42 
  you are lucky I heard the ping21:56.47 
Robin_Watts ok. I'm just going to bed (jeglag).21:56.54 
mvrhel good night!21:57.02 
Robin_Watts I'll burble here for the logs.21:57.03 
mvrhel is it about the email that I sent?21:57.17 
Robin_Watts yes.21:57.22 
mvrhel ok great21:57.26 
Robin_Watts AIUI testing tiffs is a non-starter in the cluster cos of the need to seek within the files as they are written (cluster works by piping, so seeking won't work).21:58.08 
  So we can't test tiffsep directly.21:58.23 
  But testing psdcmyk would be equally good, right?21:58.44 
mvrhel yes. we are currently testing those. what I want to do is see the diff though22:00.03 
  Robin_Watts: but only if they are really different22:00.39 
Robin_Watts Why can't I just extend bmpcmp to read psdcmyk files too ?22:00.49 
mvrhel oh. that would be great22:00.59 
Robin_Watts bmpcmp can cope with cmyk files.22:01.08 
mvrhel well psdcmyk is a little more complex22:01.19 
  in that it has cmyk+ spots22:01.27 
  and it includes information in the file on how to map the spots to cmyk22:01.45 
Robin_Watts Right. So I'd either need to only look at cmyk or I'd need to extend it.22:01.53 
mvrhel you can see this in the pdscmyk device information22:02.06 
Robin_Watts Are the specs for the file format somewhere?22:02.19 
mvrhel did you write bmpcmp?22:02.20 
  yes. I will email you the specs22:02.29 
Robin_Watts I did.22:02.31 
mvrhel there is no compression and the data is all planar22:02.41 
Robin_Watts Fab.22:03.01 
mvrhel there are a lot of options in psdcmyk and we only use a tiny subset of these in our files22:03.12 
  let me put together something for you to look at in the morning. this is a great idea22:03.30 
  I will try to distill what you may need22:03.44 
Robin_Watts The other thought I had...22:03.49 
  For the plank stuff we tested plank vs ppm.22:04.26 
mvrhel yes22:04.34 
Robin_Watts (so planar vs non-planar)22:04.35 
  OK. Ignore that.22:04.54 
  tiffs fail as I said before because of the need to seek within the files.22:05.33 
mvrhel ok. I like your idea of having bmpcmp work on psdcmyk output. let me do a little work on this for you for the morning22:05.52 
Robin_Watts but if we are just md5ing the data (as the cluster does), we don't care about the seeking.22:06.07 
  because that's just to go back and write the indexes - and the indexes will be the same if the data is the same, and different if it's different.22:06.37 
mvrhel right. md5 is great for psdcmyk also and plus the psdcmyk includes all the seps, vs. the tiffsep composite is not the seps22:06.45 
  so psdcmyk is actually good for us to test.22:07.01 
Robin_Watts So psdcmyk is a better solution then?22:07.02 
mvrhel yes22:07.06 
Robin_Watts OK. So I'll look at that tomorrow then.22:07.11 
mvrhel if we add bmpcmp to it it will be great22:07.19 
  the devices are very similar it is just that psdcmyk can pack all the information into one file22:07.41 
Robin_Watts I could maybe just make bmpcmp run 4 components at a time.22:07.57 
  if the data is planar it would lend itself to that.22:08.11 
mvrhel N components. and yes the data is planar22:08.27 
Robin_Watts (well, 4 components, then 1 at a time for the spots maybe)22:08.31 
mvrhel ok well, lets see if we can actually use the mapping information in the psdcmyk to reduce the number of images that we need to visually look at22:09.17 
  i.e. if a file has 14 colors, having to look at 10 differences is harder than just 122:09.44 
henrys Robin_Watts:sorry I thought you had reverted the code.22:09.47 
mvrhel 11 differences I mean22:10.10 
  vs 122:10.12 
  anyway, have to head out for a bit22:10.37 
Robin_Watts mvrhel: Right, but we want to look for the differences in the raw data, not just differences in the composite, right?22:10.46 
henrys but we have been through this before, and we found a simple example "the triangle" that seemed to send you back to the drawing board, were I younger man I'd tell you the details.22:10.58 
  I'm sure I can recover that example though.22:11.16 
Robin_Watts henrys: If you could, that would be great.22:11.27 
henrys will do.22:11.47 
Robin_Watts My memory is that we'd got further than this, but that there was something else wrong, but I couldn't reproduce it in a small example.22:12.19 
henrys a lesson fro me to always update the bug.22:12.23 
Robin_Watts Ah, we had a simple HPGL file that drew a large vertical line, then a triangle.22:13.17 
henrys oh yes we must have gotten further you've only got 18 pages of diffs, the previous test was most jobs broken.22:13.56 
Robin_Watts This is still most jobs broken; this was only lowres pcl, and bmpcmp only does the first 1000.22:16.31 
henrys oh okay22:17.12 
  stops at 674 though, but you got a report with most jobs reported broken? right?22:18.46 
Robin_Watts 3xxx out of 4xxx failed.22:18.59 
  henrys: in case you didn't see it earlier.22:19.40 
henrys yes I did look at it, thought we could discuss it tuesday as someone else suggested.22:20.24 
Robin_Watts oh, ok, I missed that.22:20.34 
henrys so let me come up with a simple fill that fails and see what's going on here. Like I said it would be quite challenging to remove superflous moveto's - in hindsight it was a poor design decision to track the current cursor with the path code.22:22.37 
Robin_Watts That may be a showstopper for this approach.22:23.28 
  We are specifically giving: moveto moveto a meaning w.r.t filling.22:24.05 
  So if we have a superfluous prefix of movetos in a path, we're going to get confused :(22:24.37 
henrys understood let me look at it a bit.22:25.09 
  in practice though I don't expect many to come up when we are filling - based on these test results it looks as though your new code has had some effect on stroke mode, but I'll have to confirm that.22:28.05 
Robin_Watts yes, I think you may be right. But I don't see how. I will try a test for that tomorrow too.22:29.26 
henrys I should have a simple test for you by the time you get in tomorrow. Have you recovered from your travels?22:30.10 
Robin_Watts I'm falling asleep at the keyboard now, but it was only a 5 hour time difference, so it's not as bad as other trips.22:30.51 
  henrys: Yes, I've broken stroking.22:39.59 
  I'll look into that tomorrow, and then retry the bmpcmp.22:40.22 
  That explains a lot of the diffs.22:40.42 
  bedtime. night all.22:40.50 
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