IRC Logs

Log of #ghostscript at

 <<<Back 1 day (to 2012/04/10)2012/04/11 
kens henrys again for the logs. Not to worry about the font cache, its not causing me significant problems. I guess I should check sometiem that it is properly discarding elements as required, but I'm reasonably sure it must be. So its not a leak as far as I'm concerned.07:58.40 
  henrys I'm not sure what you meant by 'grep them away'. Each time I make a code change the numbers change, so I can't just discard the numbers easily. Also, sadly, VS seems disinclined to let me redirect the output to a file. It works on the command line but not in the debugger (which is werid, because I thought it did)08:00.38 
  Robin_Watts : henrys the labels I see are almost entirely composed of 'chunk_mem_node_add'08:10.57 
Robin_Watts kens: Yes, I was worried that that might be the case :(08:38.34 
kens Not to worry.08:38.53 
  More of a problem is that I can't reproduce the cluster seg faults locally.08:39.07 
Robin_Watts I think I can get proper names in there with a small hack.08:42.08 
kens WHat do you mean by 'proper names ' ?08:42.28 
Robin_Watts The proper client name rather than "chunk_mem_node_add"08:44.03 
kens Well, that would be interesting, certainly.08:44.15 
  Might tell me more about where to conentrate08:44.24 
  But don't do anything which will take a lot of your time, I can manage fine as it is08:44.46 
Robin_Watts I think I have it.08:46.49 
kens THat was quick...08:47.03 
Robin_Watts Like I say, it's just a small hack.08:49.45 
  testing it is the slow bit :)08:50.24 
kens Well I can try it out quickly08:50.34 
Robin_Watts OK, committed.08:53.47 
kens Give me a minute08:54.00 
  OK building now08:57.10 
  Hmm, did you intend to commit the HPGL path handling at the same time ?08:59.14 
  Hmm yes that does give a *lot* more information09:01.16 
  Looks like I haven't compeltely cleaned up fonts yet.09:02.57 
  I think I need to know the command line Marcos is using fot the PCL interpreter when creating PDF from tehse files, they won't seg fault for me. Tried debug and release builds.09:05.29 
Robin_Watts kens: Oh, ass, no.09:06.04 
  kens: OK, sorry, I committed the wrong thing.09:06.51 
  I've force pushed the right thing.09:06.55 
  kens: I can get that command line for you if you want.09:07.32 
kens Yes please.09:09.06 
  Robin_Watts : looked lilke you comiited both the HPGL and the memory fix together09:09.24 
Robin_Watts kens: yes, hence my "oh ass".09:09.35 
kens The labelling works OK (or so it seems)09:09.35 
Robin_Watts I've force pushed a fix.09:09.42 
kens Thansk, I'll update my code.09:09.54 
Robin_Watts On the dashboard, click on 'logs' then on a log file. Then search for "pcl pdfwrite"09:10.29 
  And you'll see the exact commands used for each job.09:10.43 
  ./gs/bin/pcl6 -sOutputFile=./temp/tests_private__customer_tests__hd104dwf.pcl.pdf.ppmraw.600.0.pdf -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -r600 -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -dClusterJob ./tests_private/customer_tests/hd104dwf.pcl09:10.51 
kens Aha, right, I thought there was a way to do that09:10.53 
Robin_Watts ./gs/bin/gs -sOutputFile='| md5sum >>./temp/tests_private__customer_tests__hd104dwf.pcl.pdf.ppmraw.600.0.md5' -dMaxBitmap=30000000 -sDEVICE=ppmraw -r600 -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -K1000000 -dClusterJob -dJOBSERVER ./temp/tests_private__customer_tests__hd104dwf.pcl.pdf.ppmraw.600.0.pdf09:11.05 
  actually, I think marcosw has reversed the order somehow :)09:11.44 
  No, ignore me.09:11.57 
kens Hmm -dClusterJob, I wonder what that does ?09:12.41 
  I guess it must be the -r600 that#'s different.09:13.38 
  Hmm still doesn't crash, that's disappointing.09:19.02 
  I may have to try debugging this on a cluster machine :-(09:19.37 
Robin_Watts kens: cluster machines are 64bit linux.09:21.01 
kens I know, and my VM is 32-bit Linux09:21.16 
  Anyway, time to go, back in a couple of hours09:22.56 
tkamppeter chrisl, hi09:49.01 
chrisl tkamppeter: hi09:49.40 
naveen_ Hi Robin,I have extended the document interface to offer fz_open_document_with_stream. Can you let me know how to create fz_stream from java ?09:51.46 
tkamppeter chrisl, about the slowdown vs. resolution problem, WDYT, should I generally remnder images with 300/360 dpi or should I introduce a Kyocera-only workaround which does this reduction only for Kyocera?09:51.52 
chrisl tkamppeter: I think using 300 dpi has been producing acceptable results up to now, so go with the 300/360 dpi. That will also resolve a number of the issues with Ghostscript taking longer to convert PDFs with transparency in them.09:54.34 
  tkamppeter: IIRC, cups has a "Quality" setting, doesn't it? So maybe "Normal" could be 300/360dpi, and "High/Best" could use the alleged highest resolution from the PPD? ("Fast" could be 150/180 dpi, or something)09:57.07 
  ppd: I have a question for you: if you scan an A4 page @1200dpi, and then print the image, does it take a long time to print (like the GS output)?09:59.50 
ppd chrisl: does it matter which application I print it with?10:00.27 
Robin_Watts naveen_: Hi.10:00.47 
  From java?10:00.53 
  fz_open_memory is the function that will go from a block of memory to a stream for you.10:01.10 
  But that's in C.10:01.26 
  You're doing this with the android port, right?10:01.48 
chrisl ppd: I would try something like gimp, as it's less likely to resample the image as it prints. Or even use something that converts the image to PS directly (like tiff2ps), although you might need to hand edit to add the PJL preamble10:02.08 
ppd chrisl: well, let's stick to gimp then10:02.47 
naveen_ yes Robin..10:03.16 
chrisl ppd: :-) basically, I'm trying to figure if this is a "bug" in the Kyo printer, in which case, a special case in cups would be fine.10:03.23 
Robin_Watts So, the java stuff will need to be extended too.10:03.38 
  Let me look.10:03.41 
ppd chrisl: you'll have to wait a few minutes though. I'm back in office after a short break10:03.42 
chrisl ppd: no problem - this is definitely "above and beyond" as far as required testing is concerned.......10:04.23 
  tkamppeter: you said before you had access to an HP PS printer - I take it that does not suffer performance issues if you send it image data at it's highest resolution?10:05.26 
Robin_Watts naveen_: In android/jni/mupdf.c see Java_com_artifex_mupdf_MuPDFCore_openFile10:05.48 
naveen_ yes,I have it open10:06.03 
Robin_Watts I'd imagine we wanted a new function that does more or less the same as that, say: Java_com_artifex_mupdf_MuPDFCore_openArray10:06.26 
  and instead of passing in a jstring jfilename, you'd pass in a, urm... whatever the incantation for an array is.10:07.02 
  Then we'd lose the filename = ... stuff.10:07.13 
  and instead of calling fz_opn_document you'd call fz_open_document_with_stream10:07.43 
  oh, but before that you'd need to get the address of the array contents from java, and call fz_open_memory on that.10:08.20 
  (So, it'd be a byte array)10:08.38 
  Does that make any sense?10:08.42 
  I can't give you chapter and verse on the exact calls to make without digging a bit - my java jni experience is limited.10:09.15 
naveen_ yes, it makes sense..10:09.43 
  I have a byte array in java..I'll try to pass that byte array as parameter to fz_open_document_with_stream..10:10.40 
  I see something like "•fz_open_buffer()" is it also possible to use BufferedReader from java?10:11.33 
Robin_Watts We have an fz_buffer type in mupdf. It's basically just a wrapper around a block of memory.10:13.07 
  fz_open_buffer makes a stream from one of those (as opposed to fz_open_memory that operates on a raw memory block).10:13.46 
  It has nothing to do with Javas BufferedReader.10:13.55 
naveen_ ok...10:15.08 
  let me try with byte array and see if it works...10:15.26 
Robin_Watts I'm heading out for a run. back in an hour or so.10:17.09 
ppd chrisl: our scanner does only 600x600 dpi. Shall I try it nonetheless? 10:44.18 
chrisl ppd: you can scan at 600dpi, then use gimp to scale up by 2x to get 1200dpi10:47.29 
ppd chrisl: color or grayscale, does it matter for us?10:48.02 
chrisl ppd: let's do color, as that's the closest to the cups workflow output.10:49.00 
ppd chrisl: this scanner saves as pdf on the server. I can import those into gimp. I can set the resolution as pixels/inch, shall I put 1200 there?10:50.52 
chrisl ppd: sure, that sounds okay10:51.27 
ppd wow. 9920x14030 pixels. does that sound right for a picture being sent to the printer?10:52.52 
chrisl Erm, could be. just a sec10:53.35 
  ppd: actually that's about double the resolution I'd expect, so maybe a good idea to scale down - so we get about 5546 x 756510:57.31 
ppd I'll scale down to 5546x7844. it's A410:58.22 
chrisl Yep, perfect (I just lifted the numbers from the GS created PS from your test job)10:59.06 
ppd resolution stays at 1200x1200 in the scale dialog I guess?10:59.32 
chrisl <shrug> I guess so.....11:00.10 
ppd quite confusing... hmm.. okay. I centered and maximized the pciture on the page. It displays resolution as "689,983x...."11:07.21 
chrisl ppd: hmm, would it easier if I created a PS file for you to just stream to the printer?11:08.16 
ppd chrisl: obviously11:09.12 
chrisl ppd: :-) okay let me do that - it'll take a minute or two11:09.39 
  Holy crap - BIG file.....11:12.04 
  ppd: oh, hang on, forgot something.....11:16.11 
  ppd: okay, sorry about that - I forgot some of the printer specific preample I had to add, but it's there now: 
chrisl going to lunch......11:24.51 
ppd nice11:28.12 
chrisl ppd: meant to say, in case it's not obvious: two tests in there, one rendered to 1200dpi tiff and the other to 600dpi tiff - then I used tiff2ps to dump the image data in a PS "wrapper".11:39.20 
  Hmm, cluster seems to be borked :-(11:41.03 
Robin_Watts let me see if I can unbork it.11:44.43 
tkamppeter chrisl, I have tried with 2 HP printers now, both Ghostscript's processing times and the processing times of the printers are more or less proportional to the number of pixels in the bitmap, the 300 dpi vs. 360 dpi oddness seems to not slow down HP printers.11:48.48 
Robin_Watts chrisl: Let's give it a few minutes to see if it recovers from that.11:49.37 
chrisl Robin_Watts: cheers - is there an easy way to give it a nudge? It might be good if we weren't reliant on you or Marcos to always do that.11:50.28 
Robin_Watts chrisl: We should ask Marcos for a script, yes.11:50.50 
tkamppeter chrisl, so generally the fix would be to use a low resolution. Currently the used resolution depends on the user's setting for resolution (not the printers max resolution).11:51.09 
ppd chrisl: I'm back. let's feed this stuff to our beloved kyocera crap11:51.12 
chrisl tkamppeter: Interesting, it does sound to me like using a lower resolution is worthwhile (although not vital) on other printers. In general, the "rule of thumb" is that you can use HWResolution/3 with virtually no visible quality loss, and anything higher than HWResolution/2 is pretty much a wast of time and bandwidth. Although I would never go below 300dpi for "normal" printing.11:52.55 
ppd chrisl: 600 dpi -> processing... 11:52.55 
tkamppeter chrisl, but this requires that the PPD has a Resolution option with XXXdpi or XXXxYYYdpi settings or any option with PostScript commands setting the resolution.11:53.01 
chrisl ppd: I fully expect you'll have to kill the 1200dpi one, possibly the 600dpi one, too.11:53.37 
ppd chrisl: yeah. 600 dpi one is still processing. this will take forever11:54.42 
  should this render in a few seconds on a decent printer? How long am I supposed to wait?11:55.51 
  for the 600 dpi one11:56.27 
tkamppeter ppd, on my slower HP 720 dpi takes 5 min.11:56.37 
chrisl ppd: yeh, kill it - it should *not* take this long!11:56.42 
ppd it came out this second11:56.50 
chrisl Well, I don't think that's acceptable for what is a pretty common use case (scan'n'print), IMHO - I know I said it before, but I would report this to Kyocera......11:57.42 
tkamppeter chrisl, so I will use the HWResolution/2 approach, or should I better go /4? I do not know whether /3 is that good, deviding by an odd number.11:59.33 
chrisl tkamppeter: odd or even shouldn't matter, as long as it's an integer diviser - personally, I'd go for HWResolution/3 with minimum value of 300dpi, and a default of 300dpi is the HWResolution isn't available.12:01.12 
tkamppeter chrisl, OK, I will try this.12:01.53 
chrisl tkamppeter: the good thing there is that we'll *never* be worse than the old filter, but in some cases, we'll be (very slightly!) better.12:03.19 
  in terms of output quality, that is12:03.33 
ppd chrisl: what exactly would I be telling kyocera if I called them? Can I send them the bug reports or what would be the best?12:04.15 
chrisl ppd: usually, there's a webform of some kind on the manufacturer's web site you can fill out.12:05.25 
ppd tkamppeter: if you have something for me to test, I'll be here for a few hours12:07.53 
  chrisl: yes. would be "your printer takes way too long to render valid postscript of this sort (attach ps file here)." appropriate? ;-)12:09.03 
Robin_Watts chrisl: cluster seems to be whirring again.12:10.05 
  naveen_: How goes it?12:10.33 
chrisl ppd: something like that. I was think I could make you a 300dpi example, and a 600dpi example (and 1200 if you want!), and you can report that the 300dpi goes like lightening, and the 600dpi like a lethargic snail......12:10.41 
  Robin_Watts: thanks.12:10.46 
ppd chrisl: that would be bullet-proof12:11.52 
kens chrisl Robin_Watts got some cluster questions....12:12.18 
chrisl ppd: it's what I did for the folks who wanted to report their problems to Brother. So did you want the 1200dpi one, too?12:12.34 
kens AIUI the /home/marcos/cluster/users/<user> directory is where the personal cluster run binaries are built12:12.52 
  The log says that cPCL6 is executed by ./gs/bin/pcl612:13.11 
chrisl I thought it was /home/regression/cluster.....12:13.37 
kens But in my tree the ghostpdl/gs/bin directory has no pcl6 executable12:13.42 
  There's no cluster in /home/regression12:14.03 
ppd chrisl: The 600 dpi took 5 minutes where the 300 dpi one took 0.3 seconds. I think that is drastic enough12:14.13 
chrisl ppd: fair enough - I'll just double check the test files, and then upload them for you12:14.41 
kens chrisl Nor is there a 'users' directory.12:14.50 
  in /home/marcos/cluster/users/ken/ghostpdl/main/obj there is a PCL6 which is built 'recently'12:15.26 
  (this is on peeves by the way)12:15.41 
Robin_Watts sorry, back.12:16.47 
  On casper it's /home/regression/cluster12:17.10 
kens However, if I run that executable using the cluster command line which repreoduces a seg fault, it doesn't seg fault for me.12:17.12 
Robin_Watts On other other cluster nodes it's different12:17.37 
kens Not on peeves. I guess I can try casper12:17.42 
Robin_Watts kens: OK, so which particular job are you looking at?12:17.52 
kens ap301dwo.pcl12:18.06 
Robin_Watts what res/options?12:18.14 
kens ./gs/bin/pcl6 -sOutputFile=./temp/tests_private__customer_tests__ap301dwo.pcl.pdf.ppmraw.600.0.pdf -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -r600 -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -dClusterJob ./tests_private/customer_tests/ap301dwo.pcl12:18.35 
  That's what the log file says12:18.52 
  Notice the './gs/bin/pcl6'12:19.23 
  That's not correct for peeves as far as I can see.12:19.36 
  Note that the log was for inches12:19.42 
chrisl it could be just a typo in logging......12:19.55 
kens Quite a typo12:20.06 
  I beleive it ought to be ./main/obj/pcl612:20.21 
Robin_Watts Ok, that job ran on inches, not peeves.12:20.34 
kens Yes, but it previously failed on other machiens as well, and I don't think I can login to inches12:20.58 
Robin_Watts OK. Can you find an example that actually ran on peeves?12:21.14 
chrisl ppd: 
ppd chrisl: thanks a lot12:21.30 
kens Robin_Watts : I'll try....12:21.38 
chrisl ppd: two tests, one at 300dpi and one at 600dpi. These are about as simple as they get - both contain only the image, and a *tiny* amount of PS boiler plate.12:22.11 
kens Robin_Watts : "PWTTCSC3.BIN" I'll just find the log entry12:22.20 
Robin_Watts tests_private__pcl__pcl5cats__Subset__PWTTCSC3.BIN.pdf.ppmraw.600.012:22.48 
kens Yes12:22.52 
Robin_Watts ./gs/bin/pcl6 -sOutputFile=./temp/tests_private__pcl__pcl5cats__Subset__PWTTCSC3.BIN.pdf.ppmraw.600.0.pdf -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -r600 -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -dClusterJob ./tests_private/pcl/pcl5cats/Subset/PWTTCSC3.BIN12:23.02 
  Command terminated by signal 1112:23.04 
  So, let's try that one.12:23.06 
kens Again notice the log file says "./gs/bin/pcl6"12:23.12 
Robin_Watts Yes, that's to be expected I think.12:23.24 
kens Really ? the executable doesn't exist as far as I can tell. Does it get deleted ?12:23.45 
Robin_Watts /home/marcos/cluster/gs/bin/pcl6 exists.12:24.27 
  But it only contains the most recently built exes.12:24.41 
kens Hmm, but that probably isn't my copy any more :-)12:24.44 
Robin_Watts You need to look in your user dir, as you said.12:24.55 
  but that explains the logging.12:24.59 
kens I'll use the executable in 'my' directory12:25.01 
  Aha, that does actually seg fault12:25.51 
Robin_Watts chrisl: And the cluster is finally running your job.12:26.45 
chrisl Robin_Watts: ta!12:27.00 
  kens: the cluster code copies the pcl6 exe into the gs/bin directory12:27.26 
kens chrisl I had inferred that :-)12:27.42 
chrisl kens: I was just confirming because I just found it in the code12:28.16 
kens Rats, can't maek a debug build, don't have permissions12:28.32 
  Lets try this from my home12:28.55 
chrisl kens: but you're sort now? I feel slightly unclean just *looking* at perl code :-(12:29.23 
kens chrisl well I'm making progress slowly12:29.37 
  I need a debug build that goes wrong.12:29.48 
Robin_Watts chrisl: And the cluster code is dirty perl :)12:30.07 
kens Drat, what's the magic incantation for copy a directory and all its contents recursively ?12:30.12 
Robin_Watts cp -pr12:30.18 
kens Thanks12:30.22 
Robin_Watts (p preserves datestamps, r recurses)12:30.31 
kens is just trying to copy the code somwhere that I can build a debug version12:30.57 
chrisl Robin_Watts: the cluster code doesn't look much much worse than other perl I've seen (or written!)......12:31.17 
kens Probably slowing down peeves for the cluster....12:31.18 
chrisl kens: Remember, I'm running 64 bit Linux here, so if you need me to look at something for you, I can.12:31.40 
kens chrisl I may ask thanks.12:31.51 
  I'll at least try it myself first :-)12:31.59 
Robin_Watts chrisl: The cluster code is (as marcos has said himself) an amalgamation of scripts he uses for testing.12:32.19 
kens Hmm, when run from my home directory, it doesn't seg fault :-( I wonder what I did wrong...12:32.48 
Robin_Watts as such there are lots of sections of dead code, strange options etc.12:32.49 
  kens: heisenbug ?12:32.58 
kens Robin_Watts : no, it just doesn't seem to have actually copied anything12:33.23 
chrisl Robin_Watts: yep, dead code, strange options.... sounds just like perl to me ;-)12:33.27 
kens I was hoping it would overwrite my existing folder, look slike it didn't.12:33.43 
kens invokes the poerwr of rm -r12:34.26 
Robin_Watts cp -prf ?12:34.34 
  f = force, if memory serves.12:34.47 
kens Just deleted the exsiting12:34.56 
chrisl ppd: looks like Kyocera's support stuff is regional, so you'll need to find the one for where you're located.12:36.26 
kens OK good, copied the executable and it still seg faults. Now for a debug build12:37.25 
ppd chrisl: something is different with this 300dpi file you sent me. It takes way longer than the one you sent me before12:38.12 
chrisl ppd: huh? I could see it take slightly longer as it has the whole page imaged, rather than just the marked area, but we should be talking less than a second12:39.30 
ppd chrisl: not even close. still processing...12:39.53 
chrisl ppd: I wonder if it's because it's not compressed?12:40.50 
kens Oh great, a debug build doesn't seg fault.12:42.05 
Robin_Watts kens: Try a profile build.12:42.14 
kens Hmm, got the runes for a PCL profile make ?12:42.34 
Robin_Watts make pcl-profile ?12:42.52 
kens Was what I was trying, peeves is suddenly very slow12:43.11 
  It is building though12:43.17 
  I wouldn't be surprised to find that ti still doesn't fail.12:44.00 
  I think its memory layout that is causing the 'problem'.12:44.15 
Robin_Watts Does a release build you build for yourself on peeves crash ?12:44.59 
kens Don't know, haven't tried that yet12:45.10 
  I'd be surprised if it didn't.12:45.20 
Robin_Watts I would try that (after the profile build). If it DOES crash, try cleaning and rebuilding a release build with XCFLAGS="-g"12:45.42 
kens profile build does seg fault12:45.50 
ppd chrisl: the printer doesn't like this at all. still processing. I think it's hanging12:45.59 
Robin_Watts You may find that the profile build has enough information in it for gdb/valgrind to give meaningful backtraces.12:46.20 
kens moves to Linux VM instead of Windows ssh12:46.27 
Robin_Watts lunches12:46.41 
chrisl ppd: well, the only two differences that I can see are that the data is uncompressed, and it's split the image into several smaller images - which I wasn't expecting.......12:47.02 
kens TIFF strips ?12:47.22 
chrisl Could be, but I thought libtiff hid all that cruft from the calling app, so why do that!?!12:47.58 
kens Keeps the images to a sane size ?12:48.21 
chrisl kens: I suppose - but we all know what multiple images butting up to each other results in......12:49.08 
kens :-)12:49.14 
ppd chrisl: real15m49.431s or the 300 dpi12:54.34 
chrisl ppd: well, the good news is that it's not just Ghostscript's Postscript that causes problems for that printer.... ;-)12:55.48 
ppd chrisl: good news is that I managed not to throw it out of the window12:57.57 
chrisl ppd: So, here's a better pair of examples (I hadn't realised how simplistic tiff2ps actually is!): 
ppd chrisl: yeah that's the stuff. the 300dpi took 0.3 seconds, the 600dpi 6.7 seconds to transmit13:09.01 
kens chrisl what was the difference ?13:09.23 
chrisl The image data in the tiff2ps output is uncompressed, in several segments and frankly rather poorly embedded. The new ones are ps2write's output as a single image13:10.44 
ppd chrisl: seems kind of acceptable for the 600 dpi image though13:11.01 
chrisl ppd: er, that makes no sense at all......13:11.46 
ppd chrisl: I swear I didn't perform black magic on this device13:12.18 
chrisl OKay, so I'm looking at the output using your Unbennant 1.pdf file - the first output is GS to convert to tiff, gimp to export to PS, and then ps2write to "refry" the PS, and the second is ps2write straight PDF->PS13:16.14 
  And teh differences are minute: data length 534026 vs 511311 bytes, image dimensions 4958x7017 vs 4622x6304 13:17.52 
  ppd: can you try this one, please? 
ppd chrisl: bien sur13:26.03 
  chrisl: real0m19.856s13:28.30 
  chrisl: with warming up. Don't know if this slows down transmitting13:28.55 
chrisl Well, color me confused - I thought we tried 600dpi, and it was dog slow......13:30.22 
ppd chrisl: maybe we forgot to add the special kyocera workaround13:30.54 
chrisl ppd: No, that was definitely in there - I guess is must have just been the simplistic tiff2ps output that hurt it.13:34.04 
  It does make me wonder why the 1200dpi case was *so* slow, though.13:35.31 
ppd chrisl: wait. let's try that again13:35.52 
chrisl ppd: remember the 1200dpi file I created earlier was also from tiff2ps - I was meaning the 1200dpi output you get with Till's latest cups update (to use the resolution from the PPD).13:37.51 
ppd chrisl: ah ok. I uploaded a ps i created with cups in ubuntu in the bug report. Is that with internal 1200dpi?13:38.53 
chrisl ppd: I don't know, the cups filters package from Till's ppa ought to work at 1200dpi.13:40.49 
ppd chrisl: and this has nothing to do with the dpi setting I can perform in the printer settings, right?13:41.26 
chrisl ppd: I don't believe so, I think the resolution in the PPD takes precedence13:42.00 
kens ppd chrisl, I'm fairly sure we didn't try 600 dpi.13:42.44 
ppd so maybe everything below 1200 dpi works for this printer13:44.19 
chrisl Nope, 720 was the resolution that prompted your report.....13:44.47 
ppd I mean from our list of resolutions that we tried now13:45.14 
chrisl ppd: to reduce confusion (maybe, a little): 
kens 720 is a non-integer multiple of the printers native resolution, so we might expect that to be hard.13:45.49 
chrisl ppd: *if* the printer is genuinely printer at 1200dpi, so 1200dpi *should* be quickest of all (other things being equal) since no scaling at all is required.13:46.28 
kens Agreed.13:46.39 
  But if the printer is operating in a reduced resolution mode (300,600) then it might still be slower thatn those resolutions13:47.01 
naveen_ Hi Robin, I was able to send byte array to Java_com_artifex_mupdf_MuPDFCore_openArray and view the pdf by making changes in your android app...But when I integrate this into my app..I'm only seeing loading image always..Am i missing something here?13:47.09 
kens Also from what Ray said, there is an ASIC for upscaling, so that should be quick too.13:47.25 
Robin_Watts naveen_: No idea, sorry.13:48.04 
naveen_ ok.. 13:48.23 
Robin_Watts I'd sprinkle some prints throughout the jni code and watch what happens on the adb log13:48.29 
naveen_ I'm not getting any exceptions here..but will try again on that..13:49.19 
ppd chrisl: real1m48.812s for 1200dpi13:49.21 
chrisl ppd: okay, so if you update your cups filters package from Till's ppa, you should get the same performance.13:50.23 
  ppd: Actually, I think I see the problem......13:54.40 
  ppd: when you tested the stuff from Till's ppa earlier, you said you selected 300dpi in the CUPS print dialogue - am I correct?13:56.36 
ppd chrisl: yes13:59.40 
chrisl Okay, that *seems* to put the *printer* into 300dpi mode, but have no effect on the CUPS filter setting, so you end up sending 1200dpi data to, effectively, a 300dpi device14:00.40 
kens Ah, scaling down again....14:01.22 
  Ray suggested that was slow14:01.30 
chrisl Yes, it seems various parts of cups aren't playing nicely together......14:01.56 
  ppd: the process you tried earlier (which you attached the result from onto the Ubuntu bug) can you try that again, but with 1200dpi selected in the CUPS print dialogue?14:02.44 
kens I guess we are asking for complicated stuff...14:02.45 
chrisl consistent dpi through the workflow seems fundamental, to me14:03.19 
ppd chrisl: certainly. I'll print it to a file and netcat it then14:03.26 
chrisl ppd: to start with, if you don't want to tie up the printer, you could put it somewhere that I look at it - I can then tell you if it's worth trying on the printer.14:04.32 
  ppd: Or I can tell you what search for in the PS so you can check it yourself14:05.36 
kens chrisl can you tell me where to set up the command line arguments in ddd ? I can't seem to find tehm in the menu.....14:06.17 
chrisl kens: for the target exe?14:06.39 
ppd chrisl: I'll upload it14:06.41 
kens chrisl, yes, I have the exe loaded14:06.51 
chrisl kens: Program->Run brings up a dialogue you can set the args in there14:07.15 
kens Ddd is painfully slow over ssh to peeves14:07.19 
  chrisl, I'll try that thanks.14:07.28 
ppd chrisl: 
  chrisl: this one with 1200dpi14:07.43 
chrisl ppd: yes, that has what we want: << /HWResolution [1200 1200] /PreRenderingEnhance false >> setpagedevice14:08.37 
  ppd: So we *hope* this should run nicely on the printer in under 2 minutes.......14:09.13 
ppd chrisl: still processing...14:17.24 
chrisl ppd: so, not done in 2 minutes, then :-(14:18.34 
ppd chrisl: not quite14:19.12 
chrisl ppd: well, there is a bunch of other stuff that seems to get pulled in from the PPD, possibly based on user settings in the CUPS dialogue - two look possible: EconoMode and Smoothing14:22.40 
ppd chrisl: ecoprint is off but there is a so called "KIR" option14:25.31 
  chrisl: that is set to on14:25.39 
chrisl ppd: I don't see a KIR option in the Postscript, but it could be that - can you set it to off, and upload the PS again (or are you getting sick of this?)14:26.51 
ppd chrisl: wait a sec14:29.19 
  chrisl: 1200 dpi again?14:29.42 
chrisl please, yes14:29.56 
ppd chrisl: hehe, the last 1200dpi came out: real20m27.511s14:31.41 
  chrisl: ERROR: limitcheck OFFENDING COMMAND: image STACK: -mark- -mark- -mark-14:32.42 
  chrisl: on the second page. first page lacks a few things...14:33.17 
chrisl ppd: that's not good!14:33.47 
ppd chrisl: could be because I overwrote right now14:33.54 
  chrisl: with this new cups job14:34.11 
chrisl that's possible, it told us something, though, which might be useful....14:34.34 
henrys kens2:you would just run from the command line and redirect stderr to a file to get the result but I'm sort of surprised you can't just add that in the VS debug settings.14:39.25 
ppd chrisl: 
kens2 henrys it works on the command line but not VS14:39.39 
  henrys in VS pcl6 tries to parse teh redirection as part of the command line options.14:41.06 
chrisl ppd: That has set Smoothing to "None", if you're feeling brave, you can try it on the printer.....14:41.07 
Robin_Watts kens2: 
henrys kens2:work in gdb and arguably that is a VS bug the command line should be interpreted by the shell first - does globbing files works "run *.pcl"14:42.24 
kens2 henrys I know its a bug, I'm sure I've had it work before....14:42.47 
  Robin_Watts : I know it should work, it doesn't.14:43.12 
henrys anyway we also have toolbin/leaks.tcl which parses all the -ZAa output and shows the leaks if memento doesn't work well.14:44.22 
kens2 Memento is doing a good job for me14:44.37 
henrys okay14:44.43 
ppd chrisl: the same old story14:45.32 
chrisl ppd: well, it's up to you - do you want to pursue this further? It'll mean an indeterminate number of further tests :-(14:48.32 
ppd chrisl: someone's gotta do it. but so far we learned that everything runs pretty smooth with the setting at 600 dpi and 300 dpi, right?14:50.45 
chrisl ppd: well, no because the biggest performance hit seems to be coming from some setting pulled in from the PPD, or possibly the compression differences.14:52.19 
ppd chrisl: ah okay. the PPD is supplied by kyocera. pretty awkward...14:53.23 
chrisl ppd: yes, exactly. I guess the next step is for me to create you a 300dpi test, *with* all the PPD cr*p and see how that gets on?14:54.19 
ppd chrisl: you're the boss14:55.06 
chrisl ppd: that doesn't fill me with confidence :-(14:55.29 
Robin_Watts henrys: Can you spare a couple of minutes?14:55.56 
  I've reached a point with the HPGL stuff, where I think I may need you to make changes.14:56.11 
kens2 OK so I finally managed to get ddd to co-operate long enough to seg fault in the debugger. Result!14:59.52 
henrys sure yes, you can just check in the code right and I can enable it locally?15:00.02 
  Robin_Watts ^^^15:00.47 
Robin_Watts henrys: Yeah.15:01.04 
  but before I do that...15:01.09 
  Can you look at my bmpcmp, page 6, number 15115:01.39 
chrisl ppd: This is, from what I can remember, a 300dpi version created in the same way that cups does it, *with* the PPD settings for 300dpi, and the default Smoothing set to Medium: 
Robin_Watts henrys: 2 paths get stroked in that file. The first:15:02.17 
  24.0000 48.0000 moveto % 0x2e00608<0x0,0x2e00658>:0 #curves=0 last=0x2e0065815:02.27 
  24.0000 996.0000 gapto % 0x2e00658<0x2e00608,0x0>:015:02.29 
  correctly displays nothing.15:02.34 
  The second:15:02.36 
  24.0000 48.0000 moveto % 0x2e00e18<0x0,0x2e00e68>:0 #curves=0 last=0x2e00f5815:02.47 
  179.9063 357.4492 gapto % 0x2e00e68<0x2e00e18,0x2e00e98>:015:02.49 
  217.6992 357.4492 gapto % 0x2e00e98<0x2e00e68,0x2e00ec8>:015:02.51 
  161.0078 390.1797 lineto % 0x2e00ec8<0x2e00e98,0x2e00ef8>:015:02.52 
  161.0078 324.7188 lineto % 0x2e00ef8<0x2e00ec8,0x2e00f28>:015:02.54 
  217.6992 357.4492 lineto % 0x2e00f28<0x2e00ef8,0x2e00f58>:015:02.55 
  closepath % 0x2e00f58<0x2e00f28,0x0>:0 24.0000 48.0000 0x2e00e1815:02.57 
  is the one that gives the problem.15:02.59 
  The 3 linetos are the triangle.15:03.19 
  The closepath is the extra line.15:03.32 
  Are we agreed that my code is doing what we expect?15:04.19 
henrys seems to be yes15:05.02 
Robin_Watts OK. I'll get that committed then.15:05.11 
henrys but perhaps the first moveto should be dropped upon receiving the gapto in that mode.15:07.00 
Robin_Watts Eh?15:07.13 
  The first moveto has meaning.15:07.29 
  Suppose I moveto each of the 4 corners of a square, then close and fill it.15:07.51 
  In that mode, we'd want to see a square.15:07.58 
  And I'd make it 'moveto gapto gapto gapto closepath'.15:08.24 
henrys oh yes you are right.15:08.34 
Robin_Watts hence dropping the moveto would be wrong.15:08.35 
henrys if we have this many problems though I expect an upheavel in gl/2 sigh.15:09.56 
ppd chrisl: sorry for the delay: takes pretty long so far....15:14.06 
chrisl ppd: so even 300dpi, something in the PPD crap is hurting us - that really is poor :-(15:14.41 
ppd chrisl: real1m23.987s15:15.04 
  chrisl: plus 20 seconds or so for the actual printout15:15.19 
chrisl ppd: so sort of acceptable, then15:15.38 
ppd chrisl: mmmh15:15.55 
  chrisl: "sort of"15:16.43 
chrisl ppd: the thing is, we can spend the time working out which setting from the PPD causes the slowdown, *but* as mentioned, the PPD comes from Kyocera, we don't have much control over it15:16.58 
ppd chrisl: yes. that is true. can't I use some "generic" PPD that does not include this stuff?15:17.53 
chrisl ppd: I'm not the person to ask, sorry.15:18.18 
ppd chrisl: funny thing I noticed. On this last output the image in the header has visible small black dots. looks "rasterized"15:18.26 
chrisl ppd: Hmm, I wouldn't expect that, but who knows.....15:19.26 
  ppd: I suppose if we track down the problem in the PPD, tkamppeter might have some influence on Kyocera....15:20.56 
ppd chrisl: if that's the only option. funny their ppd worked "ok" with the poppler filter... seems like pure luck15:23.40 
chrisl ppd: along with so many other things, that makes very little sense to me :-(15:24.38 
Robin_Watts could it be that once you know what in the PPD is causing it, it will explain what the poppler output is doing differently?15:25.43 
chrisl That's *possible* but not hugely likely. To be honest, I can't see a significant difference between the poppler output and ours for these case.15:26.39 
Robin_Watts could it be something stupid like ours going slightly out of the paper margins and somehow causing a huge slowdown because of that ?15:27.32 
chrisl Robin_Watts: yes, it could be something like that - but a simple rectangle clip really shouldn't have a measurable effect on performance, even with an image15:28.34 
  ppd: This has the bottom half of the PPD settings chopped out: 
ppd but we have almost 2 minutes with the ppd additions versus 0.3 seconds without15:29.55 
chrisl Oops, I wonder what I did there....15:32.54 
kens2 binary corruption it looks like15:33.52 
  Odd, there's a '>' in the ASCII 85 data stream.15:34.58 
chrisl kens2: no, it's my mistake.....15:35.16 
kens2 I think that's legal though15:35.24 
chrisl ppd: refreshed version, should work better - I got confused with where the settings started and ended15:36.41 
henrys sometimes it's best to wait a half hour, repeating a soothing mantra, before responding to a customer...15:37.47 
kens2 I know that feeling well. WHich email prompted it this time ?15:38.13 
ppd chrisl: real1m22.391s15:39.53 
henrys 69297015:40.12 
ppd chrisl: plus 30 seconds at least for actual output15:40.18 
  chrisl: header image looks really bad. not smooth at all15:41.44 
chrisl ppd: I'm not too worried about how it looks right now.....15:42.09 
  ppd: Down to about the top quarter of the PPD settings: 
ppd chrisl: real1m24.887s plus roughly 30 seconds for the output15:45.14 
chrisl ppd: running out of settings.... 
ppd chrisl: real1m23.664s15:51.26 
chrisl ppd: only one setting left.... 
ppd chrisl: do you receive any compensation money for pain and suffering for this activity?15:54.43 
chrisl ppd: it's sort of, vaguely, part of my job - although, this is more effort than we'd normally expend on someone else's broken interpreter......15:56.03 
ppd chrisl: real1m23.359s15:56.42 
chrisl ppd: I wonder if this is actually a filters problem - this has no PPD settings left: 
ppd chrisl: this one will takes as long...16:00.09 
kens2 OK pizza time. night all.16:01.06 
ppd good night16:01.23 
  chrisl: real1m23.527s16:02.06 
chrisl ppd: running out of ideas, here! 
  ppd: above has the PS data uncompressed, hence I've zipped it for upload - you'll want to unzip it before trying it.16:04.31 
ppd chrisl: we have the sad situation where we have a ps file that produces better quality in 0.3 seconds ;-)16:07.50 
  chrisl: same old story with this file16:08.18 
chrisl ppd: finally (I hope!): 
ppd chrisl: 0.334s16:10.24 
  "slightly" better16:10.47 
chrisl That's probably transmission time - 400k vs 27Mb!16:11.34 
  So, this is *another* filter problem - bummer :-(16:12.01 
ppd the last one 's printing time is what I'd expect for such a simple document16:14.46 
chrisl ppd: Okay, well it's easy to change, but I don't know how this will fit into cups - I have a feeling that is the set of options that failed on the Brother printers.....16:15.58 
ppd chrisl: would I be able to understand the problem? I'm trying to learn at least a bit when I'm spending whole afternoons debugging buggy hardware ;-)16:17.40 
chrisl ppd: basically, PS has various data filters: some for compression, some to encode binary data in transmission friendly form, and some "special purpose" ones.16:19.02 
  These filters are applied in a "chain", so you can compress, then encode image data by pushing two filters onto the filter chain.16:20.37 
  In general filters should be independent of each other, and so things like encode->compress->encode is perfectly legal.16:21.36 
  So, in the way that CUPS currently drives ps2write, the image data is ASCII85Encoded, then compressed with LZWEncode as part of the page data, and the entire compressed page data is then ASCII85Encoded.16:23.58 
  ppd: still interested, or bored to tears already?16:24.16 
ppd chrisl: still interested, but my car pool driver wants to leave16:26.46 
chrisl ppd: okay, I'm going to write some of this up on the Ubuntu bug anyway.16:27.15 
ppd chrisl: that would be nice! do you still "need" me here for debugging tomorrow or is it pretty clear what needs to be done?16:28.32 
chrisl ppd: I think we know what to do, the next time your time will be needed will be when Till works out what he wants to do in CUPS16:29.06 
ppd chrisl: so I'll just hang around in the channel. thank you for your efforts! bye for today!16:31.01 
Robin_Watts henrys: Deltas are working again for ghostpdl.17:02.14 
  I'm going to look at making them work for mupdf too.17:02.23 
henrys that would be great, interesting to see how we are doing with that business.17:05.43 
  with mupdf that is.17:05.59 
Robin_Watts And we have lift off :)17:09.34 
  I think I'm going to look at the indetermisms in mupdf for a bit...17:10.17 
ray_laptop chrisl_away: (for the logs) I saw your comment in the discussion with tkamppeter. I agree that for images (photos) HWResolution/2 or /3 is plenty, but remember that we may be dealing with text that is in the image due to transparency being used.17:19.45 
  dropping text down to 300 dpi (from 600) can be seen, particularly for CJK glyphs -- it doesn't make it illegible (usually) but does degrade quality.17:21.12 
tkamppeter ray_laptop, thanks, so I will try whether the chrisl_away's findings for the Kyocera also accelerate my HPs and otherwise one should perhaps look into /2 only for HP.17:22.54 
ray_laptop tkamppeter: if you have the JEITA test pages, their are some spreadsheets with gobs of tiny glyphs filling them up. You can have a look for yourself to see if 300/360 seems good enough compared to 600/720.17:25.20 
  In particular, J10 page 5 is really an 'eye-test' :-)17:28.20 
  tkamppeter: chrisl_away: the other aspect we have to consider is that by rendering at a reduced (1/2 or less) resolution for pages with transparency, the quality won't match pages which are rendered "normally" (to ps2write and rendered by the printer at it's resolution setting)17:56.10 
  tkamppeter: one last comment, then I'll stop -- Kyocera and HP and others support PCL -- we should see if the bottleneck is in the Kyocera PS by testing 600 dpi pages rendered as an image in PCL.17:58.05 
  I'm not a real fan of PCL, but since it is a 'dumber' PDL, printers can sometimes handle it more quickly17:59.04 
tkamppeter ray_laptop, and if PCL mode is faster recomment HPIJS for all HP and Kyocera PS printers? Problem will be all the extra options in Kyocera's PPDs.18:01.38 
  ray_laptop, chrisl_away's changes for Kyocera make also my HP faster.18:03.09 
chrisl tkamppeter: just back for a minute - is that the changes I suggested on the Ubuntu bug?18:03.52 
  ray_laptop: I did think about the quality issues later, but the investigation had moved on considerably by then - it's a filter combination problem :-(18:05.01 
tkamppeter chrisl, yes, your improvement methods for Kyo in the Ubuntu bug improve also HP.18:06.09 
chrisl tkamppeter: Oh, good. I've pinged Bruce from the Brother bugs via e-mail, and pointed him at the Kyo report - hopefully he won't mind running a test or two on his Brother printer for us. It would be nice to avoid special cases!18:07.36 
tkamppeter chrisl, I am thinking about using " -dEncodeMonoImages=false -dEncodeColorImages=false" only on Brother and not on all printers as currently, as leaving out this compression seems to be a significant slowdown on most printers.18:07.52 
chrisl tkamppeter: I'm hoping the Brother might be happy with compressed images and uncompressed page streams, but yes, special casing the Brothers is an option.18:09.26 
tkamppeter chrisl, I change the code in a way that for Brother printers nothing will change, but for Kyocera -dCompressPages=false will get added and for all non-Brother (including Kyo and HP) " -dEncodeMonoImages=false -dEncodeColorImages=false" will get removed.18:12.53 
chrisl_r61 tkamppeter: fair enough, that should work okay.18:17.22 
ray_laptop Can you imagine a PDF renderer written in javaScript ? even at screen/viewer resolutions it is probably slow18:21.40 
chrisl_r61 ray_laptop: they're not going to actually do the rendering in JavaScript, are they? I figured the actual rendering would be done by the browser engine.18:26.42 
rayjj chrisl: Well the guy wanted the jbig2 code so they could translate it into JS -- can you imagine arithmetic coding in JS !18:39.07 
  chrisl: I wonder if the also have FlateDecode, JPEG and JPEG2000/JPX in JS ?18:40.41 
chrisl_r61 rayjj: that's pretty darned awful. The slight worry is they might take business from people like us doing a "full" implementation, with something "just about good enough" :-(18:40.55 
tkamppeter chrisl_r61, if I do not use -dEncodeMonoImages=false -dEncodeColorImages=false then I get a strange effect: files with -dCompressPages=false get smaller than files without -dCompressPages=false, so I allow page compression and get bigger files.18:41.17 
rayjj chrisl: well a free browser isn't really a business18:41.33 
chrisl_r61 tkamppeter: I noticed that, too, which feels wrong - I put it down to an oddity in the files I was using, but I guess not.....18:42.38 
  rayjj: they have a commercial arm, too, don't they? Anyway, it doesn't necessarily stop them taking some business from us at some point.......18:43.24 
Viktoras Hello, can anyone help me with gs? I use imagick+gs to convert PDF into JPGs. But there are some files, that: Error: /invalidrestore in --restore-- and GPL Ghostscript 9.05: Unrecoverable error, exit code 1. Can you please give me any hints on this?19:01.48 
chrisl_r61 Viktoras: before we can help, you'll have to reproduce directly with Ghostscript, and supply a file that files - we've no idea how ImageMagick calls gs.19:03.46 
Viktoras This is reproducible with gs directly also19:05.43 
  As for files, I will have to ask my boss for permission, as they are company's documents. 19:06.33 
chrisl_r61 Viktoras: in that case you should probably use so you can (or we can) mark the file as private. We'll also need a command line.19:07.37 
Viktoras When I open the document with Foxit Reader it says, that file contains interactive form fields. And I suppose also electronically signed. Could any of these be an issue?19:08.08 
chrisl_r61 Ghostscript should ignore interactive forms, I'm not sure about electronic signing, but I'd expect us to ignore that, too.19:09.05 
Viktoras And this is the command line:19:09.44 
  gswin32c.exe -q -dQUIET -dPARANOIDSAFER -dBATCH -dNOPAUSE -dNOPROMPT -dMaxBitmap=500000000 -dEPSCrop -dAlignToPixels=0 -dGridFitTT=0 "-sDEVICE=jpeg" -dTextAlphaBits=4 -d GraphicsAlphaBits=4 "-r72x72" -sOutputFile="out-%d.jpg" test.pdf19:09.52 
chrisl_r61 The first thing to try is remove the "-q -dQUIET" options - if you're trying to debug a problem, you really want verbose output!19:10.56 
  Viktoras: but I don't see a particular problem with that command line19:11.37 
Viktoras And, what I guess is the reason to all this: **** This file had errors that were repaired or ignored.19:12.27 
  **** The file was produced by:19:12.27 
  **** >>>> Amdocs Document Designer <<<<19:12.27 
  I had 9.00 that was just dying, 9.05 called directly does out put the files, but still dies at the end19:13.12 
chrisl_r61 what do you mean "dies at the end"?19:13.36 
Viktoras I mean "GPL Ghostscript 9.05: Unrecoverable error, exit code 1" and so on.19:14.11 
chrisl_r61 Hmm, I was hoping it might tell you *what* was wrong (or thinks is wrong) with the PDF19:15.11 
  Maybe this will describe better than me)19:17.09 
chrisl_r61 Viktoras: sorry, that doesn't really tell me anything - often GS will show an error or warning before the "Error reading a content stream", but not in this case.19:19.54 
Viktoras I see, so I guess only the file can tell anything significant in this situation?19:20.26 
chrisl_r61 Viktoras: 'fraid so, yes.19:20.49 
Viktoras Allright. Thanks for response) I will get permissions and post a ticket.19:21.43 
chrisl_r61 Viktoras: okay, I can't remember if the bug creator can make an attachment private, so if not, ping someone on here, and well do it.19:22.53 
Viktoras Ok. Thanks! Wish you a good evening. Bye.19:24.26 
chrisl_r61 Same to you!19:24.38 
ray_laptop mvrhel: I noticed that you are moving on to working on the Avadhut problem. What's the status on the planar spot color stuff ?21:27.42 
  mvrhel: BTW, I just upgraded to RAdmin 3.4 (I was at 2.2 and it stopped working, but when I upgraded -- for free - it works). It seems a little better, but it's hard to tell. If you get it, MAKE SURE AND SET YOUR OWN PORT # (don't use the default).21:29.21 
  mvrhel: when I used the default port the RAdmin logs showed hundreds of attempted logins every day -- and that was 4+ years ago. It's probably worse now21:30.22 
  I now have all internet traffic into my Windows system blocked except for that port (it's on an internal network in back of peeves)21:31.21 
  if you have a 'firewall' on your router, you may need to enable the port for whatever you pick.21:32.26 
mvrhel hi ray_laptop21:55.41 
  I was just taking an initial look on Avadhut's issue to get a feel for it21:56.04 
  the status on the planar spot stuff is that I have about 2 files that render wrong in the cluster test21:56.38 
  and they are ones that make my head hurt a bit. I am going to jump back on them in a bit21:57.00 
  ok enough work for Avadhut. back to planar sep land22:13.35 
  I think I am going to have to look into this pdf file to understand what all is going on22:14.56 
  hmm trying to use mupdfclean to do some expansions and it fails22:35.08 
  seoming about "compression bomb detected"22:35.21 
  Robin_Watts: any ideas22:35.32 
  I really don't want to go off and debug this22:36.10 
  I wonder what a compression bomb is22:36.23 
  oh interesting22:37.09 
Robin_Watts mvrhel: Hi22:58.25 
  I hate the compression bomb code.22:58.49 
  just nobble the if to never trigger.22:59.05 
  (stm_read.c, line 113)22:59.41 
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