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Log of #ghostscript at

 <<<Back 1 day (to 2012/04/27)2012/04/28 
sebras Robin_Watts tor8: omission patch waiting at sebras/master.08:21.07 
Robin_Watts omission ?08:31.29 
  just downloaded that file.08:31.37 
sebras Robin_Watts: no, I mean that we divide by zero (timing.count) in mudraw.c. I have a patch for that over at sebras/master08:37.38 
Robin_Watts Patch seems reasonable, but git is messing me about, so I can't include it :(08:41.17 
sebras oh. why is that?08:41.32 
  what does git complain about?08:41.37 
Robin_Watts I can't pull from your branch without getting a merge error in PageView.java08:44.23 
  and pushed, thanks.08:46.35 
sebras agh! next time when I write dividing, tell me to include the second "di"...08:49.07 
  oh well.08:49.11 
jzmer does ghostscript support printing of adobe pdfs with prc?13:53.06 
sebras Robin_Watts tor8: a patch for the x11 viewer to free what it allocated upon errors. otherwise this file (password "mal_file") leaks 2Gbyte... 
  Robin_Watts: oh, and a fixed compilation error from the pdfclean move.16:53.38 
Robin_Watts Hey mvrhel_laptop. Are you at an airport ?22:48.37 
  How odd. sebras mupdf repo seems to have jumped back in time.22:51.22;a=summary22:51.49 
sebras oh...22:51.55 
Robin_Watts last change = 6 weeks ago, rather than today.22:52.16 
sebras Robin_Watts: fixed.22:52.54 
  Robin_Watts: and now there are two nice patches as well!22:53.06 
Robin_Watts Pushed. Thanks!22:55.52 
sebras cool. :)22:59.15 
Robin_Watts I haven't looked into the a2.pdf slowdown thing.23:04.25 
  but Acrobat has problems with it too.23:04.31 
sebras me neither.23:04.41 
Robin_Watts I fear it's to do with memory handling (maybe the cache being full and evicting lots)23:04.56 
sebras but the file itself is... impressive.23:04.58 
  mmm, that seems likely.23:05.05 
Robin_Watts how so?23:05.12 
sebras I was thinking about the glyphcache.23:05.14 
  as far as I can tell from the website it contains the documentation of one (or many?) operating systems that some guy in italy wrote to clone linux/unix.23:06.13 
  so he documented _everything_ about his computer and how things work and his brilliant new os.23:06.36 
  and it ended up being a 10k page 400Mbyte .pdf...23:06.49 
Robin_Watts Ah, so by impressive you mean "insane" ?23:07.48 
sebras I do.23:07.55 
  hence the pause. ;)23:08.06 
  hopefully I misunderstood something, and it turns out that all his work has been useful. ;)23:08.49 
Robin_Watts I have a friend who did lots of RISC OS when he was younger (and I mean lots - hugely prolific, ended up coding parts of the later versions of the OS).23:09.13 
  He's been writing up stuff about the source code for his code, and the source code of the OS.23:09.39 
  It's into tens of thousands of words at least already. And it's never going to be of use to anyone. I just don't understand it.23:10.16 
  anyhow, bedtime for me...23:10.51 
  have a good one.23:10.57 
sebras mmm, me too.23:11.00 
  a couple of hours ago...23:11.07 
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