IRC Logs

Log of #ghostscript at

 <<<Back 1 day (to 2012/04/29)2012/04/30 
Tester I have a problem with missing library of ghostscript on mac os x 10.6. I try to use ghost4j and I can't found the library libgs.dylib.09:38.40 
kens Is it on your system ?09:39.03 
Tester no.09:39.13 
kens Well, three's your problem then09:39.19 
Tester but I don'zt know where to find the library.09:39.21 
kens have you asked the ghost4j people ?09:40.12 
Tester no.09:40.25 
kens well it seems to me that would be the first place to ask09:40.46 
  chrisl you've got a Mac, do we make dynamic libraries for MacOS ?09:41.42 
  Tester : where did you get Ghostscript from, and what version are you using ?09:44.15 
Tester I use version 9.05 from the official site.09:44.36 
kens Built form source ?09:44.48 
Tester yes09:45.44 
kens Probably you need to specify a make option to build dynamic librareis tehn09:46.03 
Tester --enable-dynamic?09:46.29 
kens Possibly :-)09:46.36 
  I'm not the build engineer, adn I don't have a Mac, so its hard for me to tell09:46.52 
Tester I try it with this option.09:49.06 
chrisl kens: no, we don't make dynamic libs for mac. You just make them the same as Unix ones "make so"10:28.18 
Yoshi47 Robin_Watts, About you comment on my question, I don't mind waiting for the pdf to download, they are only single page or < 5 pages anyways and are on a local subnet so it should be fast anyways, so I just need it to open from http link on a local intranet server.10:59.54 
kens The MuPDF viewer doesn't open files from URL, tehy must be stored lcoally11:00.33 
  SO you need to copy the file from the server11:00.42 
Yoshi47 kens, Robin_Watts was saying "We could put an http fetcher into the mupdf app, but as mupdf doesn't currently support opening PDFs that are still downloading, you'd still have to wait for it all to arrive first.20:51.27 11:01.19 
  So there would be no benefit.20:51.37 11:01.20 
  Actually, we should put linearised pdf support on the agenda."11:01.20 
kens I must have missed Robin's response11:01.46 
Yoshi47 kens, basically asking if they can add that support to it, he responded on friday afternoon, 
kens But as he says, there's no real benefit to adding it to the viewer11:02.30 
  RIght, so as Robin says, the viewer doesn't support linearied PDF11:03.08 
Yoshi47 well not speed wise because of the download, but it makes it easier to access pdf on the network11:03.11 
  which means viewing while downloading, right?11:03.31 
kens Yoshi47 : its a 'dumb' app, it can be extended in many ways.11:03.31 
  Yoshi47 : in this case support for linearised meqans opening page 1 and viewing while download continues, yes.11:03.55 
Yoshi47 yep don't care to wait for page 2 to download to, 90% of these pdfs are 1 page11:04.22 
  and the rest are < 5 pages long11:04.31 
kens So no real advantage11:04.36 
Yoshi47 so you wait for it to go into memory 11:04.38 
  not speed wise no.11:04.43 
  but really nice if they are being handle off of a intranet application for multiple users on different OSs11:05.13 
kens Its not my area, but I doubt if it wil be added to the viewer.11:05.45 
Yoshi47 wonder if i can prepend my command with a downloader into tmp and then open with mupdf and then delete after viewing11:06.22 
kens You could certainly scrip it11:06.52 
kens lunches11:09.26 
Robin_Watts Yoshi47: Yes, either you can download to tmp and then invoke mupdf (which is what should happen on android, and we hope to make happen on ios)...11:40.47 
  ... or you can add that to the app yourself.11:41.13 
  IIRC you're on android ?11:41.20 
Yoshi47 so how are you doing that on android?11:41.27 
  no on linux11:41.29 
  but also need to work for windows11:41.35 
  android would be nice too11:41.50 
Robin_Watts Yoshi47, ah ok.11:41.51 
Yoshi47 haven't got that far11:41.53 
  just found mupdf last week11:42.03 
  so im excited11:42.07 
Robin_Watts On android, it's just what the OS does - when you try to open a file that the browser doesn't understand, it downloads it. Then it looks for a file that matches the extension/mimetype and invokes the app on that (or should do)11:42.49 
Yoshi47 ah11:43.09 
  Robin_Watts, thanks for that enlightening comment, I think its working now! browser is downloading first and then handing it off to mupdf, well xulrunner that is.11:45.39 
Robin_Watts cool.11:45.47 
Yoshi47 just not small enough11:46.13 
  is there a limit on the minimum size?11:46.20 
Robin_Watts filesize?11:46.52 
Yoshi47 no screen size11:47.15 
Robin_Watts nope.11:47.24 
Yoshi47 doesn't seem to want to go smaller then like 640x48011:47.37 
  54 dpi is the smallest it wants to go11:48.38 
chrisl Robin_Watts: do you know if I can have the cluster test tiffsep?12:08.04 
Robin_Watts You can't.12:08.14 
  but it should test pamcmyk, if that's any help.12:08.25 
  psdcmyk, sorry!12:08.38 
chrisl No, this is changes in the tiffsep device12:08.43 
Robin_Watts psdcmyk does spots etc.12:08.50 
  The cluster can't test tiffs as writing tiff files involves seeking, and that screws the pooch.12:09.11 
chrisl Yeh, I thought marcosw had done "something" to let Michael test his changes with tiffsep12:09.36 
Robin_Watts michaels changes are being tested with psdcmyk.12:09.58 
  tiffsep produces many files per page, and the cluster assumes just one.12:10.16 
chrisl Oh well, I'll script up something to test these changes, then12:11.15 
Robin_Watts You may be able to do something with in gs/toolbin.12:12.50 
  That was my test script (that bmpcmp was written for)12:13.13 
  It takes a list of files to test in the same format as comes back from a regression report.12:13.47 
chrisl There shouldn't be any differences in the output pages, only possibly more output pages in rare cases.12:13.52 
Robin_Watts chrisl: Ah.12:15.08 
  sebras (for the logs): testing a fix for the locking thing now - thanks for spotting that.12:15.21 
Yoshi47 Robin_Watts, can you try make mupdf go to about 200x200 pixel window with a pdf you have?12:43.53 
Robin_Watts Look at pdfapp.h12:53.57 
  #define MINRES 5412:54.02 
Yoshi47 Robin_Watts, nutts, that means I have to compile it13:27.06 
Robin_Watts sorry.13:35.49 
  ok. I'm heading off to heathrow in a mo.13:47.39 
kens see you tomorrow Robin_Watts13:48.04 
Yoshi47 Robin_Watts, done, compiled successfully, that was easy, good job!13:49.54 
Robin_Watts ok, that's it. Anything I've still forgotten will have to wait :)13:53.08 
ray_laptop Hi, all. I made it to the Holiday Inn (finally).14:27.30 
kens Hi ray, I hope you didn't have a long delay at immigrartion.14:30.30 
ray_laptop hi, kens. It was about 25 minutes in immigration. All told, (waiting for the bus and the ride, and getting checked in and on the internet) was about 2 hours14:42.21 
  the flight was right on time14:43.18 
  I'll check back here to see if anyone that's here is doing anything for dinner. 14:45.55 
  I assume that the locals will just come in tomorrow AM14:46.11 
Yoshi47 is there some kinda of conference going on that everyone is going to?14:49.23 
chrisl ray_laptop: Robin_Watts is at the hotel tonight, kens and I are coming up tomorrow morning14:50.06 
ray_laptop chrisl: I see. And henrys, marcosw and mvrhel are here, right ?14:50.50 
chrisl ray_laptop: I believe so. mvrhel was talking about some sightseeing in London, not sure about the others.14:51.36 
ray_laptop I think Miles is already here too (his flight was about the same time as mine, except from SFO. I don't know Scott's itinereary14:52.09 
chrisl I'd guess Scott will be sightseeing, too. He sent the warning about which Holiday Inn to find.... so I assume he's there14:52.57 
ray_laptop Are you guys driving in or coming by public transportation and taking the shuttle from the airport ?14:53.46 
  The airport shuttle is "H4"14:54.14 
chrisl I'm driving up, and I'm going to collect kens from the coach at Terminal 5 (he gets the coach from Gatwick airport). Robin_Watts is driving14:55.02 
kens Off for now, see you all tomorrow16:34.47 
mvrhel_laptop oh looks like there is a major indeterminism in my patch16:53.50 
  I guess I didn't have an easy way to test for that until after the commit16:54.04 
  time to run valgrind....16:55.13 
  hmm something in the shading code from bmpcmp it would appear16:57.10 
  actually has a problem16:58.29 
robin_watts_mac At last.17:02.34 
  henrys``: Are you at the hotel?17:02.50 
mvrhel_laptop hi robin_watts_mac17:02.50 
robin_watts_mac hi mvrhel_laptop 17:03.03 
mvrhel_laptop scott and I just got back from the city about 30 minutes ago17:03.08 
robin_watts_mac ah. I've just been for a run. I have Henry and Sabrinas luggage in the car...17:03.39 
  and internet in my room was messing about, so they had to give me some paswords.17:04.02 
  What did you see in the city?17:04.28 
mvrhel_laptop The science museum and then I did a bunch of shopping for stephanie and the kids17:04.48 
robin_watts_mac nice. I haven't been to the science museum for at least a decade, but I used to love it as a kid.17:06.09 
mvrhel_laptop Jammie Dodgers and the like17:06.15 
  hi ray_laptop17:06.24 
  I was surprised to see that you came in today17:06.31 
robin_watts_mac hey hey ray. Where in the world are you this fine morning.17:06.34 
mvrhel_laptop I had a huge price diff with saturday vs sunday departures17:06.48 
ray_laptop hi, mvrhel_laptop. DO you know if we are going to dinner tonight ?17:06.49 
mvrhel_laptop I am17:06.54 
robin_watts_mac Me too.17:06.58 
ray_laptop mvrhel_laptop: how much was your fare ?17:07.07 
robin_watts_mac I saw Miles earlier.17:07.14 
mvrhel_laptop It was around 900 or so17:07.17 
robin_watts_mac and he's wanting food this evening.17:07.28 
mvrhel_laptop I think Scott is up in Mile's room now17:07.41 
ray_laptop robin_watts: yes, I saw you checking in, but was too far away to shout17:07.42 
mvrhel_laptop ray_laptop: how much was your ticket?17:08.07 
ray_laptop Miles came in today as well. My fare RT was 113417:08.20 
mvrhel_laptop oh that is not bad17:08.26 
robin_watts_mac ray_laptop: That was probably after my run. You were wise to stay out of smell range :)17:08.32 
  Hey tor8.17:08.34 
ray_laptop there wasn't a difference for me with Sat. vs. Sun departure17:08.46 
mvrhel_laptop not with that price17:08.54 
tor8 hey robin, just arrived. dog slow internet if going with the "free" option.17:09.08 
robin_watts_mac wired or wifi ?17:09.21 
mvrhel_laptop wired with the full rate is not too bad17:09.29 
ray_laptop tor8: I went ahead with the 9.95 / day for 24-hrs17:09.38 
ray_laptop doesn't know how to type the funny "L" for pounds17:09.58 
  I kept getting dropped off of the wired connection -- the cable they had in the room had the locking tab broken off, so it was loose. Once I switched to my own cable it was OK17:12.36 
mvrhel_laptop someone should call Miles and see what time he wants to eat17:13.26 
robin_watts_mac I nominate michael.17:14.02 
mvrhel_laptop ok done17:15.32 
  we are going to the magpie17:15.39 
  in a few minutes17:15.41 
  miles and scott will be down in the lobby17:15.54 
robin_watts_mac heads for lobby then.17:15.58 
  tor8: ping???17:16.02 
mvrhel_laptop anyone talk to henry?17:16.03 
  ray_laptop ping17:16.11 
robin_watts_mac Henry isn't here yet.17:16.11 
mvrhel_laptop oh ok17:16.15 
robin_watts_mac I hope tor8 can here the pings from the shower.17:16.23 
ray_laptop I'm here17:16.27 
mvrhel_laptop so lobby 17:16.32 
  in a couple minutes17:16.37 
ray_laptop I'll head to the lobby as well. Thanks17:16.40 
robin_watts_mac or at least henrys hadn't checked in 10mins ago.17:16.46 
mvrhel_laptop oh he is not even at the hotel yet17:17.00 
  marcosw: are you still here or are you off to the show?17:17.11 
  ok. see you all in the lobby17:17.54 
tor8 robin_watts_mac: pings received :)17:18.24 
  robin_watts_mac: see you downstairs in a few17:18.32 
sebras Robin_Watts: I just read the logs and your fix...19:05.07 
  I'm not sure that the fix is correct.19:05.21 
  from what I saw it was nt the pdf_dict_gets() that failed, but rather later in pdf_to_int().19:05.46 
  the reason is that resolving references is delayed until they are used.19:06.05 
  therefore it wouldn't help to release the lock while doing the pdf_dict_gets() as far as I understand.19:06.28 
metan robin_watts_mac: 
sebras robin_watts_mac: oh... .so, now what? ;)19:08.00 
robin_watts_mac sebras: You may be right.19:42.39 
  Do you have a test file that actually exercises this code ?19:42.53 
sebras I synthesized a few, yes.19:43.18 
  I'll send them to you.19:43.27 
  robin_watts_mac: sent. sorry, I though I explained the problem well enough.19:49.59 
  tor8: hey! you arrived safely in .uk?19:50.20 
tor8 sebras: yup.19:50.34 
  bumpy descent though, almost got a bit motion sickness :/19:51.05 
robin_watts_mac sebras: Yes, you explained the problem nicely, but nothing beats actually testing it :)19:51.23 
sebras tor8: as bad as the descent at last time?19:51.58 
tor8 different, this one was all wobbly sideways19:52.19 
sebras tor8: I'm still happy I slept last time when landing in cph19:56.35 
  tor8 robin_watts_mac: there are a few patches over at sebras/master. have a look at them.19:57.34 
robin_watts_mac sebras: So, if I move the pdf_to_int into the unlocked section, we should be OK, right?19:58.26 
sebras robin_watts_mac: I think so.19:58.38 
  robin_watts_mac: also we could make sure that the object is not indirect before continuing.19:59.23 
  in the case of /Size and /Prev I believe that it is required by spec that those are not indirect (and if either is of another type we interpret it as 0 and something will break anyway).20:00.08 
  in the case of /XRefStm I can not find that the spec requires it _not_ to be indirect... strangely enough.20:00.56 
robin_watts_mac ok, testing fix now.20:13.00 
  new.pdf segvs.20:27.17 
  new2.pdf works20:27.20 
sebras new2.pdf has problems with the locking for me.20:29.24 
robin_watts_mac OK, so I've fixed that one then. Thanks.20:29.41 
  and a fix pushed for new.pdf as well.20:32.57 
sebras robin_watts_mac: btw, did you intend to do a merge?20:34.38 
  the tree looks a bit strange now.20:34.46 
robin_watts_mac bum.20:35.21 
sebras we got mupdfposter app and the 2 removed variables as well.20:35.25 
robin_watts_mac Those were intentional.20:35.42 
sebras I wasn't sure you started out on the correct local branch or something like that.20:36.26 
  anyway it is less chaotic than other git trees I have seen with 100s of branches (none of them transient!).20:37.02 
robin_watts_mac Fix pushed. It was never wrong. It was always like this. These are not the droids you're looking for.20:37.45 
sebras these are not the droid's I'm looking for.20:38.39 
  you can go about your business.20:38.45 
  move along, move along.20:38.50 
robin_watts_mac Damn. I forgot to bring a USB lead to charge my phone. I don't suppose any of you guys have a spare micro USB lead I could use?21:10.24 
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