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Log of #ghostscript at

 <<<Back 1 day (to 2012/05/06)2012/05/07 
Robin_Watts while (blah) { ... } while (blah);10:11.26 
  spot the mistake made while converting from a do { } while () to a while { ... }10:11.51 
mace neat10:35.21 
sebras Robin_Watts: as long as blah == false then that might actually work. ;)10:58.00 
Robin_Watts sebras: sadly in just a few cases blah was true.11:03.54 
  and hence the cluster was timing out.11:04.05 
kens ah, that was what it was11:04.18 
Robin_Watts tor8, sebras: ping.11:54.15 
  pdf_keep_obj(obj) starts with an 'assert(obj)'. Can anyone remember why we don't just: if (!obj) return NULL ?11:54.44 
tor8 Robin_Watts: We (I) wanted to catch code that didn't deal with missing objects.11:55.44 
Robin_Watts so you'd rather it stayed that way ?11:56.02 
tor8 not a big deal, and maybe not the brightest idea.11:56.10 
  I'm not opposed to changing it to be more in line with what we do elsewhere (i.e. silently ignore errors)11:56.25 
Robin_Watts pdf_drop_obj copes with NULL obj's.11:56.28 
tor8 Robin_Watts: yeah, it didn't use to before we added exceptions11:56.43 
  I believe the reason for keep/drop not taking null was me trying to catch cleanup errors in a rather roundabout way11:57.17 
Robin_Watts Right. It's important that drop_obj should, I feel, because it makes cleanup code MUCH simpler.11:57.18 
tor8 indeed. and now we have memento.11:57.27 
Robin_Watts I could have believed that the assert was my fault :)11:57.35 
tor8 so go ahead and take away the assert :)11:57.38 
Robin_Watts OK, ta.11:57.43 
  marcosw: None of the warnings links from the dashboard are working any more.11:58.29 
  marcosw: Let me know if I need to rejig the links or something.11:58.42 
kens seems to be a problem with overnight tests too12:05.02 
  I keep getting 'no svn commits' even when there are some12:05.12 
sebras Robin_Watts: pong. *reading logs*12:08.30 
  Robin_Watts: apparently already sorted.12:10.06 
Robin_Watts sebras: Yeah, was just checking there wasn't a cunning plan that I was unaware of/had forgotten.12:10.36 
  Stupid PDF. When you concatenate content streams you have to add whitespace between them so the lexer doesn't get confused.13:00.27 
  What sort of stupid spec is this.13:00.34 
Robin_Watts goes to sulk over lunch13:00.44 
hexmode can anyone help us fix colors in pdf thumbnailing on Wikimedia Commons 
Robin_Watts hexmode: What are you using to do thumbnailing ?13:57.31 
hexmode Robin_Watts: gs13:57.47 
Robin_Watts hexmode: What version of gs ?13:58.03 
  Versions of gs prior to 9.00 will not have handled color profiles correctly, which means you may see slight colour shifts.13:59.11 
hexmode Robin_Watts: I'll double check but the cluster runs Ubuntu Lucid by default: 
  ah, that is prior to 9.0013:59.26 
  I'll add that to the bug13:59.37 
  and ask ops to upgrade13:59.45 
Robin_Watts BUT... I'd consider using mupdf rather than gs.13:59.56 
  MuPDF does not handle color profiles either, but for PDF files with text in, the antialiasing given is MUCH nicer (and faster).14:00.28 
  gs is by far the better choice when running for print output.14:01.54 
  mupdf is optimised for screen output, so may be a better bet for what you need.14:02.16 
hexmode I wasn't aware of MuPDF14:03.05 
Robin_Watts Also, it would be good to see the exact command used by the wikimedia cluster, because the options used can have a large effect.14:03.12 
  muPDF is from the same company that maintains gs, and is released under the same license.14:03.41 
  That looks a lot like you're rendering to JPEG - the ringing artifacts etc.14:04.37 
chrisl It is a jpeg.14:09.11 
  hexmode: if you are stuck with the GS 8.x (I think in Lucid) you can try using the -dUseCIEColor command line option.14:11.18 
hexmode chrisl: that's probably the best shot at this point. tyvm14:12.50 
chrisl hexmode: the "heavily compressed" effect is, as Robin_Watts mentioned, because it's jpeg compressed - the solution is: don't use jpeg.....14:13.27 
hexmode chrisl: yeah, don't know why they didn't use png14:13.59 
chrisl png would be my choice, yes14:14.09 
hexmode Robin_Watts: chrisl_away: I'm going to paste the conversation here to the ticket.14:22.22 
  Robin_Watts: would MuPDF help with non-standard sized PDFs: 
Robin_Watts hexmode: Possibly.14:39.09 
hexmode maybe gs 9.x, also :)14:39.46 
Robin_Watts MuPDF (or mudraw, rather) has the capability to render into a given area, and only use a subarea of that as appropriate for the aspect ratio.14:42.14 
  or mupdfinfo will give you mediaboxes, so you can make an informed choice of what size to render into.14:43.00 
hexmode Robin_Watts: looks like saper (in #mediawiki) is doing some stuff with it, too.14:43.11 
Robin_Watts Well, we'd love to hear what he's doing. We're always open to ideas for potential improvements.14:44.23 
saper gs 9.05 looks much better - colors are right and no visible JPEG compression artifacts14:59.05 
  Robin_Watts: I think I could write a small PS routine around the file to clip the image to what we need?14:59.59 
tor8 Robin_Watts: sebras: (nevermind the color scheme, that's very much a work in progress)15:00.45 
Robin_Watts saper: Possibly. Can you state exactly what you want ?15:00.49 
  tor8: If I follow a link to, say, "pdf_new_null", I am guaranteed that the first line I want to see (the return value) is off the screen.15:01.51 
tor8 Robin_Watts: right...15:02.12 
  I know the decision to do old-style formatting with return values on their own line was going to bite me eventually :)15:02.33 
Robin_Watts I have no idea if that's fixable or not, but I thought I'd mention it. It's not a showstopper, but...15:02.39 
tor8 s/know/knew/15:02.40 
saper Robin_Watts: there is a small postprocessing step after gs which is using imagemagick convert (-depth 8 -width <somepixels>) - clipping in PS is easy, depth should be possible too...15:02.42 
Robin_Watts saper: depth?15:03.11 
chrisl bits per sample15:03.18 
tor8 Robin_Watts: we can fuzz the line number anchors easily enough15:03.21 
saper I wonder if I can ask gs to antialias text?15:03.23 
Robin_Watts If you're producing jpeg, then what do you think -depth is going to do ?15:03.37 
chrisl saper: -dTextAlphaBits15:03.42 
  saper: er, -dTextAlphaBits=2 or -dTextAlphaBits=415:04.11 
Robin_Watts saper: as chrisl, says: -dTextAlphaBits=4 will cause gs to use antialiasing. You can get antialiasing on line art too, using -dGraphicsAlphaBits.15:04.35 
  tor8: but I like it.15:05.29 
  (Though not the colors :) )15:05.33 
chrisl saper: the problem you might have is that the GS PDF interpreter normally does a setpagedevice on the PDF bounding box in force (media box or crop box, I think). I don't know if you can override it15:05.34 
tor8 no, I'm not too fond of the colors either. but the basic idea I think is neat.15:05.48 
  just need a bit better control over which identifiers get tagged15:06.05 
  and to exclude strings from being tagged, but that's not hugely important15:06.22 
saper chrisl: I think I can, I think I played with this stuff before15:07.02 
chrisl saper: if the worst comes to it, I think there is a way to override what the PDF interpreter does, but it is a bit hacky.15:07.57 
saper chrisl: worst case I think I can apply scaling factor to a whole page?15:08.40 
Robin_Watts saper: Sorry, I still don't understand what you think -depth is going to do.15:09.44 
chrisl saper: IIRC, the setpagedevice will reset the scaling, so no, that wouldn't work.15:10.12 
saper Robin_Watts: I think it reduces JPEG color from 24-bit to 8 bit or something15:11.16 
  (I just figured out that pipeline so I am as new to it as you are)15:11.43 
Robin_Watts I don't believe it's a sensible option for jpegs.15:12.03 
saper I don't believe either. The file is the same.15:12.35 
Robin_Watts jpegs can be greyscale (in which they use 1 plane), or yuv or rgb (in which case they use 3) or some other screwy ones you never see.15:12.38 
  There is no concept of 'number of bits' per plane in jpeg really. Just the degree of quantisation.15:13.07 
chrisl IIRC, ImageMagick will just ignore options that don't apply to the "current" format15:13.14 
Robin_Watts All the libs I've ever seen use 8 bits per plane.15:13.17 
saper yep15:13.18 
  so we can ignore that15:13.28 
Robin_Watts Right, so it's just a question of clipping/scaling.15:13.33 
  Which can be avoided by asking gs to render to the right depth in the first place.15:13.51 
saper chrisl: -dTextAlphaBits do not improve quality at all; upgrading gs did :)15:13.54 
Robin_Watts s/depth/size/ sorry.15:14.00 
saper I guess we'll just skip that -depth thing15:14.19 
Robin_Watts saper: If you want better text quality, then use mupdf.15:14.34 
chrisl saper: it might be because there's transparency.15:14.48 
Robin_Watts chrisl: Or it may be that gs is rendering large, and imagemagick is scaling it down, and so they are getting antialiasing that way.15:15.17 
  BUT... outputting pdfs to jpegs is a bad idea, IMHO.15:15.47 
  jpeg compression does horrible things to sharp edges (such as you get in text).15:16.06 
  It will drastically reduce readability.15:16.15 
chrisl Robin_Watts: I meant I suspect GS might be not be anti-aliasing because of the transparency in the file15:16.16 
Robin_Watts chrisl: Right, I understood. I was just saying that there are other explanations for the aa settings not changing the output significantly.15:17.08 
chrisl Robin_Watts: Oh, okay - I still prefer not to anti-alias text, anyway15:18.05 
Robin_Watts For thumbnailing, antialiased text looks WAY more readable, IMHO.15:18.38 
chrisl For an actual thumbnail, most text should be completely illegible, whether aa'ed or not15:19.16 
  saper: to override the PDF page size with your own, you should be able to set your own page size on the command line, and use the "-dFIXEDMEDIA" option15:21.38 
Robin_Watts OK, s/readable/aesthetically pleasing/ then.15:21.46 
saper it's for pretty generic media repository, so I don't know what's in the PDF... I guess most files contain text, but don't have to be15:22.02 
  chrisl: will try right away15:22.12 
chrisl saper: you'll still need a little PS snippet to move the origin so that the correct part of the page gets rendered15:23.02 
saper chrisl: I think I need it scaled15:23.22 
chrisl saper: don't "scale", change the resolution 15:23.51 
saper postscript is such a nice language, pity it is not used more15:26.31 
chrisl It's rare for Postscript to be described as "nice"!15:27.09 
hexmode saper: new ps code is written probably millons of times a day15:27.23 
saper hexmode: by automatons :15:27.35 
hexmode granted15:27.40 
saper I once delivered a 30kb PS program that produced 800 pages to the printshop15:28.20 
chrisl I wouldn't really count the output of drivers and applications that as "new" Postscript.....15:28.41 
saper chrisl: I have some Forth and a bit of functional background, so switch to PostScript concepts was easy...15:29.39 
hexmode chrisl: saper just said "used more often" .... ;P15:30.08 
chrisl saper: I think Postscript is a nice language, too, it's a shame so many producers take such awful liberties with it, though.....15:31.20 
saper it gets re-invented all the time15:32.07 
  (see cairo)15:32.11 
  the only thing I really miss is "just there" Unicode support15:32.30 
chrisl I don't know what the latest cairo output is like, but the stuff I've seen is just like our ps2write output: Postscript code to parse PDF style streams.15:33.26 
saper oh by the way I have a different question15:34.26 
  I was looking at some ways to preserve PDF file annotations << ... /FS ... /Subtype /FileAttachment >> when doing pdf->pdf in gs15:37.28 defines /annottypes to handle various annotations, so I suppose I would need to add support for /FileAttachment there. I have no idea though how to copy a stream from input pdf file into output15:40.02 
chrisl saper: you probably need to attract kens's attention for these questions.......15:41.47 
saper I am afraid I am missing some part of the "big picture" to understand this. What I want to do is to be able to "gs -sDEVICE=pdfwrite one.pdf second.pdf" and still keep /FileAttachments there15:42.13 
chrisl saper: since I think we (currently) ignore FileAttachment annotations, there may not be a built-in way to do it (there may not be *any* way to do it, as things stand)15:43.42 
saper no there is no built-in way15:44.11 
  I have patched /annotypes to copy all other items from the dictionary and it even works15:44.38 
  but the stream is the problem, since I kind of... don't know how to navigate the input file...15:45.08 
  I see that gs even keeps old stream numbers (from the original input file) but it skips that attachment stream (which contains xml in my case)15:45.56 
  which is reasonable given nothing references it15:46.10 
chrisl saper: even if you could navigate the input, I doubt there would be a way to push it through to pdfwrite.15:46.22 
  saper: given that you are starting with a PDF, why "re-fry" it?15:48.24 
saper tried using /copy_embedded_file but didn't get very far with it15:48.28 
  chrisl: I'm merging them for example...15:48.53 
  do I understand it correctly that pdf_*.ps family of scripts converts the PDF stream into some kind of set of PostScript structures so that pdfwrite *might* pick up some PDF-specific staff and re-insert them into the output?15:51.00 
chrisl saper: the Ghostscript PDF interpreter is implemented in Postscript, if that's what you mean.15:52.07 
Robin_Watts tor8: ping - bug 693029 - is that another thing where the tag needs setting ?15:53.09 
saper that's what I mean byt pdf_*.ps files15:53.18 
chrisl saper: right, so I don't really know how that "communicates" with pdfwrite for anything other than page marking operations.15:54.31 
Robin_Watts saper: The gs pdf interpreter is a postscript program that reads through PDF files, and renders them by calling postscript operators (including some ghostscript specific extensions to postscript).15:54.47 
  If there is extra information in the PDF file that you want to be passed through to the final PDFs it's not clear that that will happen.15:55.31 
  Normally the pdf interpreter only reads and passes on the stuff that's essential to the printed output.15:55.52 
  It's possible that some other things may be handled, but Ken/Alex are the people to ask about that - I suspect that in general the answer is no.15:56.19 
kens Its Alex's pigeon15:56.29 
saper I think .writepdfmarks is the magic procedure15:56.33 
kens very little is handled15:56.34 
  outlines and some annotations, mainly links I thikn15:56.51 
saper % Test whether the current output device handles pdfmark.15:57.06 
Robin_Watts kens: Fair enough. I figured you might know from being the pdfwrite guy.15:57.14 
kens for general pdfmarks, you ned to look at gdevpdfm.c which has a list15:57.20 
Robin_Watts 5pm already. crumbs.15:57.59 
chrisl kens: it supports annotations - I'd assume it would just dump out the contents of the pdfmark parameters?15:59.27 
kens pdfwrite supports pdfmark, the PDF interpreter uses it to handle *some* PDF content15:59.57 
  but not very much16:00.16 
chrisl Yeh, I was just thinking if the worst came to it, a two step process could be used: gives a template for getting (meta)data from a PDF, and then an annotation pdfmark to push the info through to pdfwrite16:01.53 
kens better too add to interpreter16:02.11 
saper kens: thank you, this is what I was looking for... so I need to secure passthrough on the input side (in pdf_*.ps code) and proper annotation output in gdevpdfm.c16:02.35 
chrisl saper: I suspect it's just the input side you have to worry about16:06.50 
saper well not sure, I need to copy reference to a stream16:07.06 
kens sapre sorry, my attention was diverted.16:07.06 
  THe code you want should be added to the PDF itnerpreter I believe, it an enhancement request.16:07.35 
saper kens: it's IRC, it's free support channel16:07.37 
kens I menat you can open one :-)16:07.51 
saper kens: I did some preliminary code on the input side, I only can't "copy" a stream into the dictionary, since it's not serializable16:08.18 
kens Alex would know how I don't :0-(16:08.31 
saper there is a similar one already for PDF forms16:08.32 
  there is even a bounty for it :)16:08.41 
kens form one is a bit different ethat's nine16:08.55 
chrisl saper: you might be able to get the stream into the dictionary by using either a subfiledecode or a reusablestreamdecode filter16:09.39 
saper chrisl: looks promising!16:15.03 
kens I think the PDF interepreter has a means for this already, but I am not the expert.16:15.15 
  which is why I would suggets alexcher16:15.29 
chrisl kens: I fixed the FAPI problem with the MM font - I'm surprised the code worked for any MM fonts, but it clearly did (coincidentally, I feel).16:20.06 
kens wow16:20.16 
  I'll have to take a look at teh code....16:20.25 
chrisl The code for writing out the $Blend was ignoring name objects16:20.47 
kens Oh I see. that looks like a silly oversight16:20.49 
chrisl Yeh, I'm not sure why the "boiler plate" procedure is in there, so I didn't want to just rip it out, yet16:21.31 
kens I'd gues you're right, its because the code didn't work/wasn't present to handle the original.16:22.02 
  I hope it wasn't me that added that :-(16:22.17 
chrisl I didn't check - but without a PS interpreter the actual procedure will never be used......16:22.48 
kens I think that's always true isn't it ? You need a PS interpreter for $Blend ?16:23.16 
  Which is why they always *are* boilerplate, because you can't guarantee a real PS itnerpreter.16:23.33 
  Same as the fixed /Subrs and stuff16:23.45 
chrisl Sort of - I think Freetype uses the *presence* of $Blend for something, but not the content16:24.01 
kens I think its presence means that FreeType uses the 'default' one that Adobe fonts have.16:24.25 
  Rather thhan the embedded one :-)16:24.32 
  Like the fixed Subrs, if you use them they have a defined value these days16:24.46 
  I hink $Blend is the same. It seems like a good idea to use PS in there, until you realise that not all fonts run on PS interpreters....16:25.13 
chrisl I *think* it uses the presence of the $Blend as one of the indicators that's a MM font, along with a couple of other things16:25.23 
kens OK I'm off, goodnight all16:47.41 
Robin_Watts tor8: Bug 693028 - we get an error while reading the page content stream (can't read any of it), so we don't write anything.16:52.38 
  The bug reporter would clearly rather we output an empty page, rather than not outputting anything.16:53.03 
  Do you have an opinion ?16:53.09 
  I'm tempted to leave mudraw producing no output, but to make mupdf cope better.16:54.01 
sebras Robin_Watts: what is the object mudraw is trying to parse?16:54.55 
Robin_Watts sebras: The page content stream is non existent.16:55.18 
tor3 Robin_Watts: bug 693029 is because I haven't uploaded linux binaries16:55.48 
Robin_Watts Ah. Are you intending to ?16:56.07 
tor3 I'm not particularly fond of linux binaries; and they have been downloaded very rarely in the past16:56.40 
Robin_Watts So... is there a link somewhere that lead him to believe they would be there?16:57.00 
tor3 yeah... on the main home page >.<16:57.27 
Robin_Watts So.. remove the link, and everyone is happy :)16:57.41 
tor3 so, remove the link or compile some binaries?16:57.42 
Robin_Watts remove the link (or tweak it and the text to point at the .tar.gz)16:58.02 
tor3 anyone on linux should be capable of compiling their own software, or get it from their package manager :)16:58.09 
Robin_Watts I agree.16:58.17 
sebras Robin_Watts tor3: especially since mupdf nowadays is part of ubuntu/debian which is did not use to be....16:58.19 
  Robin_Watts: that russian pdf was a tough download...16:58.49 
Robin_Watts mmm17:01.01 
sebras Robin_Watts: luckily I'm in .se so my pipe is faster than yours... >;-)17:02.50 
Robin_Watts I visited my parents in law yesterday. His broadband is running at 0.22Mbps.17:03.22 
tor3 cue the my pipe is fatter than yours jokes... okay maybe not17:03.25 
Robin_Watts I booked an engineer to come see him on wednesday :)17:03.33 
sebras smart move. :)17:03.43 
Robin_Watts tor3: I had questions about bug 692028 just before you logged in as tor3.17:05.47 
  I have changes to pdfapp here that seem reasonable; if the fz_load_page fails, then it's a fatal error.17:09.34 
  If the fz_run_page or the fz_load_links fails, it just displays the best it can with a warning alert.17:09.55 
tor3 hm, expected object number 0?17:10.06 
Robin_Watts Bad error message.17:11.49 
  tor8, sebras: I've just pushed 2 commits to my repo on casper.17:19.57 
tor3 Robin_Watts, yeah. and the file is full of zeroes in the middle.17:20.11 
Robin_Watts The first changes mupdf to read from content streams on the fly (for pages, xobjects, patterns, but not for type3 fonts).17:20.35 
  This passes a cluster test with 1 progresssion (now we get a (blank) page out where we didn't before).17:21.02 
  The second fixes bug 692028.17:21.16 
  If no one spots any problems/raises any objections within 24 hours, I'll push them to master.17:21.56 
  If you want more time, just say.17:22.02 
sebras Robin_Watts: actually I thinkg that might be a good idea for _all_ patches, so we avoid breaking HEAD... ;)17:23.49 
Robin_Watts sebras: I test everything on the cluster before pushing. And yet still I break stuff :(17:24.33 
sebras I only do harmless patches myself. ;)17:24.58 
Robin_Watts If you're not digging up at least one bit of foundation in a patch, then what's the point? :)17:25.23 
sebras :)17:26.09 
Robin_Watts Besides, we have you to fix our stupid mistakes. Speaking of which I'm looking at your git repo now...17:28.47 
  the first patch seems very sensible.17:28.54 
  I can believe the second one is useful too - can mupdfshow usefully show you things about objects even when it can't decrypt them?17:29.45 
sebras Robin_Watts: at least the trailer.17:31.44 
tor3 Robin_Watts, all but stream contents and strings.17:31.46 
  so not much, but still better than nothing :)17:31.58 
Robin_Watts ok.17:32.01 
Robin_Watts pushes those 2 then - thanks.17:34.03 
sebras Robin_Watts: oh.. I didn't read your message from 17:28 until now. :)17:35.24 
tor3 Robin_Watts, your last patch, pdf_parse.c error messages. "%d %d ?"?17:36.18 
Robin_Watts Yes.17:36.29 
  tor3: It means "I've read %d %d, but then I got something unexpected."17:36.54 
tor3 and we usually just say "%d 0 R". I keep wondering if we can completely get rid of generation numbers or not...17:36.55 
  ah, you mean that way!17:37.05 
kammerer Hi all, on rendering some pdf scale_row_from_temp function from draw_simple_device.c crash my application, but same function from draw_scale.c works fine. Is there any hardware resriction to use draw_simple_device version?17:37.21 
Robin_Watts kammerer: Urm... draw_simple_scale.c and draw_scale.c ?17:37.53 
sebras Robin_Watts: but.. PDF_TOK_OBJ isn't R, it's obj...17:37.54 
Robin_Watts sebras: right.17:38.13 
  It's attempting to parse an image "10 0 obj" etc17:38.44 
tor3 our error messages usually say (%d 0 R) to mention an object by number17:39.12 
Robin_Watts I can barely cope with 1 conversation at a time, 2 is clearly too much :)17:39.15 
  Right, but previously we were reporting (%d %d R) where %d and %d had never been read!17:39.42 
sebras Robin_Watts: also me and tor3 (and tor8?) agree on who should be spamming you. ;)17:39.54 
tor3 yeah, and that's all bad.17:40.06 
kammerer Robin_Watts: yes17:40.22 
Robin_Watts tor3: If you would prefer a different error incantation, then feel free to take my patch, and commit a fixed one.17:40.42 
  That's probably the easiest way.17:40.50 
  kammerer: draw_scale and draw_simple_scale should do exactly the same thing - except one uses ints and one uses bytes to hold intermediate values.17:41.18 
  If one crashes, then it's pure luck that the other one doesn't.17:41.31 
sebras also there should be only on fz_load_links in pdfapp_loadpage...17:41.34 
tor3 Robin_Watts, nah, they're fine. just looked a bit odd at first glance.17:41.43 
Robin_Watts so we should understand what's causing the crash.17:41.53 
tor3 but that patch may need some more work17:42.02 
Robin_Watts sebras: oops. fixed now.17:42.35 
kammerer Robin_Watts: is there any simple way..something like traces in asm code?17:43.01 
Robin_Watts kammerer: Just a tick.17:43.12 
  Is this a repeatable crash ?17:43.21 
  kammerer: At the top of draw_simple_scale.c put: #define DEBUG_SCALING17:44.11 
  then run the code, putting stderr to a file.17:44.45 
  THen when it crashes, mail me a copy of that file.17:44.55 
kammerer Robin_Watts: ok, thx17:45.54 
tor3 something I've wanted to do with broken pages is replace them with a page containing the error message17:46.22 
  but that's a bit of a tall order right now17:46.31 
Robin_Watts tor3: Yeah, we need a layout engine for that.17:46.42 
tor3 any reason we shouldn't just warn and make blank pages for all broken pages?17:46.51 
  regardless of how or where they are broken17:47.06 
Robin_Watts tor3: no.17:48.40 
  except we may not have a page->bbox ?17:49.07 
  I guess we can fake one.17:49.17 
  Updated patch online.18:07.24 
  kammerer: File received.18:51.54 
mvrhel_laptop lunch time19:26.01 
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