IRC Logs

Log of #ghostscript at

 <<<Back 1 day (to 2012/05/15)2012/05/16 
sebras yey! someone noticed that mupdf 1.0 was released: 
oy hello05:07.01 
  mvrhel: can I still ask you?05:07.33 
ray_laptop sebras: You just noticed that mupdf 1.0 was released ?? (of course it is already out of date)05:45.27 
  but, at least it is a good first release.05:47.04 
mvrhel oy: I am here06:12.06 
  for a few minutes06:13.16 
oy mvrhel: how is DeviceXXX/ invoked with gs?06:13.19 
  I mean keeping it non converted for calibration06:13.57 
mvrhel ah06:14.01 
  so there are a few ways06:14.13 
  If the source data is DeviceCMYK and the target device is a CMYK device, then there is by default no conversion06:14.56 
oy no outputIntent needed for that, interessting06:15.36 
  the same for DeviceN/ ?06:16.30 
mvrhel DeviceN source colors?06:16.51 
oy yes06:16.56 
mvrhel It depends upon the output device again06:17.06 
  If the output device for ghostscript supports the DeviceN source colors no conversion occurs06:17.43 
oy in the case of Gutenprint, it would support DeviceN/06:18.07 
mvrhel For example, in ghostscript there is a tiffsep device and a psdcmyk device, both of which will handle a large number of different spot colorants06:18.26 
oy that would be in the linux printing chain cupsraster directly?06:18.50 
mvrhel oh. I don't know how cupsraster hooks in to gutenprint.06:19.26 
  and the cups device has some strange color models06:19.42 
  tkamppeter may need to comment on this.06:19.54 
  personally, I think the color models for cups could stand to be reworked a bit06:20.13 
oy hmm, how about DeviceRGB/ calibration/profiling?06:20.34 
mvrhel so in that case, if my source file that I want to print/display is DeviceRGB and my target device is an RGB output device, there is no conversion by default with ghostscript06:21.20 
  if you specify a profile for the output device, then there would be a conversion. of course that is what you want to create in this process06:21.52 
  same as the CMYK case06:21.56 
  but if you have a PDF file, that has DeviceRGB and output to a RGB device, then the default case will do no conversion06:22.27 
  or a PS file for that case06:22.47 
oy ah, what if we have a OutputIntent attached and want real DeviceRGB/ for rgb device? What should we do then?06:23.28 
mvrhel you mean if you have a PDF file that includes an output intent in it?06:23.49 
oy yes06:23.56 
mvrhel by default, ghostscript will ignore the output intent06:24.10 
  you have to add the special option for it to use it06:24.20 
oy in the linux print pipeline it will be activated06:24.43 
mvrhel oh. So, if you are going to an RGB device, what will be the output intent?06:25.15 
oy the embedded profile of course from the PDF OutputIntent06:26.12 
mvrhel oh. I see 06:26.46 
oy it can be any rgb ICC profile06:26.48 
mvrhel this would be a problem. you would not want to have the output intent to be in the calibration target file.06:27.30 
  if you are going to use the option with gs to use the output intent06:27.47 
oy for the background, this way we can express that the sender knows about DeviceXXX/ and wants in this case non converted channels06:27.56 
mvrhel hmm I have not updated the documentation I see06:28.45 
  oy: so either you need to not have the output intent in the file, or not use the option to make use of the output intent with gs06:29.57 
  if you want a non converted flow06:30.08 
oy the most complicated but valid case is a mixed ICC + DeviceXXX/ + OutputIntent containing PDF06:30.20 
mvrhel oy: ok but we are not now talking about calibration target printing?06:30.57 
oy that means we can not rely on PDF/X-3 ?06:31.05 
  well, the idea was to use PDF/X-3 as a standard way to push calibration through the pipeline06:31.38 
mvrhel ah ok06:32.04 
  let me back up a minute06:32.10 
oy at one point you said the DeviceRGB/ will be assumed to be sRGB and needs conversion inside GS06:32.35 
mvrhel *if* you specify to use the output intent06:32.52 
oy sorry for the complicatedness :-/06:32.54 
mvrhel and the output intent is RGB lets say06:33.15 
oy fine06:33.23 
mvrhel and you have DeviceRGB colors in the file06:33.26 
  and you are going to an RGB device06:33.52 
  and you have not specified a destination ICC profile06:34.03 
  then there will be no conversions on the DeviceRGB colors in the file06:34.17 
  replace all the above with CMYK and the same is ture06:34.28 
  essentially, what happens is that ghostscript will assign DeviceRGB source colors to the output intent profile and it will assume it is rendering to a device with the same profile06:36.12 
oy you talk about the -sOutputICCProfile being absent?06:36.31 
mvrhel yes06:36.36 
oy huh, fine then :-)06:36.53 
mvrhel if you specify a profile with -sOutputICCProfile then it will always render to the that profile. If you are making use of the output intent it will treat the output intent as a proofing profile.06:37.37 
  for that case06:37.50 
  ghostscript avoids doing any conversions if the source and destination ICC profiles are the same06:38.25 
oy this is what we will do anyway, select the output intent profile and omit any -sOutputICCProfile06:38.27 
mvrhel unless someone is fooling around with rendering intents. which is another story06:38.42 
  oy: ok that should work for you06:38.54 
  oy: there is a problem with this work flow though06:39.12 
  how do you deal with non PDF/X-3 files?06:39.55 
oy still for completeness, specifying the OutputIntent a sRGB colour will be converted to the selected OutputIntent even if no -sOutputICCProfile is specified06:40.18 
mvrhel oy: if the source file has a source RGB color that is specified by an sRGB profile in the PDF file, then it would be converted to the Output Intent profile06:41.24 
oy thanks06:41.37 
mvrhel if it is DeviceRGB, it will not be converted06:41.40 
oy great06:41.53 
  so no problems with that06:42.14 
mvrhel ok. the same behavior occurs for the CMYK case06:42.44 
  with a CMYK output intent06:42.51 
  out to a CMYK device06:42.59 
  with DeviceCMYK06:43.09 
  oh kens is on. time for me to go to bed06:43.52 
  oy: does that answer all your questions06:43.59 
kens :-) goodnight Michael06:44.21 
oy PDF documents will be checked for the OutputIntent and if absent we planed to tag DeviceRGB/ colours with sRGB06:44.21 
  mvrhel: yes, thanks :-)06:44.41 
mvrhel ok. ping me later if you have more06:45.11 
  goodnight all06:45.15 
CircuitBug i have a problem compressing a pdf with some transparent layers. could someone please help me?07:19.33 
kens Depends what your problem is07:19.48 
CircuitBug and how do i find out the problem07:20.25 
kens Surely you know what your problem is ?07:20.36 
  If not, how do you know you have a problem ?07:21.00 
CircuitBug when i give "gs -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -dPDFSETTINGS=/ebook -dNOPAUSE --sOutputFile=output.pdf Vignette.pdf" command it crashes07:21.36 
kens What version of GS ?07:21.49 
CircuitBug but if i pass it with dNOTRANSPARENCY it works fine07:22.00 
kens Well my first thought is 'don't use -dPDFSETTINGS', if you want to alter compression, flip the switches manually.07:22.37 
  THe second thing is try uing the current version, 9.0507:22.54 
  I've a feeling I fixed a problem that sounds similar07:23.05 
CircuitBug thanks. ill try it out.07:23.25 
kens Otherwise, open a bug report at and attach a specimen file there. I'll need to see the file to see what the problem is07:23.38 
CircuitBug also how do i flip the switches manually?07:24.17 
kens There are *lots* of individual controls for selectin downsampling and compression based on image colour. They are the same as the Distiller aprams used by Adobe and documented in ps2pdf.htm07:25.14 
  Eg ColoimageDonwsampleThreshold, ColoImageDownsampleType, ColorImageFilter etc.07:26.20 
  I suspect that the ColorConversionStrategy=/sRGB is the problem07:26.57 
  And I doubt you really want to do that anyway07:27.21 
CircuitBug so could you give me a command to shrink my pdf for web viewing?07:30.54 
  I have a 150mb pdf which i need to make atleast 80mb07:31.23 
kens Well not really. The decision about compression filters, accceptable downsampling tyep and thredshold etc are really up to you07:31.25 
  You could try using -dPDFSETTINGS=/ebook and then override teh ColorConversionStrategy to /LeaveCOlorUnchanged.07:32.11 
  *if* as I suspect, that is the cause of your problem.07:32.25 
CircuitBug ill try that. thnks07:33.04 
kens OK07:33.09 
CircuitBug i keep receiving a segmentation fault..07:44.07 
kens Well maybe its a different problem07:44.17 
CircuitBug it is im stops a t a different position..07:46.07 
kens Well either you can select individual configuration items, and not use whichever one is causing a problem, or open a bug report. I can't help without seeing the file.07:46.59 
CircuitBug i can send you the link if you like...07:47.36 
kens I'd rather you open a bug report07:47.48 
CircuitBug ok. thanks for all the help.07:48.33 
kens no problem07:48.39 
CircuitBug also is there a way of converting just a small section of the file07:49.17 
kens Depends what you mean by a small section, an area of the page or a range of pages07:49.37 
CircuitBug range of pages07:50.03 
kens -dFirstPage= -dLastPage= these are all documented....07:50.17 
CircuitBug ok thanks07:50.26 
thgis Hello. I am trying out mupdf on linux. I read on your web page that annitation features are available but I cant seem to figure out how to use it.12:12.13 
Robin_Watts thgis: What exactly do you mean?12:15.21 
  We render some annotations within a PDF file.12:15.31 
  The existing viewer doesn't support adding annotations (though the underlying library exposes enough that it could be added with some non-trivial work)12:16.31 
thgis ok. Thanks12:17.13 
kens Robin_Watts : thanks for those Memento changes12:41.53 
  ANyone know how I cna find out the Git hash for the 9.0 release ?12:58.58 
Robin_Watts kens: np.13:15.59 
  ghostpdl-9.00 ?13:17.31 
kens Yes, though I have that now13:17.40 
Robin_Watts just use "ghostpdl-9.00" as the hash13:18.02 
kens Trying to figure out how much of the hash is needed bygit bisect :-)13:18.04 
  That works ? OK I'll try that13:18.13 
  Wow, it does, that's easier13:18.36 
  thanks Robin13:18.50 
Robin_Watts np.13:20.17 
  Git lets you use tags/heads/branches etc everywhere you can use a hash - it just resolves them down transparently.13:20.46 
kens Handy, saves me tying in a long hash :-)13:21.01 
Robin_Watts if you do need to use a hash, 7 chars is usually enough.13:21.26 
kens I think I was one short ;-)13:21.39 
Robin_Watts (although I think we've got 1 collision on the gs repo where you need 8)13:21.41 
  hey kammerer 13:59.37 
kammerer HRobin_Watts: Hi13:59.47 
Robin_Watts I have a memory of having an outstanding issue from you, but I can't remember what it was.13:59.51 
  Can you?14:00.13 
kammerer mmm...i pointed to memory leak in mucbz, but it was mistake in my code14:01.06 
  it seems there was no issue14:01.16 
Robin_Watts ok, so just my crap memory then :) Thanks.14:01.55 
kammerer Could anybody help me: Is there possible to adjust constrast parameter of pdf page with mupdf?14:03.22 
Robin_Watts on phone.14:06.17 
kammerer In other way: is it any parameter in mupdf that allow make dark colors darker and white whiter in resulting rendering bitmap for pdf page14:10.54 
kens Sounds like a colour management problem. At the moment I believe the asnwer is 'no'14:11.49 
kammerer kens: Thanks14:15.45 
kens NP, don't rely on my answers too much for MuPDF though14:16.03 
Robin_Watts back14:35.11 
  kammerer: There is currently no way to do that.14:35.26 
  But it would be trivial to post process the produced bitmaps.14:35.44 
kens You really need to add colour management in MuPDF :-)14:36.16 
Robin_Watts In the mupdf viewer, I have an 'invert' option to invert the colors (so black on white becomes white on black).14:36.26 
  It'd be easy to add a similar post process step to apply some sort of dogleg curve.14:36.45 
  kens: It's on the roadmap :)14:36.56 
kens I knwo :-)14:37.04 
kammerer thanks14:38.13 
tkamppeter chrisl, I have released cups-filters 1.0.18 now where the pdftops filter allows deciding whether to use GS or Poppler at runtime and which also allows to set a resolution limit.14:38.46 
  kens ^^14:39.00 
kens sounds good tkamppeter14:39.11 
tkamppeter chrisl, kens, I have packaged this for Ubuntu Quantal and also as update for Precise andf given testing instructions on all relevant bugs.14:39.53 
kens Exellent tkamppeter thanks14:40.14 
tkamppeter chrisl, kens, In Precise I let it default to Poppler and 360 dpi max resolution. On Quantal default is Ghostscript and 1440 dpi max resolution.14:41.06 
  In both one can easily change these defaults per-queue or per-job via command line.14:41.42 
  chrisl, kens ^^14:41.55 
kens Nice and flexible, I'm sure most people will be happy with 360 dpi :-)14:42.16 
chrisl tkamppeter: good. I seem to remember kens had a suggestion about where the problem with the HP printers lie - if this latest reporter is willing to help out, it shouldn't take long to confirm (or otherwise)14:42.30 
kens chrisl I'm afraid I'd forgotten whatever my suggestion was :-(14:42.49 
chrisl kens: it's that crap about filters erroneously closing their data source when they shouldn't14:43.13 
kens Nope, completely blank, still as long as you rmember :-)14:43.34 
tkamppeter I have tested on my HP Color LaserJet CM3530 MFP and changing max resolution leads to the expected processing time changes. Switching between GS and Poppler shows that with the same resolution Poppler jobs are 2 or 3 times faster.14:44.42 
chrisl kens: see line 4583 in lib/opdfread.ps14:45.38 
kens Hmm, well that's slightly surprsing, but that may be due to some artefact of the way that the jobs are packaged. I noticed that our output was regularly smaller than the Poppler output, so possibly we are using more aggresive compression or something14:45.44 
tkamppeter If I can reproduce the problem of that user on one of my HP's (please tell me the link to the bug) I could overtake the user's role in testing.14:45.49 
chrisl tkamppeter: is that time spent on the printer, or time spent on the host producing the PS?14:46.43 
tkamppeter chrisl, on the host already, but probably also on the printer.14:47.16 
chrisl tkamppeter: well, it's pretty vital to know where the time is spent, if we ever want to look at it......14:48.07 
  tkamppeter: the HP bug I was talking about was: 
tkamppeter chrisl, thanks.15:01.13 
Robin_Watts mvrhel: ping15:12.19 
kens He was up pretty late15:12.32 
Robin_Watts I thought that we should only ever get cmyk + spots from the gs psdcmyk device.15:13.01 
kens Yes.15:13.13 
Robin_Watts I'm getting RGB and greyscale ons.15:13.21 
kens Hmm, sounds wrong, but what do I know....15:13.46 
mvrhel Robin_Watts pong16:07.28 
  just got back from taking kids to school16:07.36 
Robin_Watts np.16:07.40 
  I ran a bmpcmp earlier, and some files ended up with an error from bmpcmp saying "bmpcmp only supports CMYK psd files"16:08.21 
  and indeed, it looks like the psdcmyk device is producing some rgb and greyscale output pages.16:08.46 
mvrhel oh when are you getting RGB and grayscale with that device16:08.50 
Robin_Watts gs/debugbin/gswin32c.exe -sDEVICE=psdcmyk -r72 -o out.psd ../ghostpcl/tests_private/ps/ps3cet/29-07F.PS16:09.14 
mvrhel oh some freaky ps cet test16:09.27 
  hmm assign a bug to me about this16:10.00 
  if you would16:10.06 
Robin_Watts OK. I was assuming that it was actually a bmpcmp bug and that we should cope.16:10.33 
mvrhel well *I think*16:10.59 
  the psdcmyk device was set up to be able to do rgb and cmyk16:11.13 
  which seems odd to me16:11.19 
  and this is likely done by some setting of the process color model16:11.43 
Robin_Watts But in digging to understand this, I've convinced myself that the bmpcmp code to read the CMYK values for the spot colors is broken and was never being triggered.16:11.45 
mvrhel you cant have RGB + spots though16:12.07 
Robin_Watts psd_write_16(xc, (bits16) xc->base_bytes_pp); /* Mode - RGB=3, CMYK=4 */16:12.17 
chrisl 29-07F.PS does a bunch of ProcessColorModel tests16:12.21 
mvrhel yes16:12.25 
  so I need to take a look at this16:12.32 
Robin_Watts That's outputting 1,3 (and more usually) 4.16:12.34 
mvrhel especially with all the changes I did16:12.44 
Robin_Watts I'm not seeing RGB + spots.16:12.45 
mvrhel ok good16:12.52 
  well I need to go and test any RGB output cases to understand 1) what we want to do 2) if we are doing the correct thing16:13.16 
Robin_Watts but I don't believe the code that's supposed to form a composite image by mapping the spot colors down onto it can ever have worked.16:13.25 
  Can you give me an example of a file that has CMYK + spot colors please ?16:13.57 
mvrhel there is no composite mapping with CMYK + spots for psdcmyk16:14.17 
Robin_Watts (I'm sure you've given me one before, but my memory is crap, as I may have mentioned)16:14.20 
  In bmpcmp there is supposed to be.16:14.29 
mvrhel oh yes16:14.36 
  I see16:14.38 
  hold on16:14.43 
  let me get a simple one16:15.33 
  how about a file from tests/Ghent_V3.016:17.23 
Robin_Watts any particular one ?16:17.40 
mvrhel 08016:17.45 
Robin_Watts ok, thanks.16:17.52 
mvrhel has CMYK + 2 spots16:17.53 
ray_laptop mvrhel: the 29-07F sets the /ProcessColorModel16:17.57 
mvrhel ray_laptop yes16:18.04 
  Robin_Watts: or 102 may be simplier16:18.47 
ray_laptop and the psdcmyk device accepts some of the settings16:19.09 
mvrhel ray_laptop: yes16:19.21 
  need to do a bit of checking to make sure everything is OK with this16:19.37 
ray_laptop mvrhel: sorry -- the logs were behind when I started looking at the CET file.16:21.12 
mvrhel no worries16:21.26 
Robin_Watts mvrhel: So I'll open a bug and attach a list of the files I know of that work in this way?16:24.12 
mvrhel Robin_Watts: that would be fine16:24.26 
kens Time for me to go.16:33.15 
  JUst before I do, Robin's changes to Memento allowed me to do much better leak testing of pdfwrite in 'server' mode, and it doesn't seem to leak at all. So I think that it is now ready to be talked about in the next release16:34.06 
  goodnight all16:34.13 
Robin_Watts kens: (For the logs) Excellent!16:39.34 
ray_laptop wonders if kens tested ps2write16:46.35 
  it should be the same, but ...16:46.49 
  Seems like it is time to have Avadhut try the pdfwrite device in server mode.16:48.47 
  mvrhel: BTW, did you try ps2write to make sure that it is faster than pswrite for his file ?16:49.12 
mvrhel ray_laptop: working on that right this second16:50.53 
  in between getting my wife out the door as she is heading to her 20 year college reunion16:51.16 
Robin_Watts mvrhel: 20 years since graduation or matriculation?16:53.52 
  Now you've made me feel old...16:54.59 
mvrhel graduation....16:55.14 
Robin_Watts Ah, not so bad then :)16:55.54 
  Oh, wait. College = University in the states?16:56.27 
mvrhel yes16:57.33 
Robin_Watts OK, that's what I was thinking.16:57.52 
  We have '6th form colleges' here, which are like the last 2 years of high school.16:58.23 
mvrhel ok16:59.07 
  Robin_Watts: quick git question for you18:02.58 
  trying to read this but a bit confused18:03.03 
henrys thanks Robin_Watts I'll have a go with your new fill code a bit later.18:03.38 
Robin_Watts mvrhel: go for it.18:03.49 
  henrys: I *think* it works. Certainly my postscript tests do what I expect now.18:04.06 
mvrhel how do I reset my checkout to a particular hash id18:04.10 
  a hard reset to it18:04.22 
Robin_Watts git checkout hash18:04.23 
mvrhel that is18:04.24 
  ok there is no reset18:04.34 
Robin_Watts A reset is something different.18:04.42 
mvrhel thats my confusion18:04.46 
  complaints about untracked working tree files18:05.56 
  the jbig files...18:06.03 
Robin_Watts git reset --hard hash checks out hash, and then makes the current branch (e.g. master) point to it.18:06.05 
  rm -rf gs/jbig2dec18:06.21 
mvrhel that is what I want I think18:06.24 
Robin_Watts then git checkout18:06.25 
  so git reset --hard is very good for removing stray commits.18:06.44 
mvrhel I basically want to go back to a older checkout for minute to do a timing test18:06.46 
Robin_Watts Right, so you DO NOT want a reset.18:06.59 
henrys I just had a stash conflict with jbig2 too.18:07.03 
Robin_Watts Suppose your commit history is A<-B<-C<-D18:07.46 
  where master == D.18:07.52 
  if you want to go back to A to do a timing test, do: git checkout A18:08.11 
  if you did "git reset --hard A" then you'd effectively be throwing away B C and D.18:08.35 
  and master would end up being A.18:08.55 
mvrhel ok I am where I want to be18:08.59 
Robin_Watts You would have no trivial way to get back to D.18:09.01 
mvrhel Robin_Watts: so if I had done a reset then why could I not have gotten back to D from the master/origin?18:10.20 
Robin_Watts Every stored state in git is a set of files, plus a pointer to 1 or more previous states, plus a commit message.18:12.09 
  A, B, C, D being such stored states.18:12.30 
mvrhel I am worried that I may have done such a reset once in the past18:12.37 
  and then I don't recall how I got back18:12.53 
  but I wonder if I am missing any commits then18:13.00 
  or would things have exploded on me?18:13.07 
Robin_Watts Listen to my explanation, and then ask questions if I'm not clear at the end.18:13.33 
mvrhel my ears are open18:13.47 
Robin_Watts So, I draw commit history as being: A<-B<-C<-D where <- indicates that the state pointed to is one of the parents.18:14.36 
  A merge will have 2 parent pointers.18:14.51 
  A 'branch' in git is just a record that maps a branch name to a given state.18:15.49 
  A tag is exactly the same.18:16.05 
  A branch doesn't contain the history of the commits done on that branch. It relies on us being able to find the history by walking backwards down the parent pointers.18:17.37 
  So, if our current branch is FRED and we commit to it, git makes a new copy of all the files, and our commit message, and makes the parent pointer point to where FRED currently points. Then it makes FRED point to that new state.18:19.04 
  If you do: git reset --hard hash then FRED will be set to point to hash.18:20.09 
  Suppose FRED pointed to D, and we git reset --hard A.18:21.41 
  That means we now have nothing in gits state that points to D anymore.18:21.55 
  git is free to garbage collect that away.18:22.05 
  Now, you can do: git reset --hard D and it'll reset FRED to point at D again (assuming it hasn't garbage collected it already)18:22.51 
  And if you forget D (or lose the piece of paper on which you scribbled it) you are in trouble.18:23.50 
  To avoid losing data, git tries not to garbage collect away any states for 30 days or so (I think that's a default setting).18:24.12 
  And you can dig around in the history of gits state changes using git reflog to try to discover D again, but it's best to be safe.18:24.52 
  If you do: git checkout A then it leaves FRED where it was, and just changes your working set of files back to A.18:25.33 
  This is referred to as detatched head state. (a 'head' is what git calls a branch - it means you're not on a branch).18:26.11 
  You can't commit whilst in a detached head state - you need to either make a new branch, or check back onto a branch first.18:26.48 
  Have I completely lost you, or does that make any sort of sense?18:27.00 
mvrhel It seems a bit odd to me18:27.35 
  since if I were to be sitting at A and the head/origin is at D, I get all the commits to get there18:28.14 
  not sure how that would be different if I did a hard reset to A and then did the same to get to D18:28.42 
Robin_Watts If you've checked out to A, then yes, FRED still points at D.18:28.50 
  that means that B C and D are still 'safe' and non-garbage collectable.18:29.21 
  If you reset to A, then FRED points at A. that means that B C and D are 'at risk'.18:29.50 
mvrhel so now that I am sitting at A due to a checkout to A, how do I get back to D18:29.51 
Robin_Watts git checkout master18:30.00 
mvrhel ok18:30.05 
  how can B C and D be at risk if they are all in origin/master18:30.20 
Robin_Watts If they are in origin/master they are safe.18:30.38 
  The worry is that they might be local commits that you haven't pushed anywhere else yet.18:30.57 
mvrhel oh. I would never do a reset if I had commits that I had not pushed18:31.01 
  that I can see would be a problem18:31.11 
  and those could be lost18:31.14 
Robin_Watts In SVN terms a git checkout is like an "svn update"18:31.23 
mvrhel no18:31.35 
  I dont think of it that way18:31.39 
  I would say a git up is18:31.56 
Robin_Watts Hmm. Have I got that wrong...18:32.01 
mvrhel a pull and a rebase18:32.16 
Robin_Watts In SVN if you want to temporarily change back to revision 123, what would you do ?18:32.21 
mvrhel it has been too long since I fooled with that now18:32.57 
  my neurons have rewired to git thinking18:33.04 
Robin_Watts I think it's something like "svn update 123" ?18:33.26 
mvrhel yes there is an update to revision18:33.56 
Robin_Watts doing a reset in those terms is like doing "svn revert" on every commit since the one you wanted.18:34.05 
mvrhel yes18:34.19 
Robin_Watts One other thing, and this may be the crucial factor in why to avoid "git reset --hard"18:34.51 
  When you git reset --hard hash, it will nuke all changes in your working set, without warning.18:35.29 
mvrhel ok. My understanding of how this works I believe is correct. In my paranoia I never do any funny reset or checkouts when I have commits that I have not pushed or at least saved as a patch 18:36.50 
Robin_Watts git checkout hash warns if you would lose data, I think.18:36.59 
  That's probably not a bad approach.18:37.06 
  I *think* git checkout is safer than git reset as (unless you give it a specific file) it won't overwrite changes without prompting.18:37.55 
mvrhel right18:38.11 
  thanks Robin_Watts 18:41.53 
Robin_Watts no worries. Not sure I helped really :(18:42.12 
mvrhel Robin_Watts: you reinforced my paranoia18:44.12 
sebras tor8: are you aware of the pro-version of this software? 8.5SEK on android market.19:02.52 
Robin_Watts sebras: No.19:25.16 
  Both versions are open source and both are available at, but Pro version is not free on Android Market and it has more features.19:25.54 
  So, it could still be fine under the GPL.19:26.24 
sebras Robin_Watts: yes it may, I just wanted to let you know about it.19:27.07 
Robin_Watts ah, it's maciej.19:28.16 
sebras since I don't know who are customers of artifex I can't really do more than notify you that there is someone using it. :)19:28.18 
Robin_Watts he's on here sometimes.19:28.24 
sebras oh..? under what nick?19:28.33 
Robin_Watts maciej :)19:28.40 
sebras ah. :)19:28.50 
Robin_Watts he's not an artifex customer. he's just a GPL user.19:29.03 
  the pro version says: "APV PDF Viewer Pro is GPLv3 Free Software."19:29.29 
  so while it's odd to see people charging money for GPL stuff, it's not outlawed in any way.19:29.54 
sebras no I know. I'm browsing the code to try to see if all of it is there or if something is missing for the pro-version.19:30.32 
  as far as I can see from a quick look it all seems to be there. :)19:32.33 this one however, I can not locate the sources for.19:33.44 
Robin_Watts AHAHAHAH!19:44.16 
  I know what causes the v8 linking problems.19:44.28 
sebras Robin_Watts: spill! (not that I understand but it may make you feel better) :)19:45.03 
Robin_Watts fitz.h fiddles with the definition of inline :)19:45.24 
  so including any header after fitz.h that uses inline causes problems.19:46.05 
sebras yes, it may.19:46.25 
  maybe we should undefine inline at the end of fitz?19:49.20 
  or rather, define it back to what it used to be.19:49.34 
Robin_Watts We can't define it back to what it used to be.19:53.24 
  I suspect the simple thing is just to include mupdf headers after all the C++ ones. That shouldn't be a problem.19:54.08 
  OR we should use fz_inline everywhere.19:54.16 
sebras wouldn't this affect _all_ clients of mupdf that do #include <fitz.h> to get at our public interface?19:56.20 
  if so then it seems unreasonable to muck up the set of #defines that the rest of their code may depend upon.19:56.45 
Robin_Watts yes.19:58.12 
tor8 Robin_Watts: eh? we do all sorts of #ifdef tests for inline. oh well...20:23.22 
  oh... but the tests don't test for compiling *as* c++ which has inline in msvc20:23.49 
Robin_Watts tor8: Yes. I suspect the correct thing to do is for us to move to use FZ_INLINE instead of inline, and to #define to that instead.20:32.28 
marcosw sebras: If it's okay with you I'm going to reboot casper in a few minutes (you and I are the only ones logged on).20:46.32 
sebras marcosw: sure, np. I'll log out and be back after some time...20:47.03 
marcosw casper is updated and back up.20:58.20 
sebras marcosw: thanks for the heads up. :)21:02.54 
tor8 Robin_Watts: no. never. the inline keyword is as good as standard, and I *HATE* macros for crap like that. next you'll be proposing FZ_INT32 etc as well...23:45.28 
  anyway, good night. :)23:45.43 
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