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 <<<Back 1 day (to 2012/05/16)2012/05/17 
kens ray_laptop (for the logs) Yes I did also test ps2write, both in the 'one file per page' mode and in 'server' mode. The number of 'leaked' blocks, and the total allocation on job exit was the same as wehn rendering and did not alter no matter the size of teh input file (in pages) or the number of times it was run.07:05.55 
chrisl kens: Am I right in thinking that we haven't killed off pswrite mainly because ps2write can't do EPS output?07:27.29 
kens Absolutely correct chrisl07:27.43 
  We probably can do EPS output, but I haven't coded it. This is especially tru now that we can close the output file, as it means we cna produce multiple EPS files from a single multi=page input.07:28.23 
chrisl So we could make pswrite mean ps2write, and the keep the epswrite device?07:28.44 
kens I thought epswrite basically was pswrite.07:29.05 
chrisl Yes, it would just be name thing, no "real" changes07:29.24 
kens Yes we could do that. The scripts already use ps2write not pswrite, you have to set the command line options manually to get pswrite07:29.50 
chrisl I'm just asking because henrys asked about killing off pswrite the other day07:30.15 
kens I want to kill it off, as soon as we can do eps from ps2write I plan to totally kill it07:30.35 
chrisl I've also been wondering how we haven't seen these printer problems before....07:31.40 
kens Which ones, the Ubuntu problems ?07:32.07 
chrisl Yes07:32.20 
kens There are more ? :-(07:32.27 
chrisl Well, the HP filter one has reappeared from a different reporter - I'm hoping he'll be more able to help us track it down07:33.06 
kens That would be helpful, certainly07:33.19 
chrisl Changing the filter stuff in ps2write looks like a bit of a minefield, though :-(07:34.26 
kens I guess our customers (the ones mainly using ps2write) aren't trying to send the output to desktop printers.07:34.35 
  More than a minefield, it may not be possible.07:34.47 
  Depends what needs to be done.07:34.59 
  Its the usual 'object oriented' hands-off spaghetti wher you don't really know what's going on at any moment.07:35.29 
chrisl Clearly *someone* tried sending ps2write output to HP printers because they noted filter problems07:36.00 
kens Oh yes, I'd forgotten about that.07:36.15 
chrisl And I guess it had to be lower spec HP printers because the high-end ones used Adobe back then - and I doubt CPSI would have such fundamental issues07:37.19 
kens I'm sure CPSI doesn't have these problems, its undoubtedly a clone rip problem.07:37.46 
chrisl The worry with this one is that I think the error occurs on (basically) "currentfile /SubFileDecode filter" - there really shouldn't anything to go wrong there!07:39.24 
kens Oh :-( If SubFileDecode doesn't work we're in trouble07:39.46 
  I wonder if any of us has a HP pritner we could experiment on07:40.16 
chrisl I think Henry and Marcos have HP printers - but this problem doesn't affect all HP printers. I find it hard to believe the problem is actually with SubfileDecode - almost *nothing* would work, then07:41.32 
kens Nice to see HP as consistent as ever with their printer implementations....07:42.06 
chrisl The printer in question throws an invalidaccess error07:42.12 
kens That's a strange error....07:42.24 
  Is it possibly because the underlying 'currentfile' is itself compressed ?07:43.03 
chrisl I can't see why: SubFiledecode should have/need no knowledge of the data that it's "filtering"07:44.09 
kens Well it doesn't, but 'filter' is the actual operator here07:44.29 
  And if it decides that it can't access the 'file' for whatever reason then invalidaccess is legitimate07:44.52 
  The file in this case is 'currentfile' but that in itself can be the head of a chain of filters07:45.16 
  If one of those filters decides you can't add another one, then it could cause the problem07:45.33 
chrisl Which is why we thought (previously) that it might be another case of the data source being wrongly closed when a filter was closed.07:46.17 
kens Makes sense07:46.29 
chrisl In as much as dealing with such a heap of sh*t printer can make "sense"......07:47.07 
kens Well, yes....07:47.17 
chrisl It may well be worth asking Henry and Marcos to try a file on their printers (assuming they are not PCL only)07:48.02 
kens Sounds like a good idea to me07:48.13 
chrisl I'll try to remember later in the day07:48.32 
kens OK07:48.42 
  I'll try and remind you :-)07:48.51 
chrisl Okay, next thing: that issue with XPS, pdfwrite and fonts.......07:49.55 
kens pdfwrite ? You mean ps2write ?07:50.16 
chrisl Well, basically same thing.... but okay07:50.51 
kens Apparently not, pdfwrite works07:51.00 
chrisl With embedding the base 14?07:51.26 
kens Maybe I'm thinking of a different problem, are we talking about a bug report or a support email ?07:51.49 
  I've had btoh recently07:51.54 
chrisl The mail from Aaron07:52.10 
kens Is this the 'NeverEmbed' problem ?07:52.12 
  Right, I categorised that as PCL not CPS07:52.24 
chrisl Yes. I thought you'd added something for the PCL case to allow control of embedding base 14 fonts07:53.28 
kens I don't remember doign so07:53.40 
  Even if I did, the code he's using won't work, because its PostScript.....07:53.55 
chrisl No, my vague recollection was that it was a hard coded list, so it needed source changes and a rebuild - but maybe you'd just thought about *how* to do it, rather than actually did it07:54.54 
kens There's a hard ocded 'white list' of exceptions to the DRM for font embedding, but that's not the same thing07:55.16 
  But there is a vague tickle there in the memory07:55.30 
  I suppose I should go look.07:55.46 
  Is there a way to 'grep' the Git history ? I was trying to find one yesterday07:56.31 
chrisl No, this was definitely not that. IIRC, this was a downloaded PCL font, using a base 14 name, but the usual "random" PCL encoding. Because it was a base 14 name, pdfwrite didn't embed it, and the output was nonsense07:56.41 
  er, I think you can do a basic grep with something like git log -grep <pattern>07:57.07 
kens That'll do07:57.15 
  I was hoping there was a built in way07:57.31 
  No, that just gives me an error07:57.56 
  'unknown revision or path...'07:58.07 
chrisl Hmm, maybe "--grep"?07:58.30 
kens THat works better :-)07:58.48 
chrisl FWIW, you can also go to;a=summary and use the "search" 07:59.43 
kens Well I can't find any commit message that looks vaguelly relevant08:00.37 
chrisl Well, as I say, maybe you were just kicking some ideas around08:01.07 
kens lets try Bugzilla08:01.11 
chrisl kens: don't spend a lot of time looking - I'm probably mistaken......08:04.01 
kens Well, I can't find anything so far :-)08:04.26 
  Anywya, it takes us back to a sore point, which is that there is no way to override many of the pdfwrite settings when there is no PostScript interpreter present. I'm sure I've raised this before.08:05.06 
chrisl Well, we could make pdfwrite have the PS interpreter as a dependency.......08:05.57 
kens But that would make all builds language switch (if they included pdfwrite) and the language switch build doesn't work.....08:06.24 
chrisl Basically, whatever we do *short* of always including the PS interpreter, they're command line will never work08:07.16 
kens Yes, but I think they'd be happy with an approach which worked. At the moment there isn't one.08:07.43 
  I *think* the problem you are remembering is to do with PCL where the standard font name is used, but the font is not embedded. In that case we used a lookup table to convert the URW font naems to standard font names.08:08.36 
  Because otherwise we end up with a PDF requesting URW font names08:08.58 
chrisl Oh, could be.08:08.59 
  Notice that the customer is using -dEmbedAllFonts=false to suppress the base 1408:09.59 
chrisl Okay, so vaguely related, but not really......08:10.41 
kens It is related, I'm just not sure exactly how :-)08:10.56 
chrisl PCL, fonts, pdfwrite .... close enough ;-)08:11.30 
Robin_Watts boots his linux VMware thing.11:59.28 
  Linux needs to update. VMware needs to update.11:59.44 
  By the time that finishes, will I still remember why I booted it?12:00.18 
kens :-)12:00.32 
Robin_Watts reboot. bbs.12:01.57 
  Did we have a customer asking about linearisation recently?13:43.43 
  I was wondering if it was worth asking them if they have a method for testing whether a file is linearised or not.13:44.08 
kens yes13:44.09 
  open the file in Acrobatm press control D look fro 'optimised for gfast web viewing'13:44.30 
Robin_Watts ooh.13:44.41 
  Fast Web View: Yes13:45.05 
sebras Robin_Watts: yey! :)13:45.10 
kens OK so memory isn't perect :-)13:45.16 
Robin_Watts kens: That's a great result.13:45.32 
  I haven't put a hint stream in there yet.13:45.40 
kens NP its what I've been using for looking at the problem13:45.44 
Robin_Watts Does gs generate a hint stream ?13:45.58 
kens does yes13:46.05 
  Or would, if it wasn't broken13:46.11 
Robin_Watts :)13:46.16 
kens I cna tell you how to fix it if you need it13:46.23 
Robin_Watts No, I just need to write code to do it in mupdf.13:46.47 
kens OK13:46.56 
sebras Robin_Watts: though it does state in F.2.5 of pdfref17 that the primary hint stream is required.13:46.57 
Robin_Watts sebras: Indeed.13:47.03 
  If it was optional, I'd be ignoring it :)13:47.13 
kens Presumably that's the same sort of 'required' that Acrobat usualy ignores....13:47.19 
sebras kens: if adobe had created a pdf validation tool to be used by pdf generator developers then having reader accept any broken pdf would be ok though.13:48.44 
  as it stands reader is the validator and it accepts anything...13:48.57 
kens Yes, but they never did :-(13:49.01 
  I've considered writing one in the past13:49.10 
sebras too late.13:49.15 
kens I know....13:49.23 
  mvrhel ping13:59.35 
nygal hey is there a way using ghostscript in commercial program ?14:09.04 
kens Yes, licencce it14:09.12 
  dwwwwwArtifex licences GS commercially14:09.33 
nygal is there a link about licencense model, i couldn't find it14:10.36 
kens You need to contact I thought that was on the web site, where are you looking ?14:11.13 
nygal kens: thanks14:12.40 
kens no problem14:12.47 
  Hmm, I must admit teh ghsotscritp site doesn't seem to have any licenceing information on it Maybe I'm just blind...14:18.20 
Robin_Watts A supported commercial version is available from Artifex Software Inc.14:19.18 
kens Is there a link ?14:19.32 
Robin_Watts in the second section.14:19.34 
  "Artifex Software Inc" is a link.14:19.47 
  But, yes, it could be more front and centre :)14:19.57 
kens Ah yes I see. Myabe that should be more prominent, is on the first page14:19.59 
nygal tbh, i'm not so sure if GS is suitable for our usage, i was just googling, We're making a commercial whiteboard software, we're importing office files via MS XPS Document Writer (Virtual Printer) but our software is cross platform so we stuck under linux and MacOS so can i use GhostScript for this work ?14:25.40 
kens Not for Office files, GS only handles PostScript, PDF, XPS and PCL14:26.06 
Robin_Watts nygal: So you want to read XPS and do what with it? Print it? Or render it on a screen?14:26.26 
nygal hms, so i still need virtual printer unders linux and macos which is providing ps or pdf , etc ...14:26.44 
Robin_Watts oh, sorry, you are looking for an office -> xps converter ?14:27.33 
nygal tbh, i'm fine with any format i can render office files into my application14:27.45 
  no i'm just looking for virtual printer14:27.59 
  wikipedia redirect to me to ghostscript page so i little lost :)14:28.55 
kens Hmm, not sure why.14:29.07 
  GS isn't a vrtual pritner, though it gets used in a 'simlar' fashion under Linux14:29.23 
Robin_Watts AIUI, on linux, apps either produce PDF out themselves, or maybe PS, or they produce bitmaps that the printing workflow wraps into PDF files.14:30.16 
sebras kens: maybe the wikipedians are thinking about PDF Creator?14:55.24 
  it hooks in gs a virtual printer to produce pdfs...14:55.39 
  s/gs a/gs as a/14:55.50 
kens well it has a vritual pritner certinaly14:55.50 
  doesn't produce XPS though14:55.57 
  Nor does GS for that matter14:56.05 
  the printer rediorection code is redmion14:56.56 
chrisl CUPS supports "virtual printer" type capabiilties, but again, doesn't produce XPS14:57.23 
  or "capabilities" even......14:57.36 
ray_laptop morning, all15:41.49 
Robin_Watts Morning ray_laptop 15:41.50 
kens Hi ray15:41.55 
Robin_Watts I hope the timings I sent were OK?15:41.59 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: I haven't seen them yet -- email loading now15:42.30 
  Robin_Watts: Thanks -- they look good.15:44.24 
Robin_Watts fab.15:44.31 
ray_laptop Also, the times are much better than what they reproted, given that you are running a 600MHz ARM (8?) and they were running a 1.2GHz (Cortex A8)15:46.12 
Robin_Watts yeah, I'm running a cortex A8 too.15:46.45 
ray_laptop one never sees 100% of a clock rate difference (usually due to relative RAM speeds), but they should be close to double the speed15:47.52 
Robin_Watts Damn. Damn. Damn.15:51.34 
chrisl relates to that sentiment.........15:52.07 
ray_laptop wow -- a triple 15:52.08 
Robin_Watts In the linearisation work so far, I'd got away with a single int for each object in the file recording whether it was used for a single page (and if so which one), or for 'many' pages.15:52.22 
  If it's 'many' then it's a shared object.15:52.36 
  Unfortunately, for the hint stream, I need to be able to say "page 1 uses these shared objects..." and then list them.15:53.05 
kens Yes that's true15:53.48 
Robin_Watts So I need to either store a list of objects used by each page, or I need to store which pages each object is used by.15:54.35 
kens we generally store objects for each page15:55.02 
Robin_Watts I think that would be smaller overall.15:55.14 
kens For Page level resources15:55.15 
Robin_Watts Do you assume that because an object is in the resources it is used?15:55.39 
kens I don't know abou tthe PDF itnerpreter15:55.52 
Robin_Watts Or do you actually walk the page contents to know ?15:55.56 
kens pdfwrite only stores used objects15:56.01 
Robin_Watts ah, you're interpreting.15:56.04 
henrys Shelly says he has a bit of time, I did find a pcl bug for him to work on but if somebody has something else let me know.15:56.18 
chrisl henrys: we were going throw the jbig2dec security reports over to him15:56.53 
Robin_Watts I'm assuming that if it's in the resources it's used. To figure out usage in more detail would require me to rework the interpreter slightly.15:56.55 
henrys chrisl:is that already set to bountiable? which bug?15:59.33 
chrisl henrys: I don't know if a bug was ever entered for it15:59.59 
henrys why am I not remembering this? Did it come into support?16:00.54 
chrisl it was from one of those security audit companies - I'm trying to find the e-mail now.....16:01.19 
henrys don't answer the first question ;-)16:01.21 
  I found it16:02.35 
  marcosw never processed it these reports are often bogus I think we should try to reproduce it before creating a bug.16:03.56 
chrisl AH, me too.... I still don't know if a bug was posted.....16:03.57 
  henrys: I assumed marcosw would triage the problems - I'm slightly inclined to afford a bit more credit to this one since they actually include the test files for the issues16:05.41 
henrys chrisl:I sent him mail, if there isn't a bug it'll be in by tomorrow and I'll make sure it's bountiable.16:06.56 
chrisl henrys: cool - I only remembered it because we'd talked about giving it to Shelly on here, and he asked me about it a while back......16:07.50 
kens Time to go, goodnight all16:16.36 
Robin_Watts ray_laptop: Urm...16:38.30 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: yes ?16:38.40 
Robin_Watts In your mail you say "pgmgray" - presumably you mean "pgmraw" ?16:38.57 
  And I think pgmraw has special code in to spot the /dev/null case.16:39.16 
ray_laptop oops. Yes, pgmraw16:39.20 
  Robin_Watts: only to the extent that it doesn't do the 'fwrite' to /dev/null -- it still performs all of the rendering16:39.57 
Robin_Watts Right.16:40.13 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: the other device that has this is the 'bit*' devices (such as -sDEVICE=bit -dGrayValues=256) which should give timings identical to pgmraw16:41.10 
Robin_Watts yeah, I added it somewhere else too. One of the planar ones possibly.16:41.36 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: that would make sense for devices that we want to use for timing benchmarks and leave out OS I/O overhead16:42.08 
  Robin_Watts: at least the log I attached (from you) has the correct command line options :-)16:43.02 
  hopefully my typo won't confuse him too much.16:43.33 
  but the performance difference between yours and his are a concern. They're probably writing the data to HDD or something16:44.27 
  writing an 8Mb gray image to HDD in 0.32 seconds would be about 25Mbytes/sec16:47.22 
Ch3rryC0ke Hey there-- I'm wondering if anyone has thought about or is working on porting the MuPDF viewer to WinRT ?22:01.56 
sebras Ch3rryC0ke: I haven't heard of mupdf compiled for winrt, but there is a viewer that ought to work in win7 on mupdf.com22:12.50 
Ch3rryC0ke sebras: Thanks, I've seen that. I'm interested in building a Win8 metro app that has PDF viewing & annotation capabilities.22:15.02 
  So I was thinking of porting the draw code to the new WinRT API..22:15.37 
  ( AFAIK, I can't just use the existing WinForms viewer component in WinRT...)22:17.06 
sebras Ch3rryC0ke: a winrt-port is not planned as far as I know, but if you come up with a patch then please submit it! :)22:17.22 
Ch3rryC0ke How big of an undertaking do you think it will be? I'm making my way through source now and trying to understand etc..22:17.48 
sebras Ch3rryC0ke: I have no idea, I'm a linux guys so I'm not at all familiar with win APIs.22:18.25 
Ch3rryC0ke Sure, I meant more how big do you think the draw code is22:18.40 
  in mupdf22:18.43 
sebras though the existing win32 app is located over at apps/win_main.c22:18.59 
  which is less than a thousand lines.22:19.22 
Ch3rryC0ke sebras: Do you know what drawing API is used for the actual PDF rendering?22:23.53 
sebras Ch3rryC0ke: mupdf to an image pixmap and then you have the function winblit() in apps/win_main.c that reads this image and does whatever conversion is necessary for windows API.22:26.08 
  s/mupdf to/mupdf draws to/22:26.18 
Ch3rryC0ke Ah I see-- so it's always displaying an image, not a result of draw calls to GDI or something like that?22:26.44 
sebras Ch3rryC0ke: no, it doesn't access GDI directly.22:27.06 
Ch3rryC0ke Ah OK-- thanks. That changes my approach quite a bit... 22:30.11 
  Is there any support in mupdf for writing back to the PDF file?22:30.51 
  For example, removing pages or adding annotations? 22:31.06 
sebras Ch3rryC0ke: not in mupdf 1.0.22:32.12 
Ch3rryC0ke Is that on the roadmap or being worked on?22:32.35 
sebras it's being worked on right now. writing objects to pdf files anyway.22:32.58 
  more specifically I think the ongoing work is related to saving data for filled forms.22:33.36 
  so I'm not sure about adding new annotations.22:33.51 
Ch3rryC0ke Gotcha-- is that available in source, or worked on privately and merged later into an official release?22:34.29 
sebras it may be in the git repository somewhere over at git.ghostscript.com22:34.54 
  I haven't been tracking that development so I don't know the details.22:35.58 
Ch3rryC0ke Ok-- thanks a lot. Is there a mailing list I should join?22:36.28 
sebras not really, no. just be a hangaround here and ask questions as you go.22:36.52 
Ch3rryC0ke Ok, will do22:37.28 
sebras most of the time there is someone here that may be able to help you if you get stuck.22:37.48 
  I'm just a hangaround myself. :)22:37.55 
Ch3rryC0ke Thanks for your help so far :)22:38.45 
sebras Ch3rryC0ke: sure, np.22:40.30 
Robin_Watts Ch3rryC0ke: I'm the one working on saving at the moment.23:02.43 
  I believe saving pdf files is in the current git.23:02.57 
  I'm working on the ability to save linearized files at the moment.23:03.10 
  Adding new annotations can be done, but it might be a little more "internal" than you'd like (i.e. you may have to work at the PDF object level)23:03.46 
sebras Robin_Watts: isn't paul also working on that for saving form data?23:08.41 
Robin_Watts sebras: AIUI, no. Paul writes form data back into the PDF itself.23:13.56 
  Thus saving the PDF saves the PDF form.23:14.07 
sebras Robin_Watts: oh, so the form data doesn't relat to the annotations at all?23:20.26 
Robin_Watts form data goes into annotations. Paul synthesises appearance streams for them.23:22.06 
  and the whole lot gets saved back.23:22.19 
sebras ok. I was under the impression that this required creating new annotations as well, sorry for the confusion and thanks for the explanation.23:24.01 
Ch3rryC0ke Robin_Watts: Thanks for the info! So when you say the PDF object level-- are there already data structures in place for annotations and saving, or do I need to create those?23:47.22 
Robin_Watts We have some limited structures for annotations; enough for us to render them etc. We don't have an interface in place to allow people to edit them neatly yet.23:48.34 
  but you can always get to the actual object structure of the underlying PDF file - so you can step through that and make changes.23:48.58 
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