IRC Logs

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 <<<Back 1 day (to 2012/06/30)2012/07/01 
marcosw Robin_Watts: you still around?00:31.14 
  I noticed that the cluster nodes fetch v8-3.9.x64.tgz on every cluster run and I figured out why. I'll send you an email.00:32.09 
sebras now this doesn't happen every day:01:02.54 
  [ 4833.708669] Clock: inserting leap second 23:59:60 UTC01:02.56 
d3c Robin_Watts: hey. did you ever get a chance to look at ? :-)16:00.03 
sebras d3c: I tried to reproduce your bug on the master branch it I don't see the error. now, I'm running a 64-bit machine with 16Gbyte RAM so if this is related to memory consumption due to huuuge images, then maybe I will never be able to reproduce.16:47.32 
  d3c: though I can't see any reference to your bug in the git log.16:47.58 
  d3c: possibly it could be related to bug 693102 (also reported by you?) which is fixed.16:49.01 
d3c sebras: ok, thanks for the info. will see if it pops up again, then report back. actually haven't experienced it in a while16:53.00 
 Forward 1 day (to 2012/07/02)>>>