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Log of #ghostscript at

 <<<Back 1 day (to 2012/07/03)2012/07/04 
chrisl bapt: where are you seeing the checksum differing - I get the same checksum as listed in the checksum files for ghostscript-9.05.tar.bz2 on our download site06:07.22 
bapt yes this morning everything is back to normal06:10.39 
  yesterday files from where different from files from sf06:11.00 
  and the checksum of files from was wrong 06:11.29 
  tested fetching from and US and fetch from France06:11.45 
  anyway back to normal I can restart building packages06:12.15 
chrisl Cool, thanks.06:19.35 
Robin_Watts So, tor8, fz_predict_tif...09:20.44 
  You'd prefer it if I just memset out to 0 to start with?09:20.56 
tor8 Robin_Watts: yeah.09:21.04 
Robin_Watts I agree that would be faster/nicer.09:21.17 
  memset(out, 0, len) ?09:21.30 
tor8 let me read the predictor code again to make sure.09:22.50 
Robin_Watts no, len is bytes in, I believe.09:23.05 
tor8 len is the size of the input buffer09:23.16 
Robin_Watts and fz_predict_tiff always reads/writes a fixed amount, ignoring n.09:23.51 
tor8 yeah, I'm having trouble remembering how this is supposed to work :(09:24.06 
  ah, yes. state->in and state->out are scanline sized buffers09:24.22 
Robin_Watts ah, ok.09:24.52 
tor8 and it fills state->in before calling the predict tiff/png function09:25.05 
  then empties state->out before calling it again09:25.38 
Robin_Watts One of the changes customer 394 has made throughout mupdf is to reverse a lot of for loops, apparently. So they all count down.09:26.32 
tor8 memset(out, 0, stride)09:26.33 
Robin_Watts Do I have stride available?09:26.45 
  state->stride - I do.09:27.23 
tor8 state->stride is available09:27.23 
  I don't like reverse for loops. I always get off by one errors on the exit condition :(09:28.13 
  or on the start...09:28.24 
Robin_Watts for (i= 0; i < end; i++) is always equivalent to for (i=end; i > 0; i--)09:29.11 
tor8 I don't believe you.09:29.35 
  first one i has values 0 through end-1, the other one 1 through end09:29.54 
Robin_Watts (except that i goes the other way, yes)09:30.01 
tor8 i = end; while (--i > 0) {} would be equivalent09:30.32 
Robin_Watts the advantage is that 'end' is only evaluated once, and that under ARM (and other archs) we get the test against zero for free.09:30.51 
tor8 no it wouldn't forget that. still too early for me.09:30.52 
  Robin_Watts: yeah, one less register needed for the loop comparison09:31.24 
Robin_Watts for (i=end-1; i >=0; i--) goes through the correct values.09:31.29 
tor8 Robin_Watts: #define FOR(i, end) is something I want but really don't want at the same time :)09:32.24 
Robin_Watts tor8: Ah. Another issue they have is for certifcation (and I didn't know this)...09:32.45 
  For aviation (and other) products they need to be certified.09:32.57 
tor8 Robin_Watts: for inner plotting loops, I'm okay with changing the loop direction09:33.04 
Robin_Watts There are certification costs that apparently depend at least partly on "the numbers of decisions made".09:33.29 
tor8 but for anything outside the "draw" module, I'm less happy09:33.33 
Robin_Watts so apparently macros cost more than inlines.09:33.43 
tor8 Robin_Watts: a branching metric?09:34.04 
Robin_Watts I think so.09:34.12 
tor8 well, I prefer inlines over macros in general but macros have the benefit of not being bound to specific types (like MAX, ABS, etc)09:34.38 
Robin_Watts yeah.09:35.09 
  They are going to love fz_try/fz_catch :(09:35.18 
tor8 are you sure they're going to be happy about setjmp?09:35.27 
  yeah, that.09:35.30 
Robin_Watts That's only just occurred to me.09:35.45 
tor8 Robin_Watts: well, maybe now that we have scavenging malloc, maybe they'd be okay with aborting if the scavenging malloc fails ;)09:36.10 
  or we should just suffer the pain and be annoyingly obnoxious about passing error codes :(09:36.46 
Robin_Watts Updated tiff predictor patch pushed.09:37.04 
tor8 or redesign certain bits to never use dynamic allocation09:37.06 
Robin_Watts Lots of patches on my master branch - I forget which ones you've passed.09:37.50 
  possibly none of them.09:38.10 
tor8 did sebras review "Fix bug in fz_write_buffer_bits"?09:38.33 
Robin_Watts I don't think so.09:38.51 
tor8 Robin_Watts: the other three on top LGTM09:38.55 
Robin_Watts But I wrote some test code this time (also in that review)09:39.08 
sebras tor8: no I haven't. sorry.09:39.37 
  I might do it tonight unless you feel like doing it.09:39.50 
tor8 okay, I just remember you talking about it then :)09:39.50 
sebras tor8: yes, I aimed to review it, but then I ended up paying my mother a visit instead...09:40.20 
tor8 it's bit voodoo, my brain hurts :(09:40.34 
sebras tor8: I know. drawing on paper was necessary for me to understand it.09:40.53 
  also I have to admit that there were some variable names that might be improved. it took some time for me to understand "shift" for instance.09:41.27 
Robin_Watts It's the amount to shift by?09:42.16 
  OK, I've rebased so that that patch is on the top of the pile so I can push the rest.09:42.54 
sebras Robin_Watts: yes, but what amount is that. it's the bits it need to be shifted by but taking unused bits into account.09:43.12 
  Robin_Watts: maybe I was just feeling a bit daft that evening but it really did take some time for me to figure out. :)09:43.42 
Robin_Watts It's the amount val needs to be shifted by to get it in the right position to be inserted into the existing data byte.09:44.05 
  Let me add some more comments.09:44.54 
sebras Robin_Watts: maybe the most important is whether val is supposed to always have the bits that will be inserted next at its most significant end.09:46.09 
  Robin_Watts: I think that's the case, but I'm not sure.09:46.22 
Robin_Watts val never changes throughout the function.09:46.39 
  so that's absolutely not true.09:47.15 
  Updated version with more comments pushed for sebras to look at at his leisure.09:53.04 
sebras Robin_Watts: ok, sorry for the inconvenience. :)09:55.01 
Robin_Watts no, it makes sense to get it right. Otherwise I'll look back at it in 2 years and go.. eh?09:55.25 
sebras Robin_Watts: now I've skimmed through your updated patch. oh I'm so happy! and it's not even friday! :)10:45.38 
paulgardiner Robin_Watts: ping11:11.47 
Robin_Watts pong11:27.11 
paulgardiner clusterpush instructions: need ghostpdl.git checkout. How huge is that?11:32.43 
  Or can I use the stuff from the BD11:33.13 
  Ah pcl pdl.11:33.42 
  Silly me11:33.51 
Robin_Watts You don't need a ghostpdl.git checkout.11:38.04 
  Let me phone you. Give me 5 mins.11:38.12 
paulgardiner ok11:38.28 
  tor8: ping12:10.46 
tor8 hi paul12:10.54 
paulgardiner Hi. I want to look at the validation stuff today, but there's some uncertaintities about the best form for the api12:11.46 
tor8 for mjs export or for interactive use?12:12.10 
paulgardiner I've already added the concept an 'interactive' interface and widget objects. You can ask for the fz_interactive interface of a document and then use it to send in events and mess with widgets12:13.58 
  There's also a way to enumerate annotations which works directly from a document object12:14.29 
  We need to decide best how to unify them.12:14.45 
tor8 right12:15.35 
paulgardiner A widget is a special type of annotation, so it would be natural to have a method to turn annotations into widgets, or maybe drop widget as a separate concept12:15.38 
tor8 how about hyperlinks?12:15.58 
paulgardiner Or we should maybe have a separate widget enumeration12:16.11 
  Are they a type of annotation?12:16.35 
tor8 yes12:16.57 
paulgardiner Do otther than pdfs have them?12:17.13 
tor8 XPS has hyperlinks, but nothing else12:17.24 
paulgardiner Right. So annotation enumeration should be from a document rather than from an interactive interface, or XPS should also supply an interactive interface12:18.29 
  The first of those options is already the case12:18.42 
tor8 I think the second option is a better design though. hyperlinks are interactive features :)12:19.17 
paulgardiner True12:19.26 
tor8 the question is more one of how much special consideration we give the different types12:19.39 
  whether to make a 'mega'-annotation object, or split them into distinct types12:20.03 
  such as link, widget, static appearance thingy that we don't really touch12:20.20 
paulgardiner There is possibly a case for a separate widget enumeration because often one would be just interested in them12:21.05 
tor8 we could separate them by how they behave with callbacks or by creating separate types and separate enumerators12:21.20 
paulgardiner Currently we have separate types, but an enumerator for only one of them12:21.56 
tor8 if we imagine a dumb no-js viewer, I reckon we wouldn't care about interactive forms but we still want to follow hyper links and render the appearance streams12:22.00 
paulgardiner Yes.12:22.54 
tor8 the link stuff is currently already a bit messy (with the link destination struct), so if you want to go ahead and ignore links feel free12:23.16 
  otherwise I think having both links and widgets with separate enumerators from fz_interactive is the way to go12:23.40 
  or links as a specific widget type, which we can special case in the viewers that don't do full widgets12:24.05 
  what makes a normal annotation different from a widget?12:24.43 
paulgardiner So for now, I could just add an enumeration mechanism for widgets and add new methods to the widget object for interrogating validation info?12:25.28 
tor8 that sounds reasonable12:25.53 
paulgardiner Ok great. Ah just hold off for Robin to look at what we've discussed. He might have some thoughts that haven't occured to us yet.12:26.39 
  The stuff we talked about yesterday concerning different string encodings: it all seems pretty clear now. I'd be quite keen to have a go at using the existing fonts and reversing the tounicode function - just to see if it worked.12:28.07 
  I think for the initial release, I could get away assuming everything is ascii other than the strings coming back from javascript.12:29.06 
  I'd just need to cover the case of generating appearance streams from the result of a JS formatting action. If there are any top-bit set chars convert from UTF8 to the font encoding.12:30.24 
Robin_Watts (sorry, on skype with a customer)12:30.45 
paulgardiner Need to do it all properly eventually, but the above would cover many cases.12:30.59 
Robin_Watts Ok, reading logs12:33.37 
  My personal feeling for the neatest design would be to unify links and annotations.12:35.17 
  Then have a single enumerator for them.12:35.36 
  and to have a 'type' as part of that enumerator (STATIC, LINK, TEXT WIDGET, COMBO BOX etc)12:36.10 
  and to have a function to map from an annotation pointer to a 'text widget' type etc.12:36.48 
malc_ pdf_jsimp_v8.cpp:337 sire? i know most of you are british and all, but that's pushing it12:37.05 
paulgardiner Maybe. That's certainly how PDF handles them internally, but on the other hand I think it may be quite likely that the app will mostly handle them in separate activitis12:37.24 
Robin_Watts That blows pauls nice separation into a separate fz_interactive thing out of the water though.12:37.36 
  malc_: hehe. I think it's a typo for "side" :)12:38.51 
paulgardiner malc_: :-) I'm struggling to figure out what word it should be.12:38.52 
tor8 client parent object, obviously ;)12:39.18 
paulgardiner ah. client-side object I think,12:39.36 
malc_ Robin_Watts: i thought side too, but the sentence is strange still12:39.54 
Robin_Watts malc_: Why?12:40.06 
paulgardiner Oh yeah. 'parent' :-)12:40.12 
malc_ Robin_Watts: cause i'm bloody illiterate russkie probably12:40.27 
Robin_Watts The issue, AIUI, is that v8 objects can get garbage collected at arbitrary times.12:40.37 
  when they go away that can cause the last reference to an object in our app (on the "client side") to go away.12:41.20 
  So to prevent leaks the client side object needs to be destructed too.12:41.38 
paulgardiner Yes.12:41.49 
  Well more that you'd like to get rid of the client-side as soon as possible12:42.07 
  You could hang on to them until the doc object is destructed12:42.37 
Robin_Watts malc_: So far this morning I've spoken to Russians, Swedes and Romanians, all of whose English is better than mine :)12:42.51 
  Thank God for paulgardiner. He's from the west country, so doesn't really speak English :)12:43.29 
  And with that, it's lunchtime. bbs.12:44.00 
malc_ Robin_Watts: ;)12:44.05 
paulgardiner We use very expressive grunts12:44.31 
malc_ paulgardiner: west country =?12:46.00 
paulgardiner Part of the uk where people work the land in long white baggy smocks and chew pieces of straw.12:47.50 
malc_ paulgardiner: sounds more like south of us, but i'll trust your word on it12:50.26 
paulgardiner tor8: In the light of Robin's last thoughts, maybe I should update the fz_annot enumeration methods to take an fz_interactive in place of a fz_document, and provide a method to turn an fz_annot into an fz_widget (giving NULL if the annot isn't a widget). How does that sound?12:55.19 
tor8 paulgardiner: so in essence subclassing annot -> widget and doing a down cast?12:57.16 
paulgardiner Yeah12:57.30 
tor8 I agree with the first part, moving the annot to interactive12:57.35 
  not sure about sub classing though12:57.41 
paulgardiner Or I could drop fz_widget entirely in favourt of fz_annot12:58.05 
  I already have a class structure in fz_widget and fz_widget_text12:58.44 
  Maybe I should lose the lot.12:58.52 
tor8 if I were doing it I'd start with two enumerators, but then I'm allergic to object oriented inheritance hierarchies12:59.17 
paulgardiner But it does control which methods can be applied on the basis of type12:59.23 
  I'm not against two enumerations.13:00.06 
tor8 separate enumerators helps the xps case, where only a subset of the annotation types exist13:00.23 
  not a deal breaker or anything, but it seems cleaner to me13:00.38 
paulgardiner So a third enumeration for hyperlinks?13:01.06 
tor8 yeah. at least for starters. unless robin vehemently opposes the idea.13:01.28 
paulgardiner :-)13:01.36 
  Ok. Let's go with that for now. Nothing's cast in stone13:02.20 
Robin_Watts back. 13:25.55 
  I *like* object orientation, on the whole, but I'm happy to defer to tor8 here.13:26.26 
paulgardiner Robin_Watts: my bmpcmp results were slightly odd. One clearly showed the results of the changes I'd made, but others showed numbers replaced by NaN as13:29.44 
Robin_Watts I'm just looking now :)13:29.58 
  What number ?13:30.02 
paulgardiner e.g. 4313:30.58 
Robin_Watts and if you run that file manually and enter the same stuff you get different results ?13:31.52 
paulgardiner NaN's are correct, but I was expecting the original bmp to show it too.13:32.54 
Robin_Watts oh, right.13:33.23 
paulgardiner The change that introduced NaNs everywhere was the one you committed the other day13:33.53 
Robin_Watts if you back up one change and rebuild, and retest do you see NaNs there?13:34.04 
paulgardiner I'll do that test. It's hard to imagine I wont. The change is just to do with appearance stream generation. It doesn't affect calculation13:36.30 
Robin_Watts Try backing up 1 step, then "git cluster bmpcmp" that13:37.15 
paulgardiner Oh right yeah13:37.41 
Robin_Watts If all is well, you shouldn't see any differences.13:37.44 
  If you do see differences, then we have a problem.13:37.54 
paulgardiner I don't need to alter paul/forms on casper, right> Just locally?13:40.46 
Robin_Watts yeah.13:41.01 
  git cluster works purely with what is in your working directory.13:41.22 
paulgardiner Robin_Watts: also having trouble reproducing the segvs on windows. I've tried debug and momento builds.13:52.12 
Robin_Watts paulgardiner: All the cluster machines are 64bit linux.13:52.41 
  so it's possible it's a linux only (or a 64bit vs 32bit) thing.13:53.09 
  Let me try to reproduce it on peeves.13:53.22 
paulgardiner I have 32bit linux I can try13:53.28 
Robin_Watts pdf/pdf_jsimp_v8.cpp: In function âchar* pdf_jsimp_execute_cpp(pdf_jsimp*, char*)â:13:56.32 
  pdf/pdf_jsimp_v8.cpp:397: warning: deprecated conversion from string constant to âchar*â13:56.34 
  pdf/pdf_jsimp_v8.cpp: In function âchar* pdf_jsimp_execute_count_cpp(pdf_jsimp*, char*, int)â:13:56.36 
  pdf/pdf_jsimp_v8.cpp:409: warning: deprecated conversion from string constant to âchar*â13:56.38 
  The first segv is probably my fault, so ignore that one.13:58.20 
  I can reproduce the second one on 64bit linux though.14:00.39 
  <unknown>:0: Uncaught ReferenceError: AFSpecial_Format is not defined14:01.21 
  <unknown>:836: Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of null14:01.30 
  Two of the first, lots of the second, big pause... then SEGV.14:01.50 
  #0 ___printf_fp (fp=0x7fffffffd500, info=0x7fffffffd400,14:02.20 
  args=<value optimized out>) at printf_fp.c:124814:02.22 
  #1 0x00007ffff70ee745 in _IO_vfprintf_internal (s=0x7fffffffd500,14:02.23 
  format=<value optimized out>, ap=0x7fffffffd640) at vfprintf.c:161314:02.25 
  #2 0x00007ffff7111849 in __IO_vsprintf (14:02.27 
  string=0x7ffeb7bf2233 <Address 0x7ffeb7bf2233 out of bounds>,14:02.28 
  format=0xd4e698 "%f %f Td\n", args=0x7fffffffd640) at iovsprintf.c:4314:02.30 
  #3 0x000000000041ffb3 in fz_buffer_printf (ctx=0x12eef00, buffer=0x150ac60,14:02.31 
  fmt=0xd4e698 "%f %f Td\n") at fitz/stm_buffer.c:18614:02.33 
  #4 0x0000000000435c3e in fzbuf_print_text_word (ctx=0x12eef00,14:02.35 
  fzbuf=0x150ac60, x=0, y=0, text=0x177ed30 "85 Lor", count=0)14:02.36 
  at pdf/pdf_form.c:71514:02.37 
  #5 0x00000000004360a2 in create_text_appearance (doc=0x1304470,14:02.39 
  bbox=0x13c52d8, oldtm=0x0, info=0x7fffffffd930, text=0x177ed30 "85 Lor")14:02.41 
  at pdf/pdf_form.c:79814:02.42 
  #6 0x0000000000437937 in update_text_appearance (doc=0x1304470,14:02.44 
  obj=0x13602f0, eventValue=0x0) at pdf/pdf_form.c:118714:02.46 
  #7 0x0000000000438d7d in pdf_update_appearance (doc=0x1304470, obj=0x13602f0)14:02.47 
  at pdf/pdf_form.c:148614:02.49 
  #8 0x0000000000465b4e in pdf_load_annots (xref=0x1304470, annots=0x13564a0,14:02.50 
  page_ctm=...) at pdf/pdf_annot.c:37014:02.52 
  #9 0x00000000008a46b0 in pdf_load_page (xref=0x1304470, number=0)14:02.53 
  at pdf/pdf_page.c:35114:02.55 
  buffer->len is -81936738914:03.44 
  cap = 918432564. I think you must be putting an infinite amount into that buffer, and it grows and grows... and on a 64bit machine, it's overflowing an int ?14:06.43 
  yeah, exactly the same for the second SEGV.14:16.57 
  bbox has a width of 2.94 in that case :)14:17.35 
paulgardiner Great! Nice bit of mental debugging.14:18.19 
  I'll sort out a fix. Would you push that last commit?14:19.55 
Robin_Watts sure.14:20.30 
paulgardiner ta14:20.35 
Robin_Watts Done.14:21.47 
paulgardiner thanks14:21.54 
Robin_Watts The stored mujstest-v9 binary on peeves is looking to be brand new.14:24.55 
  -v8 even14:25.06 
  so I hope it is correctly storing them.14:25.16 
tor8 kens: ping.14:39.46 
kens tor8 pong, sorry for slwo reply14:45.21 
tor8 kens: you worked on the text rendering modes for pdf write so I thought I'd pick your brain14:46.44 
kens Got to find it first :-)14:46.53 
tor8 more specifically fill+stroked rendering. I thought I'd take a stab at fixing style simulations in ghostxps14:47.15 
kens Hmm, OK hwo can I help ?14:47.36 
tor8 gs_settextrenderingmode doesn't seem to have any effect...14:48.39 
kens Isn't that only a pass through for pdfwrite ?14:48.53 
tor8 that's my question :)14:49.02 
kens I htought the PDF interpreter takes two different paths14:49.14 
  One way preserves the text rednering mode by settign .textrendermode and just drawing the text14:49.34 
tor8 if there's something I need to do specifically to get the text processing to do fill+stroke and not mess up pdfwrite output14:49.42 
kens The other way draws the text as many times as are required in differet styles14:49.48 
  Wow, this was a long time ago....14:50.03 
tor8 oh, so the interpreter has to know if it's connected to pdfwrite and do different things?14:50.17 
  if (pdfwrite) set text rendering mode and draw once; else draw fill then draw stroke;14:50.41 
kens There's a device thingy that says if the device wants text rendering modes (I *think*)14:50.41 
  Let me try and find it, one minute14:50.51 
  PreserveTrMode is what does the switch in the PDF itnerpreter14:51.29 
  in pdf_ops.ps14:51.34 
chrisl tor8: I thought you were leaving at the least the bold until I'd got freetype in there?14:52.12 
kens Yes if you look at setshowstate in you can see it doing different stuff14:52.18 
tor8 chrisl: figured I could make a quick hack as a distraction by just doing fill+stroke14:52.34 
kens currentdevice 1 dict dup /PreserveTrMode dup put .getdeviceparams14:52.48 
  dup type /booleantype eq not {cleartomark //false}{3 1 roll cleartomark}ifelse14:52.48 
  pdfwrite_textrenderingprocs TextRenderingMode get14:52.48 
  TextRenderingMode 0 eq14:52.49 
tor8 chrisl: looking at the spec the style simulations are attached to the text drawing operation and not the font object14:53.03 
chrisl tor8: we probably need that to do that for pdfwrite/ps2write anyway, now I think about it.....14:53.32 
kens tor8 you need to call the C equivalent of .settextrenderingmode14:53.59 
kens goes to look for that14:54.19 
chrisl kens: that won't work for rendering, though14:54.30 
kens chrisl, no it won't14:54.48 
  But I thought tor8 was asking for pdfwrite14:55.01 
tor8 kens: I'm asking for both :)14:55.16 
kens OK wel lwhat you said above is braodly correct14:55.26 
tor8 but primarily for pdfwrite since I knew there are some workarounds14:55.30 
  kens: I have the .settextrenderingmode call in C (it just sets a flag in the pgs)14:55.48 
kens If the device has a property of 'PreserveTrMode' then we set text rendering mode and daw the text. Otherwise we twiddle with it to draw stroke, stroke+fill, etc.14:55.59 
  tor8 yes, that will be OK for pdfwrite, won't do anything for rendering14:56.46 
  tor8 should be an int not a flag14:57.07 
  0->7 (or whoever many modes thare are, I forget)14:57.22 
tor8 kens: sadly I think it won't work at all at the moment since I'm doing the rendering as a charpath. any tricks to get the text enumerator to do stroking automatically?14:57.22 
kens tor8 thre's a heuristic in the pdfwrite code to spot a charpath14:57.42 
  and try to turn the PS: (text) charpath gsave fill grestore stroke into a tr mode14:58.29 
tor8 kens: well, the good news is -- setting the render mode in C and doing a plain text show produces the expected pdf output :)14:58.51 
kens That's a decent start14:59.04 
chrisl wonders why we're still giving out patches for 8.71.......14:59.12 
kens For all render modes ?14:59.14 
tor8 now to get the rendering to match...14:59.16 
  kens: for the stroked render mode at least14:59.24 
kens rendering is harder :-(14:59.24 
  What modes does XPS support ?14:59.36 
chrisl If you've already got a path for the glyph, if should trivial to add a stroke as well as a fill15:00.10 
tor8 kens: none, I'm abusing fill+stroke to do artificial bold15:01.55 
kens tor8 aha !15:02.06 
  Well as chrisl says that one should be easy.15:02.23 
chrisl tor8: don't forget to set strokewidth to a sensible value (and back again)15:03.37 
kens Have to go print some stuff, back in a minute15:05.04 
tor8 chrisl: already done. 2% of the font size according to the xps spec (widen the strokes by 1% of the em size)15:05.39 
chrisl tor8: good - I just remember it hadn't been done in FAPI, and it caused me some confusion.......15:06.25 
tor8 chrisl: and now I'm wishing for a gs_fill_and_stroke function...15:06.50 
Robin_Watts tor8: Such a thing is problematic.15:07.07 
  because of transparency.15:07.11 
chrisl tor8: so, we don't use the glyph cache at all for XPS?15:07.23 
Robin_Watts to implement it properly we'd have to push a knockout group, render both, then pop the knockout group.15:07.40 
tor8 chrisl: only for plain filled text15:07.43 
chrisl tor8: right, I see15:07.52 
Robin_Watts mvrhel wrote that bit in PS thankfully.15:07.54 
tor8 chrisl: for the artificial bold I'm doing char paths (if you have another approach I'm all ears), as well as when using text as a clip mask15:08.10 
chrisl tor8: the PCL interp does boldening on the bitmap - I'm not convinced it's very good, but it's likely rarely used there15:09.16 
tor8 chrisl: the XPS spec reads as if they expect fill+stroke and didn't consider the case of transparency15:09.59 
  kens: sadly, the charpath heuristic doesn't bite. if I charpath, gsave, fill, grestore, stroke it dumps the text as plain paths15:11.01 
chrisl tor8: do you need the gsave/grestore? Can't you just hold onto the path and send it for marking operations?15:12.44 
tor8 chrisl: not with the way I create the paths in xps ... gs_moveto/lineto15:14.22 
  I'm admittedly a n00b at gs programming :)15:14.48 
chrisl You might be able to grab the current path from the graphics state - gsave/grestore is expensive enough to avoid, if possible.....15:15.43 
tor8 I just followed what did for fill+stroke15:15.47 
chrisl Yeh, the current path is opaque inside the graphics state for PS, but it should be available at the C level15:16.50 
  I guess it's not that important - performance probably isn't high on your list in this case!15:17.40 
Robin_Watts tor8: A patch on robin/master for you when you get a chance - no hurry.15:18.23 
kens tor8 its designed to work with pretty much exactly the PostScript stream I gave you, so it may well not trigger from other events.15:18.57 
tor8 kens: right. so, any way to quickly detect from C if the device wants Tr (ie is pdfwrite)?15:19.29 
  the PreserveTrMode setting15:19.37 
kens tor8 yes, this is why ray argued for doing it with device properties, its available in PS and C.15:19.58 
  I just can't remember how to do it in C15:20.07 
  OK its a device param....15:22.14 
  tor8 here's an example, its from zfunc4.c, check_psc_function:15:23.29 
  gs_c_param_list_write(&list, i_ctx_p->pgs->device->memory);15:23.29 
  code = gs_getdeviceparams(i_ctx_p->pgs->device, (gs_param_list *)&list);15:23.29 
  if (code < 0)15:23.29 
  return code;15:23.29 
  code = param_read_bool((gs_param_list *)&list,15:23.29 
  if (code < 0)15:23.31 
  return code;15:23.31 
Robin_Watts I bet the release should be before the if (code < 0) return code really.15:24.05 
kens Robin_Watts : you may well be correct15:24.15 
  and possibly before the first 'if (code < 0)' tioo15:24.40 
  But I'm not totally familiar with this structure, and it is locally allocated on the heap15:25.03 
Robin_Watts but it probably contains pointers to stuff that's not.15:25.24 
kens It may work out OK in PostScript (and this is the PS interpreter)15:25.28 
  because of garbnage collection and stuff15:25.42 
Robin_Watts but, the gs style seems not to be to care too much in the case of an error.15:25.50 
kens It seems to be unusual to encoutner this outside of a device.15:26.34 
  The C list seem s to use it though15:26.50 
  If you want to open a bug report against that I'll fix it when I get back. I haven't got time to run the tests this afternoon15:28.45 
  tor8 is that enough for you ?15:29.05 
tor8 kens: thanks, I got it working now!15:29.13 
kens cool15:29.58 
Robin_Watts kens: Have a nice holiday. Where are you going ?15:30.15 
kens New York, apparently its going to be hot :-(15:30.41 
Robin_Watts urm... yes.15:31.01 
kens talking about 37 degrees on Saturday15:31.14 
  I may just go nocturnal15:31.22 
Robin_Watts NY is massively hot in the summer months. Everyone there with money heads out to the coast.15:31.25 
kens Well its a scheduling thing.15:31.51 
Robin_Watts Have you been before?15:32.38 
kens Been promising Melanie for years we'd take her when holidays co-incided with trips. Hasn't happened. She's finished GCSE's so we wanted to go away before school holidays start, and obviously before term starts at 6th form15:32.39 
  Robin_Watts : yes, twice, once with Artifex15:32.51 
Robin_Watts Well, if you want recommendations for touristy things to do, just say.15:33.39 
kens Melanie seems mostly interested in shopping :-(15:33.50 
Robin_Watts Like Helen then. She was largely thwarted by the fact that she went away with 3 blokes :)15:34.16 
kens We'll probably do the Empire State, Rockefeller centre, liberty island15:34.26 
  Maybe Ellis Island (I've never been there) and possibly USS Intrepid, though I hear the space shuhttle isn't on view yet, and I've been there before15:34.58 
Robin_Watts all worthwhile (but get to liberty island early - prebook tickets). Ellis island was better than liberty island in my view (can get them on the same tour).15:35.29 
  For Rockerfeller centre, prebook tickets too to avoid queueing.15:35.49 
kens Robin_Watts : the one time I went to liberty island I saw the queses...15:35.49 
  Yep, did that last time, can do it online in the US15:35.59 
Robin_Watts Standing on the brooklyn bridge at sundown was my highlight.15:36.15 
  I suspect for liberty island you may be smartest to book now (i.e. well ahead of time).15:36.45 
kens Well, I'm not too sure if we'll do more than walk round the island15:37.01 
  I'm not relaly hugely interested in climbing the statue15:37.15 
Robin_Watts I didn't get to go inside, but paulgardiner did. I regret that.15:37.26 
  Ellis Island has shades of Alcatraz about it.15:37.52 
kens Last time I looked you had to book weeks in advance, and you still get to join a queue when you arrive15:37.57 
Robin_Watts kens: Absolutely, yes :(15:38.09 
  Grand Central was nice (just like the movies)15:38.20 
kens Yes, that's true, I'd forgotten about that15:38.37 
paulgardiner I'd go to New York again just for the breakfasts15:39.05 
Robin_Watts We did a boat cruise too, from intrepid, around the battery and up to the UN and back, as the sun went down. Enjoyed that.15:39.43 
kens Hmm, at the moment there are still tickets for thursday and friday15:39.51 
  Robin_Watts : statue of liberty crown and pedestal/museum is closed until October 21012 for renovation15:41.53 
Robin_Watts kens: Right, so you can't go inside. Saves some queuing :)15:42.20 
kens Saves any debate :-)15:42.30 
  harbour trips are readily available, so we will just get one when we arrive15:42.50 
Robin_Watts If I'd had more time I would have liked to ride the Statten Island Ferry too.15:44.48 
kens Hmm, isn't there an amusement park too ?15:45.03 
  battery island ? Or am I thinking of something else15:45.13 
Robin_Watts no, you're right, I think.15:45.31 
  Coney Island15:45.46 
kens THat's the one15:46.19 
  Used to have brothels on it as I recall15:46.29 
Robin_Watts Opposite side of the water to staten Island15:46.53 
  I bow to your superior knowledge in this area.15:47.05 
kens I seem to remember seeing a documentary abou tit15:47.17 
  Again, its hazy so I could be wrong15:47.26 
chrisl There was a hotel/brothel in a giant elephant - I think that was Coney Island.....15:47.59 
Robin_Watts As I remember, the Verranazo bridge is a very large suspension bridge. You can see it from the south of manhattan looking past the SoL.15:48.04 
  That joins Staten Island to Brooklyn (where coney island is)15:48.20 
  chrisl: You're right: 
chrisl Robin_Watts: ah! Amazing the things I remember from QI..... :-)16:09.40 
kens :-)16:09.47 
  OK I'm off now, see you all next week.16:28.42 
chrisl Have fun!16:28.49 
Robin_Watts tor8: Are you interested in files that trigger the "font size too large" thing?16:45.07 
tor8 Robin_Watts: yeah, I was planning on tackling that one soon16:45.22 
Robin_Watts Is there a bug to track that ?16:45.34 
  Oh, no colonials today, of course.17:16.12 
  Do we have anyone in the company that speaks openjpeg well enough to bug hunt in it?17:17.47 
  normal_590.pdf SEGVs under both mupdf and gs in openjpeg.17:18.08 
  normal_625.pdf has a j2k in it that fails to decode under openjpeg.17:23.31 
  Do we ever see jbig2 images wider than 65535 ?18:04.10 
henrys kens:don't forget times square. Too bad you couldn't go in June for the Belmont, my daughter is also a "horse" person and it was one of her favorite trips we ever took.18:30.24 
  for the logs next week.18:30.46 
  Robin_Watts:feel free to make it bountiable for shelley.18:33.50 
Robin_Watts The jbig2 one is solved; it's fixed in the latest jbig2dec already.18:34.14 
  Does shelly mess with openjpeg too ?18:34.21 
henrys no but I think there are similarly independent of gs and mupdf to be good things for outside folks to work on.18:35.08 
Robin_Watts right. except the files I have that crash them are 'private' ones, I think.18:35.31 
henrys I think he's good with private attachments isn't he?18:35.55 
  I'm pretty sure he is.18:36.06 
Robin_Watts yes, shelly is.18:36.08 
henrys anyway whatever you think best, I am heading out for a while, probably won't see you until tomorrow.18:44.39 
Robin_Watts have fun19:07.58 
  tor8: More fun and exciting patches for you.19:13.21 
sebras Robin_Watts: ok. I've worked myself through fz_write_buffer_bits() now. finally I'm confident. :)20:22.25 
  Robin_Watts: in 0b2ee96 you test against 10 and 13, but in pdf/*.c all tests are against \n and \r. also isn't this a case where fz_peek_byte() is useful?20:27.38 
Robin_Watts almost certainly.20:27.59 
  I'll redo that patch, thanks.20:28.06 
sebras Robin_Watts: fz_peek_byte() will do the fz_fill_buffer() for you implicitly.20:28.28 
  tor8: good morning tor!20:28.59 
tor8 sebras: good evening sebastian.20:29.37 
sebras Robin_Watts: in e83086d CLAMP(pdf_to_real(val), 0.0f, 1.0f)? or you want with certainty to avoid multiple calls to pdf_to_real()?20:31.39 
Robin_Watts macros are bad. Actually, did I forget to make that one inline?20:32.20 
sebras Robin_Watts: you did.20:32.28 
  Robin_Watts: well, CLAMP and friends are used in lots of places. wouldn't all of them have the same issue? do we want to have local static innline clamp() min(), max(), abs() implementations in all files where those macros are used?20:33.45 
Robin_Watts sebras: We've just had some feedback from a customer (a customer that we hope will be a BIG customer) that macros are bad, and floating point performance is an issue.20:34.53 
  hence it's doubly important for us to avoid things like CLAMP.20:35.15 
  but yes, we should address all of them, not just one at a time.20:35.30 
  We should make a plan and follow through (that's why Brian Boytano'd do.)20:35.50 
sebras Robin_Watts: Brian?20:36.05 
Robin_Watts sebras: South Park: The Movie.20:36.21 
sebras Robin_Watts: alright. I can see why this would be a problem for an ARM without fp-support.20:36.32 
  Robin_Watts tor8: silly-fix on sebras/master20:39.28 
tor8 Robin_Watts: pdfwrite? do you mean pdfclean or pdf_write_document?20:43.31 
Robin_Watts pdf_write.c20:43.57 
tor8 right20:44.15 
sebras ugh. moving debug-functions to a separate files would indeed expose e.g. PS function details in fitz-internal.h20:44.44 
tor8 sebras: I don't see a lot of value in putting them in separate files20:45.14 
sebras _and_ debug() seems to be fairly well integral in fz_store_type used by fitz/res_store.c. :-/20:45.16 
tor8 rather guard them with #ifdef DEBUG then20:45.21 
sebras tor8: yey, ifdef.20:45.30 
tor8 Robin_Watts: not really happy about clamp01(). the other patches on your master LGTM20:46.22 
Robin_Watts tor8: OK, so what would you prefer to clamp01 ?20:46.42 
  explicit code?20:46.52 
tor8 fz_clampf(x, 0, 1)20:46.53 
  fz_clamp() actually20:47.01 
Robin_Watts Where that's a new function we right ?20:47.08 
tor8 make that, abs, min, max as static inline for floats in the header20:47.15 
  maybe integer versions if we need20:47.26 
  should reduce the number of macros20:47.32 
Robin_Watts ok.20:47.35 
tor8 sound okay to you?20:47.43 
Robin_Watts sounds reasonable, sure.20:47.55 
sebras tor8: CLAMP is used for ints everywhere (as your probably know).20:47.57 
tor8 sebras: then fz_clampi(x, min, max) for ints20:48.18 
  I can't remember which macro is used on what type20:48.28 
  well, we can keep CLAMP in the apps. in draw/*.c we use it mostly with fixed point or ints20:49.14 
sebras tor8: how about moving the macro-versions to pdfapp.h then?20:49.45 
tor8 sebras: pdf/*.c uses mostly floats, so it's a varied lot20:49.47 
  or just make int and float versions and ditch the macro20:50.05 
sebras tor8: as long as the functions are in fitz.h then no problem. if we stick them in fitz-internal.h then the apps would have issues.20:50.36 
  tor8: oh. I have entirely missed 629458520:56.51 
  and yes, that is a sha1.20:57.01 
  tor8: sebras/master?20:59.37 
  Robin_Watts: and yes, given 6294585 I can see why adding a hexdump for fz_buffer makes no sense whatsoever.21:00.19 
  tor8: well, 8e3d711 seems consistent enough, but I'm still puzzled as how to ft_italic/ft_bold will come to be set after this patch. but that might be the whole point of it...21:24.50 
tor8 sebras: they won't...21:25.35 
sebras tor8: ok, and then that's the point?21:25.59 
tor8 but getting the right glyph in the wrong style and a consistent behaviour is better than inconsistent workarounds for specific fonts and files21:26.19 
  the input is broken; it relies on system fonts that don't exist and with weird custom encodings (like Symbol)21:26.57 
sebras right, now I remember a vs. alpha21:27.42 
  tor8: d7ba71b seems ok. not sure what xpsref says though.21:29.26 
tor8 20 degree shear on italic, embolden fonts by fattening the strokes by 1% of em size, and increase advance width by 2%21:30.08 
  and shift the origin by 1% of em size (which FT_Embolden_Stroke does implicitly)21:30.29 
sebras tor8: silly-patch is back.21:31.32 
tor8 sebras: trailing whitespace?21:32.13 
sebras tor8: y.21:32.19 
tor8 okay21:32.35 
sebras hadn't it been in the public interfaces I probably would care less. ;)21:32.46 
tor8 sebras: I plan on running a whitespace cleanup pass and git stripspace when we merge the forms branch. nudge nudge. ;)21:33.20 
sebras tor8: about the debugging stuff. note that I do ifndef out the store printing as well.21:33.21 
tor8 sebras: is that a problem?21:44.57 
sebras tor8: not in my opinion, just not sure if that is desired.21:52.24 
  tor8: for the logs -- I updated my debug-function patch as I missed pdf_print_*()... also I rearranged the headers a bit so that all fz_print_*() and pdf_print_*() appear last in each section. Moreover I createa minor patch that converts all usage of pdf_print_obj (which is from no own only avaiable in debug-builds) to pdf_fprintf_obj in all our apps.22:40.50 
  so have a look at sebras/master again, bitte please qing.22:41.51 
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