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 <<<Back 1 day (to 2012/07/08)2012/07/09 
virmitio new guy question: is there a (relatively painless) way to have ghostscript generate a pdf with interactive form data (ie, the output pdf contains interactive forms / acroforms)?03:16.16 
mrdocs virmitio: try Scribus... it does all that03:34.37 
  GS can view them with gsview or other viewers03:35.04 
virmitio mrdocs: thanks03:37.45 
mrdocs virmitio: its the only open source app which creates forms like acrobat pro03:38.14 
paulgardiner Robin_Watts: I've updated the text-widget content type patch along the lines we discussed. It's on paul/forms10:31.31 
Robin_Watts what did we discuss again? :)10:39.58 
  ah yes.10:42.34 
  Bollocks. The cluster is still only testing the head commit when I push several.11:14.16 
norbertj Robin_Watts: hello, could you mark my latest attachment (see comment #16) to 693042 as private?11:17.54 
Robin_Watts norbertj: Sure.11:18.31 
  Done, I believe.11:19.11 
norbertj Robin_Watts: yup. When I logout I don't see it, when I login I do.11:21.17 
Robin_Watts cool.11:21.29 
  ok, hopefully the cluster should correctly run all the tests now.11:42.05 
jvervier hi all12:41.03 
  I'm encountering a problem by using ghostscript on a server with Xeon processor12:41.25 
  performance problem12:41.46 
  My local computer is a core 2 duo 2.3Ghz with 3 Go of RAM, the server is a Xeon 3.07Ghz with 4Go of memory (two processors)12:42.50 
  the same batch for-loop on the same PDF's folder take more than an hour on the server12:43.16 
  but on my local computer, it takes 12 minutes12:43.27 
  the server is a Windows 2008 Server12:43.40 
  Is there any know problem about that?12:44.05 
chrisl What's your local computer running?12:44.26 
jvervier Windows XP12:44.47 
  I'm actually trying on another server (same processor and memory)12:45.08 
  with an Windows server 200312:45.34 
  and it's looking have the same problem12:45.48 
chrisl Are you using the same version/build of GS on all the systems?12:46.34 
jvervier Yes12:46.44 
  -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -dQUIET -dNOPROMPT -dPDFSETTINGS=/printer -dNumRenderingThreads=1 -dMaxPatternBitmap=400000000 -dNOGC -dBufferSpace=800000000 -sOUTPUTFILE=%donepdfdir%\%%~NXf -c "800000000 setvmthreshold"12:47.00 
  here are the option used12:47.05 
  except that12:47.10 
  dNumRenderingThreads=1 is 2 for the server12:47.19 
chrisl Hmmm, NOGC seems like a really bad idea...... NumRenderingThrreads has no effect on pdfwrite at all, I don't think BufferSpace has either12:49.26 
  jvervier: what version of GS are you using?12:53.28 
jvervier 9.0512:54.14 
chrisl jvervier: this is a complete stab in the dark, but you might try adding << /IdiomRecognition false >> setuserparams to your "-c" preamble: so it would look like: -c "800000000 setvmthreshold < /IdiomRecognition false >> setuserparams"12:57.02 
jvervier I'm trying this just right now, I'll take you update of the situation12:58.56 
Robin_Watts Morning kens & mvrhel_laptop 15:00.05 
  mvrhel_laptop: I got a couple of bugs given to me at the end of last week, where interpolation is taking ages.15:00.33 
kens Hi Robin_Watts15:01.15 
Robin_Watts specifically it looks like they are interpolating images up and then going to a halftone device.15:01.37 
  kens: How's the holiday?15:01.46 
kens Fine, the ladies are off to 5th avenue (again...)15:02.18 
henrys kens:that might cost you.15:02.39 
kens Weather is back to seasonl;a average (28/29 degrees)15:02.42 
Robin_Watts paulgardiner: We may have an indeterminism in the forms branch. In one of the cluster tests (for b3a52c4) we get 1 difference in v1.7/nonemployeetravel.mjs15:08.42 
paulgardiner Robin_Watts: yes noticed that. Is it strange that it comes up every time? Shouldn't it be sometimes and not others, or is it a choice of many different versions?15:10.25 
Robin_Watts paulgardiner: In this instance it changed between 2 runs on the same machine.15:10.51 
  which is very odd.15:10.57 
  Could be using uninitialised memory maybe?15:11.20 
paulgardiner It's come up in every test I've done.15:14.57 
Robin_Watts Sounds like a valgrind run might be worthwhile15:16.52 
kens Morning ray_laptop15:38.21 
ray_laptop hi, kens 15:40.17 
  chrisl: kens: is it OK with you if I answer Arnold about how to get a space into a name for cidfmap ?15:40.58 
kens sure15:41.12 
ray_laptop OK.15:41.25 
chrisl ray_laptop: I thought the policy was to leave first contact to marcosw.......15:41.43 
kens has not yet seen teh email15:43.16 
ray_laptop I'll forward my answer to marcos15:46.43 
mvrhel_laptop Morning Robin_Watts15:52.35 
  doing any interpolation when heading out to halftone makes no sense15:53.09 
  other than nearest neighbor15:53.27 
  which is what we do for the no interpolation case15:53.51 
ray_laptop mvrhel_laptop: except maybe interpolating to the cell size (for extreme upscaling)15:55.09 
Robin_Watts mvrhel_laptop: I created a pdf file with a 16x16 black/white bitmap in on friday, and radically upscaled that.15:56.01 
mvrhel_laptop maybe. I have done quite a few studies on this (interpolation methods when halftoning) and I never saw any advantage15:56.03 
  Robin_Watts: ok15:56.13 
  fair enough15:56.18 
Robin_Watts Acrobat does interpolate (so you get shades of greys, which are then halftoned).15:56.24 
  Clearly there is no need to upscale *as much*.15:56.33 
mvrhel_laptop Robin_Watts: right15:56.45 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: you mean interpolate so finely ?15:56.54 
Robin_Watts (like we could upscale to the halftone cell size)15:56.55 
  ray_laptop: Right.15:57.04 
henrys and it remains the contone interpolation is very slow relative to adobe as well.15:57.14 
Robin_Watts but that really doesn't fit into the gs scheme.15:57.35 
  I'm still experimenting. Something very odd is going on with this file.15:57.48 
  If I make the page a single band, then I see lots of 256x256 bitmaps being scaled to be 17067x17067 ones. At 100dpi.15:58.35 
  Which makes no sense at all.15:58.39 
mvrhel_laptop that is weird15:59.23 
ray_laptop what's it mean when my msys prompt has (master|REBASE) instead of just (master)16:21.42 
  it happened after git couldn't figure out how to merge when I did a commit --amend16:24.16 
Robin_Watts it means git thinks you're in the middle of a rebase.16:25.11 
  You should resolve the conflicts yourself by editing the files.16:25.34 
  git add each edited file16:25.39 
  then git rebase --continue16:25.46 
  OR, you can abandon the whole lot by doing git rebase --abort16:26.04 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: thanks. I did the git add of the file that was conflicted (after I resolved the conflict) then git rebase --continue said: No changes - did you forget to use 'git add'?16:29.56 
  Robin_Watts: so I just did the rebase --abort16:30.08 
Robin_Watts oh, sorry.16:30.14 
  You should probably have done 'git commit'16:30.23 
  That 'commits' your revised patch (and gives you a chance to manually update the commit message.16:30.51 
  Then carries on with the rest of the rebase.16:30.57 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: I had already committed my change with a git commit --amend -a16:32.14 
Robin_Watts Right. Using the --amend confused it.16:32.43 
ray_laptop it was when doing a git up (pull --rebase) that it got the merge conflict16:32.44 
Robin_Watts Yeah. You had a history A<-B<-C right?16:33.04 
  where C wasn't in the remote end.16:33.13 
  so you pulled in new commits (say D and E) to try and get:16:33.30 
  A<-B<-D<-E<-C right?16:33.44 
  The way git does that is to backtrack to the A<-B<-D<-E and then try to reapply each of the commits that need to be rebased in turn.16:34.27 
  so it tries to commit 'C', and gets a conflict.16:34.45 
  you need to resolve the conflicts by manually editing, then git add them, then git commit16:35.03 
  so you're committing a modified version of C.16:35.23 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: git commit or git rebase --continue ?16:35.27 
Robin_Watts git commit, sorry.16:35.34 
  You have various different options; you can git rebase --skip, in which case it 'skips' the reapplication of C, or you can give up (git rebase --abort)16:36.26 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: it seems to be happy following the git rebase --continue and git status doesn't show any file to commit16:36.38 
Robin_Watts Are all your changes in?16:36.48 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: yes16:36.57 
  Robin_Watts: Oh, well. I think it's all OK. I'll find out for sure when I push it up :-)16:39.06 
  here goes ...16:39.39 
Robin_Watts I'd be a bit suspicious that the git commit --amend may have pushed it into the previous commit.16:39.47 
ray_laptop oh, well. It's a trivial optional change, so I think I'll just skip it16:41.04 
Robin_Watts AH!16:53.18 
  This file is created from google maps or something similar.16:53.37 
  So I think it consists of a series of overlaid images, one for each zoom level.16:54.18 
  So we start off with the 256x256 tile that is 'this bit of land seen from the moon', so it's zoomed up so we only see about 64 pixels in the middle of it.16:54.58 
  Then overlaid on top of that we have the next level 256x256 tile that is 'this bit of the earth seen from the lagrange point', so we see a few more pixels from that one (and they completely cover the other one)16:55.53 
  Then overlaid on top of that we have the next 256x256 tile 'this bit of earth from geostationary orbit' etc etc.16:56.20 
  So I suspect that we are failing to clip those outer tiles.16:57.07 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: so we are interpolating the entire tile in order to just render a tiny bit in the center ?17:01.49 
Robin_Watts Yes.17:01.57 
ray_laptop and then painting over it anyway :-(17:02.09 
  Robin_Watts: is this an XPS or PDF file ?17:03.58 
Robin_Watts pdf17:04.12 
ray_laptop so PDFSTEP shows each tile as it is painted ?17:04.42 
Robin_Watts PDFWHAT ?17:05.08 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: -dPDFSTEP17:05.22 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: don't know. I thought everyone already knew about it.17:06.41 
  it's been around since 200417:08.00 
Robin_Watts Not entirely convinced it works under windows...17:08.30 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: it works, but if the file has transparency it doesn't do anything17:09.01 
Robin_Watts Ah. The file has transparency.17:09.13 
ray_laptop so sometimes you need to combine it with -dNOTRANSPARENCY in order to find out what paints a certain object17:09.39 
  as the commit message says, it is 'rudimentary' (i.e. sometimes useful)17:10.22 
Robin_Watts It looks stupidly useful.17:11.23 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: stupidly is a reasonable assessment17:11.47 
Robin_Watts Oh, boy it's even dimmer than I thought.17:15.51 
  It takes a 256x256 bitmap, and then scales up to 17067x17067 with a clipping path set so we only get the 200x200 in the middle somewhere.17:17.46 
  For each square in the most zoomed in level of mapping, it sets the clip path for that, then plots each level of bitmap from far away to close up.17:19.17 
  So we repeat the 256x256->17067x17067 scale for EVERY tiny square. (i.e. we repeatedly scale each source image multiple times, only to clip different regions out of it)17:20.30 
kens OK lunch and airport, bye all17:24.08 
Robin_Watts EKENSTOFAST17:24.25 
  Anyone know if we've got a 'transform_rectangle' thing that takes a bbox and a matrix ?18:45.01 
  gs_bbox_transform looks like it.18:46.10 
  I hate the image code.20:12.56 
henrys won't stir up much controversy with that statement.20:27.03 
mvrhel_laptop ok. found my xps issue from the last commit I did21:01.21 
  nothing to serious21:01.32 
  we should add that file to our xps test files though21:08.22 
henrys if you don't have an active test file tree mail the file to marcos for comitting.21:28.44 
  marcos seems to only keep up with pdf and ps files in bugzilla.21:29.17 
mvrhel_laptop henrys: ok. I will ask him22:03.13 
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