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Log of #ghostscript at

 <<<Back 1 day (to 2012/07/13)2012/07/14 
donbex hello, I'm trying to write a package for ArchLinux for ghostscript-git, but the makefile doesn't seem to support a DESTDIR variable (anymore?)09:50.57 
kens I'm not aware that teh GS makefile has ever supported a 'DESTDIR'09:51.29 
donbex well, the script they use to make the archlinux package for ghostscript 9.05 calls make with a DESTDIR09:52.24 
  (that's where I got it from)09:52.33 
kens Possibly the distribution maintainers use a custome makefile09:52.51 
  The build maintainer is not here right now, and I'm not an expert oon the system BTW09:53.25 
donbex ok, I see09:53.40 
kens However we know that teh various Linux distributions do 'stuff' to teh Ghostscript we supply09:54.14 
  Which is why we ask people to reproduce problems with the vanilla GS sources09:54.29 
donbex well, ArchLinux tends toward vanilla sources09:54.39 
  the build scripts are just bash scripts, and they are pulling the sources from 
kens The unix-dll.mak file uses a $(DESTDIR)09:55.34 
  As does unix-inst.mak09:55.50 
donbex I see09:56.18 
kens So it looks to me like if you have an environment variable called DESTDRI then that's where it will get built09:56.42 
  On Unix that is, Windows will be different09:56.59 
donbex yes, it should work like that09:57.03 
  thing is, the makefile generated by doesn't seem to use that variable09:57.27 
kens Are you using configure ?09:57.41 
donbex yes09:57.48 
kens Well, like I said, I'm not the build expert09:58.10 
donbex *autogen.sh09:58.10 
kens You'll have to wiat for chrisl to come online09:58.38 
  He might be on today, but it is a weekend09:58.50 
donbex don't worry, thank you anyway09:58.55 
kens NP09:59.01 
donbex kens: I solved that issue, and felt quite dumb in the process10:43.10 
kens Oh, what was it ?10:43.21 
donbex I was cloning the ghostpdl.git repo and building from there, while I should have done that from the 'gs' subdir10:44.03 
kens Ah, yes, ghostpdl includes PCL and XPS as well10:44.27 
donbex by the way, the gs makefile does support a 'DESTDIR' variable,10:44.31 
kens Yep, once I looked into the makefile it looked that way10:44.45 
  I normally build on Windows which is different10:44.57 
  And on my Linux VM I don't try to change the dest folder :-)10:45.18 
donbex I see10:45.25 
kens Like I said, not really a build expert :-(10:45.39 
donbex well, me neither10:45.51 
kens Anyway, I'm happy its OK for you now, that's good news10:46.09 
donbex thanks10:46.18 
 Forward 1 day (to 2012/07/15)>>>