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 <<<Back 1 day (to 2012/07/22)2012/07/23 
cryptopsy it seems FirstPage and LastPage in my offset command make it so that only those offset pages are output, isntead of the whole document with offsets in only certain pages00:07.40 
  is there an option to produce the entire document instead of only the affected pages?00:08.05 
Robin_Watts henrys: 9th and 10th.00:09.59 
  I fly in on the 8th and out on the evening of the 10th00:10.11 
cryptopsy gs -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -o /tmp/print-"$i"-"$j" -dFirstPage=$j -dLastPage=$j -dPDFSETTINGS=/prepress -c "<</PageOffset [-72 0]>> setpagedevice" -f /tmp/print-"$i"00:11.17 
  $i is for the current document, $j is for it's pages00:11.27 
  is it possible to add left-padding to a page with gs, or do i have to offset and use a different paper ize?00:26.09 
  size* 00:26.13 
ray_laptop cryptopsy: ghostscript can run pages with PostScript commands, then you can apply actions to individual pages or groups of pages.04:07.44 
  cryptopsy: but if you want to fit and center pages on an input PDF into a PDF with some fixed page size, you may want to try -dPDFFitPage with -dFIXEDMEDIA and media size specified on the command line.04:09.04 
cryptopsy can i have the solution please?04:09.32 
  adding a margin shouldn't have me calculate page widths04:09.45 
  i had a solution for this before which i lost in a disk crash04:09.54 
ray_laptop cryptopsy: to process pages programmatically using the PS interpreter, use: (____) (r) file runpdfbegin % where ____ is the file path04:10.01 
cryptopsy the final goal is to offset pages left and right for book printing on double-sided sheets04:10.08 
  not sure how to use your command04:10.31 
  what flag do i pass it to 'gs'04:10.38 
ray_laptop cryptopsy: then set the PageOffset or do the Install page proc with setpagedevice, then process the selected group of pages with: N M dopdfpages % where N is the first page and M is the last page04:11.07 
  cryptopsy: you can feed the entire PS script to gs using the -c operator, but it would be easier to put the PS script into a temp file and just tell gs to execute that PS file (which then opens the input PDF and runs)04:12.24 
  if it's in a temp file just put it after the -f 04:13.01 
  cryptopsy: if you want a margin on ALL pages, then you can just use the single Install proc (or PageOffset, which I never use, but I think works)04:14.09 
cryptopsy i want a margin on one page at a time without burst the original04:14.20 
ray_laptop but if you need a different offset for different pages then the: N M dopdfpages is the only approach04:14.52 
cryptopsy Pageoffset places the page outside of the paper boundary04:15.02 
ray_laptop cryptopsy: I haven't played with PageOffset, so I don't know if that is correct, or why you are using it04:15.35 
cryptopsy it's correct, using it because i saw it in an exaple on how to offset pages04:15.50 
  [the fact that it places pages outside of boundary is correct]04:16.07 
ray_laptop cryptopsy: why do you need different offsets for different pages04:16.13 
cryptopsy which is not desired04:16.16 
  ray_laptop: book printing04:16.22 
  the spine of the book makes it hard to read text near the spine04:16.35 
  you know what i mean?04:16.39 
ray_laptop cryptopsy: it's outside the page area because you told it -72 0, right ?04:16.43 
cryptopsy what?04:16.52 
  how do you propose i move the page 72dpi left (thus increasing the paper width by 1 inch) ?04:17.24 
ray_laptop cryptopsy: There is another setpagedevice proc that is often used to 'place' pages depending on page number04:17.28 
cryptopsy am so confused, sorry04:17.42 
ray_laptop if you want to increase the page size, you need to use /PageSize [ W H ] , possibly also with an offset04:18.19 
cryptopsy no ...04:18.27 
  i don't want to increase it04:18.30 
  it should do it by itself04:18.33 
ray_laptop cryptopsy: you just said "thus increasing the paper width by 1 inch"04:18.58 
cryptopsy yea, because you added a margin04:19.05 
  pretend you cut a strip with scissors out of paper and placed it next to your page04:19.17 
  the final area of the page is now larger, yes?04:19.23 
ray_laptop the /Install { -72 0 translate } or the /PageOffset [ -72 0 ] keep the same page size, but move the image on the page one inch left, presumably leaving 1 inch to the right blank, but it may make the image 'clip' to the left since you can't image at Y < 004:20.50 
  so along with pasting a 1 inch strip to the right, it also trims one inch off the left of the page04:21.57 
  so the page size ends up the same size04:22.07 
cryptopsy the page size should become bigger because we're adding04:22.20 
  shift are dangerous because you don't know if the text will not be visible04:22.38 
ray_laptop NO! Only PageSize can add to the page size04:22.43 
  so if you want to keep the position of the image on the page the same distance from the left edge AND add a 1 inch right margin, you need to make the PageSize one inch wider04:23.39 
cryptopsy yes04:23.46 
  pagesize can figure it out by itself, or i have to get initial page width?04:24.03 
ray_laptop it DOESN'T do it by itself04:24.08 
  you can programatically with PS since the 04:27.20 
  currentpagedevice operator can be used to get the current PageSize, then you can modify it and give to back to setpagedevice04:27.57 
  and as I said, you can do different pages differently if you want. 04:28.58 
  I have to run and errand now -- I'll be back later.... (sorry)04:29.20 
cryptopsy what's the cropbox?04:30.10 
  Page 2 MediaBox: [ 595 842 ] CropBox: [ 297.646 419.524 ]04:30.17 
  is the cropbox the minimum sized box that doesn't contain uniform colums or rows?04:30.40 
  tnx 04:33.00 
ray_laptop cryptopsy: the CropBox is supposed to be the "inked area" (if you trust the PDF creator). In my experience, books have the left pages (bound to the spine on the right) shifted left, and the right pages (bound to the left of the page) shifted right, with the same imaged area (maybe CropBox) width on both.05:32.01 
mvrhel hi ray_laptop: so I fixed at least one of the issues that was going on with the psdcmyk device. although this particular one was related to transparency usage in the separation devices05:36.23 
  I still have one pesky *.ps file to deal with (a CET test)05:36.43 
  any luck with getting the proc switched over?'05:37.06 
ray_laptop so if the page images are centered on the page, you may want "ImageShift" where the offset is applied differently to the 'recto' (front) and 'verso' (back) side of pages even/odd to allow for stapling/binding.05:38.48 
  but UNFORTUNATELY, in looking at ghostscript, we don't implement this :-(05:39.20 
  cryptopsy: however, we _do_ implement the BeginPage procedure which (according to the PLRM) can "Shift the positions of even- and odd-page images differently for binding"05:41.26 
  thus, I recommend that you use this. Note that the BeginPage proc can be more general than just even/odd pages in case the pages need different offsets -- the page number is available in the proc so that every page can have a unque offset. This is used for N-up printing on some printers05:43.11 
  mvrhel: I have fixed the NumRenderingThreads issues (the final commit is coming soon)05:43.44 
  one caused the SEGV because the device wasn't set up in planar mode at the correct time.05:44.30 
  the second was a BUNCH of messed up calculations of the buffer start address, and potential SEGV that I haven't verified05:45.25 
  the first fix is committed. the second is coming05:45.38 
  mvrhel: I also have the commit for the fill_rectangle_hl_color change coming -- let me know if you want a patch. My latest localcluster regression is with that change.05:47.15 
  it is still running at this time05:47.41 
mvrhel ray_laptop: I wonder if those are the source of the issue with 12-07C.PS05:47.53 
ray_laptop mvrhel: I don't know -- the results of the mixup between fixed and int coordinates _should_ not cause writing outside of a buffer since all writers are supposed to use 'fit_fill' to clip to the bounds05:49.06 
mvrhel no not that05:49.22 
  "the second was a BUNCH of messed up calculations of the buffer start address, and potential SEGV that I haven't verified"05:49.32 
ray_laptop by 'writers' I mean memory devices that write memory05:49.36 
mvrhel I am seeing a clist issue with 12-07C.PS05:50.05 
  I have not dug into it yet05:50.17 
ray_laptop mvrhel: that was ONLY with NumRenderingThreads > 1 (already committed was fix for SEGV when NumRenderingThreads=1)05:50.21 
mvrhel I will start at it tomorrow05:50.22 
  ray_laptop: ok I understand. probably a different issue then05:50.47 
ray_laptop I should have the first commit tonight (for NumRenderingThreads). The other I have a format-patch I can send you05:51.08 
mvrhel my other segv was related to the fact that for the sep devices, transparency is handled in a special way05:51.15 
  and there was much confusion about that when we were dealing with a pattern within a softmask which had an RGB transparency group05:51.42 
ray_laptop mvrhel: right. I didn't delve into the details, but understood the nature of the problem and oyur fix05:52.13 
mvrhel I am curious what Gemma is talking about with respect to performance.05:53.02 
  I wonder if she is still doing the tiff scale up05:53.29 
ray_laptop mvrhel: hard to tell -- they have (AFAICT) such a bastardized build that it's hard to reproduce05:53.40 
  if they send their command line, it should help. Also, we should (once I get the problem fixes committed) get them to try NumRenderingThreads (they probably have at least 4 core machines)05:55.19 
mvrhel right05:55.32 
ray_laptop but I have not wanted to mention that until getting the problems sorted out05:55.43 
  and also until I have a chance to try some of their files to see if performance is helped.05:57.09 
  Since they are using tiffsep (iirc) the problems caused by rendering multiple times for each plane should not be an issue05:58.08 
  I have to go -- I may check back before sleep. My regression is at 40%05:58.56 
  mvrhel: got a bunch of 1 pixel differences -- pretty much the same as previous runs...06:18.40 
  be back in the morning.06:18.51 
  grr... git is "close" but still so easy to get screwed up07:46.55 
kens you're up late ray_laptop07:47.07 
ray_laptop yep... so close, but now can't get my commits straightened out. :-(07:51.38 
kens I'm afraid neither Robin_Watts nor tor is here :(07:52.00 
ray_laptop I so a "git reset xxxxxx" and it still shows many modified files that I don't want to commit 07:52.20 
  I guess I'll try reset --hard07:52.33 
kens I use git gui and select the ones I want to add to the commit07:52.42 
ray_laptop kens: the changes are all in local commits -- I just want to make sure and 'push' the right thing07:53.34 
kens ray_laptop : then I don't know I'm afraid07:53.52 
  I am a very simple user of Git07:54.02 
ray_laptop well, it looked OK after the git reset --hard so I went ahead and pushed it07:54.36 
kens Then we shall see shortly :)07:54.50 
  Looks like its what you intended07:55.18 
ray_laptop kens: please pull (git up) the current HEAD and see if the only files you see modified are gxclist.h and gxlcthrd.c07:55.40 
kens ray that's what teh commit message says07:55.55 
ray_laptop HURRAY !!!07:56.03 
kens If I pull I expect I will get other files, I'm a bit behind07:56.08 
ray_laptop that should resolve the NumRenderingThreads issues with psdcmyl07:56.29 
kens 2 files changed, 15 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-)07:56.35 
  Exellent news ray_laptop07:56.44 
ray_laptop s/psdcmyl/psdcmyk/07:57.00 
kens Time for bed, said Zebedee :-)07:57.42 
ray_laptop Zebedee ??? not a reference I know, I'm afraid.07:59.06 
kens The Magic ROundabout07:59.13 
  A children's programme from my youth07:59.21 
ray_laptop thanks, I'll check it out.07:59.30 
kens :-)07:59.36 
  Very surreal07:59.40 
  Was French, but with an English narration invented by the narrator07:59.54 
  So no relatyion to the (apprarntly very boring) French version08:00.08 
ray_laptop oh, boy... a book with subtitles ???08:00.19 
kens A book ?08:00.36 
ray_laptop or a TV show ???08:00.36 
kens TV show08:00.40 
  No subtitles though08:00.49 
  THe original French soundtrack was removed and replaced by English08:01.06 
ray_laptop I see -- sort of like Thomas the Train -- with VERY boring english accent narrator speaking08:01.21 
kens In a way :-)08:01.30 
ray_laptop ;-)08:01.35 
kens assumes Thomas the Train == Thomas the Tank Engine08:01.53 
ray_laptop my 13 yr old boy is looking over my shoulder and says this sounds a lot like him and his friend texting back and forth (except maybe faster)08:02.33 
  kens: right08:02.45 
kens Could be08:02.48 
  My dughter texts a lot, but now she facebook's endelssly too08:03.00 
ray_laptop my 13yr old daughter has started tweeting a lot (I have to really keep an eye on her)08:03.43 
kens We barred Facebook and Twitter until Melanie was 1608:03.58 
  (blocked in the router)08:04.05 
ray_laptop she's also the one that wants to be an author and is several chapters into two books08:04.09 
kens Cool08:04.17 
  Most authors seem to start young08:04.24 
ray_laptop kens: I very may well have to do that.08:04.27 
  (router block)08:04.35 
kens 'Cruel and unusual punishment' Ray :-)08:04.41 
  So I'm told08:04.48 
  'everyone in on Faebook'08:04.56 
  When we unblocked it we made it a condition that one of us (me & Stella) had to be a friend08:05.19 
ray_laptop as long as I can monitor it, I guess we'll let it go for a bit (on twitter NOT facebook)08:05.34 
kens Well, we felt 16 was old enough....08:06.04 
  Got to let them have some freedom sometime08:06.15 
ray_laptop my daughter's time is up for reading -- I have to go take her nook away. then go to bed myself. g'nite08:06.45 
kens goodnight ray & fmaily08:06.58 
tor8 Robin_Watts: more font tweaks on tor/master whenever you've got a few moments to spare10:36.19 
Robin_Watts ok.10:39.43 
  Oh color handling, how do I love thee? Let me count the ways...11:48.31 
  It's far too early for that to really be mvrhel.11:59.09 
JediMaster hi all, I'm trying to convert a pdf to a png, and it's been working fine until I've recently changed the fonts in the pdf. I've been using imagemagick to convert it, but the problem appears to be in ghostscript12:28.23 
  everything but the line of text in a particular font seems to show12:28.35 
  it's an embedded ttf font12:28.47 
kens Sounds liek a font problem, any messages in the console window ?12:28.52 
JediMaster none12:29.00 
kens We will probably need to see the file though12:29.06 
JediMaster it works fine in adobe reader12:29.08 
  sure, I can upload it12:29.17 
kens OK give us a URL and I'll take a look. Which version of GS are you suing ?12:29.35 
JediMaster 9.05 (2012-02-08)12:30.03 
  the default from Ubuntu 12.04 LTS12:30.13 
kens Nice to see someone using an up to date version :-)12:30.13 
JediMaster =)12:30.27 
kens OK give me a moment12:35.01 
JediMaster thanks for your help12:35.06 
  I've been trying to manipulate/convert/re-encode the font in fontforge but it hasn't helped12:35.33 
  you should see red text on the right12:35.53 
kens Hmm, getting some warnings about the font12:36.16 
  loca length > NumGlyphs12:36.24 
chrisl JediMaster: what text is missing?12:36.29 
JediMaster I fixed that, but it still did it12:36.31 
kens chrisl was about to ask that :-)12:36.39 
  Its oK for me with current code12:36.44 
  also command line you are using please JediMaster ?12:36.54 
JediMaster chrisl: "With Best Wishes for Christmas" and new line "and the New Year"12:37.04 
kens Yeah that's all tjhere in curren code and the display device12:37.19 
  But not in 9.0512:37.36 
  So its a bug that's been fixed I woudl think12:37.42 
JediMaster gs -dNOPAUSE -sDEVICE=jpeg -sOutputFile=image%d.jpg -dJPEGQ=100 -r300x300 -q test.pdf -c quit12:38.04 
  or /usr/bin/convert -antialias -density 300x300 test.pdf -resize 960x800 test.png12:38.30 
kens THe next release 9.06 will be out in a few weeks I'd suggest you use that, or if you are confident about building GS you can pull a snapshot of the latest source12:38.34 
JediMaster from imagemagick12:38.35 
chrisl kens: I assume that's with our 9.05 release?12:38.56 
JediMaster yes12:39.04 
kens chrisl yes, I believe so12:39.11 
  The 9.05 release code has the text missing, the 9.06 pre-release code is OK12:39.30 
JediMaster ok, glad to know I'm not doing something stupid12:39.35 
chrisl Okay, so no point in me trying any shared libraries, or anything.......12:39.41 
kens chrisl I wouldn't think so, I tried it on Windows :-)12:39.52 
  Sorry I can't give you a work-around JediMaster12:40.27 
JediMaster might it work with an older version?12:42.10 
  I'm wondering if it's a 9.05 only issue?12:42.19 
chrisl JediMaster: ah, as a *very* temporary workaround, you could use -dDisableFAPI - but that sends you through deprecated and unsupported code, so it is *not* a good long term solution.12:42.22 
kens does that work chrisl ?12:42.34 
JediMaster chrisl: let me try that, thanks12:42.50 
chrisl Yes. I think I know what the problem was....12:42.50 
kens Yes, it does work for me, at least its a good work-around12:43.02 
chrisl I *think* the problem was a couple of bytecode program errors I wasn't trapping properly, so we fallback to the notdef, instead of retrying with hinting disabled.12:43.49 
kens Oh yes, that sounds familiar12:44.02 
JediMaster sweet, that worked12:44.26 
kens Sounds like the font is the real culprit, but its nice to be able to get round the problem.12:44.36 
JediMaster yeah, it's happened to 3 out of 5 google fonts I've tried12:45.00 
  2 of them work fine12:45.05 
chrisl JediMaster: nevertheless, your font is broken...... btw, the DisableFAPI will disappear in a couple of releases.....12:45.18 
JediMaster chrisl: ok, thanks for the heads-up12:45.42 
  and thanks for the work-around12:45.50 
  I'll go with jpeg format for the moment to save converting it twice12:46.09 
chrisl JediMaster: Unfortunately, there are *so* many such broken fonts, we have to handle them :-(12:46.20 
JediMaster chrisl: any idea what was broken in it?12:46.45 
  I tried validating it in fontforge and it passed12:46.55 
  and tried chopping & changing formats and back to ttf and still had the same issue12:47.13 
chrisl JediMaster: it's erm, complicated......12:47.32 
  TrueType fonts contain bytecode "programs" which (amongst other things) are supposed help to grid-fit and drop-out control the contours in the glyph. One or more of those is at fault.12:48.51 
JediMaster heh, I had no idea the fonts had bytecode in them12:49.50 
kens TrueType fonts are complex beasts....12:50.07 
JediMaster well thanks you very much for both of your help, it's taken me all morning to get to this point12:50.38 
chrisl JediMaster: given what you say, it sounds like it might be fontforge's own bytecode creation which is at fault - but it may also be whatever is embedding the font in the PDF12:50.59 
JediMaster and thanks for teh quick replies too (not something you expect in a lot of IRC channels)12:51.06 
chrisl To be more specific about the error it would take me some hours to track it down - and I can't really be bothered!12:51.39 
JediMaster chrisl: well it was doing it before I opened it up in fontforge, and it's TCPDF PHP library that's embedding it, so that's possibly at fault, but it uses various scripts like ttf2ufm to convert them12:52.12 
kens I suspect that the original font has the problem, probably because it too was created by FontForge, and FontForge is creating broken bytecode, btu that is totally a guess12:52.55 
chrisl JediMaster: Hmm, well, it's probably not worth the effort of tracking down the actual culprit. For future reference, though, any kind of font "technology" conversion is a really bad idea.12:53.50 
rsc Uhm...Ghostscript 8.70 vs. 9.05. Older creates PDFs with Font: DejaVuLGSSans, Type: TrueType, Coding: Identity-H while second has a font "DejaVuLGCSans-Bold-Identity-H, Type: Type 1, Coding: Custom12:55.27 
  the configuration is actually the same for both versions. Ideas?12:59.12 
  so it doesn't do TrueType, but uses a Type1 font12:59.12 
chrisl rsc: so what's actually wrong with the PDF from 9.05?13:02.22 
rsc chrisl: it uses a Type1 font instead of the TrueType13:03.12 
chrisl Type 1 fonts are allowed in PDF13:03.28 
rsc yes. But I use the font name "DejaVuLGCSans-Bold-Identity-H", 8.7 does splitting to Font: DejaVuLGSSans, Type: TrueType, Coding: Identity-H (correct)13:03.57 
  but the 9.0 does font "DejaVuLGCSans-Bold-Identity-H, Type: Type 1, Coding: Custom13:04.06 
  and thus it just puts in monospace characters instead of the DejaVu font13:04.18 
  it feels like a bit it doesn't find the font anymore13:04.28 
chrisl If it doesn't find the font, you'll get a warning about not finding the font13:05.29 
rsc /DejaVuLGCSans « /FileType /TrueType /Path (/usr/share/fonts/dejavu/DejaVuLGCSans.ttf) /SubFontID 0 /CSI [(Unicode) 0] >> ;13:05.35 
kens That's your cidfmap ?13:05.52 
rsc yes.13:05.54 
  actutally « 13:06.03 
  gna. so < < ;)13:06.08 
chrisl rsc: are you using our release code (rather than a distribution package)?13:07.08 
rsc chrisl: Fedora, but should be nearly unpatched13:07.58 
chrisl rsc: Fedora patches probably more than any other distribution.... but it shouldn't affect this. Are you using -dSAFE or -dSAFER?13:08.40 
rsc chrisl: good question, let me see13:09.22 
  chrisl: yes.13:11.51 
chrisl rsc: try without either of them13:11.59 
rsc chrisl: then it doesn't find the font, I think13:12.17 
  chrisl: can I somehow check, if it does find the font, like on a ghostscript prompt or so?13:13.18 
chrisl rsc: if it doesn't find the font, you'll get a warning to that effect13:13.42 
rsc so can I see the resolve from DejaVuLGCSans-Bold-Identity-H with what it looks up etc?13:13.43 
  chrisl: actually a script triggers that within a daemon :(13:13.52 
  so can I somehow run that myself by cause a font lookup?13:14.09 
chrisl rsc: what happens if you run gs manually13:14.17 
rsc using which arguments?13:15.00 
chrisl rsc: the same ones the script uses13:15.11 
rsc I don't have that *.ps here, let me see. But can't I simply do a load/lookup of the font?13:16.05 
chrisl You can, hang on.....13:16.35 
  rsc: start gs, get the gs prompt, and do: /DejaVuLGCSans-Bold-Identity-H findfont13:17.48 
rsc gs wants to start X...13:18.53 
chrisl rsc: gs -dNODISPLAY13:19.14 
rsc Can't find (or can't open) font file /usr/share/ghostscript/9.05/Resource/Font/DejaVuLGCSans-Bold-Identity-H.13:20.15 
  Loading NimbusSanL-Bold font from /usr/share/fonts/default/Type1/n019004l.pfb... 2610000 1271404 2112396 821249 1 done.13:20.30 
chrisl So, it doesn't find the font, and falls back to the default. Are you sure gs is finding your modified cidfmap?13:21.09 
rsc how do I figure out this best?13:22.24 
JediMaster thanks again chrisl & kens13:22.32 
rsc I'm setting GS_LIB="$GS_LIB:/etc/ghostscript/foo" where /etc/ghostscript/foo/cidfmap contains the cidfmap from above13:22.59 
chrisl rsc: try setting the patch on the GS command line: gs -dNODISPLAY -I/etc/ghostscript/foo13:24.02 
rsc chrisl: ouch...doesn't honor it?13:29.42 
  simply the same...13:29.51 
  it's just looking in /usr/share/ghostscript/9.05/Resource/Font/ for the font file as it seems13:35.02 
  but not in /usr/share/fonts/dejavu, even it scans it before?!13:35.20 
chrisl Hang on, you're trying to use "DejaVuLGCSans-Bold-Identity-H" but your cidfmap entry is for "DejaVuLGCSans"13:36.32 
rsc yes, but that worked on 8.70 fine13:37.42 
  because the *.afm mentions DejaVuLGCSans-Bold-Identity-H13:37.51 
chrisl As far as I'm aware, substitution only works on matching names13:38.56 
rsc "FontName DejaVuLGCSans-Bold-Identity-H" in the *.afm. And all of that definately worked in 8.7013:39.53 
  means I need some additional entries in my cifmap?13:42.06 
  but putting "DejaVuLGCSans-Bold-Identity-H" into the cidfmap doesn't work eitehr.13:43.03 
chrisl rsc: no, but putting DejaVuLGCSans-Bold in it will work13:43.27 
  rsc: Identity-H is the name of the CMap to be used with the fake CIDFont made out of the truetype font13:43.57 
rsc chrisl: but the Identity-H stuff is automagically appened by the software that calls it. And it already worked...13:44.35 
  could it be the broken freetype stuff?13:45.06 
chrisl rsc: I'm looking in the gs documentation, and it makes no mention (that I can see) of interrogating afm files to find substitute fonts13:46.05 
kens AFM = Adobe Font Metric files nad are mostly useless to PostScript interpreters13:46.52 
  We certainly don't use them13:47.08 
rsc yes, bt the fscking application server uses them13:47.16 
  the application server does some calculation based on the *.afm files.13:47.31 
kens Yes, that I would expect13:47.41 
  But the font name in he PostScript must be the same as the font name you define in cidfmap13:48.17 
  So if the application generates PostScript asking for DejaVuSans-Bold, then you need to have a cidfmap for DejaVuSans-Bold, not DejaVuSans13:49.09 
  chrisl do we have a sample file (and ideally, font) from rsc ?13:53.48 
chrisl No13:53.56 
kens Oh, well can't really look at the problem then13:54.04 
chrisl He said he does't have the PS file to try himself......13:54.31 
rsc kens, chrisl: that's my complete configuration13:54.31 
  I'll try to grab a *.ps out of it.13:54.42 
kens That woudl be good13:54.49 
  I can use a random TTF as a substitute for the font, though it would be good if we culd have that too13:55.17 
chrisl I've got the dejavu fonts here, but the names don't seem to match between Ubuntu and Fedora....13:56.15 
kens Exellent, who needs consistency :-)13:56.28 
rsc there's DejaVu and DejaVuLGC ;)13:56.46 
kens I hesitate to ask, but what's LGC ?13:57.15 
rsc The derivative called DejaVu LGC covers only Latin, Greek and Cyrillic13:57.46 
kens OK, I gues that makes sense....13:57.58 
chrisl Well, substitution works as expected for me, just doing a /DejaVuLGCSans-Bold-Identity-H findfont at the gs prompt13:59.04 
rsc chrisl: why does it for you - but not for me?13:59.34 
kens Ah, I think you may have to put the cidfmap in a sub-directory called 'Resource' or possibly 'Resource/Init'13:59.35 
rsc oh?13:59.41 
  but that's new then, right?13:59.48 
kens DPerhaps, resource handling has changed several times.14:00.01 
  I'm not saying that for definite you understand14:00.12 
  Just a guess14:00.16 
  But I htink the cidfmap follows the Resource stuff, and so it looks in the search path for a folder called 'Resource'14:00.45 
chrisl No, I'm using a different directory for it - having been caught that way for something else in the past14:00.52 
kens Oh well, thre you go then14:01.01 
Robin_Watts tor8: Just had a quick look at your patches.14:01.26 
  They all look fine. Minor points: Last one has an extra tab in it.14:01.50 
rsc kens: so /etc/ghostscript/foo/Resource/cidfmap?14:01.58 
kens rsc chrisl says that is not required, so I'm wrong14:02.10 
Robin_Watts For some of the others, where we're adding 'special case heuristics', it would be nice if the details of those heuristics were actually in the code in comments, rather than us having to first lookup the commit message from the code, then having to look at the google code link etc.14:02.43 
rsc chrisl: but the substitution works for you as expected, I thought?14:02.49 
chrisl rsc: yep, works just fine14:03.01 
rsc chrisl: by using the same configuration like me?14:03.25 
chrisl rsc: as close as I can get running on Ubuntu14:03.39 
kens Can you try running PostScript to list the CIDFont resoruces ?14:04.17 
  To see if the cidfmap is having any effect.14:04.32 
chrisl Mind, I do get another error with the standard Ubuntu install - missing Identity-UTF16-H CMap14:05.24 
rsc kens: how?14:05.31 
kens rsc one minute14:05.38 
  (*) {==} 256 string /CIDFont resourceforall14:06.14 
  Let me just test that14:06.22 
  Ys that works14:06.49 
  FOr me it giv es 2 CIDFOnts, CIDFallBack and ArtifexBullet14:07.07 
  But it will be different on earlier versions14:07.21 
chrisl And I get the extra one (DejaVuLGCSans-Bold) from my cidfmap14:07.29 
chrisl So, all your expected fonts are listed14:08.40 
kens So lets try a composefont14:08.59 
  Grr silly irc14:10.12 
  "/DejaVuSans-Identity-H /Identity-H [/DejaVuSans] composefont"14:10.41 
  Try that without the ""14:10.48 
  I'll just try it here too14:10.54 
  OK that leaves a dict on the stack14:11.36 
rsc Error: /undefinedresource in findresource14:11.51 
kens Ah14:11.56 
  MY guess is it can't find Identity-H14:12.07 
rsc possible?14:12.52 
kens Lets try this:14:12.57 
  "/Identity-H /CMap findresource"14:12.57 
  wihtout the "" again14:13.05 
rsc Error: /undefinedresource in findresource14:13.25 
kens Well it sounds like your GS can't find any CMaps, which is going to be fatal14:13.48 
chrisl rsc: do you know where on your filesystem the GS resources are stored?14:14.12 
rsc chrisl: /usr/share/ghostscript/9.05/Resource/ from how I understand?14:14.48 
chrisl rsc: ok, in there should be either a directly or a symlink called CMap14:15.21 
kens Might be nice to know what *is* in there14:15.36 
chrisl I'm wondering if Fedora have also tried to merge the GS and poppler CMaps, like Gentoo did14:16.05 
kens That's possible14:16.15 
  Did they get that to work ?14:16.27 
rsc chrisl: there is /usr/share/ghostscript/9.05/Resource/CMap/, an empty directory.14:16.47 
chrisl I've no idea - it would have meant creating a symlink for *every* cmap file.....14:17.01 
kens Well, that's why you get no CMaps, nad can't create composed CIDFonts then14:17.07 
chrisl rsc: well, there you go.....14:17.14 
rsc oh. But it's filled on 8.7x. 14:17.19 
  chrisl: so Fedora failure, yes?14:17.28 
kens would not go so far as to say that14:17.40 
  But it *is* a problem14:17.46 
  If you want to use CIDFonts14:17.53 
chrisl rsc: Possibly - CMaps are often in a separate package, called something like "gs-cjk-resource", for example.....14:18.14 
ray_laptop one thing that changed (I think in 9.05) was defaulting to -P- (don't search . ) Maybe Fedora didn't take that change ? gs -h is your friend to see what the paths are14:20.50 
  morning, all14:21.27 
chrisl ray_laptop: good morning!14:21.43 
kens HI ray_laptop14:21.53 
rsc ray_laptop: that?14:22.07 
chrisl the -P- thing shouldn't make a difference to substitutions in cidfmap, though.....14:22.14 
  Uh-oh - /usr/share/poppler/cMap/Adobe-CNS114:23.22 
rsc chrisl: but there is no Identity-H in14:24.12 
chrisl rsc: look in /usr/share/poppler/cMap14:24.27 
rsc find /usr/share/poppler/cMap/ -name "*Identity*" returns nothing14:24.57 
chrisl Hmm, for me /usr/share/poppler/cMap/Identity-H and /usr/share/poppler/cMap/Identity-V both exist14:25.40 
rsc I'm currently looking if it's maybe another package14:26.00 
  no Fedora package at all provides "Identity-H"14:26.16 
kens Well you can get our sourecs, they contain the CMaps ;-)14:26.37 
chrisl rsc: Maybe poppler has started to build in the Identity cmaps, anyway that's (one of) your problem(s). And you'll have to take it up with the Fedora packagers14:27.52 
kens is pleased to see that recent regression runs seem to have many fewer indeterminisms. And none in pdfwrite/ps2write :-)14:28.29 
rsc chrisl: yes. But I could ship Identity-H myself. Any special directory?14:29.27 
kens The Resoufce/CMap directory :-)14:29.49 
rsc kens: so /etc/ghostscript/foo/Resource/CMap/Identity-H?14:30.01 
kens rsc assuming that's where your resoruces are stored, yes14:30.16 
  You can try it yourself14:30.22 
  With the PS code from earlier14:30.34 
chrisl I'm really not happy with this munging of our CMaps with the poppler ones - with the size of hard disks these days, it's already cost us more time than it's worth to save 6.3Mb!!!14:32.15 
ray_laptop I assume that the distros don't use COMPILE_INITS=1 ?14:33.40 
chrisl ray_laptop: none that I know of use COMPILE_INITS, no14:35.57 
ray_laptop what a bummer. Maybe we should just always build in the %rom%Resource stuff and not tell them ;-)14:36.49 
chrisl ray_laptop: it had crossed my mind, but they'd just hack it out again - at least now we know *how* they avoid using it......14:38.13 
ray_laptop well, we could make enough places in the PS code depend on their being a %rom file system that it would make it harder to hack than C code ;-) 14:39.11 
  just irritated that we end up fixing problems that the distros cause in the first place with their misjudged priorities (not likely that the Fedora folks would have bothered to figure out what was broken -- they would have just said, well if poppler works, gs must be buggy, so we won't use it)14:41.32 
rsc chrisl: - done14:41.34 
  chrisl, kens: Thank you *very* much for all your time and efforts and help. It's highly appreciated!14:41.53 
ray_laptop rsc: thanks for griping to them14:42.27 
chrisl rsc: there are actually (I think) three more CMap files missing - first of all Identity-V14:42.33 
ray_laptop chrisl: we could open a bug for each missing file and keep them busy adding them one by one ;-)14:43.08 
rsc ray_laptop: sounds like a deal :D14:43.22 
chrisl ray_laptop: I would be perfectly happy with that ;-)14:43.27 
  rsc: you're probably also missing: Identity-UTF16-H and UniHojo-UCS2-H (which are non-standard CMaps used as part of our CIDFont substitution code).14:44.13 
ray_laptop chrisl: do they even provide DroidSansFallback ?14:46.33 
ray_laptop isn't sure of the caps on a linux system14:47.06 
chrisl ray_laptop: No idea, I suspect it's on the system, just whether GS can find it, I don't know. *But* those two custom CMaps are used for cidfmap substitutions as well as the DroidSansFallback case, so whether DroidSans is there or not, those CMaps are needed.14:48.08 
Robin_Watts mvrhel_laptop: Aha.14:50.32 
mvrhel_laptop hi Robin_Watts14:51.11 
Robin_Watts mvrhel_laptop: Sorry to swoop on you, but I've been digging through a regression that was caused by the planar colors stuff, and I think I've got to the point I need to discuss it.14:51.22 
mvrhel_laptop ah ok14:51.37 
Robin_Watts mvrhel_laptop: Is now a good time?14:51.45 
mvrhel_laptop Robin_Watts: I have about 10 minutes, then I have to get the kids off to swim lessons which start this morning14:52.17 
Robin_Watts Probably better when you get back then ?14:52.36 
mvrhel_laptop uh oh must be a fun one14:52.47 
Robin_Watts I'd love to think this can be solved in 10 mins, but I fear it's unlikely :)14:52.49 
  It's to do with pattern fills in hl colors.14:53.08 
mvrhel_laptop ok. Lets shoot for later then. 14:53.15 
Robin_Watts Yell when it's a good time.14:53.22 
mvrhel_laptop ok14:53.26 
rsc chrisl: hm. Just putting a copy of the file to /etc/ghostscript/foo/Identity-H doesn't seem to solve it.14:54.21 
chrisl rsc: you probably need to tell gs to search there14:55.50 
rsc chrisl: I thought, I would do that with -I/etc/ghostscript/foo14:56.28 
chrisl rsc: when you say "solve it" are you using checking it "manually" just not, not using the script?14:57.32 
rsc chrisl: manually.14:58.26 
chrisl rsc: Okay, try making it /etc/ghostscript/foo/CMap/Identity-H14:59.03 
rsc ah! I tried Resource and Resource/CMap, not CMap only.14:59.53 
chrisl Well, either should work, I'd think.15:00.33 
ray_laptop rsc, chrisl: CMaps are Resources so are searched for in the GenericResourceDir/CMap directory ONLY15:01.16 
  we don't search all the LIBPATH path for Resource files15:01.48 
chrisl ray_laptop: then Fedora's configuration to share the CMaps with poppler won't work at all?15:02.07 
ray_laptop it will if the set the GenericResourceDir15:02.28 
rsc chrisl: CMap works, thanks :)15:03.00 
chrisl ray_laptop: they several paths to the search path for the CMap "subsets" (chinese, japanese etc)15:03.49 
  s/they/they add15:03.56 
ray_laptop at one point we were going to allow multiple paths for GenericResourceDir (like with ':' separators) but that got too hideous, iirc15:03.58 
chrisl rsc: good - phew!15:04.04 
ray_laptop alexcher has been taking care of the Resource paths and finding resources, so I may be out of date15:04.57 
chrisl ray_laptop: if you look at the output that rsc posted - if you're right, that won't work?15:05.15 
ray_laptop easy enough to try: /Adobe-Japan1-4 /CMap findresource15:06.33 
  chrisl: didn't work for me. I have a Resource/CMap directory with /UCS2-90ms-RKSJ in it, and I put that on my LIBPATH with -I (and verified it was there). Then /UCS2-90ms-RKSJ /CMap findresource gave me undefined Resource15:13.24 
chrisl ray_laptop: I didn't think it would work. Like I said, this sharing CMaps with poppler is a recipe for disaster :-(15:14.13 
kens I'm inclined to agree15:14.23 
ray_laptop chrisl: so unless Fedora also hacked the PS resource machinery (a daunting task) it shouldn't work for rsc either15:14.51 
  general Resource files aren't easy to share -- fonts are a different matter since we use "extended" rules to search for fonts (that are documented)15:16.10 
  yet another reason to switch to compiled in fonts (maybe like mupdf) that are harder for them to rip out15:17.12 
henrys wow alexcher now has 5 bugs on the aging list ?15:17.14 
chrisl ray_laptop: actually, that's strange because I think there is *horrid* code in the initialisation which resets GenericResourceDir if your -I has the string "Resource" in it15:17.23 
ray_laptop sorry: yet another reason to switch to compiled in CMaps (maybe like mupdf) that are harder for them to rip out15:17.27 
henrys certainly the MAX_COMPONENTS should go to mvrhel_laptop15:17.48 
Robin_Watts I thought that was with me... which one ?15:18.15 
henrys 69320715:18.27 
ray_laptop chrisl: yes, there is, but I defeated that by having -I%rom%Resource -I/My/Resource/CMap on the command line, so LIBPATH { = } forall showed it second and the GenericResourceDir got set in the usual place %romesource/15:19.00 
  that is %rom%Resource/15:19.11 
chrisl ray_laptop: ah, okay. Anyway, I think we're agreed, trying to save a paltry few megabytes in this fashion is just crap of the highest order!15:20.08 
henrys this is the first time I noticed "blockers" in the aging list. thanks marcosw115:20.13 
ray_laptop henrys: it's all a question of testing to make sure that whatever we set it to doesn't blow things up (like > 64 might) and that it doesn't slow us down like it used to15:20.14 
  chrisl: yes, I heartily agree15:20.32 
henrys ray_laptop:okay then give it marcosw to do a full comparison isn't that the usual procedure?15:21.20 
  I can do it if you want.15:21.37 
chrisl ray_laptop: I guess we'll have to take a harder line when users query us about it - which is a shame: I hate penalising users for maintainer's idiocy :-(15:21.50 
Robin_Watts ray_laptop, henrys There is a bug open for the problems we see when we go to 32 or 64 max components.15:21.53 
  I've been looking at it.15:22.00 
  I've solved the SEGVs at 32, but there are still some diffs.15:22.13 
  There are more diffs when we push it to 64.15:22.31 
chrisl Robin_Watts: are the diffs all in PS files?15:23.07 
Robin_Watts at 64, no.15:23.37 
ray_laptop henrys: I finally found (I hope) the last of the miscalculations in the multi-threaded rendering for psdcmyk and closed my blocker (bug 692542)15:24.19 
chrisl Robin_Watts: Shame. They way mvrhel had to handle PS means it will influence band boundaries in clist mode.....15:24.26 
henrys ray_laptop:great news.15:24.43 
Robin_Watts My current bmpcmp is of the 64 differences, I believe.15:24.57 
henrys Robin_Watts:so it seems you should absorb 693207 as well right?15:25.41 
Robin_Watts That should probably depend on whatever bug it was I was looking at.15:26.06 
  which I think may technically belong to michael.15:26.22 
chrisl Robin_Watts: hmm, yes, there are some oddities in there, outside what I would expect :-(15:27.15 
henrys okay michael I just want to avoid alexcher jumping on this when he has other bugs in his domain15:27.22 
tor8 Robin_Watts: extra tab where?15:27.59 
Robin_Watts Actually... it's 693185, and it's assigned to alex.15:28.19 
  So I could take both 693185 and 69320715:28.32 
henrys yes or assign them to michael and continue working on them.15:29.03 
Robin_Watts I'll assign them to michael then :)15:29.16 
ray_laptop 693207 could be handled by marcos (IMHO) since it is mostly testing15:29.38 
  I don't think anyone has a need (at this time) for > 64, so changing it to 64 and testing is easy15:30.10 
  even I could do it ;-)15:30.20 
  and I don't want to distract mvrhel 15:30.29 
henrys ray_laptop:I got the impression there was no point in testing until Robin_Watts fixed something so ta marcosw1 assignment would be confusing.15:30.34 
Robin_Watts ray_laptop: I've tested, and there are problems.15:30.51 
  I need to track down what's causing the problems.15:30.58 
  It may need to go back to michael (if I run out of my depth), but I can't at least triage it for him.15:31.14 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: sorry I thought you were past those -- I know you resolved several (or several dozen)15:31.32 
Robin_Watts I resolved all the SEGVs.15:31.40 
  but there are a few diffs left.15:31.47 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: thanks. Sorry for the confusion.15:33.54 
  oh, great -- now we are getting suggestions to improve our error messages from a "triager" at debian15:34.58 
kens ray_laptop : yeah, but it does make 'some' sense15:36.01 
  Of course the users won't read the extra info....15:36.12 
ray_laptop if it makes sense, why doesn't the OS produce a warning/alert that the disk filled ?15:37.00 
kens It might do, but it makes some szense for other errors too15:37.22 
ray_laptop then if a program fails, you have a clue15:37.24 
henrys alexcher:693115 looks to be forgotten.15:37.43 
kens And our Windows (and MSDOS!) code already does it....15:37.49 
ray_laptop I wonder if bastien is french -- the bug reports sort of suggest that15:38.34 
kens Well its French name15:38.58 
ray_laptop kens: our windows code says "disk full" ? Obviously I've avoided that one by upgrading disks often enough15:39.24 
kens No, but it uses strerror, which the Unic code doesn't15:39.39 
  That propagates through .oserrorstring to pritn extra information on OS errors15:39.56 
  Only the Windows and MSDOS code (afaict) do this.15:40.27 
  Or that was hte case before chrisl's change15:40.44 
chrisl It seemed silly to have the code there, and not use it when we can......15:41.14 
kens Yeah, I'm inclined to agree, which si why I mentioned it in the thread15:45.26 
chrisl And we were already reporting the OS error, we just weren't "decoding" it.15:46.23 
alexcher henrys: No, I'm working on the bug 693115.15:46.38 
ray_laptop chrisl: kens: (not sure who commented) multi-threaded rendering won't cause a disk full error in a thread since the 'main' thread writes the output file and the threads only read. This will be true until we allow multiple main instances each in a thread15:48.03 
kens ray_laptop : it was me, nad I *thought* that was hte case, but, not being the expert....15:48.24 
chrisl ray_laptop: if it ever becomes an issue, we can add support for the thread safe variant of strerror - it won't be a big deal15:50.25 
Robin_Watts ray_laptop: Unless the threads render by calling a device that writes to disk maybe?15:52.05 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: threads render to 'buf devices' that are supposed to write the pixels to a memory buffer, but I suppose if a funky buf device were used ...15:54.00 
  Robin_Watts: note that the funky buf device that I did for cust 532 doesn't write to disk, but also doesn't actually render any data to the memory buffer 15:54.48 
chrisl To be honest, I don't really see it being an issue - if several threads hit a several terminal conditions near simultaneously, the worst we'll get is writing out a partial error message.15:55.36 
ray_laptop chrisl: right -- or interleaved messages15:56.35 
kens I'm inclined to say to Bastien that bug files need to be attached to *our* bug tracker, and not referenced in other bug trackers15:57.58 
  We've had problems with that in the past where the fiels disappear15:58.08 
  That file was also not entirely produced by GS 5.15:59.06 
  It has a bunch of 'PTEX@ stuff in it which can only have got there byb pdfmarks or later edirting15:59.24 
ray_laptop kens: well, if the file disappears from their bug tracker we can automatically close our bug ;-)15:59.35 
chrisl kens: I didn't look that closely at the internals of the file - with so many other consumers showing identical resolution based differences, I didn't care enough.16:00.30 
kens In fact the Producer is pdfTeX-1.10b16:00.33 
  chrisl agreed, I was curious abouit why that's all16:00.46 
  the /Creator is TeX too16:01.02 
  Oh, nice a 5 page file to demonstrate the problem too....16:01.39 
chrisl Good grief, there's 4 (I think) producers - I guess each page was created as an individual file, and then they were munged together16:02.26 
kens Looks lthat way :-(16:02.47 
  It 'looks' like the frame is not linework, it looks like its a stretched image16:03.21 
  Oh no, mayb enot16:03.35 
Robin_Watts chrisl: Urm... isn't strerror one of those functions that returns a pointer to a string? And that pointer is guaranteed to be valid until the next call to strerror ?16:04.48 
  In which case if 2 threads call it and then read the results out you can get a race condition SEGV.16:05.23 
chrisl Robin_Watts: AIUI, all (common) implementations use a static buffer, the *contents" of which are guaranteed to remain until the next call - but the address should be the same.16:06.18 
Robin_Watts Right, but that's not the word of the spec.16:06.32 
chrisl Robin_Watts: Actually, it doesn't matter at all from a device perspective.......16:08.00 
kens chrisl well I don't really see what's causing the problem, but it does draw the rectangle in a form, and the form seems to be overly complicated, draws multiple elements16:08.07 
ray_laptop even if the buffer is in the same place, if the second string writes the terminating NULL BEFORE where the second (suspended) thread is reading, and happens to write something over the NULL in the string, then when the suspended thread resumes ...16:08.21 
  but that is really grasping at straws16:08.49 
chrisl ray_laptop: if one rendering thread errors, presumably we clean up the other threads before returning to the interpreter?16:09.43 
ray_laptop chrisl: we use the clist_teardown_render_threads which waits for other threads to complete16:11.56 
chrisl Robin_Watts: the strerror call is initiated at the interpreter level, and currently we've no way to run multiple interpreter threads......16:12.18 
  ray_laptop: thanks, that's what I thought.16:12.30 
ray_laptop chrisl: so, right, if the strerror doesn't happen in the thread, we are OK16:12.30 
  I mean if the reading of the string returned by strerror doesn't happen in the thread. But in our case, a a thread would just be setting errno -- the interp does the strerror and reads it to print it out16:13.49 
chrisl Yes, exactly.16:14.38 
  Like I said, it won't be rocket science to switch to using the thread safe variant when required.16:19.49 
kens chrisl it looks to me like the problem is teh fact that the 'frame' is clipped to the boundingbox of the Form. The BBox is an integer, the path describing the rectangle is not, Depending on the resolution and rounding, the bottom edge of the stroke either just fits into the clip, or just doesn't quite.16:26.50 
  If I increase the BBox by 1 then the problem goes away. So yes, its a badly constructed PDF file16:27.16 
  And I see thre's someone else now using a linewidth of 1 and wondering why it sometiems disappears depending on the resolution :-)16:28.19 
  OK off ofr the night now, bye all16:29.10 
kens hopes Bugzilla and IRC will be quieter tomorrow....16:29.32 
chrisl Aw, what is this - "Weird Sh*t Monday", or something? Bug 693212 that just came in......16:36.40 
apineda Does gs turn off icc completely when using tiffsep device? I need the cmyk colors cm processed but not the spots.16:37.24 
henrys I wonder if we shouldn't have a assignee on bugzilla.16:40.52 
Robin_Watts whatever@artifex.com16:42.22 
chrisl blackhole@artifex.com16:42.40 
henrys Actually it is a concern that the regular interruptions are effecting important project schedules.16:43.52 
chrisl apineda: according to the documentation, that is how it will work: the CMYK plates will be managed, and the "spot" plates won't - but for a totally definitive answer, you need to wait for mvrhel to reply when he's about.16:45.48 
ray_laptop without an ICC profile for spot colors, we have to trust the tint transform when munging the spot color to form the composite CMYK image (not the individual separations that are "gray" planes). but AIUI the rules for CM conversion (or not) get applied depending on the colorspace of the tint transform17:08.43 
  so I think if the /Alternate tint transform is RGB, then RGB to CMYK color management will be applied, but not if the tint transform is in DeviceCMYK colorspace17:09.46 
  but I will look forward to mvrhel making sure this is the approach we take17:10.17 
chrisl Ah, yes, I should have qualified that I was talking about what tiffsep writes to the spot plates - given that we can't realistically write "un-processed" spot colors to the CMYK preview......17:12.04 
Robin_Watts wonders if mvrhel is back yet.17:43.46 
  Hi mvrhel_laptop 17:49.18 
  mvrhel_laptop: (For the logs if you're not here). I think I've found the problem with bug 693204.17:51.38 
mvrhel Robin_Watts I am back17:53.00 
Robin_Watts We're plotting text filled with a pattern. It tries to do it one way, and fails because it can't serialise a masked device n color. (The old code that worked with pure device n colors failed there in exactly the same way).17:53.13 
  So, we try to use an imagemask. We end up in copy_portrait.17:53.36 
  The old code called gx_dc_default_fill_masked, which did a lot of work and ended up calling gx_device_color_fill_rectangle.17:54.45 
  The new code calls gx_dc_devn_fill_masked, which does identical work, but ends up calling the device proc for high level color rectangle filling.17:55.21 
mvrhel ok17:55.33 
Robin_Watts The problem is that the clist_fill_rectangle_hl_color tries to serialise the masked color, and that fails again.17:55.54 
mvrhel hmm it should serialize the devn color17:56.20 
  and why would that fail?17:56.30 
  oh its a pattern?17:56.34 
Robin_Watts Yes.17:56.40 
  I think that gc_dc_devn_fill_masked should call the device color proc to fill rectangle.17:56.47 
  exactly the same as the old code did.17:56.55 
mvrhel yes17:56.58 
Robin_Watts The device color proc ends up calling the hl color fill thing, but sidesteps the need to serialise the devn_masked color.17:57.24 
  My bmpcmp shows 66 changes, all progressions.17:57.36 
  Are you happy with that?17:57.45 
mvrhel sounds great17:58.46 
Robin_Watts ok, I'll get that committed.17:58.56 
mvrhel good catch17:58.58 
  I should have seen that in the cluster push from the original commit17:59.18 
  Robin_Watts: So what is going on with 693185?18:01.35 
  and 693207?18:01.50 
Robin_Watts 693207 is about a file that has too many spot colors.18:02.12 
  So the fix is to up max components, and we can't do that until we fix 692185.18:02.30 
  693185 even.18:02.37 
  693185: we no longer segv, but there are some differences there.18:02.51 
  My next(ish) job is to figure why we still get differences at 32.18:03.30 
mvrhel ok. that was those odd vertical lines?18:03.44 
Robin_Watts Then I'll look at 64. (More differences at 64 than at 32, so I suspect multiple issues).18:03.50 
  The reason I say next(ish) is that I have an outstanding patch that I haven't committed yet.18:04.10 
  The patch is the thing that calculates color usage for the clist.18:04.28 
  and that patch seems to be enough to cause the differences in vertical lines.18:04.40 
mvrhel Is 693207 solved by bumping up the number to 17+ but less than 32?18:04.55 
Robin_Watts but I want to retest it.18:05.01 
mvrhel or is there something more there18:05.13 
Robin_Watts we could try 24 or something.18:05.17 
  but there are only a few differences at 32, so I'd like to try to get it fixed for the release.18:05.39 
mvrhel sure18:05.49 
ray_laptop darn. Had a question for kens. I get 1085/7241 single pixel differences out of pdfwrite with the fill_rectangle_hl_color changes, but I looked at a couple and when I compare the pdf output (pdfclean'ed -d) they are the same :-(18:05.57 
Robin_Watts Alex reports that 20 was enough to give differences.18:06.23 
mvrhel an issue that bothers me though18:06.32 
  is that the content should not be missing if we run over the amount18:06.45 
  at least in the composite view18:06.50 
  the separations will not be generated though18:06.59 
Robin_Watts Right. You're trusting my dodgy bmpcmp code though, remember? :)18:07.18 
mvrhel as we should be using the alternate tint transform and pushing the extra spots to CMYK18:07.19 
  I mean with bug 69318518:07.39 
  oh hold on18:07.54 
  this is even going out to a ppmraw device18:08.09 
ray_laptop mvrhel: the appearance might be different in the composite view maybe ? And with overprint ?18:08.12 
mvrhel we should not have to fool with eht GS_CLIENT_MAX_COMPONENTS18:08.23 
ray_laptop mvrhel: oh, ppmraw doesn't do overprint and always uses the tint transform. NM18:08.42 
mvrhel the comments on 693185 dont match the original report18:08.53 
  the original report is about going out to ppmraw18:09.09 
Robin_Watts Yes, that's very odd.18:09.21 
  marcosw, marcosw1: Ping?18:09.28 
mvrhel The comments from Alex dont match the report18:09.37 
  did alexcher post to the wrong bug?18:10.21 
Robin_Watts I don't know.18:10.41 
marcosw Robin_Watts: morning18:11.20 
ray_laptop there _was_ a file from a cust (393 ?) that had 17 spot colors18:11.42 
Robin_Watts ray_laptop: That was more recent.18:11.56 
ray_laptop and I have a test file from a guy that has 4018:11.57 
Robin_Watts marcosw: We are confused by bug 69318518:12.06 
  The original bug report (from you) talks about ppmraw.18:12.26 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: more recent than Alex's Jul 17 comment (if he posted to the wrong bug ?)18:12.33 
Robin_Watts ray_laptop: Yes.18:12.52 
  I think :)18:13.04 
  marcosw: And alex says he can cure it by bumping GS_CLIENT_COLOR_MAX_COMPONENTS, which shouldn't be an issue here, should it?18:13.29 
  ray_laptop: Did you have any comments on my color_usage patch ?18:13.58 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: sorry -- I haven't looked at it (I started to but got interrupted and it fell of the end of my stack)18:15.07 
  istr the patch was up on casper18:15.31 
  ray_laptop: No worries. I'm just reclusterpushing it now.18:16.14 
marcosw The customer who reported 693185 always uses tiffsep as the output device. In this case I used ppmraw because the file also failed with that device and I use that as my default testing device. Perhaps alexcher tested with psdcmyk since he knows that customer 393 uses a planar device? 18:16.17 
mvrhel ok I ran it and sure enough lots of stuff missing18:16.31 
  when going out to ppmraw18:16.39 
Robin_Watts Ok, so there are twin issues here?18:16.43 
mvrhel perhaps18:17.03 
Robin_Watts I'll keep looking at the problems with pushing components max higher.18:17.19 
mvrhel ok. I am going to dig into this thing18:18.04 
marcosw Speaking of bug GS_CLIENT_COLOR_MAX_COMPONENTS <>, what is the downside of increasing that value to something large (i.e. 50)? Are the significant performance or memory issues?18:19.07 
ray_laptop marcosw: if it fails with the ppmraw device, that can't be cured with more the MAX_CLIENT_COLOR_COMPONENTS (as far as we can imagine)18:19.09 
  marcosw: we are talking about evaluating performance impact of 6418:19.50 
mvrhel gawd GS_CLIENT_MAX_COMPONENTS does effect ppmraw18:20.01 
  ok I will look into this18:20.14 
  some reason we are not doing the alternate tint transform18:20.29 
ray_laptop there used to be significant performance issues due to the 'image_init_clues' allocation and initialization18:20.35 
marcosw alexcher's comment #3 regarding changing GS_CLIENT_COLOR_MAX_COMPONENTS to 20 and seeing differences in output is ominous.18:21.07 
ray_laptop mvrhel: that's a surprise18:21.13 
  marcosw: Robin_Watts has been improving some of that18:21.41 
  marcosw: and Robin_Watts has already fixed the SEGV's when setting it to 6418:22.24 
Robin_Watts 32.18:22.39 
  Not sure what the SEGV situation is like at 64.18:22.51 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: sorry again. I was recalling the discussions about 64, so I thought that's what you tested18:29.13 
  bastien is getting to be a pain. He just posted a duplicate to bug 689805. 18:30.02 
  which I closed as such. but that wayback machine hoop I had to jump through to get the file was a pain, so I griped about it.18:30.41 
  rather than lettiing me 'save link as...' from the link in our bug report I had to open that link, wait for the wayback to machine to load the file (and mozilla to feed it to my PDF renderer) then save the page :-(18:32.21 
mvrhel that looks like an interesting one18:33.01 
marcosw ray_laptop: I remember when we didn't have browsers and we had to use gopher to download files over a 300 baud modem. So stop complaining about have to hit control-s rather than being able to right-click :-)18:35.15 
ray_laptop marcosw: no it was the delay while wayback told me -- just wait a minute while we dig up your file. Ken commented the same thing to this guy.18:37.29 
  marcosw: it's about as18:37.56 
  marcosw: irritating18:38.02 
  marcosw: as 18:38.07 
  marcosw: waiting for 18:38.15 
  marcosw: me to finish my sentence18:38.26 
ray_laptop can't believe I got that out without interruption ;-)18:39.06 
  bbiaw. Gonna try more of the pdfwrite differences to see what might be going on with the fill_rectangle_hl_color differences18:40.24 
Robin_Watts Ah, right.18:50.54 
  My color_usage patch just completed with no diffs showing.18:51.07 
  So ray_laptop, I'll commit it as soon as you say you're happy.18:51.32 
  And tomorrow I'll go looking for the differences caused when the max components goes to 32.18:52.01 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: where is the patch, again ?18:53.09 
ray_laptop OK. Thanks. I'll look at it and email you today18:53.34 
Robin_Watts thanks.18:54.16 
ray_laptop first comment -- you say 'collate' -- I think 'collect' would be better in the first sentence ;-)18:54.22 
mvrhel this is weird19:16.23 
t4nk790 Trying to fix a clipping path problem for the PCL device - is there any way I can set the clipping path or have some page setup PS executed for every page being rendered as PCL?19:54.41 
mvrhel_laptop alexcher you there?23:33.44 
  or Robin_Watts?23:33.50 
  or henrys?23:33.58 
Robin_Watts hi23:34.00 
mvrhel_laptop so recall the weird file that is not drawing spot colors even with ppmraw?23:34.23 
Robin_Watts yes.23:34.35 
mvrhel_laptop it appears to me that the tint transform functions are not getting handled properly by the interpreter23:34.49 
  but I may be wrong23:35.39 
  about the interpreter,23:35.47 
Robin_Watts Is it something silly like only the first CLIENT_COMPONENT_MAX tint transforms are being stored in an array somewhere?23:36.08 
mvrhel_laptop that is what I am wondering23:36.20 
Robin_Watts It'd be hard to see how that could be the case purely in the interpreter.23:36.34 
mvrhel_laptop digging further on this now23:36.35 
Robin_Watts gxcdevn.h line 36 ?23:37.33 
mvrhel_laptop this is just a guess right now based upon what I am seeing. it wants to do to the tint transform. It seems to be failing on the separation all case, which is where it should do all the colorants. A somewhat special case23:38.23 
  anyway. I have to dig a bit more23:38.33 
Robin_Watts no, probably not that, that's devn.23:38.34 
  How about icremap.h line 35 ?23:38.45 
mvrhel_laptop I don't think this issue was caused by my change though23:38.49 
Robin_Watts FWIW, I reckon the vertical lines is us reading off the edge of images into unset memory.23:40.05 
  I'm going to dig more into that tomorrow.23:40.12 
mvrhel_laptop sounds good23:40.26 
  I may be up working on this when you get up 23:40.37 
  have to go to a baseball game in a bit23:40.49 
  this is a crazy week of activities here23:40.57 
  hmm this damn thing is doing the remap but nothing is getting drawn.23:42.40 
  I am going to have to step through the fill code23:42.52 
  weird. a bunch of fills are getting clipped23:50.21 
  ok. need to run23:50.25 
Robin_Watts I'm off to bed. Enjoy the ball game.23:50.42 
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