IRC Logs

Log of #ghostscript at

 <<<Back 1 day (to 2012/07/23)2012/07/24 
cryptopsy where to find the documentation for BeginPage ?00:01.56 
  or PageSize00:08.20 
  can only find mentions of it, but not the parameters they take00:08.32 
sebras cryptopsy: have a look at page 428 of postscript language reference 3rd. 00:15.11 
  cryptopsy: it seems as if BeginPage is supplied with an integer operand indicating the number of times showpage has been executed.00:15.44 
  cryptopsy: and PageSize appears to be described on page 401.00:16.29 
  N.B. I know next to nothing about postscript. :)00:16.49 
cryptopsy page 401 of what?00:18.52 
  doesn't come up in a google search00:19.01 
  is that /usr/share/doc stuff?00:19.09 
ray_work cryptopsy: The Adobe PostScript Language Reference Manual (I recommend 3rd edition) describes BeginPage etc.00:19.57 
cryptopsy yea ... where?00:20.14 
  not the page number, the location on the internet00:20.23 
ray_work Google search "Adobe PLRM" gives as the FIRST hit: 
  which leads to: 
  cryptopsy: p. 441 says:00:24.23 
  A procedure to be executed at the beginning of each page. Before calling the procedure, the interpreter initializes the graphics state, erases the current00:24.24 
  page if appropriate, and pushes an integer on the operand stack indicating how many times showpage has been invoked since the current device was activated.00:24.26 
  so for the first page, the parameter is "0"00:25.07 
  cryptopsy: it goes on to say:00:26.03 
  The PostScript interpreter calls the current device’s BeginPage and EndPage procedures,00:26.05 
  respectively, before beginning and after completing the execution of each page description. With suitable definitions, these procedures can:00:26.06 
  â€¢ Cause multiple virtual pages within a document to be printed on a single physical page (“2-up” or “n-up” printing)00:26.08 
  â€¢ Shift the positions of even- and odd-page images differently for binding00:26.10 
cryptopsy tnx00:26.42 
  didnt notice it was an adobe thing00:27.07 
ray_work cryptopsy: so to shift pages 1, 3, 5, ... left by 36/72 inch and to shift 2, 4, 6, ... right by 36/72 inch:00:27.20 
cryptopsy 441 talks about trapping00:30.29 
ray_work use: << /BeginPage { 1 and eq { -36 0 translate } { 36 0 translate } ifelse } >> setpagedevice00:30.34 
  cryptopsy:it shows as "logical" page 428, offset in the PDF is 44100:31.19 
cryptopsy 441 is trapping00:31.30 
ray_work cryptopsy: just search for BeginPage00:31.54 
cryptopsy how does that expression read?00:32.10 
  i don't understand the order notation00:32.17 
sebras cryptopsy: it's reverse polish notation.00:32.29 
ray_work PS is a stack based (reverse polish) notation system00:32.40 
cryptopsy tnx00:32.46 
sebras first all the operands, then the operator.00:32.51 
cryptopsy yes00:32.55 
ray_work so if BeginPage is invoked with 3 on the stack (page 4) 1 and will return 000:33.23 
  I forgot the '0'00:33.36 
  << /BeginPage { 1 and 0 eq { -36 0 translate } { 36 0 translate } ifelse } >> setpagedevice00:33.58 
  obviously I didn't try it ;={00:34.10 
sebras ray_work: need to go to bed a few hours ago. good night.00:34.11 
cryptopsy do i invoke it one page at a time?00:34.11 
  ray_work: translate is wrong00:34.50 
ray_work cryptopsy: no it stays in effect until overridden (setpagedevice dictionary items are "sticky")00:35.02 
cryptopsy it has the same problem as PageOffset, it will put the document outside of the page boundary, thus trimming it00:35.16 
ray_work cryptopsy: how is 00:35.18 
  "translate" wrong ? -36 shifts left, 36 shifts right00:35.38 
cryptopsy translation operations don't resize by definition00:35.40 
  i want to _add_ a vertical column, so that i know for sure my text isn't getting cut off00:36.08 
ray_work we are back to what we discussed yesterday. This ONLY shifts the image on the page -- nothing else00:36.21 
cryptopsy the image on the page can shift outside of the page boundary00:36.33 
ray_work OK. so if you want to also reduce the image, then you use 'scale' (before the shift). Do you want to change the aspect ratio or not ?00:37.25 
cryptopsy that's wrong too, the printer scales images00:37.57 
ray_work and do you know the PageSize or not ?00:38.09 
cryptopsy what's the pagesize -- the width of the page?00:38.22 
  that's A4 paper width00:38.36 
  the width of the document doesn't matter00:38.53 
ray_work cryptopsy: yes, the width. If you want to send data that is scaled down in width to make sure it fits, you need to know the scale factor (i.e. the PageSize)00:39.13 
cryptopsy the printer scales it, i dont have to worry about it00:39.21 
  if i add a 72dpi margin and the printer decides the scale it, it will be smaller/biggr than 72dpi, but it doesn't matter00:39.53 
ray_work cryptopsy: are you using N-up printing in a driver or something ?00:40.01 
cryptopsy i'm printing double-sided yes00:40.11 
  that's duplex, but i don't remember what n-up does00:40.19 
ray_work or are you going to be stapling/binding A4 pages ?00:40.22 
cryptopsy i hope punch and fill injection press glue into the channels00:40.44 
  there should be a margin so that the book is readable00:41.06 
  ray_work: i know there's a simple solution to this too, since i had it in my old printing script before i lost it in a disk crash00:41.26 
  i think i was using x-offset and y-offset00:41.36 
ray_work cryptopsy: many drivers or applications automatically apply this if the printer supports Duplex, but if you have a PS or PDF that doesn't know what00:42.56 
cryptopsy what?00:43.10 
ray_work printer it is going out to, and you need to "fudge" the margins, then BeginPage is your friend00:43.28 
cryptopsy i have no idea what you're talking about00:43.44 
ray_work cryptopsy: first, are you linux, mac or windoze ?00:44.05 
  or (heaven forbid) OS/2 or VMS00:44.51 
  if the pages are created for "normal" PDF viewing as A4 and have no duplex offset (as some PDF's do), then you probably want to keep the Y (vertical) size the same and just scale the X down a bit00:46.56 
cryptopsy i'm on shittux yes00:47.38 
  lets not assume what the pages are created for an _add_ a 1" margin00:48.28 
ray_work if the offset you want is "O" then to guarantee that a full bleed image won't get clipped, you need to scale by (595 - O) / 59500:48.45 
cryptopsy translating is like removing a coffin and filling up the hole with water and calling it a swimming pool00:48.55 
  why 595?00:49.59 
ray_work so in PS, to reduce the width by 1 inch and leave the height alone, use: 523 595 div 1 scale00:51.46 
  595 is the width of an a4 page00:52.00 
  or if you prefer /O 72 def % the left and right page offset00:52.33 
  then: << /BeginPage { 1 and 0 eq { O neg 0 translate } { O 0 translate } ifelse 595 O sub 595 div 1 scale } >> setpagedevice00:54.39 
  (above also not tested)00:54.54 
  to generalize it more the BeginPage can get the PageSize width (which is 595 in the above) using: currentpagedevice /PageSize get 1 get00:56.19 
  which "gets" the second element (offset 1 == width) of the PageSize array currently set00:57.00 
  cryptopsy: it'll make sense after about the third FULL reading of the PLRM (is that why it's the 3rd edition ???)00:58.23 
  or playing with 'gs' command line for an hour or so00:58.53 
  I meant command prompt: GS>00:59.18 
  where = and == are your friend00:59.28 
cryptopsy does 595 change if the page resolution changes?01:08.02 
  anways, stil need a real solution01:08.21 
  hey ra01:12.05 
  i found you!01:12.11 
  i found it in a google search but the URL resolves "not found"01:12.49 
ray_work cryptopsy: the PageSize is ALWAYS in 1/72 inch01:14.17 
  cryptopsy: I am on #ghostscript (where we have irclogs) a lot.01:15.11 
  cryptopsy: try: (that is today)01:16.10 
  cryptopsy: on unix/linux play with the settings to the default (x11) or on Windows (the display) device and you can see the pages before wasting paper01:18.04 
  you can put the setpagedevice script into a prefix .ps file or into a command line -c "..." sequence before -f01:19.34 
  I have to go eat dinner -- I'll check back in a bit.01:20.23 
cryptopsy ray_work: that fraction should be (595+'O')/59503:44.13 
mvrhel ok narrowed this thing down to an path filled with an image where the color space is the DeviceN color space with 17 colorants04:57.12 
  there is def. something going on at the interpreter level in some sense. setdevicenspace is not even called depending upon GS_CLIENT_COLOR_MAX_COMPONENTS and we get complaints about q and Q errors based on this05:09.33 
  oh it has to be as Robin_Watts said in icremap.h05:10.26 
  and yes that is it05:11.08 
  henrys: so I would like to talk about 693185 a bit tomorrow at the meeting05:26.44 
cryptopsy desperately need a way to add a margin06:04.03 
  ray_work: i think i go tit06:31.42 
  got it06:31.44 
  HWmargins can do what i want06:31.52 
  none of the methods are reliable though, the book i have is a scan, so the proportions are A4 proportions, but since its a scan the widths and height are so large, margins of 72 aren't one inch, but only a fraction of an inch06:32.35 
  i am wrong, this has the same effect as -offset06:37.54 
  or ..06:38.01 
  it can be used in combination with Margins06:38.33 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: I don't understand the results from your clusterpush -- it seems this was from the colors_use to color_usage change, but I don't understand the differences, and the performance difference (since it seems faster)06:50.39 
cryptopsy HwMargins accepts negative values, which doesn't do anything , maybe this shouldn't be permitted?06:50.48 
kens cryptopsy there are lots of places in PostScript where you can supply silly values that don't trigger errors06:51.33 
ray_laptop cryptopsy: why -- ghostscript is designed to meet the spec and to match Adobe PostScript06:51.43 
kens Just because its daft doesn't mean its illegal06:51.48 
ray_laptop thanks, kens 06:51.55 
  I need to catch up on the logs ...06:52.10 
kens Me too, even more so :-)06:52.18 
cryptopsy kens: waste of time waiting for a job that doesn't change anything06:52.26 
kens cryptopsy, welcome to the world of computers06:52.48 
  garbage in garbage out06:52.53 
cryptopsy this is not the case of that06:53.00 
  it is the case of cryptic error codes06:53.17 
ray_laptop cryptopsy: if you have a scan, then you _might_ be able to trust the CropBox 06:53.18 
cryptopsy why is it so damn hard to add a margin?06:53.39 
kens cryptopsy all PostSc ript errors are cryptic, and you said that this simply had no effect, you didn't say it caused an error06:53.41 
cryptopsy kens: yea ... it doesn't cause an error06:53.56 
ray_laptop but there is no strict requirement that a PDF creator sets the CropBox to a real size06:53.59 
cryptopsy but you said 'world of computing'06:54.00 
  the unix pestillence and all associated tech06:54.18 
  like C, LaTeX, PERL06:54.23 
kens Yes, things don't always do what you expect06:54.25 
cryptopsy XML06:54.27 
  is it rare thing don't do what you espect with regularity, with total disregard for the user06:54.52 
kens And ncomputers are dumb, they'll do *exactly* what you tell them, even if its stupid06:54.53 
  Mind you, I know people like thart too :-)06:55.06 
cryptopsy that's not true either06:55.09 
kens Yes it is06:55.20 
cryptopsy no, it isn't06:55.24 
kens Yes it is06:55.27 
  Computers can't do anything except what they are told06:55.47 
ray_laptop cryptopsy: IFF you know the CropBox is trustworthy, then (and only then) you can do a BeginPage offset (translate) without a scale if the right and left edge of the CropBox are what you need for readability06:56.09 
cryptopsy this is the difference between the stupid tech geeking dumbasses and a computer scientist, where the tech geek will use the phrase 'computers are dumb' barn-yard slang where there is appropriate terminology like 'finite state' 'deterministic' 'chaotic' to explain the behavior06:56.28 
kens Ah, you're a computer scientist ?06:56.50 
  And if you'd like to show me a computer that isn't dumb I'd be interested06:57.10 
ray_laptop cryptopsy: you can get the CropBox limits for all pages in a document quickly using the runpdfbegin etc. gs operators06:57.14 
cryptopsy actually by training i'm a biophysicist06:57.16 
  at the graduate level06:57.22 
  computers can't be dumb, people can be dumb06:57.35 
  not calling you dumb06:57.43 
kens Computers are clearly dumb, just like rocks06:57.44 
ray_laptop cryptopsy: psych major I presume ?06:57.46 
cryptopsy ray_laptop: what?06:57.55 
  majors are )_under_(graduate06:58.17 
ray_laptop cryptopsy: we have no bias against "other" scientists -- one of our guys is getting his PhD in bio-technology (or something like that), but he was a software guy for 15+ years before jumping ship07:00.12 
cryptopsy 15 years of programming doesn't give you superiority over an expert in mathematics07:00.48 
ray_laptop mathmeticians are the worst ;-)07:01.24 
kens cyrptopsy, it does as far as programming is concerned, and I nevver claimed that anyway, *and* I'm a mathematician to a decent level too07:01.26 
cryptopsy uh, however biophysics is practically a programming topic07:01.29 
  i wonder what the great mathematicians of this century have to say about the computing industry07:02.01 
  would dijkstra approve?07:02.11 
ray_laptop cryptopsy: we don't want to get all puffed up here -- just try the things we suggest -- please07:02.28 
cryptopsy that didn't even make sense07:02.51 
ray_laptop that's all we nned OO mathmetics :-/07:03.04 
cryptopsy i've been here all day for two days and i was argueing error reporting07:03.15 
  trying all the things suggested07:03.22 
  the two are unrelated though07:03.31 
ray_laptop cryptopsy: you are trying to get documents out with even and odd pages with different placement on a page, right ?07:03.52 
cryptopsy sure07:03.59 
ray_laptop cryptopsy: so have you tried the BeginPage proc that I put on IRC ??? 07:04.21 
cryptopsy es07:04.24 
  we ended up having to resize and calculate widths07:04.33 
ray_laptop and the results were ???07:04.39 
cryptopsy unreliability for the reasons mentioned above07:04.53 
ray_laptop cryptopsy: and why did you have to resize ? did the input pages not fit on the result pages when they were offset +/- .5 inch on left and right pages (even and odd) ?07:05.53 
  (or whatever offset amount you need to provide for your binding)07:07.01 
cryptopsy ray_laptop: to accomodate the margins so that the file doesn't get concacenate during translation07:07.25 
  there's a perl script pdfcrop that can do it easily07:07.47 
  add margins07:07.57 
ray_laptop huh ?? I assume that is a partial sentence07:08.05 
cryptopsy 07:03:07 < ray_laptop> cryptopsy: and why did you have to resize ? 07:08.21 
  07:04:38 < cryptopsy> ray_laptop: to accomodate the margins so that the file doesn't get concacenate during translation07:08.25 
ray_laptop concatenate doesn't make sense, nor does translation07:09.18 
  cryptopsy: I thought the problem was clipping 07:09.40 
cryptopsy yes07:10.26 
  that's the problem07:10.29 
ray_laptop if the area that the 'scan' imaged didn't fit in the a4 page width when reduced by 1 inch07:10.30 
cryptopsy it's getting cut off07:10.38 
ray_laptop cryptopsy: we call that clipping07:10.50 
cryptopsy too many tech geek jargon to remember07:11.07 
ray_laptop the only way to avoid clipping is to scale07:11.09 
cryptopsy gs don't have to be the one to scale, the printer do it fine07:11.26 
  for example, pdf->photo->pdf allow to easily use imagemagick to add the margin07:11.49 
ray_laptop you can scale in width only, or in both width and height (which is called "preserve aspect ratio" by some)07:11.54 
cryptopsy kens: 
kens apropos of what ?07:12.30 
cryptopsy bitmask hack for error codes07:12.40 
kens yes, and ?07:12.45 
cryptopsy you should be aware where you stand on the criminality scale with your error reporting attitude07:12.59 
kens cryptopsy, you really are becoming offensive07:13.13 
ray_laptop cryptopsy: as I said several days ago, -dPDFitPage will scale and center input pages to the output page. Coupled with BeginPage, you can offset even and odd pages07:13.19 
kens Apart from anything else you don't know what my attitude is to error reporting07:13.37 
cryptopsy ray_laptop: it is still not reliable in cases, whereas simply add a margin is reliable07:13.43 
ray_laptop -dUseCropBox will let you fit the CropBox size to the resulting page instead of the default MediaSize07:14.09 
cryptopsy how i that useful?07:14.52 
ray_laptop cryptopsy: "simply" adding a margin (and reducing the input page size to avoid clipping) is something I already gave you07:15.37 
marcosw1 kens: I can ask you a couple of questions about the email you replied to asking about file sizes with pswrite?07:16.19 
ray_laptop cryptopsy: it is a sequence of a translate, then a scale07:16.24 
kens marcosw1 sure go ahead07:16.31 
  surprised to see you and ray still up and about07:16.44 
ray_laptop marcosw: please -- we need an interruption'07:16.45 
marcosw1 you said: Applying JPEG to data which has previously been JPEG processed results in unpleasant artifacts, so lossless compression is used07:16.59 
kens Yes07:17.07 
  The original PDF file ahs a JPEG2000 compressed image, which we decompress07:17.24 
marcosw1 the artifacts portion is clearly true, but does ps2write really look at the input stream and decide to not jpeg compress streams that were previously jpeg compressed?07:17.47 
kens If we were to recompress that (for a smaller file size) we would get nasty artefacts in the output due to the re-application of the low pass and high pass filters07:17.55 
ray_laptop kens: it is ? I thought we didin't detect the input filter type, but instead looked for image characteristics (sharp edges)07:18.01 
kens marcosw1 no in truth it always writes images with losszless compression (ps2write)07:18.18 
  THis is something I was discussing wirth chrisl the other day07:18.30 
  And needs to change07:18.35 
ray_laptop kens: do we have a way (that I wasn't aware of) to detect input filter type ?07:18.39 
kens ray_laptop : no, but we need one.07:18.46 
  I did some work on looking at reapplying JPEG with exactly the same parameters, to see if it would cause the same kind of problems07:19.31 
  But it would be better to get hold of the original image stream07:19.43 
cryptopsy 06:53:23 < ray_laptop> cryptopsy: IFF you know the CropBox is trustworthy, then (and only then)07:19.48 
ray_laptop kens: I agree (one of the few areas I agreed with Igor) -- but we needed a way to get the input data (JPEG) so we could pass it through without decompressing/recomressing07:19.53 
  kens: what you just said :-)07:20.09 
kens :-)07:20.15 
marcosw1 so if the user was willing to live with the jpeg recompression artifacts is there a command line option to force jpeg compression? Also can they use the ASCII85EncodePages option to write out binary files?07:20.33 
kens marcos1 my opint was, really, that we couldn't do lossy compression because it would look bad, even if we could, which we can't07:20.43 
  marcosw1 it probably got lost in the confusion there, but no thre is currently no way to use lossy compression, we *always* use lossless for ps2write07:21.20 
ray_laptop marcosw: AFAIK, if the input is JPEG, then it will be "smooth enough" to use JPEG on output -- we run two filters in parallel07:21.30 
kens It should be possible to get the file as binary though07:21.44 
ray_laptop kens: really ?07:21.48 
kens ray_laptop : the device needs to support binary output which is a flag in the ps21write/pdfwrite device somewhere07:22.23 
ray_laptop since ps2 allows JPEG (DCTDecode) why don't we do the automatic detection of "best'07:22.36 
kens ray_laptop : all images in ps2write are 'inline'07:22.57 
ray_laptop JPEG doesn't imply binary07:23.01 
kens pdfwrite writes inline images with lossless compression07:23.09 
  ps2write inherits this attitude07:23.21 
marcosw1 kens: yeah, your reply really sounded like lossy compression was not available just because the input was already jpeg compressed. 07:23.52 
kens marcosw1 sorry, that wasn't quite what I meant07:24.08 
ray_laptop I don't know why ps2write doesn't treat image data the same as font data (that can be pseudo objects that can be sent "in order)07:24.23 
kens What I mean is that its not possible to do it at all in ps2write at the moment, and even if it were the results might well be unacceptable07:24.30 
  ray_laptop : because its really pdfwrite under the hood07:24.42 
ray_laptop the results wouldn't be any worse that what we get from pdfwrite07:25.03 
kens In order to get images in the right order we have to treat them as 'inline' otherwise we don't get them in the content stream07:25.25 
  THey are imaghe XObjects if they are not inline07:25.43 
marcosw1 ken: so basically the customer is screwed, one of his files is a large image which doesn't compress well lossleslly (sp?) and the other file uses transparency also generates a large, uncompressable image. 07:25.51 
ray_laptop kens: how do we get font data in the right order ?07:26.03 
kens Yes, that's pretty much it marcosw107:26.03 
marcosw1 thanks, I think :-)07:26.13 
kens ray_laptop : we take care to emit resources forst07:26.17 
  But as I was in the middle fo saying.07:26.30 
ray_laptop marcosw: a limitation that exists now -- not a fundamental issue07:26.40 
kens Dealing with large images out of the page data is difficult in level 3 and extremely so in level 2 (no reusablestreamdecode)07:26.56 
  We can define fonts up front and let them persist since tehy are usually relatively small07:27.16 
  a few 10's of Kb, whereas images can be many megabytes07:27.31 
ray_laptop kens: such as Japanese CID fonts ?07:27.52 
kens ray_laptop : we subset fonts, so they are smaller anyway07:28.02 
  and we can't emit CIDFonts anyway, so we emit multiple type 1 fonts07:28.14 
ray_laptop OK. point taken07:28.31 
kens I'm not saying its ideal, but given the nature of ps2write, its what we can do07:28.57 
  If it were me I would rewrite ps2write competely, its horrible07:29.11 
marcosw1 kens: "it's horrible" describes much of the code :-)07:29.36 
kens I was about to say I'd rewrite pdfwrite too given a year or two to get it right, but that's never going to happen07:30.01 
ray_laptop for large source data images, we _could_ handle it without a complete re-write (I think) -- we talked about this for "streamable PDF" before you came on board07:30.38 
kens Hmm, OK.... :-)07:30.53 
  But inline images are perfectly acceptable really07:31.06 
  and much more the PostScript idiom07:31.17 
ray_laptop except that we don't do JPEG compression07:31.31 
kens Its just our current treatment of them which needs improvement07:31.35 
  ray_laptop : I don't believe we do downsampling either.....07:31.53 
  Being inline we bypass a lot of stuff07:32.17 
ray_laptop can inline images support JPEG ? (note that when doing ps2write we don't really have to emit perfect PDF)07:32.21 
kens ray_laptop : at themoment, no, in fuiture I don't see why not07:32.42 
  At worst we would need a new 'asides' temporary file07:32.58 
  But I see no reason why we cna't just put the DCT compressed data straight into the file, its a filter just like LZW which is what we use now07:33.32 
ray_laptop kens: OK. so we are discussing a localized minor issue -- JPEG for inline images when the output is ps2write ?07:33.36 
kens ray_laptop : Sort of07:33.47 
ray_laptop not a complete re-write of pdfwrite07:33.56 
kens Oh no, a complete rewrite of pdfwrite is just something I think woudl be a good idea ;-)07:34.13 
  We could do the filters thing, just that we don't07:34.29 
  The worry is always that recompressing DCT (or wavelet) filtered components with DCT or wa velet comression will give rise to visual errors07:35.18 
ray_laptop kens: well, maybe. IMHO, we'd end up taking into account just as many special issues as we do now (since we are on the back end of the device API interface)07:35.21 
kens Due to re-applying high and low pass filters to the same data07:35.28 
ray_laptop kens: I totally agree about de-re compression passes07:35.45 
kens ray_laptop : yes, but the code we have is terrible07:35.47 
  The special cases I object to less than the unreadable and un-maintainable spaghetti we currently have07:36.58 
ray_laptop kens: the code we have did sort of 'evolve' as the PDF spec, and knowledge of what worked with various evolving versions of Acrobat Reader emerged.07:37.06 
kens But realistically we can't rewrite it07:37.14 
  ray_laptop : yes, and at 5D we did rewrite teh PDF otuptu code totally, at least in part because of that07:37.38 
  Mind you, I didn't personally liek the style that was used, but at least it was consistent07:38.03 
ray_laptop kens: not sure that it won't ever happen. the mupdf pdf writing is a decent starting point (if not as generalized)07:38.23 
kens ray_laptop : but that doesn't use the same API, or does it ?07:38.46 
  So it wouldn't work with PCL input for example07:38.56 
  marcosw1 thanks for re-writing the customer mail, nicely put07:39.53 
ray_laptop mupdf doesn't use the same API, but it is pdf/xps centric07:40.18 
  IMHO, PCL->PDF should be image PDF only07:40.45 
kens ray_laptop : yes, that's kind of what I mean, as long as we support PS, PCL and XPS, we will need something like pdfwrite to emit PDF from those languages07:40.47 
  ray_laptop : Not disagreeing, but its not what people want07:41.03 
  No matter how many times I say 'but it won't work perfectly'07:41.21 
ray_laptop kens: but how much do those folks pay -- let them bother someone else07:41.37 
kens ray_laptop : that one's above my pay grade :-)07:41.54 
  The ability to detect the actual use of ROPS and render when used would be nice07:42.28 
  But probably means using a display list of some sort07:42.43 
ray_laptop kens: well as long as we do as bad a job as possible of PCL->PDF then we can get rid of those customer07:42.58 
kens If only that were true :-(07:43.14 
ray_laptop kens: the clist code keeps track of non-idempotent ROPs but unfortunately fonts are just bitmaps in the clist07:44.11 
kens Well we could maintain the fonts ourselves pre clist07:44.31 
  I assume we cna have a device pre clist ?07:44.41 
ray_laptop we need to task henrys with writing a pre-scanner (on a page by page basis) for PCL that detects the usage of non-idempotent ROPs :-) 07:45.30 
kens Yeah, but won't work for streamed input ?07:45.53 
ray_laptop sort of like PDF does to collect "page_uses_transparency"07:45.59 
kens WOuld be nice, but probably not feasible07:46.12 
ray_laptop a tempfile for streamed input is easy07:46.13 
kens That's what I was thinking07:46.22 
  How big do PCL files get ?07:46.29 
  Mind you, if they are doing PDF copnversion tehy need a disk anwyway07:46.42 
  SO that's a ridoculous argument, ignore me07:46.53 
ray_laptop check norbert's PCL performance files -- some are > 80 Mb07:47.06 
kens A mere trifle compared to PDF and PostScript07:47.23 
ray_laptop iirce07:47.23 
  converting to PDF _does_ require disk and tempfile, right07:48.01 
kens I guess it is a possibility we could think of when doign PDF output only07:48.05 
chrisl pdfwrite already has a horrible influence on the interpreter, having *that* extent of influence is a horrific idea!07:48.22 
kens Yes, PDF and PS outptu require a disk, or at least a seekable stream, which is the same thing for practical purposes07:48.31 
ray_laptop chrisl is an idealist07:48.58 
  time for me to do the dishes and go to sleep ...07:49.20 
kens Yeah, definitely goodnight ray_laptop07:49.30 
chrisl I really don't think an *output* device should cause significant differences in the bevahiour of the interpeter!07:49.44 
ray_laptop g'nite, kens (and chrisl)07:49.50 
chrisl g'nite Ray!07:49.57 
kens chrisl I'd like to agree, but it would be nice to be able to handle ROPS 'better'07:50.12 
ray_laptop chrisl: not the interpreter -- just the type of output -- high level or image07:50.21 
kens Rendering when required would be a useful feature07:50.38 
cryptopsy apparently 'add margin' is different from 'add extra margin' to the tech geeks, and cups' ps tool can do it easily07:50.41 
chrisl ray_laptop: the suggestion was for the interpreter to pre-scan the input for pdfwrite.....07:50.52 
ray_laptop not a lot different from deciding to do Type 3 fonts as bitmaps07:50.57 
cryptopsy i remember the site i got the code from a year ago when i was in here asking the same question07:50.58 
  what the hell, ghostscript?07:51.06 
chrisl kens: I guess I don't see why the ROPS handling couldn't be done with a clist implementation.....07:51.36 
kens chrisl I think it could be done.07:51.51 
ray_laptop chrisl: true -- that is somewhat invasive07:51.51 
kens ray's point was that fonts aren't fonts any more post clist07:52.06 
  And if we are *not* rendering to a bitmap, we want the fonts.07:52.20 
ray_laptop chrisl: the gotcha is getting text into the clist so that pdfwrite can spit it out as text -- images and graphics are OK07:52.48 
chrisl There are lots of things that normally disappear in the graphics library that pdfwrite has to get hold of by some means......07:52.54 
cryptopsy By default, pages larger than the paper are shrunk to fit.07:52.55 
  thank god07:53.00 
kens chrisl, yes, but we don't normally *have* a clist with pdfwrite07:53.15 
  Which allows it to extend tentacles back deep into the front end07:53.54 
ray_laptop cryptopsy: not true -- that depends on the PageSize Policy setting. The default is to clip input larger than the page to whatever fits07:53.58 
chrisl kens: but as you mentioned, it should be viable to have a pre-clist forwarding device which would collect the stuff we need to survive the clist07:54.04 
kens chrisl, yes, that was what I was thining.07:54.17 
cryptopsy ray_laptop: its from the pdftops manpage07:54.34 
kens I suspect that (for PCL) fonts are the only thing we would have to worry about07:54.36 
ray_laptop kens: chrisl: that's sort of what the 'fitz' display list (mupdf) is 07:54.54 
  a really high level display list -- keeps fonts, images, etc.07:55.21 
kens Anyway, as usual its a case of 'if we really want to we can do this'07:55.41 
  But its a lot of effort, so we won't unless someone important rpesses hard, or someone pays us ;-)07:56.02 
ray_laptop cryptopsy: go bother the xpdf people -- pdftops is xpdf based07:56.34 
  cryptopsy: read the Policies section of the setpagedevice documentation in the PLRM 07:58.23 
  g'nite all07:59.21 
kens bye ray_laptop07:59.30 
sebras good morning Mr. Watts!09:01.39 
Robin_Watts morning09:11.38 
sebras tor8: hiya!09:12.35 
sebras has a lazy day at work... ;)09:12.42 
tor8 morning09:15.18 
  sebras: just pushed your function patches09:15.33 
sebras tor8: you mentioned a potential problem with exponential functions..? was is benign?09:22.52 
  tor8: or is there something for me to fix?09:23.02 
tor8 sebras: looking into it now, but it looks like *all* exp funs print too few/many warnings and the resulting pdf differs, and not in a good way09:23.39 
sebras tor8: ouch. unless anyone has pulled do revert the entire stack and I'll take a look at it tonight.09:24.16 
  tor8: I'm surprised that I haven't seen this though.09:24.31 
tor8 you divide by two where you shouldn't!09:24.51 
sebras I do? d'oh. if you don't mind you're welcome to fix it of course.09:25.14 
tor8 I'll fix it09:27.00 
kens Oh oh, MuPDF commit spam ;-)09:28.16 
sebras excellent.09:28.16 
  kens: sorry. :)09:28.24 
tor8 sebras: fixed and force pushed09:53.32 
sebras tor8: thanks.09:55.10 
cryptopsy is pdf2ps deprecated?10:09.45 
gnagno hello all10:16.12 
  is it possibile that a pdf page is composed both by character gliphs and text?10:17.00 
kens text *is* character glyphs10:18.27 
  I'm not sure what your question is ?10:18.41 
gnagno kens, sorry... maybe I didn't explain myself correctly10:18.45 
kens No problem10:18.52 
gnagno I mean, for the purpose or reducing as much as possibile the size of the file I would like to have only the minimum information required in my file10:19.23 
kens OK10:19.28 
cryptopsy he wants ocr10:19.35 
kens So you wnat your text to be glyphs from fonts10:19.38 
  Not images, or bitmaps10:19.52 
  THat's teh most compact representation for text in a PDF file10:20.03 
gnagno but at the same time I would like my text to be zoomable with no quality loss10:20.05 
kens Sure, as long as you are using vector fonts (not bitmapped fonts) that will come for free10:20.28 
gnagno how can I achieve this compact rapresentation with ghostscript ?10:20.29 
kens Ah, that depends on what your input is10:20.37 
  Ghostscript (technically the pdfwrite device) puts in the PDF file the best representation it can of what cam on the input10:21.01 
  So the input needs to have the text decribed as fonts as well10:21.11 
  Am I making sense gnagno ?10:21.42 
gnagno kens, yes... I am slowing understanding this.... I am starting to work with pdfs this days :)10:22.13 
kens Its a lot to learn10:22.26 
cryptopsy there lot of tool for compressing pdf10:22.27 
kens gnagno : do you know what the input contains ?10:22.43 
gnagno kens, basically newspapers10:23.01 
kens Hmmm10:23.08 
  Are the newspaper scanned or are they the original electronic page layout ?10:23.23 
gnagno they are the original electronic layouts10:23.35 
  do you want I send you some examples?10:23.43 
kens An example would be excellent10:23.57 
gnagno how can I send you?10:24.09 
kens If you can out it on a public URL that's fine, or send email to at artifex.com10:24.31 
  obviously at is '@'10:24.44 
gnagno I will put them in a public url, I don't want to fill your mailbox :)10:25.56 
kens wNP10:26.20 
gnagno kens, I will send you different examples of pages, this is oen: 
kens So you are starting form a PDF file ?10:29.54 
gnagno this page was extracted from the same newspaper, but as you can see it's a lot bigger: 
  kens, yes, I receive a pdf file and split it using gs10:30.11 
  do you want to see the full original file ?10:30.18 
kens Maybe. THese files were produced by GS ?10:30.33 
gnagno yes10:30.40 
kens The headline is bitmapped and ugly10:30.41 
gnagno the headline is not very important10:31.27 
  I care more about the text10:31.36 
kens Hmm, I cna't seem to save hese files from Firefox or IE10:31.49 
  AH, now I can10:32.06 
  OK so I'm not sure what you want form this.10:32.56 
  The text is already expressed in fonts10:33.07 
  So its probably as compact as its likely to get10:33.15 
  Let me just look at this with a diferetn version of Acrobat10:33.37 
  OK according to this, teh fonts are 32k, images are 40k and the bulk of the file is the contents at 195k10:35.18 
  I'm not sure there is a lot of scope for reducing that10:35.48 
  Did you have a particular goal in mind gnagno ? A specific file size ?10:36.41 
  Agh, the second file is larger10:37.11 
gnagno sorry back10:37.21 
kens No problem10:37.28 
gnagno yes... the first file is not problematic10:37.39 
  the second one is very problematic10:37.45 
kens ah :)10:37.45 
gnagno they where extracted from the same source10:37.52 
  with the same command10:37.55 
kens OK let me analyse the second file10:38.07 
  The content streams are surprisingly large at 1.2MB10:38.24 
  Fonts are only 24k10:38.33 
gnagno I used this command for splitting the file: gs -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -dCompatibilityLevel=1.4 -dPDFSETTINGS=/ebook -dNOPAUSE -dQUIET -dBATCH -dUseCropBox=true -dUseCIEColor -sOutputFile=out%03d.pdf in.pdf10:38.35 
kens and images 100k10:38.39 
  I wouldn't set UseCIEColor10:38.53 
  Or PDFSETTINGS at all10:39.02 
  Part of the problem look slike its some of the images. They are not drawn as one single image but lots of smaller ones10:39.48 
  So thre's quite a bit of overhead in teh setup for each one10:39.58 
gnagno is it possible to unify them in one image somehow?10:40.17 
kens Not currently10:40.39 
  I would guess hte oroginal ghad the same layout10:40.56 
cryptopsy does gs support jpeg2000 encoding or is it still encumbered by patents?10:41.00 
gnagno kens how can you get those infos ?10:41.22 
kens gnagno : I can decode and read teh PDF file10:41.33 
gnagno kens, using gs ?10:41.41 
kens gnagno : no, a combination of tools10:41.59 
  Plus knowing how to read the PDF page description10:42.14 
gnagno kens, how can I get this know how? looks like you're reading the pdf code like in matrix to me :)10:42.41 
kens But giove me another minute, I'm still looking10:42.42 
gnagno ok thanks for your time10:42.48 
cryptopsy trying to do pdf-->lossless image10:43.00 
kens gnagno : I've been working with PDF for a liong time, after a while you get so you can read the decompressed files :(10:43.08 
  wow, decompressed that second page is 18Mb10:43.35 
gnagno it's not so small10:44.37 
kens gnagno : the second page loks like much of the text has been converted into vectors10:44.46 
  Probably by someone importing an EPS from Illustrator or something like that10:45.05 
  Unfrotunately thre is no way for us to 'undo' that operation10:45.18 
gnagno so the problem is at the root of the process ?10:46.12 
kens I'm afraid it looks that way10:46.22 
  The text has been converted into a series of lines and curves and fills before we see it10:46.36 
  Almost the entirety of the page description is 'move' 'line' 'curve' and either fill or stroke10:47.17 
gnagno kens I have a page that is almost 20mb.... I think that is even worse10:47.52 
kens My guess is that someone did a lot of the work in an application like Adobe Illustartor (or possibly InDesign) and used the option to convert text to outlines10:47.57 
  gnagno : not all the text on this page is liek this, so its easy to imagine a worse example10:48.16 
  TO 'fix' this you would probably have to go back to the original source documents and recreate teh whole page layout without selecting that option.10:49.07 
  Which is undoubtedly too much work10:49.14 
gnagno which I can't do... because this is how I receive the pdf.... I should have a contact with the editor :)10:49.41 
kens Another option woudl be to use some kind of Optical Character Recognition engine to convert the linwework into text10:49.50 
gnagno kens, is this solution reliable ?10:50.18 
kens gnagno : I am told that OCR is highly reliable these days, but I am not an expert in this field10:50.36 
gnagno thank you for all your help and your time kens I will spend some time studying the topic now10:53.34 
  can you please reccomend me some sources for study?10:53.46 
kens gnagno : for OCR ? I'm sorry I can't really its been a very long time since I studied the subject10:55.26 
gnagno kens, no for studying the pdf topic in general11:01.05 
kens Oh well the best is the PDF reference manual11:01.17 
  Everything is in there11:01.41 
  FOr tools you cna look at MuPDF (also from us) pdftk and probably many others11:01.55 
gnagno all right, we'll look into these11:03.59 
  thank you very much11:04.06 
kens You're very welcome11:04.17 
henrys kens:I think many of the "rop" issues I've seen so far would be resolved by pdf recognizing the rop device is being used in the image code. We looked at that together a while back.13:49.11 
kens Yes I remember it well13:49.27 
  The problem is how to render at that point, but it might be possible, we do it for transparenyc13:50.02 
  One day I must look into it13:54.02 
henrys not a lot of pressure for a solution at this point13:54.24 
kens IIRC the problem is that we need the entire page canvas, with all the non-rop stuff already rendered13:54.33 
henrys I think blank detection would avoid that in many cases.13:56.57 
kens Yes, probably13:57.06 
  But there would presumably still be some where the canvas is not blank and we need to render the ROP13:57.34 
henrys yes indeed13:58.17 
kens So the problem is how do we know what to render, since the default is 'ROP'13:59.07 
henrys you can't, we could render everything and just use it as scratch - ie not render completely to tiff or something and wrap it.14:01.17 
  by catching the rop device I was hoping to catch a few more cases but it will never be 100% without rendering everything.14:01.59 
Robin_Watts ahaha.14:16.12 
henrys sounds encouraging14:16.57 
Robin_Watts Found a silly typo that explains some diffs (and probably some indeterminisms)14:18.22 
  mvrhel_laptop: Morning.14:28.59 
  I think I figured out the vertical lines in images thing.14:29.10 
henrys kens:interestingly the scratch frame buffer could also be used for your recent problem with the page size transparency group.14:29.52 
kens henrys which problem ? THe full page thing ?14:30.07 
henrys the mail to tommy14:30.20 
kens Err, I haven't sent him one today, teh one from Marcos ?14:30.51 
  That is the full page trsansparency buffer14:31.00 
henrys oh yes from marcosw quoting you.14:31.17 
kens :)14:31.21 
  Yeah that's a PDF file that declares a transparency group covering the whole page14:31.36 
  Its a bit different from ROPS I think14:31.43 
Robin_Watts The timings given by marcosw's regression stuff:14:55.09 
  cpu time current previous difference14:55.19 
  total 31:44:58 31:28:07 00:16:5114:55.21 
  What are the units there?14:55.25 
  31 minutes seems too low (elapsed time for cluster job was 29 minutes, split over 14 nodes, of which (say) 7 minutes on each was compile time)14:56.32 
henrys I don't see what else it could be.14:56.45 
Robin_Watts hours.14:57.18 
  5 jobs at a time running in parallel on 14 nodes would need to take 17.5 minutes per node to add up to 31:45 hours.14:58.34 
henrys ah right14:59.05 
Robin_Watts no, I screwed the maths up.14:59.17 
henrys but it is hours14:59.55 
Robin_Watts 27 minutes a node.14:59.59 
  yeah, I think it must be.15:00.05 
  OK. Vertical line fix pushed. The bmpcmp is compelling :)15:04.29 
kens Accdording to Marcos it is hours15:04.44 
Robin_Watts My color usage patch produces a 25 minute slowdown.15:05.18 
kens Oh that's not ideal15:05.26 
Robin_Watts which seems significant.15:05.30 
kens coffee time15:06.13 
Robin_Watts The color usage thing seems a bit bonkers overall.15:10.48 
kens So no difference to anything else then15:11.09 
Robin_Watts We go to great lengths to collect the data (which isn't even accurate) and then never *really* use it anywhere.15:11.12 
kens So why not do away with it then ?15:11.29 
Robin_Watts because we do kinda use it in the ppm devices, I think.15:12.02 
  and the clist stuff uses it to detect marked or not bands.15:13.31 
kens So it is used then.15:14.05 
henrys hmm the color_used.slow_rop should be obsolete.15:16.09 
  since we no longer support the wts device15:16.40 
Robin_Watts kens: Right, it's "used", but in a wierd way. I mean, why collect information on what colors are used if you're only going to need marked or not ?15:17.40 
  And for some spaces the 'marked or not' test is completely wrong.15:17.56 
kens Robin_Watts : no idea, I have no idea what the devices do with the info :-)15:18.00 
Robin_Watts And there is the "band complexity" stuff that's based on it, but is basically unused currently (from what I gather talking to ray)15:18.46 
kens shakes head in wonderment15:19.05 
Robin_Watts I guess we (I) should try and understand what's actually used, and strip it back so we just gather enough for that.15:20.15 
  If it's simply "marked or not", we can do that a lot quicker...15:20.29 
henrys chrisl:that is difficult for me to believe about memcpy on msvc it expands to the basic rep move instructions, on linux I see sse3 and on the mac it looks like 64 bit moves, which arch are did Robin_Watts find slower?15:52.25 
Robin_Watts henrys: See my comment on the bug.15:52.56 
kens Which bug ?15:53.08 
chrisl henrys: I can't remember - maybe my memory was playing tricks. I *thought* Robin had made some performance related changes for that reason, but I couldn't find where.....15:53.49 
Robin_Watts I don't remember having played with memcpy recently.15:54.08 
chrisl Well, my memory is good for this type of thing - but far from infallible!15:54.58 
Robin_Watts chrisl: You may be right. My memory is awful. As far as I can remember at least.15:55.22 
chrisl Annoyingly, "just" using memcpy involves rather more, and more spread out changes :-(15:55.59 
henrys chrisl:I really think we are into premature optimization even if it is faster, if it ever shows up on a profile, fine...15:56.04 
  chrisl:how's that?15:56.23 
chrisl henrys: because the pointers to those arrays are past into other functions which may or may not do the explicit word-wise copying15:57.14 
Robin_Watts aha. All the remaining diffs with pushing the maximum number of client colors up to 32 are in PS files.15:58.00 
  (except 2 which are in pdf files that I think are indeterminate)15:58.27 
mvrhel good morning15:59.37 
  Robin_Watts: good deal about the stripes15:59.45 
Robin_Watts mvrhel: Morning15:59.48 
  How was the ballgame?15:59.58 
henrys meeting time, your call chrisl, whatever you think.16:00.11 
mvrhel well it was as expected when a team of 5th graders plays a team of 7th graders16:00.28 
  where one team shaves and another doesnt...16:00.58 
chrisl henrys: I'll have another look tomorrow...... I *would* prefer to use memcpy, too16:00.58 
henrys why didn't they mix the teams16:01.15 
mvrhel this is summer ball which is supposed to be a bit more easy going16:01.28 
  but somehow the teams got very skewed16:01.38 
  due to a series of buddy requests16:01.46 
  in spring ball they do a draft with no buddy requests16:02.02 
  which makes the teams more even16:02.08 
henrys mvrhel:you wanted to talk about a bug?16:02.23 
mvrhel yes so how do we want to handle my comment about 69318516:02.50 
  I do feel like we should have seen a proper warning when things fell apart16:03.27 
Robin_Watts mvrhel: Is just upping that array enough?16:03.38 
mvrhel yes that solves the issue16:03.45 
  if we set it to 3216:03.49 
Robin_Watts (i.e. does the code that accesses the array use sizeof or something?)16:03.54 
mvrhel which is the max that AR allows16:03.55 
  for devn16:03.59 
henrys why aren't we just set to the AR max?16:03.59 
mvrhel That was my comment16:04.16 
Robin_Watts Unless there is a good reason, why aren't we setting it to 256 or something?16:04.25 
  Why only 32 ?16:04.30 
  We have at least one file that has 40 components in it.16:04.43 
henrys we've been screwing around with this forever and the max is documented ... christ16:04.44 
mvrhel It is not the num of components in the file in this case16:04.55 
  but the number within a DevN color space16:05.05 
Robin_Watts oh, right.16:05.21 
mvrhel I think it is crazy that we have a DevN color space with 17 colorants16:05.24 
Robin_Watts Well, 32 seems fine.16:05.29 
mvrhel Yes. I think this seems reasonable16:05.44 
alexcher Some time ago large values caused severe performance penalty.16:05.46 
henrys so up it to 32 and check the our new regression times.16:05.54 
mvrhel it would be nice if things degraded with a warning about this when it is exceeded16:06.10 
  instead the interpreter starts spitting out stuff about qQ16:06.21 
chrisl mvrhel: these large devicen spaces seem to have become increasingly common since Adobe's n-channel horror was introduced16:06.33 
alexcher Regression is abot 3% slower.16:06.38 
Robin_Watts Can we use max(32,GS_CLIENT_COLOR_MAX_COMPONENTS) or is that silly ?16:07.03 
mvrhel that is an idea16:07.23 
Robin_Watts (or some #ifdeffery to give the same result)16:07.38 
mvrhel however, AR will allow more than 32 spots on the page but not more than 32 in a DevN color space16:07.50 
  so setting it to 32 seems reaonsable16:08.05 
  this should be less than the 3% that alex is seeing16:08.16 
  since it is just this structure and not GS_CLIENT_COLOR_MAX_COMPONENTS16:08.32 
  which he had bumped up16:08.36 
  I will give it a push and see16:08.54 
  what is goofy is the image uses a DevN color space with 17 colorants but uses only 2 of them16:09.23 
henrys 3% average doesn't tell us a lot, if it significantly slows down something that uses the functionality and doesn't effect other stuff we don't care.16:09.27 
mvrhel henrys: true16:09.39 
  I can't see how the change we are talking about here, would cause a performance issue16:10.05 
  going from float[14] to float[32]16:10.16 
henrys marcosw1:could you quantify this performance change for us on individual fines?16:10.41 
Robin_Watts henrys: clusterpush once with filter=psdcmyk and no change.16:11.26 
  Then clusterpush again with filter=psdcmyk and the change.16:11.38 
  and manually compare times?16:11.42 
henrys it would be funny if the slowdown was due to files not having limitchecks ;-)16:11.53 
Robin_Watts Oh, sorry, this was for non spot devices.16:12.03 
mvrhel right16:12.10 
Robin_Watts You can filter=name to restrict to particular names of files if there is a desired subset you want to test?16:12.38 
mvrhel perhaps the fts pdf files with ppmraw16:13.20 
henrys mvrhel:so just assign it back to marcosw1 with a performance test request, he'll probably need an exact description of how to test.16:14.05 
Robin_Watts filter=fts,pdf,ppmraw16:14.06 
  henrys: We can do the testing ourselves (we have the technology :) )16:14.37 
henrys okay fine by me just trying to distribute the load.16:14.59 
  kens:anything for the meeting, how are you project wise?16:15.17 
kens henrys working on linearisation, and customer bug reports16:15.35 
  The one from 'sri' I'm about to reply to.16:15.48 
  Its interesting, but I don't know if we want to do anything about it16:16.00 
henrys chrisl:how's freetype?16:17.15 
marcosw sorry to be late16:17.37 
mvrhel marcosw: just sent 693185 back to you16:17.55 
  we were hoping you could do a performance check for the proposed change16:18.21 
chrisl henrys: it's UFST I've been banging on - and it's (almost) all working (does all reasonable fonts for PS/PDF and PCL/PXL). I'm about to go back to test freetype to make sure my changes to handle UFST haven't broken that.16:18.32 
marcosw mvrhel: can and will16:18.48 
mvrhel marcosw: I doubt it will effect performance and it fixes the issue. thanks16:18.54 
henrys chrisl:great news.16:19.15 
chrisl henrys: it's looking good, yes :-)16:19.29 
mvrhel so, question now16:20.11 
  about 69320716:20.24 
henrys if it does slow something down it is probably some deficiency in the code we should look at more carefully, I thing the last slowdown alex was talking about was with the stupid clues, which you've most fixed.16:20.26 
mvrhel which has the same file16:20.29 
  this will solve that issue also16:20.36 
  unless they are trying to get separations16:20.47 
  and want all the separation16:20.54 
  do you know what device the customer is rendering to marcosw?16:21.21 
kens henrys I've sent a reply to customer #680 about the PDF file sizes. I'd be interested to know what you think based on my (very preliminary) findings.16:21.57 
henrys kens:I'll have a look.16:22.12 
kens I'd be interested in other opinions too based on what's in the email16:22.33 
marcosw customer 393 always renders to tiffsep (at 400 dpi)16:23.02 
mvrhel ok16:23.15 
  so they probably want the separations then. 16:23.31 
  we should just tell them to build it with the larger value (32) if Robin_Watts has that fixed16:24.13 
kens We have to build it for them :(16:24.30 
Robin_Watts mvrhel: Still looking at that now.16:24.35 
mvrhel I thought we quit that16:24.35 
kens mvrhel : no... :(16:24.44 
henrys tor8:I don't think we need to shift around forms meeting you can just miss one. Paul and Robin_Watts are fairly available on IRC whenever you want to talk.16:24.46 
chrisl mvrhel: if 393 is who I think it is, no, they don't use the seps, the only use tiffsep to get the (ahem) accurate overprint in the preview.16:24.54 
mvrhel oh16:25.05 
Robin_Watts henrys: The most immediate thing for the forms work is for us to get a reviewed merge of forms -> trunk done for the release, I think.16:25.43 
kens customer #393 is Gemma if that helps chrisl16:25.46 
henrys does anyone have anything for ray, if so I'll text him?16:25.51 
kens Not me16:25.58 
  Spoke to him this morning16:26.05 
Robin_Watts I wanted to talk to ray (and others) about the color usage stuff16:26.08 
chrisl kens: Yes, thanks, that's who I thought it was.....16:26.13 
henrys okay I've texted him.16:27.41 
  any other non ray issues?16:27.52 
mvrhel when is the freeze date?16:28.07 
marcosw chrisl: I didn't realize that customer 393 only uses the composite tiffsep output. Seems like there should be a ghostscript device to product just that16:28.10 
henrys should we talk about the release?16:28.15 
kens I'm keeping my head down until after the release, not doing dangerous stuff, working on more long-term issuews16:28.23 
henrys I have a very large change that is getting bigger than I'd like so the sooner the release can go the better for me.16:29.00 
kens thinks earlier is better16:29.17 
  Its August in a week16:29.23 
  Hi ray_laptop16:29.47 
Robin_Watts I'm away for a weeks holiday in August, so I'd really like the release done then :)16:29.47 
henrys kens:yeah can you believe that? time flies.16:29.53 
chrisl henrys, mvrhel: I'm taking a couple of days off (2 & 3rd Aug), I'd like to get the release candidate out before then, if I can.16:29.54 
mvrhel probably as soon as ray gets his fix in for hl_color_rect fill and Robin_Watts wraps up his fixes I think we should go ahead16:30.03 
  not sure if alexcher is going to get the softmask fix in16:30.15 
kens Suits me16:30.18 
ray_laptop sorrry I forgot to start chatzilla16:30.23 
kens RC as soon as blockers are cleared16:30.29 
alexcher mvrhel: I'll try.16:30.32 
Robin_Watts mvrhel: I'd really like that fix from alex in, if it's going to come soon.16:30.35 
henrys I do a half ironman on the 5th and might not leave bed for some time after so early is best for me.16:31.42 
ray_laptop chrisl: what was the critical date for ubuntu ?16:32.06 
mvrhel it was late in august16:32.15 
kens IIRC 2nd week in August for us to release16:32.23 
ray_laptop mvrhel: thanks16:32.25 
chrisl ray_laptop: something like 24th, IIRC16:32.32 
Robin_Watts release was late, freeze was before that.16:32.40 
ray_laptop so with people taking time off, the earlier the better.16:33.29 
Robin_Watts so... any other business before the color_usage stuff ?16:33.37 
henrys I'm done16:33.47 
chrisl Just to clarify, Ubuntu 12.10 feature freeze is August 23rd16:34.10 
mvrhel Robin_Watts: do I need to be here for the color_usage stuff? Need to run car to the tire shop. they do have wi-fi there16:34.11 
kens I'd like to run if we are done.16:34.20 
Robin_Watts mvrhel: Probably not.16:34.22 
  mvrhel: but if you have any opinions obviously...16:34.34 
mvrhel ok. I will be back on in 20 assuming the wif-fi is working there.16:34.42 
Robin_Watts have fun.16:34.51 
mvrhel $16:34.57 
chrisl henrys: if your changeset is getting that big, maybe you need a branch in your repo on casper :-)16:35.17 
kens I can review the logs later, I don't expect to contribute to the color_usage stuff as I know nothing about it16:35.24 
Robin_Watts kens: That never stops me :)16:35.34 
kens Yeah but I'm supposed to be going out to eat16:35.50 
henrys chrisl:I will push it, but it isn't of much use since pcl is sort of a solo project.16:36.05 
Robin_Watts So, quick precis of the color_usage stuff:16:36.18 
  Patch is at:;a=commitdiff;h=47cf40c87f20f12d8f35528adedb102d2d0dcef216:36.22 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: it looks OK as far as the patch goes.16:36.50 
chrisl henrys: if it getting non-trivial, it's good to have it somewhere off-site, anyway - you never know.....16:37.09 
Robin_Watts ray_laptop: The tests of that patch show no (non indeterminate) diffs.16:37.24 
  The problem is, it's 25 minutes slower (out of 31.75 hours)16:37.43 
kens OK I need to run, will review the logs later. Have fun discussing :P16:38.02 
henrys chrisl:right you are.16:38.04 
kens Robin_Watts : 25 minutes is not that great I thought you said 25%16:38.13 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: right, that's within the noise of normal times16:38.22 
Robin_Watts no, 25 minutes :)16:38.25 
  I think 25 minutes is high for noise.16:38.37 
kens High, but not excessive16:38.45 
  Probably indicats *sopme* slowdown, but may not be much16:38.56 
  Anyway got to run16:39.04 
  See you all later16:39.07 
Robin_Watts kens: night.16:39.08 
  Henrys points out that the slow_rop stuff is never used.16:39.25 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: is the 'gs' time still skewed by you partial run? gs 19:18:14 04:56:34 14:21:39 16:39.57 
Robin_Watts ray_laptop: Where are you getting that from?16:40.49 
henrys marcosw:is there a log from which these time stats are gathered or are the intermediate results thrown away?16:41.07 
Robin_Watts ray_laptop: I mailed you the relevant report, which was for a full test.16:41.42 
marcosw they timing data is in the file located on casper in ~cluster/cluster/archive16:41.53 
Robin_Watts gs 19:18:14 19:01:52 00:16:2116:41.54 
ray_laptop from the regression following the email you sent. but I see a subsequent email that gs takes 19:01:52 so the color_usage didin't affect that16:42.13 
marcosw e.g. 0 1.26 1.46 0 0 a8528ff1e48f83a8f76026b7d201dd31 0 gs ps2write peeves16:42.24 
Robin_Watts ray_laptop: I'm confused.16:42.53 
marcosw columns 3 and 4 are the timing data16:43.01 
  in this case column 3 is the pdf to ps time and column 4 is the ps to pkmraw time16:43.20 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: nm. the gs times look OK with color_usage16:43.22 
Robin_Watts I'm testing other patches, for both full and subset runs, so the only meaningful timing data you have to comment on should be the regression email I forwarded you.16:43.44 
marcosw for tests that don't have an intermediate ps or pdf file column 4 is 0.16:43.45 
Robin_Watts OK.16:43.47 
  So I'll commit the color_usage patch as it.16:43.55 
marcosw you also need to pay attention to column 2, which is the error (i.e. if a file errors out you probably want to disregard the timing data :-) )16:44.17 
Robin_Watts As far as I can see it's only the clist that looks at it.16:44.34 
  marcosw: So if we time out, we get an error, and we throw away that line... and we get faster times?16:44.56 
marcosw yup :-)16:45.25 
  but presumably you'll notice the large number of timeouts in the regression email and realize something is up.16:45.49 
ray_laptop so more timeouts is also a separate red-flag16:45.50 
Robin_Watts ray_laptop: Sorry, that was unclear. as far as I can tell, there are few users of the color_usage data we collect; possibly only the clist which calculates whether a band is marked or not by looking at it.16:46.03 
marcosw I guess I should modify the timing data to add in the maximum time-out value for files which timeout, it's better than adding zero.16:46.50 
Robin_Watts Would we be better just calculating a 'marked' or not bool for each band rather than the color usage ?16:47.00 
  marcosw: That would be the best we can do, I think.16:47.15 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: the color_usage was intended to allow skipping planes, and also to allow a device to look at the color_usage for the entire page to see if it can be printed in black only16:48.12 
marcosw there is still and issue for files that generate a different error, but again, those will be in the report and should raise red flags.16:48.19 
ray_laptop the latter is very handy for color printers that can save toner or run faster in black only mode16:48.57 
Robin_Watts ray_laptop: Right, and I thought that the p?m devices used that, but I can't see it now.16:49.57 
  but even so, the code we have does NOT work for that case.16:50.07 
  If I draw something red, then something green, then something blue, it all gets orred together to give a colors_used field of ffffff, and we spot that as being black (or white).16:50.51 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: gdevpbm.c calls gdev_prn_colors_used16:50.57 
Robin_Watts ray_laptop: Right. that was my memory, but I couldn't find it when I grepped earlier.16:51.24 
ray_laptop and you are right, that's only good in subtractive colorspace16:51.41 
marcosw Robin_Watts: it's a bit problematic for two reasons, timeouts occur in walk clock time (5 minutes, I think), but the reports track cpu time. The other is what to do when the timeout occurs during the input ->pdfwrite step. I can add 5 minutes to that time but adding 5 minutes to the pdf->bitmap steps isn't reasonable...16:52.47 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: I was going to put the fix for polarity in after your patch (unless you want to include that inyour patch)16:53.14 
Robin_Watts marcosw: Fair enough.16:53.16 
  ray_laptop: No. I'll just commit my patch as is for now. It's certainly no worse than the old code.16:53.34 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: in your git diff, gdevpbm.c is the first changed file16:53.52 
marcosw Robin_Watts: I'll do the quick and dirty thing for now and think about it on my drive to uni (which I need to leave for in 10 minutes).16:53.55 
Robin_Watts ray_laptop: Yeah, ok, I'm blind :)16:54.30 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: it looks like it is only used in 'psm_print_page' (separations), so that should be subtractive16:55.58 
  the (never used) pksm and pksmraw devices16:56.46 
marcosw Robin_Watts: actually, the correct thing to do is to remove the times for files that timed out in the current or previous run and then report the number of files that timed out in separately… Or we could just remove those files that often timeout from the regression tests, since they don't produce useful results in any case.16:58.36 
Robin_Watts marcosw: My worry was that someone could make a change that tipped a few more files over into timeouts, and we'd see the total time for the run decrease.16:59.16 
ray_laptop marcosw: IMHO, we need to try those files sometimes (in the modes that timeout) to see if any stop timing out and put them back in the test16:59.37 
  marcosw1: if it automatically moves files that timeout to a do not run list, one bad patch could move everything out ti the timeout quarantine17:00.57 
  if we manually remove files that timeout, then we'd know when the timing 'glitched' 17:01.46 
  it just makes it hard to go back and compare 'history' to see trends, but since we continually change the tests anyway (adding new files), I'm not sure how useful history is17:03.19 
henrys bbiab moving to the coffee shop17:03.25 
ray_laptop OK. I'll get my coffee now too and brb17:03.44 
henrys oh that was stupid I'd always thought there was relative moves.17:07.20 
Robin_Watts Why do errors with PS files always have to be on page 12 rather than page 1 ?17:11.45 
  henrys: The omission of relative moves, and of horizontal and vertical line segments are indeed strange.17:17.03 
  Interesting. A debug build of gs (even without my changes) gives a clist warning message on 12-07C.PS17:22.43 
mvrhel_laptop Robin_Watts: I noticed that before and have an open bug on this17:58.59 
  about 12-07C.ps17:59.04 
Robin_Watts mvrhel_laptop: Right. I wonder how many of these changes I'm seeing are down to such things.17:59.21 
  I've got a simplified file I'm just looking at now.17:59.36 
mvrhel_laptop oh good17:59.42 
Robin_Watts It's a set color going wrong into the clist I think.18:20.41 
  mvrhel_laptop: Is gx_devn_write_color yours ?18:28.58 
mvrhel_laptop I wrote this yes18:29.22 
Robin_Watts count = gx_dc_devn_get_nonzero_comps(pdevc, dev, &mask);18:30.04 
  That gets a mask, with 1 bit per component, showing the usage I reckon.18:30.18 
mvrhel_laptop write18:30.24 
Robin_Watts Oh, ignore me18:30.39 
mvrhel_laptop ugh 4 new tires on this car. a small fortune18:31.56 
Robin_Watts will bet it's cheaper than mine :)18:32.14 
  What car?18:34.40 
  (Actually, if it's an SUV, you may pay more purely for the size of the tyres)18:35.16 
mvrhel_laptop it is a mercedes18:36.49 
  with low profile tires18:36.57 
Robin_Watts My mazda RX8 takes similarly low profile things.18:37.24 
mvrhel_laptop ok. you would think with less material it would be cheaper....18:37.47 
Robin_Watts Fortunately, my neighbour runs a garage, and I fix his computers - so I get tyres at cost. but even so it's a sizeable whack each time.18:37.59 
mvrhel_laptop nice18:39.08 
Robin_Watts mvrhel_laptop: As far as I can tell, whenever you write/read a devn color you leave a spare unused byte at the end.18:49.04 
  I can't see how that can be causing a problem, but...18:49.18 
mvrhel_laptop hmm that is odd18:49.47 
  Robin_Watts: why don't you attach the simplified file to my bug and I will look it over18:50.16 
Robin_Watts I'll bash on for a while longer.18:50.39 
ray_laptop I just put 4 new tires on our mini-van as well. about $50018:57.06 
  but at least I got lots of miles out of the last ones18:57.40 
mvrhel_laptop ray_laptop: try almost 2x that :(18:59.13 
ray_laptop mvrhel: really ? both my SUV and my minivan were about the same price. The minivan uses 15" the SUV uses 17" -- yours are probably larger wheel size -- the price really starts going up with larger wheels19:04.54 
  a friend that has a porsche pays about $600 per tire (and gets about 30K miles on a set)19:06.21 
Robin_Watts low profile tyres cost a lot. I bet mvrhel's are run flat too.19:07.23 
mvrhel yes. they are wide and low profile19:40.30 
Robin_Watts mvrhel_laptop: ping20:15.35 
cryptopsy why doesn't gaxb produce a larger page output that the input file?20:15.49 
  -g5000x5000 for example20:15.49 
Robin_Watts I think I've got it narrowed down a bit. It's going wrong (I think) in a clist_copy_mono call (from mask_clip_fill_rectangle).20:17.03 
cryptopsy -g takes precedence over the default size and seets -dFIXEDMEDIA20:17.19 
Robin_Watts It's deciding it needs to do cmd_set_color120:17.37 
  And that goes wrong, because num_bytes is being calculated as 14, and we only have cmd_delta_offsets defined for up to 7.20:19.54 
cryptopsy even -dDEVICEWIDTHPOINTS=w -dDEVICEHEIGHTPOINTS=h don't increase output file width20:22.03 
  -dFIXEDMEDIA doesn't help20:25.50 
  which tiff driver in section 7.2 produce lossless compression?20:29.41 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: so the "real" regression timing has the color_usage change actually faster. Now I'll see if I can slow it down by adding in POLARITY ;-)20:44.19 
Robin_Watts mvrhel_laptop: ping?22:27.43 
  mvrhel_laptop: (For the logs if you're not about). It looks to me like cmd_put_color doesn't know how to deal with devn colors; it can only put color_indexes.22:29.07 
  So, that needs to be extended. I'll have a look tomorrow.22:29.38 
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