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 <<<Back 1 day (to 2012/07/27)2012/07/28 
sebras tor8: I reproduced another crash of mupdf in android.08:21.29 
  tor8: but it doesn't happen consistently of course.08:21.43 
  tor8: oh and we really ought to show the version number somewhere...08:24.04 
  tor8: what if we change the title of the app to "mupdf 1.0.0" or something while we're in the documentlist?08:24.40 
  tor8: oh and do you want me to file a report for the misbehaviour with removing mupdf from the list of started apps when I temporarily switch to another app?08:27.19 
tor8 sebras: yeah, version numbers ought to be in all apps by now I think...08:30.17 
  sebras: please do file a bug for the 'recently used' and stacking behaviour08:30.34 
sebras tor8: alright, just so we can keep track of it.08:32.48 
tor8 so we don't forget. assign it to paul if you want :)08:33.06 
sebras tor8: yeah. I was pondering installing the android sdk and take look myself but I'm not yet that high-level that I can understand java APIs I think... ;)08:33.56 
  paulgardiner: here you go: :) I'm unable to assign the bug to you proper in bugzilla unfortunately.09:00.35 
Robin_Watts mvrhel: I still don't understand number 20 in my bmpcmp (Bug692517.pdf.psdcmyk.72.0)12:08.43 
  It would seem to imply that the current unaltered code is still getting it wrong, but bumping up to 32 components fixes it.12:09.24 
sebras tor8 paulgardiner: btw, it might be a good idea to wrap-around to the first page when next/prev search is clicked in mupdf/android, but only if > 0 hits can be found in the entire pdf of course.19:10.25 
  today a dialogbox with the text "Text not found <dismiss>" is shown, and I find that unintuitive.19:11.07 
  tor8 paulgardiner: I don't know if this can be considered a bug, but if you have a multipage pdf and you put a finger on the display and drag you can see the next page (but mupdf doesn't switch to it until you release your finger).19:24.44 
  while keeping the finger on the display you add another finger then you can zoom as expected19:25.19 
  if you, while keeping one finger on the display, release the second finger again mupdf doesn't switch to page flicking-mode and moving your finger does nothing. re-adding a second finger allows you to zoom again.19:26.31 
  tor8 paulgardiner: I added bugs 693227 and 693228 describing these behaviours. just to have as place holders so we don't forget to fix this if we so desire.19:55.57 
tor8 sebras: I think the latter (multi touch gesture) behaviour is hard coded in the gesture recognizers. at least it is on iOS and I expect android uses something similar.19:57.13 
sebras tor8: ok, if it is then I'm happy for us to close the bug (with your motivation once it is verified). I have no clue about the android stuff, I'm just trying to kill the app. :)19:59.12 
  and report behaviours I find strange.19:59.27 
  tor8: 693229 was an interesting find...20:15.21 
  tor8: I guess there is a reason that my former employers contractor gave me a diploma for testing their SW. ;)20:16.19 
  ok, 6 bugs and ui behaviour decision placeholders filed. no more tonight. :)20:59.10 
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