IRC Logs

Log of #ghostscript at

 <<<Back 1 day (to 2012/08/02)2012/08/03 
ray_laptop mvrhel: I don't see any SEGV with bug 693185 (Signal.pdf) is run with 14 DeviceN component limit. True the error message is bogus (reports "Error reading a content stream. The page may be incomplete." then the "File has unbalanced q/Q operators (too many q's)" which doesn't really indicate the problem00:59.14 
  mvrhel: but it looks like it is "safely" avoiding an out of array bounds usage00:59.56 
  I'm going to open a bug and assign to Alex so that he can look into getting a better error message out when we get the limitcheck from trying to set a DeviceN space01:00.58 
  It is processing an image (or trying to) that has the colorspace with 17 components.01:11.39 
  This problem is wrapped up in the change to the PDF interp to not stop on errors. With -dPDFSTOPONERROR we get a MUCH more reasonable "Error: /limitcheck in --run--"01:18.42 
  so in trying to continue from the thing we can't handle, we proceed to get quite confused and give a confusing error message01:19.30 
  mvrhel: so I see no reason that we should have MAX_COMPONENTS_IN_DEVN set to less than GS_CLIENT_COLOR_MAX_COMPONENTS01:35.32 
mvrhel ray_laptop: no one said there was a SEGV02:32.55 
  just that there were colors missing in the output02:33.03 
  I agree that the message we gave was essentially of no help02:33.52 
  ray_laptop: I think we should have this structure dynamically allocated myself rather than a hard limit02:34.27 
  ray_laptop: updated the documentation for tiffsep and added the little suggestion to use -dMaxSpots when we run into the limit (that is this is displayed when you run the code)03:40.43 
ray_laptop mvrhel: I reopened bug 693185 (for alexcher) to address the confusing error message, and also am testing a fix for array bounds violation if GS_CLIENT_COLOR_MAX_COMPONENTS > MAX_COMPONENTS_IN_DEVN06:36.50 
  (basically use MAX_COMPONENTS_IN_DEVN in the limitcheck test and add strong comments about the invariant required)06:37.35 
  kens must be sleeping in ;-) (he's usually around by now)06:40.40 
NaHCo3 hello06:50.43 
ghostbot niihau06:50.43 
ray_laptop hi, bicarb06:56.32 
  oops -- he left06:56.55 
  tkamppeter: I committed a patch to remove icclib (commit d8ca80d) -- please have a look and see if I missed anything. I'm not sure if all will agree to cherry picking this into 9.06, however06:58.24 
  if I feel particularly sour, I should change my nick to C2H4O2 ;-)07:00.41 
  OK, committed (minor) patch for MAX_COMPONENTS_IN_DEVN. Not verified, but I think that DeviceN with > 32 components would have accessed outside array bounds.07:05.47 
  mvrhel: I already, committed it, but please let me know if you see anything screwed up about it.07:06.25 
  chrisl is going to regret going on holiday just before release -- we now have a mess of patches to discuss cherry picking. :-/07:07.49 
kens I'm against including the icclib patch, its huge07:08.18 
  But I haven't finished reading the logs yet07:08.44 
ray_laptop tkamppeter: please weigh in on the icclib removal if you feel strongly, but I tend to agree with kens that it is not important07:08.45 
  tkamppeter: but thanks for bringing it to our attention07:09.00 
kens One day we will get rid of teh AFS font code too....07:09.17 
ray_laptop kens: the only one I think are important are 974ba5d, cfbd3fa and a884b57 (since those affect one of our more noisome customers)07:11.18 
  kens: I'd also like to get rd of jasper07:11.37 
kens Is that still in there ? We should put it out of its misery07:12.12 
  IMO topics for the next release.07:12.26 
ray_laptop kens: maybe I'll go ahead and rip out jasper (since we don't have to cherry pick it for this release)07:13.04 
kens I think that's an excellent idea ray_laptop. May as well get rid of unused stuff while we remember its till there07:13.32 
sebras Robin_Watts: I think ghostbot might have scared off NaHCo3... :)07:13.34 
tkamppeter ray_laptop, generally, it is not so important as the presence or absence of the patch does not change the binary files resulting from the build, but it should be written both in the Release Notes/What's New in 9.06 and in the general installation documentation that icclib is not needed (any more) for building GS, so that distro packages know to drop any dependencies on libicc in their packages.07:31.23 
kens I'm pretty sure chrisl will be happier with documenting the fact that it is not required than removing it in this release.07:32.03 
  I'll send him an email and ask him to make the documentation change if that is sufficient Till.07:32.23 
tkamppeter ray_laptop, I also had a look into the patch. It is huge but it seems to be rather harmless regression-wise. Most of it is removal of the files in icclib and the rest is removal of variables in Makefiles.07:32.32 
kens Note that he is on vacation today.07:32.32 
  tkamppeter : I agree with what you say completely. nevertheless, its a large change to apply after the rc1 candidate. While I don't believe thre will be any adverse side effects, I'm not confident about such a change.07:33.19 
  You cna try and persuade chrisl to adopt the change but I'm doubtfull he will want to at this stage07:33.48 
  Bear in mind that we are trying to hit the release date for Ubuntu's next release, and we have a number of people taking vacation time this month07:34.15 
ray_laptop kens: I'm running a regression on my jasperrectomy07:35.49 
tkamppeter kens, OK, let's go with my first message then.07:35.58 
kens tkamppeter : Just writing mail to chrisl now, I'll direct him to the IRC logs as well, for his consideration.07:36.25 
ray_laptop tkamppeter: a minor change to note that is no longer needed seems reasonable07:36.31 
  tkamppeter: the same with jasper (is there a .so for that ?)07:36.51 
tkamppeter ray_laptop, yes, as I suggested in my first message.07:37.05 
  ray_laptop, kens, I get07:38.57 
  till@till-desktop:~$ ldd /usr/lib/ | grep jasp07:39.01 => /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x00007f4f0a25a000)07:39.01 
  till@till-desktop:~$ 07:39.01 
  What is wrong? Does Ghostscript's build system link Ghostscript with a lib which it does not actually use?07:39.47 
kens That sounds 'odd'.07:39.58 
tkamppeter ray_laptop, kens ^^07:40.01 
kens I'm fairly certain we don't use JasPer any more, maybe we still did in 9.05 ?07:40.16 
ray_laptop tkamppeter: gs uses openjpeg now, so libjasper is (also) no longer needed07:40.17 
  tkamppeter: you are saying that it still shows up as used with 9.0607:41.52 
tkamppeter ray_laptop, it is not linked against openjpeg, does it mean that I have lost features and need to change the ./configure command line?07:41.59 
kens I don't remember when the change to OpenJPEG was done, it may not have been in 9.0507:42.31 
  But the use of OpenJPEG is certainly superior to using JasPer07:42.48 
ray_laptop I thought the configure (not an expert on only used jasper if openjpeg wasn't available07:42.53 
  tkamppeter: the ./configure script is generated (AFAIK) from autoconf and the -- maybe chrisl didn't regenerate it for the rc1 ???07:44.12 
  makefiles are bad enough -- autoconf files are something that I consider obsolete enough to leave to those that have had to delve into it (at least until I have to git dirty)07:45.46 
tkamppeter ray_laptop, on the system where I have built, openjpeg was not installed. So I have to build again. Is external openjpeg in GS 9.06 supported?07:46.04 
ray_laptop tkamppeter: I hope not ;-)07:46.42 
kens chrisl is the expert but.... I believe it is in teh same way as other third party libraries07:46.58 
ray_laptop is NOT a fan of (who knows whatever) shared lib is installed07:47.18 
tkamppeter ray_laptop, kens, so I will simply do a build test.07:47.34 
  ray_laptop, kens, is the jasper support still in the source? Or is the JPEG 2000 support dropped when ./configure falls back to Jasper?07:48.38 
ray_laptop tkamppeter: as we've often pointed out, the shared libs often need fixes that WE find, that the upstream either won't take, or the user doesn't update when they get our release07:48.43 
  our regression testing and user/customer support is superior to that done by many shared lib packages07:49.30 
kens tkamppeter : I don't know if JasPer support is still possible, I imagine it is but Alex did the change and he is not online for several hours07:49.34 
ray_laptop tkamppeter: in the 9.06, jasper is still there -- I am testing a patch to rip out jasper (that and removing icclib probably won't make it into 9.06).07:50.38 
  tkamppeter: note, however, that jasper problems and performance were bad enough that we no longer support it and openjpeg SHOULD be the preference and be a precursor for ghostscript07:51.57 
  tkamppeter: I assume that when packaging gs, you can add openjpeg as a pre-requisite ?07:52.37 
  tkamppeter: and remove libjasper (if it is there). At the least, that should be done for 9.0607:53.28 
  tkamppeter: also, lcms2 is preferred over lcms07:58.07 
tkamppeter ray_laptop, I am test-building the package with switch to libopenjpeg now.08:01.05 
ray_laptop tkamppeter: great !08:01.14 
tkamppeter ray_laptop, the transition from liblcms to liblcms2 I did already in Ubuntu Precise (12.04 LTS).08:01.36 
ray_laptop tkamppeter: note that we won't REQUIRE openjpeg (vs. jasper) in 9.06, but the next release won't support it, nor need icclib, and _may_ REQUIRE lcms2 (that's up to mvrhel)08:02.26 
  tkamppeter: we generally 'bridge' over to new libs/tools so that the old lib is still usable for at least one version08:03.55 
tkamppeter ray_laptop, do you document somewhere what fixes/patches/hacks you do on the copies of the libraries which you ship in your source tarball?08:05.20 
ray_laptop tkamppeter: well, since we have our own copies of all of the lib sources, our git log will show what we've done08:06.20 
  tkamppeter: git log --name-only | less; then /openjpeg seems to work for me08:08.48 
  tkamppeter: but we don't have a document. We _do_ tend to send patches for things we need or improvements upstream (if there is one). That's one of the things that led us to dump jasper -- they wouldn't take a MAJOR performance improvement patch from us because "it didn't fit their design philosophy"08:12.16 
  IMHO, if you want to be a purist/philosopher, stay out of software 08:12.54 
  sort of like some linux distros that insist on shared libs, despite a detrimental user experience and extra support load for software products that utilize the libs ;-)08:14.25 
tkamppeter ray_laptop, it seems that the ./configure script does not support a shared openjpeg, it only checks local openjpeg.08:14.52 
ray_laptop I've never heard a convincing (currently relevant) argument for shared libs08:15.20 
kens Ah, that may be because we need some changes ot the standard OpenJPEG code08:15.34 
ray_laptop tkamppeter: that may be because openjpeg does not yet have the patches we need.08:15.58 
  tkamppeter: as you can tell I am STRONGLY in favor of dropping ALL support for shared libs (except maybe the crtl) since we are so much more proactive with support/fixes08:17.22 
kens I've just quickly reviewed what Alex said and I think we cannot use an OpenJPEG 'shared library'.08:18.23 
  We need some thiings from the version 2 which is not yet released as I undertand what Alex says08:18.51 
ray_laptop maybe if we opened enough bugs against the other packages that use the same libs we do, we could get the upstream to pay attention.08:18.55 
kens FreeType (werner) is very responsive08:19.25 
ray_laptop kens: I agree08:19.32 
tkamppeter ray_laptop, OK, so I will move to internal libopenjpeg as the external is not suitable.08:20.20 
ray_laptop and he is also quite reasonable with some of the wierdos that come in on ft-devel08:20.25 
kens Werner has far more patience than I do, that is certain08:20.42 
ray_laptop tkamppeter: thank you. and the gs users will thank you -- performance is > 200% and memory usage can be 10% or less compared to jasper08:21.27 
kens Yes indeed, openjpeg is *way* better than JasPer08:21.49 
tkamppeter ray_laptop, kens, currently available libopenjpeg is suffering CVE-2012-3358. Is this fixed in your libopenjpeg?08:21.58 
kens tkamppeter : I don't know, can you give me a URL ?08:22.19 
  Looking at the bug, I doubt it is fixed in our version, no.08:23.25 
tkamppeter kens, 
ray_laptop kens: 
kens Yes, I have t Till thanks. As I said, looking at the report I very much doubt this is fixed in our code.08:24.28 
  Duh, I'm looking at the RedHat oe :-)08:24.46 
  My comments still apply, I doubt this is fixed in our code, no.08:26.01 
tkamppeter ray_laptop, about the performance, are there many files containing images which are treated by openjpeg? So will the average printing user often see advantages? And can you give me a sample file?08:26.16 
ray_laptop the trouble with these (AFAICT) is that they don't tell (the hackers or the fixers) how to reproduce the issue :-(08:26.21 
kens tkamppeter : jpeg2000 images aren't that common, but if you get one you will see the difference.08:26.50 
ray_laptop tkamppeter: JPXDecode is becoming more prevalent, but since most of your (problem) files seem to come from Cairo, I don't know how much they are impacted. I recommend running a test with timing (as we do)08:27.35 
  THere's a public file attached there08:28.01 
ray_laptop kens: thanks'08:28.09 
  oh, that's for performance ?08:28.37 
kens Yes.08:28.47 
ray_laptop (not the CVE report)08:28.48 
kens Sorry I thought Till was asking for a JPEG2000 image in a PDF file08:29.09 
  which exhibits a performance problem08:29.23 
  According to the comments that one goes from 3.5s to 2s08:29.50 
  More importantly it uses less than half the memory08:30.19 
ray_laptop kens: tkamppeter was asking bout the performance, but also was concerned that an openjpeg vulnerability was in our source that we hadn't picked up (I don't think so)08:30.21 
kens ray_laptop : yes, I don't believe we have a fix fot the vulnerability08:30.39 
ray_laptop kens: nor do the openjpeg maintainers (if there are some) AFAIK08:31.05 
kens No, it seems a ver recent report08:31.29 
  very *08:31.34 
ray_laptop time for sleep ...08:33.47 
kens I would think so ray_laptop yes, goodnight08:34.02 
ray_laptop the Olympics coverage just ended :-)08:34.27 
tkamppeter ray_laptop, thank you very much for all.08:34.32 
ray_laptop g'nite -- back in the AM08:34.44 
kens Really ray ? Its just starting here in an hour08:34.45 
tkamppeter kens, ray_laptop, there are two other CVEs which are solved upstream:08:35.15 
kens tkamppeter : I'd suggest opening a bug in GS for these and assigning it to Alex.08:35.40 
tkamppeter CVE-2009-5030, CVE-2012-1499, please check whether they are also solved in your code.08:35.53 
kens Iseally we would like to use a released version of OpenJPEG but I think that may be some time away08:36.04 
  tkamppeter : Not my area of the code, it would take me a very long time to figure out if we have these vulnerabilities.08:36.40 
tkamppeter kens, test build with internal libopenjpeg done, performs great now.09:02.14 
kens That's good, thanks for the update tkamppeter09:02.38 
Robin_Watts paulgardiner: Am I supposed to be looking at those reviews?09:39.08 
paulgardiner Yeah, if you have a moment.09:39.37 
tkamppeter kens, gs with internal libopenjpeg is uploaded now.09:40.18 
Robin_Watts paulgardiner: All look good to me now.09:40.52 
paulgardiner great ta09:40.59 
kens great, thanks Till. For what its worth, shelly just told me that the openjpeg developers are hoping to have a release out later this year, probably around October. Hoperully we can move to a standard release at that point09:41.12 
Robin_Watts paulgardiner: pushed09:42.26 
paulgardiner ta09:42.31 
tkamppeter kens, CVE bug reported as 
  alexcher, hi09:49.20 
kens Thanks tkamppeter09:49.34 
  Oh wow, how many MuPDF commits ? :-)09:51.23 
Robin_Watts kens: only 6.10:04.31 
kens Loads in my email, 3110:05.51 
Robin_Watts kens: Ah. Paul merged master into forms.10:06.22 
  so for some reason that causes loads of the merged ones to be spewed into the email too.10:06.44 
  paulgardiner: So, stupid question, but does the saving of filled out forms work?11:03.12 
paulgardiner Robin_Watts: strangely it does seem to.11:03.33 
Robin_Watts (More specifically, I guess, I'm asking if we can save PDF files from the viewer and still have the viewer work afterwards :) )11:03.39 
  Well, I never doubted it for a second! :)11:03.53 
paulgardiner Ah. I've added two ways to save. Save on close and the 'S' button. I have to admit I've mostly tested the former and then messed witht the saved file.11:06.36 
  I guess, if we do find that the viewer behaves strangely after the latter method of saving then we could force a reload of the saved file.11:06.39 
Robin_Watts paulgardiner: Right. Would be worth trying saving the file, then following some internal links, or changing pages etc.11:06.39 
  or I could fix it :)11:06.39 
paulgardiner Oh I hadn't thought of that. Radical! :-)11:06.39 
  I'll see if I can do some more testing later.11:06.50 
Robin_Watts tor8: ping13:12.43 
  Are there any mupdf bugs that are blocking a release? If so, do you want me to handle any of them ?13:13.32 
  (I'm still busy with windows 8, so I'm not actually looking for work yet, but probably getting the mupdf release out should be a higher priority)13:14.06 
  Morning marcosw 13:43.27 
marcosw morning Robin_Watts 13:43.37 
Robin_Watts Camera finally shipped this morning.13:43.45 
kens2 Shuld be in time for meeting then :-)13:43.58 
marcosw four packages have already arrived for you13:44.29 
Robin_Watts Lets see... Camera/Lens, Lens, Batteries, Battery grip, screen protectors, strap13:45.25 
marcosw one is definitely the screen protector, it's just an envelope.13:45.58 
Robin_Watts That's not counting the polarisers, memory cards etc I have here :)13:46.18 
pipitas1 When is the 9.06 release scheduled?14:02.34 
  because I'm seeing segfaults on Linux on some of my files with today's Git checkout which didn't occur before14:03.34 
Robin_Watts pipitas1: Very soon. Can you tell us what command line you are using ?14:05.51 
halfie_ mupdf developers, sumatrapdf supports the new Revision 6 encryption algorithm.14:06.49 
Robin_Watts halfie_: Indeed, we spotted that, thanks.14:07.02 
halfie_ Robin_Watts, mupdf is too big a tool for writing my tool (for extracting encrypt information from pdf files for brute-forcing) , I am searching for alternatives. Any tips?14:08.05 
tor8 Robin_Watts: I'd like the build issues sorted, and the ios bug I entered today should be fixed. I'm working on the latter, have been upgrading my mac all day. yet again...14:08.23 
Robin_Watts tor8: build issues?14:08.41 
tor8 Robin_Watts: .incbin for clang and some other makefile related bugs14:09.03 
  I think the incbin is the only serious one14:09.13 
  but it's not a blocker by any means14:09.27 
pipitas1 Robin_Watts: Basically, I'm first using GS to process an input PDF so that it outputs single pages (which are shifted a bit with /PageOffset) using the %03d syntax for output file names. That works, but when I then try to re-merge these pages with GS, it segfault….14:14.43 
  Robin_Watts: Gimme some time to come up with a testcase you can reproduce...14:15.05 
Robin_Watts halfie_: Sorry, no.14:15.18 
  It's perfectly possible to build small tools with mupdf - mupdfextract etc for example.14:15.39 
  pipitas1: I guess I'm mainly interested in what devices you are using.14:15.59 
  We've made changes to the psdcmyk and tiffsep devices over the last couple of days14:16.13 
  I guess the ideal thing would be for you to git bisect it and tell us what commit broke it - if you're in a position to do that.14:17.03 
pipitas1 Robin_Watts: pdfwrite is the device14:19.20 
Robin_Watts kens2: ping ?14:19.30 
kens2 Yes ?14:19.40 
Robin_Watts pipitas1 has just been talking about a new SEGV he's seeing with pdfwrite.14:20.07 
kens2 I saw, yes14:20.13 
Robin_Watts pipitas1: How recently has it occurred?14:20.17 
  kens2: OK, sorry.14:20.27 
kens2 But he said he would concoct a test case14:20.28 
kens2 will wait for bug report :-)14:21.03 
pipitas1 Robin_Watts: Oh, it happens with another command as well: gs -o out_p%03d.pdf -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -dLastPage=1 PDF32000_2008.pdf (where PDF3200_2008.pdf comes from )14:21.35 
pipitas1 will look how the OSX build behaves...14:22.30 
kens2 pipitas1 : please raise a bug (and attach the file)14:23.08 
pipitas1 kens2: will do14:25.39 
kens2 OK back to my personal salt mine then14:25.52 
Robin_Watts Well, I have ghostscript compiling on windows 8 using the metro only VS 2012 express edition.15:21.50 
  Basically, the windows message loop has gone under metro, and all the window handling calls are different, so I've stripped out all that. It's now got no display device.15:22.37 
  The tiff devices use libtiff which manages to be incompatible with metro, so they are out.15:23.18 
  The printer/spool handling stuff is all changed, so that's gone.15:23.31 
  but that's it. Otherwise it seems to be OK.15:23.44 
henrys what is incompatible in libtiff?15:23.48 
Robin_Watts I'm not entirely sure.15:24.01 
  It has some windows specifics in (#include <windows.h> etc in tif_win32.c IIRC)15:24.24 
  it's probably nothing major, but the path of least resistance was to remove those devices.15:24.41 
  I'm guessing that if people are planning to use gs in a metro app, they will either be going to file, or will be handling display themselves - so I don't think we've lost anything hugely important.15:25.28 
  Oh, no registry access for metro either.15:25.48 
henrys would you report the lib tiff problem? 
kens2 wot, the registry is dead ?15:29.24 
  for apps ?15:29.27 
henrys wow a muslim woman in head dress and almost her entire body covered in the 100 meter run event at the olympics.15:31.59 
kens2 AH, that'll be a 'sports' niqab15:32.37 
  or possibly hijab15:32.59 
Robin_Watts henrys: Sure. I'm just tidying it all up now for a commit.15:34.00 
  The P/invoke thing; most apps under metro are going to be in 'managed' code (C#, .net etc)15:34.45 
  So to call C/C++ code, they need to go through some hoops. I think they can call into dlls etc, but obviously those dlls need to be compliant.15:35.52 
  The ability for metro tiles to just 'invoke' desktop apps isn't there.15:36.07 
kens2 The more I hear, the less I like .....15:37.23 
Robin_Watts It kinda makes sense; metro is a new environment (new APIs, some shared, but basically a new system built on the windows kernel). If you go into the 'desktop' sandbox then you get access to all the old APIs that are built on top of the windows kernel.15:39.00 
  The restriction is that you can't talk from a metro app into another metro apps sandbox (i.e. the desktop)15:39.50 
  Oh, great. So now apparently Microsoft are having to change the Metro name to something else.16:05.21 
kens2 Yes I saw that too16:08.31 
  maximal confusion16:08.39 
henrys I think xps was originally called metro wasn't it?16:10.09 
kens2 Possibly. Microsoft certainly used teh name before16:10.29 
Robin_Watts OK, the tiff win32 dependency comes from it's warning/error stuff, which I don't think we use.16:11.17 
  I suspect if we define TIF_PLATFORM_CONSOLE we should be fine.16:11.35 
  Has anyone ever seen the tif device pop up a warning/error box on windows ?16:11.50 
kens2 not me.16:12.17 
pipitas1 kens2: bug report is #693251. (My segfault happens on Linux, but not on OSX. Also, I now think the faulty component may be the PDF Interpreter, not the Writer: because it also happens with jpeg output device…)16:31.10 
Robin_Watts pipitas1: Thanks.16:33.09 
  If it's not pdfwrite, then that changes the complexion of the problem a lot. I'll try a windows build here.16:33.37 
  How recently has this occurred, do you know?16:33.53 
kens2 pipitas1 : if its a crah outside pdfwrite devie then its not mine :-)16:41.18 
marcosw henrys: sorry I'm late for the support meeting (again). Do we need one this week? (I haven't checked the report)16:46.42 
henrys I don't think so16:47.17 
  this problem being discussed now should probably be entered.16:47.43 
kens2 Robin_Watts : pipitas1 I still can't reproduce the seg fault, I think it must be memory dependent16:48.30 
henrys or rather prioritized and assigned16:48.32 
kens2 Possibly 64-bit related16:48.35 
Robin_Watts pipitas1, kens: I've just build on peeves, and I can't reproduce it either.16:48.48 
kens2 Robin_Watts : pipitas's original report is a non-standard build16:49.05 
  But I have to be off, its getting late for me16:49.33 
  I'll check the logs tomorrow16:49.42 
Robin_Watts pipitas1: Can you tell us please: 1) Are you building on a 32 or 64bit version of Ubuntu? 2) Are you using any shared libs?16:49.43 
  sorry, I see from the bug that you aren't using shared libs.16:51.14 
pipitas1 Robin_Watts: "How recently did it occur?" — Can't say exactly… Last I tested on Linux was about 5 weeks ago. But it doesn't happen with ALL files.17:06.15 
Robin_Watts pipitas1: I assume you're on a 64bit linux box?17:06.49 
pipitas1 Kens: should I rebuild with just "./configure" (no options)?17:07.21 
Robin_Watts pipitas1: Kens has gone for the night.17:07.33 
  pipitas1: That would be a test worth doing.17:07.58 
pipitas1 Robin_Watts: it's 32bit Ubuntu — not using any shared libs AFAICT...17:08.10 
Robin_Watts Ah, ok, I have a 32bit ubuntu vmware thing here I can try.17:08.29 
pipitas1 Robin_Watts: how can I test for shared libs? ldd `which gs`?17:08.32 
Robin_Watts pipitas1: Just do: ./ && make17:09.00 
alexcher pipitas1: The file works for me on an AMD64 box with or without special connfiguration, debug or release, 1st page or all pages.17:10.02 
pipitas1 Robin_Watts: should I build the one level above (ghostpdl) too? Or just the gs subdirectory?17:10.08 
Robin_Watts pipitas1: Just in the gs directory17:11.29 
marcosw henrys: I just read the irc logs and am not sure what problem you say should "probably be entered". One is an issue reported by pipitas1 but I believe he's entered it and the other is a discussion of building for windows metro. 17:11.38 
alexcher marcosw: how difficult it is to make a packaged regression test? I want to upload a bundle to a clean system, run a single command, download the results, and compare them with the current cluster results.17:20.17 
henrys I was talking about pipitas1 problem Robin_Watts is trying to reproduce.17:20.59 
Robin_Watts henrys: That's already entered as bug 69325117:21.22 
  pipitas1: And exactly what git SHA are you on please?17:22.04 
henrys right I said it might need prioritization or assignment17:22.05 
pipitas1 Robin_Watts: I rebuilt, but problem persists. Also updated info in 693251.17:22.20 
marcosw alexcher: sorry, I'm not sure what you mean. Can you clarify what you need?17:22.39 
ray_laptop alexcher: sorry to have dumped a minor bug on you (bug 693185). Now it's just down to a confusing (and unlikely) error message. If you want to close it as WONTFIX, I won't lose any sleep over it.17:23.00 
  alexcher: also it isn't a customer issue, but I left the customer # there for history.17:23.34 
alexcher marcosw: ray_laptop: Can I just suppress the message about q/Q cleanup?17:23.53 
pipitas1 Robin_Watts: How do I look for the SHA in git? (I'm only used to see what it prints towards the end of 'git pull'. But when I'm current, I don't see...)17:24.34 
Robin_Watts git log -117:24.48 
ray_laptop alexcher: that would probably help and it highlights the other part of the error message17:24.53 
pipitas1 commit 14ab2a0c68eed10ea665f00cb77c728ffbd5c1ba17:25.30 
alexcher marcosw: It is desirable to regression test gs on various odd systems, but thre's no convenient way to do it.17:25.59 
Robin_Watts That's interesting. I haven't got a 14ab2 here...17:26.53 
  What does the rest of git log -1 say ?17:27.05 
  yeah, that commit hash is not one of ours.17:28.10 
marcosw alexcher: I understand now. This would be pretty easy to do. The system I set up some time ago to compare multiple command lines (i.e. page mode vs. clist) could be trivially modified to just run once and produce a list of m5sums (and it could take an list of current md5sums and preserve bitmaps of those files that differ). Can you open a bug and assign it to me? 17:30.47 
henrys marcosw:we talked about this some time back: the regression test should be able to run standalone on any machine, I thought you did that, did it break?17:31.41 
alexcher marcosw: Yes.17:32.17 
marcosw alexcher: I think the q/Q cleanup messages should be suppressed (along with a lot of other warnings about bad PDF files, they only confuse users and no one ever fixes their pdf writers based on our complaints).17:32.22 
henrys I'd like them left on in a debug build is that possible alexcher?17:32.51 
alexcher marcosw: Q/q message is just wrong. Others are correct.17:33.36 
Robin_Watts Am I right in thinking that the Q/q messages 'spew' ?17:33.50 
marcosw henrys: The regression test can run standalone, it's the basis for the comparison code I mentioned. The only thing that has to be done are minor changes to shell script that calls the various bits and the documentation.17:33.50 
ray_laptop henrys: I don't think the PDF interpreter knows if it is a DEBUG build, but I guess we could add a private operator to allow it to find out17:33.50 
pipitas1 Robin_Watts: The full git log message is:17:34.13 
  commit 14ab2a0c68eed10ea665f00cb77c728ffbd5c1ba17:34.16 
  Merge: f414f22 7167ebc17:34.16 
  Author: My Name <>17:34.16 
  Date: Fri Aug 3 15:18:37 2012 +020017:34.16 
  Merge branch 'master' of git:// 
marcosw alexcher: I'm not saying the messages aren't correct, just not useful. 17:34.25 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: no, AIUI we don't know about unbalanced q/Q until the end of the page17:34.27 
pipitas1 I wonder how that happened?!?17:34.27 
Robin_Watts pipitas1: Right. You've done a merge when pulling.17:34.39 
pipitas1 I didn't "merge" anything. I always only do git pull17:34.46 
Robin_Watts Right. And git pull can merge.17:35.01 
pipitas1 Also I didn't modify anything (knowingly)17:35.08 
Robin_Watts OK, so: git checkout master17:35.23 
  git reset --hard HEAD~17:35.29 
  git reset --hard HEAD~117:35.32 
pipitas1 Maybe I should try again with a completely fresh checkout....17:35.40 
Robin_Watts (sorry, hit return too early)17:35.40 
  That will move master back to before the merge.17:35.56 
pipitas1 Ah.. You're guiding me through the shallow waters of Git. Robin_Watts :-)17:36.08 
Robin_Watts what SHA is that on then ?17:36.08 
ray_laptop OK, I psuhed the commit that removes jasper17:36.17 
pipitas1 Robin_Watts: now it is 'commit f414f22c42c39e9996d2a7b4aa5369b3a006e362'17:37.12 
Robin_Watts ok. Still not one of ours :)17:37.39 
  What's that one ?17:37.42 
pipitas1 *Sigh*17:38.06 
  If ping was designed by the Git developers, you'd use: 17:38.12 
  net-ping host 17:38.12 
  --no=dns,bind 17:38.12 
  --proto=TCP,rfc:492 17:38.12 
  eth0@ipv4:: 17:38.12 
  --stats -v17:38.12 
  Robin_Watts: I'll do a fresh Git checkout, OK?17:38.35 
Robin_Watts If you want.17:38.50 
  But you don't mean a checkout.17:38.56 
  You mean a clone.17:39.00 
pipitas1 Robin_Watts: What is the Git equivalent to SVN's "svn info" ?17:39.04 
  Yes, I meant a clone :-)17:39.19 
Robin_Watts pipitas1: Hold on. We can fix it.17:39.25 
  Try: git log --graph --oneline --decorate --all -2017:39.33 
henrys ray_laptop is deprecator of the quarter. icclib and jasper... yeah!17:40.34 
pipitas1 git log --graph --oneline --decorate --all -2017:41.03 
  * 7167ebc (origin/master, origin/HEAD) pdfwrite - check annotation placement and Box sizes for PDF/X-3 validity17:41.03 
  * b40b8fd Bug 693185. The limitcheck in validatedevicenspace must match int_remap_color_info_s.17:41.03 
  * d8ca80d Get rid of 'icclib' since we now use lcms2 (or optionally lcms).17:41.03 
  * a884b57 Update documentation for tiffsep planar device17:41.03 
  * cfbd3fa Add -dMaxSpots for tiffsep and psd devices.17:41.03 
  * 974ba5d Add new 'const' compression method for clist bits.17:41.03 
  * fe9465d ps2write - don't leave our dictionary on the stack at temination of the output17:41.04 
  * 2d613c3 Fix the -disable-gtk "so" build option17:41.04 
  * 004aeab Fix lcms2 64-bit value decoding on big endian systems that lack 64-bit types or have these types missed by configuration.17:41.05 
  * c1532d4 Fix parenthesis typo that caused the return code from sscanf to be ignored.17:41.06 
  * 60028f8 Add common unix style scaling suffix support for -d____= parameters.17:41.06 
  Sorry, Robin_Watts, you asked for it :-)17:41.19 
Robin_Watts Perfect. So: git reset --hard 7167ebc17:41.47 
  That should set master to the right place.17:42.07 
pipitas1 Ah, now it's "commit 7167ebcceae78be8dcec24a059f936a861769cd5" <== same one I have on Mac OSX, I just checked that too17:43.11 
Robin_Watts Perfect. Do a fresh: ./ && make and test that.17:43.40 
pipitas1 building...17:45.50 
marcosw the last regression test failed because henrysx6 reported a build error. I believe it's running a different release of gcc, so presumably it's a legitimate issue and not a cluster bug. Unfortunately the email message that was sent out didn't contain the actual error. I'll fix the regression system so that the error is reported and re-run the job.17:51.13 
  never mind, the email did include the error message:17:53.56 
ray_laptop time for coffee17:53.57 
marcosw ./obj/gsromfs1.c:10434:79: error: invalid suffix "x" on integer constant17:53.57 
  it's hard kind of lost, so I'll try to fix that issue.17:54.17 
Robin_Watts marcosw: That smells like an rsync issue.17:54.25 
  Ray saw something like the other day- not sure what host.17:54.37 
marcosw rsync shouldn't be involved, it was a git commit regression test. 17:54.54 
ray_laptop marcosw: I had a funky build error on henrysx6 last week with a \26 in gsromfs17:54.56 
henrys ray_laptop's problem seemed to happen when space ran out.17:55.05 
  the /tmp fill up17:55.25 
ray_laptop henrys: I had wondered about that -- I asked on IRC but didn't notice if you replied. The next time I tried it, it was fine17:55.45 
marcosw henrys: remind me what henrysx6's ip address is again.17:55.49 
marcosw plenty of space this time.17:56.48 
mvrhel_laptop I was taking a quick look at Bug 691814 to see if this was fixed with the xps soft mask changes and I am getting a segv with gxps on the fts_33xx.xps file at 72 and 300dpi in windows debug build. could I have someone else double check this?17:56.56 
ray_laptop the gsromfs1.c is the big file we generate that has all of the compiled inits and apparently compiling it takes a fairly large /tmp space17:57.14 
mvrhel_laptop ray_laptop: thanks for ripping out the icclib stuff17:57.59 
ray_laptop mvrhel: I will _after_ I get back with my coffee17:58.12 
mvrhel_laptop thanks ray_laptop17:58.22 
marcosw there are 237 gigs free, is that what you mean by "fairly large"?17:58.52 
  I'm doing a make clean ; make pcl. Presuming it works this time we'll assume broken computer :-)17:59.25 
  or did I mean :-(17:59.31 
mvrhel_laptop hmm I should do the same....18:00.01 
marcosw henrys: the compile worked the second time, so I'm guessing you have a hardware issue (memory?). I'll take henrysx6 out of the cluster list for now and run mprime on it; that's what all the over-clockers use for stress testing.18:01.52 
mvrhel_laptop ray_laptop: ok never mind about checking out the segv. clean and rebuild fixed the issue18:02.08 
henrys marcosw:odd because I have been doing stuff on it and haven't noticed anything.18:02.52 
marcosw have you been running multiple threads? the compile happens in parallel and the generating of gsromfs1.c happens at the end, so presumably the machine is pretty hot at that point.18:04.25 
henrys well I always compile with -j but I doubt it gets as hot as a cluster run.18:05.56 
pipitas1 Robin_Watts: It works now, I closed 693251 again.18:07.59 
  Thanks for the awesome help, Robin_Watts :-)18:08.13 
marcosw the cluster run hadn't started, it was just finishing the compile. I'm running a bunch of compile now, just to see what happens. I'll launch mprime as well, so you'll notice the fans spin up :-)18:08.48 
Robin_Watts pipitas1: Ah, fab.18:11.38 
Robin_Watts supposes he ought to make pcl and co build on win8 too.18:14.50 
henrys Robin_Watts:that would be great18:15.31 
  off to lunch bbiaw18:16.28 
mvrhel_laptop Robin_Watts: remember bug 69324018:34.27 
  and I mentioned that there was some weirdness going on with the transfer function18:35.04 
  looking in the source PS file, it looks like it is randomly setting the transfer array18:35.34 
  which makes me think that this file is the issue18:36.03 
  ah there we go18:37.31 
  damn net split18:37.33 
  Robin_Watts: did you see my post to you?18:37.42 
Robin_Watts Did I miss anything?18:37.42 
mvrhel_laptop ha18:37.45 
Robin_Watts I didn't. I went the other way :)18:37.50 
ray_laptop mvrhel: yeah, it's pretty noisy.18:37.52 
mvrhel_laptop so Robin_Watts do you remember bug 69324018:38.16 
  which I found to be something funny going on with the transfer function18:38.31 
Robin_Watts ah, right, yes.18:38.42 
mvrhel_laptop I looked at the source file and it looks the the PS file is setting the transfer function randomly18:39.15 
Robin_Watts or "Tuesday" as I like to call it :)18:39.16 
mvrhel_laptop which makes me think the file is the issue18:39.25 
Robin_Watts the PS file is setting the transfer function to something random ?18:39.48 
mvrhel_laptop look for the comment %fill transfer array randomly18:40.15 
  in the source file18:40.21 
  I think it is picking a random id for one to use18:40.32 
  wife on phone brb18:41.08 
Robin_Watts oh, gawd, yes, that does look like it's filling it full of random numbers.18:41.38 
  Are they at least pseudo random? I mean, do we get the same every time we run the file? If so, we still have a problem in that clist and non-clist should give the same results, right ?18:42.41 
mvrhel_laptop Robin_Watts: I have no idea18:47.21 
  My PS understanding is not so good18:47.35 
  let me do multiple runs to see what is going on18:48.16 
  to me when looking in the graphics it seems that the transfer array is either identity or inverted18:49.11 
  I was thinking that the source file was randomly picking choices from a set of transfer functions18:49.56 
  need to go get my other vehicle right now from the shop. bbiab18:50.16 
Robin_Watts Ah, right. It's pseudo random.18:51.51 
  They set the seed (by deffing rancid) to 12345.18:52.11 
  Then they call 'rnd' which makes a 'random' number from rancid and updates rancid.18:52.50 
  So every time it runs you should get the same values. I hope.18:53.13 
  Someone with more PSclue than me may want to double check it though.18:53.28 
Robin_Watts heads out. Have a good weekend all.19:06.35 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: you, too19:10.45 
  Robin_Watts: mvrhel: I'm having a look into this screwy test as well. BTW, if you convert it using pdfwrite the colors are different yet19:11.57 
  not too surprising, but I'm looking at the banding/no banding issue...19:12.50 
pipitas1 Robin_Watts: I just reported an OSX build bug #693252 for the default './ && make' way (which can be worked around by running './ —libiconv=gnu' or '—libiconv=none')...19:44.41 
ray_laptop OK, I see what's going on with the 09-40.PS....20:09.19 
mvrhel_laptop ok back20:10.47 
ray_laptop mvrhel_laptop: just in time. 20:11.01 
mvrhel_laptop oh good you had a look at this ray_laptop 20:11.16 
ray_laptop on 09-40.PS the 'cmap_transfer_halftone' has a funky test in it that is _supposed_ to make us correspond to the PLRM 3rd p. 49420:11.58 
  This is only using the transfer function for the 'K' component, which is inverting the input value of 0x01 and so K swamps the other colors when displayed20:12.47 
mvrhel_laptop oh20:12.57 
  I thought that was only if the source space was gray20:13.04 
ray_laptop mvrhel_laptop: please read the PLRM note on that page.20:13.19 
mvrhel_laptop I am20:13.25 
  it says when the current color space is device gray20:13.37 
ray_laptop mvrhel_laptop: that's how I read it, but if we applied the transfer function for ALL components, we'd still end up with black (AFAICT) 20:14.22 
  mvrhel_laptop: also, I don't know how this can give us colors on the non-clist case. I haven't gotten that far20:15.00 
  but clearly the problem is with an inverted transfer function. So I need to run this with CPSI and see what happens ...20:15.47 
mvrhel_laptop ray_laptop: what I am seeing is that in the graphics lib, the transfer functions for each CMYK channel are either inverting or they are identity20:15.49 
ray_laptop I don't trust Acrobat with this since transfer functions may be ignored20:16.10 
mvrhel_laptop yes. I was wondering about that ray_laptop20:16.23 
ray_laptop mvrhel_laptop: I'll fire up CPSI now20:16.40 
mvrhel_laptop ok thanks20:17.12 
ray_laptop I forgot how slow this system is (my old XP box)20:23.16 
  mvrhel_laptop: I had the settings wrong -- trying again.20:31.41 
mvrhel_laptop ok20:31.48 
ray_laptop hopefully this time (fingers crossed)20:34.34 
  oops -- got a call have to run, but it still doesn't look like what I expect20:35.40 
mvrhel_laptop ok20:40.48 
  blue angels just flew overhead....20:40.56 
  henrys: before the day gets away from me, good luck on the race this weekend20:50.15 
henrys pipitas1:see the docs for setting LDFLAGS="-L/usr/lib" for the mac os x build problem.20:50.23 
  thanks mvrhel_laptop, I have humble goals: stay out of the medical tent.20:50.45 
mvrhel_laptop I have a 4 day Mt. bike ride at the end of august that is 140 miles. first day is 6100 foot climb....20:50.54 
  henrys: what are the temps supposed to be?20:51.38 
henrys low 90's... that quite a ride, where is it?20:52.03 
mvrhel_laptop it is a 4 day hut-to-hut ride that circumnavigates mt. hood. doing it with 3 friends of mine. I have been doing a lot of riding but not quite at the level that this is going to be...20:52.54 
  so the huts are supplied with food and water20:53.22 
  and you spend the night there20:53.30 
henrys that sounds like fun. How will you fix bugs in these huts ;-?20:54.19 
mvrhel_laptop here is the trip mapped out20:55.01 
  henrys: laptop will not be on the bike.... too heavy20:55.22 
henrys BTW I volunteered for the Chicago show this year but if anyone else really wants to go let me know.20:55.51 
mvrhel_laptop I sort of like going since I usually head off to see my parents for a bit20:56.08 
  but what are the dates20:56.11 
henrys 10/6 - 10/1020:56.58 
mvrhel_laptop ah parents visiting here at that time...20:57.59 
henrys a airplane ticket does not seem worth 3 days of booth duty...20:58.20 
mvrhel_laptop no20:58.25 
  that is a long show...20:58.43 
  ok. I am going to move on from this crazy ps file bug.21:00.52 
  maybe I should pass it along to ray21:00.56 
henrys I think it is more productive to have postscript problems looked at by the experts first.21:02.29 
mvrhel_laptop yes21:02.34 
Robin_Watts I passed it to mvrhel_laptop originally, cos I thought it was a color issue rather than a PS one.21:04.27 
mvrhel_laptop Robin_Watts: I thought so too21:04.46 
  Once I got to digging though something seemed really weird21:05.04 
  ok pushed it off to ray to enjoy21:07.42 
  henrys: I am going to get back to looking at 69301521:09.15 
  would like to have that done before our meeting21:09.27 
henrys yes that would be good. I'll test the customer files once you have it working.21:10.47 
  actually the show is 7-10, I like to come in the night before.21:11.52 
Robin_Watts chicago marathon is the 7th...21:12.56 
henrys global warming has really screwed up that race recently21:19.40 
  but I did really enjoy it last year... I don't know if you saw above but if you want to go it's fine by me (Robin_Watts)21:23.49 
  to the show that is.21:23.59 
Robin_Watts I suspect I might be doing the show in November.21:24.59 
  the android one.21:25.22 
henrys that would make sense, yes21:25.38 
  mvrhel_laptop:I'll be stepping out shortly but send me mail or update the bug if you have any questions about 693015, I'l be around this evening.21:34.35 
Robin_Watts OK. Windows 8 stuff pushed.21:40.52 
  henrys: Have a good race!21:40.58 
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