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Log of #ghostscript at

 <<<Back 1 day (to 2012/08/04)2012/08/05 
sebras morning ghostbot 08:29.06 
  hm.. I guess I'm in the ignore filter. :)08:29.35 
Robin_Watts Morning09:52.26 
sebras morning Robin_Watts10:49.21 it's a bit interesting that xps has been standardized by emca and pdf by iso, yet xps chose to use a 3d format standardized by iso and pdf one standardized by ecma. :)11:17.38 
  I'm not 100% confident about the patch in pdf_image.c over at sebras/master. an alternative would be to move the FZ_INIT_STORABLE() and friends to before the colorspace is loaded (it's a bogus colorspace that triggers an exception and the image is not freed).13:17.50 
rsc Robin_Watts: compiling Ghostscript with "-march=armv6 -mfpu=vfp -mfloat-abi=softfp" instead of "-march=armv5tel -mfloat-abi=soft" reduced the time for a "gs -q -dNOPAUSE -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -sOutputFile=*.pdf *.ps -c quit" from ~ 15 to ~ 8 seconds15:28.53 
Robin_Watts Great. Does it work? :)15:29.08 
rsc Robin_Watts: well...I'm going to fire a rebuild with "-march=armv6z -mtune=arm1176jzf-s -mfpu=vfp -mfloat-abi=softfp" soon, that will hopefully bring it to ~ 5 seconds15:31.32 
Robin_Watts I still think you'd do better to move to a distro on which you don't have to use -mfloat-api=softfp.15:32.47 
rsc Robin_Watts: possibly. However an "openssl speed" with "-march=armv5tel -mfloat-abi=soft" already scales better than the standard Raspbian example for -mfloat-abi=softp15:34.18 
  Robin_Watts: any pointer which other non-ghostscript internal library is heavily used when using pdfwrite? 
Robin_Watts rsc, sorry, no.15:50.24 
rsc Robin_Watts: nevertheless, thank you very much :)15:52.24 
sebras tor8: there is a freetype 2.4.10...16:31.39 
  tor8: and I'm seeing a memory leak inside FT_Glyph_To_Bitmap() when it fails to open its resource.16:32.04 
  tor8 Robin_Watts: in 0.9, if we encountered a content stream that consisted all of left brackets (256+ of them), we would parse all of them until we encountered EOF and the fail since we could not parse the innermost array. nowadays we fail earlier due to running out of error stacks for fz_try()...21:38.04 
  so previously we failed with a proper error stack, but now we just exit() with "exception stack overflow".21:40.27 
  the same goes for objects which have a large amount of recursive dicts.21:44.47 
  tor8 Robin_Watts: 21 patches over at sebras/master to review. most under 15 lines, and couple >50 lines.23:10.46 
  there are still a few patches from sumatrapdf that I ought to prepare for merging, but I'll wait until you guys have reviewed this batch.23:11.45 
  goodnight ghostbot.23:18.18 
Robin_Watts goodnight, sebras :)23:18.36 
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