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 <<<Back 1 day (to 2012/08/09)2012/08/10 
alexcher marcosw: How can I see bmpcmp results for 32 vs 64 bit builds?00:01.43 
Robin_Watts alexcher: You can't using the cluster00:13.48 
  but in gs/toolbin/ there is a file that you can use to run 2 different versions of gs and give you something very bmpcmp like.00:14.18 
  (It's the script that bmpcmp was developed from)00:14.37 
alexcher OK, I'll try.00:15.42 
Robin_Watts LCMS 2.4 is out. Clearly my piddling contribution was so great he's listed me twice in the AUTHORS file :)00:19.39 
marcosw alexcher: at the moment I don't think you can. I'll modify the cluster code so that bmpcmp can take the 32 bit build option.01:55.36 
  henrys: I just emailed out the distiller vs gs pdf file size conversion. I haven't looked at the generated PDF files yet, but I've uploaded a .tar file with all the files to casper.01:56.32 
mvrhel_laptop henrys: I just sent you and email about the dUsePDFX3Profile02:27.03 
  hopefully I am not too late02:28.33 
furrywolf any chance some version of ghostscript I don't have can deal with the forms pdf files produced by adobe livecycle?04:23.12 
  I don't need the actual interactive forms bit, just to print it and fill it out by hand... but gv can't render it at all.04:24.42 
  file in question can be found at 
coffeesam hi04:32.13 
ghostbot hi, coffeesam04:32.13 
coffeesam anyone can explain when will pdftops will produce a postscript file that is almost entirely black?04:32.40 
  I opened the pdf file in OS X preview and it looks fine to me04:32.51 
  I can use gs to produce a png that is ok too04:33.07 
  gs sDEVICE=pswrite produces too big a Postscript file04:33.37 
  so I thought of trying out pdftops04:34.03 
alexcher coffeesam: If pdftops produces a file that is different from other devices, it's a bug.04:49.05 
coffeesam hmmm04:49.17 
alexcher Please file a bug report. Don't forget to attach your file.04:49.29 
coffeesam it gives me a pixelated black file04:49.35 
  for now i am using gs04:49.43 
  where should i report it to?04:49.51 
  i downloaded it from xpdftools04:50.00 
alexcher bugs.ghostscript.com04:50.04 
coffeesam ok cool04:50.08 
furrywolf is "gv can't render evil files" bug-report worthy? heh05:00.58 
  all I need to do is print out a couple pages, but it can't even pretend to render it. :(05:01.57 
alexcher furrywolf: The latest gs cannot render this file. Please file a bug report.05:11.01 
  furrywolf: The The file needs working JavaScript. Ghostscript has no JavaScript and won't have it in the near future. This is a known problem.05:16.20 
furrywolf That's what I figured... are there any free-software viewers that do?05:17.32 
  _nothing_ seems to render those files, at least not that I can find. even google's search just shows the "get acroread" blurb.05:17.57 
  the files seem intentionally designed to be as non-compatible as possible.05:20.21 
alexcher furrywolf: I don't know. You can run AR on Linux.05:23.00 
furrywolf I'll probably have to head to the local chp office tomorrow and get someone there to print one for me... I really hate dealing with those people. heh.05:23.16 
  acroread is huge bloated crap with spyware, and apparantly it doesn't even render those files on linux without finding some plugin for it, from what I found googling.05:23.54 
  oh well, I'll drive there tomorrow... at dialup speeds, the 30 mile round trip is still faster than downloading acroread.05:30.18 
  thanks anyway!05:30.22 
ray_laptop hi, kens 07:18.37 
  looks like you are up and working (I'm about to stop for the day)07:19.04 
kens Hi ray_laptop yes, up and started work ;-)07:19.17 
  trynig out the code fro Robin last night07:19.27 
  Looks like I wasted a day for both of us chasing a stupid memory error07:19.42 
  Lol I like the mail from Guillaume's vustomer. He suggests using an XML file for a bunch of settings. So we'd need to add an XML interpreter to the PCL intperpreter just to read its configuration.......07:21.39 
  Maybe we should have a PostScript file to control the XML interpreter settings...07:22.12 
chrisl Well, to be fair, including an XML interpreter would be much less invasive than including the PS interpreter07:22.42 
ray_laptop I didn't read it, but adding command line options that don't require the PS interp seems like a better way to control things -- that or PJL (it's how HP does settings)07:58.56 
kens The PS interpreter was a joke folks....07:59.09 
ray_laptop kens: sorry, I missed the winky07:59.33 
kens I was just amused that they wanted to add an XML configuraion file, which would mean adding an XML parser...08:00.09 
chrisl Actually, PJL sounds like a winner - IIRC, it has scope for vender specific settings08:01.01 
ray_laptop I guess I've been "away" and haven't noticed for a while now. :-O08:45.00 
  I think I won't bother with it anymore -- it's too much trouble08:45.36 
kens :-)08:45.47 
ray_laptop if anyone from Artifex wants me they can just SMS me (like Robin did this AM)08:46.00 
  and henrys does to remind me of the Tue meeting :-)08:46.15 
  time for bed now...08:48.43 
kens goodnight ray_laptop08:48.51 
ray_laptop back in a while (hopefully 7+ hrs)08:49.05 
  g'nite, kens08:49.21 
  at least this late night work is good for reviewing some OLD bugs and closing them. One is _still_ valid (which is why I'll let it percolate while I sleep). The clist WRITER fillpage routine is being called during the clist playback !!!08:52.05 
kens THat sounds terminal08:52.23 
ray_laptop somehow the 'plane_extract' target device is honked up. :-(08:52.45 
  luckily it's just the bmpsep1 device which nobody really cares about, but I suspect we will want to revamp the plane extraction to REQUIRE the planar mode mem devices08:54.11 
  enough for now...08:54.41 
kens Indeed...08:54.53 
Robin_Watts kens, chrisl, tor8: Did you see my mumblings about the ESTA stuff last night?09:22.27 
chrisl Robin_Watts: yes, but mine's up to date - thanks09:22.48 
kens Robin_Watts: , sorry was off for coffee09:27.43 
  yes, I saw, but I had to pay for my ESTA last time, I still have some left on it09:27.59 
  BTW the memory stuff works fine now. I think I know what was going on....09:28.19 
  The actual bug you found with Memento (Offsets table) was the *real* problem, but initially it was manifesting as a problem with the ResourceUsage, probably because it wrote over the memory.09:29.09 
  I changed the gc pointer tracking, mistakenly thinking I was taking it out of GC, which provoked a new and different problem, which merely happened to look pretty much the same as the previous one :-(09:30.00 
  But anyway, its all fixed now, thanks for the help!09:30.28 
  I've just discovered that my neat trick for finding the last reource used by page 1 doesn't work, because of the stupid way we write out fonts :-(09:31.10 
Robin_Watts kens: Yay and Boo, then.09:32.22 
kens The yay is much bigger than the boo....09:36.45 
  It just means I have to do some more work on renumbering the objects which I thought I could avoid.09:37.03 
Fandekasp hi there. Isn't it strange that man mupdf doesn't tell us about Shift+P to show the number of pages ? Is there a lot of other features that I can only find on google ?09:45.02 
Robin_Watts Pssh. So it's not "Metro", it's "Windows 8".10:15.29 
kens and was always going to be :-)10:15.45 
  And nothing at all to do with anyone having trademarks on the name....10:16.58 
Robin_Watts My sisters shop used to be called "metro"10:17.12 
kens I'm sure that's fine as long as she wasn't trading in Germany :-)10:17.29 
Robin_Watts src_size = penum->rect.w - 1;11:20.35 
  remove the -1 ?11:20.40 
  I'm getting a pixel of crap on the right hand side with my test file, but it's closer.11:21.20 
  mvrhel_laptop: ^11:21.26 
  have a good flight, I'll keep bashing at it.11:21.34 
mvrhel_laptop Robin_Watts: ok11:22.05 
  Robin_Watts: I was thinking that we needed the -1 on both the src and des lengths11:22.50 
  did get a proper scale amount11:22.56 
  the issue seemed to me to be the calculation of the destination length11:23.10 
Robin_Watts The scale_factor isn't really used.11:23.13 
mvrhel_laptop oh11:23.17 
Robin_Watts We spot the identity and half cases, but that's all.11:23.31 
  Ok, I have something that looks good with my test case.11:23.51 
mvrhel_laptop oh11:23.58 
  you are correct sir11:24.01 
Robin_Watts and for yours.11:24.50 
  @@ -813,7 +813,7 @@ image_render_mono_ht(gx_image_enum * penum_orig, const byte * buffer, int data_x11:25.37 
  flush_buff = true;11:25.39 
  - src_size = penum->rect.w - 1;11:25.44 
  + src_size = penum->rect.w;11:25.46 
  switch (posture) {11:25.48 
  case image_portrait:11:25.50 
  @@ -906,7 +906,7 @@ image_render_mono_ht(gx_image_enum * penum_orig, const byte * buffer, int data_x11:25.55 
  if (flush_buff) goto flush; /* All done */11:25.59 
  /* Set up the dda. We could move this out but the cost is pretty small */11:26.01 
  - dda_init(dda_ht, 0, src_size, data_length-1);11:26.02 
  + dda_init(dda_ht, 0, src_size, data_length);11:26.03 
  devc_contone_gray = devc_contone[0];11:26.05 
  if (penum->color_cache == NULL) {11:26.07 
  /* No look-up in the cache to fill the source buffer. Still need to11:26.08 
  but my fix is just by experimentation - it could easily be wrong.11:27.17 
mvrhel_laptop ok. let me give that a try11:27.48 
Robin_Watts I have a more cutdown turkey.pdf that makes it more obvious. Let me upload that for you.11:28.26 
mvrhel_laptop oh cool ok11:28.33 
Robin_Watts I shrank the page and made the turkey exactly fit it.11:28.54 
  The right hand column of turkey pixels are all empty.11:29.30 
  and the png rendering correctly shows an empty column.11:29.41 
  The fast dithered rendering doesn't render those pixels at all.11:30.00 
mvrhel_laptop ok that is helpful11:31.34 
  and yes, it is the proper length now. 11:37.20 
  let me beat on some other images with this and I think I will do a cluster push too11:37.38 
  then I have to head off11:37.58 
Robin_Watts I'm cluster pushing it at the moment.11:38.01 
mvrhel_laptop oh11:38.05 
Robin_Watts In fact the clusterpush has run.11:38.44 
  just the bmpcmp to go.11:38.46 
  OK. Must fix that bug (specifying filter= with bmpcmp confuses it)11:40.09 
mvrhel_laptop I was wondering about that11:41.27 
Robin_Watts marcosw: Apparently my camera is within 20 miles of you :)11:57.08 
marcosw Robin_Watts: If the camera is within 20 miles of my house it's closer to you than it is to me, I'm currently 5500 miles rom my house.12:00.05 
Robin_Watts ha!12:00.15 
mvrhel_laptop bbiaw12:11.55 
marcosw kens: is it worth it trying to bisect to find the change re. <> or is it unlikely to be a change that's patchable back to 8.71?13:35.25 
Robin_Watts marcosw: One of these days, you are going to have to send a patch to someone from 8.71 to HEAD :)13:36.56 
kens marcosw there's only one likely fix listed in details.htm13:37.37 
  I htink its all PostScript (in the PDF interpreter) so its likely back-portable13:38.24 
chrisl It might need two fixes13:38.44 
kens Perhaps13:38.49 
Robin_Watts marcosw: Hmm. I may need your help with some perl here...13:38.58 
  Currently in the cluster if I clusterpush: gs bmpcmp filter=plank13:39.21 
chrisl;a=commitdiff;h=1225753b and;a=commitdiff;h=c5cc5db013:39.36 
Robin_Watts it splits that into 2 jobs: gs filter=plank and bmpcmp filter=plank13:39.43 
  That's arguably correct.13:39.50 
marcosw kens: okay I'll test the fix listed in details.htm and if it works send it to the customer.13:39.54 
  chrisl: thanks.13:40.10 
chrisl marcosw: of course, 8.71 is unsupported13:40.21 
kens marcosw, OK its not my area, so I could be mistaken13:40.36 
Robin_Watts but "bmpcmp filter=plank" currently doesn't work, cos it sends filter=plank to bmpcmp as an arg, and we get no (useful) results.13:40.37 
  The problem appears to be in,at line 55ish13:40.59 
  oops. line 49ish13:41.21 
  where we assume that any options after the filename are bmpcmpOptions.13:42.00 
marcosw Robin_Watts: the bmpcmp clusterpush shouldn't need the filter=plank line; bmpcmp reads the users latest clusterpush results and builds the commands based on the files listed. I'm not sure what the easiest way to fix this is.13:43.34 
Robin_Watts marcosw: Right, but I'd like the ability to say: bmpcmp only the plank files that failed.13:44.42 
  Removing the filter= lines from bmpcmp commands is easy to do in clustermaster, but that's limiting I reckon.13:45.36 
marcosw oh, I misunderstood. That's a different issue but probably easy to fix. Give me a minute...13:45.37 
  I'm going to reenable henrysx6. If it generates another compiler error and I don't notice please email me.13:59.29 
Robin_Watts mvrhel_laptop: Hi.14:51.56 
  You there now, or still travelling ?14:52.09 
mvrhel_laptop Robin_Watts: at airport now14:52.38 
Robin_Watts I have some cases for which the new code still doesn't match the old code.14:52.59 
mvrhel_laptop ok14:53.12 
Robin_Watts but it's closer with my formulation than it was with the old new formulation.14:53.14 
  (if you follow me)14:53.21 
mvrhel_laptop yes I understand14:53.50 
Robin_Watts Draw that at 300dpi with tiffg4 and compare it to the png16m14:54.04 
  blinking back and forth between the two, we shift slightly to the right in the fast code.14:54.24 
  Compared to USE_FAST_CODE = 0 with the png, it doesn't shift at all.14:54.57 
  I think we need to move the dda by half a step.14:55.18 
  but I can't immediately see a macro to do that (which is embarassing, as I rewrote all these macros a while ago)14:55.44 
henrys I knew this HPGL/2 thing was going to explode into my full time occupation - sigh...14:55.53 
mvrhel_laptop Robin_Watts: So are you fine digging further into this and I will look at the issue with the level and phase14:59.06 
Robin_Watts mvrhel_laptop: Sure.14:59.47 
mvrhel_laptop ok thanks14:59.50 
Robin_Watts Following on from my idea of putting an SSD in my laptop, I think I've decided to go for a hybrid SSD disc. 750Gig for 120quid. Not as fast as a raw SSD, but much cheaper/more storage, and apparently gives much of the same feel.15:01.15 
kens I'll be interested to hear what you think15:01.58 
Robin_Watts I'll order it next week, so will (hopefully) know by the staff meeting.15:02.31 
henrys Robin_Watts:rotating silicon?15:02.49 
Robin_Watts 7200rpm disc + 8gig of SSD cache.15:03.08 
mvrhel_laptop henrys: was the little blurb about pdfx3 output intent what you needed?15:03.10 
henrys yes I sent everything to scott, you guys get to review it when the newsletter is published ;-)15:03.48 
mvrhel_laptop plane boarding. bbiaw15:04.10 
  sideways rain here in michigan15:04.22 
Robin_Watts The timings in that video are very impressive.15:07.19 
  For a while now (15 months), we've had 2 formulations of the dda stuff in gxdda.h. Both equivalent, except the one that's enabled is faster.15:24.42 
  Anyone object to me removing the slow one speak now...15:24.53 
  no one? great.15:25.00 
  Morning ray_laptop 16:28.33 
ray_laptop Hi, Ro16:30.43 
  oops. missed the tab16:30.55 
  Hi Robin_Watts 16:30.59 
Robin_Watts How was the beach?16:31.18 
ray_laptop great !16:31.25 
  it was 77 F and the water was the warmest in the last 10 or so trips, so we stayed in the water for 2+ hrs playing in the somewhat rough waves16:32.38 
  we all got tumbled a few times on our boogie boards, but no injuries -- just tired muscles16:33.17 
  got a few really good runs on the boards when I caught the wave just right16:34.09 
  (the tumbles were when I was trying for a big one and missed)16:34.38 
Robin_Watts marcosw: Here's a case in point. I just run a test that had 800 failures.16:38.48 
  and pretty much every file that failed failed in pbmraw.300.0 pbmraw.300.1 and pbmraw.72.016:39.18 
  I'd like to be able to: git bmpcmp filter=pbmraw,72 to save time.16:39.34 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: oh, so this would do the run and automatically follow with the bmpcmp ?16:41.25 
Robin_Watts ray_laptop: You can already do that, by doing: git cluster bmpcmp gs say16:42.06 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: so what is it that you'd like to be able to, but can't, do16:42.49 
Robin_Watts but 1) you can't currently do: git bmpcmp filter=blah because the cluster passes filter=blah as an argument to the bmpcmp exe rather than filtering the jobs list.16:43.10 
  and hence 2) you can't do: git cluster bmpcmp gs filter=blah16:43.34 
  Currently bmpcmp does "bitmap compares of the jobs that failed in the last test"16:44.11 
  I'd like to be able to make it do "bitmap compares of a filtered set of the jobs that failed in the last test"16:44.30 
ray_laptop wow, stars must be in alignment. Two PDFFitPage bugs in the same day ! (one against 8.71 and one for 9.05). The one from cust 531 is 9.05, but they are fitting to -g10200x66000 and reversing the page order16:52.13 
marcosw Robin_Watts: I understand what you want and agree it would be useful; I just wish the cluster code didn't look like it had been written by a large number of monkeys.16:52.34 
Robin_Watts ook.16:52.41 
marcosw wrong window :-)16:52.42 
ray_laptop interesting pagesize. I thought most people would be using PDFFitPage to produce thumbnails. That's a BIG thumb !16:53.05 
  alexcher: I recommend that you try cust 130's bug with 9.06 and tell them to upgrade (of course they probably won't)16:54.24 
  off to get coffee...16:54.45 
henrys marcosw:let me know if you want a meeting today, didn't look like we needed on yet.17:02.48 
kens Heading off for the night, bye all....17:14.09 
chrisl is also off for the evening.....17:16.37 
Robin_Watts hmm. My macbook seems to have lost 'make' :(17:19.17 
ray_work Robin_Watts: that's a strange one17:45.18 
Robin_Watts It's a side effect of upgrading to Mountain Lion. I need to reinstall Xcode.17:45.51 
GhostShelly henrys:anyone heard from Hin-Tak recently? I am waiting for a reply on a bug.18:21.11 
Robin_Watts GhostShelly: Hi.18:21.34 
GhostShelly Robin_Watts: hey robin good to finally catch you, although isn't it time to go enjoy the weekend?18:22.16 
Robin_Watts GhostShelly: I'm about to go enjoy a holiday for a week.18:22.43 
GhostShelly Robin_Watts: have a great one, how will you cope without GS for a week?18:23.21 
Robin_Watts I'm taking a laptop :)18:23.33 
GhostShelly Robin_Watts: at least your family will still have a good time :-P18:24.34 
henrys GhostShelly:no haven't heard anything, I'll get to your email shortly, usually I won't be able to respond right away but it goes on my todo list and I get to it eventually18:26.29 
GhostShelly henrys: no problem, just wanted to make sure the shelly spam filter did not kick in.18:27.13 
marcosw Robin_Watts: I've added the ability use filter= with bmpcmp. It's barely tested so I'd be surprised if it works.18:27.16 
  henrys: sorry, lost track of time, again. No, I don't think we need a meeting.18:27.52 
GhostShelly good night guys, time to go enjoy the weekend.18:28.19 
henrys bye GhostShelly18:28.28 
  okay marcosw18:28.32 
Robin_Watts you too18:28.34 
ray_laptop yuck. The plane_extract device is SEVERELY bit-rotted.18:43.15 
Robin_Watts Why are you needing the plane_extract device again?18:43.36 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: bmpsep1 uses it, and it hadn't been updated to use the planar memory buffers18:44.55 
  arguably we could just fix bmpsep1 and rip out the plane_extract device, I suppose18:45.45 
ray_laptop checking to see if anyone else uses it...18:46.01 
  Robin_Watts: hmm... the 'pksmraw' and 'pamcmyk32' devices also use it18:48.25 
  at least I don't find any 'contrib' devices devices18:51.10 
  oops -- was in cust 532's directory -- there _is_ a contrib device18:51.31 
  The main thing wrong is that it hadn't been updated with any of the newer procs that use HL color (such as fillpage)18:52.17 
  I think I'll just fix it. 18:52.44 
  Robin_Watts: can I request a regression run against a device that doesn't usually run ?18:53.16 
Robin_Watts ray_laptop: No.19:24.21 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: thanks.19:24.34 
Robin_Watts What would it have to compare against?19:24.43 
ray_laptop OK, bug 690963 works -- now to run lots more files through.20:09.53 
  at least I can break anything, since we don't test it and it never was close to working.20:10.43 
henrys Robin_Watts, marcosw:seems reasonable that a device known to ghostscript but not to the cluster should produce a checksum database and then run the test. I think we'd get into the habit of checking more devices if we had that feature.20:23.32 
Robin_Watts henrys: We could do a thing like bmpcmp, where it ran the current head binary to produce an md5 for a file, then ran the new version.20:26.46 
  henrys: When you install the new Xcode, you also need to go to the behaviours thing within it, and install the command line tools separately.20:29.29 
  oh, marvellous. Now it's failing to find the X headers :(20:30.09 
henrys I dread the Xcode install...20:36.00 
Robin_Watts Apple have dropped X11 for mountain lion.20:37.07 
  they are relying on XQuartz.20:37.14 
  Apple are missing a trick by not offering a "downgrade to Snow Leopard" on the app store.20:37.55 
  ok. reinstalling Xquartz has solved it.20:39.46 
henrys it sounds like apple is going to keep X11 working though... 
Robin_Watts I hope so!20:40.50 
  I've pushed a patch to my gs repo on casper that I hope will solve the scaling issues properly. It tests out with lots of diffs, but they all look like the right sort of diffs20:41.43 
  (at least the first 10 pages worth did, then I got bored).20:41.54 
  I'd like mvrhel to double check it before I commit it though.20:42.08 
  I'll send him an email in case he doesn't read this.20:42.22 
mvrhel_laptop Robin_Watts: you there?23:26.31 
  I think this looks fine23:30.17 
ray_laptop Hi, mvrhel_laptop 23:35.48 
  sort of late for Robin_Watts, but you never know23:35.58 
sebras Robin_Watts: I updated tor8 on the ESTA, so its in his calendar.23:49.38 
mvrhel_laptop hi ray_laptop23:55.46 
  I will try to catch him this weekend23:55.56 
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