IRC Logs

Log of #ghostscript at

 <<<Back 1 day (to 2012/08/13)2012/08/14 
kens Morning robin_watts_fone08:00.44 
robin_watts_fone morning.08:01.25 
  limited WiFi here...08:01.57 
kens I sw in the irc logs08:02.06 
sebras sometimes I'm a bit annoyed by people. :-/09:16.32 
kens Ah, another troll09:24.34 
paulgardiner sebras: Did you manage to install that apk? Bother signed and unsighed worked for me, but I did need to explicitly uinstall the old version first because the old version was signed and not with the same key.09:27.14 
sebras paulgardiner: no I didn't but then again I never uninstalled the previous app. why did we change key? wouldn't this make it a problem for placing this on android market, google play or whatever it is called nowadays..?09:37.55 
paulgardiner It wasn't that we changed the key. I put up an unsigned version, and then when you had problems with it, I created a key just in case that was the problem. I don't have access to our proper key... or at least I'd need to ask someone where it is.09:39.32 
sebras paulgardiner: after uninstalling the new version installed without a hitch. :)09:44.57 
paulgardiner Ah great. :-)09:45.05 
sebras paulgardiner: one thing I have been thinking about though -- wouldn't it make sense to have the version-number show after the MuPDF title in the document list?09:46.00 
  paulgardiner: right now, you can't know what version is being used.09:46.18 
paulgardiner Yeah, that sounds sensible too.09:46.40 
sebras paulgardiner: also I'm not sure that the fix introduced for the pagebar works well.09:47.08 
  paulgardiner: when I'm sliding my finger along it in a pdf having just two pages I have to slide all the way to the right for it to change to the last page.09:47.40 
  and that area is just a few pixels wide.09:47.53 
paulgardiner That's what I thought I'd just fixed09:48.11 
sebras now would have been a good time to have the version number to make sure that I had the right version installed. ;)09:48.36 
paulgardiner Yes, that does really confirm your point.09:49.08 
sebras I reinstalled the app just to make sure, but no the pagebar is still misbehaving.09:49.45 
  and I know that I have the right app because it now reacts to the menu button! ;)09:50.27 
paulgardiner For me, on a 2 page doc, if I drag the bar, when I get more than half way, the bar shows the halfway position, then when I let go it goes the rest of the way09:50.32 
sebras nope.09:51.12 
paulgardiner Showing the halfway position isn't ideal, but I don't seem to have the problem of having to select a tiny area.09:51.36 
  Can you get the thumb to the halfway point at all?09:52.44 
  Which one are you using signed or unsigned?09:53.21 
  They should be the same, but just in case.09:53.35 
sebras md5sum MuPDF.apk 09:54.35 
  54a907fbbed5f060e7968d84c786f4fb MuPDF.apk09:54.36 
  that one. :)09:54.42 
paulgardiner Hmmm. Just installed that one, and it works for me. How weird09:57.32 
kens different Android versions ?09:57.52 
paulgardiner kens: Yes, probably. That's going to be a pain to fix.09:58.37 
sebras kens: most likely. android 2.3.3 here..09:58.46 
  paulgardiner: I sent you a video exhibiting the problem I'm seeing.10:39.47 
paulgardiner thanks. I'll take a look. Is it any different at all? - because I did know of the problem as you originally described it.10:40.56 
sebras paulgardiner: no, no visibly so.10:41.20 
  paulgardiner: if you'd like i could probably get a log from logcat if you print some debugging info.10:41.50 
paulgardiner sebras: I'll mull that over. It's difficult to think what to monitor.10:42.34 
sebras ok.10:43.31 
  morning mr. andersson.10:55.53 
tor8 morning mr. rasmussen11:04.59 
sebras tor8: there is a zlib 1.2.7 released, maybe we ought to updated thirdparty with that as well before 1.1?11:17.22 
tor8 sebras: we already have11:22.58 
sebras tor8: right. I'm just in the process of updating to the new thirdparty so I misread. :)11:23.53 
  dang it! I get linking erros with the latest android-ndk and mupdf: pdf_lookup_builtin_font+0x18): unresolvable R_ARM_THM_CALL relocation against symbol `strcmp'11:25.33 
  but symlinking androids ld to instead of ld.bfd solved that issue.11:31.08 
paulgardiner sebras: just watched your video. That is the current behaviour I see. As your finger moves from the left half to the right half of the bar, the display shows a transition from 1/2 to 2/2. If you let go from that point, the 2nd page will display. What is confusing is that the bar stays at half way (as though on page 2 of a 3-page document).11:37.58 
  I think the mapping from finger position to page is now correct, but the way the bar displays is confusing.11:39.02 
sebras ah! it wasn't until now that I actually read the number above the bar.11:39.29 
  I was too focused on the bar itself...11:39.40 
paulgardiner Yeah, but makes sense seeing as you were in bug-fix-checking mode rather than just using it.11:40.30 
sebras I think what is fooling me is that there are now three places on the bar where the indicator can be, despite it being for a two page pdf.11:41.43 
paulgardiner Possibly it would be better if I increased the bar resolution further for low-page-count documents.11:41.52 
sebras yes, and then snap to the closest indicator position for a page.11:42.49 
paulgardiner yep11:43.35 
sebras paulgardiner: if I have search results highlighted when pressing the search button those highlights are not removed, should they be?11:56.25 
paulgardiner They go as soon as you type. We selected that behaviour a while back for some reason I can't remember... not to say it's necessarily correct.11:57.40 
sebras ah... now I see. if I center-screen-click the toolbars will also disappear and the highlights remain. then it all makes sense.11:58.47 
paulgardiner sebras: I've uploaded another apk with the increased slider resolution and some other fixes.12:15.46 
sebras paulgardiner: 404 not found.12:19.26 
paulgardiner oh yeah. Different file name, but the directory it's in has indexing.12:20.46 
sebras got it.12:21.20 
  well.. getting it. ever so slowly. ;)12:21.57 
paulgardiner My upstream adsl :-(12:22.31 
  On the plus side, it was very quick for me to upload. :-)12:23.04 
sebras paulgardiner: as I said to Robin, you guys should move to .se where high-speed dsl is cheap. :)12:23.07 
paulgardiner Tempting. Very tempting.12:23.43 
sebras paulgardiner: 
paulgardiner Oops. I didn't see that one. I saw the one about the inconsistent message and fixed that by fixing the message.12:26.49 
sebras paulgardiner: no worries. I just entered those bugs.12:27.42 
  also I'm not sure I'm right in assuming that users want search wrap.12:28.16 
  paulgardiner: the pagebar thing works well now. and the other bugs you fixed on paul/master seem to work well too.12:31.01 
  tor8: I believe that there are some patches for you to merge when you have the time.12:31.22 
paulgardiner Brill. Thanks for checking them.12:31.24 
sebras paulgardiner: np. what else should I do on my vacation? ;)12:31.40 
paulgardiner tor8: I don't seem to have sufficient access to bugzilla to reassign bugs to me, and I think because they aren't assigned to me, I cannot mark them as fixed.12:44.55 
sebras tor8: what is mupdf policy on using 64-bit integers?12:51.20 
tor8 paulgardiner: oh... I'm not very clued in to how the bugzilla is set up13:12.20 
  sebras: we don't do 64-bit ints :)13:12.42 
  do we have a need for them?13:12.56 
sebras we do!13:13.34 
paulgardiner tor8: no worries.13:13.35 
sebras in fitz/filt_jbig2d.c and fitz/base_time.c13:13.55 
chrisl paulgardiner: you probably need to be added to an appropriate bugzilla group to get those rights - marcosw is your man for sorting that out13:14.02 
sebras and yes, we do need them for sha384/512.13:14.07 
  I'm working on supporing the crypt for el8.13:14.20 
  tor8: ^^13:14.30 
paulgardiner chrisl: Oh ok thanks Chris13:14.44 
chrisl no13:14.49 
  or even np - bad typgin day.....13:15.02 
tor8 sebras: right.13:16.28 
chrisl tor8: you might want to get the latest code from jbig2dec.git, there were some missing changes from the code that Robin pulled into thirdparty.zip13:17.11 
sebras paulgardiner: when I declare 64-bit int literals in visual c++, does it accept the normal ULL at the end or does it have to me ui64?13:17.54 
tor8 chrisl: so is up to date or in need of updating again?13:19.00 
paulgardiner sebras: sorry, don't know.13:19.13 
chrisl tor8: I only pushed the fixed the jbig2dec.git stuff this morning, so the current will be out of date13:19.53 
tor8 chrisl: right. I'll update the jbig2dec in thirdparty then.13:22.55 
paulgardiner sebras: not sure if this is related, but I've used rsa before and not needed 64bit ints. Things like openssl have apis that treat large ints as byte arrays... ignore me if that has no connection with what you are doing.13:23.01 
tor8 chrisl: how did you bring the commits over from ghostpdl?13:23.15 
chrisl tor8: in the main, I did "git format-patch ./jbig2dec/*", then did a little editing of the patch files, and "git am" in the jbig2dec directory.13:24.42 
tor8 chrisl: right.13:25.10 
  I think if you have a newer git there's a "git subtree" command which is supposed to support that kind of workflow. my debian is too old so I haven't tried it myself.13:25.44 
chrisl Mine seems to be too old, too.....13:26.19 
  tor8: the patch editing was just to remove the "ghostpdl/gs/jbig2dec" prefix from all the paths (and remove a couple of diffs where files outside jbig2dec had changed).13:26.49 
sebras paulgardiner: I have been thinking about that too.13:29.06 
  paulgardiner: SHA-384 and SHA-512 ought to be able to compute using only 32-bit math.13:29.19 
tor8 chrisl: straight forward stuff, thankfully.13:29.48 
sebras paulgardiner: however the source of the SHA-256 used in mupdf uses 64-bit ints for SHA-384/-512.13:30.03 
  paulgardiner: I'll start out with this and we'll have to refine it if it becomes a problem.13:30.18 
paulgardiner sebras: sounds like a plan13:30.34 
chrisl tor8: mostly, yes - there were some patches that didn't apply (hence today's update) - I'm not at all clear why, doing it manually, it looked to me like they should have applied cleanly13:31.05 
  tor8: I'm not sure git subtree stuff gets us the syncing from ghostpdl to jbig2dec - it looks like it works the other way. 13:33.42 
paulgardiner Off for a quick run. biab.13:35.52 
  chrisl: I've not yet used git subtree yet, but I got the impression it worked both ways... assuming I'm understanding what you wish to do between ghostpdl and jbig2dec, which I possibly don't.14:55.04 
chrisl paulgardiner: like I said, I'm not sure - *all* the examples I've found have been cloning a repository (or part thereof) into a subtree of another repository. I've not found anything about taking a subtree of one repos, and having it replace the entire contents of another.14:57.13 
paulgardiner I think you can. You just develop the outer project freely making changes to the subdirectory, and any stage you can push just the changes in the subdirectory to the subtree branch. Again I may be misunderstanding what you need to do.15:00.10 
  s/any/at any/15:00.26 
  merge I mean not push. And then you can push the subtree branch back to it's repo.15:01.08 
chrisl We want to take any commits from ghostpdl/gs/jbig2dec in ghostpdl.git and apply them to jbig2dec.git 15:01.57 
paulgardiner Yep. You can do that. Really easily too from what I read.15:02.19 
chrisl Cool, have you got a reference I can read up on it?15:02.42 
paulgardiner chrisl: I read one particularly nice clear description. I'll see if I can find it.15:03.34 
kens good evenin robin_watts_mac15:03.58 
robin_watts_mac Evening15:04.11 
paulgardiner Hi Robin15:04.16 
henrys did we want to have a meeting this morning?15:04.29 
  or evening15:04.37 
kens you know I feel sure you are excused meetings while on holiday15:04.38 
paulgardiner chrisl: Here's one source. Not sure if it was the one I thought was really clear: 
  henrys: I'm ready if we do.15:04.59 
henrys paulgardiner:reading report now, sorry didn't get to it yesterday15:05.41 
robin_watts_mac I just happened to make it back to the hotel at this time.15:08.17 
  and my milkshake has just arrived :)15:08.50 
paulgardiner chrisl: my understanding is that you'd have a jbig2dec branch which you'd never checkout because doing so would give you just a jbig2dec working copy at the tope level. You interact wrth that branch only with subtree merges that know to map to the subdirectory where you have jbig2dec in your ghostpdl working copy.15:08.52 
henrys paulgardiner:do you know what machine is giving the strange results?15:09.12 
chrisl paulgardiner: thanks - I see I've got some reading to do.......15:09.24 
henrys It's easy enough to give you access to the machines if you want to see if it happens manually.15:10.08 
paulgardiner henrys: no I'll look but I repeated the test and got the same results. Would the distribution of jobs be consistent?15:10.22 
robin_watts_mac no. jobs are distributed onto random nodes.15:10.41 
paulgardiner results of the two tests looked identical15:11.00 
robin_watts_mac If you look in the results table, for each job there are 2 machine names given on each line.15:11.21 
  One is for the machine it ran on LAST time, and one is the machine it ran on THIS time.15:11.39 
paulgardiner robin_watts_mac: where do I find the results table?15:13.26 
robin_watts_mac In the email that is sent out after each job ?15:13.42 
henrys robin_watts_mac:was helen's facebook comment inspired by some malta pool experience?15:13.50 
robin_watts_mac Or by clicking "paul" on the dashboard.15:13.55 
  henrys: Yeah. A kid was whipped out of the pool yesterday VERY quickly by it's parents.15:14.18 
paulgardiner robin_watts_mac: I don't seem to have machine names. I don't have per-job info - just a list of ones that had differences15:15.41 
robin_watts_mac Hold on.15:16.13 
henrys robin_watts_mac:one of us can figure out the testing stuff you really should go enjoy your swimming pool ;0(15:16.37 
robin_watts_mac henrys: Pool is closed for cleaning. (Honest!)15:16.58 
  paulgardiner: Look at the "Differences" line.15:17.15 
  tests_private/pdf/forms/v1.3/09+20feature+20musical.mjs.ppmraw.72.0 mujstest x6 feet15:17.30 
  So that test differed between the last 2 runs which were on x6 and feet.15:17.52 
paulgardiner That's overly polite. You mean "open your eyes!" :-)15:18.08 
robin_watts_mac I can't see any obvious pattern to the failing ones.15:19.47 
henrys tor8:anything for the meeting?15:20.10 
paulgardiner There's some with changes even though the two runs are on the same machine15:21.17 
robin_watts_mac If you rerun, do you get the same failing set ?15:22.15 
henrys robin_watts_mac:of course now I've been embarassed by the resolution fiasco, I could have sworn that worked.15:22.45 
paulgardiner I believe so, although I didn't properly verify it.15:22.50 
  I could easily check.15:22.58 
robin_watts_mac henrys ?15:22.58 
henrys robin_watts_mac:which you warned me about yesterday.15:23.01 
robin_watts_mac henrys: So... he's saying that it's not the images he cares about the quality of, it's the line art.15:23.43 
  So, why doesn't he render at 1200dpi, and use DownScaleFactor=32 and hence get 800dpi out?15:24.05 
henrys well that is something separate then the resolution now working.15:24.14 
robin_watts_mac 1200 is a multiple of 300, so (AIUI) everything will be correctly positioned.15:24.29 
  and he'll get decent quality for lines etc.15:24.47 
henrys he has to render with the pjl resolution specified in the file for other device dependencies in pcl15:25.02 
  sorry to interrupt, with a non forms thing.15:25.40 
robin_watts_mac So basically, the fact he's using PCL means that the output resolution has to be fixed? So there is nothing we can do?15:26.26 
henrys so I think I said something like mid october in the newsletter for the release, if that comes into question holler please.15:26.37 
  the alpha release that is.15:26.44 
robin_watts_mac I have a non-forms mupdf thing.15:28.00 
paulgardiner henrys: yeah. That sounds fine.15:28.13 
henrys robin_watts_mac:right about the pcl.15:28.14 
robin_watts_mac I was playing with some code to add/delete pages from a document.15:28.36 
  Updating a pages tree is HARD (especially hard to do in a way that leaves it consistent in the event of a memory failure).15:29.26 
  So I thought about just regenerating the pages tree on a save.15:29.59 
  That can still fail, but at least the representation of the file in memory isn't knackered.15:30.32 
  That was it, really. Just checking that tor8 was happy with that approach.15:34.57 
henrys probably needs an sms15:35.09 
robin_watts_mac ok, never mind. I'm sure he'll read the logs.15:35.54 
henrys I will point him to it when he shows up.15:35.56 
  anything else forms-wise15:36.22 
paulgardiner Nothing more from me.15:37.42 
robin_watts_mac nor from me.15:38.41 
henrys robin_watts_mac:have a good time in Malta, dont' work a lot!15:39.19 
  I was going to cancel the 9:00 PDT meeting today since we are missing at least 2 (in case kens wants to duck out early)15:41.26 
kens I'm not worried, can do meeting or not. I have nothign to bring up personally15:42.20 
chrisl henrys: the only thing I was going to bring up was doing a jbig2dec release - I'm inclined to just update the changelog, and version number, tag it, and let anyone interested pull it from git. Any thoughts?15:44.24 
robin_watts_mac chrisl: Check with shelly that he hasn't got any more fixes in the pipeline first?15:45.04 
chrisl robin_watts_mac: no, he's currently all out - which reminds me.......15:45.46 
  sebras: ping15:45.52 
henrys chrisl:sounds good to me.15:46.13 
chrisl henrys: cool - we'll see who complains!15:46.28 
robin_watts_mac chrisl: Is it worth sorting the git submodules stuff and THEN doing a version?15:46.59 
marcosw hey, I'm on time for the meeting!15:47.26 
henrys he he and we canceled it.15:47.37 
kens and henrys decided to cancle it :-)15:47.41 
chrisl robin_watts_mac: I'd rather do it the other way round - in case we mess it up!15:47.53 
robin_watts_mac marcosw: It seems that Jill has signed for my camera - many thanks!15:47.53 
  chrisl: Fair enough :)15:48.05 
henrys I did want to ask you something though marcosw.15:48.10 
marcosw anything else expected or is that it?15:48.13 
chrisl henrys: and we should probably close Bug 693050, too15:48.21 
robin_watts_mac marcosw: I'll look into the new customer bug about image interpolation when I get back - you may want to warn the company concerned that it will be at least a week.15:49.21 
henrys marcosw:just wanted you to look at 69326915:49.39 
marcosw robin_watts_mac: are you out of town?15:49.45 
henrys I was wondering if handmade could make sense of the group 4 encoding I've attached.15:50.08 
kens robin_watts_mac : is on holiday in Malta marcosw15:50.21 
marcosw henrys: I've just download the g4 attachment.15:50.51 
robin_watts_mac marcosw: wot kens said.15:51.02 
marcosw Malta doesn't seem exotic enough for you.15:51.19 
robin_watts_mac mvrhel_laptop: And I thought my Wifi connection was dodgy...15:53.03 
marcosw henrys: re. bug 693269 do you know the dimensions of the g4 image? Alchemy needs to know the width, in pixels, in order to read a raw g4 stream.15:53.53 
henrys marcosw:let me check, if you want to head out I'll update the bug and you can look at it later.15:55.12 
sebras chrisl: yo!15:55.38 
chrisl sebras: hi. Were you able to dig out that PDF with the jbig2 data in it, with the "reuse bitmap" flag set?15:56.28 
henrys marcosw:one scanline is 7008 pixels.15:56.36 
marcosw I'll stick around for the meeting. 15:56.46 
  henrys: okay. let me try reading the stream.15:57.01 
henrys height = 495815:57.22 
sebras chrisl: oh, I forgot. I still have it here somewhere though.15:58.08 
  chrisl: where do I send it once I have found it?15:58.28 
chrisl sebras: open a bug "missing functionality" and attach it to that, please (unless it's private?)15:59.16 
henrys mvrhel_laptop_:have you landed?15:59.38 
  I guess not.15:59.47 
marcosw henrys: alchemy can't read the g4 data; reports "fax invalid code encountered"15:59.57 
sebras chrisl: I would consider it to be private.16:00.37 
marcosw I've added a note to the bug.16:00.45 
sebras chrisl: or rather -- I have no clue where I might have gotten it from.16:00.52 
henrys marcosw:I don't really know what else to do with the bug. I don't have any device or program that can understand the data.16:01.00 
chrisl sebras: okay, if you open a bug, and stick it in your user area on casper - would that be okay?16:01.47 
sebras chrisl: that's ok with me.16:01.57 
chrisl stick the file on casper, that is.....16:02.01 
sebras chrisl: got it. :)16:02.11 
mvrhel_web finally. had to go to the webchat. I have no idea why chatzilla keeps booting me off16:03.32 
henrys mvrhel_web:we decided not to have the meeting, ;-^16:04.03 
mvrhel_web right. I see that from the logs16:04.15 
marcosw would sending the file to an HP DesignJet CP2500 help? It speaks HP-GL2. Of course if it can print the file I'm not sure what the next step would be.16:04.26 
robin_watts_mac mvrhel_web: Hows the halftoning ?16:04.31 
henrys marcosw:it would be interesting yes.16:04.49 
mvrhel_web henrys: so I am trying to get the fast thresholding stuff turned on for when we have non monochrome source data. for some reason it was disabled16:05.04 
henrys marcosw:it would probably give me the motivation to manually decode the file if it works.16:05.25 
marcosw mvrhel_web: we cancelled the meeting because I showed up on time, didn't want to break my streak of always being late.16:05.30 
robin_watts_mac Possibly the same issues as we just fixed? (as you suggested in your mail, I think)16:05.31 
mvrhel_web robin_watts_mac: and henrys: There is an issue with the levels that I am trying to step through16:05.38 
robin_watts_mac > vs >= ? or something more ?16:06.04 
mvrhel_web robin_watts_mac: yes. I think we are good with respect to the memory issue16:06.04 
marcosw henrys: I'll be home on Sunday; I'll email the customer letting them know not to expect anything until next week at the earliest.16:06.12 
robin_watts_mac fab.16:06.12 
mvrhel_web henrys: once I get this in place, I have a patch to test the clist hafltoning stuff16:06.41 
  but I want to get all the halftoning cases working correctly first16:07.01 
robin_watts_mac sure.16:07.07 
henrys mvrhel_web:okay so you are saying the fast stuff only worked with gray contone source?16:08.00 
mvrhel_web marcosw: are any of those bugs from gemma going to end up with me or are they all heading to robin_watts_mac 16:08.02 
  henrys: apparently. it was disabled in the trunk for the other souces (e.g. rgb images)16:08.25 
  I dont remember doing that16:08.57 
  there was a case that robin had disabled that we worked on last week16:09.18 
  but I had not realized all the cases with color images were disabled16:09.28 
henrys git history should tell.16:09.30 
  but it may not be important.16:09.48 
mvrhel_web yes I will take a look at that to see. it was probably me though...16:09.48 
  something new got pushed on my stack and that left...16:10.22 
  the stack being my brain16:11.22 
marcosw I did have something for the meeting: I'm going to start enabling a bunch of additional automated regression emails; including the weekly regression tests (i.e. 32 bit mode), daily performance testing, testing of all devices, etc. So traffic to is going to increase.16:11.22 
mvrhel_web marcosw: at some point, I want to add some color parameter setting tests 16:12.35 
  something simple16:12.50 
  i.e. we don't need to run all the files16:12.59 
marcosw mvrhel_web: So far none of the Gemma bugs are yours. I16:13.20 
alexcher marcosw: How can I run these new tests before the commit?16:13.32 
henrys marcosw:okay by me..16:13.35 
robin_watts_mac marcosw: ray asked the other day if he could use the filter=stuff to schedule tests on devices that weren't usually used.16:15.16 
  I said no, because we wouldn't know what to test against.16:15.29 
marcosw mvrhel_web: the local test scripts on meters is what you want. If you'd like I can walk you through setting it up on irc when you are ready.16:15.44 
chrisl marcosw: "daily performance testing"? We already get performance data from each cluster run, do we need more?16:15.54 
robin_watts_mac But we could do a bmpcmp like thing where we run the old HEAD binary and compare it against the new binary just on a given device.16:16.05 
marcosw chrisl: that only summarizes the total, not regressions for individual files.16:16.18 
mvrhel_web marcosw: ok that sounds good. or maybe we can go over it during a bit of free time at the staff meeting16:16.25 
robin_watts_mac Maybe: gs device=bmp16m or something16:16.30 
chrisl marcosw: Oh, right, that would be good - cool.16:16.42 
marcosw mvrhel_web: the staff meeting is a good, assuming we don't run short of time :-)16:17.56 
mvrhel_web and then there is the issue that you are the last one there....16:18.29 
marcosw alexcher: sorry, I think I forgot to do something for you related to documenting how to run the cluster scripts locally...16:18.34 
  and the first to leave, since I can just drive home and don't need to wait for my flight...16:19.05 
robin_watts_mac ok. I'm going out of wifi range. talk to you all later...16:19.39 
  .quit Pop!16:19.49 
chrisl alexcher: if all the cluster machines are setup to handle 32 bit builds, you can probably do a 32 bit clusterpush of Ghostscript by making a small change in autogen.sh16:20.24 
marcosw chrisl: I believe that 32 bit cluster runs work, the cluster knows which machines are able to do 32 bit builds.16:21.40 
  I'm not sure about bmpcmp for 32 bit.16:21.59 
chrisl Why do we care about bmpcmp for 32 bit?16:22.39 
  I mean, the bmpcmp exe can be 64 bit, and it will still be able to compare the output from a 32 bit gs16:24.20 
kens OK I'm off goodnight all16:25.30 
marcosw chrisl: it's not the bmpcmp binary that's an issue, but to make sure the bmpcmp job compiles the gs binary in 32 bit mode. 16:30.43 
chrisl marcosw: is there now a way to prompt a 32 bit run with a clusterpush, then?16:31.55 
marcosw henrys: do you want me to look at the .rar archive that customer 190 has made available to download?16:31.56 
tor8 robin_watts_mac: (for the logs) regenerating the page tree on save is okay with me16:32.03 
henrys marcosw:if you have time, but if you don't get to it don't worry about it.16:32.36 
marcosw chrisl: yes.16:32.37 
chrisl Oh, great16:32.47 
henrys marcosw:that customer always uses -lRTL and the output won't make sense without it.16:33.27 
marcosw chrisl: not that I remember how :-)16:34.43 
chrisl marcosw: now I know about it, I can look it up for myself, when required......16:35.16 
marcosw chrisl: I'm sure it's not documented and probably doesn't work.16:36.08 
chrisl My favourite kind of feature :-)16:36.35 
dustin Hi. I was just wondering if there is interest among gs developers in making ps2pdf able to accept multiple input files, and batch convert them in that way.16:46.45 
chrisl dustin: ps2pdf is just a wrapper script for the very simplest of uses - the recently released Ghostscript 9.06 supports batch conversion with the pdfwrite device16:48.40 
dustin Oh, cool. ps2pdf is just what I have used in the past and it surprised me today when I couldn't do batch conversion with it. Thanks for the info.16:50.41 
chrisl dustin: a warning, though, it's not totally trivial to do the batch conversion stuff - it's really aimed at people doing "server" implementations16:51.49 
dustin chrisl: So I guess what I'm looking for is a tool that I can use in a directory full of .eps where I can do something like: ps2pdf *.eps16:53.47 
  Is there something packaged with gs that can do that?16:54.00 
chrisl dustin: no, there's nothing packaged with gs what can do that - I've always just written my own scripts for stuff like that.....16:55.02 
  Hmm, it also looks like running pdfwrite in "server mode" isn't documented - that's a pain :-(16:56.48 
dustin chrisl: That's what I ended up doing as well. But I thought that it might be a common enough need that modifying ps2pdf to be able to do that might be considered.16:57.27 
chrisl dustin: it wouldn't be terribly hard to change ps2pdf to loop over a list of files - assuming it was kept sufficiently shell agnostic, I wouldn't have a problem accepting a patch. Although, the final decision would be with the pdfwrite maintainer (kens) who's finished for the day.17:00.57 
dustin chrisl: I would be happy to take a stab at said patch if kens is ok with it.17:04.56 
chrisl dustin: kens is usually around for "normal" office hours UK time, during the week.17:05.33 
dustin Thanks.17:06.57 
henrys bbiab17:15.56 
sebras tor8: yey, I have extensionlevel 8 encryption working on sebras/master. :)17:26.33 
  tor8: I'll run it through sane/insane to make sure I haven't messed up too much.17:28.11 
  tor8: the SHA-384/-512 algorithms are adaptations of those from Crypto++ files where you got SHA-256 from. all those files are released as public domain.17:29.23 
  tor8: the rest of the patch is basically adaptations of zeniko's work.17:29.59 
  yey, no regressions! :)17:40.16 
  I'm looking for an old document -- Adobe technical note 5156. does anyone have an url?20:25.24 
  tor8: and a small patch to adjust out of range testing of encryption key lengths.20:55.46 
sebras has too much head ache20:56.07 
  see you tomorrow.20:56.13 
tor8 good night20:56.18 
mvrhel_laptop ok. I finally see the issue with the threshold array levels.22:01.41 
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