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 <<<Back 1 day (to 2012/09/12)2012/09/13 
kens Robin_Watts (for the logs) I've fixed those 2 warnngs, but they are only in debug prints, so I'm not much worried by them.07:14.40 
  chrisl ping09:34.40 
Robin_Watts gp_unix_cache is using malloc/free etc rather than gs equivalents.09:44.51 
chrisl kens: pong09:48.03 
kens chrisl: Having trouble building gs on Linux. I used Git to rebase to master, then from ghostpdl ran ./configure (it was a very old checkout). Now from ghostpdl/gs, when I try to run 'make clean' I get errors. 'Makefile:599 base/jasper.mak: No such file or directory' and 'Makefile:603: base/icclib.mak: No such file or directory'. Which step did I forget ?09:48.15 
Robin_Watts kens: ./ not ./configure09:48.42 
kens Robin_Watts : tried that too, same result09:48.53 
chrisl Also, for gs you need to run everything in the gs directory,09:49.04 
kens OK that's the bit I missed.09:49.14 
  Is there a reason why we don't do this from the tope level as well ?09:49.48 
chrisl The toplevel configures the PCL/PXL and XPS builds09:50.43 
kens Yes, I know, bu twhy not gs as well ?09:50.57 
chrisl Because you don't build gs from the toplevel, you build it from the gs directory09:52.13 
kens OK I can see we need to be ablle to do GS separately, but given the top level already builds PCL and XPS why not do GS too while we are tehre ?09:52.50 
chrisl I don't know, I didn't write this stuff......09:53.36 
kens Oh, OK I thought maybe there was a reason. It just seemed to me to make sense to build all of tehm.09:54.01 
chrisl Possibly because most people building in the toplevel directory are only interested in the PCL executable so configuring and building gs would just take extra time09:54.56 
kens Seems like the obvious answer would be individual make/configure for each product, and the top level makes them all.09:55.34 
chrisl If you want to stick something in bugzilla, I can look at it at some point09:56.46 
kens Its not desperate, it just keeps tripping me up.09:56.59 
chrisl Well, the only way I'll remember to look into it is if someone opens a bug about it.......09:57.44 
kens Well, my code which seg faults on the cluster doesn't go wrong on my Linux debug build :-(09:57.53 
chrisl Using the entire cluster command line?09:58.11 
kens No, that's my next trial09:58.24 
  After that it would be debug/release or 64-bit related09:58.40 
  Oh, actually its a differetn file :-(09:59.41 
  I see Raed's bug reports have reached a new high in cryptic10:39.32 
tor8 kens: chrisl: probably because originally you checked out 'gs' as a separate svn checkout10:39.53 
  so the people who worked on gs never bothered with compiling pcl/xps/etc10:40.13 
  it has bothered me that I have to go into 'gs' and do autogen and make there separately from the other languages10:40.47 
kens tor8 yes that was what I was implying above. I can see that its useful to have a separate build for each product, to avoid building all of them when you only want one, but it would be nice if the top level one did them all.10:41.59 
  I may even get round to an enhancement request for it if I get this stupid bug resolved.10:42.16 
chrisl tor8: there are problems with the jbig2dec git rejig, I'm afraid.....10:43.13 
  For example, take a look at:;a=tree;h=e37802e410:44.01 
tor8 chrisl; that's expected10:49.42 
  the git-subtree "merge" puts that in the right directory10:50.00 
  but that's the original jbig2dec commit, with the same sha110:50.13 
chrisl Oh, so we just bisect skip those commits?10:50.26 
tor8 shouldn't bisect down that side of the merge10:50.45 
chrisl It does, that commit is on master10:50.57 
tor8 odd, it's a commit that comes into master from the side10:51.32 
chrisl Yeh, that's how I thought it should work.....10:51.50 
tor8 so if your bisect range is on the other 'thread' I don't understand how it goes down to that commit10:52.16 
chrisl I did a bisect between 23d410c021a2b038ac5535e9eb028d6a808801ea and 523697346bbc88bf309cb44b47f53516c33917f710:53.56 
tor8 chrisl: what are the good and bad commits for the bisect command that ended... ah you beat me to it10:54.03 
chrisl so 23d410c0 is the "bad" commit10:54.33 
tor8 that is odd indeed10:57.04 
  git bisect calls git rev-list to get the list of commits to test, but I guess it's non-trivial to add --first-parent to that subcommand :/10:58.50 
chrisl Well, skipping should work okay11:00.05 
tor8 chrisl: yeah, annoying though. but we could create a tag for making it easier.11:06.31 
  or bisect twice, once from good .. merge-point and once from merge-point~1 .. bad11:07.30 
chrisl I'm not sure that's easier/nicer that bisect skip!11:08.26 
tor8 probably worse!11:08.35 
  oh well, tags for quickly skipping it sound okay to you?11:08.57 
chrisl Sure - I wonder if there's a way to permanently mark commits to exclude from bisects11:09.39 
tor8 chrisl: git bisect start -- gs11:28.42 
chrisl tor8: okay, what does that get me?11:29.45 
tor8 chrisl: it'll only look at commits that change 'gs' path11:29.59 
chrisl OKay, what about ghostpdl changes?11:30.54 
tor8 you can give multiple paths11:32.07 
  just a thought, but it did skip the jbig2dec commits11:32.34 
chrisl Okay, that'll work. Maybe you could send a mail to tech about it?11:32.50 
tor8 chrisl: will do11:39.05 
chrisl thanks11:39.31 
tor8 chrisl: the other option is to rewrite history and have the jbig2dec branch as a 'squashed' commit. fewer commits to skip then.11:49.46 
  but I doubt we can automatically split out the jbig2dec history to jbig2dec.git anymore if we do that11:50.38 
chrisl tor8: it's up to you, I'm not that bothered about skipping the affected commits - it shouldn't generally affect the affectiveness of bisect11:51.21 
tor8 it'll only be a problem if you bisect across that particular merge, and it's easy enough to recover from, I'd hope11:53.39 
  took my computer a good 10-15 seconds to build the full skip list though11:53.59 
Bleu|taF hi all11:58.57 
sebras Bleu|taF: hi, feel free to ask questions. :)12:01.12 
Robin_Watts VS2012 for the desktop express is out.12:07.28 
kens I know12:07.49 
  May have to go download it12:07.57 
Robin_Watts I've just grabbed the ISO.12:11.05 
chrisl Robin_Watts: does it actually let you build desktop apps, now?12:21.34 
Robin_Watts "for desktop" does, yes.12:21.46 
  for desktop express has all the languages (VB, C#, and C++ etc) in it, rather than just 1.12:22.30 
chrisl It being Microsoft, I thought it worth asking ;-)12:22.31 
Robin_Watts looks like a whole bag full of awesomeness that I'd never use.12:23.19 
Bleu|taF Anyone knows what printer i must define with openoffice xps writer ?12:50.47 
Robin_Watts chrisl: ping.13:27.02 
  Am I right in thinking that the fapi code that talks to UFST doesn't cope with reentrance?13:27.37 
  Looks like it uses a static for gs_mem_ctx to me.13:27.52 
chrisl_ Robin_Watts: yes, the UFST code isn't reentrant - I'm not convinced the reentrant option in the UFST actually works.....13:40.54 
  Robin_Watts: if it ever becomes a problem I can revisit it and/or put locks around the UFST calls13:41.52 
Robin_Watts chrisl: Well, I'm seeking to make gsapi usable with multiple instances.13:45.00 
  and currently it won't be if ufst is in play.13:45.20 
chrisl Robin_Watts: yep, that's the way it is13:45.35 
Robin_Watts ok.13:45.43 
kens documentation :-)13:46.22 
Robin_Watts documentation?13:47.24 
chrisl It will have to be documented as a restriction, at least until I can sped some time on it13:51.50 
Robin_Watts chrisl: My cunning plan is to have a new build symbol: GS_THREADSAFE (unless anyone can give me a better name).13:54.11 
chrisl And what will that change?13:54.41 
Robin_Watts If that is enabled, then all the print functions/macros that use a static memory pointer will not be defined.13:54.57 
chrisl Can't we just remove the static memory pointer altogether?13:55.36 
Robin_Watts I'm hoping that I can get the core of gs building with that defined.13:55.42 
  chrisl: How?13:55.49 
  If I remove the static memory pointer, then it's impossible to implement lots of the print functions.13:56.23 
  and lots of devices (and the fapi ufst code) won't build.13:56.40 
chrisl How often do we actually call print functions where no memory pointer is available?13:57.03 
Robin_Watts More often than we'd like.13:58.08 
  Most of the time I can work around it.13:58.25 
  but if I just remove the functions, loads of devices won't build (all the contrib ones for a start).13:58.47 
  Hence having a switch you can enable.13:59.21 
chrisl The problem I see is that we'll get people trying to use the Windows DLL or the Unix so in a multithreaded app, and b*tching when it doesn't work13:59.26 
  Why can't we fix the devices?13:59.45 
Robin_Watts Given time, we can.13:59.55 
  but it's a lot of time, and I can't easily test 'em all.14:00.04 
  For now, we tell people to rebuild with GS_THREADSAFE, and if it builds then they have a good chance that it'll work.14:00.27 
  If it fails, then they can at least see why.14:00.37 
chrisl Well, we're either thread safe or we're not, IMHO.....14:02.59 
Robin_Watts The core can be made thread safe. But if I remove the non thread safe printing functions, suddenly everyones device stops working.14:03.39 
  hence we have a flag to say "build thread safely". And if people enable that flag and try to build a non thread safe device, it falls over at compile time.14:04.26 
  That seems like a pretty good solution to me.14:04.37 
chrisl Robin_Watts: could we throw a bounty Shelly's way to revise the devices with appropriate print calls?14:18.22 
Robin_Watts chrisl: Probably.14:18.38 
  But I've got a long way to get to the stage of it just being the devices that are problems.14:18.56 
  Not only do I have all the dprintf, eprintf, lprintf, dlprintf things to fix...14:19.19 
  I have the if_debug stuff too.14:19.28 
  And the reference counting stuff.14:19.38 
chrisl Do they use globals?14:20.05 
Robin_Watts They all boil down to using a global gs_memory_t, yes.14:20.30 
  Essentially I am going to be changing every bloody file in gs :(14:20.50 
aq Hi, I have a query related to Mupdf's android app. In com.artifex.mupdf.PageView there is a class called PatchInfo and its values are passed to the drawPage function. I want to know what patchInfo is14:28.31 
Robin_Watts Sounds like it's the details of the patch of screen that needs redrawing.14:28.59 
  PatchInfo is defined at the top of PageView14:30.43 
aq Yes, so patchViewSize refers to Screen size ? as in height and width?14:31.35 
Robin_Watts Quite possibly.14:31.46 
  The guy who most recently touched this is paulgardiner, and he's on holiday this week.14:31.59 
  I think PatchInfo was introduced when he bundled some stuff up so it could happen asyncronously in the background.14:32.20 
aq Ok. Can you tell me if the bitmap that we receive from the mupdf library to display in android, is the whole page or just the patch I want to display on screen ?14:34.39 
Robin_Watts aq: offhand no.14:35.19 
  And that decision is made in the java anyway.14:35.31 
  The mupdf library will render a bitmap any size you like.14:35.46 
  It won't be the whole page (as if you're zoomed in the whole page can be HUGE). It may be the whole page intersected with the screen.14:36.41 
aq Robin_Watts: Ok, Thanks14:38.07 
Robin_Watts aq: Can I ask what you're doing with mupdf? (Idle curiosity, you don't have to answer)14:38.38 
aq I am trying to add some custom annotations on it.14:39.13 
  Like highlight, underline. For this I need to track where user's touch on screen.14:40.24 
  So, my first task is mapping screen co-ordinates to pdf page co-ordinates.14:40.47 
Robin_Watts So you're building it into your own android app?14:41.38 
aq Yes.14:42.12 
  Can you tell me if patchArea in PatchInfo refers to an area in Pdf Page or the Screen ?14:42.34 
Robin_Watts Not offhand.14:42.51 
aq Ok thanks14:43.01 
Robin_Watts Damn. Was typing a message about licensing.14:44.06 
henrys` chrisl:there is a UFST_REENTRANT definition but not simply a matter of just turning it on, there are other changes we'd have to make but I think they're code would be alright. We'll wait for a customer request14:58.10 
chrisl henrys: I went to try it a while back, and the UFST didn't actually build14:59.15 
henrys well that would be a reportable bug, the docs say it works right?15:01.10 
  not worth fooling with now.15:01.39 
chrisl Yeh, I need to look into it properly - it's possible I had incompatible options selected, but I had other things to worry about at the time15:02.03 
sebras Robin_Watts: maybe we should start our with that question nowadays...15:03.41 
  at least if people are asking about android-stuff...15:04.16 
Robin_Watts sebras: Well, I'm trying to avoid scaring people off.15:04.30 
chrisl henrys: actually, there is an (relatively) insurmountable problem making the UFST code reentrant: we "hook" UFST's calls to fopen/fread etc, to go through the GS stream code. fopen and co don't have any scope for a "context" to be passed around.15:09.41 
Robin_Watts So you change ufst internally to call fopen_with_context and pass a context, and have UFST default to casting that down to a normal fopen call. That way everyones existing code works, but you can undo the cast and just implement fopen_with_context.15:16.04 
  How amenable are they to taking patches?15:16.10 
kens ROFL15:16.35 
chrisl So far, I haven't had much luck - I'd have to check, it might mean a *lot* of changes15:16.47 
Robin_Watts pulled a muscle behind my shoulder blade this morning whilst running.15:16.48 
  Either it's playing up again, or chrisl is stabbing his voodoo doll of me.15:17.07 
chrisl Not me, no, I've lost the pin ;-)15:17.34 
henrys it's really not worth fooling with the intersection of UFST and MT users is 015:17.35 
kens henrys, regarding the 4Gb limit with pdfwrite.15:19.46 
  Got something of a problem.15:19.53 
  Ultimately the problem is the lack of a 64-bit data type15:20.18 
  Fundamentlly the problem boils down to the fact that the stream code (stell) returns a long, and in 32-bit systems a long is 32-bits.15:20.49 
chrisl Most 64 bit systems have long as 32 bit, too15:21.32 
kens Alex tells me this works on at least one Linux system where long is 64 bits15:21.57 
henrys chrisl:not mac or linux, does windows?15:22.02 
Robin_Watts windows has long == 32bits. *nix derived things tend to have long = 64bits.15:22.30 
kens see comment #4 in bug 69229015:22.34 
Robin_Watts Windows has an __int64 type (or something like that).15:22.52 
henrys I wonder if it is reasonably to make 64 bits prerequisite15:22.55 
Robin_Watts and gs uses that for something already.15:23.02 
  gs already relies on a 64bit data type as a prerequesite for building, I believe.15:23.33 
chrisl We use int64_t IIRC15:23.34 
henrys but I'm sure the banding code works, I remember ray fixing it.15:23.34 
  and it uses the usual file operations15:23.54 
kens Pass.15:24.07 
henrys maybe it bypasses the stream stuff.15:24.08 
Robin_Watts chrisl: We use __int64 too, I think. Possibly the genarch generated stuff.15:24.09 
kens I do know that stell returns a long and on my 32-bit Windows build a long is 32-bits15:24.21 
Robin_Watts kens: So either we need to change stell to return an int64 (of some description)...15:24.44 
  or we need to add an stell64 entry point that does.15:24.52 
chrisl Robin_Watts: typedef __int64 int64_t; in stdint_.h15:25.03 
kens Robin_Watts : yes, but the stream code is not my area....15:25.06 
Robin_Watts chrisl: right.15:25.12 
henrys kens:let ray and alex weigh in on it are they cc'd on the bug? I know both of them have worked on similar stuff in the code.15:26.11 
kens As far as I can tell, the only thing wrong here is that the xref code maintains a list of offsets, which are longs. I can easily change that to an in64_t, but that won;t help if stell is returning a long.15:26.26 
Robin_Watts kens: or we need to have some cunning way of getting a 64bit number through a 32bit hole...15:26.26 
kens henrys alex has commented on the bug.15:26.43 
  Neither is CC'ed though15:26.55 
  I wanted to run it past Ray but he's not here yet15:27.16 
henrys the stream code does need to be fixed in some way, ray or alex are likely victims.15:30.52 
chrisl kens: do the other stream functions handle 64 bit values?15:31.21 
kens chrisl don't know15:31.58 
  THe underlyign file code does.15:32.05 
henrys although it could be considered a system oriented thing for chrisl ;-)15:32.06 
chrisl I'm just wondering if the stell() thing is an oversight.....15:32.28 
kens chrisl I have no idea15:32.40 
  Like I said, the stream code is a bit of a black box for me15:32.52 
  For the linearisation code I'm using the file calls and an int64_t dtaa type for the offsets15:33.13 
  I *could* rewrite all the pdfwrite code to do the same instead of using the stream code, but I hitnk that would probably have a big bug tail15:33.51 
chrisl If you were going to that effort, I'd rather pdfwrite use the stream code everywhere, and we fix that15:34.36 
henrys kens:but what a step forward for humanity15:34.47 
kens chrisl it does mostly use the stream code throughout. The linearisation code is quite self-contained.15:35.09 
  And has no use for the sophistication of the stream interface15:35.28 
Robin_Watts sophistication. Yes. That's the word I'd have picked. honest.15:36.19 
kens was being polite15:36.29 
chrisl It doesn't look like the stream code is 64 bit capable at all15:36.29 
kens Moving away from teh stream interface worries me, we use it a lot for applying filters to the data.15:37.10 
  But if the stream code is not 64-bit capable, that may be something I just have to do15:37.59 
henrys yes I do think the direction should be to fix the stream code, kidding aside.15:38.14 
Robin_Watts kens: I'm sure that making streams 64bit capable isn't that big a deal.15:38.20 
kens is less sanguine ;-)15:38.28 
Robin_Watts If I didn't have gs in bits on the floor already, I'd volunteer.15:38.36 
kens OTOH it probably isn't my problem :-)15:38.41 
Robin_Watts (and if people are prepared to wait, I'll still volunteer)15:38.50 
kens I'm in no hurry15:38.58 
henrys we don't have a waiting customer?15:39.09 
kens I know what I meed to do to add this to pdfwrite. henrys, there is no customer demand as far as I know, its a free user, I could be wrong15:39.33 
  Hmm, acyually one of the reports has #661 on it.15:39.53 
  I guess that's an important customer, I didn't know they were using pdfwrite15:40.46 
henrys kens:well I don't know that division of the company is particular active.15:41.57 
  so we put it off, seems like chrisl or robin_watts (as he volunteered) are reasonable to work on the stream stuff when one of them has a chance ...15:42.35 
kens Fine, I can wait no problem15:42.52 
  Since I have been deluged with reports today15:43.01 
chrisl henrys: I can look at it next week15:43.09 
henrys chrisl:okay15:43.22 
chrisl I haven't broken Ghostscript for a while - seems like my turn ;-)15:45.22 
henrys kens:let me know if you need another test file for the new font type, it occurred to me there are 2 font types in that tests15:47.39 
kens henrys I haven't got anywhere with that yet, been chasing font prefixes all day15:48.00 
  and other customer bugs15:48.05 
nortti /g 3815:48.19 
kens The file works OK now that I fixed my linearisation problem, but the text is not in a font, its just linework15:48.26 
henrys kens:right certainly not high priority15:50.12 
kens Since it basically works, that's what I figured15:50.34 
henrys marcosw:ping15:51.32 
marcosw henrys: morning15:51.41 
henrys marcosw:what do you think about making a gs_bisect script that incorporates tor8's skipping jbig2 and takes a parameter like "fix" to indicate the keywords good and bad should be reversed.15:53.04 
  we need some sort of sane bisect15:54.28 
marcosw I don't know what the skipping jbig2 reference means. Is this something discussed at the meeting or did I miss an email thread?15:57.09 
  marcosw: tor8 sent a mail yesterday.15:58.16 
  (or this morning)15:58.21 
henrys marcosw:tor8 -> tech mail git bisecting with jbig2dec 15:58.29 
marcosw Robin_Watts: found it, hadn't gotten around to reading the non-customer emails.15:59.40 
  Robin_Watts: couldn't we just have you or tor8 do some git black magic and fix the issue in the repository, seems silly to have to manually skip commits when running bisect.16:00.42 
chrisl marcosw: the problem is, if we do that we'll lose the ability to keep the jbig2dec history16:01.32 
marcosw have to run to uni will be back in an hour 16:03.40 
kens OK I'm off, night all16:07.46 
Gigs- does anyone have an ascii list of all pantone colors?18:54.34 
  I don't need values or anything just the names18:54.54 
Robin_Watts Gigs: You can do lookups on the website.19:01.27 
  Maybe you can screenscrape what you need from that.19:01.38 
Gigs- Robin_Watts: there's a color selector popup window I think I can scrape19:04.59 
Robin_Watts cool.19:09.12 
Gigs- Robin_Watts: it's kind of funny, the color selector html scrape has rgb values too21:11.09 
  pantone is basically publishing their RGB book online with just a little javascript obfuscation21:11.25 
  well all their books, with rgb21:11.44 
  chrome is great for scraping dynamic html btw :P21:12.15 
  in the developer pane it shows you the html that is generating the current dom, not what was downloaded21:12.46 
henrys alexcher:don't fix this problem - we are waiting to see if there is a support contract in the works but why is 692757 failing are we aware of an input size limitation other than the 10 digits for offsets?21:18.00 
  note it is a mupdf bug but the customer says the same thing happens in gs.21:18.23 
  maybe 32 bit machine is the problem.21:21.54 
  well anyway the claim in comment #5 is it should work.21:23.38 
Gigs- ray's comment seems to be only in regard to file I/O functions21:25.44 
  you may still be internally using a 32 bit value somewhere that is getting you21:25.59 
  post_eof_count seems to be overflowing for example21:26.33 
henrys right, I did think we could support "large" pdf's though and I think ray was implying that as well although he didn't specifically address how gs would handle the data once read.21:39.07 
  unless he wanted to say gs will run longer than mupdf before it fails ;-)21:40.15 
Gigs- does the PS engine implement > 32 bit ints?21:41.43 
  PLRM doesn't say how big an integer should be in PS, only that it's "typically" 32 bits21:42.01 
chrisl_away GS Postscript integer objects are only ints, so only 32 bit - PDF file i/o is done via Postscript, so.......21:50.13 
henrys well there's another project21:52.39 
  presumably this can be fixed like we allow for large references.21:53.23 
chrisl_away Yes, the "object" is already 64 bit, so we can change it to a int64_t - it *might* cause problems with some QL tests, but then those tests are invalid21:54.20 
  henrys: the point is, I was aware of the PS related problem - I assumed it was included in the 64 bit capable stream code work. I was going to raise the question of how we handle the possible QL test problem in the Tuesday IRC meeting.21:59.56 
henrys well at least the stream code would work on a 64 bit machine... it looks to me like this won't even do that, I am betting that overflow would still happen on 64 bit, the ps type is overflowing when we are doing something in the pdf interpreter infamously scribed in PostScript22:08.29 
chrisl_away henrys: as I say, I was aware of the PS integer situation, and the PS filter objects will need attention - I'll have a better picture after I spend some time on it.22:13.29 
henrys I'm sorry I misunderstood you I thought you were saying by fixing ftell and friends to use 64 bits it would fix the bug.22:14.28 
chrisl_away No, 'fraid there's going to be more to it than that :-(22:15.23 
henrys I was talking to someone and told him I worked for a company that did PDL's and he said well all that code was written years ago right? What do you do now? Hardware guys don't understand how to stay employed.22:19.59 
  chrisl_away:workin' late?22:24.17 
Robin_Watts Hi mvrhel 23:30.30 
  Was the tea right?23:30.34 
mvrhel Hi Robin_Watts . The tea is great. She is drinking the Twinings23:34.08 
Robin_Watts So it's different to the stuff you get in the US?23:34.25 
mvrhel yes it is23:34.57 
Robin_Watts Cool. Remind me nearer the time and I'll bring some at each meeting.23:35.15 
mvrhel awesome. thank you23:35.24 
Robin_Watts no worries.23:35.29 
mvrhel_laptop ray_work : you there?23:55.29 
  found my issue23:55.35 
  there was one magic offset floating around for the number of pointers in the graphic state that I had to decrement.23:56.09 
  the magic number occurs in multiple spots. Maybe I should fix that while I am poking around in here23:56.38 
  off to kids curriculum night now. bbiaw23:57.00 
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